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Belle II Software
Classes | |
class | BeamSpotCollectorModule |
This collects the track parameters of the mu+mu- events for calibration of the BeamSpot using CAF and AirFlow. More... | |
class | BoostVectorCollectorModule |
This collects the track parameters and momenta of the mu+mu- events for calibration of the BoostVector using CAF and AirFlow. More... | |
class | CDCToSVDSpacePointCKFModule |
Combinatorical Kalman Filter used for extrapolating CDC tracks into SVD and create merged tracks. More... | |
class | CDCToSVDSeedCKFModule |
Seed-finding combinatorical Kalman Filter that combines every RecoTrack with every SVD track, then filters the combinations. More... | |
class | ToPXDCKFModule |
Combinatorical Kalman Filter that extrapolates every RecoTrack into the PXD and collects space points. More... | |
class | ToCDCCKFModule |
Combinatorical Kalman Filter that extrapolates every RecoTrack into the CDC and collects wire hits. More... | |
class | ToCDCFromEclCKFModule |
Combinatorical Kalman Filter that extrapolates every ECLShower into the CDC and collects wire hits. More... | |
class | CosmicsTrackMergerFindlet |
Links tracks based on a filter criterion. It is based on the TrackLinker in the TF_CDC package. More... | |
class | CosmicsTrackMergerModule |
Module linking tracks based on their Phi parameter. More... | |
class | PhiRecoTrackRelationFilter |
Relation filter that lets only possibilities with small phi distance pass. More... | |
class | DATCONModule |
DATCON module which implementation is close to the one actually used on the FPGA. More... | |
class | EcmsCollectorModule |
Collector for the collision energy calibration based on the hadronic modes. More... | |
class | SVDEventT0EstimatorModule |
This module estimates the EventT0 as the average of cluster time of SVD clusters associated to tracks. More... | |
class | DriftLengthBasedT0ExtractorModule |
Module implementation using only the drift lengths. More... | |
class | Chi2BasedT0ExtractorModule |
Module implementation using only the chi2. More... | |
class | FullGridChi2TrackTimeExtractorModule |
Module implementation using only the chi2. More... | |
class | FullGridDriftLengthTrackTimeExtractorModule |
Module implementation using the drift length and the chi2. More... | |
class | CDCHitBasedT0ExtractionModule |
Module implementation using the CDCHitBasedT0Extractor. More... | |
class | ExtModule |
The geant4e-based track extrapolation module. More... | |
class | BaseRecoFitterModule |
A base class for all modules that implement a fitter for reco tracks. More... | |
class | DAFRecoFitterModule |
DAF fitter. More... | |
class | FittedTracksStorerModule |
A module to copy only the fitted reco tracks to the output store array. More... | |
class | KalmanRecoFitterModule |
Kalman fitter. More... | |
class | RecoTrackCreatorModule |
Module turning trackCands to reco tracks (will be unneeded once we create reco tracks from the beginning) More... | |
class | BaseTrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Base Module estimating the track time of RecoTracks - before or after the fit. More... | |
class | IPTrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Base Module estimating the track time of RecoTracks - before or after the fit. More... | |
class | PlaneTriggerTrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Module estimating the track time of RecoTracks - before or after the fit. More... | |
class | RadiusTrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Module estimating the track time of RecoTracks - before or after the fit. More... | |
class | FlippedRecoTracksMergerModule |
Module to merge the original and flipped RecoTracks. More... | |
class | FlipQualityModule |
This module can be used for applying the MVA filters and get the 2 flipping QIs. More... | |
class | RegisterEventLevelTrackingInfoModule |
Module to create the EventLevelTrackingInfo that is used to set general tracking-related flags. More... | |
class | Geant4MaterialInterface |
AbsMaterialInterface implementation for use with Geant4's navigator. More... | |
class | SetupGenfitExtrapolationModule |
Setup material handling and magnetic fields for use by genfit's extrapolation code (RKTrackRep). More... | |
class | Geant4MaterialInterfaceExceptioHandler |
This class implements a custom exception handler for Geant4 which is used to record whether a critical exception occurred when calling the G4Navigator. More... | |
class | G4SafeNavigator |
Guards against leaving the physical volume. More... | |
class | GenfitVisModule |
Visualize genfit::Tracks using the genfit::EventDisplay. More... | |
class | BeamSpotMonitorModule |
Module for the monitoring of the BeamSpot position and size. More... | |
class | Chi2MCTrackMatcherModule |
Monte Carlo matcher using the helix parameters for matching by chi2-method. More... | |
class | MCRecoTracksMatcherModule |
This module compares tracks generated by some pattern recognition algorithm for PXD, SVD and CDC to ideal Monte Carlo tracks and performs a matching from the former to the underlying MCParticles. More... | |
class | MCV0MatcherModule |
A module matching the V0s from the mcV0Matcher to MC particles. More... | |
class | TrackToMCParticleRelatorModule |
A module to set relations from Track to MCParticle via the RecoTrack the Track is related to. More... | |
class | MCTrackCandClassifierModule |
The MCTrackCandClassifier Definition Module. More... | |
class | MuidModule |
The geant4e-based muon identification module. More... | |
class | PruneGenfitTracksModule |
Module to prune genfit::Tracks. More... | |
class | PruneRecoHitsModule |
Module to prune RecoTracks. More... | |
class | PruneRecoTracksModule |
Module to prune RecoTracks. More... | |
class | MCSlowPionPXDROICreatorModule |
The MCSlowPionPXDROICreatorModule module Create artificial ROI just for PXDDigits from slow pions from D* decays on MC information. More... | |
class | PXDclusterFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDCluster inside the ROIs. More... | |
class | PXDdigiFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDDigit inside the ROIs, thus simulating "ONSEN" ROI selection. More... | |
class | PXDRawHitFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDRawHit inside the ROIs. More... | |
class | PXDROIFinderAnalysisModule |
The PXD Data Reduction Analysis Module. More... | |
class | PXDROIFinderModule |
The PXD ROI Finder Module. More... | |
class | ROIDQMModule |
The HLT ROI DQM module. More... | |
class | ROIGeneratorModule |
The ROI generator Module. More... | |
class | ROIPayloadAssemblerModule |
The ROI Payload Assembler Module. More... | |
class | ROIReadTestModule |
The ROI to ONSEN Module. More... | |
class | ROISenderModule |
The ROI to ONSEN Module. More... | |
class | PXDSVDCutModule |
The module to deactivate the SpacePointTrackCandidates with less than minSVDSPs SVD SpacePoints. More... | |
class | RecoTrackParticleLoaderModule |
Takes fitted RecoTracks and creates Particles from them directly, skipping the step of creating Tracks and TrackFitResults. More... | |
class | RecoTracksCopierModule |
Module to copy RecoTracks. More... | |
class | RecoTracksReverterModule |
Module to revert RecoTracks. More... | |
class | CDCCKFTracksCombinerModule |
Module to combine RecoTracks. More... | |
class | MCRelationCreatorModule |
Module to combine RecoTracks. More... | |
class | RecoTrackStoreArrayCombinerModule |
Module to combine RecoTracks. More... | |
class | RelatedTracksCombinerModule |
Module to combine RecoTracks. More... | |
class | CurlingTrackCandSplitterModule |
Module for checking SpacePointTrackCandidates for curling behaviour and splitting them into Track Candidate Stubs (each of them being a SpacePointTrackCand again) which do not show curling behaviour. More... | |
class | GFTC2SPTCConverterModule |
Module for converting genfit::TrackCands to SpacePointTrackCands. More... | |
class | PhaseSpaceAnalysisModule |
Module for analysing the phase space of genfit::TrackCand(s) and SpacePointTrackCand(s) NOTE: this is just a very simple module that takes the MCParticleID of any TC and collects some information from them. More... | |
class | RT2SPTCConverterModule |
Module for converting RecoTracks to SpacePointTrackCands. More... | |
struct | TrueHitInfo |
helper struct that holds information that is needed for the registration of the relation between SpacePoint and TrueHit More... | |
class | SpacePoint2TrueHitConnectorModule |
Module that tries to register a relation between SpacePoints and TrueHits, hence making some MC Information easily accesible for other modules working with SpacePoints (e.g. More... | |
class | simpleBitfield< T > |
helper class for setting up a bitfield that can be used to store several flags in one variable TODO: move this from this header (possibly to some helperStuff header) and make some tests! More... | |
class | SpacePointCreatorTestModule |
Tester module for the validity of the SpacePointCreatorModule. More... | |
class | SPTC2GFTCConverterModule |
Module for converting SpacePointTrackCands to genfit::SpacePointTrackCands. More... | |
class | SPTCmomentumSeedRetrieverModule |
A module for creating momentum seeds for spacepoint track candidates. More... | |
class | SPTCRefereeModule |
Module that does some sanity checks on SpacePointTrackCands that have been created by conversion from genfit::TrackCands by the TrackFinderMCTruth (or any other for that matter) More... | |
class | SPTCvirtualIPRemoverModule |
A module for checking and removing the virtual IP if wanted. More... | |
class | TCConvertersTestModule |
Module for testing if the converting Modules do their job as intened. More... | |
struct | ParticleProperties |
This struct is used by the StandardTrackingPerformanceModule to save information of reconstructed tracks. More... | |
class | StoreArray< T > |
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store. More... | |
class | StandardTrackingPerformanceModule |
This module takes the MCParticle and the genfit::Track collection as input and writes out a root file with some information of the reconstructed tracks. More... | |
class | SVDROIDQMModule |
Creates basic DQM for ROI creation on ExpressReco More... | |
class | SVDROIFinderAnalysisDataModule |
The Module evaluates the efficiency on SVD based on the number of empty ROIs. More... | |
class | SVDROIFinderAnalysisModule |
This module performs the analysis of the SVD data reduction module performances More... | |
class | SVDROIFinderModule |
The SVD ROI Finder Module. More... | |
class | SVDShaperDigitFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of SVDShaperDigit inside the ROIs. More... | |
class | TrackCreatorModule |
Takes RecoTracks coming from the event reconstructions and fits them with the configured list of particles hypothesis and stores the result in MDST-usable Belle2::Track and Belle2::TrackFitResult classes. More... | |
class | ParallelTrackFilterModule |
Generates a new StoreArray from the input StoreArray which contains only tracks that meet the specified criteria. More... | |
class | TrackFilterModule |
generates a new StoreArray from the input StoreArray which has all specified Tracks removed More... | |
class | TrackFinderMCTruthRecoTracksModule |
This module uses the simulated truth information (MCParticles and their relations) to determine which hits belong to which particles and writes track candidates filled with necessary information into the DataStore. More... | |
class | CollectorTestModule |
CollectorTestModules. More... | |
class | StudyMaterialEffectsModule |
StudyMaterialEffectsModule. More... | |
class | TrackDQMEventProcessor |
The purpose of this class is to process one event() in TrackDQMModule. More... | |
class | TrackDQMModule |
DQM of tracks their momentum, Number of hits in tracks, Number of tracks. More... | |
class | TrackingAbortDQMModule |
Tracking DQM Module to monitor aborts & background conditions before the HLT filter. More... | |
class | TrackingExpressRecoDQMModule |
Tracking ExpressReco DQM. More... | |
class | TrackingHLTDQMModule |
Tracking HLT DQM. More... | |
class | EffPlotsModule |
This module takes the MCParticles, the RecoTracks and Tracks/V0 in input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the efficiencies (as a function of different variables) of the V0 finding module. More... | |
class | FillTrackFitNtupleModule |
This module takes the Tracks and the RecoTrack input and produce a root file containing an nutple showing the track fit members in parallel for different particle hypotheses. More... | |
class | HitXPModule |
This module from a data root file builds a tree of hitXP (see the class to know all the informations contained). More... | |
class | PerformanceEvaluationBaseClass |
This module takes the MCParticles, the genfit Tracks, the genfit TrackCand, and the MCTrackCands input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the performance of the tracking package: fitter, pattern recongnition algorithms. More... | |
class | TrackingPerformanceEvaluationModule |
This module takes the MCParticles, the Tracks, the RecoTrack, and the MCRecoTracks input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the performance of the tracking package: fitter, pattern recongnition algorithms. More... | |
class | V0findingPerformanceEvaluationModule |
This module takes the MCParticles, the V0 candidates input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the performance of the V0 finding module. More... | |
class | TrackQETrainingDataCollectorModule |
Quality Estimator Data Collector Module to collect data for a MVA training using VXDQE_teacher.py. More... | |
class | TrackQualityEstimatorMVAModule |
Quality estimation module for SpacePointTrackCandidates using multivariate analysis (MVA). More... | |
class | AddVXDTrackCandidateSubSetsModule |
Module that creates additional candidates that each miss a different SpacePoint. More... | |
class | BestVXDFamilyCandidateSelectorModule |
Module that selects the best candidate for each SPTC family. More... | |
class | BestVXDTrackCandidatesSelectorModule |
Module that selects a subset with a fixed size x out of all SpacePointTrackCandidates. More... | |
class | SVDOverlapResolverModule |
SVD overlap resolver module. More... | |
class | TrackSetEvaluatorGreedyDEVModule |
The Greedy algoritm Track-set-evaluator. More... | |
class | TrackSetEvaluatorHopfieldNNDEVModule |
The Hopfield algoritm Trackset Evaluator. More... | |
class | VXDTrackCandidatesQualityIndicatorCutterModule |
Module that selects a subset with a fixed minimum qualityIndicator out of all SpacePointTrackCandidates. More... | |
class | TrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Computes the track time, defined as the difference between the average of SVD clusters time and the SVDEvent T0. More... | |
class | V0FinderModule |
V0 finder module. More... | |
class | MCVXDCDCTrackMergerFindlet |
Findlet for merging VXD and CDC tracks with MC information. More... | |
class | MCVXDCDCTrackMergerModule |
This module merges tracks which are reconstructed, separately, in the silicon (PXD+VXD) and in the CDC using MC. More... | |
class | StoreArrayMerger |
This findlet has helper function to. More... | |
class | VXDCDCTrackMergerModule |
VXDCDCTrackMergerModule a module to merge VXD and CDC tracks. More... | |
class | SVDHoughTrackingModule |
Full Hough Transformation based SVD track finding. More... | |
class | OverlapResidualsModule |
The module studies VXD hits from overlapping sensors of a same VXD layer. More... | |
class | RawSecMapMergerModule |
The RawSecMapMergerModule. More... | |
class | SecMapTrainerBaseModule |
The SecMapTrainerBaseModule this module analyzes a big number of events (pGun or evtGen) to create raw sectorMaps which are needed for the VXDTF 2.0. More... | |
class | SecMapTrainerVXDTFModule |
The SecMapTrainerVXDTFModule this module analyzes a big number of events (pGun or evtGen) to create raw sectorMaps which are needed for the VXDTF. More... | |
class | VXDSimpleClusterizerModule |
Module to convert TrueHits into Clusters using a simplified process. More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorVXDModule |
Quality estimation module for SpacePointTrackCandidates. More... | |
class | VXDQETrainingDataCollectorModule |
VXD Quality Estimator Data Collector Module to collect data for a MVA training using VXDQE_teacher.py. More... | |
class | VXDQualityEstimatorMVAModule |
Quality estimation module for SpacePointTrackCandidates using multivariate analysis (MVA). More... | |
class | FastBDTClassifierAnalyzerModule |
Module to evaluate a trained fastBDT. More... | |
class | FastBDTClassifierTrainingModule |
Module for collecting the data and training a FastBDT classifier. More... | |
class | MLSegmentNetworkProducerModule |
Segment network producer module with a Machine Learning classifier. More... | |
class | NoKickCutsEvalModule |
This module evaluate the cuts used to select the training sample of the SectorMap. More... | |
class | SectorMapBootstrapModule |
The SegmentFilterConverterModule is a module able to read the cutoff values for filtering the Segments written in the xml gear box and write it in the new redesigned format. More... | |
class | SegmentNetworkAnalyzerModule |
class for analyzing the contents of the SegmentNetwork More... | |
class | SegmentNetworkProducerModule |
The Segment Network Producer Module. More... | |
class | SPTC2RTConverterModule |
Module turning SpacePointsTrackCands to RecoTracks. More... | |
class | TrackFinderVXDBasicPathFinderModule |
The TrackFinderVXDBasicPathFinder is a low momentum Si-only trackfinder. More... | |
class | TrackFinderVXDCellOMatModule |
The TrackFinderVXDCellOMatModule is a low momentum Si-only trackfinder. More... | |
class | TrackFinderVXDCosmicsStandaloneModule |
The TrackFinderVXDCosmicsStandaloneModule Track finder for linear cosmic tracks measured by the VXD without magnetic field and without other subdetectors. More... | |
class | VXDTFTrainingDataCollectorModule |
The VXDTFTrainingDataCollectorModule. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | CellularRecoTrack = TrackFindingCDC::WithAutomatonCell< const RecoTrack * > |
Type of a reco track with automaton cell. | |
Functions | |
std::string | getClassMnemomicParameterName (const CellularRecoTrack *dispatchTag) |
Returns a short name for class CellularRecoTrack to be used in names of parameters. | |
std::string | getClassMnemomicParameterDescription (const CellularRecoTrack *dispatchTag) |
Returns a short description for class CellularRecoTrack to be used in descriptions of parameters. | |
REG_MODULE (FlipQuality) | |
Register the Module. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TrueHitInfo &thInfo) |
extraction operator of TrueHitInfo | |
FlipQualityModule () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the module. | |
virtual void | beginRun () override |
Called at the beginning of a new run. | |
virtual void | event () override |
Called for each event. | |
Variables | |
static const double | realNaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() |
This collects the B-meson properties in the hadronic B-decays It is used for the Ecms calibration in AirFlow. More... | |
Definition at line 23 of file FlipQualityModule.cc.
static |
This collects the B-meson properties in the hadronic B-decays It is used for the Ecms calibration in AirFlow.
NaN with double precision for dummy entry
Definition at line 24 of file EcmsCollectorModule.h.