Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ParticleGun::Parameters Struct Reference

Struct to keep all necessary parameters for the particle gun. More...

#include <ParticleGun.h>

Collaboration diagram for ParticleGun::Parameters:

Public Attributes

EDistribution momentumDist = c_fixedValue
 Distribution to use for momentum generation.
EDistribution phiDist = c_fixedValue
 Distribution to use for azimuth angle generation.
EDistribution thetaDist = c_fixedValue
 Distribution to use for polar angle generation.
EDistribution xVertexDist = c_fixedValue
 Distribution to use for x vertex generation.
EDistribution yVertexDist = c_fixedValue
 Distribution to use for y vertex generation.
EDistribution zVertexDist = c_fixedValue
 Distribution to use for z vertex generation.
EDistribution timeDist = c_fixedValue
 Distribution to use for time generation.
double nTracks
 Number of tracks to generate per event.
std::vector< int > pdgCodes = {}
 List of PDG particle codes to pick from when generating particles.
std::vector< double > momentumParams = {0}
 Parameters for the momentum generation, meaning depends on chosen distribution.
std::vector< double > phiParams = {0}
 Parameters for the azimuth angle generation, meaning depends on chosen distribution.
std::vector< double > thetaParams = {0}
 Parameters for the polar angle generation, meaning depends on chosen distribution.
std::vector< double > xVertexParams = {0}
 Parameters for the x vertex generation, meaning depends on chosen distribution.
std::vector< double > yVertexParams = {0}
 Parameters for the y vertex generation, meaning depends on chosen distribution.
std::vector< double > zVertexParams = {0}
 Parameters for the z vertex generation, meaning depends on chosen distribution.
std::vector< double > timeParams = {0}
 Parameters for the time generation, meaning depends on chosen distribution.
bool independentVertices = false
 If false, all particles of one event will have the same vertex, if true the vertex of each particle will be generated independently.
bool varyNumberOfTracks = true
 If true, the number of tracks per event will fluctuate according to Poisson distribution.
bool fixedMomentumPerEvent = false
 generates particle momentum according to the specified distribution and assigns this momentum to all particles generated for one event

Detailed Description

Struct to keep all necessary parameters for the particle gun.

Definition at line 65 of file ParticleGun.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: