Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
CurvWithArcLength2DCache Class Reference

Class representing a curvature value that also caches two dimensional arc length to each layer in the CDC. More...

#include <StandardAxes.h>

Collaboration diagram for CurvWithArcLength2DCache:

Public Member Functions

 CurvWithArcLength2DCache (float curv)
 Make cache for one curvature value.
 operator float () const
 Unpack the curvature.
float getArcLength2D (ILayer iCLayer, bool secondArm=false) const
 Return the two dimensional arc length to the given layer id.

Private Attributes

float m_curv
 Memory for the curvature.
std::array< float, 56 > m_arcLength2DByICLayer
 Memory for two dimensional arc length at each layer.
std::array< float, 56 > m_secondaryArcLength2DByICLayer
 Memory for two dimensional arc length at each layer on the second arm.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const CurvWithArcLength2DCache &value)
 Output operator for debugging.

Detailed Description

Class representing a curvature value that also caches two dimensional arc length to each layer in the CDC.

Definition at line 44 of file StandardAxes.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: