Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
12#include <simulation/dataobjects/SimHitBase.h>
14namespace Belle2 {
26 class MicrotpcMetaHit : public SimHitBase {
27 public:
33 m_IHER(0), m_PHER(0), m_tHER(0), m_flagHER(0),
34 m_ILER(0), m_PLER(0), m_tLER(0), m_flagLER(0) {}
36 MicrotpcMetaHit(int detNb, int pixNb,
37 int ts_nb, const double ts_start[10], const double ts_stop[10],
38 const float Temperature[4], const float Pressure[2], const float Flow[2], float SetFlow, float GetFlow,
39 double IHER, double PHER, double tHER, int flagHER,
40 double ILER, double PLER, double tLER, int flagLER):
41 m_detNb(detNb), m_pixNb(pixNb), m_ts_nb(ts_nb), m_SetFlow(SetFlow), m_GetFlow(GetFlow),
42 m_IHER(IHER), m_PHER(PHER), m_tHER(tHER), m_flagHER(flagHER),
43 m_ILER(ILER), m_PLER(PLER), m_tLER(tLER), m_flagLER(flagLER)
44 {
45 std::copy(ts_start, ts_start + 10, m_ts_start);
46 std::copy(ts_stop, ts_stop + 10, m_ts_stop);
47 std::copy(Temperature, Temperature + 4, m_Temperature);
48 std::copy(Pressure, Pressure + 2, m_Pressure);
49 std::copy(Flow, Flow + 2, m_Flow);
50 }
53 int getdetNb() const { return m_detNb; }
55 int getpixNb() const { return m_pixNb; }
57 int getts_nb() const { return m_ts_nb; }
59 const double* getts_start() const { return m_ts_start; }
61 const double* getts_stop() const { return m_ts_stop; }
63 const float* getTemperature() const { return m_Temperature; }
65 const float* getPressure() const { return m_Pressure; }
67 const float* getFlow() const { return m_Flow; }
69 float getSetFlow() const { return m_SetFlow; }
71 float getGetFlow() const { return m_GetFlow; }
73 double getIHER() const { return m_IHER; }
75 double getPHER() const { return m_PHER; }
77 double gettHER() const { return m_tHER; }
79 double getflagHER() const { return m_flagHER; }
81 double getILER() const { return m_ILER; }
83 double getPLER() const { return m_PLER; }
85 double gettLER() const { return m_tLER; }
87 double getflagLER() const { return m_flagLER; }
89 private:
98 double m_ts_start[10];
100 double m_ts_stop[10];
104 float m_Pressure[2];
106 float m_Flow[2];
112 double m_IHER;
114 double m_PHER;
116 double m_tHER;
118 double m_flagHER;
120 double m_ILER;
122 double m_PLER;
124 double m_tLER;
126 double m_flagLER;
129 };
132} // end namespace Belle2
ClassMicrotpcMetaHit - digitization simulated metahit for the Microtpc detector.
double getflagHER() const
Return HER injection flag.
double getIHER() const
Return HER current.
double m_PLER
LER pressure.
int m_ts_nb
Time stamp number.
double m_IHER
HER current.
float getGetFlow() const
Return TPC slow control get flow.
default constructor for ROOT
float getSetFlow() const
Return TPC slow control set flow.
double gettHER() const
Return HER beam life time.
double m_PHER
HER pressure.
double m_ts_stop[10]
Stop time stamp.
const float * getTemperature() const
Return TPC temperature.
double getflagLER() const
Return HER injection flag.
int m_pixNb
Pixel number.
int getdetNb() const
Return the TPC number.
int getts_nb() const
Return the number of time stamp.
const float * getFlow() const
Return TPC flow.
int m_detNb
Detector Number.
const float * getPressure() const
Return TPC pressure.
const double * getts_stop() const
Return stop readout time stamp.
float m_Pressure[2]
const double * getts_start() const
Return start readout time stamp.
float m_Temperature[4]
int getpixNb() const
Return the pixel number firing.
double getPHER() const
Return HER average pressure.
double m_flagLER
LER injection flag.
double m_ts_start[10]
Start time stamp.
double getPLER() const
Return LER average pressure.
double m_ILER
LER current.
double m_flagHER
HER injection flag.
double gettLER() const
Return HER beam life time.
double getILER() const
Return LER current.
MicrotpcMetaHit(int detNb, int pixNb, int ts_nb, const double ts_start[10], const double ts_stop[10], const float Temperature[4], const float Pressure[2], const float Flow[2], float SetFlow, float GetFlow, double IHER, double PHER, double tHER, int flagHER, double ILER, double PLER, double tLER, int flagLER)
Meta hit store array.
ClassDef(RelationsInterface, 0)
defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
Class SimHitBase - A common base for subdetector SimHits.
Definition: SimHitBase.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.