Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
SVDClusterPosition Class Referenceabstract

Abstract Class representing the SVD cluster position. More...

#include <SVDClusterPosition.h>

Inheritance diagram for SVDClusterPosition:
Collaboration diagram for SVDClusterPosition:

Public Member Functions

 SVDClusterPosition ()
 Constructor to create an empty Cluster Position Object.
virtual void computeClusterPosition (Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster, double &position, double &positionError)=0
 computes the cluster position and position error
virtual ~SVDClusterPosition ()
 virtual destructor
void applyCoGPosition (const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster, double &position, double &positionError)
 CoG Position Algorithm.
void applyAHTPosition (const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster, double &position, double &positionError)
 AHT Position Algorithm.
void reconstructStrips (Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster)
 reconstruct strips
void applyUnfolding (Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster)
 Apply cluster charges unfolding.
void set_stripChargeAlgo (const std::string &user_stripChargeAlgo)
 set which algorithm to use for strip charge in cluster position reconstruction
void set_stripTimeAlgo (const std::string &user_stripTimeAlgo)
 set which algorithm to use for strip time in cluster position reconstruction, 'dontdo' will skip it

Protected Member Functions

double getSumOfStripCharges (const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster)
 helper, returns the sum of the strip charges
double getClusterNoise (const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster)
 helper, returns the sum in quadrature of the strip noise
double getAverageStripNoise (const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster)
 helper, returns the average strip noise

Protected Attributes

SVDCoGOnlyPositionError m_CoGOnlyErr
 CoGOnly Position Error.
SVDCoGOnlyErrorScaleFactors m_CoGOnlyCal
 Scaling Factors for the CoGOnly algorithm.
SVDOldDefaultErrorScaleFactors m_OldDefaultCal
 Scaling Factors for the OldDefault algorithm.
SVDClustering m_ClusterCal
 SVD clustering parameters.
SVDNoiseCalibrations m_NoiseCal
 Noise calibrations for the position error.

Private Attributes

std::string m_stripChargeAlgo
 algorithm used to reconstruct strip charge for cluster position
std::string m_stripTimeAlgo
 algorithm used to reconstruct strip time for cluster position

Detailed Description

Abstract Class representing the SVD cluster position.

Definition at line 27 of file SVDClusterPosition.h.

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