Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
TOPTBCResolution Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TOPTBCResolution:
Collaboration diagram for TOPTBCResolution:

Public Member Functions

def setOutputName (self, outputname)
def setMaxWidth (self, maxWidth)
def setMinWidth (self, minWidth)
def setMaxAmp (self, maxAmp)
def setMinAmp (self, minAmp)
def ignoreNotCalibrated (self, ignoreNotCal)
def event (self)
def terminate (self)

Public Attributes

 output name
 output name
 output name
 output name
 output name
 output name

Static Public Attributes

 Width VS amplitude, first calibration pulse. More...
 Width VS amplitude, second calibration pulse. More...
 h_dVdtRising_1 = TH1F('dVdtRising_1', ' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigits (rising edge), first calibration pulse', 1000, 0, 1000)
 dV/dt on the rising edge, first calibration pulse
 h_dVdtRising_2 = TH1F('dVdtRising_2', ' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigits (rising edge), second calibration pulse', 1000, 0, 1000)
 dV/dt on the rising edge, second calibration pulse
 h_dVdtFalling_1 = TH1F('dVdtFalling_1', ' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigits (falling edge), first calibration pulse', 1000, 0, 1000)
 dV/dt on the falling edge, first calibration pulse
 h_dVdtFalling_2 = TH1F('dVdtFalling_2', ' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigits (falling edge), second calibration pulse', 1000, 0, 1000)
 dV/dt on the falling edge, second calibration pulse
 dV/dt on the rising edge VS dV/dt on the falling edge, first calibration pulse More...
 dV/dt on the rising edge VS dV/dt on the falling edge, first calibration pulse More...
 Difference between the dV/dt of the first and the second calpulse, using the rising edges. More...
 Difference between the dV/dt of the first and the second calpulse, using the rising edges. More...
 h_DeltaT_RR = TH1F('DeltaT_RR', ' DeltaT bewteen the rising edges', 4000, 10, 30)
 DeltaT rising-rising.
 h_DeltaT_FF = TH1F('DeltaT_FF', ' DeltaT bewteen the falling edges', 4000, 10, 30)
 DeltaT falling-falling.
 h_DeltaT_FR = TH1F('DeltaT_FR', ' DeltaT bewteen falling and rising edges', 4000, 10, 30)
 DeltaT falling-rising.
 h_DeltaT_RF = TH1F('DeltaT_RF', ' DeltaT bewteen rising and falling edges', 4000, 10, 30)
 DeltaT rising-falling.
 DeltaT rising-rising VS channel. More...
 DeltaT falling-falling VS channel. More...
 DeltaT falling-rising VS channel. More...
 DeltaT rising-falling VS channel. More...
 DeltaT rising-rising VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulse. More...
 DeltaT falling-falling VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulse. More...
 h_ResolutionVSdVdt_FF = TGraphErrors()
 DeltaT resolution VS average of dV/dt (falling-falling)
 h_ResolutionVSdVdt_RR = TGraphErrors()
 DeltaT resolution VS average of dV/dt (rising-rising)
string outname = 'outStudyTBCResolution.root'
 output root file
int m_calpulseMaxWidth = 3.
 maximum width to flag a calpulse candidate
float m_calpulseMinWidth = 0.5
 minimum width to flag a calpulse candidate
int m_calpulseMaxAmp = 700.
 minimum amplitude to flag a calpulse candidate
int m_calpulseMinAmp = 250.
 minimum amplitude to flag a calpulse candidate
bool m_ignoreNotCalibrated = True
 ignores the hits wthout calibration

Detailed Description

 Module to study resolution and performances of the TOP Time Base Calibration.

Definition at line 27 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ event()

def event (   self)
 Event processor: fill histograms 

Definition at line 155 of file

155  def event(self):
156  ''' Event processor: fill histograms '''
158  digits = Belle2.PyStoreArray('TOPDigits')
160  for ipulse1, digit1 in enumerate(digits):
161  if(self.ignoreNotCalibrated and not digit1.isTimeBaseCalibrated()):
162  continue
163  if (digit1.getHitQuality() != 0 and
164  digit1.getPulseHeight() > self.m_calpulseMinAmp and
165  digit1.getPulseHeight() < self.m_calpulseMaxAmp and
166  digit1.getPulseWidth() > self.m_calpulseMinWidth and
167  digit1.getPulseWidth() < self.m_calpulseMaxWidth):
169  slotID = digit1.getModuleID()
170  hwchan = digit1.getChannel()
171  for ipulse2, digit2 in enumerate(digits, start=ipulse1 + 1):
172  if(self.ignoreNotCalibrated and not digit2.isTimeBaseCalibrated()):
173  continue
175  if (digit2.getHitQuality() != 0 and
176  digit2.getPulseHeight() > self.m_calpulseMinAmp and
177  digit2.getPulseHeight() < self.m_calpulseMaxAmp and
178  digit2.getPulseWidth() > self.m_calpulseMinWidth and
179  digit2.getPulseWidth() < self.m_calpulseMaxWidth and
180  slotID == digit2.getModuleID() and
181  hwchan == digit2.getChannel()):
183  # finds which one is the first calpulse
184  rawDigitFirst = digit1.getRelated('TOPRawDigits')
185  rawDigitSecond = digit2.getRelated('TOPRawDigits')
186  if digit1.getTime() > digit2.getTime():
187  rawDigitFirst = digit2.getRelated('TOPRawDigits')
188  rawDigitSecond = digit1.getRelated('TOPRawDigits')
189  digitFirst = rawDigitFirst.getRelated('TOPDigits')
190  digitSecond = rawDigitSecond.getRelated('TOPDigits')
192  globalCh = hwchan + 512 * (slotID - 1)
193  dV1_R = rawDigitFirst.getLeadingSlope()
194  dV1_F = -rawDigitFirst.getFallingSlope()
195  dV2_R = rawDigitSecond.getLeadingSlope()
196  dV2_F = -rawDigitSecond.getFallingSlope()
197  t1_R = digitFirst.getTime()
198  t1_F = digitFirst.getTime() + digitFirst.getPulseWidth()
199  t2_R = digitSecond.getTime()
200  t2_F = digitSecond.getTime() + digitSecond.getPulseWidth()
201  amp1 = digitFirst.getPulseHeight()
202  amp2 = digitSecond.getPulseHeight()
203  w1 = digitFirst.getPulseWidth()
204  w2 = digitSecond.getPulseWidth()
206  self.h_WidthVSAmplitude_1.Fill(amp1, w1)
207  self.h_WidthVSAmplitude_2.Fill(amp2, w2)
208  self.h_dVdtRising_1.Fill(dV1_R)
209  self.h_dVdtRising_2.Fill(dV2_R)
210  self.h_dVdtFalling_1.Fill(dV1_F)
211  self.h_dVdtFalling_2.Fill(dV2_F)
212  self.h_dVdtRisingVSdVdtFalling_1.Fill(dV1_F, dV1_R)
213  self.h_dVdtRisingVSdVdtFalling_2.Fill(dV2_F, dV2_R)
214  self.h_dVdtRisingDifference.Fill(dV1_R - dV2_R)
215  self.h_dVdtFallingDifference.Fill(dV1_F - dV2_F)
216  self.h_DeltaT_RR.Fill(t2_R - t1_R)
217  self.h_DeltaT_FF.Fill(t2_F - t1_F)
218  self.h_DeltaT_FR.Fill(t2_F - t1_R)
219  self.h_DeltaT_RF.Fill(t2_R - t1_F)
220  self.h_DeltaTVSChannel_RR.Fill(globalCh, t2_R - t1_R)
221  self.h_DeltaTVSChannel_FF.Fill(globalCh, t2_F - t1_F)
222  self.h_DeltaTVSChannel_FR.Fill(globalCh, t2_F - t1_R)
223  self.h_DeltaTVSChannel_RF.Fill(globalCh, t2_R - t1_F)
224  self.h_DeltaTVSdVdt_RR.Fill(0.5 * (dV1_R + dV2_R), t2_R - t1_R)
225  self.h_DeltaTVSdVdt_FF.Fill(0.5 * (dV1_F + dV2_F), t2_F - t1_F)
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray.
Definition: PyStoreArray.h:72

◆ ignoreNotCalibrated()

def ignoreNotCalibrated (   self,
 Sets the flag to ingore the hits without calibration 

Definition at line 150 of file

◆ setMaxAmp()

def setMaxAmp (   self,
 Sets the maximum calpulse amplitude 

Definition at line 140 of file

◆ setMaxWidth()

def setMaxWidth (   self,
 Sets the maximum calpulse width 

Definition at line 130 of file

◆ setMinAmp()

def setMinAmp (   self,
 Sets the minimum calpulse amplitude 

Definition at line 145 of file

◆ setMinWidth()

def setMinWidth (   self,
 Sets the minimum calpulse width 

Definition at line 135 of file

◆ setOutputName()

def setOutputName (   self,
 Sets the output file name 

Definition at line 125 of file

◆ terminate()

def terminate (   self)
 Write histograms to file, fills and fits the resolution plots

Definition at line 227 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ h_DeltaTVSChannel_FF

Initial value:
= TH2F(
' DeltaT bewteen the falling edges, as function of the channel number',
512 * 16, 0, 512 * 16, 4000, 10., 30.)

DeltaT falling-falling VS channel.

Definition at line 82 of file

◆ h_DeltaTVSChannel_FR

Initial value:
= TH2F(
' DeltaT bewteen falling (pulse 1) and rising (pulse 2) edge, as function of the channel number',
512 * 16, 0, 512 * 16, 4000, 10., 30.)

DeltaT falling-rising VS channel.

Definition at line 87 of file

◆ h_DeltaTVSChannel_RF

Initial value:
= TH2F(
' DeltaT bewteen rising (pulse 1) and falling (pulse 2) edge, as function of the channel number',
512 * 16, 0, 512 * 16, 4000, 10., 30.)

DeltaT rising-falling VS channel.

Definition at line 92 of file

◆ h_DeltaTVSChannel_RR

Initial value:
= TH2F(
' DeltaT bewteen the rising edges, as function of the channel number',
512 * 16, 0, 512 * 16, 4000, 10., 30.)

DeltaT rising-rising VS channel.

Definition at line 77 of file

◆ h_DeltaTVSdVdt_FF

Initial value:
= TH2F(
'DeltaT bewteen the rising edges VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulser',
1000, 0., 1000., 4000, 10., 30.)

DeltaT falling-falling VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulse.

Definition at line 102 of file

◆ h_DeltaTVSdVdt_RR

Initial value:
= TH2F(
'DeltaT bewteen the rising edges VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulser',
1000, 0., 1000., 4000, 10., 30.)

DeltaT rising-rising VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulse.

Definition at line 97 of file

◆ h_dVdtFallingDifference

Initial value:
= TH1F(
'dVdtFallingDifference', ' difference between the falling edge dV/dt of the first and the second pulse', 1000, -500, 500)

Difference between the dV/dt of the first and the second calpulse, using the rising edges.

Definition at line 64 of file

◆ h_dVdtRisingDifference

Initial value:
= TH1F(
'dVdtRisingDifference', ' difference between the rising edge dV/dt of the first and the second pulse', 1000, -500, 500)

Difference between the dV/dt of the first and the second calpulse, using the rising edges.

Definition at line 61 of file

◆ h_dVdtRisingVSdVdtFalling_1

Initial value:
= TH2F(
' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigit: rising edge VS falling edge, first calibration pulse ',
1000, 0, 1000, 1000, 0., 1000.)

dV/dt on the rising edge VS dV/dt on the falling edge, first calibration pulse

Definition at line 51 of file

◆ h_dVdtRisingVSdVdtFalling_2

Initial value:
= TH2F(
' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigit: rising edge VS falling edge, second calibration pulse ',
1000, 0, 1000, 1000, 0., 1000.)

dV/dt on the rising edge VS dV/dt on the falling edge, first calibration pulse

Definition at line 56 of file

◆ h_WidthVSAmplitude_1

Initial value:
= TH2F(
'Width VS amplidute of the TOPDigits, first calibration pulse',
2000, 0., 2000, 100, 0., 10.)

Width VS amplitude, first calibration pulse.

Definition at line 32 of file

◆ h_WidthVSAmplitude_2

Initial value:
= TH2F(
'Width VS amplidute of the TOPDigits, second calibration pulse',
2000, 0., 2000, 100, 0., 10.)

Width VS amplitude, second calibration pulse.

Definition at line 37 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: