Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
FirstOfPairInBox< AHitInBoxAlgorithm > Class Template Reference

Helper class to redirect only the first element in a pair to the child algorithm. More...

#include <FirstOfPairInBox.h>

Public Types

using HoughBox = typename AHitInBoxAlgorithm::HoughBox
 The type of the underlying HoughBox (copied from the underlying hit algorithm)
using BoxAlgorithm = AHitInBoxAlgorithm
 The hit-finding algorithm.

Public Member Functions

template<class APairObject >
Weight operator() (const APairObject &pairObject, const HoughBox *box)
 Redirect the first element of a pair to the next algorithm.

Detailed Description

template<class AHitInBoxAlgorithm>
class Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::FirstOfPairInBox< AHitInBoxAlgorithm >

Helper class to redirect only the first element in a pair to the child algorithm.

Definition at line 23 of file FirstOfPairInBox.h.

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