Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ECLPedestalFit Struct Reference

This struct is returned by the pedestalFit method that fits the first 16 samples of the waveform (pedestal points) to find a peak there (that corresponds to background). More...

#include <ECLDspUtilities.h>

Public Attributes

int amp
 Fit amplitude, -128..262015, ADC units (20 ADC units ~= 1 MeV)

Detailed Description

This struct is returned by the pedestalFit method that fits the first 16 samples of the waveform (pedestal points) to find a peak there (that corresponds to background).

Currently it only contains peak amplitude but potentially we can add more values here later.

Definition at line 32 of file ECLDspUtilities.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: