Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
SensitiveDetectorDebugHelper::info Struct Reference

struct with all the branches needed More...

Public Attributes

int sensorID
 id of the sensor for the current track
int pdg
 pdg code for the current track
int contained
 whether or not the track was contained in the senitive volume
int primary
 whether or not the track is from a primary particle
double length
 track length
int stepN
 number of values used in stepInfo
double stepInfo [SIZE_STEP *MAX_STEPS]
 values for the step points
int trueN
 number of values used in trueInfo
double trueInfo [SIZE_TRUE]
 values for the truehit
int edepN
 number of values used in edepInfo
double edepInfo [SIZE_EDEP *MAX_EDEP]
 values for the energy deposition
int simhitN
 number of values used in simhitInfo
double simhitInfo [SIZE_HITS *MAX_HITS]
 values for the simhits

Detailed Description

struct with all the branches needed

Definition at line 94 of file SensitiveDetectorDebugHelper.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: