Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
reconstruction modules
Collaboration diagram for reconstruction modules:


class  CDCDedxCorrectionModule
 This module may be used to apply the corrections to dE/dx per the calibration constants. More...
class  CDCDedxDQMModule
 This module to design collect CDC dEdx monitoring for DQM and only minimal information are stored. More...
class  CDCDedxElectronCollectorModule
 A collector module for CDC dE/dx electron calibrations. More...
class  CDCDedxPIDModule
 Extract CDC dE/dx information from fitted tracks. More...
class  CDCDedxScanModule
 This class performs the same function as CDCDedxPIDModule, but does so without using real objects from basf2. More...
class  DedxPoint
 A collection of classes that are useful for making a simple path length correction to the dE/dx measurement for each hit in a CDC cell. More...
class  DedxLine
 A class to hold the endpoints and slope of a line. More...
class  DedxDriftCell
 A class to hold the geometry of a cell. More...
class  CDCDedxSkimModule
 This module may be used to skim a data sample according to a specific set of cuts. More...
class  CDCDedxSkimCDSTModule
 Extracts dE/dx information for calibration testing. More...
class  CDCDedxValidationModule
 First version commited on Feb 21 2019 Extracts dE/dx information for validation and writes a ROOT file. More...
class  ClusterMatcherModule
 Match KLM Clusters to close ECL Clusters. More...
class  DetectorOccupanciesDQMModule
 DQM Module for basic detector quantities before the HLT filter. More...
class  EventsOfDoomBusterModule
 Module that flags an event destined for doom at reconstruction, based on the size of selected hits/digits containers after the unpacking. More...
class  EventT0CombinerModule
 Module to combine the EventT0 values from multiple sub-detectors. More...
class  EventT0DQMModule
 This module to design collect the event t0 values base on different detectors and physics processes. More...
class  HitLevelInfoWriterModule
 Extracts dE/dx information for calibration testing. More...
class  DataWriterModule
 Module to write Ntuples for KlId BKG classifier training. More...
class  ECLExpertModule
 Module to perform the ECL Klong ID classification. More...
class  KLMExpertModule
 Module to perform the KLM KlId classification. More...
class  KlongValidationModule
 Module used by the validation server to generate root files for the validation. More...
class  MdstPIDModule
 a module to fill PIDLikelihoods More...
class  PIDNtupleModule
 makes PID ntuple from mdst input More...
class  HelixHelper
 Helper class representing a helical track. More...
class  VXDDedxPIDModule
 Extract dE/dx from fitted tracks. More...


static ROOT::Math::XYZVector minimize_distance_to_point
 user supplied point we're trying to find the nearest helix point to
static ROOT::Math::XYZVector minimize_distance_to_line_a
 first user supplied line we're trying to find the nearest helix point to
static ROOT::Math::XYZVector minimize_distance_to_line_b
 second user supplied line we're trying to find the nearest helix point to
static HelixHelper const * helix_object
 keep a 'this' pointer around for minimization

Detailed Description