Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ExtState Struct Reference

Data structure to define extrapolation state. More...

#include <TrackExtrapolateG4e.h>

Collaboration diagram for ExtState:

Public Attributes

const Tracktrack
 Pointer to the reconstructed track.
int pdgCode
 Particle hypothesis that is being extrapolated.
bool isCosmic
 True for back-propagation of a cosmic ray.
double tof
 Time of flight from IP (ns), updated during extrapolation.
double length
 Length from start of extrapolation (rad lengths), updated during extrapolation.
G4ThreeVector directionAtIP
 MUID: initial direction of track, used for KLID.
double chi2
 MUID: accumulated chi-squared of all in-plane transverse deviations between extrapolation and matching hit.
int nPoint
 MUID: accumulated number of points with matching 2D hits.
int firstBarrelLayer
 MUID: outermost barrel layer encountered by the extrapolated track in the prior steps.
int firstEndcapLayer
 MUID: outermost barrel layer encountered by the extrapolated track in the prior steps.
int lastBarrelExtLayer
 MUID: outermost barrel layer crossed by the extrapolated track.
int lastBarrelHitLayer
 MUID: outermost barrel layer with a matching hit.
int lastEndcapExtLayer
 MUID: outermost endcap layer crossed by the extrapolated track.
int lastEndcapHitLayer
 MUID: outermost endcap layer with a matching hit.
int extLayerPattern
 MUID: accumulated bit pattern of layers crossed by the extrapolated track.
int hitLayerPattern
 MUID: accumulated bit pattern of layers with matching hits.
bool escaped
 MUID: flag to indicate that the extrapolated track escaped from the KLM.

Detailed Description

Data structure to define extrapolation state.

Definition at line 91 of file TrackExtrapolateG4e.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: