Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#pragma once
10/* Basf2 headers. */
11#include <framework/core/Module.h>
12#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
13#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
15/* C++ headers. */
16#include <string>
18class TFile;
19class TTree;
21namespace Belle2 {
27 //MDST
28 class MCParticle;
29 class ECLCluster;
30 class Track;
31 class TrackFitResult;
32 class EventLevelClusteringInfo;
33 class EventMetaData;
35 //ECL
36 class ECLShower;
37 class ECLPidLikelihood;
38 class ECLLocalMaximum;
39 class ECLConnectedRegion;
40 class ECLCalDigit;
41 class ECLDigit;
42 class ECLHit;
43 class ECLSimHit;
53 public:
63 virtual ~ECLDataAnalysisModule();
68 virtual void initialize() override;
70 virtual void beginRun() override;
72 virtual void event() override;
74 virtual void endRun() override;
79 virtual void terminate() override;
81 private:
85 std::string m_rootFileName;
89 bool m_doHits;
92 //dataStore objects
108 virtual const char* eclSimHitArrayName() const
109 { return "ECLSimHits" ; }
111 virtual const char* eclHitArrayName() const
112 { return "ECLHits" ; }
114 virtual const char* eclDigitArrayName() const
115 { return "ECLDigits" ; }
117 virtual const char* eclCalDigitArrayName() const
118 { return "ECLCalDigits" ; }
120 virtual const char* eclShowerArrayName() const
121 { return "ECLShowers" ; }
123 virtual const char* eclClusterArrayName() const
124 { return "ECLClusters" ; }
126 virtual const char* eclConnectedRegionArrayName() const
127 { return "ECLConnectedRegions" ; }
129 virtual const char* eclLocalMaximumArrayName() const
130 { return "ECLLocalMaximums" ; }
147 virtual const char* eclPureDigitArrayName() const
148 { return "ECLDigitsPureCsI" ; }
150 virtual const char* eclPureCalDigitArrayName() const
151 { return "ECLCalDigitsPureCsI" ; }
153 virtual const char* eclPureShowerArrayName() const
154 { return "ECLShowersPureCsI" ; }
156 virtual const char* eclPureClusterArrayName() const
157 { return "ECLClustersPureCsI" ; }
159 virtual const char* eclPureConnectedRegionArrayName() const
160 { return "ECLConnectedRegionsPureCsI" ; }
162 virtual const char* eclPureLocalMaximumArrayName() const
163 { return "ECLLocalMaximumsPureCsI" ; }
167 TTree* m_tree;
169 // variables
171 int m_iRun;
174 //EventLevelClusteringInfo
189 std::vector<int>* m_eclDigitIdx;
190 std::vector<int>* m_eclDigitToMC;
191 std::vector<int>* m_eclDigitCellId;
192 std::vector<int>* m_eclDigitAmp;
193 std::vector<int>* m_eclDigitTimeFit;
194 std::vector<int>* m_eclDigitFitQuality;
195 std::vector<int>* m_eclDigitToCalDigit;
198 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitIdx;
199 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC1;
200 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC1PDG;
201 std::vector<double>* m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight1;
202 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC2;
203 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC2PDG;
204 std::vector<double>* m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight2;
205 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC3;
206 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC3PDG;
207 std::vector<double>* m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight3;
208 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC4;
209 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC4PDG;
210 std::vector<double>* m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight4;
211 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC5;
212 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToMC5PDG;
213 std::vector<double>* m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight5;
214 std::vector<double>*
216 std::vector<double>* m_eclCalDigitSimHitSum;
217 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToShower;
218 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitCellId;
219 std::vector<double>* m_eclCalDigitAmp;
220 std::vector<double>* m_eclCalDigitTimeFit;
221 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitFitQuality;
222 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToCR;
223 std::vector<int>* m_eclCalDigitToLM;
225 std::vector<int>* m_eclCRIdx;
226 std::vector<int>* m_eclCRIsTrack;
227 std::vector<double>* m_eclCRLikelihoodMIPNGamma;
228 std::vector<double>* m_eclCRLikelihoodChargedHadron;
229 std::vector<double>* m_eclCRLikelihoodElectronNGamma;
230 std::vector<double>* m_eclCRLikelihoodNGamma;
231 std::vector<double>* m_eclCRLikelihoodNeutralHadron;
232 std::vector<double>* m_eclCRLikelihoodMergedPi0;
235 std::vector<int>* m_eclLMId;
236 std::vector<int>* m_eclLMType;
237 std::vector<int>* m_eclLMCellId;
240 std::vector<int>* m_eclSimHitIdx;
241 std::vector<int>* m_eclSimHitToMC;
242 std::vector<int>* m_eclSimHitCellId;
243 std::vector<int>* m_eclSimHitPdg;
244 std::vector<double>* m_eclSimHitEnergyDep;
245 std::vector<double>* m_eclSimHitFlightTime;
246 std::vector<double>* m_eclSimHitX;
247 std::vector<double>* m_eclSimHitY;
248 std::vector<double>* m_eclSimHitZ;
249 std::vector<double>* m_eclSimHitPx;
250 std::vector<double>* m_eclSimHitPy;
251 std::vector<double>* m_eclSimHitPz;
254 std::vector<int>* m_eclHitIdx;
255 std::vector<int>* m_eclHitToMC;
256 std::vector<int>* m_eclHitToDigit;
257 std::vector<int>* m_eclHitToDigitAmp;
258 std::vector<int>* m_eclHitToPureDigit;
259 std::vector<int>* m_eclHitToPureDigitAmp;
260 std::vector<int>* m_eclHitCellId;
261 std::vector<double>* m_eclHitEnergyDep;
262 std::vector<double>* m_eclHitTimeAve;
267 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterIdx;
268 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC1;
269 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterToMCWeight1;
270 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC1PDG;
271 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC2;
272 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterToMCWeight2;
273 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC2PDG;
274 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC3;
275 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterToMCWeight3;
276 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC3PDG;
277 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC4;
278 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterToMCWeight4;
279 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC4PDG;
280 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC5;
281 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterToMCWeight5;
282 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToMC5PDG;
283 std::vector<double>*
285 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterSimHitSum;
286 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterToShower;
287 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterEnergy;
288 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterEnergyError;
289 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterTheta;
290 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterThetaError;
291 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterPhi;
292 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterPhiError;
293 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterR;
294 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterEnergyDepSum;
295 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterTiming;
296 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterTimingError;
297 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterE9oE21;
298 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterHighestE;
299 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterCellId;
300 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterNofCrystals;
301 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterCrystalHealth;
302 std::vector<bool>* m_eclClusterIsTrack;
303 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterClosestTrackDist;
304 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterDeltaL;
305 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterAbsZernike40;
306 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterAbsZernike51;
307 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterZernikeMVA;
308 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterE1oE9;
309 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterSecondMoment;
310 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterLAT;
311 std::vector<double>* m_eclClusterDeltaTime99;
312 std::vector<int>* m_eclClusterDetectorRegion;
317 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureDigitIdx;
318 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureDigitToMC;
319 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureDigitCellId;
320 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureDigitAmp;
321 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureDigitTimeFit;
322 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureDigitFitQuality;
323 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureDigitToCluster;
326 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitIdx;
327 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC1;
328 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC1PDG;
329 std::vector<double>*
331 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC2;
332 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC2PDG;
333 std::vector<double>*
335 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC3;
336 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC3PDG;
337 std::vector<double>*
339 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC4;
340 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC4PDG;
341 std::vector<double>*
343 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC5;
344 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToMC5PDG;
345 std::vector<double>*
347 std::vector<double>*
349 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureCalDigitSimHitSum;
350 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToShower;
351 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitCellId;
352 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureCalDigitAmp;
353 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureCalDigitTimeFit;
354 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitFitQuality;
355 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToCR;
356 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCalDigitToLM;
358 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCRIdx;
359 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureCRIsTrack;
360 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureCRLikelihoodMIPNGamma;
363 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureCRLikelihoodNGamma;
365 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureCRLikelihoodMergedPi0;
368 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureLMId;
369 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureLMType;
370 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureLMCellId;
373 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterIdx;
374 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC1;
375 std::vector<double>*
377 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC1PDG;
378 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC2;
379 std::vector<double>*
381 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC2PDG;
382 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC3;
383 std::vector<double>*
385 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC3PDG;
386 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC4;
387 std::vector<double>*
389 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC4PDG;
390 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC5;
391 std::vector<double>*
393 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterToMC5PDG;
394 std::vector<double>*
396 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterEnergy;
397 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterEnergyError;
398 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterTheta;
399 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterThetaError;
400 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterPhi;
401 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterPhiError;
402 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterR;
403 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterEnergyDepSum;
404 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterTiming;
405 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterTimingError;
406 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterE9oE21;
407 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterHighestE;
408 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterCellId;
409 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterLat;
410 std::vector<int>* m_eclPureClusterNofCrystals;
412 std::vector<bool>* m_eclPureClusterIsTrack;
413 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterDeltaL;
414 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterClosestTrackDist;
415 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterAbsZernike40;
416 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterAbsZernike51;
417 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterZernikeMVA;
418 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterSecondMoment;
419 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterE1oE9;
420 std::vector<double>* m_eclPureClusterDeltaTime99;
426 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerIdx;
427 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC1;
428 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerToMCWeight1;
429 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC1PDG;
430 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC1Moth;
431 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC1MothPDG;
432 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC1GMoth;
433 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC1GMothPDG;
434 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC2;
435 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerToMCWeight2;
436 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC2PDG;
437 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC2Moth;
438 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC2MothPDG;
439 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC2GMoth;
440 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC2GMothPDG;
441 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC3;
442 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerToMCWeight3;
443 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC3PDG;
444 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC3Moth;
445 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC3MothPDG;
446 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC3GMoth;
447 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC3GMothPDG;
448 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC4;
449 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerToMCWeight4;
450 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC4PDG;
451 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC4Moth;
452 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC4MothPDG;
453 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC4GMoth;
454 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC4GMothPDG;
455 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC5;
456 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerToMCWeight5;
457 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC5PDG;
458 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC5Moth;
459 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC5MothPDG;
460 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC5GMoth;
461 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToMC5GMothPDG;
462 std::vector<double>*
464 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToLM1;
465 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToLM2;
466 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToLM3;
467 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToLM4;
468 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerToLM5;
469 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerSimHitSum;
470 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerUncEnergy;
471 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerEnergy;
472 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerTheta;
473 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerPhi;
474 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerR;
475 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerNHits;
476 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerE9oE21;
477 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerTime;
478 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerT99;
480 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerHypothesisId;
481 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerCentralCellId;
482 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerEnergyError;
483 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerThetaError;
484 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerPhiError;
485 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerTimeResolution;
486 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerHighestEnergy;
487 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerLateralEnergy;
488 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerMinTrkDistance;
489 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerTrkDepth;
490 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerShowerDepth;
491 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerAbsZernike40;
492 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerAbsZernike51;
493 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerZernikeMVA;
494 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerSecondMoment;
495 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerE1oE9;
496 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerIsTrack;
497 std::vector<bool>* m_eclShowerIsCluster;
498 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerMCVtxInEcl;
499 std::vector<int>* m_eclShowerMCFlightMatch;
500 std::vector<int>*
502 std::vector<double>* m_eclShowerHighestE1mE2;
506 std::vector<int>* m_mcIdx;
507 std::vector<int>* m_mcPdg;
508 std::vector<int>* m_mcMothPdg;
509 std::vector<int>* m_mcGMothPdg;
510 std::vector<int>* m_mcGGMothPdg;
511 std::vector<double>* m_mcEnergy;
512 std::vector<double>* m_mcPx;
513 std::vector<double>* m_mcPy;
514 std::vector<double>* m_mcPz;
515 std::vector<double>* m_mcDecayVtxX;
516 std::vector<double>* m_mcDecayVtxY;
517 std::vector<double>* m_mcDecayVtxZ;
518 std::vector<double>* m_mcProdVtxX;
519 std::vector<double>* m_mcProdVtxY;
520 std::vector<double>* m_mcProdVtxZ;
521 std::vector<int>* m_mcSecondaryPhysProc;
524 std::vector<int>* m_trkPdg;
525 std::vector<int>* m_trkIdx;
526 std::vector<int>* m_trkCharge;
527 std::vector<double>* m_trkPx;
528 std::vector<double>* m_trkPy;
529 std::vector<double>* m_trkPz;
530 std::vector<double>* m_trkP;
531 std::vector<double>* m_trkTheta;
532 std::vector<double>* m_trkPhi;
533 std::vector<double>* m_trkX;
534 std::vector<double>* m_trkY;
535 std::vector<double>* m_trkZ;
537 std::vector<int>* m_eclpidtrkIdx;
538 std::vector<double>* m_eclpidEnergy;
539 std::vector<double>* m_eclpidEop;
540 std::vector<double>* m_eclpidE9E21;
541 std::vector<int>* m_eclpidNCrystals;
542 std::vector<int>* m_eclpidNClusters;
543 std::vector<double>* m_eclLogLikeEl;
544 std::vector<double>* m_eclLogLikeMu;
545 std::vector<double>* m_eclLogLikePi;
546 };
The ECL Data Analysis Module.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC4PDG
PDG code of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToLM5
Index of 5th maximum related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC2PDG
PDG code of second MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerTimeResolution
Shower Time Resolution.
bool m_doPureCsI
if true, info on pureCsI upgrade is stored
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC5PDG
PDG code of fifth MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::string m_rootFileName
name of the root file
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMCWeight5
Energy contribution of fifth MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC5GMothPDG
PDG code of Gparent of fifth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
virtual const char * eclShowerArrayName() const
Default name ECLShower array.
std::vector< double > * m_eclLogLikeEl
PID track electron likelyhood.
int m_eclDigitMultip
Number of ECLDigits per event.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterToMCWeight5
Energy contribution of 5th MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
bool m_doHits
if true, info on Hits and SimHits is stored
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC4MothPDG
PDG code of parent of fourth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_mcPy
MCParticle momentum Y direction.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight1
Energy contribution of first MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterTheta
ECLCluster polar direction.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterNofCrystals
Number of crystals in ECLCluster.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterToBkgWeight
Remaining energy contribution not associated to first five MCParticles related to ECLCluster,...
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCRLikelihoodNeutralHadron
Connected Region Neutral Hadron Likelihood, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC3PDG
PDG code of third MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
virtual const char * eclClusterArrayName() const
Default name ECLClusters array.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterDetectorRegion
Cluster Detector Region.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC2
Index of second MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight2
Energy contribution of second MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
Constructor of the module.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCRIdx
Connected Region ID.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterCellId
CellId with highest energy deposit in ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToShower
Index of ECLShower related to that CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclHitToMC
Index of MCParticle related to ECLHit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC3PDG
PDG code of third MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCRLikelihoodElectronNGamma
Connected Region Electron Likelihood.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitTimeFit
ECLCalDigit timing.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterDeltaL
Reconstructed Cluster DeltaL, PureCsI option.
TTree * m_tree
Root tree and file for saving the output.
StoreArray< ECLShower > m_eclShowers
Store array: ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight5
Energy contribution of fifth MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclSimHitFlightTime
ECLSimhit Flight Time.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterIdx
ECLCluster index.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC5
Index of fifth MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitToBkgWeight
Remaining energy contribution not associated to first five MCParticles related to CalDigit,...
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerEnergyError
Shower Energy Error.
StoreArray< ECLConnectedRegion > m_eclConnectedRegions
Store array: ECLConnectedRegion.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerTime
Shower Timing.
int m_trkMultip
Track Multiplicity.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerTheta
Shower Theta.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerShowerDepth
Shower Depth.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC4GMoth
GMother index of fourth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight4
Energy contribution of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitCellId
Number of CalDigit CellId, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterR
ECLCluster distance from IP.
virtual const char * eclSimHitArrayName() const
Default name ECLCalDigits array.
std::vector< bool > * m_eclPureClusterIsTrack
Flag for charged clusters, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC1
Index of first MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
bool m_writeToRoot
if true, a rootFile named by m_rootFileName will be filled with info
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC5PDG
PDG code of fifth MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerE9oE21
Shower E9oE21.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterTimingError
Cluster time error, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC3
Index of third MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureDigitToCluster
ECLDigit To Cluster, PureCsI option.
bool m_doDigits
if true, info on Digits and CalDigits is stored
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterEnergyDepSum
Cluster simulated energy, PureCsI option.
virtual const char * eclPureClusterArrayName() const
Default name ECLPureClusters array.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerNumberOfCrystalsForEnergy
Number of crystals used for energy calculation.
std::vector< bool > * m_eclShowerIsCluster
Shower Cluster Match.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC3PDG
PDG code of third MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC2PDG
PDG code of second MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_mcDecayVtxZ
MCParticle decay vertex Z.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureDigitToMC
Index of MCParticle related to that ECLDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC5PDG
PDG code of fifth MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterZernikeMVA
Output of MVA classifier based on Zernike Momenta, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclSimHitX
ECLSimHit X position.
virtual void initialize() override
Initializes the Module.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC2
Index of second MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
StoreArray< ECLCalDigit > m_eclPureCalDigits
Store array: ECLPureCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerHypothesisId
Shower Particle Hypothesis ID.
std::vector< double > * m_eclSimHitPz
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerMCVtxInEcl
Int, 1 if particle decays (interacts) in ECL, 0 otherwise.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToCR
Index of CR related to that CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerToMCWeight4
Energy contribution of fourth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterDeltaTime99
Reconstructed DeltaT99, PureCsI option.
int m_eclHitMultip
Number of ECLHits per event.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterZernikeMVA
Zernike MVA.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC5PDG
PDG code of fifth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC3PDG
PDG code of third MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureLMType
Local Maximum type, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_trkCharge
Track charge.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC2
Index of second MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerToBkgWeight
Remaining energy contribution not associated to first five MCParticles related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_trkPx
Track momentum along X direction.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterAbsZernike51
Reconstructed Zernike51, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclDigitToMC
Index of MCParticle related to that ECLDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCRLikelihoodMergedPi0
Connected Region Merged Pi0 Likelihood, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCRLikelihoodMIPNGamma
Connected Region MIP Likelihood.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC4
Index of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
virtual const char * eclHitArrayName() const
Default name ECLCalDigits array.
std::vector< int > * m_eclSimHitCellId
ECLSimHit CellId.
StoreArray< ECLLocalMaximum > m_eclLocalMaximums
Store array: ECLLocalMaximum.
virtual void event() override
std::vector< double > * m_eclCRLikelihoodNeutralHadron
Connected Region Neutral Hadron Likelihood.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterTiming
Cluster time, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_trkZ
Track DOCA Z (?)
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitSimHitSum
Full energy contribution related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterHasNPhotonHypothesis
Cluster has n-photon hypothesis, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMCWeight4
Energy contribution of fourth MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
virtual const char * eclLocalMaximumArrayName() const
Default name ECLLocalMaxima array.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitFitQuality
ECLCalDigit fit quality.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC5GMoth
GMother index of fifth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC4
Index of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclHitEnergyDep
ECLHit energy.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCRLikelihoodChargedHadron
Connected Region Charged Hadron Likelihood.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerMCFlightMatch
Int, 1 if particle flight direction is "well" reconstructed in ECL, 0 otherwise.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterPhi
ECLCluster azimuthal direction.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterAbsZernike40
Reconstructed Abs Zernike40.
int m_eclCalDigitMultip
Number of ECLCalDigits per event.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC4Moth
Mother index of fourth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC3GMoth
GMother index of third MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterHighestE
Highest energy deposit (per crystal) in Cluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterHasNPhotonHypothesis
Cluster has n-photon hypothesis.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC2PDG
PDG code of second MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerToMCWeight2
Energy contribution of second MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC1PDG
PDG code of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
uint16_t m_nECLCalDigitsOutOfTimeFWD
Number of out of time, energetic ECLCalDigits, FWD.
std::vector< double > * m_eclSimHitEnergyDep
Energy deposition of ECLSimHit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC2PDG
PDG code of second MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_trkPz
Track momentum along Z direction.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterToMCWeight1
Energy contribution of first MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToLM2
Index of 2nd maximum related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC4
Index of fourth MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterNofCrystals
Number of crystals in Cluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclHitToPureDigit
Index of ECLDigit related to ECLHit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC3GMothPDG
PDG code of Gparent of third MCParticle related to ECLShower.
virtual void endRun() override
int m_eclPureClusterMultip
Number of ECLClusterss per event, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerMinTrkDistance
Shower Min Dist to Track.
std::vector< double > * m_eclSimHitPx
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterCellId
CellId with highest energy deposit in Cluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToShower
Index of ECLShower related to that ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclSimHitZ
ECLSimHit Z position.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterThetaError
ECLCluster error on polar direction.
uint8_t m_nECLShowersRejectedBWD
Number of photon showers that are rejected before storing to mdst (max.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC2
Index of second MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterAbsZernike51
Reconstructed Abs Zernike51.
StoreArray< TrackFitResult > m_trackFitResults
TrackFitResult storeArray.
std::vector< int > * m_eclDigitAmp
ECLDigit amplitude.
std::vector< double > * m_trkPy
Track momentum along Y direction.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterEnergyDepSum
ECLCluster simulated energy.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterThetaError
Cluster error on polar direction, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureDigitIdx
ECLDigit index, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC2GMothPDG
PDG code of Gparent of second MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_mcPdg
MCParticle PDG code.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerSecondMoment
Shower Second Moment.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC5
Index of fifth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
virtual void terminate() override
Termination action.
std::vector< double > * m_mcDecayVtxY
MCParticle decay vertex Y.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC3MothPDG
PDG code of parent of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
StoreArray< ECLSimHit > m_eclSimHits
Store array: ECLSimHit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC5
Index of fifth MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC4GMothPDG
PDG code of Gparent of fourth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterToMCWeight5
Energy contribution of 5th MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToLM3
Index of 3rd maximum related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterToMCWeight1
Energy contribution of first MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureDigitFitQuality
ECLDigit fit quality, PureCsI option.
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_eclDigits
Store array: ECLDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterEnergyError
ECLCluster energy error.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterPhiError
ECLCluster error on azimuthal direction.
std::vector< int > * m_trkIdx
Track index.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToCR
Index of CR related to that ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC3
Index of third MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterSimHitSum
Energy contribution of 1st MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitFitQuality
CalDigit fit quality, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC1PDG
PDG code of first MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCRLikelihoodNGamma
Connected Region Gamma Likelihood, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC3
Index of third MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
int m_eclPureLMMultip
Local Maxima multiplicity, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_mcMothPdg
MCParticle mother particle PDG code.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC1
Index of first MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToLM4
Index of 4th maximum related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterToMCWeight2
Energy contribution of second MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< double > * m_eclLogLikePi
PID track pion likelyhood.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterE1oE9
Reconstructed E1 over E9.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitTimeFit
CalDigit timing, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerUncEnergy
Shower bare energy.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitToBkgWeight
Remaining energy contribution not associated to first five MCParticles related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclHitToDigit
Index of ECLDigit related to ECLHit.
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_eclPureDigits
Store array: ECLPureDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterHasNeutralHadronHypothesis
Cluster has neutral hadron hypothesis.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC2Moth
Mother index of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerT99
Shower T99.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToLM1
Index of first maximum related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclLMCellId
Local Maximum Cell ID.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerToMCWeight3
Energy contribution of third MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclHitToDigitAmp
Amplitude of ECLDigit related to ECLHit.
int m_eclClusterTrueMultip
Number of ECLClusters per event.
std::vector< int > * m_eclDigitTimeFit
ECLDigit timing.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterClosestTrackDist
Reconstructed Distance to Closest Track, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterToMCWeight4
Energy contribution of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerHighestEnergy
Shower Highest Energy Crystal Energy.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCRLikelihoodElectronNGamma
Connected Region Electron Likelihood, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC2
Index of second MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerIdx
Shower Index.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitIdx
ECLCalDigit index, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclSimHitToMC
Index of MCParticle related to that ECLSimHit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterToBkgWeight
Remaining energy contribution not associated to first five MCParticles related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclDigitToCalDigit
Index of CalDigit related to that ECLDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC3Moth
Mother index of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMCWeight2
Energy contribution of second MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclDigitIdx
ECLDigit index.
int m_eclClusterGammaMultip
Number of ECLClusters per event.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterE1oE9
Reconstructed E1oE9, PureCsI option.
virtual void beginRun() override
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerThetaError
Shower Theta Error.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerSimHitSum
Full energy contribution related to ECLShower.
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
Tracks storeArray.
virtual const char * eclPureDigitArrayName() const
Default name ECLPureDigits array.
StoreArray< ECLLocalMaximum > m_eclPureLocalMaximums
Store array: ECLPureLocalMaximum.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureLMCellId
Local Maximum Cell ID, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC5PDG
PDG code of fifth MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerIsTrack
Shower Track Match.
std::vector< int > * m_mcGMothPdg
MCParticle grandmother particle PDG code.
std::vector< double > * m_eclpidEnergy
PID track energy.
std::vector< int > * m_eclpidNClusters
PID track number of clusters.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerPhi
Shower Phi.
int m_mcMultip
Multiplicity of MCParticles.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCRLikelihoodMIPNGamma
Connected Region MIP Likelihood, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterE9oE21
Ratio of 3x3 over 5x5 crystal matrices energies for Cluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclLMType
Local Maximum type.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerTrkDepth
Shower Track Depth.
std::vector< int > * m_eclLMId
Local Maximum ID.
std::vector< double > * m_trkP
Track momentum.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterEnergy
Cluster energy, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclHitToPureDigitAmp
Amplitude of ECLDigit related to ECLHit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterTimingError
ECLCluster time error.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC4
Index of fourth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_mcProdVtxZ
MCParticle production vertex Z.
std::vector< double > * m_mcEnergy
MCParticle energyx.
std::vector< int > * m_eclpidtrkIdx
PID track index.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerCentralCellId
Cell ID for most energetic crystal.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerToMCWeight1
Energy contribution of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusters
Store array: ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC3
Index of third MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC4PDG
PDG code of fourth MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclHitIdx
Index of ECLHits.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC1PDG
PDG code of first MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterDetectorRegion
Clusters detector region, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_mcDecayVtxX
MCParticle decay vertex X.
std::vector< double > * m_trkY
Track DOCA Y (?)
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC5Moth
Mother index of fifth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitAmp
CalDigit amplitude, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToLM
Index of LM related to that CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitIdx
ECLCalDigit index.
std::vector< int > * m_eclSimHitIdx
Index of ECLSimHit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToMC2PDG
PDG code of second MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
StoreArray< ECLConnectedRegion > m_eclPureConnectedRegions
Store array: ECLPureConnectedRegion.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureDigitCellId
Number of ECLDigit CellId, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclDigitFitQuality
ECLDigit fit quality.
int m_eclPureCalDigitMultip
Number of ECLCalDigits per event, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterLat
Cluster shape parameter LAT, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC4PDG
PDG code of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerMCFFlightMatch
Int, 1 if primary particle flight direction is "well" reconstructed in ECL, 0 otherwise,...
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC1PDG
PDG code of first MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitAmp
ECLCalDigit amplitude.
std::vector< double > * m_mcPx
MCParticle momentum X direction.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC2MothPDG
PDG code of parent of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclpidNCrystals
PID track number of crystals.
std::vector< int > * m_mcIdx
MCParticle index.
StoreArray< ECLShower > m_eclPureShowers
Store array: ECLPureShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC1PDG
PDG code of first MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerZernikeMVA
Shower ZernikeMVA.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterAbsZernike40
Reconstructed Zernike40, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterSecondMoment
Reconstructed Cluster Second Moment, PureCsI option.
int m_eclPureDigitMultip
Number of ECLDigits per event, PureCsI option.
uint8_t m_nECLShowersRejectedBarrel
Number of photon showers that are rejected before storing to mdst (max.
virtual const char * eclDigitArrayName() const
Default name ECLDigits array.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterTiming
ECLCluster time.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitCellId
Number of ECLCalDigit CellId.
std::vector< double > * m_mcProdVtxX
MCParticle production vertex X.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerEnergy
Shower Energy.
StoreArray< ECLHit > m_eclHits
Store array: ECLHit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCRIdx
Connected Region ID, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCRLikelihoodMergedPi0
Connected Region Merged Pi0 Likelihood.
uint8_t m_nECLShowersRejectedFWD
Number of photon showers that are rejected before storing to mdst (max.
virtual const char * eclConnectedRegionArrayName() const
Default name ECLConnectedRegions array.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC5MothPDG
PDG code of parent of fifth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterToMCWeight2
Energy contribution of second MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_trkX
Track DOCA X (?)
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterToMCWeight3
Energy contribution of third MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
int m_eclClusterMultip
Number of ECLClusters per event.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerLateralEnergy
Shower Lateral Energy.
std::vector< double > * m_mcPz
MCParticle momentum Z direction.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterHasNeutralHadronHypothesis
Cluster has neutral hadron hypothesis, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitSimHitSum
Full energy contribution related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC5
Index of fifth MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_mcParticles
MCParticles StoreArray.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterHighestE
Highest energy deposit (per crystal) in ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureDigitAmp
ECLDigit amplitude, PureCsI option.
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_eventmetadata
Store object pointer: EventMetaData.
virtual ~ECLDataAnalysisModule()
Destructor of the module.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCRIsTrack
Int for Connected Region - Track Match.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerConnectedRegionId
Matched Connetcted Region Idx.
virtual const char * eclCalDigitArrayName() const
Default name ECLCalDigits array.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterToMCWeight4
Energy contribution of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterPhiError
Cluster error on azimuthal direction, PureCsI option.
bool m_doTracking
if true, info on tracking will be stored, job will fail if doTracking==1 and the tracking modules are...
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerAbsZernike51
Shower Zernike51 Moment.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerR
Shower R.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC1
Index of first MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerToMCWeight5
Energy contribution of fifth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclHitTimeAve
ECLHit time.
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclPureClusters
Store array: ECLPureCluster.
int m_eclLMMultip
Local Maxima multiplicity.
std::vector< int > * m_eclSimHitPdg
PDG code of MCParticle associted to that ECLDigit.
virtual const char * eclPureLocalMaximumArrayName() const
Default name ECLPureLocalMaxima array.
std::vector< double > * m_trkPhi
Track azimuthal direction.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC3PDG
PDG code of third MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclDigitCellId
Number of ECLDigit CellId.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMCWeight1
Energy contribution of first MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterR
Cluster distance from IP, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterTheta
Cluster polar direction, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_trkTheta
Track polar direction.
uint16_t m_nECLCalDigitsOutOfTimeBarrel
Number of out of time, energetic ECLCalDigits, Barrel.
std::vector< double > * m_eclLogLikeMu
PID track muon likelyhood.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC4PDG
PDG code of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterToMC4
Index of fourth MCParticle related to ECLCluster, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterIdx
ECLCluster index, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterEnergy
ECLCluster energy.
virtual const char * eclPureShowerArrayName() const
Default name ECLPureShower array.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC1
Index of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclSimHitPy
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToLM
Index of LM related to that ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterClosestTrackDist
Flag for charged clusters.
std::vector< double > * m_eclSimHitY
ECLSimHit Y position.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCRLikelihoodChargedHadron
Connected Region Charged Hadron Likelihood, PureCsI option.
int m_eclSimHitMultip
Number of ECLSimHits per event.
TFile * m_rootFilePtr
members of ECLReconstructor Module
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterLAT
Reconstructed LAT.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerHighestE1mE2
Energy difference for 2 highest energy deposits in shower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterDeltaTime99
std::vector< int > * m_eclHitCellId
ECLHit CellID.
StoreObjPtr< EventLevelClusteringInfo > m_eventLevelClusteringInfo
Store object pointer: EventLevelClusteringInfo.
std::vector< int > * m_mcSecondaryPhysProc
Flag for secondary physics process.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC1Moth
Mother index of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerE1oE9
Shower E1/E9.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC3
Index of third MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC1GMothPDG
PDG code of Gparent of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_mcProdVtxY
MCParticle production vertex Y.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterSecondMoment
Reconstructed Second Moment.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterEnergyError
Cluster energy error, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC2GMoth
GMother index of second MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterE9oE21
Ratio of 3x3 over 5x5 crystal matrices energies for ECLCluster.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureLMId
Local Maximum ID, PureCsI option.
virtual const char * eclPureCalDigitArrayName() const
Default name ECLPureCalDigits array.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC4PDG
PDG code of fourth MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< int > * m_eclCalDigitToMC1
Index of first MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureClusterPhi
Cluster azimuthal direction, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterCrystalHealth
Crystal healt flag.
std::vector< bool > * m_eclClusterIsTrack
Flag for charged clusters.
virtual const char * eclPureConnectedRegionArrayName() const
Default name ECLPureConnectedRegions array.
std::vector< int > * m_eclClusterToShower
Index of ECLShower related to ECLCluster.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCalDigitToMCWeight3
Energy contribution of third MCParticle related to ECLCalDigit.
StoreArray< ECLCalDigit > m_eclCalDigits
Store array: ECLCalDigit.
std::vector< double > * m_eclpidE9E21
PID track ration of 3x3 over 5x5 crystal matrices energies.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCRIsTrack
Int for Connected Region - Track Match, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclCRLikelihoodNGamma
Connected Region Gamma Likelihood.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureDigitTimeFit
ECLDigit timing, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMC5
Index of fifth MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< int > * m_trkPdg
Track PDG code.
std::vector< double > * m_eclPureCalDigitToMCWeight3
Energy contribution of third MCParticle related to CalDigit, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterDeltaL
Reconstructed Cluster DeltaL.
std::vector< int > * m_mcGGMothPdg
MCParticle greand-grandmother particle PDG code.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC1MothPDG
PDG code of parent of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
uint16_t m_nECLCalDigitsOutOfTimeBWD
Number of out of time, energetic ECLCalDigits, BWD.
StoreArray< ECLPidLikelihood > m_eclPidLikelihoods
ECLPidLikelihood storeArray.
std::vector< int > * m_eclPureClusterCrystalHealth
Crystal healt flag, PureCsI option.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerPhiError
Shower Phi Error.
std::vector< double > * m_eclpidEop
PID track E/p.
std::vector< int > * m_eclShowerToMC1GMoth
GMother index of first MCParticle related to ECLShower.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerAbsZernike40
Shower Zernike40 Moment.
std::vector< double > * m_eclShowerNHits
Shower NHits.
int m_eclShowerMultip
Number of ECLShowers per event.
std::vector< double > * m_eclClusterToMCWeight3
Energy contribution of third MCParticle related to ECLCluster.
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.