Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
GetLowerCurv Struct Reference

Functor to get the lower curvature bound of a hough box. More...

#include <CurvRep.h>

Public Member Functions

template<class AHoughBox , class SFINAE = std::enable_if_t<AHoughBox::template HasType<DiscreteCurv>::value >>
float operator() (const AHoughBox &houghBox) const
 Getter function for the lower curvature bound of a hough box - discrete version.
template<class AHoughBox , class SFINAE = std::enable_if_t<AHoughBox::template HasType<ContinuousCurv>::value >>
double operator() (const AHoughBox &houghBox) const
 Getter function for the lower curvature bound of a hough box - continuous version.

Detailed Description

Functor to get the lower curvature bound of a hough box.

Definition at line 91 of file CurvRep.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: