Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
simulation modules
Collaboration diagram for simulation modules:


class  ROIfindingConditionFromDBModule
 Module which sets its return value based on the payload whether ROI-finding was enabled for the given run/exp interval or not. More...
class  FullSimModule
 The full Geant4 simulation module. More...
class  FullSimTimingModule
 Provide more detailled timing info for FullSim module. More...
class  MaterialScanBase
 Base class for Material Scans. More...
class  MaterialScan2D
 Base class to create a Material Scan of the detector geometry. More...
class  MaterialScanSpherical
 Specific implementation of MaterialScan to do Spherical scanning. More...
class  MaterialScanPlanar
 Specific implementaion of MaterialScan to scan parallel to a given plane. More...
class  MaterialScanRay
 MaterialScan implementation to shoot one ray along a defined direction and record the Material as a function of travel depth. More...
class  MaterialScanModule
 The MaterialScan module. More...
class  SimulateEventLevelTriggerTimeInfoModule
 Module to create the EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo that stores information from the Trigger Timing Distribution (TTD) Will not be registered if it already exists as we want to use the EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo from the BG Overlay For now this module creates just an empty object (flag is set to indicate that it is invalid) More...

Detailed Description