Systematics skims
20.1. Systematics skims#
Skim list building functions for systematics studies
- class skim.WGs.systematics.Random(KeepPercentage=10, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Skim description: Random skim to select a fixed fraction of events.
Skim name: Random
Skim LFN code: 10000000
Category: systematics, random
Author: Phil Grace
Contact: Phil Grace
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.Resonance(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: (no description)
Skim name: Resonance
Skim LFN code: 10600400
Category: systematics
Authors: Sam Cunliffe, Torben Ferber, Ilya Komarov, Yuji Kato
Contact: (no contact listed)
Lists in this skim are those defined in
, andgetBPlusList
.- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsBhabha(prescale=1, **kwargs)[source]#
Skim description: Skim for Bhabha events for lepton ID study
Skim name: SystematicsBhabha
Skim LFN code: 10601200
Category: performance, leptonID
Author: Justin Skorupa
Contact: Marcel Hohmann
Skim for selecting Bhabha events for leptonID studies. In case the retention exceeds 10% a prescale can be added. The prescale is given in standard trigger terms (reciprocal).
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsCombinedHadronic(prescale_kshort=4, mdstOutput=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Skim description: Combined Skim of the systematic hadronic skims: Kshort, Jpsi, Dstar, Lambda.
Skim name: SystematicsCombinedHadronic
Skim LFN code: 10601300
Category: performance, leptonID
Author: Marcel Hohmann
Contact: Marcel Hohmann
- Combined systematics skim for the four hadronic channels:
SystematicsKshort, SystematicsJpsi, SystematicsDstar, SystemmaticsLambda.
This is required for technical (data production) reasons, as it keeps the number of files low. See the definitions of the individual skims for the details.
- produces_mdst_by_default = True#
Special property for combined systematics skims, which produce MDST output instead of uDST. This property is used by
to set theDataLevel
parameter in theDataDescription
block for this skim tomdst
instead ofudst
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsCombinedLowMulti(mdstOutput=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Skim description: Combined Skim of the systematic low multi skims: FourLepton, Radmumu, Bhabha, TauThrust.
Skim name: SystematicsCombinedLowMulti
Skim LFN code: 10601400
Category: performance, leptonID
Author: Marcel Hohmann
Contact: Marcel Hohmann
- Combined systematics skim for the four low multi channels:
SystematicsFourLeptonFromHLTFlag, SystematicsRadmumuFromHLTFlag, SystematicsBhabha, TauThrust.
This is required for technical (data production) reasons, as it keeps the number of files low. See the definitions of the individual skims for the details.
- produces_mdst_by_default = True#
Special property for combined systematics skims, which produce MDST output instead of uDST. This property is used by
to set theDataLevel
parameter in theDataDescription
block for this skim tomdst
instead ofudst
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsDstar(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: (no description)
Skim name: SystematicsDstar
Skim LFN code: 10601500
Category: systematics
Authors: Sam Cunliffe, Torben Ferber, Ilya Komarov, Yuji Kato, Racha Cheaib
Contact: (no contact listed)
This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag
.Primarily used for hadron and lepton ID studies. Lists in this skim are those defined in
.- ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- TestSampleProcess = 'ccbar'#
MC process of test file.
passes this property toskim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file
to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a sample.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsEELL(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: Systematics skim of
Skim name: SystematicsEELL
Skim LFN code: 10600600
Category: systematics, lepton ID
Author: Ilya Komarov
Contact: (no contact listed)
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsFourLeptonFromHLTFlag(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: Skim to select all events that pass the HLT Four Lepton skim for lepton ID studies
Skim name: SystematicsFourLeptonFromHLTFlag
Skim LFN code: 10600800
Category: systematics, leptonID
Author: Marcel Hohmann
Contact: Marcel Hohmann
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsJpsi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: (no description)
Skim name: SystematicsJpsi
Skim LFN code: 10611000
Category: systematics, leptonID
Authors: Sam Cunliffe, Torben Ferber, Ilya Komarov, Yuji Kato, Racha Cheaib, Marcel Hohmann
Contact: Marcel Hohmann
This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag
.J/psi skim for lepton ID systematics studies. Lists in this skim are those defined in
.- ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- TestSampleProcess = 'ccbar'#
MC process of test file.
passes this property toskim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file
to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a sample.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsKshort(prescale=4, **kwargs)[source]#
Skim description: Skim for K-short events for performance studies
Skim name: SystematicsKshort
Skim LFN code: 10611100
Category: performance, leptonID
Author: Marcel Hohmann
Contact: Marcel Hohmann
This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag
.K-short skim for hadron and lepton ID systematics studies. As K-short candidates are abundant this skim has a high retention. To meet the retention criteria a prescale is added. The prescale is given in standard trigger terms (reciprocal). A prescale of 50 will keep 2% of events, etc.
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsLambda(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: (no description)
Skim name: SystematicsLambda
Skim LFN code: 10620200
Category: systematics
Authors: Sam Cunliffe, Torben Ferber, Ilya Komarov, Yuji Kato, Jake Bennett
Contact: (no contact listed)
This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag
.- ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsPhiGamma(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: Skim for ISR - phi gamma analyses,
phi` decays into two charged tracks ( or with )Skim name: SystematicsPhiGamma
Skim LFN code: 11640100
Category: systematics
Authors: Giuseppe Finocchiaro, Benjamin Oberhof
Contact: Giuseppe Finocchiaro
Uses the
list and a cut on the number of tracks.Cuts applied:
AND ANDat least 1 candidate in the K_S0:merged or in the phi->K+:all K-:all lists
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- TestSampleProcess = 'ccbar'#
MC process of test file.
passes this property toskim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file
to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a sample.
- validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#
MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsRadEE(prescale_all=1, prescale_fwd_electron=1, **kwargs)[source]#
Skim description: Radiative electron pairs for photon systematics
Skim name: SystematicsRadEE
Skim LFN code: 10600700
Category: systematics, photon calibration
Author: Sam Cunliffe
Contact: (no contact listed)
Constructed skim list contains radiative electron pairs for photon systematics. In particular this is for the endcaps where we have no track triggers, we require one cluster-matched electron (the other is not required to match a cluster). No selection on the photon as the sample must be unbiased.
As this retains a lot of bhabha events (by construction) we allow for prescaling (and prefer prescaled rather than a biased sampe by requiring any selection on the photon or too much of a cut on the recoil momentum).
Prescales are given in standard trigger terms (reciprocal), so prescale of 100 is 1% of events kept, etc.
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsRadMuMu(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: Skim of radiative muon pairs (
) for photon systematics.Skim name: SystematicsRadMuMu
Skim LFN code: 10600500
Category: systematics, photon calibration
Author: Torben Ferber
Contact: (no contact listed)
We require one cluster-matched electron (the other is not required to match a cluster). No selection on the photon as the sample must be unbiased.
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsRadMuMuFromHLTFlag(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: Skim to select all events that pass the HLT RadMuMu skim for lepton ID studies
Skim name: SystematicsRadMuMuFromHLTFlag
Skim LFN code: 10600900
Category: systematics, leptonID
Author: Marcel Hohmann
Contact: Marcel Hohmann
- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
- class skim.WGs.systematics.SystematicsTracking(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#
Skim description: (no description)
Skim name: SystematicsTracking
Skim LFN code: 10600300
Category: systematics
Authors: Sam Cunliffe, Torben Ferber, Ilya Komarov, Yuji Kato
Contact: (no contact listed)
Lists in this skim are those defined in
.- ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#
If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for
will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.
20.1.1. Using SystematicsCombined
The SystematicsCombinedHadronic
and SystematicsCombinedLowMulti
skims are a bit special, as they contain events passing a logical OR
of individual skim classes, and no pre-defined ParticleList
In order to select events of a given skim class in the combination, one has to filter events based on the desired flag first (eg. SystematicsKshort
) via modularAnalysis.applyEventCuts()
, like in the following example:
import basf2 as b2
import modularAnalysis as ma
import variables.utils as vu
import variables.collections as vc
import stdCharged as stdc
path = b2.Path()
input_file = "/PATH/TO/INPUT/SKIM/FILE.root"
ma.inputMdst(filename=input_file, path=path)
ma.applyEventCuts("eventExtraInfo(passes_SystematicsKshort)", path=path)
# From now on, it's just a standard analysis!
# Note that you need to build all the particle lists yourself,
# as the SystematicsCombined skims do not contain pre-defined lists.
stdc.stdPi(listtype="all", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi+:good", "pi+:all", f"abs(dr) < 2.0 and abs(dz) < 5.0 and p > 0.1", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("K_S0:sig -> pi+:good pi-:good", "0.45 < M < 0.55", path=path)
ks_aliases = vu.create_aliases_for_selected(vc.kinematics, "^K_S0 -> pi+ pi-", prefix="K_S0")
pi_aliases = vu.create_aliases_for_selected(, "K_S0 -> ^pi+ ^pi-", prefix=["pi_p", "pi_m"])
Occasionally, the SystematicsCombinedHadronic
and SystematicsCombinedLowMulti
skims are produced in cDST (“rawFormat”) format to enable low-level performance studies.
In such an occurrence, one has to modify the above code snippet slightly to account for the different input data level and the post-tracking reconstruction:
from reconstruction import prepare_cdst_analysis
path.add_module("RootInput", inputFileName=input_file)
ma.applyEventCuts("eventExtraInfo(passes_SystematicsKshort)", path=path)
# Run the post-tracking reco.
prepare_cdst_analysis(path, mc=False) # mc=True if input is MC.