Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
10// Description : A class for Signals in CDC Trigger for 3D tracker.
16#ifndef __EXTERNAL__
17#include "trg/cdc/JSignal.h"
18#include "trg/cdc/FpgaUtility.h"
19#include "trg/cdc/JSignalData.h"
21#include "JSignal.h"
22#include "FpgaUtility.h"
23#include "JSignalData.h"
25#include <iostream>
26#include <sstream>
27#include <fstream>
28#include <cstdlib>
29#include <cmath>
30//#include <algorithm>
32using std::cout;
33using std::endl;
34using std::pair;
35using std::make_pair;
36using std::tuple;
37using std::vector;
38using std::map;
39using std::string;
40using std::stringstream;
41using std::to_string;
42using std::get;
43using std::max;
44using std::min;
45using std::ofstream;
46using std::ios;
48namespace Belle2 {
56 {
57 (*this) = TRGCDCJSignal(0);
58 }
61 : m_name(""),
62 m_vhdlCode("")
63 {
64 m_type = 1;
65 m_bitsize = -1;
66 m_int = 0;
67 m_minInt = 0;
68 m_maxInt = 0;
69 m_actual = 0;
70 m_minActual = 0;
71 m_maxActual = 0;
72 m_toReal = 0;
73 m_debug = 0;
74 m_finishClock = -2;
75 m_commonData = commonData;
76 }
78 TRGCDCJSignal::TRGCDCJSignal(int const& bitwidth, double const& value, double const& minValue, double const& maxValue,
79 int const& clock, TRGCDCJSignalData* commonData)
80 {
81 m_bitsize = bitwidth;
82 m_type = calType(minValue);
83 if (m_type == -1) {
84 m_toReal = 1 / ((pow(2, bitwidth - 1) - 0.5) / max(maxValue, fabs(minValue)));
85 } else if (m_type == 1) {
86 m_toReal = 1 / ((pow(2, bitwidth) - 0.5) / maxValue);
87 }
91 m_actual = value;
92 m_minActual = minValue;
93 m_maxActual = maxValue;
94 m_debug = 0;
95 m_name = "";
96 m_vhdlCode = "";
97 m_finishClock = clock;
98 m_commonData = commonData;
99 // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
100 checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal(int, int, double, double)");
101 }
103 TRGCDCJSignal::TRGCDCJSignal(int const& bitwidth, double const& value, double const& minValue, double const& maxValue,
104 TRGCDCJSignalData* commonData)
105 {
106 (*this) = TRGCDCJSignal(bitwidth, value, minValue, maxValue, 0, commonData);
107 }
109 TRGCDCJSignal::TRGCDCJSignal(signed long long const& intValue, double const& toReal, signed long long const& minInt,
110 signed long long const& maxInt, double const& actual, double const& minActual, double const& maxActual, int const& finishClock,
111 TRGCDCJSignalData* commonData, bool b_slv)
112 {
113 m_int = intValue;
114 m_minInt = minInt;
115 m_maxInt = maxInt;
116 m_actual = actual;
117 m_minActual = minActual;
118 m_maxActual = maxActual;
119 m_toReal = toReal;
120 if (b_slv == 0) m_type = calType();
121 else m_type = 2;
123 m_finishClock = finishClock;
124 m_debug = 0;
125 m_name = "";
126 m_vhdlCode = "";
127 m_commonData = commonData;
128 // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
129 checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal(int, double, signed long long, signed long long, double, double, double)");
130 }
132 TRGCDCJSignal::TRGCDCJSignal(double const& value, double const& toReal, TRGCDCJSignalData* commonData)
133 {
134 m_type = calType(value);
135 m_toReal = toReal;
137 m_minInt = m_int;
138 m_maxInt = m_int;
139 m_actual = value;
140 m_minActual = value;
141 m_maxActual = value;
143 m_debug = 0;
144 m_name = "";
145 m_vhdlCode = "";
146 m_finishClock = -1;
147 m_commonData = commonData;
148 // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
149 checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal(double, double)");
150 }
152 TRGCDCJSignal::TRGCDCJSignal(std::vector<bool> const& slvValue, int const& finishClock, TRGCDCJSignalData* commonData)
153 : m_name("")
154 {
155 m_type = 2;
156 m_bitsize = slvValue.size();
157 m_slv = slvValue;
158 m_int = 0;
159 m_minInt = 0;
160 m_maxInt = 0;
161 m_actual = 0;
162 m_minActual = 0;
163 m_maxActual = 0;
164 m_toReal = 0;
165 m_debug = 0;
166 m_vhdlCode = "";
167 m_finishClock = finishClock;
168 m_commonData = commonData;
169 }
172 TRGCDCJSignal& TRGCDCJSignal::assignTo(TRGCDCJSignal const& rhs, int targetClock, string& finalCode)
173 {
175 TRGCDCJSignal t_rhs(rhs);
176 // Calculate result final clock.
177 int t_calFinishClock = t_rhs.calFinishClock();
178 // If t_rhs finish clock is blank or constant, skip.
179 if (!(t_calFinishClock == -2 || t_calFinishClock == -1)) {
180 // If target clock is not set, add 1 to t_rhs finish clock.
181 if (targetClock == -3) t_rhs.m_finishClock = t_calFinishClock + 1;
182 else {
183 if (targetClock < t_calFinishClock) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::assign() => targetClock is too small." << endl;
184 else t_rhs.m_finishClock = targetClock;
185 }
186 }
187 //if(m_name!="") cout<<"Signal name: "<<m_name<<" Clock: "<<t_rhs.m_finishClock<<endl;
190 if ((*this).m_bitsize != -1 || (*this).m_name != "")
191 //if((*this).m_bitsize != -1)
192 {
194 if ((*this).m_bitsize == 1) {
195 // Check if rhs and lhs bitsize is the same.
196 if ((*this).m_bitsize != t_rhs.m_bitsize) {
197 cout << "[Warning] TRGCDCJSignal::operator<=() => rhs and lhs do not have same bitsize." << endl;
198 }
199 // Check if rhs and lhs is same type.
200 if ((*this).m_type != t_rhs.m_type) {
201 cout << "[Warning] TRGCDCJSignal::operator<=() => rhs and lhs do not have same type." << endl;
202 }
203 // Check if rhs and lhs clock is the same.
204 if (m_finishClock != t_rhs.m_finishClock) {
205 cout << "[Warning] TRGCDCJSignal::operator<=() => rhs and lhs do not have same clock." << endl;
206 cout << m_name << " lhs clock: " << m_finishClock << " rhs clock: " << t_rhs.m_finishClock << endl;
207 }
208 }
210 //int t_type;
211 //if(t_rhs.m_minInt<0) t_type = -1;
212 //else t_type = 1;
213 //int t_bitsize = ceil(log(max(t_rhs.m_maxInt, abs(t_rhs.m_minInt))+1)/log(2));
214 //if(t_type != 1) t_bitsize++;
216 //if(t_rhs.m_bitsize != t_bitsize){
217 // cout<<"Bitsize and calcualted bitwidth don't match"<<endl;
218 // cout<<"Bitsize: "<<t_rhs.m_bitsize<<" calBitsize: "<<t_bitsize<<endl;
219 // cout<<"LHS"<<endl;
220 // dump();
221 // cout<<"RHS"<<endl;
222 // t_rhs.dump();
223 // cout<<"Bitsize and calcualted bitwidth don't match"<<endl;
224 //}
226 //if(t_rhs.m_type != t_type){
227 // cout<<"Type and calcualted type don't match"<<endl;
228 // cout<<"Type: "<<t_rhs.m_type<<" calType: "<<t_type<<endl;
229 // cout<<"LHS"<<endl;
230 // dump();
231 // cout<<"RHS"<<endl;
232 // t_rhs.dump();
233 // cout<<"Type and calcualted type don't match"<<endl;
234 //}
236 // Set arguments if needed.
237 if (t_rhs.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_rhs.initArgumentSignals();
239 // Print m_vhdlCode.
240 string t_finalCode(finalCode);
242 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) {
243 finalCode = assignVhdlCode(*this, t_rhs);
244 if (t_finalCode == "printAssignVhdlCode") {
245 //printVhdl(finalCode);
246 m_commonData->m_vhdlInProcess += finalCode + "\n";
247 }
248 }
250 } // End of not blank constructor.
252 swap(*this, t_rhs);
253 // Operations due to swap.
254 // Keep original name
255 m_name = t_rhs.m_name;
256 // Clear code.
257 m_vhdlCode = "";
258 m_argumentSignals.clear();
260 // Don't propagate debug
261 m_debug = 0;
263 return *this;
264 }
267 {
268 string finalCode = "printAssignVhdlCode";
269 return assignTo(rhs, targetClock, finalCode);
270 }
273 {
274 string finalCode = "printAssignVhdlCode";
275 return assignTo(rhs, -3, finalCode);
276 }
280 {
282 TRGCDCJSignal t_signal(*this);
284 //if(t_signal.m_type==2) {
285 // cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::operator-(void) => should not be used with slv type."<<endl;
286 //}
288 if (t_signal.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_signal.initArgumentSignals();
290 t_signal.m_int *= -1;
291 t_signal.m_minInt = -(*this).m_maxInt;
292 t_signal.m_maxInt = -(*this).m_minInt;
293 t_signal.m_actual *= -1;
294 t_signal.m_minActual = -m_maxActual;
295 t_signal.m_maxActual = -m_minActual;
296 if (m_type == 1) {
297 t_signal.m_type = -1;
298 t_signal.m_bitsize += 1;
299 }
301 //t_signal.m_vhdlCode = vhdlCode("-", *this, t_signal);
302 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) {
303 vhdlCode("-", *this, t_signal, t_signal.m_vhdlCode);
304 }
306 return t_signal;
307 }
311 {
312 TRGCDCJSignal t_lhs(*this);
313 TRGCDCJSignal t_rhs(rhs);
315 //if(t_lhs.m_type==2 || t_rhs.m_type==2) {
316 // cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::operator+() => should not be used with slv type."<<endl;
317 //}
319 if (t_lhs.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_lhs.initArgumentSignals();
320 if (t_rhs.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_rhs.initArgumentSignals();
322 if (m_debug == 1) {
323 cout << "TRGCDCJSignal::operator+=()" << endl;
324 cout << "<<<Input lhs>>>" << endl;
325 t_lhs.dump();
326 cout << "<<<Input lhs>>>" << endl;
327 cout << "<<<Input rhs>>>" << endl;
328 t_rhs.dump();
329 cout << "<<<Input rhs>>>" << endl;
330 }
331 // Match m_toReal(unit) by shifting bits.
332 matchUnit(t_lhs, t_rhs);
334 // To save toReal, debug
335 TRGCDCJSignal t_result(t_lhs);
336 combineArguments(t_lhs, t_rhs, t_result);
338 // Set name
339 t_result.m_name = t_lhs.m_name + "+" + t_rhs.m_name;
340 // Add values.
341 t_result.m_int = t_lhs.m_int + t_rhs.m_int;
342 t_result.m_minInt = t_lhs.m_minInt + t_rhs.m_minInt;
343 t_result.m_maxInt = t_lhs.m_maxInt + t_rhs.m_maxInt;
344 t_result.m_actual = t_lhs.m_actual + t_rhs.m_actual;
345 t_result.m_minActual = t_lhs.m_minActual + t_rhs.m_minActual;
346 t_result.m_maxActual = t_lhs.m_maxActual + t_rhs.m_maxActual;
347 // Calculate bitsize.
348 //int outputBitsize;
349 //int outputType;
350 //calTypeBitwidth(t_lhs, "+", t_rhs, outputType, outputBitsize);
351 //Set output bitsize and type.
352 //t_result.m_type = outputType;
353 //t_result.m_bitsize = outputBitsize;
354 t_result.m_type = t_result.calType();
355 t_result.m_bitsize = t_result.calBitwidth();
356 // Check for overflow underflow.
357 t_result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::operator+");
358 if (m_debug == 1) {
359 cout << "<<<Output>>>" << endl;
360 t_result.dump();
361 cout << "<<<Output>>>" << endl;
362 cout << "TRGCDCJSignal::operator+=()" << endl;
363 }
365 //t_result.m_vhdlCode = vhdlCode(t_lhs, "+", t_rhs, t_result);
366 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode(t_lhs, "+", t_rhs, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
368 return t_result;
369 }
372 {
374 TRGCDCJSignal t_lhs(*this);
375 TRGCDCJSignal t_rhs(rhs);
377 //if(t_lhs.m_type==2 || t_rhs.m_type==2) {
378 // cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::operator-() => should not be used with slv type."<<endl;
379 //}
381 if (t_lhs.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_lhs.initArgumentSignals();
382 if (t_rhs.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_rhs.initArgumentSignals();
384 if (m_debug == 1) {
385 cout << "TRGCDCJSignal::operator-=()" << endl;
386 cout << "<<<Input lhs>>>" << endl;
387 t_lhs.dump();
388 cout << "<<<Input lhs>>>" << endl;
389 cout << "<<<Input rhs>>>" << endl;
390 t_rhs.dump();
391 cout << "<<<Input rhs>>>" << endl;
392 }
393 // Match m_toReal(unit) by shifting bits.
394 matchUnit(t_lhs, t_rhs);
396 // To save toReal, debug
397 TRGCDCJSignal t_result(t_lhs);
398 combineArguments(t_lhs, t_rhs, t_result);
399 // Set name
400 t_result.m_name = t_lhs.m_name + "-" + t_rhs.m_name;
401 // Subtract values.
402 t_result.m_int = t_lhs.m_int - t_rhs.m_int;
403 if (isSameSignal(t_lhs, t_rhs)) {
404 t_result.m_minInt = 0;
405 t_result.m_maxInt = 0;
406 t_result.m_minActual = 0;
407 t_result.m_maxActual = 0;
408 } else {
409 t_result.m_minInt = t_lhs.m_minInt - t_rhs.m_maxInt;
410 t_result.m_maxInt = t_lhs.m_maxInt - t_rhs.m_minInt;
411 t_result.m_minActual = t_lhs.m_minActual - t_rhs.m_maxActual;
412 t_result.m_maxActual = t_lhs.m_maxActual - t_rhs.m_minActual;
413 }
414 t_result.m_actual = t_lhs.m_actual - t_rhs.m_actual;
415 // Calculate bitsize.
416 t_result.m_type = t_result.calType();
417 t_result.m_bitsize = t_result.calBitwidth();
418 // Check for overflow underflow.
419 t_result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::operator-");
420 if (m_debug == 1) {
421 cout << "<<<Output>>>" << endl;
422 t_result.dump();
423 cout << "<<<Output>>>" << endl;
424 cout << "TRGCDCJSignal::operator-=()" << endl;
425 }
426 //t_result.m_vhdlCode = vhdlCode(t_lhs, "-", t_rhs, t_result);
427 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode(t_lhs, "-", t_rhs, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
429 return t_result;
430 }
433 {
435 // Shift values if input bit size is larger then signed 25 bits * signed 18 bits (unsigned 24 bits * unsigned 17 bits)
436 // Find largest and second bitsize.
437 TRGCDCJSignal t_large(*this);
438 TRGCDCJSignal t_small(rhs);
440 //if(t_large.m_type==2 || t_small.m_type==2) {
441 // cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::operator*() => should not be used with slv type."<<endl;
442 //}
444 if (t_large.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_large.initArgumentSignals();
445 if (t_small.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_small.initArgumentSignals();
447 if (m_debug == 1) {
448 cout << "TRGCDCJSignal::operator*=()" << endl;
449 cout << "<<<Input lhs>>>" << endl;
450 t_large.dump();
451 cout << "<<<Input lhs>>>" << endl;
452 cout << "<<<Input rhs>>>" << endl;
453 t_small.dump();
454 cout << "<<<Input rhs>>>" << endl;
455 }
456 bool orderSwap = orderLargestBitsize(t_large, t_small);
457 int nBitsLargeShift = 0;
458 int nBitsSmallShift = 0;
459 // Shift if needed.
460 if (t_large.m_type == 1) {
461 if (t_large.m_bitsize > 24) {
462 nBitsLargeShift = t_large.m_bitsize - 24;
463 t_large = t_large.shift(nBitsLargeShift, 0);
464 }
465 } else {
466 if (t_large.m_bitsize > 25) {
467 nBitsLargeShift = t_large.m_bitsize - 25;
468 t_large = t_large.shift(nBitsLargeShift, 0);
469 }
470 }
471 if (t_small.m_type == 1) {
472 if (t_small.m_bitsize > 17) {
473 nBitsSmallShift = t_small.m_bitsize - 17;
474 t_small = t_small.shift(nBitsSmallShift, 0);
475 }
476 } else {
477 if (t_small.m_bitsize > 18) {
478 nBitsSmallShift = t_small.m_bitsize - 18;
479 t_small = t_small.shift(nBitsSmallShift, 0);
480 }
481 }
482 if (m_debug == 1) {
483 cout << "<<<";
484 if (orderSwap) cout << nBitsSmallShift << " bit right shifted input lhs>>>" << endl;
485 else cout << nBitsLargeShift << " bit right shifted input lhs>>>" << endl;
486 if (orderSwap) t_small.dump();
487 else t_large.dump();
488 cout << "<<<Shifted input lhs>>>" << endl;
489 cout << "<<<";
490 if (orderSwap) cout << nBitsLargeShift << " bit right shifted input rhs>>>" << endl;
491 else cout << nBitsSmallShift << " bit right shifted input rhs>>>" << endl;
492 if (orderSwap) t_large.dump();
493 else t_small.dump();
494 cout << "<<<Shifted input rhs>>>" << endl;
495 }
497 // To save debug
498 TRGCDCJSignal t_result(t_large);
499 combineArguments(t_large, t_small, t_result);
500 // Set name
501 t_result.m_name = t_large.m_name + "*" + t_small.m_name;
502 // Multiply values.
503 t_result.m_int = t_large.m_int * t_small.m_int;
504 t_result.m_actual = t_large.m_actual * t_small.m_actual;
506 if (isSameSignal(*this, rhs)) {
507 if (t_large.m_minInt >= 0 && t_small.m_minInt >= 0) t_result.m_minInt = t_large.m_minInt * t_small.m_minInt;
508 else t_result.m_minInt = 0;
509 if (t_large.m_minActual >= 0 && t_small.m_minActual >= 0) t_result.m_minActual = t_large.m_minActual * t_small.m_minActual;
510 else t_result.m_minActual = 0;
511 } else {
512 if (t_large.m_minInt >= 0 && t_small.m_minInt >= 0) t_result.m_minInt = t_large.m_minInt * t_small.m_minInt;
513 else t_result.m_minInt = min(t_large.m_minInt * t_small.m_maxInt, t_large.m_maxInt * t_small.m_minInt);
514 if (t_large.m_minActual >= 0 && t_small.m_minActual >= 0) t_result.m_minActual = t_large.m_minActual * t_small.m_minActual;
515 else t_result.m_minActual = min(t_large.m_minActual * t_small.m_maxActual, t_large.m_maxActual * t_small.m_minActual);
516 }
517 t_result.m_maxInt = max(t_large.m_maxInt * t_small.m_maxInt, t_large.m_minInt * t_small.m_minInt);
518 t_result.m_maxActual = max(t_large.m_maxActual * t_small.m_maxActual, t_large.m_minActual * t_small.m_minActual);
520 // Set unit
521 t_result.m_toReal = t_large.m_toReal * t_small.m_toReal;
522 // Calculate bitsize and type.
523 t_result.m_type = t_result.calType();
524 t_result.m_bitsize = t_result.calBitwidth();
525 // Check for overflow underflow.
526 t_result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::operator*");
527 if (m_debug == 1) {
528 cout << "<<<Output>>>" << endl;
529 t_result.dump();
530 cout << "<<<Output>>>" << endl;
531 cout << "TRGCDCJSignal::operator*=()" << endl;
532 }
534 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode(t_large, "*", t_small, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
536 return t_result;
537 }
540 {
541 cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;
542 cout << "name: " << m_name << endl;
543 cout << "type: " << m_type << endl;
544 cout << "bitsize: " << m_bitsize << endl;
545 int t_org = cout.precision();
546 cout.precision(15);
547 cout << "actual: " << m_actual << endl;
548 cout.precision(t_org);
549 cout << "int: " << m_int << endl;
550 cout << "minInt: " << m_minInt << endl;
551 cout << "maxInt: " << m_maxInt << endl;
552 cout << "minActual: " << m_minActual << endl;
553 cout << "maxActual: " << m_maxActual << endl;
554 cout << "realInt: " << m_int* m_toReal << endl;
555 cout << "toReal: " << m_toReal << endl;
556 cout << "clock: " << m_finishClock << endl;
557 cout << "debug|printVhdl: " << m_debug << "|" << getPrintVhdl() << endl;
558 cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;
559 }
561 TRGCDCJSignal const TRGCDCJSignal::shift(int nBits, int operate) const
562 {
563 TRGCDCJSignal t_signal(*this);
565 if (t_signal.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_signal.initArgumentSignals();
567 t_signal.m_bitsize -= nBits;
568 t_signal.m_int = floor(this->m_int / pow(2, nBits));
569 t_signal.m_minInt = floor(this->m_minInt / pow(2, nBits));
570 t_signal.m_maxInt = floor(this->m_maxInt / pow(2, nBits));
571 if (operate == 0) {
572 t_signal.m_toReal = this->m_toReal * pow(2, nBits);
573 } else {
574 t_signal.m_actual = this->m_actual / pow(2, nBits);
575 t_signal.m_minActual = this->m_minActual / pow(2, nBits);
576 t_signal.m_maxActual = this->m_maxActual / pow(2, nBits);
577 }
579 t_signal.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::shift()");
581 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) {
582 if (nBits < 0) {
583 vhdlCode("shift_left", *this, t_signal, t_signal.m_vhdlCode);
584 } else if (nBits != 0) {
585 vhdlCode("shift_right", *this, t_signal, t_signal.m_vhdlCode);
586 }
587 }
589 return t_signal;
590 }
593 {
594 TRGCDCJSignal t_offset = *this - valueMin;
595 // Need to find minimum bitsize
596 t_offset.m_bitsize = t_offset.calBitwidth();
597 if (t_offset.calType() != 1) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::offset() => t_offset min value below 0. " << endl;
598 t_offset.m_type = 1;
599 // Check if there is overflow or underflow
600 t_offset.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::offset()");
601 // Reset vhdlCode.
602 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode(*this, "-", valueMin, t_offset, t_offset.m_vhdlCode);
603 return t_offset;
604 }
607 {
608 TRGCDCJSignal t_result = *this + valueMin;
609 // Set bitsize and type.
610 t_result.m_type = t_result.calType();
611 t_result.m_bitsize = t_result.calBitwidth();
613 // Check if there is overflow or underflow
614 t_result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::invOffset()");
615 // Reset vhdlCode.
616 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode(*this, "+", valueMin, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
617 return t_result;
618 }
621 void TRGCDCJSignal::choose(TRGCDCJSignal& target, TRGCDCJSignal const& targetMin, TRGCDCJSignal const& targetMax,
622 TRGCDCJSignal const& reference, std::vector<std::vector<TRGCDCJSignal> > data, int targetClock)
623 {
625 TRGCDCJSignal t_reference(reference);
626 if (t_reference.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_reference.initArgumentSignals();
628 // Handle input errors.
629 if (data.size() == 0 || data.size() == 1) {
630 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::choose() => There is not enough data." << endl;
631 return;
632 }
633 if ((*(data.end() - 1)).size() != 1) {
634 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::choose() => Last data doesn't contain 1 TRGCDCJSignal." << endl;
635 return;
636 }
638 // Calculate result final clock.
639 int t_maxClock = t_reference.m_finishClock;
640 for (unsigned iCondition = 0; iCondition < data.size(); iCondition++) {
641 const TRGCDCJSignal* assign = &(data[iCondition][0]);
642 if (t_maxClock < assign->m_finishClock) t_maxClock = assign->m_finishClock;
643 }
644 // Save final clock.
645 if (targetClock == -3) target.m_finishClock = t_maxClock + 1;
646 else {
647 if (targetClock < t_maxClock) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::choose() => targetClock is too small." << endl;
648 else target.m_finishClock = targetClock;
649 }
651 // Change assignment black signal constructors to min and max.
652 // Change assignment min, max (int, actual).
653 signed long long t_minInt = targetMin.m_minInt;
654 signed long long t_maxInt = targetMax.m_maxInt;
655 double t_minActual = targetMin.m_minActual;
656 double t_maxActual = targetMax.m_maxActual;
657 for (unsigned iCondition = 0; iCondition < data.size(); iCondition++) {
658 TRGCDCJSignal* from = 0;
659 TRGCDCJSignal* to = 0;
660 TRGCDCJSignal* assign = &(data[iCondition][0]);
662 // To keep properties.
663 TRGCDCJSignal t_assign(*assign);
665 // To prevent target clock to become constant.
666 //if(assign->m_minInt==assign->m_maxInt) assign->m_finishClock= target.m_finishClock-1;
667 //else assign->m_finishClock= target.m_finishClock;
668 // Change finish clock to target clock.
669 // Init arguments.
670 if (assign->m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) assign->initArgumentSignals();
671 assign->m_finishClock = target.m_finishClock;
673 // Change min, max (int, actual), type values.
674 assign->m_minInt = t_minInt;
675 assign->m_maxInt = t_maxInt;
676 assign->m_minActual = t_minActual;
677 assign->m_maxActual = t_maxActual;
678 assign->m_type = assign->calType();
679 assign->m_bitsize = assign->calBitwidth();
680 // Calculated vhdlCode due to above changes.
681 if (reference.getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode("none", t_assign, *assign, assign->m_vhdlCode);
683 // For non-default
684 if (data[iCondition].size() != 1) {
685 // Change blank signal constructors to min and max.
686 from = &(data[iCondition][1]);
687 to = &(data[iCondition][2]);
688 if (from->m_bitsize == -1) {
689 (*from) = TRGCDCJSignal(t_reference.m_minInt, t_reference.m_toReal, t_reference.m_minInt, t_reference.m_minInt,
690 t_reference.m_minActual, t_reference.m_minActual, t_reference.m_minActual, -1, t_reference.m_commonData);
691 }
692 if (to->m_bitsize == -1) {
693 (*to) = TRGCDCJSignal(t_reference.m_maxInt, t_reference.m_toReal, t_reference.m_maxInt, t_reference.m_maxInt,
694 t_reference.m_maxActual, t_reference.m_maxActual, t_reference.m_maxActual, -1, t_reference.m_commonData);
695 }
696 }
698 if (from) {
699 if (from->m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) from->initArgumentSignals();
700 }
701 if (to) {
702 if (to->m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) to->initArgumentSignals();
703 }
704 }
705 // For integer case.
706 for (unsigned iCondition = 0; iCondition < data.size(); iCondition++) {
707 TRGCDCJSignal const* assign = &(data[iCondition][0]);
708 // For default case.
709 if (data[iCondition].size() == 1) {
710 string t_string = "";
711 target.assignTo(*assign, target.m_finishClock, t_string);
712 // For non-default cases.
713 } else {
714 TRGCDCJSignal const* from = &(data[iCondition][1]);
715 TRGCDCJSignal const* to = &(data[iCondition][2]);
716 if (t_reference.m_int >= from->m_int && t_reference.m_int <= to->m_int) {
717 string t_string = "";
718 target.assignTo(*assign, target.m_finishClock, t_string);
719 break;
720 }
721 }
722 }
723 // For actual case.
724 for (unsigned iCondition = 0; iCondition < data.size(); iCondition++) {
725 TRGCDCJSignal const* assign = &(data[iCondition][0]);
726 // For default case.
727 if (data[iCondition].size() == 1) {
728 target.m_actual = (*assign).m_actual;
729 // For non-default case.
730 } else {
731 TRGCDCJSignal const* from = &(data[iCondition][1]);
732 TRGCDCJSignal const* to = &(data[iCondition][2]);
733 assign = &(data[iCondition][0]);
734 if (t_reference.m_actual >= from->m_actual && t_reference.m_actual <= to->m_actual) {
735 target.m_actual = (*assign).m_actual;
736 break;
737 }
738 }
739 }
741 target.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::choose()");
743 // Print Vhdl code.
744 if (reference.getPrintVhdl() == 1) {
745 string t_finalCode = chooseVhdlCode(target, t_reference, data);
746 target.m_commonData->m_vhdlInProcess += t_finalCode + "\n";
747 //target.printVhdl(t_finalCode);
748 }
750 }
752 void TRGCDCJSignal::choose(TRGCDCJSignal& target, TRGCDCJSignal const& targetMin, TRGCDCJSignal const& targetMax,
753 TRGCDCJSignal const& reference, const std::vector<std::vector<TRGCDCJSignal> >& data)
754 {
755 choose(target, targetMin, targetMax, reference, data, -3);
756 }
758 void TRGCDCJSignal::choose(TRGCDCJSignal& target, TRGCDCJSignal const& reference,
759 const std::vector<std::vector<TRGCDCJSignal> >& data,
760 int targetClock)
761 {
763 signed long long t_minInt;
764 signed long long t_maxInt;
765 double t_minActual;
766 double t_maxActual;
767 double t_toReal;
768 // Find targetMin and targetMax between assignments.
769 for (unsigned iCondition = 0; iCondition < data.size(); iCondition++) {
770 const TRGCDCJSignal* assign = &(data[iCondition][0]);
771 if (iCondition == 0) {
772 t_minInt = assign->getMinInt();
773 t_maxInt = assign->getMaxInt();
774 t_minActual = assign->getMinActual();
775 t_maxActual = assign->getMaxActual();
776 t_toReal = assign->getToReal();
777 } else {
778 if (t_minInt > assign->getMinInt()) t_minInt = assign->getMinInt();
779 if (t_maxInt < assign->getMaxInt()) t_maxInt = assign->getMaxInt();
780 if (t_minActual > assign->getMinActual()) t_minActual = assign->getMinActual();
781 if (t_maxActual < assign->getMaxActual()) t_maxActual = assign->getMaxActual();
782 if (t_toReal != assign->getToReal()) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::choose() => toReal are not same between assignments in data."
783 << endl;
784 }
785 }
787 TRGCDCJSignal t_targetMax(t_maxInt, t_toReal, t_maxInt, t_maxInt, t_maxActual, t_maxActual, t_maxActual, -1, target.m_commonData);
788 TRGCDCJSignal t_targetMin(t_minInt, t_toReal, t_minInt, t_minInt, t_minActual, t_minActual, t_minActual, -1, target.m_commonData);
790 choose(target, t_targetMin, t_targetMax, reference, data, targetClock);
791 }
793 void TRGCDCJSignal::choose(TRGCDCJSignal& target, TRGCDCJSignal const& reference,
794 const std::vector<std::vector<TRGCDCJSignal> >& data)
795 {
796 choose(target, reference, data, -3);
797 }
800 void TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse(std::vector<std::pair<TRGCDCJSignal, std::vector<std::pair<TRGCDCJSignal*, TRGCDCJSignal> > > >& data,
801 int targetClock)
802 {
803 // Handle input errors.
804 if (data.size() == 0) {
805 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse() => There is not enough data." << endl;
806 return;
807 }
809 // Init arguments of data.
810 // These errors prevent else case being in between data.
811 // Loop over all cases.
812 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
813 TRGCDCJSignal const& comp = data[iCase].first;
814 if (iCase != (data.size() - 1)) {
815 if (comp.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse() => comp signal has no m_vhdl." << endl;
816 if (comp.m_minInt != 0
817 || comp.m_maxInt != 1) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse() => comp signal m_minInt or m_maxInt is not correct." << endl;
818 }
819 // Loop over all assignments.
820 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
821 TRGCDCJSignal& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
822 //if(rhs.m_type==2) cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse() => Cannot handle slv in assignments currently. Should be fixed later."<<endl;
823 if (rhs.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) rhs.initArgumentSignals();
824 }
825 }
827 // Calculate final clock.
828 // Loop over all cases.
829 int t_maxClock = data[0].first.calFinishClock();
830 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
831 int t_clock = data[iCase].first.calFinishClock();
832 if (t_maxClock < t_clock) t_maxClock = t_clock;
833 // Loop over all assignments.
834 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
835 TRGCDCJSignal const& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
836 t_clock = rhs.calFinishClock();
837 if (t_maxClock < t_clock) t_maxClock = t_clock;
838 }
839 }
840 int t_finishClock = 0;
841 if (targetClock == -3) {
842 if (t_maxClock < 0) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse() => t_maxClock is negative. Did not consider this case." << endl;
843 t_finishClock = t_maxClock + 1;
844 } else {
845 if (targetClock < t_maxClock) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse() => targetClock is too small." << endl;
846 else t_finishClock = targetClock;
847 }
849 // Change rhs, comp clock to finish clock.
850 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
851 TRGCDCJSignal& comp = data[iCase].first;
852 comp.m_finishClock = t_finishClock;
853 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
854 TRGCDCJSignal& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
855 rhs.m_finishClock = t_finishClock;
856 }
857 }
859 // Find min and max ranges between all rhs.
860 // <minInt, maxInt, minActual, maxActual>
861 map<TRGCDCJSignal*, pair<vector<long long int>, vector<double> > > t_signalsRange;
862 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
863 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
864 TRGCDCJSignal& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
865 TRGCDCJSignal& lhs = *(data[iCase].second[iAssignment].first);
866 if (t_signalsRange.find(&lhs) == t_signalsRange.end()) {
867 vector<long long int> t_intRange = {rhs.m_minInt, rhs.m_maxInt};
868 vector<double> t_actualRange = {rhs.m_minActual, rhs.m_maxActual};
869 t_signalsRange[&lhs] = make_pair(t_intRange, t_actualRange);
870 } else {
871 long long int& t_minInt = t_signalsRange[&lhs].first[0];
872 long long int& t_maxInt = t_signalsRange[&lhs].first[1];
873 double& t_minActual = t_signalsRange[&lhs].second[0];
874 double& t_maxActual = t_signalsRange[&lhs].second[1];
875 if (t_minInt > rhs.m_minInt) t_minInt = rhs.m_minInt;
876 if (t_maxInt < rhs.m_maxInt) t_maxInt = rhs.m_maxInt;
877 if (t_minActual > rhs.m_minActual) t_minActual = rhs.m_minActual;
878 if (t_maxActual < rhs.m_maxActual) t_maxActual = rhs.m_maxActual;
879 }
880 }
881 }
882 // Change min, max ranges and type, bitwidth for all rhs.
883 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
884 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
885 TRGCDCJSignal& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
886 TRGCDCJSignal& lhs = *(data[iCase].second[iAssignment].first);
887 TRGCDCJSignal orgRhs(rhs);
888 long long int& t_minInt = t_signalsRange[&lhs].first[0];
889 long long int& t_maxInt = t_signalsRange[&lhs].first[1];
890 double& t_minActual = t_signalsRange[&lhs].second[0];
891 double& t_maxActual = t_signalsRange[&lhs].second[1];
892 rhs.m_minInt = t_minInt;
893 rhs.m_maxInt = t_maxInt;
894 rhs.m_minActual = t_minActual;
895 rhs.m_maxActual = t_maxActual;
896 rhs.m_type = rhs.calType();
897 rhs.m_bitsize = rhs.calBitwidth();
898 if (rhs.getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode("none", orgRhs, rhs, rhs.m_vhdlCode);
899 }
900 }
902 // For integer case.
903 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
904 TRGCDCJSignal const& comp = data[iCase].first;
905 // If comp is 1 or else.
906 if (comp.m_int == 1 || comp.m_bitsize == -1) {
907 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
908 TRGCDCJSignal& lhs = *(data[iCase].second[iAssignment].first);
909 TRGCDCJSignal& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
910 string t_string = "";
911 lhs.assignTo(rhs, t_finishClock, t_string);
912 // Check ranges.
913 lhs.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse()");
914 }
915 break;
916 }
917 }
919 // For actual case.
920 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
921 TRGCDCJSignal const& comp = data[iCase].first;
922 // If comp is 1 or else.
923 if (comp.m_actual == 1 || comp.m_bitsize == -1) {
924 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
925 TRGCDCJSignal& lhs = *(data[iCase].second[iAssignment].first);
926 TRGCDCJSignal& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
927 lhs.m_actual = rhs.m_actual;
928 }
929 break;
930 }
931 }
933 // Print vhdl code.
934 if (data[0].first.getPrintVhdl() == 1) {
935 // Set m_commonData for all lhs signals.
936 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
937 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
938 TRGCDCJSignal& lhs = *(data[iCase].second[iAssignment].first);
939 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
940 TRGCDCJSignal& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
941 if (lhs.m_commonData == 0) lhs.m_commonData = rhs.m_commonData;
942 }
943 }
944 string t_finalCode = ifElseVhdlCode(data);
945 data[0].first.m_commonData->m_vhdlInProcess += t_finalCode + "\n";
946 }
949 }
951 void TRGCDCJSignal::ifElse(std::vector<std::pair<TRGCDCJSignal, std::vector<std::pair<TRGCDCJSignal*, TRGCDCJSignal> > > >& data)
952 {
953 ifElse(data, -3);
954 }
957 TRGCDCJSignal const TRGCDCJSignal::limit(signed long long minInt, signed long long maxInt, double minActual,
958 double maxActual) const
959 {
960 TRGCDCJSignal t_result(*this);
962 //if(t_result.m_type==2) {
963 // cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::limit() => should not be used with slv type."<<endl;
964 //}
967 if (t_result.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_result.initArgumentSignals();
969 t_result.m_minInt = minInt;
970 t_result.m_maxInt = maxInt;
971 t_result.m_minActual = minActual;
972 t_result.m_maxActual = maxActual;
973 t_result.m_type = t_result.calType();
974 t_result.m_bitsize = t_result.calBitwidth();
976 //t_result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::limit()");
979 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode("none", *this, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
980 //t_result.m_vhdlCode = "resize("+t_result.m_vhdlCode+","+to_string(t_result.m_bitsize)+")";
981 return t_result;
982 }
985 {
986 return limit(min.m_int, max.m_int, min.m_actual, max.m_actual);
987 }
989 TRGCDCJSignal const TRGCDCJSignal::resize(int bitwidth) const
990 {
991 if (this->m_bitsize == bitwidth) return (*this);
993 TRGCDCJSignal t_result(*this);
994 if (t_result.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_result.initArgumentSignals();
996 t_result.m_bitsize = bitwidth;
997 // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
998 t_result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::resize()");
1001 if (getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode("resize", *this, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
1002 //t_result.m_vhdlCode = "resize("+t_result.m_vhdlCode+","+to_string(t_result.m_bitsize)+")";
1003 return t_result;
1004 }
1006 //TRGCDCJSignal const TRGCDCJSignal::toSigned() const {
1007 // if(m_type==-1) return (*this);
1009 // TRGCDCJSignal t_result(*this);
1010 // if(t_result.m_argumentSignals.size() ==0) t_result.initArgumentSignals();
1012 // t_result.m_type = -1;
1013 // t_result.m_bitsize = m_bitsize+1;
1014 // // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
1015 // t_result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::toSigned()");
1016 //
1018 // if(getPrintVhdl()==1) vhdlCode("signed", *this, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
1019 // //t_result.m_vhdlCode = "resize("+t_result.m_vhdlCode+","+to_string(t_result.m_bitsize)+")";
1020 // return t_result;
1021 //}
1023 //TRGCDCJSignal const TRGCDCJSignal::toUnsigned() const {
1024 // if(m_type==1) return (*this);
1025 // TRGCDCJSignal t_result(*this);
1026 // if(t_result.m_argumentSignals.size() ==0) t_result.initArgumentSignals();
1028 // t_result.m_type = 1;
1029 // t_result.m_bitsize = m_bitsize-1;
1030 // // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
1031 // t_result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::toUnsigned()");
1032 //
1034 // if(getPrintVhdl()==1) vhdlCode("unsigned", *this, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
1035 // //t_result.m_vhdlCode = "resize("+t_result.m_vhdlCode+","+to_string(t_result.m_bitsize)+")";
1036 // return t_result;
1037 //}
1040 TRGCDCJSignal const TRGCDCJSignal::slvToSigned(TRGCDCJSignal const& in, double const& toReal, signed long long const& minInt,
1041 signed long long const& maxInt, double const& actual, double const& minActual, double const& maxActual, int const& finishClock)
1042 {
1044 vector<bool> const& slv = in.m_slv;
1046 // Check input
1047 if (in.m_type != 2) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::slvToSigned() => type is not slv." << endl;
1048 if (slv.size() > 63) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::slvToSigned() => bitwidth is too large." << endl;
1050 TRGCDCJSignal result(in);
1052 // Calculate value. [Index 0 is lsb]
1053 result.m_int = 0;
1054 for (unsigned iBit = 0; iBit < slv.size() - 1; iBit++) {
1055 result.m_int += slv[iBit] * pow(2, iBit);
1056 }
1057 result.m_int -= slv[slv.size() - 1] * pow(2, slv.size() - 1);
1058 // Set values.
1059 result.m_minInt = minInt;
1060 result.m_maxInt = maxInt;
1061 result.m_actual = actual;
1062 result.m_minActual = minActual;
1063 result.m_maxActual = maxActual;
1064 result.m_toReal = toReal;
1065 result.m_type = 0;
1066 result.m_type = result.calType();
1067 result.m_bitsize = result.calBitwidth();
1068 result.m_finishClock = finishClock;
1069 // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
1070 result.checkInt("slvToSigned");
1071 result.m_commonData = in.m_commonData;
1073 return result;
1074 }
1077 {
1078 return slvToSigned(in, in.m_toReal, in.m_minInt, in.m_maxInt, in.m_actual, in.m_minActual, in.m_maxActual, in.m_finishClock);
1079 }
1081 TRGCDCJSignal const TRGCDCJSignal::slvToUnsigned(TRGCDCJSignal const& in, double const& toReal, signed long long const& minInt,
1082 signed long long const& maxInt, double const& actual, double const& minActual, double const& maxActual, int const& finishClock)
1083 {
1085 vector<bool> const& slv = in.m_slv;
1087 // Check input
1088 if (in.m_type != 2) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::slvToUnsigned() => type is not slv." << endl;
1089 if (slv.size() > 63) cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::slvToUnsigned() => bitwidth is too large." << endl;
1091 TRGCDCJSignal result(in);
1093 // Calculate value. [Index 0 is lsb]
1094 result.m_int = 0;
1095 for (unsigned iBit = 0; iBit < slv.size(); iBit++) {
1096 result.m_int += slv[iBit] * pow(2, iBit);
1097 }
1098 // Set values.
1099 result.m_minInt = minInt;
1100 result.m_maxInt = maxInt;
1101 result.m_actual = actual;
1102 result.m_minActual = minActual;
1103 result.m_maxActual = maxActual;
1104 result.m_toReal = toReal;
1105 result.m_type = 0;
1106 result.m_type = result.calType();
1107 result.m_bitsize = result.calBitwidth();
1108 result.m_finishClock = finishClock;
1109 // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
1110 result.checkInt("slvToSigned");
1111 result.m_commonData = in.m_commonData;
1113 return result;
1114 }
1117 {
1119 }
1121 TRGCDCJSignal const TRGCDCJSignal::toSlv(TRGCDCJSignal const& in, int /*test*/)
1122 {
1124 TRGCDCJSignal result(in);
1126 // Temporary signal.
1127 //test += 0; //TODO why?
1128 signed long long t_int = in.m_int;
1129 if (in.m_type == -1) {
1130 // Change signed m_int to vector<bool>
1131 t_int = ~t_int;
1132 t_int += 1;
1133 result.m_slv.clear();
1134 result.m_slv.resize(in.m_bitsize);
1135 for (int iBit = 0; iBit < in.m_bitsize; iBit++) {
1136 result.m_slv[iBit] = (bool)(t_int >> iBit) & 1;
1137 }
1138 } else if (in.m_type == 1) {
1139 // Change unsigned m_int to vector<bool>
1140 result.m_slv.clear();
1141 result.m_slv.resize(in.m_bitsize);
1142 for (int iBit = 0; iBit < in.m_bitsize; iBit++) {
1143 result.m_slv[iBit] = (bool)(t_int >> iBit) & 1;
1144 }
1145 } else {
1146 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::toSlv() => m_type is not 1 or -1." << endl;
1147 }
1149 return result;
1150 }
1153 {
1154 if (in.m_type == 2) return (in);
1155 // Don't think I need below but will keep it for now.
1156 if (in.m_type == -1) {
1157 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::toSlv() => Slv is not same as unsigned anymore." << endl;
1158 }
1159 TRGCDCJSignal t_result(in);
1160 t_result.m_type = 2;
1162 if (in.getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode("std_logic_vector", in, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
1164 return t_result;
1165 }
1169 TRGCDCJSignal TRGCDCJSignal::comp(TRGCDCJSignal const& lhs, const std::string& operate, TRGCDCJSignal const& rhs)
1170 {
1171 // Make copies for method.
1172 TRGCDCJSignal t_lhs(lhs);
1173 TRGCDCJSignal t_rhs(rhs);
1174 TRGCDCJSignal t_result(t_lhs);
1175 // Make arguments.
1176 if (t_lhs.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_lhs.initArgumentSignals();
1177 if (t_rhs.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) t_rhs.initArgumentSignals();
1178 combineArguments(t_lhs, t_rhs, t_result);
1179 // Int Operation.
1180 bool t_bool = false;
1181 if (operate == "=") {
1182 t_bool = (t_lhs.m_int == t_rhs.m_int ? 1 : 0);
1183 } else if (operate == "/=") {
1184 t_bool = (t_lhs.m_int != t_rhs.m_int ? 1 : 0);
1185 } else if (operate == "<") {
1186 t_bool = (t_lhs.m_int < t_rhs.m_int ? 1 : 0);
1187 } else if (operate == "<=") {
1188 t_bool = (t_lhs.m_int <= t_rhs.m_int ? 1 : 0);
1189 } else if (operate == ">") {
1190 t_bool = (t_lhs.m_int > t_rhs.m_int ? 1 : 0);
1191 } else if (operate == ">=") {
1192 t_bool = (t_lhs.m_int >= t_rhs.m_int ? 1 : 0);
1193 } else if (operate == "and") {
1194 t_bool = (t_lhs.m_int && t_rhs.m_int ? 1 : 0);
1195 } else if (operate == "or") {
1196 t_bool = (t_lhs.m_int || t_rhs.m_int ? 1 : 0);
1197 } else {
1198 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::comp() => No operator named " << operate << "." << endl;
1199 }
1200 // Actual Operation.
1201 if (operate == "=") {
1202 t_result.m_actual = (t_lhs.m_actual == t_rhs.m_actual ? 1 : 0);
1203 } else if (operate == "/=") {
1204 t_result.m_actual = (t_lhs.m_actual != t_rhs.m_actual ? 1 : 0);
1205 } else if (operate == "<") {
1206 t_result.m_actual = (t_lhs.m_actual < t_rhs.m_actual ? 1 : 0);
1207 } else if (operate == "<=") {
1208 t_result.m_actual = (t_lhs.m_actual <= t_rhs.m_actual ? 1 : 0);
1209 } else if (operate == ">") {
1210 t_result.m_actual = (t_lhs.m_actual > t_rhs.m_actual ? 1 : 0);
1211 } else if (operate == ">=") {
1212 t_result.m_actual = (t_lhs.m_actual >= t_rhs.m_actual ? 1 : 0);
1213 } else if (operate == "and") {
1214 t_result.m_actual = (t_lhs.m_actual && t_rhs.m_actual ? 1 : 0);
1215 } else if (operate == "or") {
1216 t_result.m_actual = (t_lhs.m_actual || t_rhs.m_actual ? 1 : 0);
1217 } else {
1218 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::comp() => No operator named " << operate << "." << endl;
1219 }
1220 // Change values.
1221 t_result.m_name = t_lhs.m_name + operate + t_rhs.m_name;
1222 t_result.m_type = 1;
1223 t_result.m_bitsize = 1;
1224 t_result.m_minInt = 0;
1225 t_result.m_maxInt = 1;
1226 t_result.m_minActual = 0;
1227 t_result.m_maxActual = 1;
1228 t_result.m_toReal = 1;
1229 if (t_bool == 1) {
1230 t_result.m_int = 1;
1231 } else {
1232 t_result.m_int = 0;
1233 }
1235 if (t_result.getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode(t_lhs, operate, t_rhs, t_result, t_result.m_vhdlCode);
1237 return t_result;
1239 }
1242 {
1243 std::swap(first.m_name, second.m_name);
1244 std::swap(first.m_type, second.m_type);
1245 std::swap(first.m_bitsize, second.m_bitsize);
1246 std::swap(first.m_int, second.m_int);
1247 std::swap(first.m_minInt, second.m_minInt);
1248 std::swap(first.m_maxInt, second.m_maxInt);
1249 std::swap(first.m_actual, second.m_actual);
1250 std::swap(first.m_minActual, second.m_minActual);
1251 std::swap(first.m_maxActual, second.m_maxActual);
1252 std::swap(first.m_toReal, second.m_toReal);
1253 std::swap(first.m_debug, second.m_debug);
1254 std::swap(first.m_vhdlCode, second.m_vhdlCode);
1255 std::swap(first.m_argumentSignals, second.m_argumentSignals);
1256 std::swap(first.m_finishClock, second.m_finishClock);
1257 std::swap(first.m_commonData, second.m_commonData);
1258 }
1261 {
1262 if (first.m_toReal != second.m_toReal) {
1263 // Find number of bits to shift to match unit.
1264 double t_nBits = log(first.m_toReal / second.m_toReal) / log(2);
1265 // Round to integer
1266 if (t_nBits > 0) {
1267 t_nBits = int(t_nBits + 0.5);
1268 } else {
1269 t_nBits = int(t_nBits - 0.5);
1270 }
1271 // Shift bits to match unit
1272 if (t_nBits > 0) {
1273 first = first.shift(-t_nBits, 0);
1274 //cout<<"mu::shift_left(resize(" + first.m_name + "," + to_string(int(first.m_bitsize+t_nBits)) + ")," + to_string(int(t_nBits)) + ")"<<endl;
1275 //cout<<first.m_vhdlCode<<endl;
1276 } else if (t_nBits < 0) {
1277 second = second.shift(t_nBits, 0);
1278 //cout<<"mu::shift_left(resize(" + second.m_name + "," + to_string(int(second.m_bitsize-t_nBits)) + ")," + to_string(int(-t_nBits)) + ")"<<endl;
1279 //cout<<second.m_vhdlCode<<endl;
1280 }
1282 if (fabs(first.m_toReal - second.m_toReal) > 0.00001 * first.m_toReal) {
1283 cout << "[Warning] TRGCDCJSignal::matchUnit() => in1 and in2 units are still different." << endl;
1284 cout << first.m_toReal << " " << second.m_toReal << endl;
1285 }
1287 if (m_debug == 1) {
1288 cout << "TRGCDCJSignal::matchUnit()" << endl;
1289 if (t_nBits > 0) cout << "lhs was shifted to left by " << t_nBits << endl;
1290 else if (t_nBits < 0) cout << "rhs was shifted to left by " << -t_nBits << endl;
1291 cout << "TRGCDCJSignal::matchUnit()" << endl;
1292 }
1293 } // End of if units are different.
1294 first.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::matchUnit()::first");
1295 second.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::matchUnit()::second");
1296 }
1298 void TRGCDCJSignal::setName(const string& name)
1299 {
1300 m_name = name;
1301 }
1303 void TRGCDCJSignal::setInt(signed long long value)
1304 {
1305 m_int = value;
1306 }
1308 void TRGCDCJSignal::setActual(double value)
1309 {
1310 m_actual = value;
1311 }
1313 void TRGCDCJSignal::setToReal(double value)
1314 {
1315 m_toReal = value;
1316 }
1319 {
1320 m_type = type;
1321 }
1324 {
1325 m_bitsize = bitsize;
1327 // Check if there is overflow or underflow.
1328 checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::setBitsize()");
1329 }
1331 void TRGCDCJSignal::setFinishClock(int finishClock)
1332 {
1333 m_finishClock = finishClock;
1334 }
1337 {
1338 m_debug = debug;
1339 }
1341 void TRGCDCJSignal::setPrintVhdl(bool printVhdl)
1342 {
1344 else {
1345 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::setPrintVhdl() => m_commonData does not exist." << endl;
1346 }
1347 }
1349 void TRGCDCJSignal::setVhdlOutputFile(const string& filename)
1350 {
1352 else {
1353 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::setVhdlOutputFile() => m_commonData does not exist." << endl;
1354 }
1355 }
1358 {
1359 m_commonData = commonData;
1360 }
1363 {
1364 return m_name;
1365 }
1368 {
1369 return m_type;
1370 }
1373 {
1374 return m_bitsize;
1375 }
1377 signed long long TRGCDCJSignal::getInt() const
1378 {
1379 return m_int;
1380 }
1382 signed long long TRGCDCJSignal::getMinInt() const
1383 {
1384 return m_minInt;
1385 }
1387 signed long long TRGCDCJSignal::getMaxInt() const
1388 {
1389 return m_maxInt;
1390 }
1393 {
1394 return m_actual;
1395 }
1398 {
1399 return m_minActual;
1400 }
1403 {
1404 return m_maxActual;
1405 }
1408 {
1409 return m_int * m_toReal;
1410 }
1413 {
1414 return m_minInt * m_toReal;
1415 }
1418 {
1419 return m_maxInt * m_toReal;
1420 }
1423 {
1424 return m_toReal;
1425 }
1428 {
1429 return m_finishClock;
1430 }
1432 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, vector<int> > > const TRGCDCJSignal::getArgumentSignals() const
1433 {
1434 return m_argumentSignals;
1435 }
1438 {
1439 if (m_commonData) return m_commonData;
1440 else {
1441 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::getCommonData() => m_commonData does not exist." << endl;
1442 return 0;
1443 }
1444 }
1448 {
1449 //if(m_type==2) cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::calType() => m_type should not be slv."<<endl;
1450 if (m_minInt < 0) return -1;
1451 else return 1;
1452 }
1454 int TRGCDCJSignal::calType(double minValue) const
1455 {
1456 //if(m_type==2) cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::calType() => m_type should not be slv."<<endl;
1457 if (minValue < 0) return -1;
1458 else return 1;
1459 }
1462 {
1463 //int t_bitwidth = ceil(log(max(m_maxInt, llabs(m_minInt))+1)/log(2));
1464 int t_bitwidth = ceil(log1p(max(m_maxInt, llabs(m_minInt))) / log(2));
1465 if (calType() != 1) t_bitwidth++;
1466 return t_bitwidth;
1467 }
1469 int TRGCDCJSignal::calBitwidth(int type, signed long long minInt, signed long long maxInt)
1470 {
1471 //int t_bitwidth = ceil(log(max(maxInt, llabs(minInt))+1)/log(2));
1472 int t_bitwidth = ceil(log1p(max(maxInt, llabs(minInt))) / log(2));
1473 if (type != 1) t_bitwidth++;
1474 return t_bitwidth;
1475 }
1478 {
1479 // Combined signal?
1480 if (m_argumentSignals.size() != 0) {
1481 int maxClock = -1;
1482 // Find max clock between signals.
1483 for (unsigned iSignals = 0; iSignals < m_argumentSignals.size(); iSignals++) {
1484 if (maxClock < m_argumentSignals[iSignals].second[2]) maxClock = m_argumentSignals[iSignals].second[2];
1485 }
1486 return maxClock;
1487 } else {
1488 return m_finishClock;
1489 }
1490 }
1493 {
1494 return m_vhdlCode;
1495 }
1498 {
1500 else {
1501 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::getPrintVhdl() => m_commonData does not exist." << endl;
1502 return 0;
1503 }
1504 }
1507 {
1509 else {
1510 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::getVhdlOutputFile() => m_commonData does not exist." << endl;
1511 return "";
1512 }
1513 }
1516 {
1517 bool result = 0;
1518 if (large.m_bitsize < small.m_bitsize) {
1519 swap(large, small);
1520 result = 1;
1521 } else if (large.m_bitsize == small.m_bitsize) {
1522 if (large.m_type == 1) {;}
1523 else if (large.m_type == -1 && small.m_type == 1) {
1524 swap(large, small);
1525 result = 1;
1526 } else if (large.m_type == 0 && small.m_type != 0) {
1527 swap(large, small);
1528 result = 1;
1529 }
1530 }
1532 return result;
1533 }
1535 signed long long TRGCDCJSignal::calMaxInteger() const
1536 {
1537 signed long long t_maxValue;
1538 if (calType() == 1) {
1539 t_maxValue = pow(2, m_bitsize) - 1;
1540 } else if (calType() == -1) {
1541 t_maxValue = pow(2, m_bitsize - 1) - 1;
1542 } else {
1543 t_maxValue = 0;
1544 }
1545 return t_maxValue;
1546 }
1548 signed long long TRGCDCJSignal::calMinInteger() const
1549 {
1550 //if(m_type==2) cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::calMinInteger() => m_type should not be slv"<<endl;
1551 signed long long t_minValue;
1552 if (m_type == 1) {
1553 t_minValue = 0;
1554 } else if (m_type == -1) {
1555 t_minValue = -pow(2, m_bitsize - 1) + 1;
1556 } else {
1557 t_minValue = -pow(2, m_bitsize - 1) + 1;
1558 }
1559 return t_minValue;
1560 }
1563 {
1565 TRGCDCJSignal result(first);
1567 //if(result.m_type==2) cout<<"[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::absolute() => m_type should not be slv"<<endl;
1569 if (result.m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) result.initArgumentSignals();
1571 if (result.m_type != 1) {
1572 result.m_type = 1;
1573 result.m_int = llabs(first.m_int);
1574 if (first.m_minInt < 0 && first.m_maxInt > 0) result.m_minInt = 0;
1575 else result.m_minInt = min(llabs(first.m_maxInt), llabs(first.m_minInt));
1576 result.m_maxInt = max(llabs(first.m_maxInt), llabs(first.m_minInt));
1577 result.m_actual = fabs(first.m_actual);
1578 if (first.m_minActual < 0 && first.m_maxActual > 0) result.m_minActual = 0;
1579 else result.m_minActual = min(fabs(first.m_maxActual), fabs(first.m_minActual));
1580 result.m_maxActual = max(fabs(first.m_maxActual), fabs(first.m_minActual));
1581 result.m_bitsize = first.m_bitsize - 1;
1582 }
1584 result.checkInt("TRGCDCJSignal::absolute()");
1586 // For vhdl code.
1587 if (first.getPrintVhdl() == 1) vhdlCode("abs", first, result, result.m_vhdlCode);
1589 return result;
1591 }
1593 //void TRGCDCJSignal::calTypeBitwidth(TRGCDCJSignal const & lhs, string operation, TRGCDCJSignal const & rhs, int & type, int & bitwidth) const{
1594 // int outputBitsize;
1595 // int outputType;
1596 // if(operation=="+"){
1597 // // Find largest and second bitsize.
1598 // TRGCDCJSignal t_large(lhs);
1599 // TRGCDCJSignal t_small(rhs);
1600 // orderLargestBitsize(t_large, t_small);
1601 // // Calculate.
1602 // if(t_large.m_type == 1) {
1603 // if(t_small.m_type == 1) {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = 1;}
1604 // else if(t_small.m_type == -1) {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 2; outputType = -1;}
1605 // else {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = -1;}
1606 // } else if(t_large.m_type == -1) {
1607 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = -1;
1608 // } else {
1609 // if(t_small.m_type == 1) {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize; outputType = -1;}
1610 // else if(t_small.m_type == -1) {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = -1;}
1611 // else {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = 0;}
1612 // }
1613 // } else if(operation=="-"){
1614 // // Find largest and second bitsize.
1615 // TRGCDCJSignal t_large(lhs);
1616 // TRGCDCJSignal t_small(rhs);
1617 // orderLargestBitsize(t_large, t_small);
1618 // // Calculate.
1619 // if(t_large.m_type == 1) {
1620 // if(t_small.m_type == 1) {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = -1;}
1621 // else if(t_small.m_type == -1) {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 2; outputType = -1;}
1622 // else {
1623 // if(t_large.m_type == lhs.m_type){
1624 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = 1;
1625 // } else {
1626 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = 0;
1627 // }
1628 // }
1629 // } else if(t_large.m_type == -1) {
1630 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = -1;
1631 // } else {
1632 // if(t_small.m_type == 1) {
1633 // if(t_large.m_type == lhs.m_type){
1634 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = 0;
1635 // } else {
1636 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = 1;
1637 // }
1638 // }
1639 // else if(t_small.m_type == -1) {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + 1; outputType = -1;}
1640 // else {outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize; outputType = -1;}
1641 // }
1642 // } else if(operation=="*"){
1643 // TRGCDCJSignal t_large(lhs);
1644 // TRGCDCJSignal t_small(rhs);
1645 // orderLargestBitsize(t_large, t_small);
1646 // if(t_large.m_type == 1 || t_small.m_type == 1) {
1647 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + t_small.m_bitsize;
1648 // if(t_large.m_type == 1) outputType = t_small.m_type;
1649 // else outputType = t_large.m_type;
1650 // } else if(t_large.m_type == 0 && t_small.m_type == 0) {
1651 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + t_small.m_bitsize - 2;
1652 // outputType = 1;
1653 // } else {
1654 // outputBitsize = t_large.m_bitsize + t_small.m_bitsize - 1;
1655 // outputType = -1;
1656 // }
1657 // }
1658 // type = outputType;
1659 // bitwidth = outputBitsize;
1660 //}
1662 signed long long TRGCDCJSignal::calInt(double value, TRGCDCJSignal const& mother)
1663 {
1664 return (signed long long) FpgaUtility::roundInt(value / mother.m_toReal);
1665 }
1667 void TRGCDCJSignal::calVhdlTypeBitwidth(TRGCDCJSignal const& first, const std::string& operation, TRGCDCJSignal const& second,
1668 int& type,
1669 int& bitwidth)
1670 {
1671 if (first.m_type != second.m_type) {
1672 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::calVhdlTypeBitwidth() => first and second type are different." << endl;
1673 cout << first.m_name << " " << second.m_name << endl;
1674 cout << first.m_type << " " << second.m_type << endl;
1675 return;
1676 }
1677 int firstBitwidth = first.m_bitsize;
1678 int secondBitwidth = second.m_bitsize;
1680 if (operation == "+" || operation == "-") {
1681 // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse
1682 if (first.m_type != 1 || second.m_type != 1) {
1683 type = -1;
1684 bitwidth = max(firstBitwidth, secondBitwidth);
1685 } else {
1686 type = 1;
1687 bitwidth = max(first.m_bitsize, second.m_bitsize);
1688 }
1689 } else if (operation == "*") {
1690 // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse
1691 if (first.m_type != 1 || second.m_type != 1) {
1692 type = -1;
1693 bitwidth = firstBitwidth + secondBitwidth;
1694 } else {
1695 type = 1;
1696 bitwidth = first.m_bitsize + second.m_bitsize;
1697 }
1698 } else if (operation == "=" || operation == "/=" || operation == "<" || operation == "<=" ||
1699 operation == ">" || operation == ">=" || operation == "and" || operation == "or") {
1700 type = 1;
1701 bitwidth = 1;
1702 } else {
1703 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::calVhdlTypeBitwidth() => No operation named " << operation << "." << endl;
1704 }
1705 }
1708 {
1709 string t_name;
1710 if (m_argumentSignals.size() == 0) {
1711 if (m_minInt == m_maxInt && m_type != 2) {
1712 if (m_type == 1) {
1713 //t_name="to_unsigned("+to_string(m_int)+","+to_string(m_bitsize)+")";
1714 t_name = "decimal_string_to_unsigned(\"" + to_string(m_int) + "\"," + to_string(m_bitsize) + ")";
1715 } else {
1716 //t_name="to_signed("+to_string(m_int)+","+to_string(m_bitsize)+")";
1717 t_name = "decimal_string_to_signed(\"" + to_string(m_int) + "\"," + to_string(m_bitsize) + ")";
1718 }
1719 // For non-constant constructor signal.
1720 } else if (m_name == "") {
1721 t_name = "INPUT(" + to_string(m_int) + ")";
1722 // For normal signals.
1723 } else {
1724 t_name = m_name;
1725 }
1726 //m_argumentSignals.push_back(make_pair(t_name,m_finishClock));
1727 vector<int> t_argument = {m_type, m_bitsize, m_finishClock};
1728 m_argumentSignals.push_back(make_pair(t_name, t_argument));
1729 } else {
1730 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::initArgumentSignals() => m_argumentSignals.size() is not 0." << endl;
1731 }
1732 }
1735 {
1736 result.m_argumentSignals.clear();
1737 result.m_argumentSignals.insert(result.m_argumentSignals.end(), first.m_argumentSignals.begin(), first.m_argumentSignals.end());
1738 result.m_argumentSignals.insert(result.m_argumentSignals.end(), second.m_argumentSignals.begin(), second.m_argumentSignals.end());
1739 }
1742 {
1743 if (m_vhdlCode != "") {
1744 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::initVhdlCode() => m_vhdlCode is not \"\"." << endl;
1745 } else {
1746 m_vhdlCode = " ";
1747 }
1748 }
1751 {
1752 if (m_type == -1) return;
1753 // Find if bitwidth is optimized for signed or unsigned. t_bitwidth is optimized for signed.
1754 int t_bitwidth = calBitwidth();
1755 if (calType() == 1) t_bitwidth++;
1757 if (t_bitwidth <= m_bitsize) {
1758 m_vhdlCode = "signed(" + m_vhdlCode + ")";
1759 } else if (t_bitwidth - 1 == m_bitsize) {
1760 m_vhdlCode = "signed('0'&(" + m_vhdlCode + "))";
1761 m_bitsize += 1;
1762 } else {
1763 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::toSignedVhdlCode() => m_bitsize is too small." << endl;
1764 }
1765 m_type = -1;
1766 }
1769 {
1770 if (m_type == 1) return;
1772 if (calType() == -1) {
1773 cout << "[Warning] TRGCDCJSignal::toUnsignedVhdlCode() => signal can be minus." << endl;
1774 } else {
1775 m_vhdlCode = "unsigned(" + m_vhdlCode + ")";
1776 m_type = 1;
1777 }
1779 }
1781 void TRGCDCJSignal::vhdlCode(TRGCDCJSignal const& first, const std::string& operation, TRGCDCJSignal const& second,
1782 TRGCDCJSignal const& result, string& resultVhdlCode)
1783 {
1784 // Copy first and second for VHDL version.
1785 TRGCDCJSignal t_first(first);
1786 TRGCDCJSignal t_second(second);
1787 // Set m_vhdlCode if needed. (Will require clock implementation later)
1788 if (t_first.m_vhdlCode == "") {
1789 t_first.initVhdlCode();
1790 }
1791 if (t_second.m_vhdlCode == "") {
1792 t_second.initVhdlCode();
1793 }
1795 // Match types.
1796 // Changed to signed.
1797 if (t_first.m_type * t_second.m_type < 0 || (t_first.m_type != -1 && result.m_type == -1)) {
1798 if (t_first.m_type != -1) {
1799 t_first.toSignedVhdlCode();
1800 }
1801 if (t_second.m_type != -1) {
1802 t_second.toSignedVhdlCode();
1803 }
1804 }
1805 // Change to unsigned.
1806 if (t_first.m_type == 2) t_first.toUnsignedVhdlCode();
1807 if (t_second.m_type == 2) t_second.toUnsignedVhdlCode();
1809 // Calculate result type and bitwidth.
1810 int logicType, logicBitwidth, vhdlType, vhdlBitwidth;
1811 logicType = result.m_type;
1812 logicBitwidth = result.m_bitsize;
1813 calVhdlTypeBitwidth(t_first, operation, t_second, vhdlType, vhdlBitwidth);
1815 // Make code.
1816 string resultCode;
1817 // For compare operations.
1818 if (operation == "=" || operation == "/=" || operation == "<" || operation == "<=" ||
1819 operation == ">" || operation == ">=" || operation == "and" || operation == "or") {
1820 resultCode = "(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + operation + t_second.m_vhdlCode + ")";
1821 } else {
1822 // For arithmetic operations.
1823 // If special case.
1824 if (logicType > 0 && vhdlType == -1) {
1825 if (logicBitwidth + 1 > vhdlBitwidth) t_first.m_vhdlCode = "resize(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + "," + to_string(
1826 logicBitwidth + 1) + ")";
1827 resultCode = t_first.m_vhdlCode + operation + t_second.m_vhdlCode;
1828 resultCode = "resize(unsigned(" + resultCode + ")," + to_string(logicBitwidth) + ")";
1829 } else {
1830 // Normal case.
1831 if (logicBitwidth > vhdlBitwidth) {
1832 t_first.m_vhdlCode = "resize(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + "," + to_string(logicBitwidth) + ")";
1833 }
1834 resultCode = t_first.m_vhdlCode + operation + t_second.m_vhdlCode;
1835 // Resize output to minimum bitwidth.
1836 if (logicBitwidth < vhdlBitwidth) {
1837 resultCode = "resize(" + resultCode + "," + to_string(logicBitwidth) + ")";
1838 }
1839 }
1840 }
1841 resultVhdlCode = resultCode;
1842 }
1844 void TRGCDCJSignal::vhdlCode(const std::string& operation, TRGCDCJSignal const& first, TRGCDCJSignal const& result,
1845 string& resultVhdlCode)
1846 {
1847 // Copy first for VHDL version.
1848 TRGCDCJSignal t_first(first);
1849 // Set m_vhdlCode if needed. (Will require clock implementation later)
1850 if (t_first.m_vhdlCode == "") {
1851 t_first.initVhdlCode();
1852 }
1853 // Match types
1854 // Change VHDL unsigned to VHDL signed if required.
1855 if (t_first.m_type != -1 && result.m_type == -1) {
1856 t_first.toSignedVhdlCode();
1857 }
1858 // Change to unsigned if slv.
1859 if (t_first.m_type == 2) t_first.toUnsignedVhdlCode();
1861 // Calculate result type and bitwidth.
1862 int logicType, logicBitwidth, vhdlType, vhdlBitwidth;
1863 logicType = result.m_type;
1864 logicBitwidth = result.m_bitsize;
1865 // Will always be same as first type and bitsize.
1866 vhdlType = t_first.m_type;
1867 vhdlBitwidth = t_first.m_bitsize;
1869 // Make code.
1870 string resultCode;
1871 // If logic(out) is unsigned and vhdl(in) is signed.
1872 if (logicType == 1 && vhdlType == -1) {
1873 if (logicBitwidth + 1 > vhdlBitwidth) t_first.m_vhdlCode = "resize(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + "," + to_string(
1874 logicBitwidth + 1) + ")";
1875 if (operation == "shift_left"
1876 || operation == "shift_right") resultCode = operation + "(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + "," + to_string(abs(
1877 first.m_bitsize - result.m_bitsize)) + ")";
1878 else if (operation == "unsigned" || operation == "none") resultCode = t_first.m_vhdlCode;
1879 else resultCode = operation + "(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + ")";
1880 resultCode = "resize(unsigned(" + resultCode + ")," + to_string(logicBitwidth) + ")";
1881 } else {
1882 // Normal case.
1883 if (logicBitwidth > vhdlBitwidth) {
1884 t_first.m_vhdlCode = "resize(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + "," + to_string(logicBitwidth) + ")";
1885 }
1886 if (operation == "shift_left"
1887 || operation == "shift_right") resultCode = operation + "(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + "," + to_string(abs(
1888 first.m_bitsize - result.m_bitsize)) + ")";
1889 else if (operation == "resize" || operation == "signed" || operation == "none") resultCode = t_first.m_vhdlCode;
1890 else resultCode = operation + "(" + t_first.m_vhdlCode + ")";
1891 // Resize output to minimum bitwidth.
1892 if (logicBitwidth < vhdlBitwidth) {
1893 resultCode = "resize(" + resultCode + "," + to_string(logicBitwidth) + ")";
1894 }
1895 }
1896 resultVhdlCode = resultCode;
1897 }
1899 std::string TRGCDCJSignal::replaceWithSignalNames(std::string const& fromVhdlCode,
1900 std::vector<pair<std::string, vector<int> > > const& fromArgumentSignals, int const& finishClock,
1901 std::map<std::string, vector<int> >& buffers)
1902 {
1903 // Replace names with token(" ") in from.m_vhdlCode
1904 string t_vhdlCode = "";
1905 size_t start = 0;
1906 size_t end = fromVhdlCode.find(" ");
1907 int nIndex = (int)fromArgumentSignals.size();
1908 int index = 0;
1909 while (end != string::npos) {
1910 // Check if there are enough signal names.
1911 if (nIndex - 1 < index) {
1912 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::replaceWithSignalNames() => Not enough signal names in m_argumentSignals." << endl;
1913 return "";
1914 }
1915 // Replace token(" ") with name.
1916 //cout<<"Name: "<<fromArgumentSignals[index].first<<" Clock: "<<fromArgumentSignals[index].second[2]<<endl;
1917 int t_buffer = (finishClock - 1) - fromArgumentSignals[index].second[2] - 1;
1918 // No buffer needed or instant assignment or constant.
1919 if (t_buffer == -1 || t_buffer == -2
1920 || fromArgumentSignals[index].second[2] == -1) t_vhdlCode += fromVhdlCode.substr(start,
1921 end - start) + fromArgumentSignals[index].first;
1922 else if (t_buffer > -1) {
1923 t_vhdlCode += fromVhdlCode.substr(start, end - start) + fromArgumentSignals[index].first + "_b(" + to_string(t_buffer) + ")";
1924 // Fill map for buffers.
1925 if (buffers.find(fromArgumentSignals[index].first) == buffers.end()) {
1926 buffers[fromArgumentSignals[index].first] = {fromArgumentSignals[index].second[0], fromArgumentSignals[index].second[1], t_buffer};
1927 } else {
1928 if (buffers[fromArgumentSignals[index].first][2] < t_buffer) buffers[fromArgumentSignals[index].first][2] = t_buffer;
1929 }
1930 } else {
1931 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::replaceWithSignalNames() => finishClock is too small." << endl;
1932 t_vhdlCode += fromVhdlCode.substr(start, end - start) + fromArgumentSignals[index].first;
1933 }
1935 index++;
1936 start = end + 1;
1937 end = fromVhdlCode.find(" ", start);
1938 }
1939 t_vhdlCode += fromVhdlCode.substr(start, end - start);
1940 // Check if number of spaces and signal names are same.
1941 if (nIndex != index) {
1942 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::replaceWithSignalNames() => Number of signal names and number of " " do not match." << endl;
1943 return "";
1944 }
1945 return t_vhdlCode;
1946 }
1948 std::string TRGCDCJSignal::assignVhdlCode(TRGCDCJSignal const& target, TRGCDCJSignal const& from)
1949 {
1951 // Check if target has m_commonData.
1952 if (target.m_commonData == 0) {
1953 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::assignVhdlCode() => target.m_commonData is not set." << endl;
1954 return "";
1955 }
1957 TRGCDCJSignal t_from(from);
1959 // Set m_vhdlCode if needed.
1960 if (t_from.m_vhdlCode == "") {
1961 t_from.initVhdlCode();
1962 }
1964 // Fill signal map for definition.
1965 {
1966 if (target.m_name == "") cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::assignVhdlCode() => target.m_name is \"\" " << endl;
1967 map<string, vector<int> >& t_signals = target.m_commonData->m_signals;
1968 if (t_signals.find(target.m_name) == t_signals.end()) {
1969 //t_signals[target.m_name] = {target.m_type, target.m_bitsize};
1970 // From and target should be same.
1971 // cppcheck-suppress stlFindInsert
1972 t_signals[target.m_name] = {from.m_type, from.m_bitsize};
1973 }
1974 }
1976 // Replace names with spaces in from.m_vhdlCode
1977 string t_vhdlCode = replaceWithSignalNames(t_from.m_vhdlCode, t_from.m_argumentSignals, t_from.m_finishClock,
1978 t_from.m_commonData->m_buffers);
1980 return target.m_name + "<=" + t_vhdlCode + ";";
1982 //if(t_vhdlCode != "") {
1983 // return target.m_name + "<=" + t_vhdlCode + ";";
1985 //} else if (from.m_minInt == from.m_maxInt) {
1986 // if(from.m_type == 1) {
1987 // return target.m_name + "<=to_unsigned(" + to_string(from.m_int) + "," + to_string(from.m_bitsize) + ")";
1988 // } else {
1989 // return target.m_name + "<=to_signed(" + to_string(from.m_int) + "," + to_string(from.m_bitsize) + ")";
1990 // }
1992 //} else if (from.m_name=="") {
1993 // if(from.m_type == 1) {
1994 // return target.m_name + "<=to_unsigned(" + to_string(from.m_int) + "," + to_string(from.m_bitsize) + ")";
1995 // } else {
1996 // return target.m_name + "<=to_signed(" + to_string(from.m_int) + "," + to_string(from.m_bitsize) + ")";
1997 // }
1998 //} else {
2000 // return target.m_name + "<=" + from.m_name + ";";
2001 //}
2002 }
2004 std::string TRGCDCJSignal::chooseVhdlCode(TRGCDCJSignal const& target, TRGCDCJSignal const& reference,
2005 std::vector<std::vector<TRGCDCJSignal> > const& data)
2006 {
2007 // Check if target has m_name.
2008 if (target.m_name == "") {
2009 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::chooseVhdlCode() => target has no name." << endl;
2010 return "";
2011 }
2012 // Check if reference has m_name or vhdlCode.
2013 if (reference.m_name == "" && reference.m_vhdlCode == "") {
2014 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::cooseVhdlCode() => reference has no name or vhdlCode." << endl;
2015 return "";
2016 }
2018 TRGCDCJSignal t_reference(reference);
2020 // Set m_vhdlCode if needed.
2021 if (t_reference.m_vhdlCode == "") t_reference.initVhdlCode();
2022 // Replace names with spaces in reference.m_vhdlCode
2023 string t_referenceVhdlCode = replaceWithSignalNames(t_reference.m_vhdlCode, t_reference.m_argumentSignals, target.m_finishClock,
2024 t_reference.m_commonData->m_buffers);
2026 // Storage for used values.
2027 // map<signed long long, bool> t_used;
2028 // Create string for choice().
2029 stringstream t_vhdlCode;
2030 //t_vhdlCode<<"case to_integer("<<t_referenceVhdlCode<<") is"<<endl;
2031 //for(unsigned iCondition=0; iCondition<data.size()-1; iCondition++){
2032 // TRGCDCJSignal const & from = data[iCondition][1];
2033 // TRGCDCJSignal const & to = data[iCondition][2];
2034 // TRGCDCJSignal const & assign = data[iCondition][0];
2035 // signed long long fromInt = from.m_int;
2036 // signed long long toInt = to.m_int;
2037 // // Don't allow same int numbers for from and to.
2038 // if(t_used.count(fromInt)!=0) fromInt += 1;
2039 // else t_used[fromInt] = 1;
2040 // if(t_used.count(toInt)!=0) {
2041 // // Allow same from and to when in one line.
2042 // if(fromInt!=toInt) toInt -= 1;
2043 // } else t_used[toInt] = 1;
2044 // t_vhdlCode<<" when "<<fromInt<<" to "<<toInt<<"=>"<<assignVhdlCode(target,assign)<<endl;;
2045 //}
2046 //t_vhdlCode<<" when others=>"<<assignVhdlCode(target,(*(data.end()-1))[0])<<endl;
2047 //t_vhdlCode<<"end case;";
2049 // For if
2050 TRGCDCJSignal from = data[0][1];
2051 TRGCDCJSignal to = data[0][2];
2052 TRGCDCJSignal assign = data[0][0];
2053 if (from.m_vhdlCode == "") from.initVhdlCode();
2054 if (to.m_vhdlCode == "") to.initVhdlCode();
2055 string t_fromVhdlCode = replaceWithSignalNames(from.m_vhdlCode, from.m_argumentSignals, target.m_finishClock,
2056 target.m_commonData->m_buffers);
2057 string t_toVhdlCode = replaceWithSignalNames(to.m_vhdlCode, to.m_argumentSignals, target.m_finishClock,
2058 target.m_commonData->m_buffers);
2059 string t_fromPrefixSigned;
2060 string t_fromPostfixSigned;
2061 string t_toPrefixSigned;
2062 string t_toPostfixSigned;
2063 if (reference.m_type == -1 && from.m_type == 1) {
2064 t_fromPrefixSigned = "signed('0'&";
2065 t_fromPostfixSigned = ")";
2066 } else {
2067 t_fromPrefixSigned = "";
2068 t_fromPostfixSigned = "";
2069 }
2070 if (reference.m_type == -1 && to.m_type == 1) {
2071 t_toPrefixSigned = "signed('0'&";
2072 t_toPostfixSigned = ")";
2073 } else {
2074 t_toPrefixSigned = "";
2075 t_toPostfixSigned = "";
2076 }
2077 t_vhdlCode << "if (" << t_referenceVhdlCode << " >= " << t_fromPrefixSigned << t_fromVhdlCode << t_fromPostfixSigned << ") and (" <<
2078 t_referenceVhdlCode << " <= " << t_toPrefixSigned << t_toVhdlCode << t_toPostfixSigned << ") then" << endl;
2079 t_vhdlCode << " " << assignVhdlCode(target, assign) << endl;
2081 // For if else
2082 for (unsigned iCondition = 1; iCondition < data.size() - 1; iCondition++) {
2083 TRGCDCJSignal from1 = data[iCondition][1];
2084 TRGCDCJSignal to1 = data[iCondition][2];
2085 TRGCDCJSignal assign1 = data[iCondition][0];
2086 if (from1.m_vhdlCode == "") from1.initVhdlCode();
2087 if (to1.m_vhdlCode == "") to1.initVhdlCode();
2088 if (reference.m_type == -1 && from1.m_type == 1) {
2089 t_fromPrefixSigned = "signed('0'&";
2090 t_fromPostfixSigned = ")";
2091 } else {
2092 t_fromPrefixSigned = "";
2093 t_fromPostfixSigned = "";
2094 }
2095 if (reference.m_type == -1 && to1.m_type == 1) {
2096 t_toPrefixSigned = "signed('0'&";
2097 t_toPostfixSigned = ")";
2098 } else {
2099 t_toPrefixSigned = "";
2100 t_toPostfixSigned = "";
2101 }
2102 t_fromVhdlCode = replaceWithSignalNames(from1.m_vhdlCode, from1.m_argumentSignals, target.m_finishClock,
2103 target.m_commonData->m_buffers);
2104 t_toVhdlCode = replaceWithSignalNames(to1.m_vhdlCode, to1.m_argumentSignals, target.m_finishClock, target.m_commonData->m_buffers);
2105 t_vhdlCode << "elsif (" << t_referenceVhdlCode << " >= " << t_fromPrefixSigned << t_fromVhdlCode << t_fromPostfixSigned << ") and ("
2106 << t_referenceVhdlCode << " <= " << t_toPrefixSigned << t_toVhdlCode << t_toPostfixSigned << ") then" << endl;
2107 t_vhdlCode << " " << assignVhdlCode(target, assign1) << endl;
2108 }
2109 t_vhdlCode << "else" << endl;
2110 t_vhdlCode << " " << assignVhdlCode(target, (*(data.end() - 1))[0]) << endl;
2111 t_vhdlCode << "end if;";
2112 return t_vhdlCode.str();
2113 }
2116 std::vector<std::pair<TRGCDCJSignal, std::vector<std::pair<TRGCDCJSignal*, TRGCDCJSignal> > > > const& data)
2117 {
2118 // Check if comp and lhs have name
2119 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
2120 TRGCDCJSignal const& comp = data[iCase].first;
2121 if (iCase != data.size() - 1) {
2122 if (comp.m_name == "") {
2123 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::ifElseVhdlCode() => comp has no name." << endl;
2124 return "";
2125 }
2126 }
2127 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
2128 TRGCDCJSignal const& lhs = *(data[iCase].second[iAssignment].first);
2129 if (lhs.m_name == "") {
2130 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::ifElseVhdlCode() => lhs has no name." << endl;
2131 return "";
2132 }
2133 }
2134 }
2136 // Write vhdl
2137 // Else will be last in data.
2138 stringstream t_vhdlCode;
2139 for (unsigned iCase = 0; iCase < data.size(); iCase++) {
2140 TRGCDCJSignal const& comp = data[iCase].first;
2143 // Choose which if to use.
2144 if (iCase == 0) t_vhdlCode << "if " << t_compVhdlCode << " then" << endl;
2145 else if (comp.m_bitsize == -1) t_vhdlCode << "else" << endl;
2146 else t_vhdlCode << "elsif " << t_compVhdlCode << " then" << endl;
2147 for (unsigned iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < data[iCase].second.size(); iAssignment++) {
2148 TRGCDCJSignal const& lhs = *(data[iCase].second[iAssignment].first);
2149 TRGCDCJSignal const& rhs = data[iCase].second[iAssignment].second;
2150 t_vhdlCode << " " << assignVhdlCode(lhs, rhs) << endl;
2151 }
2152 }
2153 t_vhdlCode << "end if;";
2155 return t_vhdlCode.str();
2157 }
2159 void TRGCDCJSignal::printVhdl(const std::string& vhdlCode) const
2160 {
2161 if (m_commonData) {
2162 ofstream outFile;
2163>m_vhdlOutputFile, ios::app);
2164 if (outFile.is_open()) {
2165 outFile << vhdlCode << endl;
2166 outFile.close();
2167 }
2168 } else {
2169 cout << "[Error] TRGCDCJSignal::printVhdl() => m_commonData doesn't exist." << endl;
2170 }
2171 }
2173 void TRGCDCJSignal::checkInt(const std::string& name) const
2174 {
2175 if (m_int > calMaxInteger()) {
2176 cout << "[Error] " << name << " => m_int overflow" << endl;
2177 cout << " Start dumping" << endl;
2178 dump();
2179 cout << " End dumping" << endl;
2180 }
2181 if (m_int < calMinInteger()) {
2182 cout << "[Error] " << name << " => m_int underflow" << endl;
2183 cout << " Start dumping" << endl;
2184 dump();
2185 cout << " End dumping" << endl;
2186 }
2187 if (m_maxInt > calMaxInteger()) {
2188 cout << "[Error] " << name << " => m_maxInt overflow" << endl;
2189 cout << " Start dumping" << endl;
2190 dump();
2191 cout << " End dumping" << endl;
2192 }
2193 if (m_minInt < calMinInteger()) {
2194 cout << "[Error] " << name << " => m_minInt underflow" << endl;
2195 cout << " Start dumping" << endl;
2196 dump();
2197 cout << " End dumping" << endl;
2198 }
2199 }
2202 {
2203 return lhs.m_int == rhs.m_int && lhs.m_minInt == rhs.m_minInt && lhs.m_maxInt == rhs.m_maxInt
2204 && lhs.m_toReal == rhs.m_toReal && lhs.m_actual == rhs.m_actual && lhs.m_minActual == rhs.m_minActual
2205 && lhs.m_maxActual == rhs.m_maxActual;
2206 }
2208 void TRGCDCJSignal::valuesToMapSignals(std::vector<std::tuple<string, double, int, double, double, int> > const& inValues,
2209 Belle2::TRGCDCJSignalData* inCommonData, std::map<std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal>& outMap)
2210 {
2211 for (unsigned iSignals = 0; iSignals < inValues.size(); iSignals++) {
2212 string const& t_name = get<0>(inValues[iSignals]);
2213 double const& t_value = get<1>(inValues[iSignals]);
2214 int const& t_bitWidth = get<2>(inValues[iSignals]);
2215 double const& t_min = get<3>(inValues[iSignals]);
2216 double const& t_max = get<4>(inValues[iSignals]);
2217 int const& t_clock = get<5>(inValues[iSignals]);
2218 // Put input to signal.
2219 // Input to finish clock is 0.
2220 // Signals that will be used will have finish clock 1 due to below line.
2221 outMap[t_name] <= Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal(t_bitWidth, t_value, t_min, t_max, t_clock, inCommonData);
2222 }
2223 }
2225 void TRGCDCJSignal::mapSignalsToValues(std::map<std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal> const& inMap,
2226 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > const& inChoose,
2227 std::vector<std::tuple<string, double, int, double, double, int> >& outValues)
2228 {
2229 for (unsigned iSignals = 0; iSignals < inChoose.size(); iSignals++) {
2230 int const& b_integerEffect = inChoose[iSignals].second;
2231 string const& t_name = inChoose[iSignals].first;
2232 Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal const& t_signal = inMap.find(t_name)->second;
2233 double t_value = 0, t_min = 0, t_max = 0;
2234 int t_bitwidth = t_signal.getBitsize();
2235 if (b_integerEffect == 1) {
2236 t_value = t_signal.getRealInt();
2237 t_min = t_signal.getRealMinInt();
2238 t_max = t_signal.getRealMaxInt();
2239 } else {
2240 t_value = t_signal.getActual();
2241 t_min = t_signal.getMinActual();
2242 t_max = t_signal.getMaxActual();
2243 }
2244 int t_clock = t_signal.getFinishClock();
2245 tuple<string, double, int, double, double, int> outValue(t_name, t_value, t_bitwidth, t_min, t_max, t_clock);
2246 outValues.push_back(outValue);
2247 }
2248 }
A class to hold common data for JSignals.
Definition: JSignalData.h:33
bool m_printVhdl
Status if code should be printed.
Definition: JSignalData.h:89
std::string m_vhdlInProcess
Holds VHDL process code.
Definition: JSignalData.h:85
std::string m_vhdlOutputFile
Definition: JSignalData.h:79
std::map< std::string, std::vector< int > > m_buffers
vector<int> is {type, bitwidth, buffer} Holds all the requried VHDL buffers.
Definition: JSignalData.h:94
A class to use Signals for TRGCDC 3D tracker.
Definition: JSignal.h:35
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< int > > > m_argumentSignals
vector<int> is {type, bitwidth, clock} Holds the arguments that made the signal.
Definition: JSignal.h:303
int m_finishClock
Holds the clock tick when the signal is valid.
Definition: JSignal.h:305
double m_toReal
The toReal value.
Definition: JSignal.h:296
double m_minActual
The minimum float value.
Definition: JSignal.h:292
bool m_debug
The debug flag.
Definition: JSignal.h:298
signed long long m_minInt
The minimum integer value.
Definition: JSignal.h:286
double m_maxActual
The maximum float value.
Definition: JSignal.h:294
int m_bitsize
+1: unsigned.
Definition: JSignal.h:280
int m_type
Type of signal.
Definition: JSignal.h:278
signed long long m_int
integer value of signal.
Definition: JSignal.h:282
TRGCDCJSignalData * m_commonData
The common JSignalData.
Definition: JSignal.h:308
signed long long m_maxInt
The maximum integer value.
Definition: JSignal.h:288
std::string m_name
Definition: JSignal.h:276
std::string m_vhdlCode
Holds the vhdl code.
Definition: JSignal.h:300
double m_actual
The float value.
Definition: JSignal.h:290
std::vector< bool > m_slv
storage for std_logic_vector. (Will be deprecated.)
Definition: JSignal.h:284
static double roundInt(double value)
Round double value.
signed long long calMaxInteger() const
Calculate max value for a binary number.
int calType() const
Calculated what type the signal is.
double getActual() const
Get float value of signal.
TRGCDCJSignal const invOffset(TRGCDCJSignal const &valueMin) const
Outputs a signal that is not offset.
void printVhdl(const std::string &vhdlCode) const
Prints vhdl code.
std::string getName() const
Get name of signal.
std::string getVhdlOutputFile() const
Gets the vhdl output file name.
void setCommonData(TRGCDCJSignalData *)
Sets JSignalData to signal.
void setBitsize(int bitsize)
Sets bitwidth of signal.
TRGCDCJSignal const operator-() const
Unary operator.
static void vhdlCode(TRGCDCJSignal const &first, const std::string &operation, TRGCDCJSignal const &second, TRGCDCJSignal const &result, std::string &targtVhdlCode)
Writes vhdl code using two signals.
static void valuesToMapSignals(std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, double, int, double, double, int > > const &inValues, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignalData *inCommonData, std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal > &outMap)
Values => [name, value, bitwidth, min, max, clock] Changes values to signals.
TRGCDCJSignal const operator+(TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs) const
Arithmetic add operator.
TRGCDCJSignal & assignTo(TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs, int targetClock, std::string &finalCode)
Assign operator with setting target clock with outputing final code.
TRGCDCJSignal const offset(TRGCDCJSignal const &valueMin) const
Outputs an offset signal which is an unsigned signal.
bool orderLargestBitsize(TRGCDCJSignal &large, TRGCDCJSignal &small) const
Orders the TRGCDCJSignals by bitsize. Next priority is unsigned, signed, minus unsigned....
static bool isSameSignal(TRGCDCJSignal const &lhs, TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs)
Checks if signal is same signal.
void setActual(double value)
Sets float value of signal.
static std::string replaceWithSignalNames(std::string const &fromVhdlCode, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< int > > > const &fromVhdlSignals, int const &finishClock, std::map< std::string, std::vector< int > > &buffers)
Writes final vhdl code.
TRGCDCJSignal const shift(int nBits, int operate=1) const
Shift signal. Shift direction is right. operate=0 to change m_toReal(unit).
TRGCDCJSignalData * getCommonData() const
Get the sharged JSignalData.
double getMaxActual() const
Get maximum float value of signal.
static void choose(TRGCDCJSignal &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &targetMin, TRGCDCJSignal const &targetMax, TRGCDCJSignal const &reference, std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCJSignal > > data, int targetClock)
Case method.
static TRGCDCJSignal const toSlv(TRGCDCJSignal const &in, int test)
Change signal to std_logic_vector using vector<bool>. (Will be deprecated.)
void initArgumentSignals()
Initializes the argument signals for the signal.
void setVhdlOutputFile(const std::string &filename)
Sets ouptut VHDL filename.
std::string getVhdlCode() const
Gets the vhdl code for the signal.
void setInt(signed long long value)
Sets integer value of signal.
int calBitwidth() const
Calculates the bit width.
bool getPrintVhdl() const
Gets the print vhdl flag from common JSignalData class.
static void ifElse(std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal, std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal *, TRGCDCJSignal > > > > &data, int targetClock)
If else implementation with target clock.
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< int > > > const getArgumentSignals() const
Gets the signal names and values that made this signal.
static std::string assignVhdlCode(TRGCDCJSignal const &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &from)
Writes the assign vhdl code.
TRGCDCJSignal const resize(int bitwidth) const
Resizes signal.
double getRealMinInt() const
Get converted float value of minimum integer.
static void combineArguments(TRGCDCJSignal const &first, TRGCDCJSignal const &second, TRGCDCJSignal &result)
Combines arguments of signals.
static std::string chooseVhdlCode(TRGCDCJSignal const &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &reference, std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCJSignal > > const &data)
Writes the choose vhdl code.
static TRGCDCJSignal const absolute(TRGCDCJSignal const &first)
Absolute TRGCDCJSignal. Removes 1 bit if signed or minus unsigned.
int getFinishClock() const
Gets clock tick where signal is make.
static signed long long calInt(double value, TRGCDCJSignal const &mother)
Calculates integer value with unit of a TRGCDCJSignal.
void setFinishClock(int finishClock)
Sets finish clock of signal.
signed long long getInt() const
Get integer value of signal.
double getToReal() const
Get toReal value of signal.
void matchUnit(TRGCDCJSignal &first, TRGCDCJSignal &second) const
void setDebug(bool debug)
Sets debug flag for signal.
TRGCDCJSignal const limit(signed long long minInt, signed long long maxInt, double minActual, double maxActual) const
Limits min and max values using specific integers. Use only for ifElse. Doesn't check overflow,...
static void calVhdlTypeBitwidth(TRGCDCJSignal const &first, const std::string &operation, TRGCDCJSignal const &second, int &type, int &bitwidth)
Calculates vhdl bitwidth and type for operation.
void setName(const std::string &name)
Setters, Getters Sets name of signal.
double getRealMaxInt() const
Get converted float value of maximum integer.
void checkInt(const std::string &name) const
Checks underflow or overflow for TRGCDCJSignal.
void swap(TRGCDCJSignal &first, TRGCDCJSignal &second) const
Swaps the TRGCDCJSignals.
TRGCDCJSignal const operator*(TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs) const
Arithmetic multiply operator.
double getBitsize() const
Get bitwidth of signal.
TRGCDCJSignal & operator<=(TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs)
Assign operator.
signed long long calMinInteger() const
Calculate min value for a binary number.
void initVhdlCode()
Initializes the vhdl code.
void setPrintVhdl(bool printVhdl)
Sets print flag for signal.
int getType() const
Get type of signal.
static std::string ifElseVhdlCode(std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal, std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal *, TRGCDCJSignal > > > > const &data)
Writes the ifElse vhdl code.
void toUnsignedVhdlCode()
Changes signal type to unsigned type in VHDL.
double getMinActual() const
Get minimum float value of signal.
signed long long getMaxInt() const
Get maximum integer value of signal.
int calFinishClock() const
Claculates the clock tick where the signal is valid.
static TRGCDCJSignal const slvToUnsigned(TRGCDCJSignal const &in, double const &toReal, signed long long const &minInt, signed long long const &maxInt, double const &actual, double const &minActual, double const &maxActual, int const &finishClock)
Change slv to unsigned with target clock.
void dump() const
double getRealInt() const
Get converted float value of integer.
signed long long getMinInt() const
Get minimum integer value of signal.
void setToReal(double value)
Sets toReal factor of signal.
static void mapSignalsToValues(std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal >const &inMap, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > const &inChoose, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, double, int, double, double, int > > &outValues)
Choose => [signalName, FpgaEffects(=1)/NoFpgaEffects(=0)] Values => [name, value, bitwidth,...
void setType(int type)
Sets type of signal.
void toSignedVhdlCode()
Changes signal type to signed type in VHDL.
static TRGCDCJSignal comp(TRGCDCJSignal const &lhs, const std::string &operate, TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs)
Compare two signals.
static TRGCDCJSignal const slvToSigned(TRGCDCJSignal const &in, double const &toReal, signed long long const &minInt, signed long long const &maxInt, double const &actual, double const &minActual, double const &maxActual, int const &finishClock)
Change slv to signed with target clock.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.