Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
PXDHitRateCounter::TreeStruct Struct Reference

tree structure More...

#include <PXDHitRateCounter.h>

Public Attributes

float meanOccupancies [40] = {0}
 mean hit occupancy from PXDDigits per sensor [Hits/Channel]
float maxOccupancies [40] = {0}
 max hit occupancy from PXDDigits per sensor [Hits/Channel]
float doseRates [40] = {0}
 mean dose rate from PXDDigits per sensor [Gy/s]

float softPhotonFluxes [40] = {0}
 mean soft photon flux per sensor (Single pixel cluster <10keV) [clusters/cm2/s]

float hardPhotonFluxes [40] = {0}
 mean hard photon flux per sensor (Single pixel cluster >10keV) [clusters/cm2/s]

float chargedFluxes [40] = {0}
 mean charged particle flux per sensor (Multi pixel cluster >10keV) [clusters/cm2/s]

float segmentDoseRates [240] = {0}
 mean dose rate from PXDDigits per v segment of sensor [Gy/s]

float segmentSoftPhotonFluxes [240] = {0}
 mean soft photon flux per v segment of sensor (Single pixel cluster <10keV) [clusters/cm2/s]

float segmentHardPhotonFluxes [240] = {0}
 mean hard photon flux per v segment of sensor (Single pixel cluster >10keV) [clusters/cm2/s]

float segmentChargedFluxes [240] = {0}
 mean charged particle flux per v segment of sensor (Multi pixel cluster >10keV) [clusters/cm2/s]

float averageRate = 0
 total detector average hit rate
int numEvents = 0
 number of events accumulated
bool valid = false
 status: true = rates valid

Detailed Description

tree structure

Definition at line 40 of file PXDHitRateCounter.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: