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Belle II Software
Classes | |
class | AllParticleCombinerModule |
This module combines all particles of the provided list to one mother particle. More... | |
class | AnalysisConfigurationModule |
Class to hold general basf2 configuration Used to intiate and configure CreateAnalysis object. More... | |
class | BelleNbarMVAModule |
Apply nbarMVA for Belle I. More... | |
class | BestCandidateSelectionModule |
Ranks particles by the values of a variable. More... | |
class | EnergyBiasCorrectionModule |
Energy bias correction. More... | |
class | BelleBremRecoveryModule |
Brem recovery module (used in past belle analyses) This module add four vector of all the brem photon to the four vector associated to the charged particle. More... | |
class | BremsFinderModule |
Bremsstrahlung finder correction module For each lepton in the input particle list, this module copies it to the output particle list and uses the results of the eclTrackBremFinder module to look for a possible bremsstrahlung photon; if this photon exists, adds its four momentum to the leptons in the output list. More... | |
class | BtubeCreatorModule |
Create a B particle from a Bbar particle. More... | |
class | ChargedPidMVAModule |
This module evaluates the response of an MVA trained for binary charged particle identification between two hypotheses, S and B. More... | |
class | ChargedPidMVAMulticlassModule |
This module evaluates the response of a multi-class MVA trained for global charged particle identification. More... | |
class | ContinuumSuppressionBuilderModule |
Creates for each Particle in given ParticleList an ContinuumSuppression dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More... | |
class | CurlTaggerModule |
This module is designed to tag curl tracks. More... | |
class | DistanceCalculatorModule |
Calculates distance between two vertices, distance of closest approach between a vertex and a track, distance of closest approach between a vertex and Btube. More... | |
class | DuplicateVertexMarkerModule |
Identify duplicate vertices (distinct particles, but built from the same daughters) and mark the one with best chi2. More... | |
class | EventKinematicsModule |
Module to compute global quantities related to the event kinematics, like total missing energy and mass2, visible energy, etc. More... | |
class | EventShapeCalculatorModule |
Module to compute event shape variables starting from three lists of particle objects (tracks, gammas, Klongs). More... | |
class | ExtraInfoPrinterModule |
Prints the names of the ExtraInfos for a ParticleList or for the Event. More... | |
class | ExtraInfoRemoverModule |
This module deletes the extrainfo of each particle in the given ParticleLists. More... | |
class | FlavorTaggerInfoBuilderModule |
Creates for each Particle and RestOfEvent object in the DataStore a FlavorTaggerInfo dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More... | |
class | FlavorTaggerInfoFillerModule |
Creates a new flavorTaggerInfoMap DataObject for the specific methods. More... | |
class | HelixErrorScalerModule |
scale the error of helix parameters More... | |
class | InclusiveBtagReconstructionModule |
Inclusively reconstructs anti-B:tag from input ParticleLists for given B:sig . More... | |
class | Map2Vector |
Helper class to make a vector of all possible combinations of int numbers contained in the input vectors (passed as values in a map). More... | |
class | InclusiveDstarReconstructionModule |
Inclusive D* reconstruction module. More... | |
class | KlongDecayReconstructorExpertModule |
reco missing module More... | |
class | KlongMomentumCalculatorExpertModule |
reco missing module More... | |
class | KlongMomentumUpdaterExpertModule |
Calculate and update the two body B decay kinematics. More... | |
class | LowEnergyPi0IdentificationExpertModule |
Calculation of low-energy pi0 identification value. More... | |
class | LowEnergyPi0VetoExpertModule |
Calculation of low-energy pi0 veto value. More... | |
class | DecayTree< T > |
This is a helper class for the MCDecayFinderModule. More... | |
class | MCDecayFinderModule |
Find decays in MCParticle list matching a given DecayString. More... | |
class | MCMatcherParticlesModule |
MC matching module: module performs MC matching (sets the relation Particle -> MCParticle) for all particles and its (grand)^N-daughter particles in the user-specified ParticleList. More... | |
class | NeutralHadron4MomentumCalculatorModule |
Calculates 4-momentum of a neutral hadron in a given decay chain e.g. More... | |
class | NeutralHadronMatcherModule |
Module to geometrically match neutral hadrons (KL, neutrons) to ECL clusters. More... | |
class | OnlyWriteOutParticleListsModule |
Marks all objects in DataStore except those of type ParticleList as WrtieOut=False. More... | |
class | ParticleCombinerModule |
particle combiner module More... | |
class | ParticleCombinerFromMCModule |
particle combiner module More... | |
class | ParticleCopierModule |
Module for creating copies of Particles. More... | |
class | ParticleExtractorFromROEModule |
Extract particles from ROE and fill them in ParticleList. More... | |
class | ParticleListManipulatorModule |
Module for copying Particles (actually their indices) from two or more ParticleLists(s) to another ParticleList. More... | |
class | ParticleLoaderModule |
Loads MDST dataobjects as Particle objects to the StoreArray<Particle> and collects them in specified ParticleList. More... | |
class | ParticleMassUpdaterModule |
This module replaces the mass of the particles inside the given particleLists with the invariant mass of the particle corresponding to the given pdgCode. More... | |
class | ParticleMCDecayStringModule |
Adds the Monte Carlo decay string to a Particle. More... | |
class | ParticleMomentumUpdaterModule |
This module replaces the momentum of the Particle in the target particle list by p(beam) - p(selected daughters). More... | |
class | ParticlePrinterModule |
prints particle list to screen More... | |
class | ParticleSelectorModule |
Loops over all Particles in the ParticleList and removes those Particles from the ParticleList that do not pass given selection criteria. More... | |
class | ParticleStatsModule |
This module summarises the ParticleLists in the event. More... | |
class | ParticleVertexFitterModule |
Vertex fitter module. More... | |
class | ParticleWeightingModule |
Module to append weights from the database into the extraInfo of Particles. More... | |
class | ParticleWeightingLookUpCreatorModule |
Module that creates LookUpTable and upload it to the DB. More... | |
class | PhotonEfficiencySystematicsModule |
Adds Photon Detection Efficiency Data/MC ratios To Particle List. More... | |
class | Pi0VetoEfficiencySystematicsModule |
Adds Pi0Veto Efficiency Data/MC ratios To Particle List. More... | |
class | PIDCalibrationWeightCreatorModule |
Module that creates WeightMatrix and uploads it to the DB. More... | |
class | PIDNeuralNetworkParametersCreatorModule |
Module that creates PID neural network parameters and uploads them to the DB. More... | |
class | PostMergeUpdaterModule |
If the content of two DataStores are merged using the 'MergeDataStoreModule', several kinematic properties might need fix. More... | |
class | PrintMCParticlesModule |
The PrintMCParticles module. More... | |
class | PseudoVertexFitterModule |
Pseudo Vertex fitter module. More... | |
class | RemoveParticlesNotInListsModule |
Removes all Particles that are not in a given list of ParticleLists (or daughters of those). More... | |
class | RestOfEventBuilderModule |
Creates for each Particle in given ParticleList an RestOfEvent (ROE) dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More... | |
class | RestOfEventInterpreterModule |
Creates a mask (vector of boolean values) for tracks and clusters in RestOfEvent regarding their usage. More... | |
class | RestOfEventPrinterModule |
prints ROE information and masks to screen More... | |
class | RestOfEventUpdaterModule |
Updates an existing mask (map of boolean values) for tracks or eclClusters in RestOfEvent with an available property (e.g. More... | |
class | SelectDaughtersModule |
Redefine (select) the daughters of a particle. More... | |
class | SignalSideParticleFilterModule |
The module returns true if the current RestOfEvent object is related to any of the Particles in the input ParticleLists. More... | |
class | SignalSideParticleListCreatorModule |
The module creates a ParticleList and fills it with one of the daughter Particles. More... | |
class | SignalSideVariablesToDaughterExtraInfoModule |
The module writes properties (values of specified variables) of the particle related to the current ROE as an ExtraInfo to the single particle in the input ParticleList. More... | |
class | SignalSideVariablesToExtraInfoModule |
The module writes property of single particle found in the input ParticleList as an ExtraInfo to the Particle related to the current ROE. More... | |
class | SkimFilterModule |
This module filters events based on presence of candidates in a list of ParticleLists. More... | |
class | TagUniqueSignalModule |
Loops through the particle list finds a unique signal candidate for each event. More... | |
class | TagVertexModule |
Tag side Vertex Fitter module for modular analysis. More... | |
struct | ParticleAndWeight |
this struct is used to store and sort the tag tracks More... | |
class | TauDecayMarkerModule |
Module to identify generated tau pair decays, using MCParticle information. More... | |
class | TauDecayModeModule |
Module to classify tau decay events according to a mapping given by the user or with a default mapping based on the TauolaBelle2 decay list. More... | |
class | TrackFitResultEstimatorModule |
Create a TrackFitResult from the momentum of a Particle and make a relation between them. More... | |
class | TrackingEfficiencyModule |
This set of module is designed for tracking systematics studies. More... | |
class | TrackingMomentumModule |
Tracking momentum systematics. More... | |
class | TrackIsoCalculatorModule |
Calculate track isolation variables on the input ParticleList. More... | |
class | TreeFitterModule |
Module to fit an entire decay tree. More... | |
class | UdstListFilterModule |
Module to filter udst content based on a particle list. More... | |
class | V0DaughterMassUpdaterModule |
This module replaces the mass of two daughters of the selected V0 particles inside the given particleLists with masses of given pdgCode. More... | |
class | VariablesToEventBasedTreeModule |
Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a TTree. More... | |
class | VariablesToEventExtraInfoModule |
For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an event-extra-info field with the given name, Can be used to save MC truth information, for example, in a ntuple of reconstructed particles. More... | |
class | VariablesToExtraInfoModule |
For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an extra-info field with the given name, Can be used when wanting to save variables before modifying them, e.g. More... | |
class | VariablesToHistogramModule |
Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into an Histogram. More... | |
class | VariablesToNtupleModule |
Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a ROOT TTree. More... | |
class | VariableToReturnValueModule |
Module to calculate variable specified by the user and set return value accordingly. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::tuple< double, double > | BinLimitsTuple |
Currently, std::pair can not be retrieved from python list We will get ParticleWeightingLookUpTable entries with tuples and transform tuples to pairs here. More... | |
typedef std::map< std::string, BinLimitsTuple > | NDBinTuple |
the NDimensional tuple of bin limits | |
typedef std::tuple< WeightInfo, NDBinTuple > | noIdEntry |
the ID | |
typedef std::tuple< noIdEntry, double > | specificIDEntry |
the specific ID | |
typedef std::vector< noIdEntry > | listOfNoIdEntries |
List of entries for table to be created from without specified ID. | |
typedef std::vector< specificIDEntry > | listOfSpecificIDEntries |
List of entries for table to be created from with specified ID. | |
Functions | |
DecayTree () | |
Default constructor. | |
~DecayTree () | |
Destructor. | |
std::vector< DecayTree< T > * > | getDaughters () const |
Return list of decay daughters. More... | |
T * | getObj () const |
Return the decaying object itself, e.g. More... | |
void | setObj (T *obj) |
Set the decaying object, e.g. More... | |
void | append (DecayTree< T > *t) |
Add a daughter, which is a DecayTree itself. More... | |
typedef std::tuple<double, double> BinLimitsTuple |
Currently, std::pair can not be retrieved from python list We will get ParticleWeightingLookUpTable entries with tuples and transform tuples to pairs here.
the tuple of bin limits
Definition at line 27 of file ParticleWeightingLookUpCreatorModule.h.
void append | ( | DecayTree< T > * | t | ) |
Add a daughter, which is a DecayTree itself.
Append a daughter.
Definition at line 79 of file DecayTree.h.
std::vector< DecayTree< T > * > getDaughters |
Return list of decay daughters.
Return a vector of daughters.
Definition at line 58 of file DecayTree.h.
T * getObj |
Return the decaying object itself, e.g.
Return the main object.
an MCParticle.
Definition at line 65 of file DecayTree.h.
void setObj | ( | T * | obj | ) |
Set the decaying object, e.g.
Set the main object.
an MCParticle.
Definition at line 72 of file DecayTree.h.