Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
QualityEstimationResults Struct Reference

Container for complete fit/estimation results. More...

#include <QualityEstimatorBase.h>

Public Attributes

double qualityIndicator = 0
 return value of the quality estimator
std::optional< double > chiSquared
 chi squared value obtained by the fit of the QE
std::optional< short > curvatureSign
 direction of curvature as obtained by the QE
std::optional< double > pocaD
 distance to the z-axis of the POCA
std::optional< double > pt
 transverse momentum estimate from the QE
std::optional< double > pmag
 momentum magnitute estimate from the QE
std::optional< B2Vector3Dp
 momentum vector estimate from the QE

Detailed Description

Container for complete fit/estimation results.

qualityIndicator is always computed, all other values are optional, depending on the implementation.

Definition at line 24 of file QualityEstimatorBase.h.

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