Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #pragma once
10 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
11 #include <mdst/dataobjects/TrackFitResult.h>
13 #include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoTrack.h>
15 namespace Belle2 {
35  public:
45  enum class MCToPRMatchInfo { c_undefined, c_matched, c_matchedWrongCharge, c_merged, c_mergedWrongCharge, c_missing };
57  enum class PRToMCMatchInfo { c_undefined, c_matched, c_matchedWrongCharge, c_clone, c_cloneWrongCharge, c_background, c_ghost };
59  public:
68  explicit TrackMatchLookUp(const std::string& mcRecoTrackStoreArrayName,
69  const std::string& prRecoTrackStoreArrayName = "");
71  private:
77  const RecoTrack* prRecoTrack,
78  const float& efficiency) const;
85  const RecoTrack* mcRecoTrack,
86  const float& purity) const;
93  const RecoTrack* getMCRecoTrackWithStatus(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack,
94  const PRToMCMatchInfo matchingStatus = PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matched) const;
101  const RecoTrack* getPRRecoTrackWithStatus(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack,
102  const MCToPRMatchInfo matchingStatus = MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matched) const;
104  public:
110  const RecoTrack* getCorrectChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
111  {
112  return getMCRecoTrackWithStatus(prRecoTrack, PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matched);
113  }
121  const RecoTrack* getWrongChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
122  {
123  return getMCRecoTrackWithStatus(prRecoTrack, PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matchedWrongCharge);
124  }
131  const RecoTrack* getAnyChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
132  {
133  const RecoTrack* anyMatchedRecoTrack = getMCRecoTrackWithStatus(prRecoTrack, PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matched);
134  if (anyMatchedRecoTrack == nullptr) {
135  anyMatchedRecoTrack = getMCRecoTrackWithStatus(prRecoTrack, PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matchedWrongCharge);
136  }
137  return anyMatchedRecoTrack;
138  }
145  const RecoTrack* getCorrectChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
146  {
147  return getPRRecoTrackWithStatus(mcRecoTrack, MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matched);
148  }
155  const RecoTrack* getWrongChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
156  {
157  return getPRRecoTrackWithStatus(mcRecoTrack, MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matchedWrongCharge);
158  }
165  const RecoTrack* getAnyChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
166  {
167  const RecoTrack* anyMatchedRecoTrack = getPRRecoTrackWithStatus(mcRecoTrack, MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matched);
168  if (anyMatchedRecoTrack == nullptr) {
169  anyMatchedRecoTrack = getPRRecoTrackWithStatus(mcRecoTrack, MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matchedWrongCharge);
170  }
171  return anyMatchedRecoTrack;
172  }
174  public:
183  float getMatchedPurity(const RecoTrack& recoTrack) const;
193  float getMatchedEfficiency(const RecoTrack& recoTrack) const;
202  bool isChargeMatched(const RecoTrack& recoTrack) const;
204  public:
208  MCToPRMatchInfo getMCToPRMatchInfo(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
209  {
210  float efficiency = NAN;
211  const RecoTrack* prRecoTrack = getRelatedPRRecoTrack(mcRecoTrack, efficiency);
212  return extractMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack, prRecoTrack, efficiency);
213  }
219  bool isCorrectChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
220  {
221  return getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matched;
222  }
228  bool isWrongChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
229  {
230  return getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matchedWrongCharge;
231  }
237  bool isAnyChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
238  {
239  return getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matched or
240  getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matchedWrongCharge;
241  }
246  bool isCorrectChargeClonePRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
247  {
248  return getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_clone;
249  }
255  bool isWrongChargeClonePRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
256  {
257  return getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_cloneWrongCharge;
258  }
264  bool isAnyChargeClonePRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
265  {
266  return getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_clone or
267  getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_cloneWrongCharge;
268  }
273  bool isBackgroundPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
274  {
275  return getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_background;
276  }
282  bool isGhostPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
283  {
284  return getPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack) == PRToMCMatchInfo::c_ghost;
285  }
287  public:
291  PRToMCMatchInfo getPRToMCMatchInfo(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const
292  {
293  float purity = NAN;
294  const RecoTrack* mcRecoTrack = getRelatedMCRecoTrack(prRecoTrack, purity);
295  return extractPRToMCMatchInfo(prRecoTrack, mcRecoTrack, purity);
296  }
302  bool isCorrectChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
303  {
304  return getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matched;
305  }
311  bool isWrongChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
312  {
313  return getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matchedWrongCharge;
314  }
320  bool isAnyChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
321  {
322  return getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matched or
323  getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matchedWrongCharge;
324  }
329  bool isCorrectChargeMergedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
330  {
331  return getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_merged;
332  }
338  bool isWrongChargeMergedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
339  {
340  return getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_mergedWrongCharge;
341  }
346  bool isAnyChargeMergedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
347  {
348  return getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_merged or
349  getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_mergedWrongCharge;
350  }
355  bool isMissingMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const
356  {
357  return getMCToPRMatchInfo(mcRecoTrack) == MCToPRMatchInfo::c_missing;
358  }
360  public:
371  const MCParticle* getRelatedMCParticle(const RecoTrack& recoTrack) const;
385  const TrackFitResult*
386  getRelatedTrackFitResult(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack,
387  Const::ChargedStable chargedStable = Const::pion) const;
393  const RecoTrack* getRelatedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const;
399  const RecoTrack* getRelatedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const;
401  public:
413  float getRelatedPurity(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack) const;
426  float getRelatedEfficiency(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack) const;
432  const RecoTrack* getRelatedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& prRecoTrack, float& purity) const;
438  const RecoTrack* getRelatedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& mcRecoTrack, float& efficiency) const;
440  public:
444  bool isMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& recoTrack) const;
449  bool isPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack& recoTrack) const;
451  public:
455  const std::string& getMCTracksStoreArrayName() const
456  {
458  }
463  const std::string& getPRTracksStoreArrayName() const
464  {
466  }
468  private:
474  };
476 }
Provides a type-safe way to pass members of the chargedStableSet set.
Definition: Const.h:580
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:652
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis.
Class to provide convenient methods to look up matching information between pattern recognition and M...
bool isAnyChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the Monte Carlo Track was matched to a pattern recognition track independent of the charge...
PRToMCMatchInfo extractPRToMCMatchInfo(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack, const RecoTrack *mcRecoTrack, const float &purity) const
Helper function to assume the correct matching category for the pattern recognition tracks from the i...
bool isCorrectChargeClonePRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the pattern recognition track is a clone of an other pattern recognition track.
bool isMissingMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the Monte Carlo Track has no corresponding pattern recognition track.
float getMatchedPurity(const RecoTrack &recoTrack) const
Get the hit purity of the matched track.
const TrackFitResult * getRelatedTrackFitResult(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack, Const::ChargedStable chargedStable=Const::pion) const
Looks up the TrackFitResult of a pattern recognition track.
const RecoTrack * getRelatedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Looks for a related Monte Carlo track for the given pattern recognition track and return it if found.
bool isWrongChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the pattern recognition track was matched to a Monte Carlo track but with the wrong charge...
Matching categories for the Monte Carlo tracks.
float getRelatedPurity(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Getter for the absolute value of the purity that is stored in the purity relation from pattern recogn...
bool isCorrectChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the Monte Carlo Track was matched to a pattern recognition track based on the hit pattern ...
bool isWrongChargeMergedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the Monte Carlo Track has been merged into another pattern recognition track and with the ...
const MCParticle * getRelatedMCParticle(const RecoTrack &recoTrack) const
Looks for a relation of the given track to a Monte Carlo particle.
bool isPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &recoTrack) const
Checks if the given track is in the pattern recognition StoreArray.
std::string m_prTracksStoreArrayName
Name of the StoreArray of Pattern recognition tracks.
bool isAnyChargeClonePRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the pattern recognition track is a clone of an other pattern recognition track,...
bool isCorrectChargeMergedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the Monte Carlo Track has been merged into another pattern recognition track.
bool isCorrectChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the pattern recognition track was matched to a Monte Carlo track with both hit pattern and...
PRToMCMatchInfo getPRToMCMatchInfo(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Gets the matching category of pattern recognition track.
const RecoTrack * getWrongChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Looks up the matched pattern recognition track for the given Monte Carlo track.
MCToPRMatchInfo getMCToPRMatchInfo(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Gets the matching category of Monte Carlo track.
const RecoTrack * getAnyChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Check whether any matched PR RecoTracks for the given mcRecoTrack, independent of whether both patter...
bool isWrongChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the Monte Carlo Track was matched to a pattern recognition track based on the hit pattern,...
const RecoTrack * getCorrectChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Looks up the matched Monte Carlo track for the given pattern recognition track.
const std::string & getMCTracksStoreArrayName() const
Getter for the name of the StoreArray of the Monte Carlo tracks.
bool isChargeMatched(const RecoTrack &recoTrack) const
Checks if the recoTrack charge is correctly assigned.
const std::string & getPRTracksStoreArrayName() const
Getter for the name of the StoreArray of the pattern recognition tracks.
bool isAnyChargeMergedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the Monte Carlo Track has been merged into another pattern recognition track.
bool isWrongChargeClonePRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the pattern recognition track is a clone of an other pattern recognition track,...
bool isBackgroundPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the pattern recognition track is mostly made from background hits.
bool isMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &recoTrack) const
Checks if the given track is in the Monte Carlo track StoreArray.
const RecoTrack * getCorrectChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Looks up the matched pattern recognition track for the given Monte Carlo track.
const RecoTrack * getMCRecoTrackWithStatus(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack, const PRToMCMatchInfo matchingStatus=PRToMCMatchInfo::c_matched) const
Looks up the matched Monte Carlo track with the PRToMCMatchInfo matchingStatus for the given pattern ...
const RecoTrack * getPRRecoTrackWithStatus(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack, const MCToPRMatchInfo matchingStatus=MCToPRMatchInfo::c_matched) const
Looks up the matched pattern recognition track with the MCToPRMatchInfo matchingStatus for the given ...
std::string m_mcTracksStoreArrayName
Name of the StoreArray of Monte Carlo tracks.
const RecoTrack * getRelatedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Looks for a related pattern recognition track for the given Monte Carlo track and return it if found.
TrackMatchLookUp(const std::string &mcRecoTrackStoreArrayName, const std::string &prRecoTrackStoreArrayName="")
Constructor taking the names of the StoreArrays containing the Monte Carlo tracks and the pattern rec...
bool isAnyChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the pattern recognition track was matched to a Monte Carlo track, independent of whether t...
const RecoTrack * getAnyChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Check whether any matched MC RecoTracks for the given prRecoTrack, independent of whether both patter...
float getMatchedEfficiency(const RecoTrack &recoTrack) const
Get the hit efficiency of the matched track.
const RecoTrack * getWrongChargeMatchedMCRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Looks up the matched Monte Carlo track for the given pattern recognition track with the wrong charge.
float getRelatedEfficiency(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack) const
Getter for the absolute value of the efficiency that is stored in the efficiency relation from Monte ...
bool isGhostPRRecoTrack(const RecoTrack &prRecoTrack) const
Checks, if the pattern recognition track has contributions of different Monte Carlo tracks and/or bac...
MCToPRMatchInfo extractMCToPRMatchInfo(const RecoTrack &mcRecoTrack, const RecoTrack *prRecoTrack, const float &efficiency) const
Helper function to assume the correct matching category for the Monte Carlo tracks from the informati...
Matching categories for the pattern recognition tracks.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.