23 from ROOT
import Belle2
24 from ROOT
import TH1F, TH2F, TF1, TFile, TGraphErrors
29 ''' Module to study resolution and performances of the TOP Time Base Calibration.'''
32 h_WidthVSAmplitude_1 = TH2F(
34 'Width VS amplidute of the TOPDigits, first calibration pulse',
35 2000, 0., 2000, 100, 0., 10.)
37 h_WidthVSAmplitude_2 = TH2F(
39 'Width VS amplidute of the TOPDigits, second calibration pulse',
40 2000, 0., 2000, 100, 0., 10.)
43 h_dVdtRising_1 = TH1F(
' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigits (rising edge), first calibration pulse', 1000, 0, 1000)
45 h_dVdtRising_2 = TH1F(
' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigits (rising edge), second calibration pulse', 1000, 0, 1000)
47 h_dVdtFalling_1 = TH1F(
' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigits (falling edge), first calibration pulse', 1000, 0, 1000)
49 h_dVdtFalling_2 = TH1F(
' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigits (falling edge), second calibration pulse', 1000, 0, 1000)
51 h_dVdtRisingVSdVdtFalling_1 = TH2F(
52 'dVdtRisingVSdVdtFalling_1',
53 ' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigit: rising edge VS falling edge, first calibration pulse ',
54 1000, 0, 1000, 1000, 0., 1000.)
56 h_dVdtRisingVSdVdtFalling_2 = TH2F(
57 'dVdtRisingVSdVdtFalling_2',
58 ' dV/dt of the TOPRawDigit: rising edge VS falling edge, second calibration pulse ',
59 1000, 0, 1000, 1000, 0., 1000.)
61 h_dVdtRisingDifference = TH1F(
62 'dVdtRisingDifference',
' difference between the rising edge dV/dt of the first and the second pulse', 1000, -500, 500)
64 h_dVdtFallingDifference = TH1F(
65 'dVdtFallingDifference',
' difference between the falling edge dV/dt of the first and the second pulse', 1000, -500, 500)
68 h_DeltaT_RR = TH1F(
' DeltaT bewteen the rising edges', 4000, 10, 30)
70 h_DeltaT_FF = TH1F(
' DeltaT bewteen the falling edges', 4000, 10, 30)
72 h_DeltaT_FR = TH1F(
' DeltaT bewteen falling and rising edges', 4000, 10, 30)
74 h_DeltaT_RF = TH1F(
' DeltaT bewteen rising and falling edges', 4000, 10, 30)
77 h_DeltaTVSChannel_RR = TH2F(
79 ' DeltaT bewteen the rising edges, as function of the channel number',
80 512 * 16, 0, 512 * 16, 4000, 10., 30.)
82 h_DeltaTVSChannel_FF = TH2F(
84 ' DeltaT bewteen the falling edges, as function of the channel number',
85 512 * 16, 0, 512 * 16, 4000, 10., 30.)
87 h_DeltaTVSChannel_FR = TH2F(
89 ' DeltaT bewteen falling (pulse 1) and rising (pulse 2) edge, as function of the channel number',
90 512 * 16, 0, 512 * 16, 4000, 10., 30.)
92 h_DeltaTVSChannel_RF = TH2F(
94 ' DeltaT bewteen rising (pulse 1) and falling (pulse 2) edge, as function of the channel number',
95 512 * 16, 0, 512 * 16, 4000, 10., 30.)
97 h_DeltaTVSdVdt_RR = TH2F(
99 'DeltaT bewteen the rising edges VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulser',
100 1000, 0., 1000., 4000, 10., 30.)
102 h_DeltaTVSdVdt_FF = TH2F(
104 'DeltaT bewteen the rising edges VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulser',
105 1000, 0., 1000., 4000, 10., 30.)
108 h_ResolutionVSdVdt_FF = TGraphErrors()
110 h_ResolutionVSdVdt_RR = TGraphErrors()
113 outname =
115 m_calpulseMaxWidth = 3.
117 m_calpulseMinWidth = 0.5
119 m_calpulseMaxAmp = 700.
121 m_calpulseMinAmp = 250.
123 m_ignoreNotCalibrated =
126 ''' Sets the output file name '''
131 ''' Sets the maximum calpulse width '''
136 ''' Sets the minimum calpulse width '''
141 ''' Sets the maximum calpulse amplitude '''
146 ''' Sets the minimum calpulse amplitude '''
151 ''' Sets the flag to ingore the hits without calibration '''
156 ''' Event processor: fill histograms '''
160 for ipulse1, digit1
in enumerate(digits):
163 if (digit1.getHitQuality() != 0
169 slotID = digit1.getModuleID()
170 hwchan = digit1.getChannel()
171 for ipulse2, digit2
in enumerate(digits, start=ipulse1 + 1):
175 if (digit2.getHitQuality() != 0
180 slotID == digit2.getModuleID()
181 hwchan == digit2.getChannel()):
184 rawDigitFirst = digit1.getRelated(
185 rawDigitSecond = digit2.getRelated(
186 if digit1.getTime() > digit2.getTime():
187 rawDigitFirst = digit2.getRelated(
188 rawDigitSecond = digit1.getRelated(
189 digitFirst = rawDigitFirst.getRelated(
190 digitSecond = rawDigitSecond.getRelated(
192 globalCh = hwchan + 512 * (slotID - 1)
193 dV1_R = rawDigitFirst.getLeadingSlope()
194 dV1_F = -rawDigitFirst.getFallingSlope()
195 dV2_R = rawDigitSecond.getLeadingSlope()
196 dV2_F = -rawDigitSecond.getFallingSlope()
197 t1_R = digitFirst.getTime()
198 t1_F = digitFirst.getTime() + digitFirst.getPulseWidth()
199 t2_R = digitSecond.getTime()
200 t2_F = digitSecond.getTime() + digitSecond.getPulseWidth()
201 amp1 = digitFirst.getPulseHeight()
202 amp2 = digitSecond.getPulseHeight()
203 w1 = digitFirst.getPulseWidth()
204 w2 = digitSecond.getPulseWidth()
228 ''' Write histograms to file, fills and fits the resolution plots'''
235 for ibin
in range(0, 10):
236 projection = self.
"tmpProj", ibin * 100 + 1, (ibin + 1) * 100)
237 gaussFit = TF1(
"[0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2)", 10., 30.)
238 gaussFit.SetParameter(0, 1.)
239 gaussFit.SetParameter(1, projection.GetMean())
240 gaussFit.SetParameter(2, projection.GetRMS())
241 gaussFit.SetParLimits(2, 0., 3. * projection.GetRMS())
243 projection.Fit(
244 self.
h_ResolutionVSdVdt_RRh_ResolutionVSdVdt_RR.SetPoint(ibin, ibin * 100. + 50., gaussFit.GetParameter(2))
248 self.
"TOPDigit amplitude [ADC counts]")
251 self.
"TOPDigit amplitude [ADC counts]")
255 self.
"dV/dt [ADC counts / sample]")
257 self.
"dV/dt [ADC counts / sample]")
259 self.
"dV/dt [ADC counts / sample]")
261 self.
"dV/dt [ADC counts / sample]")
272 self.
"dV/dt_1 - dV/dt_2 [ADC counts / sample]")
275 self.
"dV/dt_1 - dV/dt_2 [ADC counts / sample]")
278 self.
"#Delta t [ns]")
280 self.
"#Delta t [ns]")
282 self.
"#Delta t [ns]")
284 self.
"#Delta t [ns]")
287 self.
"Global channel number [hwChannel + 512*(slotID-1)]")
290 self.
"Global channel number [hwChannel + 512*(slotID-1)]")
293 self.
"Global channel number [hwChannel + 512*(slotID-1)]")
296 self.
"Global channel number [hwChannel + 512*(slotID-1)]")
300 self.
"Average of dV/dt on first and second pulse [ACD counts / sample]")
304 self.
"Average of dV/dt on first and second pulse [ACD counts / sample]")
314 print(
'usage: basf2', argvs[0],
'runNumber outfileName')
320 runnumbers = sys.argv[5:]
323 for runnumber
in runnumbers:
324 files += [f
for f
in glob.glob(str(folder) +
'/*' + str(runnumber) +
328 for runnumber
in runnumbers:
329 files += [f
for f
in glob.glob(str(folder) +
'/*' + str(runnumber) +
332 print(
"file: " + fname)
334 if dbaddress !=
335 print(
"using local DB " + dbaddress)
336 b2.conditions.append_testing_payloads(dbaddress +
338 print(
"database not set. Continuing without calibrations")
341 b2.set_log_level(b2.LogLevel.ERROR)
344 b2.conditions.override_globaltags()
345 b2.conditions.append_globaltag(
348 main = b2.create_path()
352 roinput = b2.register_module(
354 roinput = b2.register_module(
355 roinput.param(
'inputFileNames', files)
356 main.add_module(roinput)
359 if datatype ==
360 print(
'pocket DAQ data assumed')
361 converter = b2.register_module(
362 main.add_module(converter)
365 main.add_module(
368 unpack = b2.register_module(
369 main.add_module(unpack)
372 featureExtractor = b2.register_module(
373 main.add_module(featureExtractor)
376 converter = b2.register_module(
377 if dbaddress ==
378 print(
"Not using TBC")
379 converter.param(
382 converter.param(
383 converter.param(
384 converter.param(
385 converter.param(
386 converter.param(
387 converter.param(
'calibrationChannel', -1)
388 converter.param(
'lookBackWindows', 28)
389 main.add_module(converter)
393 resolutionModule.setOutputName(outfile)
394 resolutionModule.setMinWidth(0.5)
395 resolutionModule.setMaxWidth(3.5)
396 resolutionModule.setMinAmp(150)
397 resolutionModule.setMaxAmp(999)
398 if dbaddress ==
399 resolutionModule.ignoreNotCalibrated(
401 resolutionModule.ignoreNotCalibrated(
402 main.add_module(resolutionModule)
405 progress = b2.register_module(
406 main.add_module(progress)
413 print(b2.statistics(b2.statistics.TERM))
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray.
DeltaT rising-rising.
bool m_ignoreNotCalibrated
ignores the hits wthout calibration
DeltaT rising-falling VS channel.
int m_calpulseMinAmp
minimum amplitude to flag a calpulse candidate
Width VS amplitude, first calibration pulse.
def setMinWidth(self, minWidth)
def ignoreNotCalibrated(self, ignoreNotCal)
DeltaT rising-rising VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulse.
DeltaT falling-falling.
def setOutputName(self, outputname)
DeltaT rising-falling.
output name
DeltaT resolution VS average of dV/dt (rising-rising)
Difference between the dV/dt of the first and the second calpulse, using the rising edges.
dV/dt on the falling edge, first calibration pulse
dV/dt on the falling edge, second calibration pulse
dV/dt on the rising edge VS dV/dt on the falling edge, first calibration pulse
DeltaT rising-rising VS channel.
def setMinAmp(self, minAmp)
output name
dV/dt on the rising edge, second calibration pulse
def setMaxWidth(self, maxWidth)
output name
int m_calpulseMaxAmp
minimum amplitude to flag a calpulse candidate
Difference between the dV/dt of the first and the second calpulse, using the rising edges.
DeltaT falling-rising.
string outname
output root file
DeltaT falling-falling VS average of dV/dt on the first and second pulse.
dV/dt on the rising edge, first calibration pulse
output name
DeltaT resolution VS average of dV/dt (falling-falling)
float m_calpulseMinWidth
minimum width to flag a calpulse candidate
DeltaT falling-falling VS channel.
dV/dt on the rising edge VS dV/dt on the falling edge, first calibration pulse
int m_calpulseMaxWidth
maximum width to flag a calpulse candidate
output name
DeltaT falling-rising VS channel.
def setMaxAmp(self, maxAmp)
Width VS amplitude, second calibration pulse.