Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Belle2::csi Namespace Reference

Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the CSI detector. More...


class  CsiCreator
 The creator for the CSI geometry. More...
class  CsiGeometryPar
 The Class for CSI Geometry Parameters. More...
class  CsiDigitizer_v2Module
 Csi tube digitizer_v2. More...
class  CsIDigitizerModule
 Digitizer for the BEAST CsI system. More...
class  CsiModule
 The Csi module. More...
class  CsiStudy_v2Module
 Study module for Csis (BEAST) More...
class  SensitiveDetector
 Sensitive Detector implementation of the CSI detector. More...


typedef std::vector< double > Signal
 Designed to hold a "continuous" (in time and amplitude) signal

typedef std::vector< int > DigitalSignal
 Designed to hold a "digital" (limited by the DAQ board rate and resolution) signal



geometry::CreatorFactory< CsiCreatorCsiFactory ("CSICreator")
 Creator creates the CSI geometry.
const double avoidov = 1 + 1E-6
 foil inside is a little bit lager than crystal to avoid overlap

Detailed Description

Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the CSI detector.

Namespace to encapsulate code needed for simulation and reconstrucion of the CSI detector.