Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ProcessMonitor Class Reference

Class to monitor all started framework processes (input, workers, output), kill them if requested and handle the signals from the OS. More...

#include <ProcessMonitor.h>

Collaboration diagram for ProcessMonitor:

Public Member Functions

void subscribe (const std::string &pubSocketAddress, const std::string &subSocketAddress, const std::string &controlSocketAddress)
 Start listening for process management information on the given address.
void waitForRunningInput (int timeout)
 Block until either the input process is running or the timeout (in seconds) is raised.
void waitForRunningOutput (int timeout)
 Block until either the output process is running or the timeout (in seconds) is raised.
void waitForRunningWorker (int timeout)
 Block until either the worker process is running or the timeout (in seconds) is raised.
void killProcesses (unsigned int timeout)
 Ask all processes to terminate. If not, kill them after timeout seconds.
void initialize (unsigned int requestedNumberOfWorkers)
 Init the processing with that many workers.
void terminate ()
 Terminate the processing.
void reset ()
 Reset the internal state.
void checkMulticast (int timeout=0)
 check multicast for messages and kill workers if requested
void checkChildProcesses ()
 check the child processes, if one has died
void checkSignals (int g_signalReceived)
 check if we have received any signal from the user or OS. Kill the processes if not SIGINT.
bool hasEnded () const
 If we have received a SIGINT signal or the last process is gone, we can end smoothly.
unsigned int needMoreWorkers () const
 Compare our current list of workers of how many we want to have.
bool hasWorkers () const
 Check if there is at least one running worker.

Private Member Functions

unsigned int processesWithType (const ProcType &procType) const
 Cound the number of processes with a certain type.
template<class ASocket >
void processMulticast (const ASocket &socket)
 Process a message from the multicast.

Private Attributes

ZMQClient m_client
 The client used for message processing.
unsigned int m_requestedNumberOfWorkers = 0
 How many workers we should request to start.
std::map< int, ProcTypem_processList
 The current list of pid -> process types (to be compared to the proc handler)
bool m_hasEnded = false
 Someone requested us to end the processing.
StreamHelper m_streamer
 The data store streamer.
bool m_receivedStatistics = false
 Did we already receive the statistics?

Detailed Description

Class to monitor all started framework processes (input, workers, output), kill them if requested and handle the signals from the OS.

Is used in the ZMQ event processor and can only be used together with ZMQ.

Definition at line 28 of file ProcessMonitor.h.

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