Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <tracking/modules/mcMatcher/MCRecoTracksMatcherModule.h>
10// hit types
11#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDCluster.h>
12#include <svd/dataobjects/SVDCluster.h>
13#include <cdc/dataobjects/CDCHit.h>
14#include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
15#include <mdst/dataobjects/TrackFitResult.h>
17#include <map>
19#include <Eigen/Dense>
21using namespace Belle2;
25namespace {
26 // small anonymous helper construct making converting a pair of iterators usable
27 // with range based for
28 template <class Iter>
29 struct iter_pair_range : std::pair<Iter, Iter> {
30 explicit iter_pair_range(std::pair<Iter, Iter> const& x)
31 : std::pair<Iter, Iter>(x)
32 {
33 }
35 Iter begin() const
36 {
37 return this->first;
38 }
40 Iter end() const
41 {
42 return this->second;
43 }
45 bool empty() const
46 {
47 return begin() == end();
48 }
49 };
51 template <class Iter>
52 inline iter_pair_range<Iter> as_range(std::pair<Iter, Iter> const& x)
53 {
54 return iter_pair_range<Iter>(x);
55 }
57 using DetId = Const::EDetector;
58 using HitId = int;
59 using RecoTrackId = int;
60 struct WeightedRecoTrackId {
61 operator int() const { return id; }
62 RecoTrackId id;
63 double weight;
64 };
66 using DetHitIdPair = std::pair<DetId, HitId>;
68 struct CompDetHitIdPair {
69 bool operator()(const std::pair<DetId, HitId>& lhs,
70 const std::pair<std::pair<DetId, HitId>, WeightedRecoTrackId>& rhs)
71 {
72 return lhs < rhs.first;
73 }
75 bool operator()(const std::pair<std::pair<DetId, HitId>, WeightedRecoTrackId>& lhs,
76 const std::pair<DetId, HitId>& rhs)
77 {
78 return lhs.first < rhs;
79 }
80 };
82 // anonymous helper function to fill a set or a map with the hit IDs and det IDs (we need both a set or a map in the following).
83 template <class AMapOrSet>
84 void fillIDsFromStoreArray(AMapOrSet& recoTrackID_by_hitID,
85 const StoreArray<RecoTrack>& storedRecoTracks)
86 {
87 RecoTrackId recoTrackId = -1;
88 for (const RecoTrack& recoTrack : storedRecoTracks) {
89 ++recoTrackId;
90 std::vector<std::pair<DetHitIdPair, WeightedRecoTrackId> > hitIDsInTrack;
91 double totalWeight = 0;
92 using OriginTrackFinder = RecoHitInformation::OriginTrackFinder;
93 const OriginTrackFinder c_MCTrackFinderAuxiliaryHit =
94 OriginTrackFinder::c_MCTrackFinderAuxiliaryHit;
96 for (const RecoHitInformation::UsedCDCHit* cdcHit : recoTrack.getCDCHitList()) {
97 OriginTrackFinder originFinder = recoTrack.getFoundByTrackFinder(cdcHit);
98 double weight = originFinder == c_MCTrackFinderAuxiliaryHit ? 0 : 1;
99 totalWeight += weight;
100 hitIDsInTrack.push_back({{Const::CDC, cdcHit->getArrayIndex()}, {recoTrackId, weight}});
101 }
102 for (const RecoHitInformation::UsedSVDHit* svdHit : recoTrack.getSVDHitList()) {
103 OriginTrackFinder originFinder = recoTrack.getFoundByTrackFinder(svdHit);
104 double weight = originFinder == c_MCTrackFinderAuxiliaryHit ? 0 : 1;
105 totalWeight += weight;
106 hitIDsInTrack.push_back({{Const::SVD, svdHit->getArrayIndex()}, {recoTrackId, weight}});
107 }
108 for (const RecoHitInformation::UsedPXDHit* pxdHit : recoTrack.getPXDHitList()) {
109 OriginTrackFinder originFinder = recoTrack.getFoundByTrackFinder(pxdHit);
110 double weight = originFinder == c_MCTrackFinderAuxiliaryHit ? 0 : 1;
111 totalWeight += weight;
112 hitIDsInTrack.push_back({{Const::PXD, pxdHit->getArrayIndex()}, {recoTrackId, weight}});
113 }
115 // In case all hits are auxiliary for a track - reset all weights to 1
116 if (totalWeight == 0) {
117 for (std::pair<DetHitIdPair, WeightedRecoTrackId>& recoTrack_for_hitID : hitIDsInTrack) {
118 recoTrack_for_hitID.second.weight = 1;
119 }
120 }
122 // Commit to output
123 typename AMapOrSet::iterator itInsertHint = recoTrackID_by_hitID.end();
124 for (std::pair<DetHitIdPair, WeightedRecoTrackId>& recoTrack_for_hitID : hitIDsInTrack) {
125 itInsertHint = recoTrackID_by_hitID.insert(itInsertHint, recoTrack_for_hitID);
126 }
127 }
128 }
132 : Module()
134 setDescription("This module compares reconstructed tracks generated by some pattern recognition "
135 "algorithm for PXD, SVD and/or CDC to ideal Monte Carlo tracks and performs a "
136 "matching from the former to the underlying MCParticles.");
140 //Parameter definition
141 // Inputs
142 addParam("prRecoTracksStoreArrayName",
144 "Name of the collection containing the tracks as generate a patter recognition algorithm to be evaluated ",
145 std::string(""));
147 addParam("mcRecoTracksStoreArrayName",
149 "Name of the collection containing the reference tracks as generate by a Monte-Carlo-Tracker (e.g. MCTrackFinder)",
150 std::string("MCGFTrackCands"));
152 addParam("TracksStoreArrayName",
154 "Name of the Tracks StoreArray to be used when checking fitted tracks.",
155 std::string(""));
157 // Hit content to be evaluated
158 addParam("UsePXDHits",
160 "Set true if PXDHits or PXDClusters should be used in the matching in case they are present",
161 true);
163 addParam("UseSVDHits",
165 "Set true if SVDHits or SVDClusters should be used in the matching in case they are present",
166 true);
168 addParam("UseCDCHits",
170 "Set true if CDCHits should be used in the matching in case they are present",
171 true);
173 addParam("UseOnlyAxialCDCHits",
175 "Set true if only the axial CDCHits should be used",
176 false);
178 addParam("MinimalPurity",
180 "Minimal purity of a PRTrack to be considered matchable to a MCTrack. "
181 "This number encodes how many correct hits are minimally need to compensate for a false hits. "
182 "The default 2.0 / 3.0 suggests that for each background hit can be compensated by two correct hits.",
183 2.0 / 3.0);
185 addParam("MinimalEfficiency",
187 "Minimal efficiency of a MCTrack to be considered matchable to a PRTrack. "
188 "This number encodes which fraction of the true hits must at least be in the reconstructed track. "
189 "The default 0.05 suggests that at least 5% of the true hits should have been picked up.",
190 0.05);
192 addParam("useFittedTracks",
194 "If true, it uses fitted tracks for matching. Note that the charge of the track can be different from\
195 the seed charge (that is provided by the pattern recognition) since the DAF can flip tracks.",
204 // Require both RecoTrack arrays and the MCParticles to be present in the DataStore
209 // Purity relation - for each PRTrack to store the purest MCTrack
212 // Efficiency relation - for each MCTrack to store the most efficient PRTrack
215 // MCParticle matching relation - purity
218 // MCParticle matching relation - efficiency
221 // Announce optional store arrays to the hits or clusters in case they should be used
222 // We make them optional in case of limited detector setup.
223 // PXD
224 if (m_usePXDHits) {
226 }
228 // SVD
229 if (m_useSVDHits) {
231 }
233 // CDC
234 if (m_useCDCHits) {
235 m_CDCHits.isOptional();
236 }
237 }
242 // Skip in the case there are no MC particles present.
243 if (not m_mcParticlesPresent) {
244 B2DEBUG(23, "Skipping MC Track Matcher as there are no MC Particles registered in the DataStore.");
245 return;
246 }
248 B2DEBUG(23, "########## MCRecoTracksMatcherModule ############");
250 int nMCRecoTracks = m_MCRecoTracks.getEntries();
251 int nPRRecoTracks = m_PRRecoTracks.getEntries();
253 B2DEBUG(23, "Number patter recognition tracks is " << nPRRecoTracks);
254 B2DEBUG(23, "Number Monte-Carlo tracks is " << nMCRecoTracks);
256 if (not nMCRecoTracks or not nPRRecoTracks) {
257 // Neither no pattern recognition tracks
258 // or no Monte Carlo tracks are present in this event
259 // Cannot perform matching.
260 return;
261 }
263 // ### Build a detector_id hit_id to reco track map for easier lookup later ###
264 std::multimap<DetHitIdPair, WeightedRecoTrackId > mcId_by_hitId;
265 fillIDsFromStoreArray(mcId_by_hitId, m_MCRecoTracks);
267 // Use set instead of multimap to handel to following situation
268 // * One hit may be assigned to multiple tracks should contribute to the efficiency of both tracks
269 // * One hit assigned twice or more to the same track should not contribute to the purity multiple times
270 // The first part is handled well by the multimap. But to enforce that one hit is also only assigned
271 // once to a track we use a set.
272 std::set<std::pair<DetHitIdPair, WeightedRecoTrackId>> prId_by_hitId;
273 fillIDsFromStoreArray(prId_by_hitId, m_PRRecoTracks);
275 // ### Get the number of relevant hits for each detector ###
276 // Since we are mostly dealing with indices in this module, this is all we need from the StoreArray
277 // Silently skip store arrays that are not present in reduced detector setups.
278 std::map<DetId, int> nHits_by_detId;
280 // PXD
281 if (m_usePXDHits) {
282 nHits_by_detId[Const::PXD] = m_PXDClusters.getEntries();
283 }
285 // SVD
286 if (m_useSVDHits) {
287 nHits_by_detId[Const::SVD] = m_SVDClusters.getEntries();
288 }
290 // CDC
291 if (m_useCDCHits) {
292 nHits_by_detId[Const::CDC] = m_CDCHits.getEntries();
293 }
295 //### Build the confusion matrix ###
297 // Reserve enough space for the confusion matrix
298 // The last row is meant for hits not assigned to a mcRecoTrack (aka background hits)
299 Eigen::MatrixXd confusionMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nPRRecoTracks, nMCRecoTracks + 1);
300 Eigen::MatrixXd weightedConfusionMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nPRRecoTracks, nMCRecoTracks + 1);
302 // Accumulated the total number of hits/ndf for each Monte-Carlo track separately to avoid double counting,
303 // in case patter recognition tracks share hits.
304 Eigen::RowVectorXd totalNDF_by_mcId = Eigen::RowVectorXd::Zero(nMCRecoTracks + 1);
305 Eigen::RowVectorXd totalWeight_by_mcId = Eigen::RowVectorXd::Zero(nMCRecoTracks + 1);
307 // Accumulated the total number of hits/ndf for each pattern recognition track separately to avoid double counting,
308 // in case Monte-Carlo tracks share hits.
309 Eigen::VectorXd totalNDF_by_prId = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(nPRRecoTracks);
311 // Column index for the hits not assigned to any MCRecoTrack
312 const int mcBkgId = nMCRecoTracks;
314 // for each detector examine every hit to which mcRecoTrack and prRecoTrack it belongs
315 // if the hit is not part of any mcRecoTrack put the hit in the background column.
316 for (const std::pair<const DetId, NDF>& detId_nHits_pair : nHits_by_detId) {
318 DetId detId = detId_nHits_pair.first;
319 int nHits = detId_nHits_pair.second;
320 NDF ndfForOneHit = m_ndf_by_detId[detId];
322 for (HitId hitId = 0; hitId < nHits; ++hitId) {
323 DetHitIdPair detId_hitId_pair(detId, hitId);
325 if (m_useOnlyAxialCDCHits and detId == Const::CDC) {
326 StoreArray<CDCHit> cdcHits;
327 const CDCHit* cdcHit = cdcHits[hitId];
328 if (cdcHit->getISuperLayer() % 2 != 0) {
329 // Skip stereo hits
330 continue;
331 }
332 }
334 // Seek all Monte Carlo tracks with the given hit
335 const auto mcIds_for_detId_hitId_pair =
336 as_range(mcId_by_hitId.equal_range(detId_hitId_pair));
338 // Seek all pattern recognition tracks with the given hit
339 const auto prIds_for_detId_hitId_pair =
340 as_range(std::equal_range(prId_by_hitId.begin(),
341 prId_by_hitId.end(),
342 detId_hitId_pair,
343 CompDetHitIdPair()));
345 // Assign the hits/ndf to the total ndf vector separately to avoid double counting,
346 // if patter recognition track share hits.
347 if (mcIds_for_detId_hitId_pair.empty()) {
348 // If the hit is not assigned to any mcRecoTrack
349 // The hit is assigned to the background column
350 RecoTrackId mcId = mcBkgId;
351 double mcWeight = 1;
352 totalNDF_by_mcId(mcId) += ndfForOneHit;
353 totalWeight_by_mcId(mcId) += ndfForOneHit * mcWeight;
354 } else {
355 for (const auto& detId_hitId_pair_and_mcId : mcIds_for_detId_hitId_pair) {
356 int mcId = detId_hitId_pair_and_mcId.second;
357 double mcWeight = detId_hitId_pair_and_mcId.second.weight;
358 totalNDF_by_mcId(mcId) += ndfForOneHit;
359 totalWeight_by_mcId(mcId) += ndfForOneHit * mcWeight;
360 }
361 }
363 // Assign the hits/ndf to the total ndf vector separately here to avoid double counting,
364 // if Monte-Carlo track share hits.
365 for (const auto& detId_hitId_pair_and_prId : prIds_for_detId_hitId_pair) {
366 RecoTrackId prId = detId_hitId_pair_and_prId.second;
367 totalNDF_by_prId(prId) += ndfForOneHit;
368 }
370 // Fill the confusion matrix
371 for (const auto& detId_hitId_pair_and_prId : prIds_for_detId_hitId_pair) {
372 int prId = detId_hitId_pair_and_prId.second;
373 if (mcIds_for_detId_hitId_pair.empty()) {
374 int mcId = mcBkgId;
375 double mcWeight = 1;
376 confusionMatrix(prId, mcId) += ndfForOneHit;
377 weightedConfusionMatrix(prId, mcId) += ndfForOneHit * mcWeight;
378 } else {
379 for (const auto& detId_hitId_pair_and_mcId : mcIds_for_detId_hitId_pair) {
380 int mcId = detId_hitId_pair_and_mcId.second;
381 double mcWeight = detId_hitId_pair_and_mcId.second.weight;
382 confusionMatrix(prId, mcId) += ndfForOneHit;
383 weightedConfusionMatrix(prId, mcId) += ndfForOneHit * mcWeight;
384 }
385 }
386 } // end for
387 } // end for hitId
388 } // end for detId
390 B2DEBUG(24, "Confusion matrix of the event : " << std::endl << confusionMatrix);
391 B2DEBUG(24, "Weighted confusion matrix of the event : " << std::endl << weightedConfusionMatrix);
393 B2DEBUG(24, "totalNDF_by_mcId : " << std::endl << totalNDF_by_mcId);
394 B2DEBUG(24, "totalWeight_by_mcId : " << std::endl << totalWeight_by_mcId);
396 B2DEBUG(24, "totalNDF_by_prId : " << std::endl << totalNDF_by_prId);
398 Eigen::MatrixXd purityMatrix = confusionMatrix.array().colwise() / totalNDF_by_prId.array();
399 Eigen::MatrixXd efficiencyMatrix = confusionMatrix.array().rowwise() / totalNDF_by_mcId.array();
400 Eigen::MatrixXd weightedEfficiencyMatrix = weightedConfusionMatrix.array().rowwise() / totalWeight_by_mcId.array();
402 B2DEBUG(23, "Purities");
403 B2DEBUG(23, purityMatrix);
405 B2DEBUG(23, "Efficiencies");
406 B2DEBUG(23, efficiencyMatrix);
408 B2DEBUG(23, "Weighted efficiencies");
409 B2DEBUG(23, weightedEfficiencyMatrix);
411 // ### Building the Monte-Carlo track to highest efficiency patter recognition track relation ###
412 // Weighted efficiency
413 using Efficiency = float;
414 using Purity = float;
416 struct MostWeightEfficientPRId {
417 RecoTrackId id;
418 Efficiency weightedEfficiency;
419 // cppcheck-suppress unusedStructMember
420 Efficiency efficiency;
421 };
422 std::vector<MostWeightEfficientPRId> mostWeightEfficientPRId_by_mcId(nMCRecoTracks);
423 for (RecoTrackId mcId = 0; mcId < nMCRecoTracks; ++mcId) {
424 Eigen::VectorXd efficiencyCol = efficiencyMatrix.col(mcId);
425 Eigen::VectorXd weightedEfficiencyCol = weightedEfficiencyMatrix.col(mcId);
427 RecoTrackId bestPrId = 0;
428 Efficiency bestWeightedEfficiency = weightedEfficiencyCol(0);
429 Efficiency bestEfficiency = efficiencyCol(0);
430 Purity bestPurity = purityMatrix.row(0)(mcId);
432 // Reject efficiency smaller than the minimal one
433 if (bestWeightedEfficiency < m_minimalEfficiency) {
434 bestWeightedEfficiency = 0;
435 }
437 // In case of a tie in the weighted efficiency we use the regular efficiency to break it.
438 for (RecoTrackId prId = 1; prId < nPRRecoTracks; ++prId) {
439 Eigen::RowVectorXd purityRow = purityMatrix.row(prId);
441 Efficiency currentWeightedEfficiency = weightedEfficiencyCol(prId);
442 Efficiency currentEfficiency = efficiencyCol(prId);
443 Purity currentPurity = purityRow(mcId);
445 // Reject efficiency smaller than the minimal one
446 if (currentWeightedEfficiency < m_minimalEfficiency) {
447 currentWeightedEfficiency = 0;
448 }
450 if (std::tie(currentWeightedEfficiency, currentEfficiency, currentPurity) >
451 std::tie(bestWeightedEfficiency, bestEfficiency, bestPurity)) {
452 bestPrId = prId;
453 bestEfficiency = currentEfficiency;
454 bestWeightedEfficiency = currentWeightedEfficiency;
455 bestPurity = currentPurity;
456 }
457 }
459 bestWeightedEfficiency = weightedEfficiencyCol(bestPrId);
460 bestEfficiency = efficiencyCol(bestPrId);
461 mostWeightEfficientPRId_by_mcId[mcId] = {bestPrId, bestWeightedEfficiency, bestEfficiency};
462 }
464 // ### Building the patter recognition track to highest purity Monte-Carlo track relation ###
465 // Unweighted purity
466 struct MostPureMCId {
467 RecoTrackId id;
468 Purity purity;
469 };
471 std::vector<MostPureMCId> mostPureMCId_by_prId(nPRRecoTracks);
472 for (int prId = 0; prId < nPRRecoTracks; ++prId) {
473 Eigen::RowVectorXd purityRow = purityMatrix.row(prId);
475 int mcId;
476 Purity highestPurity = purityRow.maxCoeff(&mcId);
478 mostPureMCId_by_prId[prId] = {mcId, highestPurity};
479 }
481 // Log the Monte-Carlo track to highest efficiency patter recognition track relation
482 // Weighted efficiency
483 {
484 RecoTrackId mcId = -1;
485 B2DEBUG(24, "MCTrack to highest weighted efficiency PRTrack relation");
486 for (const auto& mostWeightEfficientPRId_for_mcId : mostWeightEfficientPRId_by_mcId) {
487 ++mcId;
488 const Efficiency& weightedEfficiency = mostWeightEfficientPRId_for_mcId.weightedEfficiency;
489 const RecoTrackId& prId =;
490 B2DEBUG(24,
491 "mcId : " << mcId << " -> prId : " << prId << " with weighted efficiency "
492 << weightedEfficiency);
493 }
494 }
496 // Log the patter recognition track to highest purity Monte-Carlo track relation
497 // Unweighted purity
498 {
499 RecoTrackId prId = -1;
500 B2DEBUG(24, "PRTrack to highest purity MCTrack relation");
501 for (const auto& mostPureMCId_for_prId : mostPureMCId_by_prId) {
502 ++prId;
503 const RecoTrackId& mcId =;
504 const Purity& purity = mostPureMCId_for_prId.purity;
505 B2DEBUG(24, "prId : " << prId << " -> mcId : " << mcId << " with purity " << purity);
506 }
507 }
509 // Count the categories
510 int nMatched{}, nWrongCharge{}, nBackground{}, nClones{}, nClonesWrongCharge{}, nGhost{};
512 // ### Classify the patter recognition tracks ###
513 // Means saving the highest purity relation to the data store
514 // + setup the PRTrack to MCParticle relation
515 // + save the set the MatchingStatus
516 for (RecoTrackId prId = 0; prId < nPRRecoTracks; ++prId) {
517 RecoTrack* prRecoTrack = m_PRRecoTracks[prId];
519 const MostPureMCId& mostPureMCId = mostPureMCId_by_prId[prId];
521 const RecoTrackId& mcId =;
522 const Purity& purity = mostPureMCId.purity;
524 // GHOST
525 if (not(purity > 0) or not(purity >= m_minimalPurity)) {
526 prRecoTrack->setMatchingStatus(RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_ghost);
528 B2DEBUG(23, "Stored PRTrack " << prId << " as ghost because of too low purity");
529 ++nGhost;
530 continue;
531 }
534 if (mcId == mcBkgId) {
535 prRecoTrack->setMatchingStatus(RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_background);
537 B2DEBUG(23, "Stored PRTrack " << prId << " as background because of too low purity.");
538 ++nBackground;
539 continue;
540 }
542 // After the classification for bad purity and background we examine,
543 // whether the highest purity Monte-Carlo track has in turn the highest efficiency
544 // patter recognition track equal to this track.
545 // All extra patter recognition tracks are marked as clones.
547 RecoTrack* mcRecoTrack = m_MCRecoTracks[mcId];
548 MCParticle* mcParticle = mcRecoTrack->getRelated<MCParticle>();
550 B2ASSERT("No relation from MCRecoTrack to MCParticle.", mcParticle);
552 const MostWeightEfficientPRId& mostWeightEfficientPRId_for_mcId =
553 mostWeightEfficientPRId_by_mcId[mcId];
555 const RecoTrackId& mostWeightEfficientPRId =;
556 const Efficiency& weightedEfficiency = mostWeightEfficientPRId_for_mcId.weightedEfficiency;
557 // const Efficiency& efficiency = mostWeightEfficientPRId_for_mcId.efficiency;
559 // find the true charge and reconstructed charge
560 const short MCParticleTrackCharge = mcParticle->getCharge() > 0 ? 1 : -1;
561 short foundTrackCharge = prRecoTrack->getChargeSeed();
562 if (m_useFittedTracks) {
563 const RelationVector<Track> fittedTracks = prRecoTrack->getRelationsFrom<Track>(m_TracksStoreArrayName);
564 short nPositiveCharges = 0;
565 short nNegativeCharges = 0;
569 if (fittedTracks.size() > 0) {
571 for (const auto& fittedTrack : fittedTracks) {
573 // catch rare case we track long lived non-chargedStable particles (e.g. Sigma)
574 try {
575 const TrackFitResult* trackFitResult = fittedTrack.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(Const::ChargedStable(std::abs(
576 mcParticle->getPDG())));
577 trackFitResult->getChargeSign() > 0 ? nPositiveCharges++ : nNegativeCharges++;
578 } catch (...) {
579 const TrackFitResult* trackFitResult = fittedTrack.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(Const::pion);
580 trackFitResult->getChargeSign() > 0 ? nPositiveCharges++ : nNegativeCharges++;
581 }
582 }
583 }
584 if (nPositiveCharges > 0 and nNegativeCharges > 0) {
585 B2DEBUG(23,
586 "There are different charges attributed to the same track, this shouldn't happen. Continue with the majority of positive or negative charges");
587 }
588 // Only use nPositiveCharges and nNegativeCharges to assign a new value to foundTrackCharge if at least one fitted Tracks exists
589 // and at least one of the two values is > 0
590 if (fittedTracks.size() > 0 and (nPositiveCharges > 0 or nNegativeCharges > 0)) {
591 foundTrackCharge = nPositiveCharges > nNegativeCharges ? 1 : -1;
592 }
593 }
595 // Note : The matched category may also contain higher order clones recognisable by their low
596 // absolute efficiency
598 // MATCHED
599 if (prId == mostWeightEfficientPRId) {
600 if (foundTrackCharge != MCParticleTrackCharge) {
601 prRecoTrack->setMatchingStatus(RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_matchedWrongCharge);
602 ++nWrongCharge;
603 } else {
604 prRecoTrack->setMatchingStatus(RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_matched);
605 ++nMatched;
606 }
607 // Setup the relation purity relation
608 // regardless of the charge matching
609 prRecoTrack->addRelationTo(mcRecoTrack, purity);
611 // Add the mc matching relation
612 prRecoTrack->addRelationTo(mcParticle, purity);
614 B2DEBUG(23, "Stored PRTrack " << prId << " as matched.");
615 B2DEBUG(23, "MC Match prId " << prId << " to mcPartId " << mcParticle->getArrayIndex());
616 B2DEBUG(23, "Purity rel: prId " << prId << " -> mcId " << mcId << " : " << purity);
617 continue;
618 }
620 // GHOST
621 // Pattern recognition track fails the minimal efficiency requirement to be matched.
622 // We might want to introduce a different classification here, if we see problems
623 // with too many ghosts and want to investigate the specific source of the mismatch.
624 if (not(weightedEfficiency >= m_minimalEfficiency)) {
625 prRecoTrack->setMatchingStatus(RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_ghost);
626 B2DEBUG(23, "Stored PRTrack " << prId << " as ghost because of too low efficiency.");
627 ++nGhost;
628 continue;
629 }
631 // Final category
632 // CLONE
633 if (foundTrackCharge != MCParticleTrackCharge) {
634 prRecoTrack->setMatchingStatus(RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_cloneWrongCharge);
635 ++nClonesWrongCharge;
636 } else {
637 prRecoTrack->setMatchingStatus(RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_clone);
638 ++nClones;
639 }
640 // Setup the relation purity relation
641 // regardless whether the charge is correctly reconstructed or not
642 prRecoTrack->addRelationTo(mcRecoTrack, -purity);
643 prRecoTrack->addRelationTo(mcParticle, -purity);
645 // Add the mc matching relation to the mc particle
646 B2DEBUG(23, "Stored PRTrack " << prId << " as clone.");
647 B2DEBUG(23, "MC Match prId " << prId << " to mcPartId " << mcParticle->getArrayIndex());
648 B2DEBUG(23, "Purity rel: prId " << prId << " -> mcId " << mcId << " : " << -purity);
649 } // end for prId
653 B2DEBUG(23, "Number of matches " << nMatched);
654 B2DEBUG(23, "Number of wrongCharge " << nWrongCharge);
655 B2DEBUG(23, "Number of clones " << nClones);
656 B2DEBUG(23, "Number of clones wrongCharge " << nClonesWrongCharge);
657 B2DEBUG(23, "Number of bkg " << nBackground);
658 B2DEBUG(23, "Number of ghost " << nGhost);
660 // ### Classify the Monte-Carlo tracks ###
661 // Meaning save the highest weighted efficiency relation to the data store.
662 for (RecoTrackId mcId = 0; mcId < nMCRecoTracks; ++mcId) {
663 RecoTrack* mcRecoTrack = m_MCRecoTracks[mcId];
664 MCParticle* mcParticle = mcRecoTrack->getRelated<MCParticle>();
666 const MostWeightEfficientPRId& mostWeightEfficiencyPRId = mostWeightEfficientPRId_by_mcId[mcId];
668 const RecoTrackId& prId =;
669 const Efficiency& weightedEfficiency = mostWeightEfficiencyPRId.weightedEfficiency;
670 // const Efficiency& efficiency = mostWeightEfficiencyPRId.efficiency;
672 B2ASSERT("Index of pattern recognition tracks out of range.", prId < nPRRecoTracks and prId >= 0);
674 RecoTrack* prRecoTrack = m_PRRecoTracks[prId];
676 const MostPureMCId& mostPureMCId_for_prId = mostPureMCId_by_prId[prId];
677 const RecoTrackId& mostPureMCId =;
679 // MATCHED
680 if (mcId == mostPureMCId and
681 (prRecoTrack->getMatchingStatus() == RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_matched or
682 prRecoTrack->getMatchingStatus() == RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_matchedWrongCharge or
683 prRecoTrack->getMatchingStatus() == RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_clone or
684 prRecoTrack->getMatchingStatus() == RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_cloneWrongCharge)) {
685 // Setup the relation with positive weighted efficiency for this case.
686 mcRecoTrack->addRelationTo(prRecoTrack, weightedEfficiency);
687 mcParticle->addRelationTo(prRecoTrack, weightedEfficiency);
688 B2DEBUG(23, "Efficiency rel: mcId " << mcId << " -> prId " << prId << " : " << weightedEfficiency);
689 continue;
690 }
692 // MERGED
693 // This MCTrack has a significant portion of hits in a PRTrack
694 // which in turn better describes a MCTrack different form this.
695 // Setup the relation with negative weighted efficiency for this case.
696 bool isMergedMCRecoTrack =
697 (weightedEfficiency >= m_minimalEfficiency) and
698 (prRecoTrack->getMatchingStatus() == RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_matched or
699 prRecoTrack->getMatchingStatus() == RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_matchedWrongCharge or
700 prRecoTrack->getMatchingStatus() == RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_clone or
701 prRecoTrack->getMatchingStatus() == RecoTrack::MatchingStatus::c_cloneWrongCharge);
703 if (isMergedMCRecoTrack) {
704 mcRecoTrack->addRelationTo(prRecoTrack, -weightedEfficiency);
705 mcParticle->addRelationTo(prRecoTrack, -weightedEfficiency);
706 B2DEBUG(23, "Efficiency rel: mcId " << mcId << " -> prId " << prId << " : " << -weightedEfficiency);
707 continue;
708 }
710 // MISSING
711 // No related pattern recognition track
712 // Do not create a relation.
713 B2DEBUG(23, "mcId " << mcId << " is missing. No relation created.");
714 B2DEBUG(23, "is Primary " << m_MCRecoTracks[mcId]->getRelatedTo<MCParticle>()->isPrimaryParticle());
715 B2DEBUG(23, "best prId " << prId << " with purity " << mostPureMCId_for_prId.purity << " -> " << mostPureMCId);
716 B2DEBUG(23, "MC Total ndf " << totalNDF_by_mcId[mcId]);
717 B2DEBUG(23, "MC Total weight " << totalWeight_by_mcId[mcId]);
718 B2DEBUG(23, "MC Overlap ndf\n " << confusionMatrix.col(mcId).transpose());
719 B2DEBUG(23, "MC Overlap weight\n " << weightedConfusionMatrix.col(mcId).transpose());
720 B2DEBUG(23, "MC Efficiencies for the track\n" << efficiencyMatrix.col(mcId).transpose());
721 B2DEBUG(23, "MC Weighted efficiencies for the track\n" << weightedEfficiencyMatrix.col(mcId).transpose());
722 } // end for mcId
724 B2DEBUG(23, "########## End MCRecoTracksMatcherModule ############");
726} //end event()
Class containing the result of the unpacker in raw data and the result of the digitizer in simulation...
Definition: CDCHit.h:40
unsigned short getISuperLayer() const
Getter for iSuperLayer.
Definition: CDCHit.h:184
Provides a type-safe way to pass members of the chargedStableSet set.
Definition: Const.h:589
Enum for identifying the detector components (detector and subdetector).
Definition: Const.h:42
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:661
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
int getArrayIndex() const
Get 0-based index of the particle in the corresponding MCParticle list.
Definition: MCParticle.h:244
float getCharge() const
Return the particle charge defined in TDatabasePDG.
int getPDG() const
Return PDG code of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:112
bool m_useCDCHits
Parameter : Switch whether CDCHits should be used in the matching.
StoreArray< SVDCluster > m_SVDClusters
StoreArray containing SVDClusters.
void initialize() final
Signal the beginning of the event processing.
std::string m_TracksStoreArrayName
Parameter : Name of the Tracks StoreArray.
int NDF
Descriptive type defintion for a number of degrees of freedom.
bool m_mcParticlesPresent
Flag to indicated whether the Monte Carlo track are on the DataStore.
Constructor setting up the parameter.
StoreArray< RecoTrack > m_PRRecoTracks
StoreArray containing PR RecoTracks.
double m_minimalPurity
Parameter : Minimal purity of a PRTrack to be considered matchable to a MCTrack.
double m_minimalEfficiency
Parameter : Minimal efficiency for a MCTrack to be considered matchable to a PRTrack.
void event() final
Process the event.
bool m_useFittedTracks
Use fitted tracks for matching.
StoreArray< PXDCluster > m_PXDClusters
StoreArray containing PXDClusters.
bool m_usePXDHits
Parameter : Switch whether PXDHits should be used in the matching.
StoreArray< RecoTrack > m_MCRecoTracks
StoreArray containing MC RecoTracks.
std::string m_prRecoTracksStoreArrayName
Parameter : Name of the RecoTracks StoreArray from pattern recognition.
std::map< int, NDF > m_ndf_by_detId
Map storing the standard number degrees of freedom for a single hit by detector *‍/.
bool m_useOnlyAxialCDCHits
Parameter : Switch whether only axial CDCHits should be used.
std::string m_mcRecoTracksStoreArrayName
Parameter : Name of the RecoTracks StoreArray from MC track finding.
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_MCParticles
StoreArray containing MCParticles.
StoreArray< CDCHit > m_CDCHits
StoreArray containing CDCHits.
bool m_useSVDHits
Parameter : Switch whether SVDHits should be used in the matching.
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
The PXD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed PXD clusters The position...
Definition: PXDCluster.h:30
The TrackFinder which has added the hit to the track.
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
void setMatchingStatus(MatchingStatus matchingStatus)
Set the matching status (used by the TrackMatcher module)
Definition: RecoTrack.h:835
MatchingStatus getMatchingStatus() const
Return the matching status set by the TrackMatcher module.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:829
short int getChargeSeed() const
Return the charge seed stored in the reco track. ATTENTION: This is not the fitted charge.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:508
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
size_t size() const
Get number of relations.
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).
RelationVector< FROM > getRelationsFrom(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the relations that point from another store array to this object.
T * getRelated(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.
The SVD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed SVD clusters.
Definition: SVDCluster.h:29
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
bool isOptional(const std::string &name="")
Tell the DataStore about an optional input.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
bool registerRelationTo(const StoreArray< TO > &toArray, DataStore::EDurability durability=DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Register a relation to the given StoreArray.
Definition: StoreArray.h:140
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis.
short getChargeSign() const
Return track charge (1 or -1).
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.