Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
OPALFitterGSL Class Reference

Description of the fit algorithm and interface: More...

#include <OPALFitterGSL.h>

Inheritance diagram for OPALFitterGSL:
Collaboration diagram for OPALFitterGSL:

Public Member Functions

virtual double fit () override
virtual int getError () const override
 Return error code. More...
virtual double getProbability () const override
 Get the fit probability of the last fit.
virtual double getChi2 () const override
 Get the chi**2 of the last fit.
virtual int getDoF () const override
 Get the number of degrees of freedom of the last fit.
virtual int getIterations () const override
 Get the number of iterations of the last fit.
virtual int getNcon () const
 Get the number of hard constraints of the last fit.
virtual int getNsoft () const
 Get the number of soft constraints of the last fit.
virtual int getNpar () const
 Get the number of all parameters of the last fit.
virtual int getNunm () const
 Get the number of unmeasured parameters of the last fit.
virtual bool initialize () override
virtual void setDebug (int debuglevel)
 Set the Debug Level.
virtual void addFitObject (BaseFitObject *fitobject_)
virtual void addFitObject (BaseFitObject &fitobject_)
virtual void addConstraint (BaseConstraint *constraint_)
virtual void addConstraint (BaseConstraint &constraint_)
virtual void addHardConstraint (BaseHardConstraint *constraint_)
virtual void addHardConstraint (BaseHardConstraint &constraint_)
virtual void addSoftConstraint (BaseSoftConstraint *constraint_)
virtual void addSoftConstraint (BaseSoftConstraint &constraint_)
virtual std::vector< BaseFitObject * > * getFitObjects ()
virtual std::vector< BaseHardConstraint * > * getConstraints ()
virtual std::vector< BaseSoftConstraint * > * getSoftConstraints ()
virtual void reset ()
virtual BaseTracergetTracer ()
virtual const BaseTracergetTracer () const
virtual void setTracer (BaseTracer *newTracer)
virtual void setTracer (BaseTracer &newTracer)
virtual const double * getGlobalCovarianceMatrix (int &idim) const
virtual double * getGlobalCovarianceMatrix (int &idim)

Public Attributes

std::map< std::string, double > traceValues

Protected Types

enum  {
  NPARMAX = 50 ,
  NCONMAX = 20 ,
  NUNMMAX = 20
typedef std::vector< BaseFitObject * > FitObjectContainer
typedef std::vector< BaseHardConstraint * > ConstraintContainer
typedef std::vector< BaseSoftConstraint * > SoftConstraintContainer
typedef FitObjectContainer::iterator FitObjectIterator
typedef ConstraintContainer::iterator ConstraintIterator
typedef SoftConstraintContainer::iterator SoftConstraintIterator

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool updateFitObjects (double etaxi[])

Static Protected Member Functions

static void ini_gsl_permutation (gsl_permutation *&p, unsigned int size)
static void ini_gsl_vector (gsl_vector *&v, int unsigned size)
static void ini_gsl_matrix (gsl_matrix *&m, int unsigned size1, unsigned int size2)
static void debug_print (gsl_matrix *m, const char *name)
static void debug_print (gsl_vector *v, const char *name)

Protected Attributes

int npar
int nmea
int nunm
int ncon
int ierr
int nit
double fitprob
double chi2
FitObjectContainer fitobjects
ConstraintContainer constraints
SoftConstraintContainer softconstraints
int covDim
 dimension of global covariance matrix
double * cov
 global covariance matrix of last fit problem
bool covValid
 Flag whether global covariance is valid.

Private Attributes

gsl_vector * f
gsl_vector * r
gsl_matrix * Fetaxi
gsl_matrix * S
gsl_matrix * Sinv
gsl_matrix * SinvFxi
gsl_matrix * SinvFeta
gsl_matrix * W1
gsl_matrix * G
gsl_matrix * H
gsl_matrix * HU
gsl_matrix * IGV
gsl_matrix * V
gsl_matrix * VLU
gsl_matrix * Vinv
gsl_matrix * Vnew
gsl_matrix * Minv
gsl_matrix * dxdt
gsl_matrix * Vdxdt
gsl_vector * dxi
gsl_vector * Fxidxi
gsl_vector * lambda
gsl_vector * FetaTlambda
gsl_vector * etaxi
gsl_vector * etasv
gsl_vector * y
gsl_vector * y_eta
gsl_vector * Vinvy_eta
gsl_matrix * FetaV
gsl_permutation * permS
 Helper permutation vector.
gsl_permutation * permU
 Helper permutation vector.
gsl_permutation * permV
 Helper permutation vector.
int debug

Detailed Description

Description of the fit algorithm and interface:

The OPALFitter object holds a set (fitobjects) of BaseFitObject objects, which represent the objects (particles, jets) whose fourvectors shall be fitted. It also holds a set (constraints) of BaseConstraint objects that represent the constraints (momentum or mass constraints).

OPALFitter::initialize goes over the list of fit objects and determines the number of parameters (measured and unmeasured), and assigns global numbers to them.

OPALFitter::fit first initializes the global parameter numbering using OPALFitter::initialize.

Then it initializes vectors etaxi ( $ \eta\xi$) and y ( $ \vec y$) with the current parameter values.

