20.2. Physics skims#

20.2.1. B → charm skims#

List of functions to skim events containing BXc+h decays, where Xc stands for D0, D±, D0 and D±, and h stands for π±, K±, ρ± and a1±.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toD0Kpipi0_pi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toD0Kpipi0_pi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14121300

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Francis Pham

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D0(K+ππ0)π0

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipi0, where the D0 channel is defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDD_Kpipi_Kspi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDD_Kpipi_Kspi

  • Skim LFN code: 14141002

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D+(Kπ+π+)D(K+ππ)

  • B0D+(Kπ+π+)D(KS0π)

  • B0D+(KS0π)D(KS0π)

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

  • 1.8 < M_D < 1.9


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kpipi and skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kspi, where D channel is defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDDs0star(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDDs0star

  • Skim LFN code: 14160201

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Kuanying Wu

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0Ds0+(Ds+(ϕ(K+K)π+π0)π0)D(K+ππ)

  • B0Ds0+(Ds+(K0(Kπ+)K+)π0)D(K+ππ)

  • B0Ds0+(Ds+(ϕ(K+K)π+)π0)D(K+ππ)

Cuts applied:

  • 5.2 < Mbc < 5.3

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.2

  • 0.31 < D_s0ST_massDifference_0 < 0.347

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDomegapi_Kpipi_pipipi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDomegapi_Kpipi_pipipi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14141701

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Dmitry Matvienko

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(K+ππ)ω(ππ+π0)π+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.84 < M_D < 1.90

  • 0.70 < M_omega < 0.90

  • Mbc > 5.25

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.25

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDomegapi_Kspi_pipipi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDomegapi_Kspi_pipipi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14141702

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Dmitry Matvienko

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(KS0π)ω(ππ+π0)π+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.84 < M_D < 1.90

  • 0.70 < M_omega < 0.90

  • Mbc > 5.25

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.25

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDpi_Kpipi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDpi_Kpipi

  • Skim LFN code: 14120600

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(D0K+ππ)π+

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kpipi, where D channel is defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDpi_Kspi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDpi_Kspi

  • Skim LFN code: 14120601

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Authors: Fernando Abudinen, Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(KS0π)π+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.8 < M_D < 1.9

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3


This skim uses stdV0s.stdKshorts and skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kpipi, where D0 channels are defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDrho_Kpipi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDrho_Kpipi

  • Skim LFN code: 14121100

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Fernando Abudinen

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(K+ππ)ρ+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.8 < M_D < 1.9

  • 0.47 < M_rho < 1.07

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDrho_Kspi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDrho_Kspi

  • Skim LFN code: 14121101

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Fernando Abudinen

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(KS0π)ρ+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.8 < M_D < 1.9

  • 0.47 < M_rho < 1.07

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDs1D(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDs1D

  • Skim LFN code: 14160200

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Tsai Hua Lee, Chih Han Tseng

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0Ds1+(Ds+(Ds+(ϕ(K+K)π+)γ)π0)D(K+ππ),

  • B0Ds1+(Ds+(Ds+(ϕ(K+K)π+π0)γ)π0)D(K+ππ),

  • B0Ds1+(Ds+(Ds+(K0(Kπ+)K+)γ)π0)D(K+ππ),

  • B0Ds1+(Ds+(Ds+(KS0(ππ+)K+)γ)π0)D(K+ππ),

Cuts applied:

  • 5.2 < Mbc < 5.3

  • -0.5 < deltaE < 0.5

  • 0.247 < M(D_s1+) - M(D_s*+) < 0.378

  • 0.072 < M(D_s*+) - M(D_s+) < 0.179

  • 2.288 < M(D_s1+) < 2.507

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDstarD(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDstarD

  • Skim LFN code: 14141003

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(D0(K+π,K+πππ+,K+ππ0)π)D+(Kπ+π+)

  • B0D(Dπ0)D+(Kπ+π+)

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

  • DM_Dstar_D < 0.16

  • 1.8 < M_D < 1.9

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDstarPi_D0pi_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDstarPi_D0pi_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14120700

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(D0K+π)π+

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi, where the D channel is defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDstarPi_D0pi_Kpipipi_Kpipi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDstarPi_D0pi_Kpipipi_Kpipi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14120800

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(D0(K+πππ+,K+ππ0)π)π+

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDstarRho_D0pi_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDstarRho_D0pi_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14121200

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Fernando Abudinen

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(D0(K+π)π)ρ+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.7 < M_D < 2.0

  • 0.47 < M_rho < 1.07

  • DM_Dstar_D < 0.16

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDstarRho_D0pi_Kpipipi_Kpipi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDstarRho_D0pi_Kpipipi_Kpipi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14121201

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Fernando Abudinen

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(D0(K+2ππ+,K+ππ0)π)ρ+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.7 < M_D < 2.0

  • 0.47 < M_rho < 1.07

  • DM_Dstar_D < 0.16

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDstaretapi_D0pi_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDstaretapi_D0pi_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14121500

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Vismaya V S

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(D¯0(K+π)π)η(γγ)π+

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.25

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.32

  • 1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0

  • (M_D* - M_D0) < 0.16

  • 0.35 < M_eta < 0.7

  • Energy_photons > 0.05


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpi and skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi, where the D¯0 channel is defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.B0toDstarpipi0_D0pi_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDstarpipi0_D0pi_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14121400

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Vismaya V S

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0D(D¯0(K+π)π)π+π0

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.25

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.32

  • 1.7 < M_D < 2.0

  • (M_D* - M_D0) < 0.16


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpi and skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi, where the D¯0 channel is defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BptoD0etapi_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BptoD0etapi_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14121600

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Vismaya V S

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D¯0(K+π)η(γγ)π+

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.25

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.32

  • 1.7 < M_D < 2.0

  • 0.35 < M_eta < 0.7

  • E_photons > 0.05

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BptoD0pipi0_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BptoD0pipi0_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14121601

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Vismaya V S

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D¯0(K+π)π+π0

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.25

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.32

  • 1.7 < M_D < 2.0

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0h_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0h_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14140101

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Niharika Rout

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Skim list definitions for all charged B to charm 3 body decays.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D0(K+π)π+,

  • B+D0(K+π)K+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpi, where D0 channels are defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0h_Kpipipi_Kpipi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0h_Kpipipi_Kpipi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14140102

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D0(K+πππ+,K+ππ0)π+,

  • B+D0(K+πππ+,K+ππ0)K+,

  • B+D0(D0(K+2ππ+,K+ππ0)π0)π+

  • B+D0(D0(K+2ππ+,K+ππ0)π0)K+

Cuts applied:

  • 1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipipi and skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipi0, where D0 channels are defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0h_Kshh(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0h_Kshh

  • Skim LFN code: 14140200

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Minakshi Nayak

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D0(KS0K+π)π+,

  • B+D0(KS0Kπ+)π+,

  • B+D0(KS0π+π)π+,

  • B+D0(KS0K+K)π+,

  • B+D0(KS0K+π)K+,

  • B+D0(KS0Kπ+)K+,

  • B+D0(KS0π+π)K+,

  • B+D0(KS0K+K)K+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.5 < M_D0 < 2.2

  • 5.2 < Mbc

  • deltaE < 0.3 and deltaE > -0.45


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadD0_Kshh_loose, where D0 channels are defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0h_Kspi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0h_Kspi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14120300

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Minakshi Nayak

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D0(KS0π0)π+,

  • B+D0(KS0π0)K+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.5 < M_D0 < 2.2

  • 5.2 < Mbc

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadD0_Kspi0_loose, where D0 channels are defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0h_Kspipipi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0h_Kspipipi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14120400

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Niharika Rout

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D0(KS0π+ππ0)π+,

  • B+D0(KS0π+ππ0)K+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.8 < M_D0 < 1.9

  • 5.25 < Mbc

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.2


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadD0_Kspipipi0, where D0 channels are defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0h_hh(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0h_hh

  • Skim LFN code: 14140100

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Hulya Atmacan

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Skim list definitions for all charged B to charm 2 body decays.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D0(K+π)π+,

  • B+D0(Kπ+)π+,

  • B+D0(π+π)π+,

  • B+D0(K+K)π+,

  • B+D0(K+π)K+,

  • B+D0(Kπ+)K+,

  • B+D0(π+π)K+,

  • B+D0(K+K)K+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.5 < M_D0 < 2.2

  • 5.2 < Mbc

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadD0_hh_loose, where D0 channels are defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0pi_Kpiomega_pipipi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0pi_Kpiomega_pipipi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14141703

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Dmitry Matvienko

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D¯0(K+πω(ππ+π0))π+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.7 < M_D < 2.0

  • 0.73 < M_omega < 0.9

  • Mbc > 5.25

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.25

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0rho_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0rho_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14141000

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Fernando Abudinen

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D0(K+π)ρ+,

  • B+D0(D0(K+π)π0)ρ+,

Cuts applied:

  • 1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0

  • 0.47 < M_rho < 1.07

  • DM_Dstar_D < 0.16

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoD0rho_Kpipipi_Kpipi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoD0rho_Kpipipi_Kpipi0

  • Skim LFN code: 14141001

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Fernando Abudinen

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D0(K+2ππ+,K+ππ0)ρ+

  • B+D0(D0(K+2ππ+,K+ππ0)π0)ρ+

Cuts applied:

  • 1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0

  • DM_Dstar_D < 0.16

  • 0.6 < M_rho < 0.9

  • cosHel_rho < 0.90

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3


This skim saves only three randomly-chosen B+ candidates in a B+:BtoD0rho_merged list, since the candidate multiplicity of this skim is very high.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.btocharm.BtoDstarpipipi0_D0pi_Kpi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BtoDstarpipipi0_D0pi_Kpi

  • Skim LFN code: 14161400

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charm

  • Author: Fedja Ceplak Mencin

  • Contact: Yi Zhang

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+D(D0(K+π)π)π+π+π0

Cuts applied:

  • Mbc > 5.2

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3


This skim uses skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpi and skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi, where D channel is defined.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


20.2.2. B → charmless skims#

Skim list building functions for BXu+h analyses

class skim.WGs.btocharmless.BtoEtapKstp(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for B+ to eta’ K*+.

  • Skim name: BtoEtapKstp

  • Skim LFN code: 19140500

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charmless

  • Author: Chia-Ling Hsu

  • Contact: Benedikt Wach

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay mode:

  • B+ηK+

Cuts applied:

  • 5.20 < Mbc < 5.29

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5

  • 0.4 < M_{eta} < 0.6

  • 0.8 < M_{eta'} < 1.1

  • 0.7 < M_{K*} < 1.6

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.btocharmless.BtoHad1Pi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for B to charmless modes including 1 pi0 in the final state.

  • Skim name: BtoHad1Pi0

  • Skim LFN code: 19130300

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charmless

  • Authors: Fernando Abudinen, Riccardo Manfredi, Sebastiano Raiz, Benedikt Wach

  • Contact: Benedikt Wach

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+π+π0

  • B+K+π0

  • B0π+ππ0

  • B0K+ππ0

  • B0Kπ+π0

  • B0K+Kπ0

  • B0KS0π0

  • B+KS0π+π0

  • B+KS0K+π0

  • B+ρ+ρ0

Cuts applied:

  • 5.20 < Mbc < 5.29

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.btocharmless.BtoHad3Tracks1Pi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for all charged B to charmless modes with 3 tracks and 1 Pi0.

  • Skim name: BtoHad3Tracks1Pi0

  • Skim LFN code: 19130310

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charmless

  • Authors: Fernando Abudinen, Riccardo Manfredi, Sebastiano Raiz, Benedikt Wach

  • Contact: Benedikt Wach

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+K+K+K

  • B+K+K+π

  • B+K+π+π

Cuts applied:

  • 5.20 < Mbc < 5.29

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.btocharmless.BtoHadTracks(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list definitions for all B to charmless modes with tracks only in the final state.

  • Skim name: BtoHadTracks

  • Skim LFN code: 19130201

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charmless

  • Authors: Fernando Abudinen, Riccardo Manfredi, Sebastiano Raiz, Benedikt Wach

  • Contact: Benedikt Wach

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0π+π

  • B0K+π

  • B0K+K

  • B+π+π+π

  • B+KS0π+

  • B+KS0K+

  • B+K+π+π

  • B+K+K+π

  • B+K+Kπ+

  • B+K+K+K

  • B0π+ππ+π

  • B0K+ππ+π

  • B0K+Kπ+π

  • B0K+πK+π

  • B0K+KK+π

  • B0K+KK+K

  • B0KS0π+π

  • B0KS0K+π

  • B0KS0K+K

  • B0KS0KS0

  • B0K0KK+

  • B0K0ππ+

  • B0K0K+π

  • B0ρ0ρ0

  • B+K+KK+

  • B+K+ππ+

  • B+K+K+π

Cuts applied:

  • nTracks >= 2 (event level)

  • 5.20 < Mbc < 5.29

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.btocharmless.BtoPi0Eta(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list definitions for neutral B to pi0 eta and B to pi0 eta’.

  • Skim name: BtoPi0Eta

  • Skim LFN code: 19130600

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charmless

  • Authors: Longke Li, Yinghui Guan

  • Contact: Benedikt Wach

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0π0η

  • B0π0η

Cuts applied:

  • 5.20 < Mbc < 5.29

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.btocharmless.BtoPi0Pi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list definitions for neutral B to two neutral pions.

  • Skim name: BtoPi0Pi0

  • Skim LFN code: 19120100

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charmless

  • Authors: Fernando Abudinen, Riccardo Manfredi, Sebastiano Raiz, Francis Pham, Benedikt Wach

  • Contact: Benedikt Wach

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0π0π0

Cuts applied:

  • 5.20 < Mbc < 5.29

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.btocharmless.BtoRhopRhom(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for B to rho+ rho-.

  • Skim name: BtoRhopRhom

  • Skim LFN code: 19120400

  • Category: physics, hadronic B to charmless

  • Authors: Yu Nakazawa, Benedikt Wach

  • Contact: Benedikt Wach

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+ρ+ρ

Cuts applied:

  • 5.20 < Mbc < 5.29

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.


20.2.3. Charm physics skims#

Skim list building functions for charm analyses.


The Hp, Hm and Jm in the function name represent arbitrary charged particles with positive or negative charge. The Hp and Jm in XToD0_D0ToHpJm, mean a positive particle and a negative particle that could be either conjugate or non-conjugate. The Hp and Hm in EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0, mean a positive particle and a negative particle that must be conjugate.


Although reconstructDecay() would automatically include charged conjugate channel, and D0 is not distinguishable from anti-D0 in XToD0 skim, both D0f and D0f mode should be written explicitly in XToD0 skim, because later in the DstToD0Pi skim, the D0 decay strings in XToD0 skim would be directly combined with pi+. For example, if one only include D0 -> K+ pi- in XToD0_D0ToHpJm skim, then in DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJm skim, only the D*+ -> [D0 -> K+ pi-] pi+ would be included, and D*+ -> [D0 -> K- pi+] pi+ would not be included.

class skim.WGs.charm.DpToEtaHp(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D+ to eta h+

  • Skim name: DpToEtaHp

  • Skim LFN code: 17241300

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Jaeyoung Kim

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

Decay Modes:
  • D+ηπ+ (and CC)

  • D+η\K+ (and CC)

Selection Criteria:
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DpToHpOmega(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D+ to h+ omega, omega to pi+ pi- pi0.

  • Skim name: DpToHpOmega

  • Skim LFN code: 17260100

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Yongheon Ahn

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+K+ω (and CC)

  • D+π+ω (and CC)

  • ωπ+ππ0

Selection Criteria:
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DpToHpPi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D+ to h+ pi0 without D* tag.

  • Skim name: DpToHpPi0

  • Skim LFN code: 17232000

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Yifan Jin

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+π0

Selection Criteria:
  • Tracks: dr < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance, pcms(\pi^{+}) > 0.5

  • Use π0 from stdPi0s require pcms(\pi^{0}) > 0.5

  • 1.57 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DpToKsHp(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D+ to Ks pi+.

  • Skim name: DpToKsHp

  • Skim LFN code: 17222100

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Yifan Jin

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

Decay Modes:
  • D+KSπ+

Selection Criteria:
  • Tracks: dr < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance

  • Use Ks from stdKshorts

  • 1.77 < M(D+) < 1.97, pcms(D+) > 2.0

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DpToPipEpEm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D+ to pi+ e+ e-.

  • Skim name: DpToPipEpEm

  • Skim LFN code: 17220100

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Andrej Lozar

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+ee+,

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm lists in charm_skim_std_charged

  • 1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0 and loose cuts for ee

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DpToPipKpKm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D+ to pi+ K+ K-.

  • Skim name: DpToPipKpKm

  • Skim LFN code: 17220300

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Andrej Lozar

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+KK+

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm lists in charm_skim_std_charged

  • 1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0 and loose cuts for KK

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DpToPipMupMum(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D+ to pi+ mu+ mu-.

  • Skim name: DpToPipMupMum

  • Skim LFN code: 17220200

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Andrej Lozar

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+μμ+

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm lists in charm_skim_std_charged

  • 1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0 and loose cuts for mumu

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DspToHpOmega(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D_s+ to h+ omega, omega to pi+ pi- pi0.

  • Skim name: DspToHpOmega

  • Skim LFN code: 17260200

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Yongheon Ahn

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • Ds+K+ω (and CC)

  • Ds+π+ω (and CC)

  • ωπ+ππ0

Selection Criteria:
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToGeneric(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for Inclusive D0 from charm tagger

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToGeneric

  • Skim LFN code: 17230700

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Chanho Kim

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+D0π+ (signal side)

  • D+D0π+ and D+D+π0 (tag side)

  • D0D0π0 and D0D0γ (tag side)

  • Ds+Ds+γ (tag side)

  • 15 hadronic channels for tag D0 reconstruction

  • 11 hadronic channels for tag D+ reconstruction

  • 10 hadronic channels for tag Ds+ reconstruction

  • 19 hadronic channels for tag Λc+ reconstruction

Selection Criteria:
  • Cut on π+,K+ : charm_skim_std_charged pion and kaon with PIDNN > 0.1

  • Cut on p+ : abs(dr) < 1.0 and abs(dz) < 3.0 and protonID > 0.1

  • Cut on γ : E > 0.05

  • Cut on π0γγ : 0.115 < M < 0.160

  • Cut on tag side D0 : 1.72 < M < 2.02 and p* > 2.0

  • Cut on tag side D+ : 1.72 < M < 2.02 and p* > 2.0

  • Cut on tag side Ds+ : 1.82 < M < 2.12 and p* > 2.0

  • Cut on tag side Λc+ : 2.18 < M < 2.38 and p* > 2.0

  • 0.135 < massDifference(0) < 0.155 on decay with πs+ on Dtag

  • 0.130 < massDifference(0) < 0.160 on decay with π0 on Dtag

  • 0.120 < massDifference(0) < 0.165 on decay with γ on Dtag

  • 1.81 < M < 2.21 on signal side D+

  • 0.08 < MD - MD < 0.27 and p* > 2.0 on signal side D0

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmHpJm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D*+ to K- pi+ pi- pi+.

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmHpJm

  • Skim LFN code: 17241100

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Kavita Lalwani, Chanchal Sharma

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+D0,D0π+ππ+π

  • D+π+D0,D0π+ππ+K

  • D+π+D0,D0π+πK+K

  • D+π+D0,D0π+KK+K

Selection Criteria:
  • Tracks from D0: abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance

  • 1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06

  • No cut on the slow pion

  • Q < 0.022, pcms(D*+) > 2.0

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Same as XToD0_D0ToHpJm, but requiring the D0 is from D*+ -> D0 pi+ process.

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJm

  • Skim LFN code: 17240100

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Giulia Casarosa

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
Selection Criteria:
  • Apply the cuts in XToD0_D0ToHpJm

  • No cut on the slow pion

  • 0 < Q < 0.018

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmEta(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to eta and two charged FSPs, where the kinds of two charged FSPs are different. The wrong-sign (WS) mode, D0 to K+ pi- eta, is also included.

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmEta

  • Skim LFN code: 17240500

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Jaeyoung Kim

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+πD0,D0π+πη,ηγγ

  • RS:D+π+D0,D0Kπ+η,ηγγ

  • WS:D+π+D0,D0K+πη,ηγγ

  • D+πD0,D0K+Kη,ηγγ

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm lists in charm_skim_std_charged

  • 0.47 < M(eta) < 0.60, p(eta) > 0.24

  • 1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06, pcms(D0) > 2.0

  • No cut on the slow pion

  • M(D*)-M(D0) < 0.16

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmKs(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to Ks and two conjugate charged FSPs.

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmKs

  • Skim LFN code: 17240700

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Yeqi Chen

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+D0,D0KSπ+π

  • D+π+D0,D0KSπ+K

  • D+π+D0,D0KSK+π

  • D+π+D0,D0KSK+K

Selection Criteria:
  • Tracks from D0: abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance

  • Use KS from stdV0s.stdKshorts

  • 1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06

  • No cut on the slow pion

  • Q < 0.022

  • pcms(D*) > 2.0

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D*-tagged D0 to pi0 and two charged hadrons (any combination of kaons and pions).

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0

  • Skim LFN code: 17240200

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Authors: Ludovico Massaccesi, Emma Oxford

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes: D±D0π± with
  • D0Kπ±π0 (and CC)

  • D0π+ππ0 (and CC)

  • D0K+Kπ0 (and CC)

Selection Criteria:
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToKsOmega(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to Ks pi+ pi- pi0.

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToKsOmega

  • Skim LFN code: 17240400

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: (no authors listed)

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+D0,D0KSπ+ππ0

Selection Criteria:
  • Tracks from D0: abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance

  • Use π0 from stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0, then require 0.11 < M(pi0) < 0.15, p(pi0) > 0.25

  • 1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06, pcms(D0) > 2.0

  • Q < 0.018

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToNeutrals(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Same as XToD0_D0ToNeutrals, but requiring that the D0 is from D* decay.

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToNeutrals

  • Skim LFN code: 17240600

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Authors: Giulia Casarosa, Emma Oxford

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

Decay Modes:
Selection Criteria:
  • Apply the cuts in XToD0_D0ToNeutrals

  • No cut on the slow pion

  • deltaM<0.2

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToRare(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to rare decay.

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToRare

  • Skim LFN code: 17230300

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Authors: Jaeyoung Kim, Doris Yangsoo Kim, Jaeyeon Kim

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+D0,D0γγ,

  • D+π+D0,D0ee,

  • D+π+D0,D0e+μ,

  • D+π+D0,D0eμ+,

  • D+π+D0,D0μμ,

  • D+π+D0,D0π+π,

Selection Criteria:
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToD0Pi_D0ToVGamma(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: A select of DstToD0Pi_D0ToVGamma, V is the vector meson, including phi, rho0, anti-K*0 and omega.

  • Skim name: DstToD0Pi_D0ToVGamma

  • Skim LFN code: 17241200

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Jaeyoung Kim

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

Decay Modes:
  • D+π+D0,D0ϕγ

  • D+π+D0,D0ρ0γ

  • D+π+D0,D0K¯0γ

  • D+π+D0,D0ωγ

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm lists in charm_skim_std_charged

  • Use γ from stdPhotons.loadStdSkimPhoton

  • Use π0 from stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0

  • Cut on ϕ: abs(dM) < 0.03

  • Cut on ρ0: abs(dM) < 0.3675

  • Cut on K¯0: abs(dM) < 0.33

  • Cut on ω: abs(dM) < 0.045

  • Cut on D0: abs(dM) < 0.225 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2

  • Cut on D+: massDifference(0) < 0.160

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.DstToDpPi0_DpToHpPi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D*+ to D+ pi0, D+ to h+ pi0.

  • Skim name: DstToDpPi0_DpToHpPi0

  • Skim LFN code: 17241000

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Johannes Brand

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

Decay Modes:
  • D+π0D+,D+π+π0

Selection Criteria:
  • Tracks: dr < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance

  • Use π0 from stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0

  • 1.67 < M(D+) < 2.07, pcms(D+) > 2.0

  • 0 < Q < 0.018

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: A special version of DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0 to deal with Early Data.

  • Skim name: EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0

  • Skim LFN code: 17240900

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: (no authors listed)

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Cut criteria are not finally decided, and could be changed. Please check the code in the master branch to get up-to-date information.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: An special version of DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0 to deal with Early Data.

  • Skim name: EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0

  • Skim LFN code: 17240800

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: (no authors listed)

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Cut criteria are not finally decided, and could be changed. Please check the code in the master branch to get up-to-date information.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.LambdacToSHpJm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for Lambda_c+ three body decays including a Sigma+.

  • Skim name: LambdacToSHpJm

  • Skim LFN code: 17230900

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Suravinda Kospalage

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • Λc+Σ+π+π

  • Λc+Σ+π+K

  • Λc+Σ+K+π

  • Λc+Σ+K+K

  • Λc+Σ+KS

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged

  • 2.2 < M(Lambda_c) < 2.4, pcms(Lambda_c) > 2.0

  • K/pi binary ID > 0.2, p/K/pi trinary ID > 0.2

  • loose mass window for π0 and skim selections from stdPi0s

  • 0.44 < M(K_s) < 0.55, significanceOfFlightDistance > 2.0

  • ±3σ mass windows for Σ+

  • lower bound on significance of distance for Σ+ > 2

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.LambdacTopHpJm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for Lambda_c+ three body decays including a proton.

  • Skim name: LambdacTopHpJm

  • Skim LFN code: 17230600

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Suravinda Kospalage

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • Λc+pπ+π

  • Λc+pπ+K

  • Λc+pK+π

  • Λc+pK+K

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged

  • 2.2 < M(Lambda_c) < 2.4, pcms(Lambda_c) > 2.0

  • K/pi binary ID > 0.2, p/K/pi trinary ID > 0.2

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.XToD0_D0ToHpJm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for inclusive D0 two body decays.

  • Skim name: XToD0_D0ToHpJm

  • Skim LFN code: 17230100

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Dinura Hettiarachchi

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Skims D0’s reconstructed by XToD0_D0ToHpJm.D0ToHpJm.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

static D0ToHpJm(path)[source]#
Decay Modes:
  • D0π+π,

  • D0K+π,

  • D0Kπ+,

  • D0K+K,

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged

  • 1.70 < M(D0) < 2.00, pcms(D0) > 2.0

  • `` K/pi binary ID > 0.2``

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.


Builds D0 skim lists defined in XToD0_D0ToHpJm.D0ToHpJm.

class skim.WGs.charm.XToD0_D0ToNeutrals(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D0 to neutral FSPs.

  • Skim name: XToD0_D0ToNeutrals

  • Skim LFN code: 17230200

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Giulia Casarosa

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

Skims D0’s reconstructed by XToD0_D0ToNeutrals.D0ToNeutrals.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

static D0ToNeutrals(path)[source]#
Decay Modes:
  • D0π0π0

  • D0KSπ0

  • D0KSKS

Selection Criteria:
  • Use π0 from stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0

  • Use KS from stdV0s.stdKshorts

  • 1.62 < M(D0) < 2.1, pcms(D0) > 2.0

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

  • (Maybe in the future, we can add a loose ECL cluster timing cut to π0 in this skim.)

  • path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.

  • List of D0 particle list names.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.


Builds D0 skim lists defined in XToD0_D0ToNeutrals.D0ToNeutrals.

class skim.WGs.charm.XToDp_DpToHpHmJp(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D_(s)+ to h+ h- j+.

  • Skim name: XToDp_DpToHpHmJp

  • Skim LFN code: 17230500

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Authors: Jaeyoung Kim, Aman Sangal

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D(S)+π+ππ+,

  • D(S)+π+πK+,

  • D(S)+π+KK+,

  • D(S)+K+KK+,

  • For D(S)+KSh+, which includes a KS vertex, please check XToDp_DpToKsHp

Selection Criteria:
  • Use traacks from the charm_skim_std_charged

  • Additional cut: global PID > 0.5(Temporary solution for Run1 re-skimming campaign. It might need to be modified.)

  • 1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.XToDp_DpToKsHp(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for D_(s)+ to Ks h+.

  • Skim name: XToDp_DpToKsHp

  • Skim LFN code: 17230400

  • Category: physics, charm

  • Author: Guanda Gong

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • D(S)+KSπ+,

  • D(S)+KSK+,

Selection Criteria:
  • Tracks not from KS: abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance

  • Use KS from stdV0s.stdKshorts and require flightDistance/flightDistanceErr > 2

  • 1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.Xic0ToLHpJm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for three-body Xi_c0 decays including a Lambda0

  • Skim name: Xic0ToLHpJm

  • Skim LFN code: 17231200

  • Category: physics, charm, cascade

  • Author: Saroj Pokharel

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • Ξc0Λ0π+K

  • Ξc0Λ0π+π

  • Ξc0Λ0K+K

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged

  • 2.3 < M(Xi_c) < 2.65, pcms(Xi_c) > 2.0

  • p/K/pi trinary ID

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.XicToXimPipPim(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for Xi_c+ to hyperons.

  • Skim name: XicToXimPipPim

  • Skim LFN code: 17231100

  • Category: physics, charm, cascade

  • Author: Paul Gebeline

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes

  • Ξc+Σ+π+K

  • Ξc+Σ+K+K

  • Ξc+Σ+π+π

  • Ξc+Ξπ+π

  • Ξc+Ξ0π+π+π

Selection Criteria

  • standard track quality constraints on final state particles from charm_skim_std_charged

  • K/pi binary ID > 0.2, p/K/pi trinary ID > 0.2

  • ±3σ mass windows for all intermediate hyperons

  • ±3σ mass window for pi0 and skim selections from stdPi0s

  • lower bound on significance of (flight) distance for all intermediate hyperons, 40% of expected value to be used in analysis

  • loose mass window and lower bound to pCMS for Xic+

  • lower bound to p for pi0s originating from a Sigma+

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.XicpToLKsHp(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for Xi_c+ decaying to Lambda Ks h+, Xi- pi+ h+, Omega- pi+ K+.

  • Skim name: XicpToLKsHp

  • Skim LFN code: 17231300

  • Category: physics, charm, Xi_c

  • Author: Longke Li

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • Ξc+LambdaKS0π+

  • Ξc+LambdaKS0K+

  • Ξc+Ξπ+π+

  • Ξc+Ξπ+K+

  • Ξc+Ωπ+K+

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged

  • 2.35 < M(Xi_c) < 2.59, pcms(Xi_c) > 2.0

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.charm.XicpTopHpJm(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for Xi_c+ three body decays including a proton.

  • Skim name: XicpTopHpJm

  • Skim LFN code: 17231000

  • Category: physics, charm, cascade

  • Author: Suravinda Kospalage

  • Contact: Jaeyoung Kim

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Decay Modes:
  • Ξc+pπ+K

Selection Criteria:
  • Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged

  • 2.3 < M(Xi_c) < 2.65, pcms(Xi_c) > 2.0

  • K/pi binary ID > 0.2, p/K/pi trinary ID > 0.2

  • For more details, please check the source code of this skim.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleLoader', 'RootOutput']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.


Provides a list of charged sigma baryons for charm skims with these basic cuts applied: 1.166 < M < 1.211 and significanceOfDistance > 2. The proton daughters must fulfil a loose proton PID requirement vs pions and kaons and the pi0 daughters are standard skim pi0s with an invariant mass in the range 0.12 - 0.145 GeV/c^2.

skim.WGs.charm.charm_skim_std_charged(particle_type, path)[source]#

Provides a list of charged particles to be used by charm skims named <particle_type>+:charmSkim, with basic cuts applied: dr < 1 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance.

20.2.4. Dark sector skims#

Skim list building functions for the dark sector physics working group

class skim.WGs.dark.AA2uuuu(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: eeAAνDνDμμμμ

  • Skim name: AA2uuuu

  • Skim LFN code: 18370100

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Chanyoung LEE

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Searching dark photons in 4-muon final state.

Reconstructed a muon pair to a dark photon.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.dark.ALP3Gamma(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Neutral dark sector skim list for the ALP 3-photon analysis: eea(γγ)γ

  • Skim name: ALP3Gamma

  • Skim LFN code: 18020300

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Michael De Nuccio

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Adds the ALP codes to the basf2 pdg instance


An list builder function for the ALP decays. Part of the ALP3Gamma skim.


path (basf2.Path) – the path to add the skim


list name of the ALP decays candidates

class skim.WGs.dark.BtoKplusLLP(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: B+ to K+ LLP analysis skim e+eΥ(4s)[B+K+LLP]B

  • Skim name: BtoKplusLLP

  • Skim LFN code: 18130100

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Sascha Dreyer

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Skim to select B+ decays to a K+ from the IP and a LLP with a vertex displaced from the IR decaying to two charged tracks.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.dark.DielectronPlusMissingEnergy(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Dielectron skim, needed for e+eAh;Ae+e;hinvisible and other searches.

  • Skim name: DielectronPlusMissingEnergy

  • Skim LFN code: 18520300

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Giacomo De Pietro

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Physics channel: e+ee+e


This skim is currently deactivated, since the retention rate is too high.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

TestSampleProcess = 'mumu'#

MC process of test file. BaseSkim.TestFiles passes this property to skim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a B0B0 sample.

class skim.WGs.dark.DielectronPlusVisibleDarkHiggs(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for the visible dark higgs analysis

  • Skim name: DielectronPlusVisibleDarkHiggs

  • Skim LFN code: 18020700

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Luigi Corona

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Physics channel: e+e- -> A’h’, A’-> e+e-, hp -> tr+tr-

Skim list contains candidates for the visible dark Higgs produced in association with a prompt electron-pair.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Adds the particle codes to the basf2 pdg instance

class skim.WGs.dark.DimuonPlusMissingEnergy(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Dimuon + missing energy skim, needed for e+eμ+μZ;Zinvisible and other searches.

  • Skim name: DimuonPlusMissingEnergy

  • Skim LFN code: 18520100

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Giacomo De Pietro

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Physics channel: e+eμ+μ+ missing energy.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.dark.DimuonPlusVisibleDarkHiggs(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for the visible dark higgs analysis

  • Skim name: DimuonPlusVisibleDarkHiggs

  • Skim LFN code: 18020600

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Luigi Corona

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Physics channel: e+e- -> A’h’, A’-> mu+mu-, hp -> tr+tr-

Skim list contains candidates for the visible dark Higgs produced in association with a a prompt muon-pair.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Adds the particle codes to the basf2 pdg instance

class skim.WGs.dark.EGammaControlDark(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Electron-gamma skim list for study of the ee backgrounds at high dark photon mass, as part of the dark photon analysis

  • Skim name: EGammaControlDark

  • Skim LFN code: 18020400

  • Category: physics, dark sector, control-channel

  • Authors: Sam Cunliffe, Torben Ferber

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Physics channel: ee → eγ

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.dark.ElectronMuonPlusMissingEnergy(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Electron-muon pair + missing energy skim, needed for e+ee±μZ;Zinvisible and other searches.

  • Skim name: ElectronMuonPlusMissingEnergy

  • Skim LFN code: 18520200

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Giacomo De Pietro

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Physics channel: e+ee±μ+ missing energy

class skim.WGs.dark.GammaGammaControlKLMDark(prescale_high=1, prescale_low=1, **kwargs)[source]#


  • Skim description: Gamma gamma skim list for study of the KLM efficiency as part of the dark photon analysis

  • Skim name: GammaGammaControlKLMDark

  • Skim LFN code: 18020200

  • Category: physics, dark sector, control-channel

  • Authors: Sam Cunliffe, Miho Wakai

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Physics channel: ee → γγ


This skim can retain a lot of γγ events. In case this becomes unacceptable, we provide prescale parameters. Prescales are given in standard trigger convention (reciprocal), so prescale of 100 is 1% of events kept, etc.


To prescale the higher-energy probe photons by 10%:

>>> from skim.WGs.dark import GammaGammaControlKLMDark
>>> Skim = GammaGammaControlKLMDark(prescale_high=10)
>>> Skim(path)  # Add list-building function and uDST output module to path
>>> b2.process(path)
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

TestSampleProcess = 'gg'#

MC process of test file. BaseSkim.TestFiles passes this property to skim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a B0B0 sample.

class skim.WGs.dark.InelasticDarkMatter(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: iDM list for the iDM analysis.

  • Skim name: InelasticDarkMatter

  • Skim LFN code: 18000000

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Savino Longo

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Skim list contains events with no tracks from IP, no high E tracks and only one high E photon.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.dark.InelasticDarkMatterWithDarkHiggs(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for the inelastic Dark Matter with a Dark Higgs analysis.

  • Skim name: InelasticDarkMatterWithDarkHiggs

  • Skim LFN code: 18020500

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Patrick Ecker

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Skim list contains events with at least one displaced vertex and no additional unused tracks from the IP.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Adds the particle codes to the basf2 pdg instance

class skim.WGs.dark.LFVZpVisible(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Lepton flavour violating Z’ skim, Z’ to visible FS.

  • Skim name: LFVZpVisible

  • Skim LFN code: 18520400

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Ilya Komarov and Luigi Corona

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Physics channel: ee –> e mu Z’; Z’ –> e mu

class skim.WGs.dark.RadBhabhaV0Control(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: iDM control sample skim. e+ee+eV0;

  • Skim name: RadBhabhaV0Control

  • Skim LFN code: 18000001

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Author: Savino Longo

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Control sample: e+ee+eV0;

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.dark.SinglePhotonDark(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Single photon skim list for the dark photon analysis.

  • Skim name: SinglePhotonDark

  • Skim LFN code: 18020100

  • Category: physics, dark sector

  • Authors: Sam Cunliffe, Chris Hearty

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Physics channel: ee → A’γ; A’ → invisible

Skim list contains single photon candidates for the dark photon to invisible final state analysis.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


20.2.5. Full event interpretation skims#

(Semi-)Leptonic Working Group Skims for missing energy modes that use the Full event interpretation (FEI) algorithm.

class skim.WGs.fei.BaseFEISkim(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#

Base class for FEI skims. Applies event-level pre-cuts and applies the FEI.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

FEIChannelArgs = {}#

Dict of str -> bool pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels. When inheriting from BaseFEISkim, override this value to apply the FEI for only e.g. SL charged B’s.

FEIPrefix = 'FEIv4_2022_MC15_light-2205-abys'#

Prefix label for the FEI training used in the FEI skims.

MergeDataStructures = {'FEIChannelArgs': <function _merge_boolean_dicts>}#

Dict of str -> function pairs to determine if any special data structures should be merged when combining skims. Currently, this is only used to merge FEI config parameters when running multiple FEI skims at once, so that it can be run just once with all the necessary arguments.

NoisyModules = ['ParticleCombiner']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.


Apply pre-FEI event-level cuts and apply the FEI. This setup function is run by all FEI skims, so they all have the same event-level pre-cuts.

This function passes FEIChannelArgs to the cached function run_fei_for_skims to avoid applying the FEI twice.

See also

fei_precuts for event-level cut definitions.

static fei_precuts(path)[source]#

Skim pre-cuts are applied before running the FEI, to reduce computation time. This setup function is run by all FEI skims, so they all have the save event-level pre-cuts:

  • ncleaned tracks3

  • ncleaned ECL clusters3

  • Visible energy of event (CMS frame)>4 GeV

We define “cleaned” tracks and clusters as:

  • Cleaned tracks (pi+:FEI_cleaned): d0<0.5 cm, |z0|<2 cm, and pT>0.1 GeV

  • Cleaned ECL clusters (gamma:FEI_cleaned): θ in CDC acceptance, and E>0.1 GeV

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

static run_fei_for_skims(FEIChannelArgs, FEIPrefix, analysisGlobaltag, *, path)[source]#

Reconstruct hadronic and semileptonic B0 and B+ tags using the generically trained FEI.

  • FEIChannelArgs (dict(str, bool)) – A dict of keyword-boolean pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels.

  • FEIPrefix (str) – Prefix label for the FEI training used in the FEI skims.

  • path (basf2.Path) – The skim path to be processed.

static setup_fei_aliases(FEIChannelArgs)[source]#
class skim.WGs.fei.feiHadronic(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: FEI-tagged neutral and charged B’s decaying hadronically.

  • Skim name: feiHadronic

  • Skim LFN code: 11180500

  • Category: physics, Full Event Interpretation

  • Authors: Racha Cheaib, Hannah Wakeling, Phil Grace

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Tag side B cuts:

  • Mbc>5.2 GeV

  • |ΔE|<0.3 GeV

  • signal probability>0.001 (omitted for decay mode 23 for B+, and decay mode 25 for B0)

All available FEI B0 and B+ hadronic tags are reconstructed. From Thomas Keck’s thesis, “the channel B0D0π0 was used by the FR, but is not yet used in the FEI due to unexpected technical restrictions in the KFitter algorithm”.

List of reconstructed channels and corresponding decay mode IDs:

B0 channels:

  1. Bhad0Dπ+

  2. Bhad0Dπ+π0

  3. Bhad0Dπ+π0π0

  4. Bhad0Dπ+π+π

  5. Bhad0Dπ+π+ππ0

  6. Bhad0D0π+π

  7. Bhad0DD0K+

  8. Bhad0DD0K+

  9. Bhad0DD0K+

  10. Bhad0DD0K+

  11. Bhad0DD+KS0

  12. Bhad0DD+KS0

  13. Bhad0DD+KS0

  14. Bhad0DD+KS0

  15. Bhad0Ds+D

  16. Bhad0Dπ+

  17. Bhad0Dπ+π0

  18. Bhad0Dπ+π0π0

  19. Bhad0Dπ+π+π

  20. Bhad0Dπ+π+ππ0

  21. Bhad0Ds+D

  22. Bhad0Ds+D

  23. Bhad0Ds+D

  24. Bhad0J/ψKS0

  25. Bhad0J/ψK+π

  26. Bhad0J/ψKS0π+π

  27. Bhad0Λcpπ+π

  28. Bhad0D0pp¯

  29. Bhad0Dpp¯π+

  30. Bhad0Dpp¯π+

  31. Bhad0D0pp¯π+π

  32. Bhad0D0pp¯π+π

B+ channels:

  1. Bhad+D0π+

  2. Bhad+D0π+π0

  3. Bhad+D0π+π0π0

  4. Bhad+D0π+π+π

  5. Bhad+D0π+π+ππ0

  6. Bhad+D0D+

  7. Bhad+D0D+KS0

  8. Bhad+D0D+KS0

  9. Bhad+D0D+KS0

  10. Bhad+D0D+KS0

  11. Bhad+D0D0K+

  12. Bhad+D0D0K+

  13. Bhad+D0D0K+

  14. Bhad+D0D0K+

  15. Bhad+Ds+D0

  16. Bhad+D0π+

  17. Bhad+D0π+π0

  18. Bhad+D0π+π0π0

  19. Bhad+D0π+π+π

  20. Bhad+D0π+π+ππ0

  21. Bhad+Ds+D0

  22. Bhad+Ds+D0

  23. Bhad+D0K+

  24. Bhad+Dπ+π+

  25. Bhad+Dπ+π+π0

  26. Bhad+J/ψK+

  27. Bhad+J/ψK+π+π

  28. Bhad+J/ψK+π0

  29. Bhad+J/ψKS0π+

  30. Bhad+Λcpπ+π0

  31. Bhad+Λcpπ+ππ+

  32. Bhad+D0pp¯π+

  33. Bhad+D0pp¯π+

  34. Bhad+D+pp¯π+π

  35. Bhad+D+pp¯π+π

  36. Bhad+Λcpπ+

See also

BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix for FEI training used, and BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI.

FEIChannelArgs = {'KLong': False, 'baryonic': True, 'chargedB': True, 'hadronic': True, 'neutralB': True, 'semileptonic': False}#

Dict of str -> bool pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels. When inheriting from BaseFEISkim, override this value to apply the FEI for only e.g. SL charged B’s.

class skim.WGs.fei.feiHadronicB0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: FEI-tagged neutral B’s decaying hadronically.

  • Skim name: feiHadronicB0

  • Skim LFN code: 11180100

  • Category: physics, Full Event Interpretation

  • Authors: Racha Cheaib, Hannah Wakeling, Phil Grace

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Tag side B cuts:

  • Mbc>5.2 GeV

  • |ΔE|<0.3 GeV

  • signal probability>0.001 (omitted for decay mode 23)

All available FEI B0 hadronic tags are reconstructed. From Thomas Keck’s thesis, “the channel B0D0π0 was used by the FR, but is not yet used in the FEI due to unexpected technical restrictions in the KFitter algorithm”.

List of reconstructed channels and corresponding decay mode IDs:

  1. Bhad0Dπ+

  2. Bhad0Dπ+π0

  3. Bhad0Dπ+π0π0

  4. Bhad0Dπ+π+π

  5. Bhad0Dπ+π+ππ0

  6. Bhad0D0π+π

  7. Bhad0DD0K+

  8. Bhad0DD0K+

  9. Bhad0DD0K+

  10. Bhad0DD0K+

  11. Bhad0DD+KS0

  12. Bhad0DD+KS0

  13. Bhad0DD+KS0

  14. Bhad0DD+KS0

  15. Bhad0Ds+D

  16. Bhad0Dπ+

  17. Bhad0Dπ+π0

  18. Bhad0Dπ+π0π0

  19. Bhad0Dπ+π+π

  20. Bhad0Dπ+π+ππ0

  21. Bhad0Ds+D

  22. Bhad0Ds+D

  23. Bhad0Ds+D

  24. Bhad0J/ψKS0

  25. Bhad0J/ψK+π

  26. Bhad0J/ψKS0π+π

  27. Bhad0Λcpπ+π

  28. Bhad0D0pp¯

  29. Bhad0Dpp¯π+

  30. Bhad0Dpp¯π+

  31. Bhad0D0pp¯π+π

  32. Bhad0D0pp¯π+π

See also

BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix for FEI training used, and BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI.

FEIChannelArgs = {'KLong': False, 'baryonic': True, 'chargedB': False, 'hadronic': True, 'neutralB': True, 'semileptonic': False}#

Dict of str -> bool pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels. When inheriting from BaseFEISkim, override this value to apply the FEI for only e.g. SL charged B’s.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.fei.feiHadronicBplus(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: FEI-tagged charged B’s decaying hadronically.

  • Skim name: feiHadronicBplus

  • Skim LFN code: 11180200

  • Category: physics, Full Event Interpretation

  • Authors: Racha Cheaib, Hannah Wakeling, Phil Grace

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Tag side B cuts:

  • Mbc>5.2 GeV

  • |ΔE|<0.3 GeV

  • signal probability>0.001 (omitted for decay mode 25)

All available FEI B+ hadronic tags are reconstructed.

List of reconstructed channels and corresponding decay mode IDs:

  1. Bhad+D0π+

  2. Bhad+D0π+π0

  3. Bhad+D0π+π0π0

  4. Bhad+D0π+π+π

  5. Bhad+D0π+π+ππ0

  6. Bhad+D0D+

  7. Bhad+D0D+KS0

  8. Bhad+D0D+KS0

  9. Bhad+D0D+KS0

  10. Bhad+D0D+KS0

  11. Bhad+D0D0K+

  12. Bhad+D0D0K+

  13. Bhad+D0D0K+

  14. Bhad+D0D0K+

  15. Bhad+Ds+D0

  16. Bhad+D0π+

  17. Bhad+D0π+π0

  18. Bhad+D0π+π0π0

  19. Bhad+D0π+π+π

  20. Bhad+D0π+π+ππ0

  21. Bhad+Ds+D0

  22. Bhad+Ds+D0

  23. Bhad+D0K+

  24. Bhad+Dπ+π+

  25. Bhad+Dπ+π+π0

  26. Bhad+J/ψK+

  27. Bhad+J/ψK+π+π

  28. Bhad+J/ψK+π0

  29. Bhad+J/ψKS0π+

  30. Bhad+Λcpπ+π0

  31. Bhad+Λcpπ+ππ+

  32. Bhad+D0pp¯π+

  33. Bhad+D0pp¯π+

  34. Bhad+D+pp¯π+π

  35. Bhad+D+pp¯π+π

  36. Bhad+Λcpπ+

See also

BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix for FEI training used, and BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI.

FEIChannelArgs = {'KLong': False, 'baryonic': True, 'chargedB': True, 'hadronic': True, 'neutralB': False, 'semileptonic': False}#

Dict of str -> bool pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels. When inheriting from BaseFEISkim, override this value to apply the FEI for only e.g. SL charged B’s.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.fei.feiSL(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: FEI-tagged neutral and charged B’s decaying semileptonically.

  • Skim name: feiSL

  • Skim LFN code: 11180600

  • Category: physics, Full Event Interpretation

  • Authors: Racha Cheaib, Hannah Wakeling, Phil Grace

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Tag side B cuts:

  • 4<cosθBY<3

  • log10(signal probability)>2.4

  • p>1.0 GeV in CMS frame

SL B0 and B+ tags are reconstructed. Hadronic B with SL D are not reconstructed, as these are rare and time-intensive.

List of reconstructed channels and corresponding decay mode IDs:

B0 channels:

  1. BSL0De+

  2. BSL0Dμ+

  3. BSL0De+

  4. BSL0Dμ+

  5. BSL0D0πe+

  6. BSL0D0πμ+

  7. BSL0D0πe+

  8. BSL0D0πμ+

B+ channels:

  1. BSL+D0e+

  2. BSL+D0μ+

  3. BSL+D0e+

  4. BSL+D0μ+

  5. BSL+Dπ+e+

  6. BSL+Dπ+μ+

  7. BSL+Dπ+e+

  8. BSL+Dπ+μ+

See also

BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix for FEI training used, and BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI.

FEIChannelArgs = {'KLong': False, 'baryonic': True, 'chargedB': True, 'hadronic': False, 'neutralB': True, 'removeSLD': True, 'semileptonic': True}#

Dict of str -> bool pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels. When inheriting from BaseFEISkim, override this value to apply the FEI for only e.g. SL charged B’s.

class skim.WGs.fei.feiSLB0(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: FEI-tagged neutral B’s decaying semileptonically.

  • Skim name: feiSLB0

  • Skim LFN code: 11180300

  • Category: physics, Full Event Interpretation

  • Authors: Racha Cheaib, Hannah Wakeling, Phil Grace

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Tag side B cuts:

  • 4<cosθBY<3

  • log10(signal probability)>2.4

  • p>1.0 GeV in CMS frame

SL B0 tags are reconstructed. Hadronic B with SL D are not reconstructed, as these are rare and time-intensive.

List of reconstructed channels and corresponding decay mode IDs:

  1. BSL0De+

  2. BSL0Dμ+

  3. BSL0De+

  4. BSL0Dμ+

  5. BSL0D0πe+

  6. BSL0D0πμ+

  7. BSL0D0πe+

  8. BSL0D0πμ+

See also

BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix for FEI training used, and BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI.

FEIChannelArgs = {'KLong': False, 'baryonic': True, 'chargedB': False, 'hadronic': False, 'neutralB': True, 'removeSLD': True, 'semileptonic': True}#

Dict of str -> bool pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels. When inheriting from BaseFEISkim, override this value to apply the FEI for only e.g. SL charged B’s.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.fei.feiSLB0_RDstar(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (“FEI-tagged neutral B’s decaying semileptonically”, ‘Analysis cuts included, best sigProb candidate kept’)

  • Skim name: feiSLB0_RDstar

  • Skim LFN code: 11180301

  • Category: physics, Full Event Interpretation

  • Authors: Racha Cheaib, Hannah Wakeling, Phil Grace

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Tag side B cuts:

  • FoxWolframR2<0.4

  • 1.75<cosθBY<1.1

  • log10(signal probability)>2.0

  • p>1.0 GeV in CMS frame

  • BCS:signal probability

SL B0 tags are reconstructed. Hadronic B with SL D are not reconstructed, as these are rare and time-intensive.

List of reconstructed channels and corresponding decay mode IDs:

  1. BSL0De+

  2. BSL0Dμ+

  3. BSL0De+

  4. BSL0Dμ+

  5. BSL0D0πe+

  6. BSL0D0πμ+

  7. BSL0D0πe+

  8. BSL0D0πμ+

See also

BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix for FEI training used, and BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI.

FEIChannelArgs = {'KLong': False, 'baryonic': True, 'chargedB': False, 'hadronic': False, 'neutralB': True, 'removeSLD': True, 'semileptonic': True}#

Dict of str -> bool pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels. When inheriting from BaseFEISkim, override this value to apply the FEI for only e.g. SL charged B’s.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.fei.feiSLBplus(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: FEI-tagged charged B’s decaying semileptonically.

  • Skim name: feiSLBplus

  • Skim LFN code: 11180400

  • Category: physics, Full Event Interpretation

  • Authors: Racha Cheaib, Hannah Wakeling, Phil Grace

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Tag side B cuts:

  • 4<cosθBY<3

  • log10(signal probability)>2.4

  • p>1.0 GeV in CMS frame

SL B+ tags are reconstructed. Hadronic B+ with SL D are not reconstructed, as these are rare and time-intensive.

List of reconstructed channels and corresponding decay mode IDs:

  1. BSL+D0e+

  2. BSL+D0μ+

  3. BSL+D0e+

  4. BSL+D0μ+

  5. BSL+Dπ+e+

  6. BSL+Dπ+μ+

  7. BSL+Dπ+e+

  8. BSL+Dπ+μ+

See also

BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix for FEI training used, and BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI.

FEIChannelArgs = {'KLong': False, 'baryonic': True, 'chargedB': True, 'hadronic': False, 'neutralB': False, 'removeSLD': True, 'semileptonic': True}#

Dict of str -> bool pairs to be passed to fei.get_default_channels. When inheriting from BaseFEISkim, override this value to apply the FEI for only e.g. SL charged B’s.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

20.2.6. Leptonic skims#

(Semi-)Leptonic Working Group Skims for leptonic analyses.

class skim.WGs.leptonic.LeptonicUntagged(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for leptonic analyses, Bsigν, where =e,μ

  • Skim name: LeptonicUntagged

  • Skim LFN code: 11130300

  • Category: physics, leptonic

  • Author: Phillip Urquijo

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

Reconstructed decays
  • Be

  • Bμ

Cuts applied
  • p>2GeV in CMS Frame

  • electronID>0.5

  • muonID>0.5

  • ntracks3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

20.2.7. Low multiplicity skims#

Skim list building functions for the low multiplicity physics working group

class skim.WGs.lowMulti.LowMassOneTrack(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for low mass events with one track and one hard photon in final state.

  • Skim name: LowMassOneTrack

  • Skim LFN code: 18530600

  • Category: physics, low multiplicity

  • Authors: Gaurav Sharma, Qingyuan Liu

  • Contact: Gaurav Sharma

Physics channel: e+eγπ+π and e+eγμ+μ

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

TestSampleProcess = 'mumu'#

MC process of test file. BaseSkim.TestFiles passes this property to skim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a B0B0 sample.

class skim.WGs.lowMulti.LowMassTwoTrack(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for low mass events with at least two tracks and one hard photon in final state.

  • Skim name: LowMassTwoTrack

  • Skim LFN code: 18520500

  • Category: physics, low multiplicity

  • Authors: Xing-Yu Zhou, Guanda Gong

  • Contact: Xing-Yu Zhou

Physics channel: e+eγh1+h2X


This skim includes the golden mode e+eγπ+π


The h1+ and h2+ here mean a positive particle and a negative particle that could be either conjugate or non-conjugate. The X means arbitrary final state particles.

Decay Modes

  1. e+eγπ+πX,

  2. e+eγK+KX,

  3. e+eγK+πX,

  4. e+eγppX,

  5. e+eγpπX,

  6. e+eγpKX,

  7. e+eγμ+μX,

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

TestSampleProcess = 'mumu'#

MC process of test file. BaseSkim.TestFiles passes this property to skim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a B0B0 sample.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.lowMulti.SingleTagPseudoScalar(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: A skim script to select events with one high-energy electron and one or more pi0/eta/eta mesons.

  • Skim name: SingleTagPseudoScalar

  • Skim LFN code: 18530200

  • Category: physics, low multiplicity

  • Author: Hisaki Hayashii

  • Contact: Hisaki Hayashii

Physics channel: e+ee±(e)π0/η/η

Decay Modes

  1. π0γγ,

  2. ηγγ,

  3. ηπ+ππ0,

  4. ηπ+πγ,

  5. ηπ+πη(γγ),

  6. ηπ+πγ

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.lowMulti.TwoTrackLeptonsForLuminosity(prescale=1, **kwargs)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim list for two track lepton (e+e- to e+e- and e+e- to mu+mu-) events for luminosity measurements.

  • Skim name: TwoTrackLeptonsForLuminosity

  • Skim LFN code: 18530100

  • Category: physics, low multiplicity

  • Author: Xing-Yu Zhou

  • Contact: Xing-Yu Zhou

Physics channel: e+ee+e and e+eμ+μ

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

TestSampleProcess = 'mumu'#

MC process of test file. BaseSkim.TestFiles passes this property to skim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a B0B0 sample.


20.2.8. Quarkonium skims#

Skim list building functions for quarkonium analyses: bottomonium, charmonium, resonance

class skim.WGs.quarkonium.BottomoniumEtabExclusive(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BottomoniumEtabExclusive

  • Skim LFN code: 15420100

  • Category: physics, quarkonium

  • Authors: Stefano Spataro, Sen Jia

  • Contact: Sen Jia

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • eta_b -> gamma gamma

Selection criteria:

  • 2 std photon with E > 3.5 GeV

  • 7 < M(eta_b) < 10 GeV/c^2

  • foxWolframR2 < 0.995

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.quarkonium.BottomoniumUpsilon(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: BottomoniumUpsilon

  • Skim LFN code: 15440100

  • Category: physics, quarkonium

  • Authors: Stefano Spataro, Sen Jia

  • Contact: Sen Jia

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • Y(1S,2S) -> l^+ l^{-} (l = e or mu)

Selection criteria:

  • 2 tracks with momentum ranging between 3.5 < p < 15

  • At least 1 track p < 1.5 or 1 std photon with E > 150 MeV

  • M(Y(1S,2S)) > 8 GeV/c^2

  • foxWolframR2 < 0.995

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.quarkonium.CharmoniumPsi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Selection of J/psi and psi(2S) via leptonic decays.

  • Skim name: CharmoniumPsi

  • Skim LFN code: 16460200

  • Category: physics, quarkonium

  • Author: Kirill Chilikin

  • Contact: Sen Jia

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • J/psi -> l^+ l^- (l = e or mu)

  • psi(2S) -> l^+ l^- (l = e or mu)

Selection criteria:

  • 2 tracks with electronID > 0.1 or muonID > 0.1 and 2.85 < M < 3.9. Track-quality requirements are not applied.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.quarkonium.InclusiveLambda(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Inclusive Lambda skim

  • Skim name: InclusiveLambda

  • Skim LFN code: 15410300

  • Category: physics, quarkonium

  • Author: Bianca Scavino

  • Contact: Sen Jia

Reconstructed decay:

  • Λpπ (and charge conjugate)

Selection criteria:

Cuts on proton:

  • protonID > 0.1

Cuts on Lambda:

  • cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.75

  • flightDistance/flightDistanceErr > 0.

  • 0.5 < p_proton/p_Lambda < 1.25 GeV/c

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

class skim.WGs.quarkonium.InclusiveUpsilon(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Inclusive Upsilon(1S,2S,3S) skim

  • Skim name: InclusiveUpsilon

  • Skim LFN code: 15460400

  • Category: physics, quarkonium

  • Author: Sen Jia

  • Contact: Sen Jia

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • Upsilon(1S,2S,3S) -> l^+ l^- (l = e or mu)

Selection criteria:

  • 3 charged tracks or 2 charged tracks + 1 std photon 8.5 < M < 10.6 for e+e- mode and M > 8.5 for mu+mu- mode

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


20.2.9. Radiative and electroweak penguins skims#

Skim list building functions for EWP inclusive skims: B->Xgamma, B->Xll, B->Xll (LFV modes)

class skim.WGs.ewp.B0TwoBody(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for 2 body B0 decays

  • Skim name: B0TwoBody

  • Skim LFN code: 12120400

  • Category: Physics, 2 Body, no PID

  • Author: Ryan Mueller and Santi Naylor

  • Contact: Ihor Prudiiev

Reconstructed decays
  • B0e+e

  • B0e+μ

  • B0eμ+

  • B0μ+μ

  • B0π+π

Cuts applied
  • ntracks3

  • |δE|<0.5GeV

  • Mbc>5.2GeV/c2

  • dr<0.5cm,|dz|<2cm

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.ewp.BtoXgamma(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: BXγ inclusive skim.

  • Skim name: BtoXgamma

  • Skim LFN code: 12160100

  • Category: physics, electroweak penguins, radiative decays

  • Author: Trevor Shillington

  • Contact: Ihor Prudiiev

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+Xγ inclusive

Event-level cuts:

  • foxWolframR2<0.7 constructed using tracks with pT>0.1GeV and clusters with E>0.1GeV.

  • ntracks3

Cuts on photons:

  • clusterE9E21>0.9

  • 1.4GeV<Eγ<3.4GeV in CMS frame

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Build the skim list for BXγ decays.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.ewp.BtoXll(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: BX (no LFV modes) inclusive skim.

  • Skim name: BtoXll

  • Skim LFN code: 12160200

  • Category: physics, electroweak penguins, radiative decays

  • Author: Trevor Shillington

  • Contact: Ihor Prudiiev

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+Xe+e

  • B+Xe+e+

  • B+Xμ+μ

  • B+Xμ+μ+

Event-level cuts:

  • foxWolframR2<0.7 constructed using tracks with pT>0.1GeV and clusters with E>0.1GeV.

  • ntracks3

Cuts on electrons:

  • electronID>0.1

  • p>0.395GeV in lab frame

  • dr<0.5 and abs(dz)<2

Cuts on muons:

  • muonID>0.5

  • p>0.395GeV in lab frame

  • dr<0.5 and abs(dz)<2

Cut on dilepton energy:

  • E>1.5GeV in CMS frame.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Build the skim list for BX non-LFV decays.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.ewp.BtoXll_LFV(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: BX (LFV modes only) inclusive skim.

  • Skim name: BtoXll_LFV

  • Skim LFN code: 12160300

  • Category: physics, electroweak penguins, radiative decays

  • Author: Trevor Shillington

  • Contact: Ihor Prudiiev

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B+Xe+μ

  • B+Xμ+e

  • B+Xe+μ+

Event-level cuts:

  • foxWolframR2<0.7 constructed using tracks with pT>0.1GeV and clusters with E>0.1GeV.

  • ntracks3

Cuts on electrons:

  • electronID>0.1

  • p>0.395GeV in lab frame

  • dr<0.5 and abs(dz)<2

Cuts on muons:

  • muonID>0.5

  • p>0.395GeV in lab frame

  • dr<0.5 and abs(dz)<2

Cut on dilepton energy:

  • E>1.5GeV in CMS frame.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Build the skim list for BX LFV decays.

class skim.WGs.ewp.FourLepton(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for 4 body leptonic analyses

  • Skim name: FourLepton

  • Skim LFN code: 12120500

  • Category: Physics, Leptonic, 4 Body

  • Author: Santi Naylor and Ryan Mueller

  • Contact: Ihor Prudiiev

Reconstructed decays
  • B0ee+ee+

  • B0ee+mumu+

Cuts applied
  • ntracks5

  • 1.5<δE<0.5GeV

  • 5.2<Mbc<5.3GeV/c2

  • dr<0.5cm,|dz|<2cm

  • muonID>0.1

  • electronID>0.1

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.ewp.RadiativeDilepton(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for 3 body leptonic analyses

  • Skim name: RadiativeDilepton

  • Skim LFN code: 12120600

  • Category: Physics, Leptonic, 3 body

  • Author: Santi Naylor and Ryan Mueller

  • Contact: Ihor Prudiiev

Reconstructed decays
  • B0ee+γ

  • B0mumu+γ

Cuts applied
  • ntracks3

  • 1.0<δE<0.5GeV

  • :math:` 5.2 < M_{bc} < 5.3 text{GeV}/c^2`

  • dr<0.5cm,|dz|<2cm

  • muonID>0.1

  • electronID>0.1

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

20.2.10. Semileptonic skims#

(Semi-)Leptonic Working Group Skim list building functions for semi-leptonic analyses.

class skim.WGs.semileptonic.B0toDstarl_Kpi_Kpipi0_Kpipipi(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: (no description)

  • Skim name: B0toDstarl_Kpi_Kpipi0_Kpipipi

  • Skim LFN code: 11160201

  • Category: physics, semileptonic

  • Author: Bae Hanwook, Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Cuts applied:

  • SkimHighEff tracks thetaInCDCAcceptance AND dr < 2 AND abs(dz) < 5 AND PID>=0.01

  • slowPi tracks thetaInCDCAcceptance AND dr < 2 AND abs(dz) < 5 AND useCMSFrame(p) < 0.4

  • 2.5>p>1.1GeV

  • lepton with abs(dr) < 0.5 AND abs(dz) < 2 AND thetaInCDCAcceptance AND ID >= 0.95 AND 1.1 < useCMSFrame(p) < 2.5

  • 1.8 < M_D0 < 2.0

  • DM_Dstar_D < 0.16

Reconstructed decays:

  • B0D(D0K+π)e+,

  • B0D(D0K+ππ0)e+,

  • B0D(D0K+πππ+)e+,

  • B0D(D0K+π)mu+,

  • B0D(D0K+ππ0)mu+,

  • B0D(D0K+πππ+)mu+,

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

class skim.WGs.semileptonic.BtoDl_and_ROE_e_or_mu_or_lowmult(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for semileptonic tags with an ROE electron, muon, photon or a low-multiplicity signal decay

  • Skim name: BtoDl_and_ROE_e_or_mu_or_lowmult

  • Skim LFN code: 11170100

  • Category: physics, semileptonic

  • Author: Bob Kowalewski

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • BD0e, BD0μ

  • anti-B0D+e, anti-B0D+μ

  • anti-B0D+(D0π+)e, anti-B0D+(D0π+)μ

Additional ROE cuts:

  • The logical OR of the following:

    • identified e± with p(CM)<3.0 GeV

    • identified μ± with p(CM)<3.0 GeV

    • identified γ with E(CM)>1.4 GeV

    • Two or fewer charged tracks

    • EECL<2.0 GeV

Cuts on electrons:

  • electronID>0.3

  • pt>0.3GeV in lab frame, p>0.5GeV in lab frame

  • dr<0.5, |dz|<2

  • thetaInCDCAcceptance

Cuts on muons:

  • muonID>0.9

  • pt>0.4GeV in lab frame, p>0.7GeV in lab frame

  • dr<0.5, |dz|<2

Charged mask for ROE:

  • pt>0.05GeV

  • dr<5cm, |dz|<10cm

ECL cluster mask for ROE:

  • clusterNHits>1.5, θ in CDC acceptance

  • E>0.080,GeV

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

TestSampleProcess = 'charged'#

MC process of test file. BaseSkim.TestFiles passes this property to skim.utils.testfiles.get_test_file to retrieve an appropriate file location. Defaults to a B0B0 sample.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.semileptonic.PRsemileptonicUntagged(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for partial reconstruction analysis in leptonic group.

  • Skim name: PRsemileptonicUntagged

  • Skim LFN code: 11110100

  • Category: physics, semileptonic

  • Authors: Lucien Cremaldi, Racha Cheaib, Romulus Godang

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

Reconstructed decay modes:

  • B0πe+

  • B0πμ+

Event-level cuts:

  • foxWolframR2<0.5 constructed using tracks with pT>0.1GeV and clusters with E>0.1GeV.

  • ntracks>4

Cuts on electrons:

  • electronID>0.5

  • p>1.5GeV in CMS frame

Cuts on muons:

  • muonID>0.5

  • p>1.5GeV in CMS frame

Cuts on pions:

  • pionID>0.5

  • muonID<0.2

  • 0.060GeV<p<0.220GeV in CMS frame

Cuts on partially reconstructed B mesons:

  • cosθ,π<0 in CMS frame.

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.semileptonic.SLUntagged(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for semileptonic decays, B decays (BDν, where =e,μ)

  • Skim name: SLUntagged

  • Skim LFN code: 11160200

  • Category: physics, semileptonic

  • Authors: Phillip Urquijo, Racha Cheaib

  • Contact: Shanette De La Motte

Cuts applied:

  • p>0.35GeV

  • 5.24<Mbc<5.29

  • |ΔE|<0.5

  • ntracks>4

Reconstructed decays:

  • B+D0e+

  • B+D0μ+

  • B+D0e+

  • B+D0μ+

  • B0De+

  • B0Dμ+

  • B0De+

  • B0Dμ+

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

20.2.11. Time-dependent CP-violation (TDCPV) analysis skims#

class skim.WGs.tdcpv.TDCPV_ccs(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for time-dependent CP violation analysis.

  • Skim name: TDCPV_ccs

  • Skim LFN code: 13160200

  • Category: physics, TDCPV

  • Authors: Reem Rasheed, Chiara La Licata, Stefano Lacaprara

  • Contact: Noah BRENNY

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Physics channels: bd → ccs

Decay Channels:

  • B0 -> J/psi (ee/mm) K_S0

  • B0 -> psi(2s) (ee/mm) K_S0

  • B0 -> J/psi (ee/mm) K* (K+ pi- / K_S0 pi0)

  • B+ -> J/psi (ee/mm) K+

  • B0 -> J/psi (ee/mm) KL

  • B0 -> J/psi (ee/mm) eta (pi+ pi- pi0 / pi+ pi-)

  • B0 -> J/psi (ee/mm) pi0

  • B0 -> J/psi (ee/mm) K+ pi-

  • B+ -> J/psi (ee/mm) K*+ (pi+ K_S0 / K+ pi0)

Particle lists used:

  • K_S0:merged

  • pi+:all

  • J/psi:ee

  • J/psi:mumu

  • psi(2S):ee

  • psi(2S):mumu

  • K*0:SkimHighEff

  • K+:SkimHighEff

  • K_L0:allklm

  • K_L0:allecl

  • eta:SkimHighEff

  • pi0:eff40_May2020

  • pi0:eff60_May2020

Cuts used:

  • SkimHighEff tracks thetaInCDCAcceptance AND chiProb > 0 AND abs(dr) < 0.5 AND abs(dz) < 3 and PID>0.01

  • 5.2 < Mbc < 5.29 for Ks/K*

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.3 and 5.05 < Mbc < 5.29 for KL

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5

  • nCleanedTracks(abs(dz) < 2.0 and abs(dr) < 0.5 and nCDCHits>20)>=3

  • nCleanedECLClusters(thetaInCDCAcceptance and E>0.2)>1,

  • visibleEnergyOfEventCMS>4",

  • E_ECL_TDCPV < 9

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.tdcpv.TDCPV_dilepton(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Inclusive dilepton skim

  • Skim name: TDCPV_dilepton

  • Skim LFN code: 13130300

  • Category: physics, leptonic

  • Author: Alessandro Gaz, Chiara La Licata

  • Contact: Noah BRENNY

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Reconstructed decays
  • BBl+l

  • BBl+l+

  • BBll

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

NoisyModules = ['EventShapeCalculator']#

List of module types to be silenced. This may be necessary in certain skims in order to keep log file sizes small.


The elements of this list should be the module type, which is not necessarily the same as the module name. The module type can be inspected in Python via module.type().

See also

This attribute is used by BaseSkim.set_skim_logging.

class skim.WGs.tdcpv.TDCPV_qqs(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for time-dependent CP violation analysis b->qqs decays

  • Skim name: TDCPV_qqs

  • Skim LFN code: 13160300

  • Category: physics, TDCPV

  • Authors: Reem Rasheed, Chiara La Licata, Stefano Lacaprara

  • Contact: Noah BRENNY

This skim includes a selection on the HLT flag hlt_hadron.

Physics channels: bd/u → qqs

Decay Channels:

  • B0 -> phi K_S0

  • B0 -> phi K_L0

  • B0 -> eta K_S0

  • B0 -> eta' K_S0

  • B0 -> eta K*

  • B0 -> eta' K*

  • B0 -> K_S0 K_S0 K_S0

  • B0 -> pi0 K_S0

  • B0 -> rho0 K_S0

  • B0 -> omega  K_S0

  • B0 -> f_0 K_S0

  • B0 -> pi0 pi0 K_S0

  • B0 -> phi K_S0 pi0

  • B0 -> pi+ pi- K_S0

  • B0 -> pi+ pi- K_S0 gamma

  • B0 -> pi0  K_S0 gamma

  • B+ -> eta' K+

  • B+ -> phi K+

  • B+ -> pi+ pi- K+ gamma

Particle lists used:

  • phi:SkimHighEff

  • eta':SkimHighEff

  • eta:SkimHighEff

  • pi0:eff40_May2020

  • pi0:skim

  • pi0:SkimHighEff

  • rho0:SkimHighEff

  • omega:SkimHighEff

  • f_0:SkimHighEff

  • pi+:SkimHighEff

  • K+:SkimHighEff

  • omega:SkimHighEff

  • K*0:SkimHighEff

  • gamma:E15 , cut : 1.4 < E < 4

  • gamma:ECMS16 , cut : 1.6 < useCMSFrame(E)

  • K_S0:merged

  • K+:1%

  • K_L0:allklm

  • K_L0:allecl

Cuts used:

  • SkimHighEff tracks thetaInCDCAcceptance AND chiProb > 0 AND abs(dr) < 0.5 AND abs(dz) < 3 and PID>0.01

  • 5.2 < Mbc < 5.29

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.5

  • abs(deltaE) < 0.250 for KL

  • nCleanedECLClusters(thetaInCDCAcceptance and E>0.2)>1,

  • E_ECL_TDCPV < 9

ApplyHLTHadronCut = True#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

20.2.12. Tau-pair skims#

Skim list building functions for tau-pair analyses

class skim.WGs.taupair.TauGeneric(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for Tau generic decays.

  • Skim name: TauGeneric

  • Skim LFN code: 18570600

  • Category: physics, tau

  • Author: Kenji Inami

  • Contact: Kenji Inami

Channel: e+eτ+τ


Ntrk = 2

  1. Number of good tracks = 2, net charge < 2

  2. visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10 GeV and E_ECLtrk < 6 GeV and missingMomentumOfEvent_theta < 2.6180

  3. visibleEnergyOfEventCMS > 3 GeV or max P_t > 1 GeV

  4. max. opening angle < 178 deg.

Ntrk = 3,4

  1. Number of good tracks = 3 or 4, net charge < 2

  2. visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10.5 GeV and E_ECLtrk < 6 GeV

  3. visibleEnergyOfEventCMS > 3 GeV or max P_t > 1 GeV

  4. max. opening angle < 178 deg.

  5. Event divided by thrust axis; No. good tracks in tag side = 1 or 3

  6. M_tag < 1.8 GeV and M_sig < 2.3 GeV

Ntrk = 5,6

  1. Number of good tracks = 5 or 6, net charge < 2

  2. Event divided by thrust axis; No. good tracks in tag side = 1 or 3

  3. M_tag < 1.8 GeV and M_sig < 2.3 GeV

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Set particle lists and variables for TauGeneric skim.

Output particle lists: * pi+:tauskim, pi0:tauskim, gamma:pi0_tauskim, gamma:nonpi0_tauskim, gamma:tauskim, pi+:S1/S2, pi0:S1/S2, gamma:S1/S2


  • nGoodTracks: number of good tracks in an event

  • netCharge: total net charge of good tracks

  • nTracksS1/nTracksS2: number of good tracks in each hemisphere S1/S2 divided by thrust axis

  • invMS1/invMS2: invariant mass of particles in each hemisphere

  • maxPt: maximum Pt amoung good tracks

  • E_ECLtrk: total ECL energy of good tracks

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.taupair.TauKshort(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for Tau decays with Kshort.

  • Skim name: TauKshort

  • Skim LFN code: 18570800

  • Category: physics, tau

  • Authors: Paolo Leo, Kenji Inami

  • Contact: Kenji Inami

Channel: e+eτ+τ,τKsπX


  • nAlltracks < 7

  • 0.9 < thrust < 0.995

  • 2.5 < visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10 GeV

  • 0.2 < track_kshort_pt < 4.5

  • max(kshort_track1_pt,kshort_track2_pt) > 0.25

  • track_kshort_significanceOfDistance > 3

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Set particle lists and variables for TauKshort skim.

Constructed particle lists: * pi+:tauKs, pi0:tauKs, gamma:pi0_tauKs, gamma:nonpi0_tauKs, gamma:tauKs, pi+:tauKsS1/tauKsS2


produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.taupair.TauLFV(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for Tau LFV decays.

  • Skim name: TauLFV

  • Skim LFN code: 18360100

  • Category: physics, tau

  • Author: Kenji Inami

  • Contact: Kenji Inami

Channel: τlγ,lll,lπ0,lη,lη,lKS,lf0,lV0,lhh,llp,phh,λπ

Output particle lists: e+:taulfv, mu+:taulfv, pi+:taulfv, K+:taulfv, p+:taulfv, gamma:taulfv, pi0:taulfv, K_S0:taulfv, eta:taulfv, eta':taulfv, omega:taulfv, Lambda0:taulfv_p, Lambda0:taulfv_antip

Criteria for 1 prong final states: Number of good tracks < 5, 1.0<M<2.0 GeV, 1.5<ΔE<0.5 GeV

Criteria for >1 prong final states: Number of good tracks < 7, 1.4<M<2.0 GeV, 1.0<ΔE<0.5 GeV

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

class skim.WGs.taupair.TauThrust(*, OutputFileName=None, additionalDataDescription=None, udstOutput=True, validation=False, mc=True, analysisGlobaltag=None, pidGlobaltag=None)[source]#


  • Skim description: Skim for Tau decays using thrust.

  • Skim name: TauThrust

  • Skim LFN code: 18570700

  • Category: physics, tau

  • Authors: Ami Rostomyan, Kenji Inami

  • Contact: Kenji Inami

Channel: e+eτ+τ


  • 1 < No. good tracks < 7

  • net charge == 0

  • Event divided by thrust axis; select 1x1, 1x3, 1x5, 3x3 topology

  • 0.8 < thrust

  • visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10.4 GeV

  • For 1x1 topology, thrust < 0.99

  • For 1x1 topology, 1.5 < visibleEnergyOfEventCMS

ApplyHLTHadronCut = False#

If this property is set to True, then the HLT selection for hlt_hadron will be applied to the skim lists when the skim is added to the path.


Set particle lists and variables for TauThrust skim.

Constructed particle lists: * pi+:thrust, pi0:thust, gamma:pi0_thrust, gamma:nonpi0_thrust, gamma:thrust, pi+:thrustS1/thrustS2


  • nGoodTracksThrust: number of good tracks in an event

  • netChargeThrust: total net charge of good tracks

  • nTracksS1Thrust/nTracksS2Thrust: number of good tracks in each hemisphere S1/S2 divided by thrust axis

produce_on_tau_samples = False#

If this property is set to False, then b2skim-prod will not produce data production requests for this skim on taupair MC samples. This decision may be made for one of two reasons:

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is basically zero, so there is no point producing the skim for these samples.

  • The retention rate of the skim on taupair samples is too high (>20%), so the production system may struggle to handle the jobs.

validation_sample = 'mdst14.root'#

MDST sample to use for validation histograms. Must be a valid location of a validation dataset (see documentation for basf2.find_file).

skim.WGs.taupair.tauskim_particle_selection(label, path)[source]#