Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
SVDPosErrScaleFactors Struct Referencefinal

contains the scaling factors for the cluster position error More...

#include <SVDPosErrScaleFactors.h>

Public Member Functions

float getCorrectedValue (float raw_error, int size) const
 returns the corrected cluster position error
 ClassDef (SVDPosErrScaleFactors, 2)
 needed by root

Public Attributes

float scaleError_clSize1 = 1
 position error scale factor for cluster size = 1
float scaleError_clSize2 = 1
 position error scale factor for cluster size = 2
float scaleError_clSize3 = 1
 position error scale factor for cluster size = 3
float scaleError_clSize4 = 1
 position error scale factor for cluster size = 4
float scaleError_clSize5 = 1
 position error scale factor for cluster size > 4

Detailed Description

contains the scaling factors for the cluster position error

Definition at line 18 of file SVDPosErrScaleFactors.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: