Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <pxd/modules/pxdBackground/PXDBackgroundModule.h>
10#include <framework/datastore/DataStore.h>
11#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
12#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
13#include <framework/datastore/RelationArray.h>
15#include <framework/dataobjects/FileMetaData.h>
16#include <framework/dataobjects/BackgroundMetaData.h>
17#include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
18#include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
19#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDSimHit.h>
20#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDTrueHit.h>
21#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDDigit.h>
22#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDCluster.h>
23#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDEnergyDepositionEvent.h>
24#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDNeutronFluxEvent.h>
25#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDOccupancyEvent.h>
26#include <cmath>
27#include <fstream>
28#include <boost/format.hpp>
30using namespace std;
31using boost::format;
32using namespace Belle2;
33using namespace Belle2::PXD;
38// Register the Module
44// Implementation
48 Module(), m_outputDirectoryName(""),
49 m_doseReportingLevel(c_reportNTuple),
50 m_nfluxReportingLevel(c_reportNTuple),
51 m_occupancyReportingLevel(c_reportNTuple),
52 m_componentName(""), m_componentTime(0), m_integrationTime(20),
53 m_nielNeutrons(new TNiel(c_niel_neutronFile)),
54 m_nielProtons(new TNiel(c_niel_protonFile)),
55 m_nielPions(new TNiel(c_niel_pionFile)),
56 m_nielElectrons(new TNiel(c_niel_electronFile))
58 //Set module properties
59 setDescription("PXD background module");
60 setPropertyFlags(c_ParallelProcessingCertified); // specify this flag if you need parallel processing
61 // FIXME: This information can in principle be extracted from bg files, though not trivially.
62 addParam("componentName", m_componentName, "Background component name to process", m_componentName);
63 addParam("componentTime", m_componentTime, "Background component time", m_componentTime);
64 addParam("integrationTime", m_integrationTime, "PXD integration time", m_integrationTime);
65 addParam("doseReportingLevel", m_doseReportingLevel, "0 - no data, 1 - summary only, 2 - summary + ntuple", m_doseReportingLevel);
66 addParam("nfluxReportingLevel", m_nfluxReportingLevel, "0 - no data, 1 - summary only, 2 - summary + ntuple",
68 addParam("occupancyReportingLevel", m_occupancyReportingLevel, "0 - no data, 1 - summary only, 2 - summary + ntuple",
70 addParam("outputDirectory", m_outputDirectoryName, "Name of output directory", m_outputDirectoryName);
73const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& PXDBackgroundModule::pointToGlobal(VxdID sensorID, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& local)
75 static ROOT::Math::XYZVector result(0, 0, 0);
77 const PXD::SensorInfo& info = getInfo(sensorID);
78 result = info.pointToGlobal(local);
79 return result;
82const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& PXDBackgroundModule::vectorToGlobal(VxdID sensorID, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& local)
84 static ROOT::Math::XYZVector result(0, 0, 0);
86 const PXD::SensorInfo& info = getInfo(sensorID);
87 result = info.vectorToGlobal(local);
88 return result;
97 //Register collections
106 RelationArray relDigitsMCParticles(storeDigits, storeMCParticles);
107 RelationArray relDigitsTrueHits(storeDigits, storeTrueHits);
108 RelationArray relMCParticlesTrueHits(storeMCParticles, storeTrueHits);
109 RelationArray relTrueHitsSimHits(storeTrueHits, storeSimHits);
111 // Add two new StoreArrays
113 storeEnergyDeposits.registerInDataStore();
115 storeNeutronFluxes.registerInDataStore();
117 storeOccupancyEvents.registerInDataStore();
119 //Store names to speed up creation later
120 m_storeFileMetaDataName = storeFileMetaData.getName();
121 m_storeBgMetaDataName = storeBgMetaData.getName();
122 m_storeMCParticlesName = storeMCParticles.getName();
123 m_storeSimHitsName = storeSimHits.getName();
124 m_storeTrueHitsName = storeTrueHits.getName();
125 m_storeDigitsName = storeDigits.getName();
126 m_relDigitsMCParticlesName = relDigitsMCParticles.getName();
127 m_relDigitsTrueHitsName = relDigitsTrueHits.getName();
128 m_relParticlesTrueHitsName = relMCParticlesTrueHits.getName();
129 m_relTrueHitsSimHitsName = relTrueHitsSimHits.getName();
130 m_storeEnergyDepositsName = storeEnergyDeposits.getName();
131 m_storeNeutronFluxesName = storeNeutronFluxes.getName();
143 //Register collections
146 const StoreArray<MCParticle> storeMCParticles(m_storeMCParticlesName);
147 const StoreArray<PXDSimHit> storeSimHits(m_storeSimHitsName);
148 const StoreArray<PXDTrueHit> storeTrueHits(m_storeTrueHitsName);
149 const StoreArray<PXDDigit> storeDigits(m_storeDigitsName);
150 const StoreArray<PXDCluster> storeClsuters(m_storeClustersName);
152 // Add two new StoreArrays
157 // Relations
158 RelationArray relDigitsMCParticles(storeDigits, storeMCParticles, m_relDigitsMCParticlesName);
159 RelationArray relDigitsTrueHits(storeDigits, storeTrueHits, m_relDigitsTrueHitsName);
160 RelationArray relTrueHitsSimHits(storeTrueHits, storeSimHits, m_relTrueHitsSimHitsName);
161 RelationArray relTrueHitsMCParticles(storeMCParticles, storeTrueHits, m_relParticlesTrueHitsName);
163 // unsigned long numberOfEvents = storeFileMetaData->getNEvents();
164 double currentComponentTime = storeBgMetaData->getRealTime();
165 if (currentComponentTime != m_componentTime)
166 B2FATAL("Mismatch in component times:\n"
167 << "Steering file: " << m_componentTime << "\n"
168 << "Background file: " << currentComponentTime);
170 VxdID currentSensorID(0);
171 double currentSensorThickness(0);
172 double currentSensorArea(0);
174 // Exposition and dose
176 B2DEBUG(100, "Expo and dose");
177 currentSensorID.setID(0);
178 double currentSensorMass(0);
179 for (const PXDSimHit& hit : storeSimHits) {
180 // Update if we have a new sensor
181 VxdID sensorID = hit.getSensorID();
182 if (sensorID != currentSensorID) {
183 currentSensorID = sensorID;
184 currentSensorThickness = getSensorThickness(currentSensorID);
185 currentSensorMass = getSensorMass(currentSensorID);
186 currentSensorArea = getSensorArea(currentSensorID);
187 }
188 double hitEnergy = hit.getElectrons() * Const::ehEnergy;
189 // Dose in Gy/smy, normalize by sensor mass
190 m_sensorData[currentSensorID].m_dose +=
191 (hitEnergy / Unit::J) / (currentSensorMass / 1000) * (c_smy / currentComponentTime);
192 // Exposition in GeV/cm2/s
193 m_sensorData[currentSensorID].m_expo += hitEnergy / currentSensorArea / (currentComponentTime / Unit::s);
195 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector localPos = hit.getPosIn();
196 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector globalPos = pointToGlobal(currentSensorID, localPos);
197 float globalPosXYZ[3];
198 globalPos.GetCoordinates(globalPosXYZ);
199 storeEnergyDeposits.appendNew(
200 sensorID.getLayerNumber(), sensorID.getLadderNumber(), sensorID.getSensorNumber(),
201 hit.getPDGcode(), hit.getGlobalTime(),
202 localPos.X(), localPos.Y(), globalPosXYZ, hitEnergy,
203 (hitEnergy / Unit::J) / (currentSensorMass / 1000) / (currentComponentTime / Unit::s),
204 (hitEnergy / Unit::J) / currentSensorArea / (currentComponentTime / Unit::s)
205 );
206 }
207 }
208 }
210 // Neutron flux
212 B2DEBUG(100, "Neutron flux");
213 currentSensorID.setID(0);
214 for (const PXDTrueHit& hit : storeTrueHits) {
215 VxdID sensorID = hit.getSensorID();
216 // Update if we are on a new sensor
217 if (sensorID != currentSensorID) {
218 currentSensorID = sensorID;
219 currentSensorThickness = getSensorThickness(currentSensorID);
220 currentSensorArea = getSensorArea(currentSensorID);
221 }
222 // J(TrueHit) = abs(step)/thickness * correctionFactor;
223 ROOT::Math::XYZVector entryPos(hit.getEntryU(), hit.getEntryV(), hit.getEntryW());
224 ROOT::Math::XYZVector exitPos(hit.getExitU(), hit.getExitV(), hit.getExitW());
225 double stepLength = (exitPos - entryPos).R();
226 // Identify what particle we've got. We need type and kinetic energy.
227 // TODO: TrueHit must carry pdg or SimHit must carry energy.
228 // NOTE: MCParticles may get remapped, then SimHits still carry correct pdg.
229 const PXDSimHit* simhit = hit.getRelatedTo<PXDSimHit>();
230 if (!simhit) { //either something is very wrong, or we just don't have the relation. Try to find an appropriate SimHit manually.
231 double minDistance = 1.0e10;
232 for (const PXDSimHit& related : storeSimHits) {
233 double distance = (entryPos - related.getPosIn()).R();
234 if (distance < minDistance) {
235 minDistance = distance;
236 simhit = &related;
237 }
238 }
239 }
240 if (!simhit) {
241 B2WARNING("No related PXDSimHit found");
242 continue; //skip this true hit if the simhit is still null after setting it manually
243 }
244 // FIXME: Is there a difference between positrons and electrons wrt. NIEL?
245 // We fill neutronFluxBars with summary NIEL deposit for all kinds of particles by layer and component.
246 // Fluency plots are by component and are deposition histograms for a particular type of particle and compoonent.
247 // Special treatment of corrupt p's in TrueHits:
248 ROOT::Math::XYZVector hitMomentum(hit.getMomentum());
249 hitMomentum.SetX(std::isfinite(hitMomentum.X()) ? hitMomentum.X() : 0.0);
250 hitMomentum.SetY(std::isfinite(hitMomentum.Y()) ? hitMomentum.Y() : 0.0);
251 hitMomentum.SetZ(std::isfinite(hitMomentum.Z()) ? hitMomentum.Z() : 0.0);
252 int pdg = abs(simhit->getPDGcode());
253 double kineticEnergy(0.0);
254 double nielWeight(0.0);
255 if (pdg == Const::neutron.getPDGCode()) {
256 double m0 = Const::neutronMass;
257 kineticEnergy = sqrt(hitMomentum.Mag2() + m0 * m0) - m0;
258 nielWeight = m_nielNeutrons->getNielFactor(kineticEnergy / Unit::MeV);
259 }
260 if (pdg == Const::proton.getPDGCode()) {
261 double m0 = Const::protonMass;
262 kineticEnergy = sqrt(hitMomentum.Mag2() + m0 * m0) - m0;
263 nielWeight = m_nielProtons->getNielFactor(kineticEnergy / Unit::MeV);
264 }
265 if (pdg == Const::pi0.getPDGCode() || pdg == Const::pion.getPDGCode()) {
266 double m0 = Const::pi0Mass;
267 kineticEnergy = sqrt(hitMomentum.Mag2() + m0 * m0) - m0;
268 nielWeight = m_nielPions->getNielFactor(kineticEnergy / Unit::MeV);
269 }
270 if (pdg == Const::electron.getPDGCode()) {
271 double m0 = Const::electronMass;
272 kineticEnergy = sqrt(hitMomentum.Mag2() + m0 * m0) - m0;
273 nielWeight = m_nielElectrons->getNielFactor(kineticEnergy / Unit::MeV);
274 }
275 if (pdg == Const::photon.getPDGCode()) {
276 double m0 = 0.0;
277 kineticEnergy = sqrt(hitMomentum.Mag2() + m0 * m0) - m0;
278 }
280 // Only set weight for supported particles
281 nielWeight = std::isfinite(nielWeight) ? nielWeight : 0.0;
282 m_sensorData[currentSensorID].m_neutronFlux += nielWeight * stepLength / currentSensorThickness / currentSensorArea /
283 currentComponentTime * c_smy;
285 // Store data in a PXDNeutronFluxEvent object
287 ROOT::Math::XYZVector localPos(hit.getU(), hit.getV(), hit.getW());
288 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector globalPos = pointToGlobal(currentSensorID, localPos);
289 float globalPosXYZ[3];
290 globalPos.GetCoordinates(globalPosXYZ);
291 ROOT::Math::XYZVector localMom = hit.getMomentum();
292 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector globalMom = vectorToGlobal(currentSensorID, localMom);
293 float globalMomXYZ[3];
294 globalMom.GetCoordinates(globalMomXYZ);
295 storeNeutronFluxes.appendNew(
296 sensorID.getLayerNumber(), sensorID.getLadderNumber(), sensorID.getSensorNumber(),
297 simhit->getPDGcode(), simhit->getGlobalTime(),
298 hit.getU(), hit.getV(), globalPosXYZ, globalMomXYZ, kineticEnergy,
299 stepLength, nielWeight,
300 stepLength / currentSensorThickness / currentSensorArea / (currentComponentTime / Unit::s),
301 nielWeight * stepLength / currentSensorThickness / currentSensorArea / (currentComponentTime / Unit::s)
302 );
303 }
304 }
305 }
307 // Occupancy
309 B2DEBUG(100, "Fired pixels");
310 currentSensorID.setID(0);
311 double currentSensorCut = 0;
312 // Store fired pixels: count number of digits over threshold
313 std::map<VxdID, std::vector<float> > firedPixels;
314 for (const PXDDigit& storeDigit : storeDigits) {
315 // Filter out digits with signals below zero-suppression threshold
317 VxdID sensorID = storeDigit.getSensorID();
318 if (sensorID != currentSensorID) {
319 currentSensorID = sensorID;
320 auto info = getInfo(sensorID);
321 currentSensorCut = info.getChargeThreshold();
322 }
323 B2DEBUG(30, "Digit charge: " << storeDigit.getCharge() << " threshold: " << currentSensorCut);
324 if (storeDigit.getCharge() < currentSensorCut) continue;
325 B2DEBUG(30, "Passed.");
326 firedPixels[sensorID].push_back(storeDigit.getCharge());
327 }
328 // Process the map
329 for (auto idAndSet : firedPixels) {
330 VxdID sensorID = idAndSet.first;
331 double sensorArea = getSensorArea(sensorID);
332 int nFired = idAndSet.second.size();
333 double fired = nFired / (currentComponentTime / Unit::s) / sensorArea;
334 m_sensorData[sensorID].m_fired += fired;
335 }
337 B2DEBUG(100, "Occupancy");
338 currentSensorID.setID(0);
339 int nPixels = 0;
340 for (auto cluster : storeClsuters) {
341 VxdID sensorID = cluster.getSensorID();
342 if (currentSensorID != sensorID) {
343 currentSensorID = sensorID;
344 auto info = getInfo(sensorID);
345 nPixels = info.getUCells() * info.getVCells();
346 }
348 double w_acceptance = m_integrationTime / currentComponentTime;
349 double occupancy = 1.0 / nPixels * cluster.getSize();
350 m_sensorData[sensorID].m_occupancy += w_acceptance * occupancy;
353 storeOccupancyEvents.appendNew(
354 sensorID.getLayerNumber(), sensorID.getLadderNumber(),
355 sensorID.getSensorNumber(),
356 cluster.getU(), cluster.getV(), cluster.getSize(),
357 cluster.getCharge(), occupancy
358 );
359 }
360 }
361 }
371 // Write out m_data
372 ofstream outfile;
373 string outfileName(m_outputDirectoryName + m_componentName + "_summary.txt");
374, ios::out | ios::trunc);
375 outfile << "component_name\t"
376 << "component_time\t"
377 << "layer\t"
378 << "ladder\t"
379 << "sensor\t"
380 << "dose\t"
381 << "expo\t"
382 << "neutronFlux\t"
383 << "fired\t"
384 << "occupancy"
385 << endl;
386 double componentTime = m_componentTime / Unit::us;
387 for (auto vxdSensor : m_sensorData) {
388 outfile << m_componentName.c_str() << "\t"
389 << componentTime << "\t"
390 << vxdSensor.first.getLayerNumber() << "\t"
391 << vxdSensor.first.getLadderNumber() << "\t"
392 << vxdSensor.first.getSensorNumber() << "\t"
393 << vxdSensor.second.m_dose << "\t"
394 << vxdSensor.second.m_expo << "\t"
395 << vxdSensor.second.m_neutronFlux << "\t"
396 << vxdSensor.second.m_fired << "\t"
397 << vxdSensor.second.m_occupancy
398 << endl;
399 }
400 outfile << endl;
double R
typedef autogenerated by FFTW
static const ParticleType neutron
neutron particle
Definition: Const.h:675
static const ParticleType pi0
neutral pion particle
Definition: Const.h:674
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:661
static const double electronMass
electron mass
Definition: Const.h:685
static const double neutronMass
neutron mass
Definition: Const.h:692
static const ChargedStable proton
proton particle
Definition: Const.h:663
static const double ehEnergy
Energy needed to create an electron-hole pair in Si at std.
Definition: Const.h:697
static const double protonMass
proton mass
Definition: Const.h:689
static const ParticleType photon
photon particle
Definition: Const.h:673
static const double pi0Mass
neutral pion mass
Definition: Const.h:691
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
Definition: Const.h:659
@ c_Persistent
Object is available during entire execution time.
Definition: DataStore.h:60
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
The PXD digit class.
Definition: PXDDigit.h:27
Class PXDSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the PXD.
Definition: PXDSimHit.h:24
Class PXDTrueHit - Records of tracks that either enter or leave the sensitive volume.
Definition: PXDTrueHit.h:31
static const unsigned short c_reportNTuple
Summary and NTuple.
std::string m_storeFileMetaDataName
Name of the persistent FileMetaData object.
unsigned short m_nfluxReportingLevel
0 - no data, 1 - summary only, 2 - ntuple
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & vectorToGlobal(VxdID sensorID, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &local)
Convert local vector coordinates to global.
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & pointToGlobal(VxdID sensorID, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &local)
Convert local sensor coordinates to global.
std::string m_storeEnergyDepositsName
PXDEnergyDepositEvents StoreArray name.
const double c_smy
Seconds in snowmass year.
unsigned short m_doseReportingLevel
0 - no data, 1 - summary only, 2 - ntuple
std::string m_storeOccupancyEventsName
PXDOccupancyEvents StoreArray name.
std::map< VxdID, SensorData > m_sensorData
Struct to hold sensor-wise background data.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize module.
std::string m_relTrueHitsSimHitsName
PXDTrueHitsToPXDSimHits RelationArray name.
double m_integrationTime
Integration time of PXD.
std::string m_relDigitsMCParticlesName
StoreArray name of PXDDigits to MCParticles relation.
virtual void event() override
Event processing.
double getSensorMass(VxdID sensorID) const
Return mass of the sensor with the given sensor ID.
static const unsigned short c_reportNone
No reporting.
virtual void endRun() override
End-of-run tasks.
std::string m_storeNeutronFluxesName
PXDNeutronFluxEvents StoreArray name.
std::string m_storeTrueHitsName
PXDTrueHits StoreArray name.
virtual void terminate() override
Final summary and cleanup.
std::unique_ptr< TNiel > m_nielNeutrons
Pointer to Niel table for neutrons.
std::string m_storeMCParticlesName
MCParticles StoreArray name.
std::unique_ptr< TNiel > m_nielProtons
Pointer to Niel table for protons.
double getSensorThickness(VxdID sensorID) const
Return thickness of the sensor with the given sensor ID.
const PXD::SensorInfo & getInfo(VxdID sensorID) const
This is a shortcut to getting PXD::SensorInfo from the GeoCache.
std::unique_ptr< TNiel > m_nielPions
Pointer to Niel table for pions.
virtual void beginRun() override
Start-of-run initializations.
std::string m_storeBgMetaDataName
Name of the persistent BackgroundMetaDta object.
double getSensorArea(VxdID sensorID) const
Return area of the sensor with the given sensor ID.
std::string m_outputDirectoryName
Path to directory where output data will be stored.
std::string m_storeDigitsName
PXDDigits StoreArray name.
std::string m_storeClustersName
PXDClusters StoreArray name.
std::unique_ptr< TNiel > m_nielElectrons
Pointer to Niel table for electrons.
std::string m_relParticlesTrueHitsName
MCParticlesToPXDTrueHits RelationArray name.
std::string m_componentName
Name of the current bg component.
double m_componentTime
Time of current component.
unsigned short m_occupancyReportingLevel
0 - no data, 1 - summary only, 2 - ntuple
std::string m_storeSimHitsName
PXDSimHits StoreArray name.
std::string m_relDigitsTrueHitsName
StoreArray name of PXDDigits to PXDTrueHits relation.
virtual ~PXDBackgroundModule()
Specific implementation of SensorInfo for PXD Sensors which provides additional pixel specific inform...
Definition: SensorInfo.h:23
Low-level class to create/modify relations between StoreArrays.
Definition: RelationArray.h:62
const std::string & getName() const
Return name under which the object is saved in the DataStore.
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
static const double us
Definition: Unit.h:97
static const double J
Definition: Unit.h:116
static const double MeV
Definition: Unit.h:114
static const double s
Definition: Unit.h:95
float getGlobalTime() const override
Return the time of the electron deposition.
Definition: VXDSimHit.h:78
int getPDGcode() const
Return the PDG code of the particle causing the electron deposition.
Definition: VXDSimHit.h:68
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
baseType getSensorNumber() const
Get the sensor id.
Definition: VxdID.h:100
void setID(baseType id)
Set the unique id.
Definition: VxdID.h:105
baseType getLadderNumber() const
Get the ladder id.
Definition: VxdID.h:98
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96
TNiel - the class providing values for NIEL factors.
Definition: niel_fun.h:17
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for simulation and reconstrucion of the PXD.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.