Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9/* Own header. */
10#include <klm/modules/KLMDQM2/KLMDQM2Module.h>
12/* Basf2 headers. */
13#include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
15/* ROOT headers. */
16#include <TDirectory.h>
18/* CLHEP headers. */
19#include <CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h>
21/* C++ headers. */
22#include <string>
24using namespace Belle2;
27// Register the Module
32// Implementation
37 m_ElementNumbers(&(KLMElementNumbers::Instance())),
38 m_eklmElementNumbers(&(EKLMElementNumbers::Instance())),
39 m_PlaneArrayIndex(&(KLMPlaneArrayIndex::Instance())),
40 m_GeometryBKLM{nullptr},
41 m_MatchedHitsBKLM{nullptr},
42 m_AllExtHitsBKLM{nullptr},
43 m_MatchedHitsEKLM{nullptr},
44 m_AllExtHitsEKLM{nullptr},
45 m_MatchedHitsBKLMSector{nullptr},
46 m_AllExtHitsBKLMSector{nullptr},
47 m_MatchedHitsEKLMSector{nullptr},
48 m_AllExtHitsEKLMSector{nullptr}
50 // Set module properties
51 setDescription(R"DOC(Additional Module for KLMDQM plots after HLT filters
53 An additional module developed to display plane efficiencies for the KLM during runs (i.e. for online analyses).
54 This module would be called after HLT filter in order to use mumu-tight skim to select reasonable events.
55 The output histograms would be plane efficiencies = MatchedDigits/AllExtits.
56 )DOC");
58 // Parameter definitions
59 addParam("MuonListName", m_MuonListName, "Muon list name.",
60 std::string("mu+:all"));
61 addParam("AllowedDistance1D", m_AllowedDistance1D,
62 "Maximal distance in the units of strip number from ExtHit to "
63 "matching KLMDigit (not for multi-strip hits).", double(8));
64 addParam("MinimalMatchingDigits", m_MinimalMatchingDigits,
65 "Minimal number of matching digits.", 0);
66 addParam("MinimalMatchingDigitsOuterLayers",
68 "Minimal number of matching digits in outer layers.", 0);
69 addParam("MinimalMomentumNoOuterLayers", m_MinimalMomentumNoOuterLayers,
70 "Minimal momentum in case there are no hits in outer layers.", 0.0);
71 addParam("RemoveUnusedMuons", m_RemoveUnusedMuons,
72 "Whether to remove unused muons.", false);
73 addParam("IgnoreBackwardPropagation", m_IgnoreBackwardPropagation,
74 "Whether to ignore ExtHits with backward propagation.", false);
76 addParam("histogramDirectoryName", m_HistogramDirectoryName,
77 "Directory for KLM DQM histograms in ROOT file.",
78 std::string("KLMEfficiencyDQM"));
79 addParam("SoftwareTriggerName", m_SoftwareTriggerName,
80 "Software Trigger for event selection",
81 std::string("software_trigger_cut&skim&accept_mumutight"));
92 TDirectory* newDirectory{gDirectory->mkdir(m_HistogramDirectoryName.c_str())};
93 TDirectory::TContext context{gDirectory, newDirectory};
100 /* Number of hits per channel. */
101 /* KLM General Related. */
102 m_MatchedHitsBKLM = new TH1F("matched_hitsBKLM",
103 "Matched Hits in BKLM Plane",
104 m_PlaneNumBKLM, 0.5, 0.5 + m_PlaneNumBKLM);
105 m_MatchedHitsBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer Number");
107 m_AllExtHitsBKLM = new TH1F("all_ext_hitsBKLM",
108 "All ExtHits in BKLM Plane",
109 m_PlaneNumBKLM, 0.5, 0.5 + m_PlaneNumBKLM);
110 m_AllExtHitsBKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer number");
114 m_MatchedHitsEKLM = new TH1F("matched_hitsEKLM",
115 "Matched Hits in EKLM Plane",
116 m_PlaneNumEKLM, 0.5, m_PlaneNumEKLM + 0.5);
117 m_MatchedHitsEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Plane number");
119 m_AllExtHitsEKLM = new TH1F("all_ext_hitsEKLM",
120 "All ExtHits in EKLM Plane",
121 m_PlaneNumEKLM, 0.5, m_PlaneNumEKLM + 0.5);
122 m_AllExtHitsEKLM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Plane number");
126 /********************/
127 /********************/
128 /* binned by sector */
129 /********************/
130 /********************/
132 m_MatchedHitsBKLMSector = new TH1F("matched_hitsBKLMSector",
133 "Matched Hits in BKLM Sector",
134 BKLMMaxSectors, 0.5, 0.5 + BKLMMaxSectors);
135 m_MatchedHitsBKLMSector->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sector Number");
137 m_AllExtHitsBKLMSector = new TH1F("all_ext_hitsBKLMSector",
138 "All ExtHits in BKLM Sector",
139 BKLMMaxSectors, 0.5, 0.5 + BKLMMaxSectors);
140 m_AllExtHitsBKLMSector->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sector number");
144 m_MatchedHitsEKLMSector = new TH1F("matched_hitsEKLMSector",
145 "Matched Hits in EKLM Sector",
146 EKLMMaxSectors, 0.5, EKLMMaxSectors + 0.5);
147 m_MatchedHitsEKLMSector->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sector number");
149 m_AllExtHitsEKLMSector = new TH1F("all_ext_hitsEKLMSector",
150 "All ExtHits in EKLM Sector",
151 EKLMMaxSectors, 0.5, EKLMMaxSectors + 0.5);
152 m_AllExtHitsEKLMSector->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sector number");
154}//end of defineHisto
159 //inputs
160 m_softwareTriggerResult.isOptional();
161 m_MuonList.isRequired(m_MuonListName);
162 m_Digits.isOptional();
168 //start by restarting histograms
170 /* KLM General Related. */
171 m_MatchedHitsBKLM->Reset();
172 m_AllExtHitsBKLM->Reset();
173 m_MatchedHitsEKLM->Reset();
174 m_AllExtHitsEKLM->Reset();
177 m_AllExtHitsBKLMSector->Reset();
179 m_AllExtHitsEKLMSector->Reset();
184 if (triggerFlag() || m_SoftwareTriggerName == "") {
185 unsigned int nMuons = m_MuonList->getListSize();
186 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nMuons; ++i) {
187 const Particle* muon = m_MuonList->getParticle(i);
193 }
195 }
209 bool passed = false;
211 try {
213 true : false;
214 } catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
215 passed = false;
216 }
217 }
218 return passed;
223 struct HitData* hitData)
225 for (const KLMDigit& digit : m_Digits) {
226 if (!(digit.getSubdetector() == hitData->subdetector &&
227 digit.getSection() == hitData->section &&
228 digit.getLayer() == hitData->layer &&
229 digit.getSector() == hitData->sector &&
230 digit.getPlane() == hitData->plane))
231 continue;
233 // Defining quantities for distance cut
234 double stripPosition = digit.getStrip();
235 double allowedDistance1D = m_AllowedDistance1D;
237 if (digit.isMultiStrip()) {
238 // Due to a firmware bug, we have to be wary with the allowed distance...
239 stripPosition = 0.5 * (digit.getLastStrip() + digit.getStrip());
240 allowedDistance1D *= (digit.getLastStrip() - digit.getStrip() + 1);
241 }
242 if (fabs(stripPosition - hitData->strip) < allowedDistance1D) {
243 hitData->digit = &digit;
244 return;
245 }
246 }
250 std::map<KLMPlaneNumber, struct HitData>& hitMap,
251 KLMPlaneNumber planeGlobal, struct HitData* hitData)
253 std::map<KLMPlaneNumber, struct HitData>::iterator it;
254 it = hitMap.find(planeGlobal);
255 /*
256 * There may be more than one such hit e.g. if track crosses the edge
257 * of the strips or WLS fiber groove. Select only one hit per plane.
258 */
259 if (it == hitMap.end()) {
260 hitMap.insert(std::pair<KLMPlaneNumber, struct HitData>(
261 planeGlobal, *hitData));
262 }
266 const Particle* muon, TH1F* matchedHitsBKLM, TH1F* allExtHitsBKLM,
267 TH1F* matchedHitsEKLM, TH1F* allExtHitsEKLM, TH1F* matchedHitsBKLMSec, TH1F* allExtHitsBKLMSec,
268 TH1F* matchedHitsEKLMSec, TH1F* allExtHitsEKLMSec)
270 const int nExtrapolationLayers =
272 const Track* track = muon->getTrack();
273 RelationVector<ExtHit> extHits = track->getRelationsTo<ExtHit>();
274 std::map<KLMPlaneNumber, struct HitData> selectedHits;
275 std::map<KLMPlaneNumber, struct HitData>::iterator it;
276 KLMChannelNumber channel;
278 struct HitData hitData, hitDataPrevious;
279 ROOT::Math::XYZVector extHitPosition;
280 CLHEP::Hep3Vector extHitPositionCLHEP, localPosition;
281 int layer;
282 int extHitLayer[nExtrapolationLayers] = {0};
283 int digitLayer[nExtrapolationLayers] = {0};
284 // initialize hitDataPrevious components
285 hitDataPrevious.subdetector = -1;
286 hitDataPrevious.section = -1;
287 hitDataPrevious.sector = -1;
288 hitDataPrevious.layer = -1;
289 for (const ExtHit& hit : extHits) {
290 /*
291 * Choose hits that exit the sensitive volume.
292 * It is not possible to use entry hits because of a bug in Geant4:
293 * the step does not always have a correct status (fGeomBoundary),
294 * and, consequently, ExtHits are not created.
295 */
296 if (hit.getStatus() != EXT_EXIT)
297 continue;
298 /*
299 * Ignore ExtHits with backward propagation. This affects cosmic events
300 * only. The removal of hits with backward propagation is normally
301 * not needed, however, it is added because of backward error propagation
302 * bug in Geant4 10.6.
303 */
305 if (hit.isBackwardPropagated())
306 continue;
307 }
308 KLMPlaneNumber planeGlobal = 0;
309 hitData.hit = &hit;
310 hitData.digit = nullptr;
311 if (hit.getDetectorID() == Const::EDetector::EKLM) {
312 int stripGlobal = hit.getCopyID();
315 stripGlobal, &hitData.section, &hitData.layer, &hitData.sector,
316 &hitData.plane, &hitData.strip);
318 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer,
319 hitData.plane, hitData.strip);
320 status = m_ChannelStatus->getChannelStatus(channel);
321 if (status == KLMChannelStatus::c_Unknown)
322 B2FATAL("Incomplete KLM channel status data.");
323 if (status == KLMChannelStatus::c_Normal) {
325 hitData.subdetector, hitData.layer);
326 extHitLayer[layer - 1]++;
327 planeGlobal = m_ElementNumbers->planeNumberEKLM(
328 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer,
329 hitData.plane);
330 addHit(selectedHits, planeGlobal, &hitData);
331 }
332 } else if (hit.getDetectorID() == Const::EDetector::BKLM) {
333 int moduleNumber = hit.getCopyID();
336 moduleNumber, &hitData.section, &hitData.sector, &hitData.layer);
338 /*
339 * For scintillators, the plane and strip numbers are recorded
340 * in the copy number.
341 */
343 moduleNumber, &hitData.section, &hitData.sector, &hitData.layer,
344 &hitData.plane, &hitData.strip);
346 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer,
347 hitData.plane, hitData.strip);
348 status = m_ChannelStatus->getChannelStatus(channel);
349 if (status == KLMChannelStatus::c_Unknown)
350 B2FATAL("Incomplete KLM channel status data.");
351 if (status == KLMChannelStatus::c_Normal) {
353 hitData.subdetector, hitData.layer);
354 extHitLayer[layer - 1]++;
355 planeGlobal = m_ElementNumbers->planeNumberBKLM(
356 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer,
357 hitData.plane);
358 addHit(selectedHits, planeGlobal, &hitData);
359 }
360 } else {
361 /* For RPCs, the sensitive volume corresponds to both readout planes. */
362 extHitPosition = hit.getPosition();
363 extHitPositionCLHEP.setX(extHitPosition.X());
364 extHitPositionCLHEP.setY(extHitPosition.Y());
365 extHitPositionCLHEP.setZ(extHitPosition.Z());
366 const bklm::Module* module =
367 m_GeometryBKLM->findModule(hitData.section, hitData.sector,
368 hitData.layer);
369 localPosition = module->globalToLocal(extHitPositionCLHEP);
371 hitData.strip = module->getZStrip(localPosition);
372 /*
373 * FIXME:
374 * There are 2 hits per module in RPCs, but the plane information is
375 * not available in ExtHit. For now, 2 entries are created (one for
376 * each plane) for the first hit, and the second one is removed.
377 */
378 if ((hitData.subdetector == hitDataPrevious.subdetector) &&
379 (hitData.section == hitDataPrevious.section) &&
380 (hitData.sector == hitDataPrevious.sector) &&
381 (hitData.layer == hitDataPrevious.layer))
382 continue;
383 std::memcpy(&hitDataPrevious, &hitData, sizeof(struct HitData));
384 /* The returned strip may be out of the valid range. */
386 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer, hitData.plane,
387 hitData.strip, false)) {
389 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer,
390 hitData.plane, hitData.strip);
391 status = m_ChannelStatus->getChannelStatus(channel);
392 if (status == KLMChannelStatus::c_Unknown)
393 B2FATAL("Incomplete KLM channel status data.");
394 if (status == KLMChannelStatus::c_Normal) {
396 hitData.subdetector, hitData.layer);
397 extHitLayer[layer - 1]++;
398 hitData.localPosition = localPosition.z();
399 planeGlobal = m_ElementNumbers->planeNumberBKLM(
400 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer,
401 hitData.plane);
402 addHit(selectedHits, planeGlobal, &hitData);
403 }
404 }
406 hitData.strip = module->getPhiStrip(localPosition);
407 /* The returned strip may be out of the valid range. */
409 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer, hitData.plane,
410 hitData.strip, false)) {
412 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer,
413 hitData.plane, hitData.strip);
414 status = m_ChannelStatus->getChannelStatus(channel);
415 if (status == KLMChannelStatus::c_Unknown)
416 B2FATAL("Incomplete KLM channel status data.");
417 if (status == KLMChannelStatus::c_Normal) {
419 hitData.subdetector, hitData.layer);
420 extHitLayer[layer - 1]++;
421 hitData.localPosition = localPosition.y();
422 planeGlobal = m_ElementNumbers->planeNumberBKLM(
423 hitData.section, hitData.sector, hitData.layer,
424 hitData.plane);
425 addHit(selectedHits, planeGlobal, &hitData);
426 } //end of channel status check
427 } //end of channel number check
428 }//end of detector condition
429 } else
430 continue;
431 }
432 /* Find matching digits. */
433 int nDigits = 0;
434 for (it = selectedHits.begin(); it != selectedHits.end(); ++it) {
435 findMatchingDigit(&(it->second));
436 if (it->second.digit != nullptr) {
437 nDigits++;
439 it->second.subdetector, it->second.layer);
440 digitLayer[layer - 1]++;
441 }
442 }
443 if (nDigits < m_MinimalMatchingDigits)
444 return false;
445 /* Write efficiency histograms */
446 for (it = selectedHits.begin(); it != selectedHits.end(); ++it) {
447 int matchingDigits = 0;
448 int matchingDigitsOuterLayers = 0;
449 int extHitsOuterLayers = 0;
451 it->second.subdetector, it->second.layer) - 1;
452 for (int i = 0; i < nExtrapolationLayers; ++i) {
453 if (i != layer)
454 matchingDigits += digitLayer[i];
455 if (i > layer) {
456 matchingDigitsOuterLayers += digitLayer[i];
457 extHitsOuterLayers += extHitLayer[i];
458 }
459 }
460 /* Check the number of matching digits in other layers. */
461 if (matchingDigits < m_MinimalMatchingDigits)
462 continue;
463 /*
464 * Check the number of matching digits in outer layers relatively to
465 * this hit.
466 */
467 if (matchingDigitsOuterLayers < m_MinimalMatchingDigitsOuterLayers) {
473 if (extHitsOuterLayers >= m_MinimalMatchingDigitsOuterLayers)
474 continue;
475 /*
476 * If the number of ExtHits is insufficient, then check the momentum.
477 * The muons with sufficiently large momentum have a very small
478 * probability to get absorbed in the detector.
479 */
481 continue;
482 }
483 //Filling AddExtHits and MatchedHits histograms
484 if (it->second.subdetector == KLMElementNumbers::c_EKLM) {
485 int planeNum = m_eklmElementNumbers->planeNumber(it->second.section, it->second.layer, it->second.sector, it->second.plane);
486 int sectorNum = (it->second.section - 1) * EKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber() + it->second.sector;
487 allExtHitsEKLM->Fill(planeNum);
488 allExtHitsEKLMSec->Fill(sectorNum);
489 if (it->second.digit) {
490 matchedHitsEKLM->Fill(planeNum);
491 matchedHitsEKLMSec->Fill(sectorNum);
492 }
493 }//end of if loop
496 else if (it->second.subdetector == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM) {
498 it->second.section, it->second.sector, it->second.layer);
499 int sectorGlobal = it->second.section * BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber() + (it->second.sector);
500 allExtHitsBKLM->Fill(layerGlobal);
501 allExtHitsBKLMSec->Fill(sectorGlobal);
502 if (it->second.digit) {
503 matchedHitsBKLM->Fill(layerGlobal);
504 matchedHitsBKLMSec->Fill(sectorGlobal);
505 }
506 } else {
507 B2FATAL("Had a hit that didn't come from BKLM or EKLM?");
508 }
510 } //end of selectedHits for loop
511 return true;
512} //end of collectTrackData
static void channelNumberToElementNumbers(KLMChannelNumber channel, int *section, int *sector, int *layer, int *plane, int *strip)
Get element numbers by channel number.
static bool checkChannelNumber(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip, bool fatalError=true)
Check channel number.
@ c_FirstRPCLayer
First RPC layer.
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorNumber()
Get maximal sector number (1-based).
static void moduleNumberToElementNumbers(KLMModuleNumber module, int *section, int *sector, int *layer)
Get element numbers by module number.
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorGlobalNumber()
Get maximal sector global number.
static int layerGlobalNumber(int section, int sector, int layer)
Get layer global number.
EKLM element numbers.
void stripNumberToElementNumbers(int stripGlobal, int *section, int *layer, int *sector, int *plane, int *strip) const
Get element numbers by strip global number.
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorNumber()
Get maximal sector number.
int planeNumber(int section, int layer, int sector, int plane) const
Get plane number.
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorGlobalNumberKLMOrder()
Get maximal sector global number with KLM ordering (section, sector).
Store one Ext hit as a ROOT object.
Definition: ExtHit.h:31
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
Channel status.
@ c_Normal
Normally operating channel.
@ c_Unknown
Unknown status (no data).
TH1F * m_MatchedHitsBKLMSector
Matched hits in sector for BKLM.
TH1F * m_MatchedHitsEKLM
Matched hits in plane for EKLM.
const bklm::GeometryPar * m_GeometryBKLM
BKLM geometry.
void addHit(std::map< KLMPlaneNumber, struct HitData > &hitMap, KLMPlaneNumber planeGlobal, struct HitData *hitData)
Add hit to map.
StoreArray< KLMDigit > m_Digits
KLM digits.
DBObjPtr< KLMChannelStatus > m_ChannelStatus
Channel status.
TH1F * m_AllExtHitsBKLMSector
Extrapolated hits in sector for BKLM.
virtual void initialize() override
Register input and output data.
double m_MinimalMomentumNoOuterLayers
Minimal momentum in case there are no hits in outer layers.
bool m_RemoveUnusedMuons
Whether to remove unused muons.
virtual void event() override
Selection for mumu_tight_skim, then DQM plot filling
const KLMElementNumbers * m_ElementNumbers
KLM element numbers.
virtual void endRun() override
Called if the current run ends.
const EKLMElementNumbers * m_eklmElementNumbers
EKLM element numbers.
virtual void terminate() override
Called at the end of the event processing.
void findMatchingDigit(struct HitData *hitData)
Find matching digit.
std::string m_SoftwareTriggerName
Software Trigger Name.
TH1F * m_AllExtHitsEKLMSector
Extrapolated hits in sector for EKLM.
TH1F * m_MatchedHitsBKLM
Matched hits in plane for BKLM.
StoreObjPtr< ParticleList > m_MuonList
virtual void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
bool m_IgnoreBackwardPropagation
Whether to ignore ExtHits with backward propagation.
double m_AllowedDistance1D
Maximal distance in the units of strip number from ExtHit to matching KLMDigit.
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
TH1F * m_AllExtHitsBKLM
Extrapolated hits in plane for BKLM.
TH1F * m_MatchedHitsEKLMSector
Matched hits in sector for EKLM.
const int m_PlaneNumBKLM
Number of layers/planes for BKLM.
int m_MinimalMatchingDigitsOuterLayers
Minimal number of matching digits in outer layers.
std::string m_MuonListName
Muon list name.
int m_MinimalMatchingDigits
Minimal number of matching digits.
StoreObjPtr< SoftwareTriggerResult > m_softwareTriggerResult
Trigger Information.
const int m_PlaneNumEKLM
Number of layers/planes for EKLM.
TH1F * m_AllExtHitsEKLM
Extrapolated hits in plane for EKLM.
bool collectDataTrack(const Particle *muon, TH1F *matchedHitsBKLM, TH1F *allExtHitsBKLM, TH1F *matchedHitsEKLM, TH1F *allExtHitsEKLM, TH1F *matchedHitsBKLMSec, TH1F *allExtHitsBKLMSec, TH1F *matchedHitsEKLMSec, TH1F *allExtHitsEKLMSec)
Collect the data for one muon.
bool triggerFlag()
Uses TrigResult along with desired software cut to determine whether histograms are filled or not for...
std::string m_HistogramDirectoryName
Directory for KLM DQM histograms in ROOT file.
void defineHisto() override
Definition of the histograms.
KLM digit (class representing a digitized hit in RPCs or scintillators).
Definition: KLMDigit.h:29
KLM element numbers.
KLMChannelNumber channelNumberBKLM(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip) const
Get channel number for BKLM.
KLMPlaneNumber planeNumberEKLM(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane) const
Get channel number for EKLM.
int getExtrapolationLayer(int subdetector, int layer) const
Get extrapolation layer number (BKLM - from 1 to 15, EKLM - from 16 to 29).
KLMPlaneNumber planeNumberBKLM(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane) const
Get plane number for BKLM.
static constexpr int getMaximalExtrapolationLayer()
Get maximal extrapolation layer.
KLMChannelNumber channelNumberEKLM(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip) const
Get channel number for EKLM.
KLM plane array index.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Definition: Particle.h:75
const Track * getTrack() const
Returns the pointer to the Track object that was used to create this Particle (ParticleType == c_Trac...
double getP() const
Returns momentum magnitude (same as getMomentumMagnitude but with shorter name)
Definition: Particle.h:578
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
const Module * findModule(int section, int sector, int layer) const
Get the pointer to the definition of a module.
static GeometryPar * instance(void)
Static method to get a reference to the singleton GeometryPar instance.
Define the geometry of a BKLM module Each sector [octant] contains Modules.
Definition: Module.h:76
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
uint16_t KLMChannelNumber
Channel number.
uint16_t KLMPlaneNumber
Plane number.
@ c_accept
Accept this event.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
double localPosition
Local coordinate.
Definition: KLMDQM2Module.h:76
const KLMDigit * digit
Definition: KLMDQM2Module.h:82
const ExtHit * hit
Extrapolation hit.
Definition: KLMDQM2Module.h:79