Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
TOPRawWaveform::FeatureExtraction Struct Reference

Feature extraction data. More...

#include <TOPRawWaveform.h>

Public Attributes

int sampleRise = 0
 sample number just before 50% CFD crossing
int samplePeak = 0
 sample number at maximum
int sampleFall = 0
 same for falling edge
short vRise0 = 0
 ADC value at sampleRise.
short vRise1 = 0
 ADC value at sampleRise + 1.
short vPeak = 0
 ADC value at samplePeak.
short vFall0 = 0
 ADC value at sampleFall.
short vFall1 = 0
 ADC value at sampleFall + 1.
int integral = 0
 integral of a pulse (proportional to charge)

Detailed Description

Feature extraction data.

Definition at line 36 of file TOPRawWaveform.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: