Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Spline Struct Reference

Spline structure for zero-order & linear splines. More...

#include <tools.h>

Collaboration diagram for Spline:

Public Member Functions

double val (double x) const
 get value of spline at point x
double err (double x) const
 get error of spline at point x
double center () const
 Get center of the spline domain.
void print (TString tag="")
 print the spline

Public Attributes

std::vector< double > nodes
 vector of spline nodes
std::vector< double > vals
 vector of spline values
std::vector< double > errs
 vector of spline errors

Detailed Description

Spline structure for zero-order & linear splines.

nodes.size() <= 1 -> order=0 , nodes.size() == vals.size() -> order=1

Definition at line 165 of file tools.h.

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