Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11#include <TObject.h>
13#include <cmath>
14#include <vector>
16namespace Belle2 {
23 class SVDCoGCalibrationFunction : public TObject {
25 public:
28 typedef double (SVDCoGCalibrationFunction::*cogFunction)(double, int) const;
31 typedef double (SVDCoGCalibrationFunction::*cogFunctionErr)(double, double, int) const;
34 double calibratedValue(double raw_time, int trigger_bin) const
35 {
37 return (this->*f)(raw_time, trigger_bin) ;
38 }
40 double calibratedValueError(double raw_time, double raw_timeErr, int trigger_bin) const
41 {
43 return (this->*fErr)(raw_time, raw_timeErr, trigger_bin) ;
44 }
48 {
49 // The m_implementations vector is static.
50 // We have to initialize it just once.
51 if (m_implementations.size() == 0) {
56 //m_implementations.push_back(
57 // &SVDCoGCalibrationFunction::betterVersion);
58 }
60 // The m_implementationsErr vector is static.
61 // We have to initialize it just once.
62 if (m_implementationsErr.size() == 0) {
67 //m_implementationsErr.push_back(
68 // &SVDCoGCalibrationFunction::betterVersion);
69 }
71 m_current = m_implementations.size() - 1;
73 };
76 void set_current(int current)
77 {
78 m_current = current;
79 }
81 //SETTERS FOR function ID = 0 (pol1TBdep)
83 void set_bias(double tb0, double tb1, double tb2, double tb3)
84 {
85 m_bias[0] = tb0;
86 m_bias[1] = tb1;
87 m_bias[2] = tb2;
88 m_bias[3] = tb3;
89 }
91 void set_scale(double tb0, double tb1, double tb2, double tb3)
92 {
93 m_scale[0] = tb0;
94 m_scale[1] = tb1;
95 m_scale[2] = tb2;
96 m_scale[3] = tb3;
97 }
100 //SETTERS FOR function ID = 1 (pol3TBindep)
102 void set_pol3parameters(double a, double b, double c, double d)
103 {
104 m_par[ 0 ] = a;
105 m_par[ 1 ] = b;
106 m_par[ 2 ] = c;
107 m_par[ 3 ] = d;
108 }
110 //SETTERS FOR function ID = 2 (pol5TBindep)
112 void set_pol5parameters(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)
113 {
114 m_par[ 0 ] = a;
115 m_par[ 1 ] = b;
116 m_par[ 2 ] = c;
117 m_par[ 3 ] = d;
118 m_par[ 4 ] = e;
119 m_par[ 5 ] = f;
120 }
122 //SETTERS FOR function ID = 3 (elsTBindep)
124 void set_elsparameters(double a, double b, double c, double d)
125 {
126 m_par[ 0 ] = a;
127 m_par[ 1 ] = b;
128 m_par[ 2 ] = c;
129 m_par[ 3 ] = d;
130 }
138 private:
141 static const int nTriggerBins = 4;
146 double m_bias[ nTriggerBins ] = {0};
147 double m_scale[ nTriggerBins ] = {0};
149 double pol1TBdep(double raw_time, int tb) const
150 {
151 return raw_time * m_scale[ tb % nTriggerBins] +
152 m_bias[ tb % nTriggerBins ];
153 };
155 double pol1TBdepErr(double, double raw_timeErr, int tb) const
156 {
157 return raw_timeErr * m_scale[ tb % nTriggerBins];
158 };
160 //data member useful for polinomials
161 static const int m_nPar = 6;
162 double m_par[ m_nPar ] = {0};
166 double pol3TBindep(double raw_time, int) const
167 {
168 return m_par[0] + m_par[1] * raw_time + m_par[2] * pow(raw_time, 2) + m_par[3] * pow(raw_time, 3);
169 };
171 double pol3TBindepErr(double raw_time, double raw_timeErr, int) const
172 {
173 return raw_timeErr * (m_par[1] + 2 * m_par[2] * raw_time + 3 * m_par[3] * pow(raw_time, 2));
174 };
179 double pol5TBindep(double raw_time, int) const
180 {
181 return m_par[0] + m_par[1] * raw_time + m_par[2] * pow(raw_time, 2) + m_par[3] * pow(raw_time, 3) + m_par[4] * pow(raw_time,
182 4) + m_par[5] * pow(raw_time, 5);
183 };
185 double pol5TBindepErr(double raw_time, double raw_timeErr, int) const
186 {
187 return raw_timeErr * (m_par[1] + 2 * m_par[2] * raw_time + 3 * m_par[3] * pow(raw_time, 2) + 4 * m_par[4] * pow(raw_time,
188 3) + 5 * m_par[5] * pow(raw_time, 4));
189 };
196 double elsTBindep(double raw_time, int) const
197 {
198 if (raw_time > m_par[3] - sqrt(-m_par[2]) / 4)
199 return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
201 return m_par[0] + m_par[1] * raw_time + m_par[2] / (raw_time - m_par[3]);
202 };
205 double elsTBindepErr(double raw_time, double raw_timeErr, int) const
206 {
207 if (raw_time > m_par[3] - sqrt(-m_par[2]) / 4)
208 return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
210 return raw_timeErr * (m_par[1] - m_par[2] / pow(raw_time - m_par[3], 2));
211 };
217 static std::vector < cogFunction > m_implementations;
220 static std::vector < cogFunctionErr > m_implementationsErr;
223 ClassDef(SVDCoGCalibrationFunction, 6)
224 };
class to contain the CoG Time calibrations
static const int nTriggerBins
total number of trigger bins
static std::vector< cogFunction > m_implementations
vector of fuctions for time calibration, we use the m_current
double pol3TBindep(double raw_time, int) const
ID = 1, pol3TBindep VERSION: (TB independent) correctedValue = par[0] + t * par[1] + t^2 * par[2] + t...
double pol1TBdep(double raw_time, int tb) const
pol1 TB dep version implementation
void set_elsparameters(double a, double b, double c, double d)
set the parameters for the ELS TB independent function
double m_bias[nTriggerBins]
function parameters & implementations
double pol5TBindep(double raw_time, int) const
ID = 2, pol5TBindep VERSION: (TB independent) correctedValue = par[0] + t * par[1] + t^2 * par[2] + t...
double m_scale[nTriggerBins]
trigger-bin dependent scale
double pol3TBindepErr(double raw_time, double raw_timeErr, int) const
implementation of pol3 TB indep error
static const int m_nPar
number of parameters of highest-order implemented pol (5)
SVDCoGCalibrationFunction & operator=(const Belle2::SVDCoGCalibrationFunction &a)
operator =
double pol1TBdepErr(double, double raw_timeErr, int tb) const
implementation of pol1 TB dep error
static std::vector< cogFunctionErr > m_implementationsErr
Do not stream this, please throw it in the WC.
double(SVDCoGCalibrationFunction::* cogFunctionErr)(double, double, int) const
typedef of the return value of the calibration function ERROR
double calibratedValue(double raw_time, int trigger_bin) const
returns the calibrated value of raw_time, depending on the trigger bin
double calibratedValueError(double raw_time, double raw_timeErr, int trigger_bin) const
returns the error of the calibrated value of raw_time, depending on the trigger bin
double pol5TBindepErr(double raw_time, double raw_timeErr, int) const
implementation of pol5 TB indep error
double elsTBindep(double raw_time, int) const
ID = 3, elsTBindep VERSION: (TB independent) correctedValue = par[0] + t * par[1] + par[2]/(t - par[3...
double elsTBindepErr(double raw_time, double raw_timeErr, int) const
implementation of els TB indep error
void set_scale(double tb0, double tb1, double tb2, double tb3)
set the trigger bin dependent scale
double m_par[m_nPar]
vector of parameters
void set_pol5parameters(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)
set the pol5 TB independent parameters
void set_current(int current)
allows to choose the function version
void set_pol3parameters(double a, double b, double c, double d)
set the pol3 TB independent parameters
double(SVDCoGCalibrationFunction::* cogFunction)(double, int) const
typedef of the return value of the calibration function
void set_bias(double tb0, double tb1, double tb2, double tb3)
set the trigger bin dependent shift
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.