Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Recording< AFilter > Class Template Reference

Filter adapter to make a filter work on a set of variables and record the observed instances on invokation. More...

#include <RecordingFilter.dcl.h>

Inheritance diagram for Recording< AFilter >:
Collaboration diagram for Recording< AFilter >:

Public Types

using Object = typename AFilter::Object
 Type of the object to be analysed.

Public Member Functions

 Recording (std::unique_ptr< AVarSet > varSet, const std::string &defaultRootFileName="records.root", const std::string &defaultTreeName="records")
 Constructor of the filter.
 ~Recording ()
 Default destructor.
void exposeParameters (ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) override
 Expose the set of parameters of the filter to the module parameter list.
void initialize () override
 Initialize the recorder before event processing.
void terminate () override
 Initialize the recorder after event processing.
Weight operator() (const Object &obj) final
 Function to evaluate the cluster for its backgroundness.
bool needsTruthInformation () override
 Checks if any variables need Monte Carlo information.
std::unique_ptr< AVarSetreleaseVarSet () &&
 Steal the set of variables form this filter - filter becomes disfunctional afterwards.

Protected Member Functions

MayBePtr< AFilter > getSkimFilter () const
 Getter for the skim filter to select objects to be recorded.
void setSkimFilter (std::unique_ptr< AFilter > skimFilter)
 Setter for the skim filter to select objects to be recorded.
AVarSetgetVarSet () const
 Getter for the set of variables.
void setVarSet (std::unique_ptr< AVarSet > varSet)
 Setter for the set of variables.

Private Types

using Super = OnVarSet< AFilter >
 Type of the base class.
using AVarSet = BaseVarSet< Object >
 Type of the var set interface to be used.

Private Attributes

std::unique_ptr< Recorderm_recorder
 Recorder to write all variable sets of the encountered objects.
std::string m_param_rootFileName
 Name of the ROOT file to which shall be written.
std::string m_param_treeName
 Name of Tree to be written.
Weight m_param_returnWeight
 Returns Weight when this filter is called.
std::unique_ptr< AFilter > m_skimFilter = nullptr
 Skimming filter to select a subset of objects to be recorded.
std::unique_ptr< AVarSetm_varSet
 Instance of the variable set to be used in the filter.

Detailed Description

template<class AFilter>
class Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::Recording< AFilter >

Filter adapter to make a filter work on a set of variables and record the observed instances on invokation.

Definition at line 34 of file RecordingFilter.dcl.h.

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