Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
SVDBackgroundModule::SensorData Struct Reference

Struct to hold data of an SVD sensor. More...

#include <SVDBackgroundModule.h>

Public Attributes

double m_expo
 Exposition (energy deposited per cm2 and 1 second)
double m_dose
 Dose (Gy/smy)
double m_neutronFlux
 Neutron flux.
double m_firedU
 Fired pixels in U, per cm2 and second, zero-suppression threshold.
double m_firedV
 Fired pixels in V, per cm2 and second, zero-suppression threshold.
double m_firedU_t
 Fired pixels in U, occupied time per cm2 and second.
double m_firedV_t
 Fired pixels in V, occupied time per cm2 and second.
double m_occupancyU
 Occupancy in U.
double m_occupancyV
 Occupancy in V.
double m_occupancyU_APV
 Occupancy in U, for 1 APV cycle.
double m_occupancyV_APV
 Occupancy in V, for 1 APV cycle.

Detailed Description

Struct to hold data of an SVD sensor.

Definition at line 86 of file SVDBackgroundModule.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: