Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ProcessedEventsBackupList Class Reference

List-like structure for storing and retaining event backups. More...

#include <ProcessedEventsBackupList.h>

Collaboration diagram for ProcessedEventsBackupList:

Public Member Functions

void storeEvent (std::unique_ptr< EvtMessage > evtMsg, const StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > &evtMetaData, const unsigned int workerId)
 Add a new event backup with the given information. Takes ownership of the evt message.
void removeEvent (const EventMetaData &evtMetaData)
 Remove all backups with the given event meta data (on confirmation)
int checkForTimeout (const Duration &timeout) const
 Check the items for timeout. Returns -1 if no timeout happened and the worker id, if it did.
template<class AZMQClient >
void sendWorkerBackupEvents (unsigned int worker, const AZMQClient &socket)
 Send all backups of a given worker directly to the multicast and delete them.
unsigned int size () const
 Check the size.

Private Types

using Duration = std::chrono::milliseconds
 Short for the class of a duration (always measured in milliseconds)

Private Attributes

std::vector< ProcessedEventBackupm_evtBackupVector
 The vector where the event backups are stored.

Detailed Description

List-like structure for storing and retaining event backups.

Definition at line 24 of file ProcessedEventsBackupList.h.

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