Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
NewFitterGSL Class Reference

A kinematic fitter using the Newton-Raphson method to solve the equations. More...

#include <NewFitterGSL.h>

Inheritance diagram for NewFitterGSL:
Collaboration diagram for NewFitterGSL:

Public Types

enum  {
  NPARMAX = 50 ,
  NCONMAX = 10 ,
  NUNMMAX = 10
enum  { NITMAX = 100 }

Public Member Functions

 NewFitterGSL ()
virtual ~NewFitterGSL ()
 Virtual destructor.
virtual double fit () override
 The fit method, returns the fit probability.
virtual int getError () const override
 Get the error code of the last fit: 0=OK, 1=failed.
virtual double getProbability () const override
 Get the fit probability of the last fit.
virtual double getChi2 () const override
 Get the chi**2 of the last fit.
virtual int getDoF () const override
 Get the number of degrees of freedom of the last fit.
virtual int getIterations () const override
 Get the number of iterations of the last fit.
virtual int getNcon () const
 Get the number of hard constraints of the last fit.
virtual int getNsoft () const
 Get the number of soft constraints of the last fit.
virtual int getNpar () const
 Get the number of all parameters of the last fit.
virtual int getNunm () const
 Get the number of unmeasured parameters of the last fit.
virtual bool initialize () override
 Initialize the fitter.
virtual void setDebug (int debuglevel)
 Set the Debug Level.
virtual int determineLambdas (gsl_vector *vecxnew, const gsl_matrix *MatM, const gsl_vector *vecx, gsl_matrix *MatW, gsl_vector *vecw, double eps=0)
 Determine best lambda values. More...
virtual void calc2ndOrderCorr (gsl_vector *vecdxhat, const gsl_vector *vecxnew, const gsl_matrix *MatM, gsl_matrix *MatW, gsl_vector *vecw, double eps=0)
 Calculate 2nd order correction step. More...
virtual gsl_matrix_view calcZ (int &rankA, gsl_matrix *MatW1, gsl_matrix *MatW2, gsl_vector *vecw1, gsl_vector *vecw2, gsl_permutation *permW, double eps=0)
 Calculate null space of constraints; return value is a matrix view of MatW1, with column vectors spanning null(A) More...
virtual gsl_matrix_view calcReducedHessian (int &rankH, gsl_matrix *MatW1, const gsl_vector *vecx, gsl_matrix *MatW2, gsl_matrix *MatW3, gsl_vector *vecw1, gsl_vector *vecw2, gsl_permutation *permW, double eps=0)
 Calculate reduced Hessian; return value is a matrix view of MatW1 giving the reduced Hessian. More...
virtual gsl_vector_view calcReducedHessianEigenvalues (int &rankH, gsl_matrix *MatW1, const gsl_vector *vecx, gsl_matrix *MatW2, gsl_matrix *MatW3, gsl_vector *vecw1, gsl_vector *vecw2, gsl_permutation *permW, gsl_eigen_symm_workspace *eigenws, double eps=0)
virtual double calcChi2 ()
 Calculate the chi2.
void fillx (gsl_vector *vecx)
void fillperr (gsl_vector *vece)
void assembleM (gsl_matrix *MatM, const gsl_vector *vecx, bool errorpropagation=false)
void assembleG (gsl_matrix *MatM, const gsl_vector *vecx)
void scaleM (gsl_matrix *MatMscal, const gsl_matrix *MatM, const gsl_vector *vece)
void assembley (gsl_vector *vecy, const gsl_vector *vecx)
void scaley (gsl_vector *vecyscal, const gsl_vector *vecy, const gsl_vector *vece)
int assembleChi2Der (gsl_vector *vecy)
void addConstraints (gsl_vector *vecy)
void assembleConstDer (gsl_matrix *MatM)
int calcNewtonDx (gsl_vector *vecdx, gsl_vector *vecdxscal, gsl_vector *vecx, const gsl_vector *vece, gsl_matrix *MatM, gsl_matrix *MatMscal, gsl_vector *vecy, gsl_vector *vecyscal, gsl_matrix *MatW, gsl_matrix *MatW2, gsl_permutation *permW, gsl_vector *vecw)
int calcLimitedDx (double &alpha, double &mu, gsl_vector *vecxnew, int imode, gsl_vector *vecx, gsl_vector *vecdxhat, const gsl_vector *vecdx, const gsl_vector *vecdxscal, const gsl_vector *vece, const gsl_matrix *MatM, const gsl_matrix *MatMscal, gsl_matrix *MatW, gsl_vector *vecw)
int doLineSearch (double &alpha, gsl_vector *vecxnew, int imode, double phi0, double dphi0, double eta, double zeta, double mu, const gsl_vector *vecx, const gsl_vector *vecdx, const gsl_vector *vece, gsl_vector *vecw)
double calcMu (const gsl_vector *vecx, const gsl_vector *vece, const gsl_vector *vecdx, const gsl_vector *vecdxscal, const gsl_vector *xnew, const gsl_matrix *MatM, const gsl_matrix *MatMscal, gsl_vector *vecw)
double meritFunction (double mu, const gsl_vector *vecx, const gsl_vector *vece)
double meritFunctionDeriv (double mu, const gsl_vector *vecx, const gsl_vector *vece, const gsl_vector *vecdx, gsl_vector *vecw)
bool updateParams (gsl_vector *vecx)
int invertM ()
int calcCovMatrix (gsl_matrix *MatW, gsl_permutation *permW, gsl_vector *vecx)
double calcpTLp (const gsl_vector *vecdx, const gsl_matrix *MatM, gsl_vector *vecw)
int solveSystem (gsl_vector *vecdxscal, double &detW, const gsl_vector *vecyscal, const gsl_matrix *MatMscal, gsl_matrix *MatW, gsl_matrix *MatW2, gsl_vector *vecw, double epsLU, double epsSV)
 solve system of equations Mscal*dxscal = yscal
int solveSystemLU (gsl_vector *vecdxscal, double &detW, const gsl_vector *vecyscal, const gsl_matrix *MatMscal, gsl_matrix *MatW, gsl_vector *vecw, double eps)
 solve system of equations Mscal*dxscal = yscal using LU decomposition
int solveSystemSVD (gsl_vector *vecdxscal, const gsl_vector *vecyscal, const gsl_matrix *MatMscal, gsl_matrix *MatW, gsl_matrix *MatW2, gsl_vector *vecw, double eps)
 solve system of equations Mscal*dxscal = yscal using SVD decomposition
virtual void addFitObject (BaseFitObject *fitobject_)
virtual void addFitObject (BaseFitObject &fitobject_)
virtual void addConstraint (BaseConstraint *constraint_)
virtual void addConstraint (BaseConstraint &constraint_)
virtual void addHardConstraint (BaseHardConstraint *constraint_)
virtual void addHardConstraint (BaseHardConstraint &constraint_)
virtual void addSoftConstraint (BaseSoftConstraint *constraint_)
virtual void addSoftConstraint (BaseSoftConstraint &constraint_)
virtual std::vector< BaseFitObject * > * getFitObjects ()
virtual std::vector< BaseHardConstraint * > * getConstraints ()
virtual std::vector< BaseSoftConstraint * > * getSoftConstraints ()
virtual void reset ()
virtual BaseTracergetTracer ()
virtual const BaseTracergetTracer () const
virtual void setTracer (BaseTracer *newTracer)
virtual void setTracer (BaseTracer &newTracer)
virtual const double * getGlobalCovarianceMatrix (int &idim) const
virtual double * getGlobalCovarianceMatrix (int &idim)

Static Public Member Functions

static void ini_gsl_permutation (gsl_permutation *&p, unsigned int size)
static void ini_gsl_vector (gsl_vector *&v, int unsigned size)
static void ini_gsl_matrix (gsl_matrix *&m, int unsigned size1, unsigned int size2)
static void debug_print (const gsl_matrix *m, const char *name)
static void debug_print (const gsl_vector *v, const char *name)
static void add (gsl_vector *vecz, const gsl_vector *vecx, double a, const gsl_vector *vecy)
static bool isfinite (const gsl_vector *vec)
static bool isfinite (const gsl_matrix *mat)
static void MoorePenroseInverse (gsl_matrix *Ainv, gsl_matrix *A, gsl_matrix *W, gsl_vector *w, double eps=0)
 Compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse A+ of A, using SVD. More...

Public Attributes

int npar
 total number of parameters
int ncon
 total number of hard constraints
int nsoft
 total number of soft constraints
int nunm
 total number of unmeasured parameters
int ierr
 Error status.
int nit
 Number of iterations.
double fitprob
 fit probability
double chi2
 final chi2
unsigned int idim
gsl_vector * x
gsl_vector * xold
gsl_vector * xnew
gsl_vector * dx
gsl_vector * dxscal
gsl_vector * y
gsl_vector * yscal
gsl_vector * perr
gsl_vector * v1
gsl_vector * v2
gsl_matrix * M
gsl_matrix * Mscal
gsl_matrix * W
gsl_matrix * W2
gsl_matrix * W3
gsl_matrix * M1
gsl_matrix * M2
gsl_matrix * M3
gsl_matrix * M4
gsl_matrix * M5
gsl_matrix * CC
gsl_matrix * CC1
gsl_matrix * CCinv
gsl_permutation * permW
gsl_eigen_symm_workspace * eigenws
unsigned int eigenwsdim
double chi2best
double chi2new
double chi2old
double fvalbest
double scale
double scalebest
double stepsize
double stepbest
double scalevals [NITMAX]
double fvals [NITMAX]
int imerit
bool try2ndOrderCorr
int debug
std::map< std::string, double > traceValues

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< BaseFitObject * > FitObjectContainer
typedef std::vector< BaseHardConstraint * > ConstraintContainer
typedef std::vector< BaseSoftConstraint * > SoftConstraintContainer
typedef FitObjectContainer::iterator FitObjectIterator
typedef ConstraintContainer::iterator ConstraintIterator
typedef SoftConstraintContainer::iterator SoftConstraintIterator

Protected Attributes

FitObjectContainer fitobjects
ConstraintContainer constraints
SoftConstraintContainer softconstraints
int covDim
 dimension of global covariance matrix
double * cov
 global covariance matrix of last fit problem
bool covValid
 Flag whether global covariance is valid.

Detailed Description

A kinematic fitter using the Newton-Raphson method to solve the equations.

This class implements a kinematic fitter using the Newton-Raphson method to solve the system of equations arising from the Lagrange multiplier method

Author: Benno List Last update:

2011/05/03 13:16:41




  • 15.11.2010 First version

Definition at line 51 of file NewFitterGSL.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calc2ndOrderCorr()

void calc2ndOrderCorr ( gsl_vector *  vecdxhat,
const gsl_vector *  vecxnew,
const gsl_matrix *  MatM,
gsl_matrix *  MatW,
gsl_vector *  vecw,
double  eps = 0 

Calculate 2nd order correction step.

vecdxhatthe correction step
vecxnewthe current state vector (parameters must be set to vecxnew!)
MatMThe matrix of the last Newton step
MatWwork matrix
vecwwork vector
epsSingular values < eps*(max(abs(s_i))) are set to 0

Definition at line 1633 of file

1639  {
1640  assert(vecdxhat);
1641  assert(vecdxhat->size == idim);
1642  assert(vecxnew);
1643  assert(vecxnew->size == idim);
1644  assert(MatM);
1645  assert(MatM->size1 == idim && MatM->size2 == idim);
1646  assert(MatW);
1647  assert(MatW->size1 == idim && MatW->size2 == idim);
1648  assert(vecw);
1649  assert(vecw->size == idim);
1650  assert(idim == static_cast<unsigned int>(npar + ncon));
1653  // Calculate 2nd order correction
1654  // see Nocedal&Wright (15.36)
1655  gsl_matrix_const_view AT(gsl_matrix_const_submatrix(MatM, 0, npar, npar, ncon));
1656  gsl_matrix_view AAT(gsl_matrix_submatrix(MatW, npar, npar, ncon, ncon));
1657  gsl_matrix_view ATcopy(gsl_matrix_submatrix(MatW, 0, npar, npar, ncon));
1658  gsl_matrix_view& V = AAT;
1660  gsl_vector_set_zero(vecdxhat);
1661  addConstraints(vecdxhat);
1662  gsl_vector_view c(gsl_vector_subvector(vecdxhat, npar, ncon));
1663  gsl_vector_view phat = (gsl_vector_subvector(vecdxhat, 0, npar));
1665  gsl_vector_set_zero(vecw);
1666  gsl_vector_view AATinvc(gsl_vector_subvector(vecw, npar, ncon));
1667  gsl_vector_view& s = AATinvc;
1670  // AAT = 1*A*A^T + 0*AAT
1671  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &AT.matrix, &AT.matrix, 0, &AAT.matrix);
1673  // solve AAT * AATinvc = c using the Cholsky factorization method
1674  gsl_error_handler_t* old_handler = gsl_set_error_handler_off();
1675  int cholesky_result = gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp(&AAT.matrix);
1676  gsl_set_error_handler(old_handler);
1677  if (cholesky_result) {
1678  B2INFO("NewFitterGSL::calc2ndOrderCorr: resorting to SVD");
1679  // AAT is not positive definite, i.e. A does not have full column rank
1680  // => use the SVD of AT to solve A lambdanew = gradf
1682  // ATcopy = AT
1683  gsl_matrix_memcpy(&ATcopy.matrix, &AT.matrix);
1685  // SVD decomposition of Acopy
1686  gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_jacobi(&ATcopy.matrix, &V.matrix, &s.vector);
1687  // set small values to zero
1688  double mins = eps * std::fabs(gsl_vector_get(&s.vector, 0));
1689  for (int i = 0; i < ncon; ++i) {
1690  if (std::fabs(gsl_vector_get(&s.vector, i)) <= mins)
1691  gsl_vector_set(&s.vector, i, 0);
1692  }
1693  gsl_linalg_SV_solve(&ATcopy.matrix, &V.matrix, &s.vector, &c.vector, &AATinvc.vector);
1694  } else {
1695  gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve(&AAT.matrix, &c.vector, &AATinvc.vector);
1696  }
1698  // phat = -1*A^T*AATinvc+ 0*phat
1699  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, -1, &AT.matrix, &AATinvc.vector, 0, &phat.vector);
1700  gsl_vector_set_zero(&c.vector);
1702  }
int ncon
total number of hard constraints
Definition: NewFitterGSL.h:255
int npar
total number of parameters
Definition: NewFitterGSL.h:254

◆ calcLimitedDx()

int calcLimitedDx ( double &  alpha,
double &  mu,
gsl_vector *  vecxnew,
int  imode,
gsl_vector *  vecx,
gsl_vector *  vecdxhat,
const gsl_vector *  vecdx,
const gsl_vector *  vecdxscal,
const gsl_vector *  vece,
const gsl_matrix *  MatM,
const gsl_matrix *  MatMscal,
gsl_matrix *  MatW,
gsl_vector *  vecw 
alphaOutput value alpha
muValue of mu for merit function
vecxnewNew vector x
imodemode: 0=Armijo, 1=Wolfe, 2=Goldstein
vecxCurrent vector x
vecdxhatthe 2nd order correction step, if any
vecdxUpdate vector dx
vecdxscalResult: Update vector dx, scaled
veceError vector e
MatMMatrix M
MatMscalMatrix M, scaled
MatWWork matrix
vecwWork vector w1

Definition at line 913 of file

◆ calcMu()

double calcMu ( const gsl_vector *  vecx,
const gsl_vector *  vece,
const gsl_vector *  vecdx,
const gsl_vector *  vecdxscal,
const gsl_vector *  xnew,
const gsl_matrix *  MatM,
const gsl_matrix *  MatMscal,
gsl_vector *  vecw 
vecxCurrent vector x
veceCurrent errors x
vecdxCurrent step dx
vecdxscalCurrent step dx, scaled
xnewNew vector x
MatMCurrent matrix M
MatMscalCurrent scaled matrix M
vecwWork vector w

Definition at line 1161 of file

◆ calcNewtonDx()

int calcNewtonDx ( gsl_vector *  vecdx,
gsl_vector *  vecdxscal,
gsl_vector *  vecx,
const gsl_vector *  vece,
gsl_matrix *  MatM,
gsl_matrix *  MatMscal,
gsl_vector *  vecy,
gsl_vector *  vecyscal,
gsl_matrix *  MatW,
gsl_matrix *  MatW2,
gsl_permutation *  permW,
gsl_vector *  vecw 
vecdxResult: Update vector dx
vecdxscalResult: Update vector dx, scaled
vecxCurrent vector x
veceCurrent ``error'' set of x
MatMMatrix M
MatMscalMatrix M, scaled
vecyVector y
vecyscalVector y, scaled,
MatWWork matrix
MatW2Work matrix
permWWork permutation vector
vecwWork vector

Definition at line 802 of file

◆ calcpTLp()

double calcpTLp ( const gsl_vector *  vecdx,
const gsl_matrix *  MatM,
gsl_vector *  vecw 
vecdxCurrent step dx
MatMCurrent matrix M
vecwWork vector w

Definition at line 1613 of file

◆ calcReducedHessian()

gsl_matrix_view calcReducedHessian ( int &  rankH,
gsl_matrix *  MatW1,
const gsl_vector *  vecx,
gsl_matrix *  MatW2,
gsl_matrix *  MatW3,
gsl_vector *  vecw1,
gsl_vector *  vecw2,
gsl_permutation *  permW,
double  eps = 0 

Calculate reduced Hessian; return value is a matrix view of MatW1 giving the reduced Hessian.

rankHdimension of H
MatW1work matrix, contains H at the end
vecxvector with current x values
MatW2work matrix, contains Z at the end
MatW3work matrix
vecw1work vector
vecw2work vector
permWWork permutation vector
epsSingular values < eps*(max(abs(s_i))) are set to 0

Definition at line 1870 of file

◆ calcReducedHessianEigenvalues()

gsl_vector_view calcReducedHessianEigenvalues ( int &  rankH,
gsl_matrix *  MatW1,
const gsl_vector *  vecx,
gsl_matrix *  MatW2,
gsl_matrix *  MatW3,
gsl_vector *  vecw1,
gsl_vector *  vecw2,
gsl_permutation *  permW,
gsl_eigen_symm_workspace *  eigenws,
double  eps = 0 
rankHdimension of H
MatW1work matrix, contains H at the end
vecxvector with current x values
MatW2work matrix, contains Z at the end
MatW3work matrix
vecw1work vector
vecw2work vector
permWWork permutation vector
eigenwsWork space for eigenvalue calculation
epsSingular values < eps*(max(abs(s_i))) are set to 0

Definition at line 1914 of file

◆ calcZ()

gsl_matrix_view calcZ ( int &  rankA,
gsl_matrix *  MatW1,
gsl_matrix *  MatW2,
gsl_vector *  vecw1,
gsl_vector *  vecw2,
gsl_permutation *  permW,
double  eps = 0 

Calculate null space of constraints; return value is a matrix view of MatW1, with column vectors spanning null(A)

rankArank of A (= number of lin. indep. constraints)
MatW1work matrix, contains Z at the end
MatW2work matrix
vecw1work vector
vecw2work vector
permWWork permutation vector
epsSingular values < eps*(max(abs(s_i))) are set to 0

Definition at line 1834 of file

◆ determineLambdas()

int determineLambdas ( gsl_vector *  vecxnew,
const gsl_matrix *  MatM,
const gsl_vector *  vecx,
gsl_matrix *  MatW,
gsl_vector *  vecw,
double  eps = 0 

Determine best lambda values.

vecxnewvector with new lambda values
MatMmatrix with constraint derivatives
vecxvector with current x values
MatWwork matrix
vecwwork vector
epsSingular values < eps*(max(abs(s_i))) are set to 0

Definition at line 1482 of file

◆ doLineSearch()

int doLineSearch ( double &  alpha,
gsl_vector *  vecxnew,
int  imode,
double  phi0,
double  dphi0,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double  mu,
const gsl_vector *  vecx,
const gsl_vector *  vecdx,
const gsl_vector *  vece,
gsl_vector *  vecw 
alphaOutput value alpha
vecxnewNew vector x
imodemode: 0=Armijo, 1=Wolfe, 2=Goldstein
phi0Merit function for alpha=0
dphi0Directional derivative of merit function for alpha=0
etaConstant for Armijo's rule
zetaConstant for Wolfe's or Goldstein's rule
muValue of mu for merit function
vecxCurrent vector x
vecdxUpdate vector dx
veceError vector e
vecwWork vector w

Definition at line 1047 of file

◆ getGlobalCovarianceMatrix() [1/2]

double * getGlobalCovarianceMatrix ( int &  idim)
idim1st dimension of global covariance matrix

Definition at line 158 of file

◆ getGlobalCovarianceMatrix() [2/2]

const double * getGlobalCovarianceMatrix ( int &  idim) const
idim1st dimension of global covariance matrix

Definition at line 148 of file

◆ meritFunction()

double meritFunction ( double  mu,
const gsl_vector *  vecx,
const gsl_vector *  vece 
muValue of mu
vecxCurrent vector x
veceCurrent errors x

Definition at line 1249 of file

◆ meritFunctionDeriv()

double meritFunctionDeriv ( double  mu,
const gsl_vector *  vecx,
const gsl_vector *  vece,
const gsl_vector *  vecdx,
gsl_vector *  vecw 
muValue of mu
vecxCurrent vector x
veceCurrent errors x
vecdxCurrent update vector dx
vecwwork vector

Definition at line 1284 of file

◆ MoorePenroseInverse()

void MoorePenroseInverse ( gsl_matrix *  Ainv,
gsl_matrix *  A,
gsl_matrix *  W,
gsl_vector *  w,
double  eps = 0 

Compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse A+ of A, using SVD.

AinvResult: m x n matrix A+
AInput: n x m matrix A, n >= m (is destroyed!)
WWork matrix, at least m x m
wWork vector w, at least m
epsSingular values < eps*(max(abs(s_i))) are set to 0

Definition at line 1569 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: