| RawARICH () |
| Default constructor.
virtual | ~RawARICH () |
| Destructor.
| ClassDef (RawARICH, 1) |
| To derive from TObject.
void | SetBuffer (int *bufin, int nwords, int delete_flag, int num_events, int num_nodes) OVERRIDE_CPP17 |
| set buffer ( delete_flag : m_buffer is freeed( = 0 )/ not freeed( = 1 ) in Destructer )
int | GetDetectorNwords (int n, int finesse_num) |
| get Detector buffer length
int | Get1stDetectorNwords (int n) |
| get Detector buffer length of slot A
int | Get2ndDetectorNwords (int n) |
| get Detector buffer length of slot B
int | Get3rdDetectorNwords (int n) |
| get Detector buffer length of slot C
int | Get4thDetectorNwords (int n) |
| get Detector buffer length of slot D
int * | GetDetectorBuffer (int n, int finesse_num) |
| get Detector buffer
int * | Get1stDetectorBuffer (int n) |
| get Detector buffer of slot A
int * | Get2ndDetectorBuffer (int n) |
| get Detector Buffer of slot B
int * | Get3rdDetectorBuffer (int n) |
| get Detector Buffer of slot C
int * | Get4thDetectorBuffer (int n) |
| get Detector Buffer of slot D
virtual int | GetBufferPos (int n) OVERRIDE_CPP17 |
| get posistion of COPPER block in unit of word
virtual int * | GetRawHdrBufPtr (int n) |
| get buffer pointer of rawcopper header(Currently same as GetBufferPos)
virtual int * | GetRawTrlBufPtr (int n) |
| get buffer pointer of rawcopper trailer
int * | GetFINESSEBuffer (int n, int finesse_num) |
| get FINESSE buffer pointer
int * | Get1stFINESSEBuffer (int n) |
| get FINESSE buffer pointer for slot A
int * | Get2ndFINESSEBuffer (int n) |
| get FINESSE buffer pointer for slot B
int * | Get3rdFINESSEBuffer (int n) |
| get FINESSE buffer pointer for slot C
int * | Get4thFINESSEBuffer (int n) |
| get FINESSE buffer pointer for slot D
int | GetExpNo (int n) |
| get Experimental # from header
unsigned int | GetExpRunSubrun (int n) |
| get Experimental # from header
int | GetRunNo (int n) |
| Exp# (10bit) run# (14bit) restart # (8bit)
int | GetSubRunNo (int n) |
| get run # (14bit)
unsigned int | GetEveNo (int n) |
| get subrun #(8bit)
int | GetDataType (int n) |
| get contents of header
int | GetTruncMask (int n) |
| get contents of header
unsigned int | GetErrorBitFlag (int n) |
| get contents of header More...
void | AddErrorBitFlag (int n, unsigned int error_bit_flag) |
| Get Detected Error bitflag.
int | GetPacketCRCError (int n) |
| check CRC packet Error
int | GetEventCRCError (int n) |
| check CRC event Error
int | GetEventCRC16Value (int n, int finesse_num) |
| Get Event CRC16 value.
unsigned int | GetNodeID (int n) |
| get node-ID from data
virtual unsigned int | GetCOPPERCounter (int n) |
| get COPPER counter(not event number)
virtual int | GetNumFINESSEBlock (int n) |
| get # of FINNESEs which contains data
int | GetOffsetFINESSE (int n, int finesse) |
| get # of offset words
int | GetOffset1stFINESSE (int n) |
| get # of offset words for FINESSE slot A buffer position
int | GetOffset2ndFINESSE (int n) |
| get # of offset words for FINESSE slot B buffer position
int | GetOffset3rdFINESSE (int n) |
| get # of offset words for FINESSE slot C buffer position
int | GetOffset4thFINESSE (int n) |
| get # of offset words for FINESSE slot D buffer position
int | GetFINESSENwords (int n, int finesse) |
| get data size of FINESSE buffer
int | Get1stFINESSENwords (int n) |
| get data size of FINESSE slot A buffer
int | Get2ndFINESSENwords (int n) |
| get data size of FINESSE slot B buffer
int | Get3rdFINESSENwords (int n) |
| get data size of FINESSE slot C buffer
int | Get4thFINESSENwords (int n) |
| get data size of FINESSE slot D buffer
virtual int * | GetExpRunSubrunBuf (int n) |
| get b2l block from "FEE b2link header" More...
virtual unsigned int | GetB2LFEE32bitEventNumber (int n) |
| get b2l block from "FEE b2link header"
unsigned int | GetMagicDriverHeader (int n) |
| get magic word of COPPER driver header
unsigned int | GetMagicFPGAHeader (int n) |
| get magic word of COPPER FPGA header
unsigned int | GetMagicFPGATrailer (int n) |
| get magic word of COPPER FPGA trailer
unsigned int | GetMagicDriverTrailer (int n) |
| get magic word of COPPER driver trailer
unsigned int | GetTrailerChksum (int n) |
| Get checksum in RawTrailer.
bool | CheckCOPPERMagic (int n) |
| Check if COPPER Magic words are correct.
unsigned int | GetTTCtimeTRGType (int n) |
| Check if COPPER Magic words are correct.
unsigned int | GetTTUtime (int n) |
| Check if COPPER Magic words are correct.
unsigned int | FillTopBlockRawHeader (unsigned int m_node_id, unsigned int prev_eve32, unsigned int prev_exprunsubrun_no, unsigned int *cur_exprunsubrun_no) |
| should be called by DeSerializerCOPPER.cc and fill contents in RawHeader
unsigned int | GetDriverChkSum (int n) |
| read COPPER driver's checksum value
unsigned int | CalcDriverChkSum (int n) |
| calc COPPER driver's checksum value
unsigned int | CalcXORChecksum (int *buf, int nwords) |
| calc XOR checksum
void | CheckData (int n, unsigned int prev_evenum, unsigned int *cur_evenum, unsigned int prev_copper_ctr, unsigned int *cur_copper_ctr, unsigned int prev_exprunsubrun_no, unsigned int *cur_exprunsubrun_no) |
| check data contents
void | CheckUtimeCtimeTRGType (int n) |
| check data contents
int | GetTTCtime (int n) |
| Get ctime.
int | GetTRGType (int n) |
| Get trgtype.
void | GetTTTimeVal (int n, struct timeval *tv) |
| Get timeval.
void | SetVersion () |
| read data, detect and set the version number of the data format
void | SetVersion (std::string class_name) |
| Get timeval.
void | CheckVersionSetBuffer () |
| Check the version number of data format.
void | ShowBuffer () |
| show m_buffer
void | PackDetectorBuf (int *detector_buf_1st, int nwords_1st, int *detector_buf_2nd, int nwords_2nd, int *detector_buf_3rd, int nwords_3rd, int *detector_buf_4th, int nwords_4th, RawCOPPERPackerInfo rawcprpacker_info) |
| Packer for RawCOPPER class Pack data (format ver. More...
void | PackDetectorBuf (int *const(&detector_buf_ch)[MAX_PCIE40_CH], int const(&nwords_ch)[MAX_PCIE40_CH], RawCOPPERPackerInfo rawcprpacker_info) |
| Pack data for PCIe40 data-format.
void | PackDetectorBuf4DummyData (int *detector_buf_1st, int nwords_1st, int *detector_buf_2nd, int nwords_2nd, int *detector_buf_3rd, int nwords_3rd, int *detector_buf_4th, int nwords_4th, RawCOPPERPackerInfo rawcprpacker_info) |
| Pack dummy data (format ver. = -1 -> Select the latest format version)
int | GetMaxNumOfCh (int n) |
| Get the max number of channels in a readout board.
void | CompareHeaderValue (int n, const unsigned int(&input_val)[MAX_PCIE40_CH], std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int >> &result) |
| Compare value from different channels and make a statistics table.
bool | CheckOnlineRemovedDataBit (int n, int finesse_num) |
| check if this channel's data has been removed on a readout PC for CDC online "masking"
std::string | getInfoHTML () const |
| Return a short summary of this object's contents in HTML format.
virtual int | TotalBufNwords () |
| Get total length of m_buffer.
virtual int * | GetBuffer (int n) |
| get nth buffer pointer
virtual int * | GetWholeBuffer () |
| get pointer to buffer(m_buffer)
virtual int | GetNumEntries () |
| get # of data blocks = (# of nodes)*(# of events)
virtual int | GetNumNodes () |
| get # of data sources(e.g. # of COPPER boards) in m_buffer
virtual int | GetNumEvents () |
| get # of events in m_buffer
virtual int | GetPreAllocFlag () |
| get malloc_flag
virtual int | GetBlockNwords (int n) |
| get size of a data block
virtual int | CheckFTSWID (int n) |
| get FTSW ID to check whether this data block is FTSW data or not
virtual int | CheckTLUID (int n) |
| get FTSW ID to check whether this data block is FTSW data or not
virtual void | CopyBlock (int n, int *buf_to) |
| Copy one datablock to buffer.
virtual void | PrintData (int *buf, int nwords) |
| print data
The Raw ARICH class Class for RawCOPPER class data taken by ARICH Currently, this class is almost same as RawCOPPER class.
Definition at line 27 of file RawARICH.h.