Belle II Software
Modules | |
svd data objects | |
svd modules | |
Classes | |
class | SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibration calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the cluster time computed with the 3-sample CoG. More... | |
class | SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibration calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the cluster time computed with the 3-sample ELS. More... | |
class | SVDChargeSimulationCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access SVD simulation calibrations; coupling constants and Geant4 electron weight. More... | |
class | SVDClustering |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the calibration of the cluster reconstruction. More... | |
class | SVDClusterTimeShifterAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDClusterTimeShifter algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCoGOnlyErrorScaleFactors |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the scaling factors for the CoGOnly position algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCoGOnlyPositionError |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD position error parameters and provide the position error for the CoGOnly algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCoGTimeCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDCoGTimeCalibration calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCoGTimeCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the strip time computed with the CoG. More... | |
class | SVDCrossTalkCalibrationsAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDCrossTalkCalibrations calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCrossTalkStripsCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access strips which are masked at FADC level. More... | |
class | SVDDatabaseImporter |
This class import to the database the dbobjects SVDNoiseCalibrations and SVDPulseShapeCalibrations. More... | |
class | SVDDetectorConfigurationImporter |
This class import to the database the dbobjects SVDGlobalConfigParameters and SVDLocalConfigParameters. More... | |
class | SVDFADCMaskedStrips |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access strips which are masked at FADC level. More... | |
class | SVDHitTimeSelection |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the calibration of the cluster reconstruction. More... | |
class | SVDHotStripsCalibrations |
This class defines the wrapper to retrieve the the list of the hot strips flgged offline. More... | |
class | SVDHotStripsCalibrationsAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDHotStripsCalibrations calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDLocalCalibrationsImporter |
This class import to the database the dbobjects storing the SVD Local Calibrations. More... | |
class | SVDMCClusterPositionFudgeFactor |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD cluster position fudge factors for the SVDClusterizer module. More... | |
class | SVDMCClusterTimeFudgeFactor |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD time fudge factors for MC reconstruction. More... | |
class | SVDNoiseCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs. More... | |
class | SVDOccupancyCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs. More... | |
class | SVDOccupancyCalibrationsAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDOccupancyCalibrations calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDOldDefaultErrorScaleFactors |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the scaling factors for the OldDefault position algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDPedestalCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs. More... | |
class | SVDPulseShapeCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to calibrate the SVDShaperDigit: the charge, the ADC counts, the peaking time and the width. More... | |
class | SVDTimeValidationAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDTimeValidation algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCalibrationsBase< T > |
base class for calibrations classes More... | |
class | SVDCalibrationsBitmap |
class for digital (0/1) calibration values per srtip More... | |
class | SVDCalibrationsScalar< T > |
template class for scalar (one per side) calibrations More... | |
class | SVDCalibrationsVector< T > |
template class for vector (one per strip) calibrations More... | |
struct | SVDChargeSimCal |
contains the simulation calibration parameters More... | |
struct | SVDClusterCuts |
contains the clustering parameters More... | |
class | SVDClusterTimeShifter |
This class store the shift in svd time w.r.t. More... | |
class | SVDCoGCalibrationFunction |
class to contain the CoG Time calibrations More... | |
class | SVDCoolingPipesPar |
The Class for SVD Cooling Pipes. More... | |
class | SVDEndringsTypePar |
The Class for SVD Endring Type. More... | |
class | SVDEndringsPar |
The Class for SVD Endring. More... | |
class | SVDGeometryPar |
The Class for VXD geometry. More... | |
class | SVDGlobalConfigParameters |
This class defines the payload which stores to the central DB the SVD global configuring parameters, and the methods to import and retrieve these parameters. More... | |
class | SVDHitTimeSelectionFunction |
class to contain the cut on svd hit time at SP creation step More... | |
class | SVDLocalConfigParameters |
This class defines the payload which stores to the central DB the SVD local configuring parameters, and the methods to import and retrieve these parameters. More... | |
class | SVDLocalRunBadStrips |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access the information on bad strips flagged during local runs. More... | |
class | SVDMCFudgeFactorFunction |
class to contain the MC fudge factor formulae More... | |
struct | SVDPosErrScaleFactors |
contains the scaling factors for the cluster position error More... | |
class | SVDPositionErrorFunction |
class to contain the Cluster Position Error Formulae More... | |
class | SVDRecoConfiguration |
This class store the reconstruction configuration of SVD. More... | |
class | SVDSensorInfoPar |
The Class for VXD geometry. More... | |
class | SVDSpacePointSNRFractionSelector |
class to contain the cut on SVDSpacePoint More... | |
struct | SVDStripCalAmp |
contains the parameter of the APV pulse More... | |
class | SVDSupportBoxPar |
The Class for SVD Support Box. More... | |
class | SVDSupportTabPar |
The Class for SVD Support Rib Tab. More... | |
class | SVDEndmountPar |
The Class for SVD Support Rib Endmounts. More... | |
class | SVDSupportRibsPar |
The Class for SVD Support Ribs (one layer) More... | |
struct | SVDTimeGroupingParameters |
structure containing the relevant informations of SVDTimeGrouping module More... | |
class | SVDTimeGroupingConfiguration |
This class store the reconstruction configuration of SVDTimeGrouping module. More... | |
class | SVDIgnoredStripsMap |
This class provides a list of ignored (=cold, hot or otherwise deffective) strips for the use in SVD data reconstruction. More... | |
class | SVDOnlineToOfflineMap |
This class implements the methods to map raw SVD hits to basf2 SVD hits. More... | |
class | SVDStripNoiseMap |
strip noise map More... | |
class | SVDRecoHit |
SVDRecoHit - an extended form of SVDHit containing geometry information. More... | |
class | SVDRecoHit2D |
SVDRecoHit - an extended form of SVDHit containing geometry information. More... | |
Functions | |
double | singleGaus (const double *x, const double *par) |
Single gaus function, where N is a normalization constant, a is the mean of the Gaus distribution, b is the standard deviation of the Gaus distribution, e is a constant. More... | |
double | doubleGaus (const double *x, const double *par) |
Double gaus function, where N is a normalization constant, f is the fractional contribution of the first gaus distribution, a is the mean of the first gaus distribution, b is the standard deviation of the first gaus distribution, c is the mean of the second gaus distribution, d is the standard deviation of the second gaus distribution, e is a constant. More... | |
inline |
Double gaus function, where N is a normalization constant, f is the fractional contribution of the first gaus distribution, a is the mean of the first gaus distribution, b is the standard deviation of the first gaus distribution, c is the mean of the second gaus distribution, d is the standard deviation of the second gaus distribution, e is a constant.
x | indipendent variable of the function |
par | parameters of the function |
Definition at line 86 of file SVDClusterTimeShifterAlgorithm.h.
inline |
Single gaus function, where N is a normalization constant, a is the mean of the Gaus distribution, b is the standard deviation of the Gaus distribution, e is a constant.
x | indipendent variable of the function |
par | parameters of the function |
Definition at line 65 of file SVDClusterTimeShifterAlgorithm.h.