Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9//#include <framework/core/Module.h>
10#include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
11#include <string>
12#include "TH1F.h"
14namespace Belle2 {
24 public:
34 void initialize() override;
39 void beginRun() override;
44 void event() override;
49 void endRun() override;
54 void terminate() override;
59 void defineHisto() override;
61 private:
62 // ======== Hitograms for run dependence
63 // ----- IP position
64 /* TH1F* m_h_vx = nullptr;/\**< histogram for x coordinate of IP position *\/ */
65 /* TH1F* m_h_vy = nullptr;/\**< histogram for y coordinate of IP position *\/ */
66 /* TH1F* m_h_vz = nullptr;/\**< histogram for z coordinate of IP position *\/ */
67 // ----- Detector Hits
68 TH1F* m_h_npxd = nullptr;
69 TH1F* m_h_nsvd = nullptr;
70 TH1F* m_h_ncdc = nullptr;
71 TH1F* m_h_topdig = nullptr;
72 TH1F* m_h_DetPhotonARICH = nullptr;
73 TH1F* m_h_klmTotalHits = nullptr;
74 TH1F* m_h_klmTotalBarrelHits = nullptr;
75 TH1F* m_h_klmTotalEndcapHits = nullptr;
76 TH1F* m_h_klmClusterLayers = nullptr;
77 // ----- Resolution
78 TH1F* m_h_dD0 = nullptr;
79 TH1F* m_h_dZ0 = nullptr;
80 TH1F* m_h_dPtcms = nullptr;
81 // ----- P-value
82 TH1F* m_h_Pval = nullptr;
83 // ----- Beam BG condition
84 TH1F* m_h_nExtraCDCHits = nullptr;
85 TH1F* m_h_nECLClusters = nullptr;
86 // ----- Nevt/Luminosity
87 TH1F* m_h_muid = nullptr;
88 // ----- D*
89 // ======== Other Hitograms
90 TH1F* m_h_inv_p = nullptr;
91 TH1F* m_h_ndf = nullptr;
92 TH1F* m_h_D0 = nullptr;
93 TH1F* m_h_Z0 = nullptr;
94 TH1F* m_h_theta = nullptr;
95 TH1F* m_h_theta_lab = nullptr;
96 TH1F* m_h_Phi0 = nullptr;
97 TH1F* m_h_Pt = nullptr;
98 TH1F* m_h_Mom = nullptr;
99 TH1F* m_h_dPhicms = nullptr;
100 TH1F* m_h_dThetacms = nullptr;
103 std::string m_triggerIdentifier = "";
106 std::string m_muPListName = "";
109 std::string m_mumuPListName = "";
111 };
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
TH1F * m_h_dZ0
histogram for Z0 difference between mu+ and mu-
TH1F * m_h_D0
histogram for D0 of muon track
std::string m_muPListName
Name of the mu+ particle list.
TH1F * m_h_Pt
histogram for Pt of muon track
TH1F * m_h_DetPhotonARICH
histogram for number of photon in ARICH associated with muon track
TH1F * m_h_klmTotalEndcapHits
histogram for number of EKLM hits associated with muon track
TH1F * m_h_dPhicms
histogram for phi difference between mu+ and mu- in CMS
TH1F * m_h_Mom
histogram for Momentum of muon track
void event() override
This method is called for each event.
TH1F * m_h_dPtcms
histogram for Pt difference between mu+ and mu-
TH1F * m_h_theta
histogram for theta of muon track
TH1F * m_h_ncdc
histogram for number of CDC hits associated with muon track
void endRun() override
This method is called if the current run ends.
TH1F * m_h_npxd
histogram for number of PXD hits associated with muon track
void terminate() override
This method is called at the end of the event processing.
std::string m_triggerIdentifier
Trigger identifier string used to select events for the histograms.
TH1F * m_h_klmTotalBarrelHits
histogram for number of BKLM hits associated with muon track
TH1F * m_h_dThetacms
histogram for theta difference between mu+ and mu- in CMS
void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
TH1F * m_h_theta_lab
histogram for theta of muon track in lab frame
TH1F * m_h_klmTotalHits
histogram for number of KLM hits associated with muon track
TH1F * m_h_nsvd
histogram for number of SVD hits associated with muon track
std::string m_mumuPListName
Name of the mu+mu- (Upsilon) particle list.
TH1F * m_h_Z0
histogram for Z0 of muon track
TH1F * m_h_nExtraCDCHits
histogram for number of CDC hits not associated with any tracks
TH1F * m_h_dD0
histogram for D0 difference between mu+ and mu-
TH1F * m_h_topdig
histogram for TOP digits associated with muon track
TH1F * m_h_inv_p
histogram for invariant mass of di-muon
TH1F * m_h_klmClusterLayers
histogram for number of KLM layers with cluster associated with muon track
TH1F * m_h_Pval
histogram for Pvalue of tracks in CDC
TH1F * m_h_Phi0
histogram for phi of muon track
TH1F * m_h_nECLClusters
histogram for ECL clusters
void defineHisto() override
Definition of the histograms.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.