Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
9 import ROOT
10 from ROOT import Belle2
11 import math
12 import numpy as np
13 import tracking.harvest.harvesting as harvesting
14 import tracking.harvest.refiners as refiners
15 ROOT.gSystem.Load("libtracking")
18 class Saving2ndMVAData(harvesting.HarvestingModule):
19  """ A dedicated module to save the variables using in flipping steps"""
21  def __init__(self, name, contact=None, checkObj='RecoTracks', output_file_name='flip-refit-MVA2.root'):
22  """Constructor"""
23  super().__init__(foreach=checkObj, name=name, contact=contact, output_file_name=output_file_name)
26  self.checkObjcheckObj = checkObj
29  self.mcRecoTracksmcRecoTracks = "MCRecoTracks"
32  self.track_match_look_uptrack_match_look_up = None
35  self.outputnameoutputname = output_file_name
37  def initialize(self):
38  """Initialization at the start of the event processing"""
39  super().initialize()
40  self.track_match_look_uptrack_match_look_up = Belle2.TrackMatchLookUp(self.mcRecoTracksmcRecoTracks, self.checkObjcheckObj)
41  output_tfile = ROOT.TFile(self.outputnameoutputname, "RECREATE")
42  self.outputnameoutputname = output_tfile
44  def prepare(self):
45  """preparation at the start of each event.
46  make sure the checkObj exist
47  """
48  super().prepare()
49  checkDatas = Belle2.PyStoreArray(self.checkObjcheckObj)
50  if (not checkDatas):
51  return False
53  def pick(self, recoTrack):
54  """pick every recoTrack"""
55  return True
57  def peel(self, recoTrack):
58  """store the information for each recoTrack"""
59  track_match_look_up = self.track_match_look_uptrack_match_look_up
60  nan = float('nan')
61  flipped_pz_estimate = nan
62  y_variance = nan
63  tan_lambda_estimate = nan
64  d0_variance = nan
65  x_variance = nan
66  z_estimate = nan
67  phi0_variance = nan
68  px_variance = nan
69  pz_estimate = nan
70  p_value = nan
71  pt_estimate = nan
72  y_estimate = nan
73  d0_estimate = nan
74  x_estimate = nan
75  py_variance = nan
76  pz_variance = nan
77  omega_variance = nan
78  tan_lambda_variance = nan
79  z_variance = nan
80  omega_estimate = nan
81  pt_resolution = nan
82  px_estimate = nan
83  pt_variance = nan
84  phi0_estimate = nan
85  flipped_z_estimate = nan
86  py_estimate = nan
87  flipped_z_variance = nan
88  flipped_pz_variance = nan
89  flipped_pt_variance = nan
90  flipped_py_estimate = nan
91  z0_variance = nan
92  flipped_p_value = nan
93  flipped_px_variance = nan
94  flipped_py_variance = nan
95  flipped_x_estimate = nan
96  quality_flip_indicator = nan
97  quality_2ndflip_indicator = nan
98  isPrimary_misID = False
99  ismatched = False
100  ismatched_CC = False
101  ismatched_WC = False
102  isclone_CC = False
103  isclone_WC = False
104  isclone = False
105  isbackground = False
106  isghost = False
107  isprimary = False
108  charge_truth = nan
109  track_charge = nan
110  inGoingArmTime = nan
111  inGoingArmTimeError = nan
112  outGoingArmTime = nan
113  outGoingArmTimeError = nan
114  InOutArmTimeDifference = nan
115  InOutArmTimeDifferenceError = nan
117  if (recoTrack):
118  mc_particle = track_match_look_up.getRelatedMCParticle(recoTrack)
119  fit_result = track_match_look_up.getRelatedTrackFitResult(recoTrack)
121  inGoingArmTime = recoTrack.getIngoingArmTime()
122  inGoingArmTimeError = recoTrack.getIngoingArmTimeError()
123  outGoingArmTime = recoTrack.getOutgoingArmTime()
124  outGoingArmTimeError = recoTrack.getOutgoingArmTimeError()
125  InOutArmTimeDifference = recoTrack.getInOutArmTimeDifference()
126  InOutArmTimeDifferenceError = recoTrack.getInOutArmTimeDifferenceError()
128  quality_flip_indicator = recoTrack.getFlipQualityIndicator()
129  quality_2ndflip_indicator = recoTrack.get2ndFlipQualityIndicator()
131  ismatched = track_match_look_up.isAnyChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
132  ismatched_CC = track_match_look_up.isCorrectChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
133  ismatched_WC = track_match_look_up.isWrongChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
135  isclone = track_match_look_up.isAnyChargeClonePRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
136  isclone_CC = track_match_look_up.isCorrectChargeClonePRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
137  isclone_WC = track_match_look_up.isWrongChargeClonePRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
139  isbackground = track_match_look_up.isBackgroundPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
140  isghost = track_match_look_up.isGhostPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
142  if mc_particle and fit_result:
143  isprimary = bool(mc_particle.hasStatus(Belle2.MCParticle.c_PrimaryParticle))
144  charge_truth = mc_particle.getCharge()
145  track_charge = fit_result.getChargeSign()
146  if isprimary:
147  if charge_truth != track_charge:
148  isPrimary_misID = True
150  recoTrack_flipped = recoTrack.getRelated("RecoTracks_flipped")
151  if recoTrack_flipped:
152  track_flipped = recoTrack_flipped.getRelated("Tracks_flipped")
153  if track_flipped:
154  fit_result_flipped = track_flipped.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMassByName(
155  Belle2.Const.pion, "TrackFitResults_flipped")
156  if (fit_result and fit_result_flipped):
157  cov6 = fit_result.getCovariance6()
158  mom = fit_result.getMomentum()
159  pos = fit_result.getPosition()
161  pt_estimate = mom.Rho()
162  pt_variance = np.divide(mom.X() ** 2 * cov6(3, 3) + mom.Y() ** 2 * cov6(4, 4) -
163  2 * mom.X() * mom.Y() * cov6(3, 4), mom.Perp2())
164  pt_resolution = np.divide(pt_variance, pt_estimate)
166  tan_lambda_estimate = fit_result.getCotTheta()
167  omega_estimate = fit_result.getOmega()
168  phi0_estimate = fit_result.getPhi() % (2.0 * math.pi)
169  d0_estimate = fit_result.getD0()
170  d0_variance = fit_result.getCov()[0]
171  z0_variance = fit_result.getCov()[12]
172  phi0_variance = fit_result.getCov()[5]
173  omega_variance = fit_result.getCov()[9]
174  tan_lambda_variance = fit_result.getCov()[14]
175  x_estimate = pos.X()
176  y_estimate = pos.Y()
177  z_estimate = pos.Z()
178  x_variance = cov6(0, 0)
179  y_variance = cov6(1, 1)
180  z_variance = cov6(2, 2)
181  px_estimate = mom.X()
182  py_estimate = mom.Y()
183  pz_estimate = cov6(5, 5)
184  px_variance = cov6(3, 3)
185  py_variance = cov6(4, 4)
186  pz_variance = cov6(5, 5)
187  p_value = fit_result.getPValue()
189  cov6_flipped = fit_result_flipped.getCovariance6()
190  mom_flipped = fit_result_flipped.getMomentum()
191  pos_flipped = fit_result_flipped.getPosition()
193  flipped_pt_variance = np.divide(
194  mom_flipped.X() ** 2 * cov6_flipped(3, 3) +
195  mom_flipped.Y() ** 2 * cov6_flipped(4, 4) -
196  2 * mom_flipped.X() * mom_flipped.Y() * cov6_flipped(3, 4),
197  mom_flipped.Perp2())
199  flipped_z_estimate = pos_flipped.Z()
200  flipped_pz_estimate = mom_flipped.Z()
201  flipped_py_estimate = mom_flipped.Y()
203  flipped_x_estimate = pos_flipped.X()
204  flipped_z_variance = cov6_flipped(2, 2)
205  flipped_pz_variance = cov6_flipped(5, 5)
206  flipped_px_variance = cov6_flipped(3, 3)
207  flipped_py_variance = cov6_flipped(4, 4)
208  flipped_p_value = fit_result_flipped.getPValue()
210  crops = dict(
211  flipped_pz_estimate=flipped_pz_estimate,
212  y_variance=y_variance,
213  tan_lambda_estimate=tan_lambda_estimate,
214  d0_variance=d0_variance,
215  x_variance=x_variance,
216  z_estimate=z_estimate,
217  phi0_variance=phi0_variance,
218  px_variance=px_variance,
219  pz_estimate=pz_estimate,
220  p_value=p_value,
221  pt_estimate=pt_estimate,
222  y_estimate=y_estimate,
223  d0_estimate=d0_estimate,
224  x_estimate=x_estimate,
225  py_variance=py_variance,
226  pz_variance=pz_variance,
227  omega_variance=omega_variance,
228  tan_lambda_variance=tan_lambda_variance,
229  z_variance=z_variance,
230  omega_estimate=omega_estimate,
231  pt_resolution=pt_resolution,
232  px_estimate=px_estimate,
233  pt_variance=pt_variance,
234  phi0_estimate=phi0_estimate,
235  flipped_z_estimate=flipped_z_estimate,
236  py_estimate=py_estimate,
237  flipped_z_variance=flipped_z_variance,
238  flipped_pz_variance=flipped_pz_variance,
239  flipped_pt_variance=flipped_pt_variance,
240  flipped_py_estimate=flipped_py_estimate,
241  z0_variance=z0_variance,
242  flipped_p_value=flipped_p_value,
243  flipped_px_variance=flipped_px_variance,
244  flipped_py_variance=flipped_py_variance,
245  flipped_x_estimate=flipped_x_estimate,
246  quality_flip_indicator=quality_flip_indicator,
247  quality_2ndflip_indicator=quality_2ndflip_indicator,
248  isPrimary_misID=isPrimary_misID,
249  ismatched=ismatched,
250  ismatched_CC=ismatched_CC,
251  ismatched_WC=ismatched_WC,
252  isclone_CC=isclone_CC,
253  isclone_WC=isclone_WC,
254  isclone=isclone,
255  isbackground=isbackground,
256  isghost=isghost,
257  isprimary=isprimary,
258  charge_truth=charge_truth,
259  track_charge=track_charge,
260  inGoingArmTime=inGoingArmTime,
261  inGoingArmTimeError=inGoingArmTimeError,
262  outGoingArmTime=outGoingArmTime,
263  outGoingArmTimeError=outGoingArmTimeError,
264  InOutArmTimeDifference=InOutArmTimeDifference,
265  InOutArmTimeDifferenceError=InOutArmTimeDifferenceError,
266  )
267  return crops
270  save_tree = refiners.save_tree(name="data")
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray.
Definition: PyStoreArray.h:72
Class to provide convenient methods to look up matching information between pattern recognition and M...
Reference to the track match lookup object reading the relation information.
def __init__(self, name, contact=None, checkObj='RecoTracks', output_file_name='flip-refit-MVA2.root')