Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
DecayStringGrammar< Iterator > Struct Template Reference

This class describes the grammar and the syntax elements of decay strings. More...

#include <DecayStringGrammar.h>

Inheritance diagram for DecayStringGrammar< Iterator >:
Collaboration diagram for DecayStringGrammar< Iterator >:

Public Attributes

boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iteratorreserved
 Reserved characters that are not allowed in particle names or labels.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, DecayStringParticle(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > particle
 Particle in the decay string: 'selector name label'.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > selector
 Particles can be selected by preceding '^' symbol.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > label
 Label that can be attached to a particle name, separated by the '/' symbol.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > arrow
 Allowed arrow types.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > keyword
 Syntax keyword.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, std::vector< std::string >), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > keywordlist
 The list of the keywords.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, DecayStringDecay(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > decay
 Syntax of a decay: 'mother arrow daughters ...'.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, DecayStringDecay(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > daughterdecay
 Syntax of decaying daughter particle. More...
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, DecayString(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > daughter
 A daughter particle which can be either a plain particle or a decaying particle.
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, std::vector< DecayString >), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > daughterlist
 The list of the daughters, i.e. More...
boost::spirit::qi::rule< Iterator, DecayString(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type > start
 The rule where the parser starts. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename Iterator>
struct Belle2::DecayStringGrammar< Iterator >

This class describes the grammar and the syntax elements of decay strings.

It is used to parse a given decay string to C++ structs which are then used to initialise the DecayDescriptor class.

User documentation is located at analysis/doc/DecayDescriptor.rst Please modify it according to introduced changes.

Definition at line 30 of file DecayStringGrammar.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ daughterdecay

boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, DecayStringDecay(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type> daughterdecay

Syntax of decaying daughter particle.

Daughter decays have to be in brackets '[ ]'.

Definition at line 90 of file DecayStringGrammar.h.

◆ daughterlist

boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<DecayString>), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type> daughterlist

The list of the daughters, i.e.

what is on the right side of the arrow.

Definition at line 94 of file DecayStringGrammar.h.

◆ start

boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, DecayString(), boost::spirit::unicode::space_type> start

The rule where the parser starts.

This corresponds to the full decay string.

Definition at line 96 of file DecayStringGrammar.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: