Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9/* Own header. */
10#include <klm/bklm/geometry/GeoBKLMCreator.h>
12/* KLM headers. */
13#include <klm/dataobjects/bklm/BKLMElementNumbers.h>
14#include <klm/dataobjects/KLMElementNumbers.h>
15#include <klm/dbobjects/bklm/BKLMGeometryPar.h>
16#include <klm/simulation/SensitiveDetector.h>
18/* Basf2 headers. */
19#include <geometry/Materials.h>
21/* Geant 4 headers. */
22#include <G4Box.hh>
23#include <G4LogicalVolume.hh>
24#include <G4Polyhedra.hh>
25#include <G4PVPlacement.hh>
26#include <G4Region.hh>
27#include <G4String.hh>
28#include <G4SubtractionSolid.hh>
29#include <G4Transform3D.hh>
30#include <G4Tubs.hh>
31#include <G4UnionSolid.hh>
32#include <G4VisAttributes.hh>
34using namespace Belle2::bklm;
35using namespace Belle2::geometry;
38// Implementation
43 m_Sensitive = dynamic_cast<G4VSensitiveDetector*>(new KLM::SensitiveDetector(G4String("BKLM"), KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM));
44 m_GeoPar = nullptr;
45 m_SectorDphi = 0.0;
46 m_SectorDz = 0.0;
47 m_RibShift = 0.0;
48 m_CapSolid = nullptr;
49 m_CapLogical[0] = m_CapLogical[1] = nullptr;
50 m_InnerIronSolid = nullptr;
52 m_InnerAirSolid = nullptr;
54 m_SupportLogical[0] = m_SupportLogical[1] = nullptr;
55 m_BracketLogical = nullptr;
56 for (int j = 0; j < BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber(); ++j) {
57 m_LayerIronSolid[j] = nullptr;
58 }
59 for (int j = 0; j < 2 * BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber(); ++j) {
60 m_LayerModuleLogical[j] = nullptr;
61 m_LayerGapSolid[j] = nullptr;
62 }
63 for (int j = 0; j < 12 * BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber(); ++j) {
64 m_LayerIronLogical[j] = nullptr;
65 m_LayerGapLogical[j] = nullptr;
66 }
67 m_SectorTube = nullptr;
68 for (int sector = 0; sector < BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber(); ++sector) {
69 m_SectorLogical[0][sector] = nullptr;
70 m_SectorLogical[1][sector] = nullptr;
71 }
72 m_MPPCHousingLogical = nullptr;
74 m_SolenoidTube = nullptr;
75 m_ScintLogicals.clear();
76 m_VisAttributes.clear();
77 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(false)); // for "invisible"
78 m_Names.clear();
83 delete m_Sensitive;
84 m_ScintLogicals.clear();
85 for (G4VisAttributes* visAttr : m_VisAttributes) delete visAttr;
86 m_VisAttributes.clear();
87 for (G4String* name : m_Names) delete name;
88 m_Names.clear();
92// Build and place the BKLM
95void GeoBKLMCreator::createGeometry(const BKLMGeometryPar& parameters, G4LogicalVolume& motherLogical, GeometryTypes)
98 m_GeoPar = GeometryPar::instance(parameters);
99 m_SectorDphi = 2.0 * M_PI / m_GeoPar->getNSector();
100 m_SectorDz = 0.5 * m_GeoPar->getHalfLength() * CLHEP::cm;
101 m_RibShift = 0.5 * m_GeoPar->getRibThickness() * CLHEP::cm / sin(0.5 * m_SectorDphi);
103 // Place BKLM envelope in mother volume
104 G4Tubs* envelopeSolid =
105 new G4Tubs("BKLM.EnvelopeSolid",
106 m_GeoPar->getSolenoidOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm,
107 m_GeoPar->getOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm / cos(0.5 * m_SectorDphi),
108 2.0 * m_SectorDz,
109 0.0,
110 2.0 * M_PI
111 );
112 G4LogicalVolume* envelopeLogical =
113 new G4LogicalVolume(envelopeSolid,
114 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
115 "BKLM.EnvelopeLogical"
116 );
117 envelopeLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
118 putEndsInEnvelope(envelopeLogical);
119 /* Set up region for production cuts. */
120 G4Region* aRegion = new G4Region("BKLMEnvelope");
121 envelopeLogical->SetRegion(aRegion);
122 aRegion->AddRootLogicalVolume(envelopeLogical);
124 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(m_GeoPar->getOffsetZ() * CLHEP::cm) * G4RotateZ3D(m_GeoPar->getRotation() * CLHEP::rad),
125 envelopeLogical,
126 "BKLM.EnvelopePhysical",
127 &motherLogical,
128 false,
129 1,
130 false
131 );
135void GeoBKLMCreator::putEndsInEnvelope(G4LogicalVolume* envelopeLogical)
137 G4Tubs* endSolid =
138 new G4Tubs("BKLM.EndSolid",
139 m_GeoPar->getSolenoidOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm,
140 m_GeoPar->getOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm / cos(0.5 * m_SectorDphi),
142 0.0,
143 2.0 * M_PI
144 );
145 G4LogicalVolume* frontLogical =
146 new G4LogicalVolume(endSolid,
147 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
148 "BKLM.F_Logical"
149 );
150 frontLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
152 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(m_SectorDz),
153 frontLogical,
154 "BKLM.F_Physical",
155 envelopeLogical,
156 false,
158 false
159 );
160 G4LogicalVolume* backLogical =
161 new G4LogicalVolume(endSolid,
162 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
163 "BKLM.B_Logical"
164 );
165 backLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
167 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(-m_SectorDz) * G4RotateY3D(M_PI),
168 backLogical,
169 "BKLM.B_Physical",
170 envelopeLogical,
171 false,
173 false
174 );
178void GeoBKLMCreator::putSectorsInEnd(G4LogicalVolume* endLogical, int section)
180 if (m_SectorTube == nullptr) {
182 new G4Tubs("BKLM.SectorSolid",
183 m_GeoPar->getSolenoidOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm,
184 m_GeoPar->getOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm / cos(0.5 * m_SectorDphi),
186 -0.5 * m_SectorDphi,
188 );
189 }
190 char name[80] = "";
191 for (int s = 0; s < m_GeoPar->getNSector(); ++s) {
192 int sector = (section == BKLMElementNumbers::c_ForwardSection ? s : ((12 - s) % 8)) + 1;
193 bool hasChimney = (section == BKLMElementNumbers::c_BackwardSection) && (sector == BKLMElementNumbers::c_ChimneySector);
194 bool hasInnerSupport = (sector <= m_GeoPar->getNSector() / 2 + 1);
195 sprintf(name, "BKLM.%sSector%dLogical", (section == BKLMElementNumbers::c_ForwardSection ? "Forward" : "Backward"), sector);
196 m_SectorLogical[section][sector - 1] =
197 new G4LogicalVolume(m_SectorTube,
198 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
199 name
200 );
201 m_SectorLogical[section][sector - 1]->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
202 putCapInSector(m_SectorLogical[section][sector - 1], hasChimney);
203 putInnerRegionInSector(m_SectorLogical[section][sector - 1], hasInnerSupport, hasChimney);
204 putLayersInSector(m_SectorLogical[section][sector - 1], section, sector, hasChimney);
205 new G4PVPlacement(G4RotateZ3D(m_SectorDphi * s),
206 m_SectorLogical[section][sector - 1],
207 physicalName(m_SectorLogical[section][sector - 1]),
208 endLogical,
209 false,
210 sector,
211 false
212 );
213 }
216void GeoBKLMCreator::putCapInSector(G4LogicalVolume* sectorLogical, bool hasChimney)
219 // Fill cap with iron and (aluminum) cables
220 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector gapHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getGapHalfSize(0, false) * CLHEP::cm;
221 const double dyBrace = (hasChimney ? m_GeoPar->getBraceWidthChimney() : m_GeoPar->getBraceWidth()) * CLHEP::cm;
222 const double dy = 0.25 * (m_GeoPar->getCablesWidth() * CLHEP::cm - dyBrace);
223 const double dz = m_SectorDz - gapHalfSize.z();
224 const double ri = m_GeoPar->getLayerInnerRadius(1) * CLHEP::cm + 2.0 * gapHalfSize.x();
225 const double ro = m_GeoPar->getOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm;
226 if (m_CapSolid == nullptr) {
227 const double z[2] = { -dz, dz};
228 const double rInner[2] = {ri, ri};
229 const double rOuter[2] = {ro, ro};
230 m_CapSolid =
231 new G4Polyhedra("BKLM.CapSolid",
232 -0.5 * m_SectorDphi,
234 1,
235 2, z, rInner, rOuter
236 );
237 }
238 int newLvol = (hasChimney ? 1 : 0);
239 G4String name = (hasChimney ? "BKLM.ChimneyCapLogical" : "BKLM.CapLogical");
240 if (m_CapLogical[newLvol] == nullptr) {
241 m_CapLogical[newLvol] =
242 new G4LogicalVolume(m_CapSolid,
243 Materials::get("G4_Fe"),
244 name
245 );
246 m_CapLogical[newLvol]->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
247 name = (hasChimney ? "BKLM.ChimneyCablesSolid" : "BKLM.CablesSolid");
248 G4Box* cablesSolid =
249 new G4Box(name, 0.5 * (ro - ri), dy, dz);
250 G4LogicalVolume* cablesLogical =
251 new G4LogicalVolume(cablesSolid,
252 Materials::get("G4_Al"),
253 logicalName(cablesSolid)
254 );
255 cablesLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
256 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(0.5 * (ri + ro), -(0.5 * dyBrace + dy), 0.0),
257 cablesLogical,
258 physicalName(cablesLogical).append(G4String("_L")),
259 m_CapLogical[newLvol],
260 false,
261 1,
262 false
263 );
264 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(0.5 * (ri + ro), +(0.5 * dyBrace + dy), 0.0),
265 cablesLogical,
266 physicalName(cablesLogical).append(G4String("_R")),
267 m_CapLogical[newLvol],
268 false,
269 2,
270 false
271 );
272 }
273 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(m_SectorDz - dz),
274 m_CapLogical[newLvol],
275 physicalName(m_CapLogical[newLvol]),
276 sectorLogical,
277 false,
278 1,
279 false
280 );
283void GeoBKLMCreator::putInnerRegionInSector(G4LogicalVolume* sectorLogical, bool hasInnerSupport, bool hasChimney)
286 // Fill inner region with iron
287 if (m_InnerIronSolid == nullptr) {
288 const double r = m_GeoPar->getLayerInnerRadius(1) * CLHEP::cm;
289 const double z[2] = { -m_SectorDz, +m_SectorDz};
290 const double rInner[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
291 const double rOuter[2] = {r, r};
292 G4Polyhedra* innerIronPolygon =
293 new G4Polyhedra("BKLM.InnerIronPolygon",
294 -0.5 * m_SectorDphi,
296 1,
297 2, z, rInner, rOuter
298 );
300 new G4SubtractionSolid("BKLM.InnerIronSolid",
301 innerIronPolygon,
303 );
304 }
305 int newLvol = (hasInnerSupport ? 2 : 0) + (hasChimney ? 1 : 0);
306 if (m_InnerIronLogical[newLvol] == nullptr) {
307 m_InnerIronLogical[newLvol] =
308 new G4LogicalVolume(m_InnerIronSolid,
309 Materials::get("G4_Fe"),
310 (hasChimney ? "BKLM.InnerIronChimneyLogical" : "BKLM.InnerIronLogical")
311 );
312 m_InnerIronLogical[newLvol]->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
313 putVoidInInnerRegion(m_InnerIronLogical[newLvol], hasInnerSupport, hasChimney);
314 }
315 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(0.0),
316 m_InnerIronLogical[newLvol],
318 sectorLogical,
319 false,
320 1,
321 false
322 );
325void GeoBKLMCreator::putVoidInInnerRegion(G4LogicalVolume* innerIronLogical, bool hasInnerSupport, bool hasChimney)
328 // Carve out an air void from the inner-region iron, leaving only the ribs
329 // at the azimuthal edges
330 if (m_InnerAirSolid == nullptr) {
331 const double r = m_GeoPar->getLayerInnerRadius(1) * CLHEP::cm - m_RibShift;
332 const double z[2] = { -m_SectorDz, +m_SectorDz};
333 const double rInner[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
334 const double rOuter[2] = {r, r};
335 G4Polyhedra* innerAirPolygon =
336 new G4Polyhedra("BKLM.InnerAirPolygon",
337 -0.5 * m_SectorDphi,
339 1,
340 2, z, rInner, rOuter
341 );
343 new G4SubtractionSolid("BKLM.InnerAirSolid",
344 innerAirPolygon,
346 G4TranslateX3D(-m_RibShift)
347 );
348 }
349 int newLvol = (hasInnerSupport ? 2 : 0) + (hasChimney ? 1 : 0);
350 if (m_InnerAirLogical[newLvol] == nullptr) {
351 m_InnerAirLogical[newLvol] =
352 new G4LogicalVolume(m_InnerAirSolid,
353 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
354 (hasChimney ? "BKLM.InnerAirChimneyLogical" : "BKLM.InnerAirLogical")
355 );
356 m_InnerAirLogical[newLvol]->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
357 if (hasInnerSupport) {
360 }
361 }
362 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateX3D(m_RibShift),
363 m_InnerAirLogical[newLvol],
365 innerIronLogical,
366 false,
367 1,
368 false
369 );
372void GeoBKLMCreator::putLayer1SupportInInnerVoid(G4LogicalVolume* innerAirLogical, bool hasChimney)
375 int newLvol = (hasChimney ? 1 : 0);
376 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector size = m_GeoPar->getSupportPlateHalfSize(hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
377 if (m_SupportLogical[newLvol] == nullptr) {
378 G4Box* supportBox =
379 new G4Box((hasChimney ? "BKLM.ChimneySupportSolid" : "BKLM.SupportSolid"),
380 size.x(),
381 size.y(),
382 size.z()
383 );
384 m_SupportLogical[newLvol] =
385 new G4LogicalVolume(supportBox,
386 Materials::get("G4_Al"),
387 logicalName(supportBox)
388 );
389 m_SupportLogical[newLvol]->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
390 }
391 double dx = m_GeoPar->getLayerInnerRadius(1) * CLHEP::cm - size.x() - m_RibShift;
392 double dz = size.z() - m_SectorDz;
393 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(dx, 0.0, dz),
394 m_SupportLogical[newLvol],
396 innerAirLogical,
397 false,
398 1,
399 false
400 );
403void GeoBKLMCreator::putLayer1BracketsInInnerVoid(G4LogicalVolume* innerAirLogical, bool hasChimney)
406 if (m_BracketLogical == nullptr) {
407 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector size = m_GeoPar->getSupportPlateHalfSize(hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
408 const double dz = 0.5 * m_GeoPar->getBracketLength() * CLHEP::cm;
409 const double r = m_GeoPar->getLayerInnerRadius(1) * CLHEP::cm - m_RibShift - 2.0 * size.x();
410 const double bracketShift = m_GeoPar->getBracketRibThickness() * CLHEP::cm / sin(0.5 * m_SectorDphi);
411 const double z[2] = { -dz, +dz};
412 const double rInner[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
413 const double rOuter[2] = {r, r};
414 const double r1 = m_GeoPar->getBracketInnerRadius() * CLHEP::cm - m_RibShift;
415 const double z1[2] = { -(dz + 0.5 * CLHEP::cm), dz + 0.5 * CLHEP::cm};
416 const double rOuter1[2] = {r1, r1};
417 const double z2[2] = { -(dz + 1.0 * CLHEP::cm), dz + 1.0 * CLHEP::cm};
418 const double dzBracket = m_GeoPar->getBracketThickness() * CLHEP::cm;
419 const double drBracket = dzBracket + bracketShift;
420 const double rOuter2[2] = {r - drBracket, r - drBracket};
421 const double z3[2] = { -dzBracket, dzBracket};
422 const double cutoutDphi = m_GeoPar->getBracketCutoutDphi() * CLHEP::rad;
423 G4Polyhedra* bracketPolygon =
424 new G4Polyhedra("BKLM.BracketPolygon",
425 -0.5 * m_SectorDphi,
427 1,
428 2, z, rInner, rOuter
429 );
430 G4Polyhedra* bracketCutout1 =
431 new G4Polyhedra("BKLM.BracketCutout1",
432 -0.5 * cutoutDphi,
433 cutoutDphi,
434 2, // two sides
435 2, z1, rInner, rOuter1
436 );
437 G4Polyhedra* bracketCutout2 =
438 new G4Polyhedra("BKLM.BracketCutout2",
439 -0.5 * m_SectorDphi,
441 1,
442 2, z2, rInner, rOuter2
443 );
444 G4Polyhedra* bracketCutout3 =
445 new G4Polyhedra("BKLM.BracketCutout3",
446 -0.5 * m_SectorDphi,
448 1,
449 2, z3, rInner, rOuter2
450 );
451 G4Box* bracketCutout4 =
452 new G4Box("BKLM.BracketCutout4",
453 rOuter[1] + 1.0 * CLHEP::cm,
454 rOuter[1] * tan(0.5 * m_SectorDphi) - m_GeoPar->getBracketWidth() * CLHEP::cm,
455 z[1] + 1.5 * CLHEP::cm
456 );
457 G4VSolid* polygon1 =
458 new G4SubtractionSolid("BKLM.BracketPolygon1",
459 bracketPolygon,
460 bracketCutout4
461 );
462 G4VSolid* polygon2 =
463 new G4SubtractionSolid("BKLM.BracketPolygon2",
464 bracketCutout2,
465 bracketCutout3
466 );
467 G4VSolid* polygon3 =
468 new G4SubtractionSolid("BKLM.BracketPolygon3",
469 polygon1,
470 polygon2,
471 G4TranslateX3D(bracketShift)
472 );
473 G4VSolid* bracketSolid =
474 new G4SubtractionSolid("BKLM.BracketSolid",
475 polygon3,
476 bracketCutout1
477 );
479 new G4LogicalVolume(bracketSolid,
480 Materials::get("G4_Al"),
481 "BKLM.BracketLogical"
482 );
483 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
484 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
485 m_BracketLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
486 }
487 char name[80] = "";
488 for (int bracket = 0; bracket < (hasChimney ? 2 : 3); ++bracket) {
489 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Bracket%d%sPhysical", bracket, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
490 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(m_GeoPar->getBracketZPosition(bracket, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm),
492 name,
493 innerAirLogical,
494 false,
495 bracket,
496 false
497 );
498 }
501void GeoBKLMCreator::putLayersInSector(G4LogicalVolume* sectorLogical, int section, int sector, bool hasChimney)
504 const double dz = 0.5 * m_GeoPar->getGapLength() * CLHEP::cm;
505 const double z[2] = { -dz, +dz };
506 char name[80] = "";
507 for (int layer = 1; layer <= m_GeoPar->getNLayer(); ++layer) {
508 // Fill layer with iron
509 if (m_LayerIronSolid[layer - 1] == nullptr) {
510 const double ri = m_GeoPar->getLayerInnerRadius(layer) * CLHEP::cm;
511 const double ro = m_GeoPar->getLayerOuterRadius(layer) * CLHEP::cm;
512 const double rInner[2] = {ri, ri};
513 const double rOuter[2] = {ro, ro};
514 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02dIronSolid", layer);
515 m_LayerIronSolid[layer - 1] =
516 new G4Polyhedra(name,
517 -0.5 * m_SectorDphi,
519 1,
520 2, z, rInner, rOuter
521 );
522 }
523 const Module* module = m_GeoPar->findModule(section == BKLMElementNumbers::c_ForwardSection, sector, layer);
524 bool isFlipped = module->isFlipped();
525 int newLvol = BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber() * ((isFlipped ? 2 : 0) +
526 (hasChimney ? 1 : 0)) + (layer - 1);
527 int s1 = sector - 1;
528 int s2 = m_GeoPar->getNSector() / 2;
529 if (s1 % s2 == 0) {
530 } else if (s1 > s2) {
532 } else {
534 }
535 if (m_LayerIronLogical[newLvol] == nullptr) {
536 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%s%sIronLogical", layer, (isFlipped ? "Flipped" : ""), (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
537 m_LayerIronLogical[newLvol] =
538 new G4LogicalVolume(m_LayerIronSolid[layer - 1],
539 Materials::get("G4_Fe"),
540 name
541 );
542 m_LayerIronLogical[newLvol]->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
543 putModuleInLayer(m_LayerIronLogical[newLvol], section, sector, layer, hasChimney, isFlipped, newLvol);
544 if (hasChimney) {
545 putChimneyInLayer(m_LayerIronLogical[newLvol], layer);
546 }
547 }
548 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(dz - m_SectorDz),
549 m_LayerIronLogical[newLvol],
551 sectorLogical,
552 false,
553 layer,
554 false
555 );
557 }
560void GeoBKLMCreator::putChimneyInLayer(G4LogicalVolume* layerIronLogical, int layer)
562 CLHEP::Hep3Vector gapHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getGapHalfSize(layer, true) * CLHEP::cm;
563 CLHEP::Hep3Vector chimneyHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getChimneyHalfSize(layer) * CLHEP::cm;
564 CLHEP::Hep3Vector chimneyPosition = m_GeoPar->getChimneyPosition(layer) * CLHEP::cm;
565 gapHalfSize.setY(0.5 * (gapHalfSize.y() - chimneyHalfSize.y()));
566 gapHalfSize.setZ(chimneyHalfSize.z() + 0.5 * m_GeoPar->getChimneyCoverThickness() * CLHEP::cm);
567 double dx = m_GeoPar->getGapMiddleRadius(layer) * CLHEP::cm;
568 double dy = gapHalfSize.y() + chimneyHalfSize.y();
569 double dz = 0.5 * m_GeoPar->getGapLength() * CLHEP::cm - gapHalfSize.z();
570 char name[80] = "";
571 // Fill the two chimney gaps with air
572 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02dGapChimneyBox", layer);
573 G4Box* gapBox =
574 new G4Box(name,
575 gapHalfSize.x(), gapHalfSize.y(), gapHalfSize.z()
576 );
577 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02dGapChimneyLogical", layer);
578 G4LogicalVolume* gapLogical =
579 new G4LogicalVolume(gapBox,
580 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
581 name
582 );
583 gapLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
584 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02dLeftGapChimneyPhysical", layer);
585 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(dx, -dy, dz),
586 gapLogical,
587 name,
588 layerIronLogical,
589 false,
590 0,
591 false
592 );
593 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02dRightGapChimneyPhysical", layer);
594 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(dx, +dy, dz),
595 gapLogical,
596 name,
597 layerIronLogical,
598 false,
599 1,
600 false
601 );
602 // Fill chimney with air
603 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02dChimneyBox", layer);
604 G4Box* chimneyBox =
605 new G4Box(name,
606 chimneyHalfSize.x(), chimneyHalfSize.y(), chimneyHalfSize.z()
607 );
608 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02dChimneyLogical", layer);
609 G4LogicalVolume* chimneyLogical =
610 new G4LogicalVolume(chimneyBox,
611 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
612 name
613 );
614 chimneyLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
615 // Place coaxial tubes in chimney
616 G4Tubs* housingTube =
617 new G4Tubs("BKLM.ChimneyHousingTube",
620 chimneyHalfSize.x(),
621 0.0,
622 2.0 * M_PI
623 );
624 G4LogicalVolume* housingLogical =
625 new G4LogicalVolume(housingTube,
626 Materials::get("G4_Fe"),
627 "BKLM.ChimneyHousingLogical"
628 );
629 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
630 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
631 housingLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
632 new G4PVPlacement(G4RotateY3D(M_PI_2),
633 housingLogical,
634 "BKLM.ChimneyHousingPhysical",
635 chimneyLogical,
636 false,
637 0,
638 false
639 );
640 G4Tubs* shieldTube =
641 new G4Tubs("BKLM.ChimneyShieldTube",
644 chimneyHalfSize.x(),
645 0.0,
646 2.0 * M_PI
647 );
648 G4LogicalVolume* shieldLogical =
649 new G4LogicalVolume(shieldTube,
650 Materials::get("G4_Fe"),
651 "BKLM.ChimneyShieldLogical"
652 );
653 shieldLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
654 new G4PVPlacement(G4RotateY3D(M_PI_2),
655 shieldLogical,
656 "BKLM.ChimneyShieldPhysical",
657 chimneyLogical,
658 false,
659 0,
660 false
661 );
662 G4Tubs* pipeTube =
663 new G4Tubs("BKLM.ChimneyPipeTube",
664 m_GeoPar->getChimneyPipeInnerRadius() * CLHEP::cm,
665 m_GeoPar->getChimneyPipeOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm,
666 chimneyHalfSize.x(),
667 0.0,
668 2.0 * M_PI
669 );
670 G4LogicalVolume* pipeLogical =
671 new G4LogicalVolume(pipeTube,
672 Materials::get("G4_Fe"),
673 "BKLM.ChimneyPipeLogical"
674 );
675 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
676 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
677 pipeLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
678 new G4PVPlacement(G4RotateY3D(M_PI_2),
679 pipeLogical,
680 "BKLM.ChimneyPipePhysical",
681 chimneyLogical,
682 false,
683 0,
684 false
685 );
686 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02dChimneyPhysical", layer);
687 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(chimneyPosition),
688 chimneyLogical,
689 name,
690 layerIronLogical,
691 false,
692 0,
693 false
694 );
697void GeoBKLMCreator::putModuleInLayer(G4LogicalVolume* layerIronLogical, int section, int sector, int layer, bool hasChimney,
698 bool isFlipped, int newLvol)
700 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector gapHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getGapHalfSize(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
701 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector moduleHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getModuleHalfSize(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
702 char name[80] = "";
703 // Fill gap with air
704 int modLvol = (hasChimney ? BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber() : 0) + (layer - 1);
705 if (m_LayerModuleLogical[modLvol] == nullptr) {
706 // Module is aluminum (but interior will be filled)
707 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sModuleSolid", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
708 G4Box* moduleBox =
709 new G4Box(name,
710 moduleHalfSize.x(), moduleHalfSize.y(), moduleHalfSize.z()
711 );
712 m_LayerModuleLogical[modLvol] =
713 new G4LogicalVolume(moduleBox,
714 Materials::get("G4_Al"),
715 logicalName(moduleBox)
716 );
717 m_LayerModuleLogical[modLvol]->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
718 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sModuleInteriorSolid1", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
719 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector interiorHalfSize1 = m_GeoPar->getModuleInteriorHalfSize1(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
720 G4Box* interiorBox1 =
721 new G4Box(name,
722 interiorHalfSize1.x(), interiorHalfSize1.y(), interiorHalfSize1.z()
723 );
724 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sModuleInteriorSolid2", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
725 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector interiorHalfSize2 = m_GeoPar->getModuleInteriorHalfSize2(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
726 G4Box* interiorBox2 =
727 new G4Box(name,
728 interiorHalfSize2.x(), interiorHalfSize2.y(), interiorHalfSize2.z()
729 );
730 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sModuleInteriorSolid", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
731 G4UnionSolid* interiorUnion =
732 new G4UnionSolid(name, interiorBox1, interiorBox2);
733 G4LogicalVolume* interiorLogical =
734 new G4LogicalVolume(interiorUnion,
735 Materials::get((m_GeoPar->hasRPCs(layer) ? "RPCReadout" : "G4_POLYSTYRENE")),
736 logicalName(interiorUnion)
737 );
738 interiorLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
739 if (m_GeoPar->hasRPCs(layer)) {
740 putRPCsInInterior(interiorLogical, layer, hasChimney);
741 } else {
742 putScintsInInterior(interiorLogical, section, sector, layer, hasChimney);
743 }
744 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(0.0),
745 interiorLogical,
746 physicalName(interiorLogical),
747 m_LayerModuleLogical[modLvol],
748 false,
749 0,
750 false
751 );
752 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sGapSolid", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
753 m_LayerGapSolid[modLvol] =
754 new G4Box(name,
755 gapHalfSize.x(), gapHalfSize.y(), gapHalfSize.z()
756 );
757 }
758 if (m_LayerGapLogical[newLvol] == nullptr) {
759 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%s%sGapLogical", layer, (isFlipped ? "Flipped" : ""), (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
760 m_LayerGapLogical[newLvol] =
761 new G4LogicalVolume(m_LayerGapSolid[modLvol],
762 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
763 name
764 );
765 m_LayerGapLogical[newLvol]->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
766 }
767 double dx = (m_GeoPar->getModuleMiddleRadius(layer) - m_GeoPar->getGapMiddleRadius(layer)) * CLHEP::cm;
768 // Module is closer to IP within gap if in the upper octants, farther from IP within gap if in the lower octants,
769 // or in the middle of the gap if in the side octants.
770 int s1 = sector - 1;
771 int s2 = m_GeoPar->getNSector() / 2;
772 if (s1 % s2 == 0) {
773 dx = 0.0;
774 } else if (s1 > s2) {
775 dx = -dx;
776 }
777 double dz = moduleHalfSize.z() - gapHalfSize.z();
778 G4Transform3D displacedGeo = m_GeoPar->getModuleDisplacedGeo(section == BKLMElementNumbers::c_ForwardSection, sector, layer);
779 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(dx, 0.0, dz) * G4RotateZ3D(isFlipped ? M_PI : 0.0) * displacedGeo,
780 m_LayerModuleLogical[modLvol],
782 m_LayerGapLogical[newLvol],
783 false,
784 0,
785 false
786 );
787 dz = gapHalfSize.z() - 0.5 * m_GeoPar->getGapLength() * CLHEP::cm;
788 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(m_GeoPar->getGapMiddleRadius(layer) * CLHEP::cm, 0.0, dz),
789 m_LayerGapLogical[newLvol],
791 layerIronLogical,
792 false,
793 layer,
794 false
795 );
798void GeoBKLMCreator::putRPCsInInterior(G4LogicalVolume* interiorLogical, int layer, bool hasChimney)
800 char name[80] = "";
801 // Place electrode inside the module's interior
802 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sElectrodeSolid", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
803 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector electrodeHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getElectrodeHalfSize(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
804 G4Box* electrodeBox =
805 new G4Box(name,
806 electrodeHalfSize.x(), electrodeHalfSize.y(), electrodeHalfSize.z()
807 );
808 G4LogicalVolume* electrodeLogical =
809 new G4LogicalVolume(electrodeBox,
810 Materials::get("G4_GLASS_PLATE"),
811 logicalName(electrodeBox)
812 );
813 electrodeLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
814 // Place two gas volumes inside electrodes
815 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sGasSolid", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
816 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector gasHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getGasHalfSize(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
817 G4Box* gasBox =
818 new G4Box(name,
819 gasHalfSize.x(), gasHalfSize.y(), gasHalfSize.z()
820 );
821 G4LogicalVolume* gasLogical =
822 new G4LogicalVolume(gasBox,
823 Materials::get("RPCGas"),
824 logicalName(gasBox),
825 0, // use global field manager
826 m_Sensitive, // this is the only sensitive volume in BKLM
827 0 // no user limits
828 );
829 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
830 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(1.0, 0.5, 0.0);
831 gasLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
832 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateX3D(-0.5 * electrodeHalfSize.x()),
833 gasLogical,
834 physicalName(gasLogical),
835 electrodeLogical,
836 false,
838 false
839 );
841 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateX3D(+0.5 * electrodeHalfSize.x()),
842 gasLogical,
843 physicalName(gasLogical),
844 electrodeLogical,
845 false,
847 false
848 );
849 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(0.0),
850 electrodeLogical,
851 physicalName(electrodeLogical),
852 interiorLogical,
853 false,
854 1,
855 false
856 );
859void GeoBKLMCreator::putScintsInInterior(G4LogicalVolume* interiorLogical, int section, int sector, int layer, bool hasChimney)
861 char name[80] = "";
862 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sAirSolid", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
863 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector airHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getAirHalfSize(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm;
864 G4Box* airBox =
865 new G4Box(name,
866 airHalfSize.x(), airHalfSize.y(), airHalfSize.z()
867 );
868 G4LogicalVolume* airLogical =
869 new G4LogicalVolume(airBox,
870 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
871 logicalName(airBox)
872 );
873 airLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
874 sprintf(name, "BKLM.Layer%02d%sScintEnvelopeSolid", layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
875 double mppcHousingHalfLength = m_GeoPar->getMPPCHousingHalfLength() * CLHEP::cm;
876 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector envelopeHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getScintEnvelopeHalfSize(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm +
877 CLHEP::Hep3Vector(0.0, mppcHousingHalfLength, mppcHousingHalfLength);
878 G4Box* scintEnvelopeBox =
879 new G4Box(name,
880 envelopeHalfSize.x(), envelopeHalfSize.y(), envelopeHalfSize.z()
881 );
882 G4LogicalVolume* innerEnvelopeLogical =
883 new G4LogicalVolume(scintEnvelopeBox,
884 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
885 logicalName(scintEnvelopeBox)
886 );
887 innerEnvelopeLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
888 double scintHalfHeight = m_GeoPar->getScintHalfHeight() * CLHEP::cm;
889 double scintHalfWidth = m_GeoPar->getScintHalfWidth() * CLHEP::cm;
891 int envelopeOffsetSign = m_GeoPar->getScintEnvelopeOffsetSign(layer);
892 const Module* module = m_GeoPar->findModule(section == BKLMElementNumbers::c_ForwardSection, sector, layer);
893 for (int scint = 1; scint <= m_GeoPar->getNPhiScints(layer); ++scint) {
894 double scintHalfLength = module->getPhiScintHalfLength(scint) * CLHEP::cm;
895 double scintPosition = module->getPhiScintPosition(scint) * CLHEP::cm;
896 G4LogicalVolume* scintLogical = getScintLogical(scintHalfHeight, scintHalfWidth, scintHalfLength,
897 mppcHousingHalfLength);
898 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(0.0, scintPosition + mppcHousingHalfLength * envelopeOffsetSign, 0.0),
899 scintLogical,
900 physicalName(scintLogical),
901 innerEnvelopeLogical,
902 false,
903 scint,
904 false
905 );
906 }
907 G4LogicalVolume* outerEnvelopeLogical =
908 new G4LogicalVolume(scintEnvelopeBox,
909 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
910 logicalName(scintEnvelopeBox)
911 );
912 outerEnvelopeLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
913 for (int scint = 1; scint <= m_GeoPar->getNZScints(hasChimney); ++scint) {
914 double scintHalfLength = module->getZScintHalfLength(scint) * CLHEP::cm;
915 double scintOffset = module->getZScintOffset(scint) * CLHEP::cm;
916 double scintPosition = module->getZScintPosition(scint) * CLHEP::cm;
917 G4LogicalVolume* scintLogical = getScintLogical(scintHalfHeight, scintHalfWidth, scintHalfLength,
918 mppcHousingHalfLength);
919 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(0.0, scintOffset, scintPosition - mppcHousingHalfLength) * G4RotateX3D(M_PI_2 * envelopeOffsetSign),
920 scintLogical,
921 physicalName(scintLogical),
922 outerEnvelopeLogical,
923 false,
924 scint,
925 false
926 );
927 }
928 CLHEP::Hep3Vector envelopeOffset = m_GeoPar->getScintEnvelopeOffset(layer, hasChimney) * CLHEP::cm +
929 CLHEP::Hep3Vector(0.0, -mppcHousingHalfLength, mppcHousingHalfLength);
930 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(-envelopeHalfSize.x(), envelopeOffset.y() * envelopeOffsetSign, envelopeOffset.z()),
931 innerEnvelopeLogical,
932 physicalName(innerEnvelopeLogical),
933 airLogical,
934 false,
936 false
937 );
938 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(+envelopeHalfSize.x(), envelopeOffset.y() * envelopeOffsetSign, envelopeOffset.z()),
939 outerEnvelopeLogical,
940 physicalName(outerEnvelopeLogical),
941 airLogical,
942 false,
944 false
945 );
947 // Place readout carriers and preamplifiers along module perimeter
948 double containerHalfSizeZ = m_GeoPar->getReadoutContainerHalfSize().z() * CLHEP::cm;
949 G4LogicalVolume* readoutContainerLogical = getReadoutContainerLogical();
950 for (int station = 1; station <= m_GeoPar->getNReadoutStation(); ++station) {
951 double stationPosition = m_GeoPar->getReadoutStationPosition(station) * CLHEP::cm;
952 G4Transform3D xform;
953 if (m_GeoPar->getReadoutStationIsPhi(station)) {
954 xform = G4Translate3D(0.0, stationPosition, airHalfSize.z() - containerHalfSizeZ);
955 } else {
956 xform = G4Translate3D(0.0,
957 (containerHalfSizeZ - airHalfSize.y()) * envelopeOffsetSign,
958 airHalfSize.z() + stationPosition
959 ) * G4RotateX3D(M_PI_2 * envelopeOffsetSign);
960 // Don't place all z-readout stations in chimney module.
961 if (fabs(xform.getTranslation().z()) > airHalfSize.z())
962 continue;
963 }
964 sprintf(name, "BKLM.ReadoutContainer%dLayer%02d%sPhysical", station, layer, (hasChimney ? "Chimney" : ""));
965 new G4PVPlacement(xform,
966 readoutContainerLogical,
967 name,
968 airLogical,
969 false,
970 station,
971 false
972 );
973 }
975 // Place the air container with scints, MPPCs and preamps in the interior container
976 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateX3D(m_GeoPar->getPolystyreneOffsetX() * CLHEP::cm),
977 airLogical,
978 physicalName(airLogical),
979 interiorLogical,
980 false,
981 1,
982 false
983 );
986G4LogicalVolume* GeoBKLMCreator::getScintLogical(double dx, double dy, double dz, double dzMPPC)
989 int newLvol = 1;
990 for (std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::iterator iLvol = m_ScintLogicals.begin(); iLvol != m_ScintLogicals.end(); ++iLvol) {
991 G4Box* box = (G4Box*)((*iLvol)->GetSolid());
992 if ((std::fabs(box->GetXHalfLength() - dx) < 1.0E-4 * CLHEP::cm) &&
993 (std::fabs(box->GetYHalfLength() - dy) < 1.0E-4 * CLHEP::cm) &&
994 (std::fabs(box->GetZHalfLength() - dz - dzMPPC) < 1.0E-4 * CLHEP::cm)) { return *iLvol; }
995 newLvol++;
996 }
997 char name[80] = "";
998 sprintf(name, "BKLM.ScintType%dSolid", newLvol);
999 G4Box* scintBox = new G4Box(name, dx, dy, dz + dzMPPC);
1000 G4LogicalVolume* scintLogical =
1001 new G4LogicalVolume(scintBox, Materials::get("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), logicalName(scintBox));
1002 m_ScintLogicals.push_back(scintLogical);
1003 scintLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
1004 sprintf(name, "BKLM.ScintType%dAirSolid", newLvol);
1005 G4Box* scintAirBox = new G4Box(name, dx, dy, dzMPPC);
1006 G4LogicalVolume* scintAirLogical =
1007 new G4LogicalVolume(scintAirBox, Materials::get("G4_AIR"), logicalName(scintAirBox));
1008 scintAirLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
1009 double dxTiO2 = m_GeoPar->getScintTiO2ThicknessTop() * CLHEP::cm;
1010 double dyTiO2 = m_GeoPar->getScintTiO2ThicknessSide() * CLHEP::cm;
1011 sprintf(name, "BKLM.ScintActiveType%dSolid", newLvol);
1012 G4Box* activeBox = new G4Box(name, dx - dxTiO2, dy - dyTiO2, dz);
1013 G4LogicalVolume* activeLogical =
1014 new G4LogicalVolume(activeBox, Materials::get("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), logicalName(activeBox), 0, m_Sensitive, 0);
1015 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
1016 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(1.0, 0.5, 0.0);
1017 activeLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
1018 sprintf(name, "BKLM.ScintBoreType%dSolid", newLvol);
1019 G4Tubs* boreTube = new G4Tubs(name, 0.0, m_GeoPar->getScintBoreRadius() * CLHEP::cm, dz, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI);
1020 G4LogicalVolume* scintBoreLogical =
1021 new G4LogicalVolume(boreTube, Materials::get("G4_AIR"), logicalName(boreTube));
1022 scintBoreLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
1023 sprintf(name, "BKLM.ScintFiberType%dSolid", newLvol);
1024 G4Tubs* fiberTube = new G4Tubs(name, 0.0, m_GeoPar->getScintFiberRadius() * CLHEP::cm, dz, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI);
1025 G4LogicalVolume* scintFiberLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(fiberTube, Materials::get("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), logicalName(fiberTube));
1026 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
1027 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
1028 scintFiberLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
1029 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(0.0),
1030 scintFiberLogical,
1031 physicalName(scintFiberLogical),
1032 scintBoreLogical,
1033 false,
1034 1,
1035 false
1036 );
1037 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(0.0),
1038 scintBoreLogical,
1039 physicalName(scintBoreLogical),
1040 activeLogical,
1041 false,
1042 1,
1043 false
1044 );
1045 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(-dzMPPC),
1046 activeLogical,
1047 physicalName(activeLogical),
1048 scintLogical,
1049 false,
1050 1,
1051 false
1052 );
1053 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(0.0),
1055 "BKLM.MPPCHousingPhysical",
1056 scintAirLogical,
1057 false,
1058 1,
1059 false
1060 );
1061 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(dz),
1062 scintAirLogical,
1063 physicalName(scintAirLogical),
1064 scintLogical,
1065 false,
1066 1,
1067 false
1068 );
1069 return scintLogical;
1074 if (m_MPPCHousingLogical == nullptr) {
1075 G4Tubs* mppcHousingSolid =
1076 new G4Tubs("BKLM.MPPCHousingSolid",
1077 0.0,
1078 m_GeoPar->getMPPCHousingRadius() * CLHEP::cm,
1079 m_GeoPar->getMPPCHousingHalfLength() * CLHEP::cm,
1080 0.0,
1081 2.0 * M_PI
1082 );
1084 new G4LogicalVolume(mppcHousingSolid,
1085 Materials::get("G4_POLYCARBONATE"),
1086 "BKLM>MPPCHousingLogical"
1087 );
1088 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
1089 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // gray
1090 m_MPPCHousingLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
1091 G4Box* mppcBox =
1092 new G4Box("BKLM.MPPCSolid",
1093 m_GeoPar->getMPPCHalfLength() * CLHEP::cm,
1094 m_GeoPar->getMPPCHalfWidth() * CLHEP::cm,
1095 m_GeoPar->getMPPCHalfHeight() * CLHEP::cm
1096 );
1097 G4LogicalVolume* mppcLogical =
1098 new G4LogicalVolume(mppcBox,
1099 Materials::get("G4_Si"),
1100 "BKLM.MPPCLogical"
1101 );
1102 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
1103 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // white
1104 mppcLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
1105 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateX3D(0.0),
1106 mppcLogical,
1107 "BKLM.MPPCPhysical",
1109 false,
1110 1,
1111 false
1112 );
1113 }
1114 return m_MPPCHousingLogical;
1119 if (m_ReadoutContainerLogical == nullptr) {
1120 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector containerHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getReadoutContainerHalfSize() * CLHEP::cm;
1121 G4Box* containerBox =
1122 new G4Box("BKLM.ReadoutContainerSolid",
1123 containerHalfSize.x(), containerHalfSize.y(), containerHalfSize.z()
1124 );
1126 new G4LogicalVolume(containerBox,
1127 Materials::get("G4_AIR"),
1128 logicalName(containerBox)
1129 );
1130 m_ReadoutContainerLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.front()); // invisible
1132 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector carrierHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getReadoutCarrierHalfSize() * CLHEP::cm;
1133 G4Box* carrierBox =
1134 new G4Box("BKLM.ReadoutCarrierSolid",
1135 carrierHalfSize.x(), carrierHalfSize.y(), carrierHalfSize.z()
1136 );
1137 G4LogicalVolume* carrierLogical =
1138 new G4LogicalVolume(carrierBox,
1139 Materials::get("NEMA_G10_Plate"), // defined in CDC
1140 logicalName(carrierBox)
1141 );
1142 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
1143 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
1144 carrierLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
1145 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector preamplifierHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getReadoutPreamplifierHalfSize() * CLHEP::cm;
1146 G4Box* preamplifierBox =
1147 new G4Box("BKLM.ReadoutPreamplifierSolid",
1148 preamplifierHalfSize.x(), preamplifierHalfSize.y(), preamplifierHalfSize.z()
1149 );
1150 G4LogicalVolume* preamplifierLogical =
1151 new G4LogicalVolume(preamplifierBox,
1152 Materials::get("NEMA_G10_Plate"), // defined in CDC
1153 logicalName(preamplifierBox)
1154 );
1155 preamplifierLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
1156 const CLHEP::Hep3Vector connectorsHalfSize = m_GeoPar->getReadoutConnectorsHalfSize() * CLHEP::cm;
1157 G4Box* connectorsBox =
1158 new G4Box("BKLM.ReadoutConnectorsSolid",
1159 connectorsHalfSize.x(), connectorsHalfSize.y(), connectorsHalfSize.z()
1160 );
1161 G4LogicalVolume* connectorsLogical =
1162 new G4LogicalVolume(connectorsBox,
1163 Materials::get("G4_POLYCARBONATE"),
1164 logicalName(connectorsBox)
1165 );
1166 m_VisAttributes.push_back(new G4VisAttributes(true));
1167 m_VisAttributes.back()->SetColour(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
1168 connectorsLogical->SetVisAttributes(m_VisAttributes.back());
1169 new G4PVPlacement(G4TranslateZ3D(preamplifierHalfSize.z()),
1170 carrierLogical,
1171 physicalName(carrierLogical),
1173 false,
1174 1,
1175 false
1176 );
1177 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(0.0, m_GeoPar->getReadoutConnectorsPosition(), -carrierHalfSize.z()),
1178 connectorsLogical,
1179 physicalName(connectorsLogical),
1181 false,
1182 1,
1183 false
1184 );
1185 for (int preamp = 1; preamp <= m_GeoPar->getNReadoutPreamplifierPosition(); ++preamp) {
1186 new G4PVPlacement(G4Translate3D(0.0,
1187 m_GeoPar->getReadoutPreamplifierPosition(preamp) * CLHEP::cm,
1188 -carrierHalfSize.z()),
1189 preamplifierLogical,
1190 physicalName(preamplifierLogical),
1192 false,
1193 1,
1194 false
1195 );
1196 }
1197 }
1204 if (m_SolenoidTube == nullptr) {
1206 new G4Tubs("BKLM.SolenoidTube",
1207 0.0,
1208 m_GeoPar->getSolenoidOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm,
1209 2.0 * m_GeoPar->getHalfLength() * CLHEP::cm,
1210 0.0,
1211 2.0 * M_PI
1212 );
1213 }
1214 return m_SolenoidTube;
1217G4String GeoBKLMCreator::logicalName(G4VSolid* solid)
1219 G4String* name = new G4String(solid->GetName().substr(0, solid->GetName().size() - 5) + "Logical");
1220 m_Names.push_back(name);
1221 return *name;
1224G4String GeoBKLMCreator::physicalName(G4LogicalVolume* lvol)
1226 G4String* name = new G4String(lvol->GetName().substr(0, lvol->GetName().size() - 7) + "Physical");
1227 m_Names.push_back(name);
1228 return *name;
@ c_ChimneySector
Chimney sector: BB3 in 1-based notation; BB2 in 0-based notation.
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number (1-based).
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorNumber()
Get maximal sector number (1-based).
The Class for BKLM geometry.
KLM sensitive-detector class.
void putLayer1SupportInInnerVoid(G4LogicalVolume *, bool)
Put the layer-0 support plate into the inner region's air void (sectors 1..5 only)
void putChimneyInLayer(G4LogicalVolume *, int)
Put the solenoid's cooling chimney into the backward top sector.
G4LogicalVolume * m_LayerGapLogical[12 *BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to logical volumes for air gap in each layer [side/bottom/top | isFlipped | hasChimney | lay...
G4LogicalVolume * m_SupportLogical[2]
Pointer to logical volumes for support structure [hasChimney].
G4Tubs * m_SolenoidTube
Pointer to solid for solenoid.
G4LogicalVolume * m_ReadoutContainerLogical
Pointer to logical volume for scint preamplifier/carrier container.
void putScintsInInterior(G4LogicalVolume *, int, int, int, bool)
Put the scintillators into each detector module's interior (module is itself in an air gap)
G4LogicalVolume * m_BracketLogical
Pointer to logical volume for bracket.
G4Polyhedra * m_CapSolid
Pointer to solid for cap.
G4LogicalVolume * m_SectorLogical[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()]
Pointers to logical volumes for each sector [fb-1][sector-1].
void createGeometry(const BKLMGeometryPar &parameters, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume, geometry::GeometryTypes type)
Create the geometry from a parameter object.
double m_SectorDphi
Angular extent of one sector.
G4Tubs * m_SectorTube
Pointer to solid for sector's enclosing tube.
Destructor of the GeoBKLMCreator class.
void putEndsInEnvelope(G4LogicalVolume *)
Put the forward and backward ends into the BKLM envelope.
G4Box * m_LayerGapSolid[2 *BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to solids for air gap in each layer [hasChimney | layer-1].
double m_RibShift
Radial displacement of polygon to create an azimuthal iron rib.
G4LogicalVolume * getReadoutContainerLogical(void)
Get pointer to readout-container logical volume.
void putLayersInSector(G4LogicalVolume *, int, int, bool)
Put the layers into each sector.
std::vector< G4VisAttributes * > m_VisAttributes
Vector of pointers to G4VisAttributes objects.
G4LogicalVolume * m_MPPCHousingLogical
Pointer to logical volume for MPPC housing.
Constructor of the GeoBKLMCreator class.
G4VSolid * m_InnerIronSolid
Pointer to solid for inner iron [hasInnerSupport | hasChimney].
void putSectorsInEnd(G4LogicalVolume *, int)
Put each sector into the forward or backward end.
G4Tubs * getSolenoidTube(void)
Get shape corresponding to the solenoid (for subtraction)
double m_SectorDz
Half-length of one sector.
G4Polyhedra * m_LayerIronSolid[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to solids for iron in each layer [layer-1].
G4LogicalVolume * m_InnerAirLogical[4]
Pointer to logical volumes for inner air [hasInnerSupport | hasChimney].
G4LogicalVolume * m_CapLogical[2]
Pointer to logical volumes for cap [hasChimney].
void putCapInSector(G4LogicalVolume *, bool)
Put the cap (at maximum |z|) into each sector.
G4LogicalVolume * m_InnerIronLogical[4]
Pointer to logical volumes for inner iron [hasInnerSupport | hasChimney].
void putVoidInInnerRegion(G4LogicalVolume *, bool, bool)
Put the air void into the inner-radius region.
G4String logicalName(G4VSolid *)
convert G4VSolid's name to corresponding G4LogicalVolume name
G4VSensitiveDetector * m_Sensitive
Pointer to the BKLM SensitiveDetector processor.
G4LogicalVolume * getScintLogical(double, double, double, double)
Get pointer to scintillator logical volume.
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > m_ScintLogicals
Pointers to logical volumes for scintillator strips.
G4LogicalVolume * m_LayerIronLogical[12 *BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to logical volumes for iron in each layer [side/bottom/top | isFlipped | hasChimney | layer-...
GeometryPar * m_GeoPar
Pointer to the BKLM geometry accessor.
G4String physicalName(G4LogicalVolume *)
convert G4LogicalVolume's name to corresponding G4PhysicalVolume name
void putRPCsInInterior(G4LogicalVolume *, int, bool)
Put the RPCs into each detector module's interior (module is itself in an air gap)
void putModuleInLayer(G4LogicalVolume *, int, int, int, bool, bool, int)
Put the module (and enclosing air gap) into each layer.
void putLayer1BracketsInInnerVoid(G4LogicalVolume *, bool)
Put the layer-0 support plate's brackets into the inner region's air void (sectors 1....
void putInnerRegionInSector(G4LogicalVolume *, bool, bool)
Put the inner-radius region into each sector.
G4VSolid * m_InnerAirSolid
Pointer to solid for inner air.
std::vector< G4String * > m_Names
Vector of pointers to G4String objects (volume names)
G4LogicalVolume * getMPPCHousingLogical(void)
Get pointer to MPPC-container logical volume.
G4LogicalVolume * m_LayerModuleLogical[2 *BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to logical volumes for detector modules in each layer's air gap [hasChimney | layer-1].
double getScintBoreRadius(void) const
Get the radius of the cylindrical central bore in a scintillator strip.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:124
double getBracketThickness(void) const
Get the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:454
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getReadoutContainerHalfSize(void) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the readout container.
double getMPPCHousingRadius(void) const
Get the MPPC housing radius.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:541
double getLayerOuterRadius(int layer) const
Get the outer radius of specified layer.
double getChimneyShieldInnerRadius(void) const
Get the inner radius of the chimney radiation shield.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:397
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getModuleHalfSize(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the detector module of specified layer.
double getScintHalfHeight(void) const
Get the height of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)
Definition: GeometryPar.h:112
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getModuleInteriorHalfSize1(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the detector module's interior volume 1.
const Module * findModule(int section, int sector, int layer) const
Get the pointer to the definition of a module.
double getScintTiO2ThicknessTop(void) const
Get the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on top (broad) surface of a scintillator s...
Definition: GeometryPar.h:100
int getNLayer(void) const
Get the number of modules in one sector.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:193
int getNPhiScints(int layer) const
Get the number of phi-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module.
double getScintHalfWidth(void) const
Get the height of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)
Definition: GeometryPar.h:118
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getScintEnvelopeOffset(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the shift (dx,dy,dz) of the scintillator detector module's scintillator envelope within its enclo...
bool hasRPCs(int layer) const
Determine if the sensitive detectors in a given layer are RPCs (=true) or scintillators (=false)
double getMPPCHousingHalfLength(void) const
Get the MPPC housing half-length.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:547
int getNReadoutPreamplifierPosition(void) const
Get the number of preamplifier positions along the length of the carrier card.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:520
int getNReadoutStation(void) const
Get the number of preamplifier readout stations.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:493
double getScintFiberRadius(void) const
Get the radius of the cylindrical central WLS fiber in a scintillator strip.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:130
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getScintEnvelopeHalfSize(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the scintillator detector module's scintillator envelope.
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getChimneyPosition(int layer) const
Get the position of the chimney hole in the specified layer.
double getBracketWidth(void) const
Get the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:448
double getOuterRadius(void) const
Get the radius of the inscribed circle of the outer polygon.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:187
double getOffsetZ(void) const
Get the global shift along a of the entire BKLM.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:157
double getBracketZPosition(int, bool) const
Get the position of a layer-0 support plate's bracket.
double getReadoutConnectorsPosition(void) const
Get the position of the readout connectors pair along the length of the carrier card.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:535
double getChimneyPipeOuterRadius(void) const
Get the outer radius of the chimney pipe.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:415
bool getReadoutStationIsPhi(int station) const
Get the selector for phi (true) or z (false) readout station.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:499
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getReadoutPreamplifierHalfSize(void) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the preamplifier card.
double getBracketLength(void) const
Get the length of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:460
int getNZScints(bool isChimney) const
Get the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:274
double getPolystyreneOffsetX(void) const
Get the radial offset of the scintillator detector module's active envelope due to difference in poly...
double getReadoutStationPosition(int station) const
Get the position of each readout station.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:505
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getReadoutConnectorsHalfSize(void) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the readout connectors pair.
double getRibThickness(void) const
Get the thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:421
int getNSector(void) const
Get the number of sectors of the BKLM.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:175
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getModuleInteriorHalfSize2(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the scintillator detector module's polystyrene filler.
double getRotation(void) const
Get the global rotation angle about z of the entire BKLM.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:151
double getHalfLength(void) const
Get the half-length along z of the BKLM.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:181
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getGapHalfSize(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the gap [=slot] of specified layer.
double getBraceWidthChimney(void) const
Get the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:439
double getBracketRibThickness(void) const
Get the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:472
double getChimneyHousingInnerRadius(void) const
Get the inner radius of the chimney housing.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:385
double getMPPCHalfLength(void) const
Get the MPPC half-length.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:553
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getSupportPlateHalfSize(bool) const
Get the size of the layer-0 support plate.
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getChimneyHalfSize(int layer) const
Get the size of the chimney hole in the specified layer.
double getCablesWidth(void) const
Get the width of the cable-services channel at each end.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:427
double getGapMiddleRadius(int layer) const
Get the radial midpoint of the gap of specified layer.
double getBracketCutoutDphi(void) const
Get the angular width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's cutout.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:487
double getChimneyShieldOuterRadius(void) const
Get the outer radius of the chimney radiation shield.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:403
double getChimneyCoverThickness(void) const
Get the thickness of the chimney cover plate.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:379
double getReadoutPreamplifierPosition(int preamp) const
Get the position of a preamplifier along the length of the carrier card.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:526
double getBraceWidth(void) const
Get the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:433
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getReadoutCarrierHalfSize(void) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the carrier card.
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getGasHalfSize(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the detector module's gas gaps of specified layer.
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getElectrodeHalfSize(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the detector module's electrode of specified layer.
static GeometryPar * instance(void)
Static method to get a reference to the singleton GeometryPar instance.
int getScintEnvelopeOffsetSign(int layer) const
Get the sign (+/-1) of scintillator-envelope's shift along y axis within its enclosing module for MPP...
Definition: GeometryPar.h:91
double getModuleMiddleRadius(int layer) const
Get the radial midpoint of the detector module of specified layer.
double getMPPCHalfWidth(void) const
Get the MPPC half-width.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:559
double getMPPCHalfHeight(void) const
Get the MPPC half-height.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:565
double getGapLength(void) const
Get the length along z of the module gap.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:235
double getScintTiO2ThicknessSide(void) const
Get the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on side (short) surface of a scintillator ...
Definition: GeometryPar.h:106
double getSolenoidOuterRadius(void) const
Get the outer radius of the solenoid.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:169
double getChimneyPipeInnerRadius(void) const
Get the inner radius of the chimney pipe.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:409
const HepGeom::Transform3D getModuleDisplacedGeo(int section, int sector, int layer) const
Get the displacement transformation of a module.
double getBracketInnerRadius(void) const
Get the inner radius of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:478
double getLayerInnerRadius(int layer) const
Get the inner radius of specified layer.
double getChimneyHousingOuterRadius(void) const
Get the outer radius of the chimney housing.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:391
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector getAirHalfSize(int layer, bool hasChimney) const
Get the size (dx,dy,dz) of the scintillator detector module's air filler.
Define the geometry of a BKLM module Each sector [octant] contains Modules.
Definition: Module.h:76
static G4Material * get(const std::string &name)
Find given material.
Definition: Materials.h:63
Common code concerning the geometry representation of the detector.
Definition: CreatorBase.h:25
Flag indiciating the type of geometry to be used.