Next it initializes the matrix Feta that represents $d \vec F / d \vec \eta\xi$

Used methods in OPALFitter::initialize:

Used methods in OPALFitter::updateFitObjects:

Used methods in OPALFitter::fit:

Interaction between Constraints and Particles

The Fitter does not care how the constraints and BaseFitObject objects interact. The constraints are expressed in terms of four-vector components of the BaseFitObjects. A constraint object keeps a set of BaseFitObject objects, and, using the chain rule, calculates its derivatives w.r.t. the global parameters.

Definition at line 88 of file OPALFitterGSL.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ fit()

double fit ( )

initialize Fetaxi ( = d F / d eta,xi)

Implements BaseFitter.

Definition at line 132 of file

133  {
137  //
138  // ( ) ^ ^
139  // ( eta ) nmea |
140  // ( ) v |
141  // etaxi = (-----) --- npar
142  // ( ) ^ |
143  // ( xi ) nunm |
144  // ( ) v v
146  // <- ncon ->
147  // ( ) ^ ^
148  // ( Feta^T ) nmea |
149  // ( ) v |
150  // Fetaxi^T = ( -------- ) --- npar
151  // ( ) ^ |
152  // ( Fxi^T ) nunm |
153  // ( ) v v
154  //
155  // Fetaxi are the derivatives of the constraints wrt the fitted parameters, thus A_theta/xi in book
158  //
159  // <- nmea ->|<- nunm ->
160  // ( | ) ^ ^
161  // ( Vetaeta | Vetaxi ) nmea |
162  // ( | ) v |
163  // V = (----------+----------) --- npar
164  // ( | ) ^ |
165  // ( Vxieta | Vxixi ) nunm |
166  // ( | ) v v
167  //
168  // V is the covariance matrix. Before the fit only Vetaeta is non-zero (covariance of measured parameters)
170  //
171  // <- nmea ->|<- nunm ->
172  // ( | ) ^
173  // dxdt^T = ( detadt | dxidt ) nmea
174  // ( | ) v
175  //
176  // dxdt are the partial derivates of the fitted parameters wrt the measured parameters,
177  //
178  // <- nmea ->|<- nunm ->
179  // ( | ) ^
180  // Vdxdt = ( Vdetadt | Vdxidt ) nmea
181  // ( | ) v
182  //
183  // Vdxdt is Vetaeta * dxdt^T, thus Vdxdt[nmea][npar]
184  // both needed for calculation of the full covariance matrix of the fitted parameters
186  // order parameters etc
187  initialize();
189  assert(f && (int)f->size == ncon);
190  assert(r && (int)r->size == ncon);
191  assert(Fetaxi && (int)Fetaxi->size1 == ncon && (int)Fetaxi->size2 == npar);
192  assert(S && (int)S->size1 == ncon && (int)S->size2 == ncon);
193  assert(Sinv && (int)Sinv->size1 == ncon && (int)Sinv->size2 == ncon);
194  assert(nunm == 0 || (SinvFxi && (int)SinvFxi->size1 == ncon && (int)SinvFxi->size2 == nunm));
195  assert(SinvFeta && (int)SinvFeta->size1 == ncon && (int)SinvFeta->size2 == nmea);
196  assert(nunm == 0 || (W1 && (int)W1->size1 == nunm && (int)W1->size2 == nunm));
197  assert(G && (int)G->size1 == nmea && (int)G->size2 == nmea);
198  assert(nunm == 0 || (H && (int)H->size1 == nmea && (int)H->size2 == nunm));
199  assert(nunm == 0 || (HU && (int)HU->size1 == nmea && (int)HU->size2 == nunm));
200  assert(IGV && (int)IGV->size1 == nmea && (int)IGV->size2 == nmea);
201  assert(V && (int)V->size1 == npar && (int)V->size2 == npar);
202  assert(VLU && (int)VLU->size1 == nmea && (int)VLU->size2 == nmea);
203  assert(Vinv && (int)Vinv->size1 == nmea && (int)Vinv->size2 == nmea);
204  assert(Vnew && (int)Vnew->size1 == npar && (int)Vnew->size2 == npar);
205  assert(Minv && (int)Minv->size1 == npar && (int)Minv->size2 == npar);
206  assert(dxdt && (int)dxdt->size1 == npar && (int)dxdt->size2 == nmea);
207  assert(Vdxdt && (int)Vdxdt->size1 == nmea && (int)Vdxdt->size2 == npar);
208  assert(nunm == 0 || (dxi && (int)dxi->size == nunm));
209  assert(nunm == 0 || (Fxidxi && (int)Fxidxi->size == ncon));
210  assert(lambda && (int)lambda->size == ncon);
211  assert(FetaTlambda && (int)FetaTlambda->size == nmea);
212  assert(etaxi && (int)etaxi->size == npar);
213  assert(etasv && (int)etasv->size == npar);
214  assert(y && (int)y->size == nmea);
215  assert(y_eta && (int)y_eta->size == nmea);
216  assert(Vinvy_eta && (int)Vinvy_eta->size == nmea);
217  assert(FetaV && (int)FetaV->size1 == ncon && (int)FetaV->size2 == nmea);
218  assert(permS && (int)permS->size == ncon);
219  assert(nunm == 0 || (permU && (int)permU->size == nunm));
220  assert(permV && (int)permV->size == nmea);
222  // eta is the part of etaxi containing the measured quantities
223  gsl_vector_view eta = gsl_vector_subvector(etaxi, 0, nmea);
225  // Feta is the part of Fetaxi containing the measured quantities
227  B2DEBUG(11, "==== " << ncon << " " << nmea);
229  gsl_matrix_view Feta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Fetaxi, 0, 0, ncon, nmea);
231  gsl_matrix_view Vetaeta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(V, 0, 0, nmea, nmea);
233  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fitobjects.size(); ++i) {
234  for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobjects[i]->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
235  if (!fitobjects[i]->isParamFixed(ilocal)) {
236  int iglobal = fitobjects[i]->getGlobalParNum(ilocal);
237  assert(iglobal >= 0 && iglobal < npar);
238  gsl_vector_set(etaxi, iglobal, fitobjects[i]->getParam(ilocal));
239  if (fitobjects[i]->isParamMeasured(ilocal)) {
240  assert(iglobal < nmea);
241  gsl_vector_set(y, iglobal, fitobjects[i]->getMParam(ilocal));
242  }
243  B2DEBUG(10, "etaxi[" << iglobal << "] = " << gsl_vector_get(etaxi, iglobal)
244  << " for jet " << i << " and ilocal = " << ilocal);
245  }
246  }
247  }
250  gsl_matrix_set_zero(Fetaxi);
251  for (int k = 0; k < ncon; k++) {
252  constraints[k]->getDerivatives(Fetaxi->size2, Fetaxi->block->data + k * Fetaxi->tda);
253  if (debug > 1) for (int j = 0; j < npar; j++)
254  if (gsl_matrix_get(Fetaxi, k, j) != 0)
255  B2INFO("1: Fetaxi[" << k << "][" << j << "] = " << gsl_matrix_get(Fetaxi, k, j));
256  }
258  // chi2's, step size, # iterations
259  double chinew = 0, chit = 0, chik = 0;
260  double alph = 1.;
261  nit = 0;
262  // convergence criteria (as in WWINIT)
263  int nitmax = 200;
264  double chik0 = 100.;
265  double chit0 = 100.;
266  double dchikc = 1.0E-3;
267  double dchitc = 1.0E-4;
268  double dchikt = 1.0E-2;
269  double dchik = 1.05;
270  double chimxw = 10000.;
271  double almin = 0.05;
273  // repeat with or with out smaller steps size
274  bool repeat = true;
275  bool scut = false;
276  bool calcerr = true;
278 #ifndef FIT_TRACEOFF
279  if (tracer) tracer->initialize(*this);
280 #endif
283  // start of iterations
284  while (repeat) {
285  bool updatesuccess = true;
287 //*-- If necessary, retry smaller step, same direction
288  if (scut) {
289  gsl_vector_memcpy(etaxi, etasv);
290  updatesuccess = updateFitObjects(etaxi->block->data);
291  if (!updatesuccess) {
292  B2ERROR("OPALFitterGSL::fit: old parameters are garbage!");
293  return -1;
294  }
297  gsl_matrix_set_zero(Fetaxi);
298  for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
299  constraints[k]->getDerivatives(Fetaxi->size2, Fetaxi->block->data + k * Fetaxi->tda);
300  }
301  if (debug > 1) debug_print(Fetaxi, "1: Fetaxi");
302  } else {
303  gsl_vector_memcpy(etasv, etaxi);
304  chik0 = chik;
305  chit0 = chit;
306  }
308  // Get covariance matrix
309  gsl_matrix_set_zero(V);
311  for (auto& fitobject : fitobjects) {
312  fitobject->addToGlobCov(V->block->data, V->tda);
313  }
314  if (debug > 1) debug_print(V, "V");
316  gsl_matrix_memcpy(VLU, &Vetaeta.matrix);
318  // invert covariance matrix (needed for chi2 calculation later)
320  int signum;
321  int result;
322  result = gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(VLU, permV, &signum);
323  B2DEBUG(11, "gsl_linalg_LU_decomp result=" << result);
324  if (debug > 3) debug_print(VLU, "VLU");
326  result = gsl_linalg_LU_invert(VLU, permV, Vinv);
327  B2DEBUG(11, "gsl_linalg_LU_invert result=" << result);
329  if (debug > 2) debug_print(Vinv, "Vinv");
331 // *-- Evaluate f and S.
332  for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
333  gsl_vector_set(f, k, constraints[k]->getValue());
334  }
335  if (debug > 1) debug_print(f, "f");
337  // y_eta = y - eta
338  gsl_vector_memcpy(y_eta, y);
339  gsl_vector_sub(y_eta, &eta.vector);
340  // r=f
341  gsl_vector_memcpy(r, f);
342  // r = 1*Feta*y_eta + 1*r
343  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1, &Feta.matrix, y_eta, 1, r);
345  if (debug > 1) debug_print(r, "r");
347  // S = Feta * V * Feta^T
349  //FetaV = 1*Feta*V + 0*FetaV
350  B2DEBUG(12, "Creating FetaV");
351  gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasRight, CblasUpper, 1, &Vetaeta.matrix, &Feta.matrix, 0, FetaV);
352  // S = 1 * FetaV * Feta^T + 0*S
353  B2DEBUG(12, "Creating S");
354  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1, FetaV, &Feta.matrix, 0, S);
356  if (nunm > 0) {
357  // New invention by B. List, 6.12.04:
358  // add F_xi * F_xi^T to S, to make method work when some
359  // constraints do not depend on any measured parameter
361  // Fxi is the part of Fetaxi containing the unmeasured quantities, if any
362  gsl_matrix_view Fxi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Fetaxi, 0, nmea, ncon, nunm);
364  //S = 1*Fxi*Fxi^T + 1*S
365  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1, &Fxi.matrix, &Fxi.matrix, 1, S);
366  }
368  if (debug > 1) debug_print(S, "S");
370 // *-- Invert S to Sinv; S is destroyed here!
371 // S is symmetric and positive definite
373  gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(S, permS, &signum);
374  int inverr = gsl_linalg_LU_invert(S, permS, Sinv);
376  if (inverr != 0) {
377  B2ERROR("S: gsl_linalg_LU_invert error " << inverr);
378  ierr = 7;
379  calcerr = false;
380  break;
381  }
383  // Calculate S^1*r here, we will need it
384  // Store it in lambda!
385  // lambda = 1*Sinv*r + 0*lambda; Sinv is symmetric
386  gsl_blas_dsymv(CblasUpper, 1, Sinv, r, 0, lambda);
388 // *-- Calculate new unmeasured quantities, if any
390  if (nunm > 0) {
391  // Fxi is the part of Fetaxi containing the unmeasured quantities, if any
392  gsl_matrix_view Fxi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Fetaxi, 0, nmea, ncon, nunm);
393  // W1 = Fxi^T * Sinv * Fxi
394  // SinvFxi = 1*Sinv*Fxi + 0*SinvFxi
395  gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasLeft, CblasUpper, 1, Sinv, &Fxi.matrix, 0, SinvFxi);
396  // W1 = 1*Fxi^T*SinvFxi + 0*W1
397  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Fxi.matrix, SinvFxi, 0, W1);
399  if (debug > 1) {
400  debug_print(W1, "W1");
401  // Check symmetry of W1
402  for (int i = 0; i < nunm; ++i) {
403  for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
404  if (abs(gsl_matrix_get(W1, i, j) - gsl_matrix_get(W1, j, i)) > 1E-3 * abs(gsl_matrix_get(W1, i, j) + gsl_matrix_get(W1, j, i)))
405  B2INFO("W1[" << i << "][" << j << "] = " << gsl_matrix_get(W1, i, j)
406  << " W1[" << j << "][" << i << "] = " << gsl_matrix_get(W1, j, i)
407  << " => diff=" << abs(gsl_matrix_get(W1, i, j) - gsl_matrix_get(W1, j, i))
408  << " => tol=" << 1E-3 * abs(gsl_matrix_get(W1, i, j) + gsl_matrix_get(W1, j, i)));
409  }
410  }
411  }
413  // calculate shift of unmeasured parameters
415  // dxi = -alph*W1^-1 * Fxi^T*Sinv*r
416  // => dxi is solution of W1*dxi = -alph*Fxi^T*Sinv*r
417  // Compute rights hand side first
418  // Sinv*r was already calculated and is stored in lambda
419  // dxi = -alph*Fxi^T*lambda + 0*dxi
421  B2DEBUG(11, "alph = " << alph);
422  if (debug > 1) {
423  debug_print(lambda, "lambda");
424  debug_print(&(Fxi.matrix), "Fxi");
425  }
427  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, -alph, &Fxi.matrix, lambda, 0, dxi);
429  if (debug > 1) {
430  debug_print(dxi, "dxi0");
431  debug_print(W1, "W1");
432  }
434  // now solve the system
435  // Note added 23.12.04: W1 is symmetric and positive definite,
436  // so we can use the Cholesky instead of LU decomposition
437  gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp(W1);
438  inverr = gsl_linalg_cholesky_svx(W1, dxi);
440  if (debug > 1) debug_print(dxi, "dxi1");
443  if (inverr != 0) {
444  B2ERROR("W1: gsl_linalg_cholesky_svx error " << inverr);
445  ierr = 8;
446  calcerr = false;
447  break;
448  }
450  if (debug > 1) debug_print(dxi, "dxi");
452 // *-- And now update unmeasured parameters; xi is a view of etaxi
453  // xi is the part of etaxi containing the unmeasured quantities, if any
454  gsl_vector_view xi = gsl_vector_subvector(etaxi, nmea, nunm);
456  // xi += dxi
457  gsl_vector_add(&xi.vector, dxi);
459  }
461 // *-- Calculate new Lagrange multipliers.
462  // lambda = Sinv*r + Sinv*Fxi*dxi
463  // lambda is already set to Sinv*r, we just need to add Sinv*Fxi*dxi
465  // cppcheck-suppress duplicateCondition
466  if (nunm > 0) {
467  // Fxi is the part of Fetaxi containing the unmeasured quantities, if any
468  gsl_matrix_view Fxi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Fetaxi, 0, nmea, ncon, nunm);
469  // calculate Fxidxi = 1*Fxi*dxi + 0*Fxidxi
470  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1, &Fxi.matrix, dxi, 0, Fxidxi);
471  // add to existing lambda: lambda = 1*Sinv*Fxidxi + 1*lambda; Sinv is symmetric
472  gsl_blas_dsymv(CblasUpper, 1, Sinv, Fxidxi, 1, lambda);
474  }
476  if (debug > 1) debug_print(lambda, "lambda");
478 // *-- Calculate new fitted parameters:
479  // eta = y - V*Feta^T*lambda
480  gsl_vector_memcpy(&eta.vector, y);
481  // FetaTlambda = 1*Feta^T*lambda + 0*FetaTlambda
482  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1, &Feta.matrix, lambda, 0, FetaTlambda);
483  // eta = -1*V*FetaTlambda + 1*eta; V is symmetric
484  gsl_blas_dsymv(CblasUpper, -1, &Vetaeta.matrix, FetaTlambda, 1, &eta.vector);
487  if (debug > 1) debug_print(&eta.vector, "updated eta");
489 // *-- Calculate constraints and their derivatives.
490  // since the constraints ask the fitobjects for their parameters,
491  // we need to update the fitobjects first!
492  // COULD BE DONE: update also ERRORS! (now only in the very end!)
493  updatesuccess = updateFitObjects(etaxi->block->data);
495  B2DEBUG(10, "After adjustment of all parameters:\n");
496  for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
497  B2DEBUG(10, "Value of constraint " << k << " = " << constraints[k]->getValue());
498  }
499  gsl_matrix_set_zero(Fetaxi);
500  for (int k = 0; k < ncon; k++) {
501  constraints[k]->getDerivatives(Fetaxi->size2, Fetaxi->block->data + k * Fetaxi->tda);
502  }
503  if (debug > 1) debug_print(Fetaxi, "2: Fetaxi");
506 // *-- Calculate new chisq.
507  // First, calculate new y-eta
508  // y_eta = y - eta
509  gsl_vector_memcpy(y_eta, y);
510  gsl_vector_sub(y_eta, &eta.vector);
511  // Now calculate Vinv*y_eta [ as solution to V* Vinvy_eta = y_eta]
512  // Vinvy_eta = 1*Vinv*y_eta + 0*Vinvy_eta; Vinv is symmetric
513  gsl_blas_dsymv(CblasUpper, 1, Vinv, y_eta, 0, Vinvy_eta);
514  // Now calculate y_eta *Vinvy_eta
515  gsl_blas_ddot(y_eta, Vinvy_eta, &chit);
517  for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i)
518  for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
519  double dchit = (gsl_vector_get(y_eta, i)) *
520  gsl_matrix_get(Vinv, i, j) *
521  (gsl_vector_get(y_eta, j));
522  if (dchit != 0)
523  B2DEBUG(11, "chit for i,j = " << i << " , " << j << " = "
524  << dchit);
525  }
527  chik = 0;
528  for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) chik += std::abs(2 * gsl_vector_get(lambda, k) * constraints[k]->getValue());
529  chinew = chit + chik;
531 //*-- Calculate change in chisq, and check constraints are satisfied.
532  nit++;
534  bool sconv = (std::abs(chik - chik0) < dchikc)
535  && (std::abs(chit - chit0) < dchitc * chit)
536  && (chik < dchikt * chit);
537  // Second convergence criterium:
538  // If all constraints are fulfilled to better than 1E-8,
539  // and all parameters have changed by less than 1E-8,
540  // assume convergence
541  // This criterium assumes that all constraints and all parameters
542  // are "of order 1", i.e. their natural values are around 1 to 100,
543  // as for GeV or radians
544  double eps = 1E-6;
545  bool sconv2 = true;
546  for (int k = 0; sconv2 && (k < ncon); ++k)
547  sconv2 &= (std::abs(gsl_vector_get(f, k)) < eps);
548  if (sconv2)
549  B2DEBUG(10, "All constraints fulfilled to better than " << eps);
551  for (int j = 0; sconv2 && (j < npar); ++j)
552  sconv2 &= (std::abs(gsl_vector_get(etaxi, j) - gsl_vector_get(etasv, j)) < eps);
553  if (sconv2)
554  B2DEBUG(10, "All parameters stable to better than " << eps);
555  sconv |= sconv2;
557  bool sbad = (chik > dchik * chik0)
558  && (chik > dchikt * chit)
559  && (chik > chik0 + 1.E-10);
561  scut = false;
563  if (nit > nitmax) {
564 // *-- Out of iterations
565  repeat = false;
566  calcerr = false;
567  ierr = 1;
568  } else if (sconv && updatesuccess) {
569 // *-- Converged
570  repeat = false;
571  calcerr = true;
572  ierr = 0;
573  } else if (nit > 2 && chinew > chimxw && updatesuccess) {
574 // *-- Chi2 crazy ?
575  repeat = false;
576  calcerr = false;
577  ierr = 2;
578  } else if ((sbad && nit > 1) || !updatesuccess) {
579 // *-- ChiK increased, try smaller step
580  if (alph == almin) {
581  repeat = true; // false;
582  ierr = 3;
583  } else {
584  alph = std::max(almin, 0.5 * alph);
585  scut = true;
586  repeat = true;
587  ierr = 4;
588  }
589  } else {
590 // *-- Keep going..
591  alph = std::min(alph + 0.1, 1.);
592  repeat = true;
593  ierr = 5;
594  }
596  B2DEBUG(10, "======== NIT = " << nit << ", CHI2 = " << chinew
597  << ", ierr = " << ierr << ", alph=" << alph);
599  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fitobjects.size(); ++i)
600  B2DEBUG(10, "fitobject " << i << ": " << *fitobjects[i]);
602 #ifndef FIT_TRACEOFF
603  if (tracer) tracer->step(*this);
604 #endif
606  } // end of while (repeat)
608 // *-- Turn chisq into probability.
609  fitprob = (ncon - nunm > 0) ? gsl_cdf_chisq_Q(chinew, ncon - nunm) : 0.5;
610  chi2 = chinew;
612 // *-- End of iterations - calculate errors.
614 // The result will (ultimately) be stored in Vnew
616  gsl_matrix_set_zero(Vnew);
617  gsl_matrix_set_zero(Minv);
618  if (debug > 2) {
619  for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) {
620  for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) {
621  B2INFO("Minv[" << i << "," << j << "]=" << gsl_matrix_get(Minv, i, j));
622  }
623  }
624  }
626  B2DEBUG(10, "OPALFitterGSL: calcerr = " << calcerr);
628  if (calcerr) {
630 // *-- As a first step, calculate Minv as in 9.4.2 of Benno's book chapter
631 // (in O.Behnke et al "Data Analysis in High Energy Physics")
634 // *-- Evaluate S and invert.
636  if (debug > 2) {
637  debug_print(&Vetaeta.matrix, "V");
638  debug_print(&Feta.matrix, "Feta");
639  }
641  // CblasRight means C = alpha B A + beta C with symmetric matrix A
642  //FetaV[ncon][nmea] = 1*Feta[ncon][nmea]*V[nmea][nmea] + 0*FetaV
643  gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasRight, CblasUpper, 1, &Vetaeta.matrix, &Feta.matrix, 0, FetaV);
644  // S[ncon][ncon] = 1 * FetaV[ncon][nmea] * Feta^T[nmea][ncon] + 0*S
645  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1, FetaV, &Feta.matrix, 0, S);
648  if (nunm > 0) {
649  // New invention by B. List, 6.12.04:
650  // add F_xi * F_xi^T to S, to make method work when some
651  // constraints do not depend on any measured parameter
653  // Fxi is the part of Fetaxi containing the unmeasured quantities, if any
654  gsl_matrix_view Fxi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Fetaxi, 0, nmea, ncon, nunm);
655  //S[ncon][ncon] = 1*Fxi[ncon][nunm]*Fxi^T[nunm][ncon] + 1*S[ncon][ncon]
656  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1, &Fxi.matrix, &Fxi.matrix, 1, S);
657  }
659  if (debug > 2) debug_print(S, "S");
661 // *-- Invert S, testing for singularity first.
662 // S is symmetric and positive definite
664  int signum;
665  gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(S, permS, &signum);
666  int inverr = gsl_linalg_LU_invert(S, permS, Sinv);
668  if (inverr != 0) {
669  B2ERROR("S: gsl_linalg_LU_invert error " << inverr << " in error calculation");
670  ierr = -1;
671  return -1;
672  }
675 // *-- Calculate G.
676 // (same as W1, but for measured parameters)
677 // G = Feta^T * Sinv * Feta
679  // SinvFeta[ncon][nmea] = 1*Sinv[ncon][ncon]*Feta[ncon][nmea] + 0*SinvFeta
680  gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasLeft, CblasUpper, 1, Sinv, &Feta.matrix, 0, SinvFeta);
681  // G[nmea][nmea] = 1*Feta^T[nmea][ncon]*SinvFeta[ncon][nmea] + 0*G
682  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Feta.matrix, SinvFeta, 0, G);
684  if (debug > 2) debug_print(G, "G(1)");
687  if (nunm > 0) {
689 // *-- Calculate H
691  // Fxi is the part of Fetaxi containing the unmeasured quantities, if any
692  gsl_matrix_view Fxi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Fetaxi, 0, nmea, ncon, nunm);
693  // H = Feta^T * Sinv * Fxi
694  // SinvFxi[ncon][nunm] = 1*Sinv[ncon][ncon]*Fxi[ncon][nunm] + 0*SinvFxi
695  gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasLeft, CblasUpper, 1, Sinv, &Fxi.matrix, 0, SinvFxi);
696  // H[nmea][nunm] = 1*Feta^T[nmea][ncon]*SinvFxi[ncon][nunm] + 0*H
697  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Feta.matrix, SinvFxi, 0, H);
699  if (debug > 2) debug_print(H, "H");
701 // *-- Calculate U**-1 and invert.
702 // (same as W1)
703 // U is a part of Minv
705  gsl_matrix* Uinv = W1;
706  gsl_matrix_view U = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Minv, nmea, nmea, nunm, nunm);
707  // Uinv = Fxi^T * Sinv * Fxi
708  // Uinv[nunm][nunm] = 1*Fxi^T[nunm][ncon]*SinvFxi[ncon][nunm] + 0*W1
709  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Fxi.matrix, SinvFxi, 0, Uinv);
711  gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(Uinv, permU, &signum);
712  inverr = gsl_linalg_LU_invert(Uinv, permU, &U.matrix);
714  if (debug > 2) debug_print(&U.matrix, "U");
715  for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) {
716  for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) {
717  B2DEBUG(12, "after U Minv[" << i << "," << j << "]=" << gsl_matrix_get(Minv, i, j));
718  }
719  }
721  if (inverr != 0) {
722  B2ERROR("U: gsl_linalg_LU_invert error " << inverr << " in error calculation ");
723  ierr = -1;
724  return -1;
725  }
727 // *-- Covariance matrix between measured and unmeasured parameters.
729 // HU[nmea][nunm] = 1*H[nmea][nunm]*U[nunm][nunm] + 0*HU
730  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, H, &U.matrix, 0, HU);
731 // Vnewetaxi is a view of Vnew
732  gsl_matrix_view Minvetaxi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Minv, 0, nmea, nmea, nunm);
733  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, -1, &Vetaeta.matrix, HU, 0, &Minvetaxi.matrix);
734  for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) {
735  for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) {
736  B2DEBUG(12, "after etaxi Minv[" << i << "," << j << "]=" << gsl_matrix_get(Minv, i, j));
737  }
738  }
741 // *-- Fill in symmetric part:
742 // Vnewxieta is a view of Vnew
743  gsl_matrix_view Minvxieta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Minv, nmea, 0, nunm, nmea);
744  gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(&Minvxieta.matrix, &Minvetaxi.matrix);
745  for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) {
746  for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) {
747  B2DEBUG(12, "after symmetric: Minv[" << i << "," << j << "]=" << gsl_matrix_get(Minv, i, j));
748  }
749  }
751 // *-- Calculate G-HUH^T:
752 // G = -1*HU*H^T +1*G
753  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, -1, HU, H, +1, G);
755  } // endif nunm > 0
757 // *-- Calculate I-GV.
758  // IGV = 1
759  gsl_matrix_set_identity(IGV);
760  // IGV = -1*G*Vetaeta + 1*IGV
761  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, -1, G, &Vetaeta.matrix, 1, IGV);
763 // *-- And finally error matrix on fitted parameters.
764  gsl_matrix_view Minvetaeta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Minv, 0, 0, nmea, nmea);
766  // Vnewetaeta = 1*Vetaeta*IGV + 0*Vnewetaeta
767  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Vetaeta.matrix, IGV, 0, &Minvetaeta.matrix);
769  for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) {
770  for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) {
771  B2DEBUG(12, "complete Minv[" << i << "," << j << "]=" << gsl_matrix_get(Minv, i, j));
772  }
773  }
775 // *-- now Minv should be complete, can calculate new covariance matrix Vnew
776 // Vnew = (dx / dt)^T * V_t * dx / dt
777 // x are the fitted parameters, t are the measured parameters,
778 // V_t is the covariance matrix of the measured parameters
779 // thus in OPALFitter variables: V_t = Vetaeta, x = (eta, xi) = etaxi
780 // d eta / dt and d xi / dt are given by eqns 9.54 and 9.55, respectively,
781 // as deta/dt = - Minvetaeta * Fetat and dxi/dt = - Minvxieta * Fetat
782 // Fetat is d^2 chi^2 / deta dt = - V^-1, even in presence of soft constraints, since
783 // the soft constraints don't depend on the _measured_ parameters t (but on the fitted ones)
784 // HERE, V (and Vinv) do not include the second derivatives of the soft constraints
785 // so we can use them right away
786 // Note that "F" is used for completely different things:
787 // in OPALFitter it is the derivatives of the constraints wrt to the parameters (A in book)
788 // in the book, F are the second derivatives of the objective function wrt the parameters
791  gsl_matrix_view detadt = gsl_matrix_submatrix(dxdt, 0, 0, nmea, nmea);
792  B2DEBUG(13, "after detadt");
793  // Vdxdt is Vetaeta * dxdt^T, thus Vdxdt[nmea][npar]
794  gsl_matrix_view Vdetadt = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Vdxdt, 0, 0, nmea, nmea);
795  B2DEBUG(13, "after Vdetadt");
797  // detadt = - Minvetaeta * Fetat = -1 * Minvetaeta * (-1) * Vinv + 0 * detadt // replace by symm?
798  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Minvetaeta.matrix, Vinv, 0, &detadt.matrix);
799  if (debug > 2) debug_print(&detadt.matrix, "deta/dt");
801  // Vdetadt = 1 * Vetaeta * detadt^T + 0* Vdetadt
802  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1, &Vetaeta.matrix, &detadt.matrix, 0, &Vdetadt.matrix); // ok
803  if (debug > 2) debug_print(&Vdetadt.matrix, "Vetata * deta/dt");
805  gsl_matrix_view Vnewetaeta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Vnew, 0, 0, nmea, nmea); //[nmea],[nmea]
806  // Vnewetaeta = 1 * detadt * Vdetadt + 0* Vnewetaeta
807  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &detadt.matrix, &Vdetadt.matrix, 0, &Vnewetaeta.matrix);
809  if (debug > 2) debug_print(Vnew, "Vnew after part for measured parameters");
812  if (nunm > 0) {
814  gsl_matrix_view Minvxieta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Minv, nmea, 0, nunm, nmea); //[nunm][nmea]
815  B2DEBUG(13, "after Minvxieta");
816  if (debug > 2) debug_print(&Minvxieta.matrix, "Minvxieta");
818  gsl_matrix_view dxidt = gsl_matrix_submatrix(dxdt, nmea, 0, nunm, nmea); //[nunm][nmea]
819  B2DEBUG(13, "after dxidt");
820  // dxidt[nunm][nmea] = - Minvxieta * Fetat = -1 * Minvxieta[nunm][nmea] * Vinv[nmea][nmea] + 0 * dxidt
821  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Minvxieta.matrix, Vinv, 0, &dxidt.matrix); //ok
822  if (debug > 2) debug_print(&dxidt.matrix, "dxi/dt");
824  // Vdxdt = V * dxdt^T => Vdxdt[nmea][npar]
825  gsl_matrix_view Vdxidt = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Vdxdt, 0, nmea, nmea, nunm); //[nmea][nunm]
826  B2DEBUG(13, "after Vdxidt");
827  // Vdxidt = 1 * Vetaeta[nmea][nmea] * dxidt^T[nmea][nunm] + 0* Vdxidt => Vdxidt[nmea][nunm]
828  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1, &Vetaeta.matrix, &dxidt.matrix, 0, &Vdxidt.matrix); // ok
829  if (debug > 2) debug_print(&Vdxidt.matrix, "Vetaeta * dxi/dt^T");
831  gsl_matrix_view Vnewetaxi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Vnew, 0, nmea, nmea, nunm); //[nmea][nunm]
832  gsl_matrix_view Vnewxieta = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Vnew, nmea, 0, nunm, nmea); //[nunm][nmea]
833  gsl_matrix_view Vnewxixi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Vnew, nmea, nmea, nunm, nunm); //[nunm][nunm]
835  // Vnewxieta[nunm][nmea] = 1 * dxidt[nunm][nmea] * Vdetadt[nmea][nmea] + 0* Vnewxieta
836  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &dxidt.matrix, &Vdetadt.matrix, 0, &Vnewxieta.matrix); // ok
837  if (debug > 2) debug_print(Vnew, "Vnew after xieta part");
838  // Vnewetaxi[nmea][nunm] = 1 * detadt[nmea][nmea] * Vdxidt[nmea][nunm] + 0* Vnewetaxi
839  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &detadt.matrix, &Vdxidt.matrix, 0, &Vnewetaxi.matrix); // ok
840  if (debug > 2) debug_print(Vnew, "Vnew after etaxi part");
841  // Vnewxixi[nunm][nunm] = 1 * dxidt[nunm][nmea] * Vdxidt[nmea][nunm] + 0* Vnewxixi
842  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &dxidt.matrix, &Vdxidt.matrix, 0, &Vnewxixi.matrix);
843  if (debug > 2) debug_print(Vnew, "Vnew after xixi part");
844  }
846 // *-- now we finally have Vnew, fill into fitobjects
848  // update errors in fitobjects
849  for (auto& fitobject : fitobjects) {
850  for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobject->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
851  int iglobal = fitobject->getGlobalParNum(ilocal);
852  for (int jlocal = ilocal; jlocal < fitobject->getNPar(); ++jlocal) {
853  int jglobal = fitobject->getGlobalParNum(jlocal);
854  if (iglobal >= 0 && jglobal >= 0)
855  fitobject->setCov(ilocal, jlocal, gsl_matrix_get(Vnew, iglobal, jglobal));
856  }
857  }
858  }
860  // Finally, copy covariance matrix
861  if (cov && covDim != nmea + nunm) {
862  delete[] cov;
863  cov = nullptr;
864  }
865  covDim = nmea + nunm;
866  if (!cov) cov = new double[covDim * covDim];
867  for (int i = 0; i < covDim; ++i) {
868  for (int j = 0; j < covDim; ++j) {
869  cov[i * covDim + j] = gsl_matrix_get(Vnew, i, j);
870  }
871  }
872  covValid = true;
874  } // endif calcerr == true
876 #ifndef FIT_TRACEOFF
877  if (tracer) tracer->finish(*this);
878 #endif
880  return fitprob;
882  }
internal precision of FFTW codelets
double * cov
global covariance matrix of last fit problem
Definition: BaseFitter.h:104
bool covValid
Flag whether global covariance is valid.
Definition: BaseFitter.h:105
int covDim
dimension of global covariance matrix
Definition: BaseFitter.h:103
virtual void step(BaseFitter &fitter)
Called at the end of each step.
virtual void initialize(BaseFitter &fitter)
Called at the start of a new fit (during initialization)
virtual void finish(BaseFitter &fitter)
Called at the end of a fit.
gsl_permutation * permU
Helper permutation vector.
gsl_permutation * permV
Helper permutation vector.
gsl_permutation * permS
Helper permutation vector.

◆ getError()

int getError ( ) const

Return error code.

Error code meanings:

  • 0: No error
  • 1: out of iterations
  • 2: crazy chi^2
  • 3: minimum step size reached, chiK still increasing
  • 4: (step size decreased)
  • 5: (keep going) Get the error code of the last fit: 0=OK, 1=failed

Implements BaseFitter.

Definition at line 1012 of file

◆ getGlobalCovarianceMatrix() [1/2]

double * getGlobalCovarianceMatrix ( int &  idim)
idim1st dimension of global covariance matrix

Definition at line 158 of file

◆ getGlobalCovarianceMatrix() [2/2]

const double * getGlobalCovarianceMatrix ( int &  idim) const
idim1st dimension of global covariance matrix

Definition at line 148 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: