| MaterialScanPlanar (TFile *rootFile, const G4ThreeVector &origin, const G4ThreeVector &dirU, const G4ThreeVector &dirV, const ScanParams ¶ms) |
| Create a Planar Scan object with the given parameters. More...
bool | createNext (G4ThreeVector &origin, G4ThreeVector &direction) override |
| Get the origin and direction for the next scan particle. More...
int | getNRays () const override |
| Return the number of rays in this scan.
void | UserSteppingAction (const G4Step *step) override |
| Record the material budget for each step of the particles.
std::string | getName () const |
| Return the name of the scan.
void | getRay (G4ThreeVector &origin, G4ThreeVector &direction) override |
| Create a ray with the current parameter values according to a planar distribution.
TH2D * | getHistogram (const std::string &name) |
| get histogram for a given name, create if needed. More...
void | fillValue (const std::string &name, double value) |
| Fill the recorded material budget into the corresponding histogram. More...
bool | checkStep (const G4Step *step) |
| check for stuck tracks by looking at the step length
G4ThreeVector | m_origin |
| Origin of the scan plane.
G4ThreeVector | m_dirU |
| u direction of the scan plane
G4ThreeVector | m_dirV |
| v direction of the scan plane
G4ThreeVector | m_dirW |
| direction perpendicluar to u and v
ScanParams | m_params |
| Parameters for the scan.
double | m_curU |
| Current value of the parametetr u.
double | m_stepU |
| Stepsize for the parameter u.
double | m_curV |
| Current value of the parametetr v.
double | m_stepV |
| Stepsize for the parameter v.
double | m_curDepth |
| Tracklength of the current Ray.
std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< TH2D > > | m_regions |
| Map holding pointers to all created histograms.
TFile * | m_rootFile |
| Pointer to the root file for the histograms.
std::string | m_name |
| Name of the scan, will be prefixed to all histogram names.
std::string | m_axisLabel |
| Labels for the coordinate axes.
Specific implementaion of MaterialScan to scan parallel to a given plane.
Particles will be created in a grid on the given plane and will be traced perpendicluar to that plane The plane is defined by one origin and the directions of the grid coordinates u and v. The flight direction is determined by the cross product between the u and v axis.
Definition at line 202 of file MaterialScan.h.