11#include <calibration/CalibrationCollectorModule.h>
13#include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
14#include <mdst/dataobjects/TrackFitResult.h>
15#include <mdst/dataobjects/HitPatternCDC.h>
16#include <analysis/dataobjects/ParticleList.h>
17#include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoTrack.h>
18#include <framework/dataobjects/EventT0.h>
19#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
Collect hit information for cdc calibration with CAF.
StoreObjPtr< EventT0 > m_eventTimeStoreObject
Event t0 object.
Float_t muidPos
Muon ID for positive charged track.
Double_t m_minCollinearityTheta
Minimum requirement for accolinear theta in c.m frame.
Double_t m_minCollinearityPhi0
Minimum requirement for accolinear phi0 in c.m frame.
Float_t ndfNeg
NDF of the negative track.
Float_t pzPos
Longitudinal momentum of the positive track
Int_t expRun
Exp and run numbers, encoded by exp*10^6+run.
Float_t eclTrack
sum of ECL associated to track
Float_t z0Pos
z0 of the positive track
Float_t phi0NegCm
phi0 of the negative track in c.m frame.
Float_t eidNeg
Electron ID for negative charged track.
Float_t phi0PosCm
phi0 of the positive track in c.m frame.
StoreArray< TrackFitResult > m_TrackFitResults
Track fit results.
Float_t nExtraCDCHits
Number of CDC hits not assigned to any tracks.
Float_t z0Neg
z0 of the negative track
Float_t ptNeg
Transeverse momentum of the negative track
Float_t ncdcPos
Number of CDC hit of the positive track.
Float_t npxdPos
Number of PXD hit of the positive track.
Float_t muidNeg
Muon ID for negative charged track.
Float_t pvalNeg
P-value of the negative track.
Float_t d0ipNeg
d0 w.r.t IP of the negative track
Float_t thetaNegCm
theta of the negative track in c.m frame.
std::string m_DiMuonListName
List name for the reconstruted dimuon.
Float_t pvalPos
P-value of the positive track.
void collect() override
Event action, collect information for calibration.
Float_t z0ipNeg
z0 w.r.t IP of the negative track
Float_t z0ipPos
z0 w.r.t IP of the positive track
Float_t ndfPos
NDF of the positive track.
Float_t ptPos
Transeverse momentum of the positive track
bool m_StoreNtuple
Option to store ntuple, =true: tree with these variables will be stored.
Float_t eclNeutral
Sum of neutral ECL clusgter.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_DiMuonList
List of the reconstructed dimion.
Float_t nsvdNeg
Number of SVD hit of the negative track.
std::string m_trackArrayName
Belle2::Track StoreArray name.
Float_t eidPos
Electron ID for positive charged track.
void prepare() override
Initializes the Module.
Float_t thetaPosCm
theta of the positive track in c.m frame.
Float_t d0ipPos
d0 w.r.t IP of the positive track
Float_t pzPosCm
Longitudinal momentum of the positive track in c.m frame.
void finish() override
Termination action.
Float_t d0Neg
d0 of the negative track
std::string m_trackFitResultArrayName
Belle2::TrackFitResult StoreArray name.
Float_t ncdcNeg
Number of CDC hit of the negative track.
Float_t ptPosCm
Transeverse momentum of the positive track in c.m frame.
Float_t nsvdPos
Number of SVD hit of the positive track.
virtual ~CDCFudgeFactorCalibrationCollectorModule()
Float_t npxdNeg
Number of PXD hit of the negative track.
Float_t ptNegCm
Transeverse momentum of the negative track in c.m frame.
std::string m_treeName
Name of tree for the output file.
StoreArray< Track > m_Tracks
Float_t d0Pos
d0 of the positive track
Float_t pzNegCm
Longitudinal momentum of the negative track in c.m frame.
std::string m_GammaListName
List name for the reconstruted dimuon.
Float_t pzNeg
Longitudinal momentum of the negative track
Calibration collector module base class.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.