Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/findlets/minimal/SegmentTrackAdderWithNormalization.h>
10#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/tracks/CDCTrack.h>
11#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/segments/CDCSegment2D.h>
13#include <framework/core/ModuleParamList.templateDetails.h>
15#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/utilities/StringManipulation.h>
16#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/utilities/Algorithms.h>
17#include <vector>
19using namespace Belle2;
20using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
23 : Super()
29void SegmentTrackAdderWithNormalization::exposeParameters(ModuleParamList* moduleParamList, const std::string& prefix)
31 m_singleHitSelector.exposeParameters(moduleParamList, prefixed(prefix, "hitSelector"));
32 moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "removeUnmatchedSegments"),
34 "Swtich to remove hits in segments that have no matching track from all tracks",
41 return "Add the matched segments to the tracks and normalize the tracks afterwards. Also deletes all "
42 "hits from tracks, that are now part in another track (or should not be part in any).";
46 std::vector<CDCTrack>& tracks, const std::vector<CDCSegment2D>& segments)
48 // Storage space for the hits
49 // Important to reserve enough space as otherwise references to the elements used by the
50 // `WeightedRelations` in the vector `trackHitRelations` are not valid anymore
51 // !!! We cannot use a deque or list as these do not guarantee valid pointer comparisons as
52 // used by `std::sort` below !!!
53 std::vector<CDCRecoHit3D> recoHits3D;
54 int hit_size = 0;
55 for (const auto& relation : relations) {
56 hit_size += relation.getTo()->size();
57 }
58 for (const CDCSegment2D& segment : segments) {
59 hit_size += segment.size();
60 }
61 for (CDCTrack& track : tracks) {
62 hit_size += track.size();
63 }
64 recoHits3D.reserve(hit_size);
66 // Relations for the matching tracks
67 std::vector<WeightedRelation<CDCTrack, const CDCRecoHit3D>> trackHitRelations;
68 trackHitRelations.reserve(2500);
70 // We construct track hit relations denoting to which track each hit should belong from 3 sources
71 // 1. From the given track segment matches with the weight of the match
72 // 2. From the unmatch, untaken segments schedule the hits for removal with lower weight
73 // 3. From the original track content with lowest weight
74 // Hence if a hit is mentioned in source 1. it takes precedence over 2. and 3. to so on.
76 // 1. Add the relations for the matched segments with the match weight
77 for (const auto& relation : relations) {
78 CDCTrack* track = relation.getFrom();
79 const CDCSegment2D& segment = *(relation.getTo());
80 const Weight weight = relation.getWeight();
81 const CDCTrajectory3D& trajectory3D = track->getStartTrajectory3D();
83 for (const CDCRecoHit2D& recoHit : segment) {
85 // In case the hit is already in the matched track - keep its reconstructed position
86 MayBePtr<const CDCRecoHit3D> ptrRecoHit3D = track->find(recoHit.getWireHit());
87 if (ptrRecoHit3D != nullptr) {
88 recoHits3D.push_back(*ptrRecoHit3D);
89 trackHitRelations.push_back({track, weight, &recoHits3D.back()});
90 continue;
91 }
93 // Otherwise reconstruct the position into the third dimension
94 CDCRecoHit3D recoHit3D = CDCRecoHit3D::reconstruct(recoHit, trajectory3D);
95 if (std::isnan(recoHit3D.getArcLength2D())) {
96 B2DEBUG(25, "Had to skip a NAN hit");
97 continue;
98 }
99 recoHits3D.push_back(recoHit3D);
100 trackHitRelations.push_back({track, weight, &recoHits3D.back()});
101 }
102 segment->setTakenFlag();
103 }
105 // 2. Add also those segments, that have no track-partner and schedule them for removal
107 for (const CDCSegment2D& segment : segments) {
109 // Skip segment already used in the steps before or marked outside as already taken.
110 if (segment->hasTakenFlag()) continue;
112 // Add hit with destination track nullptr
113 for (const CDCRecoHit2D& recoHit : segment) {
114 recoHits3D.push_back({recoHit.getRLWireHit(), Vector3D(recoHit.getRecoPos2D()), 0});
115 trackHitRelations.push_back({nullptr, 0, &recoHits3D.back()});
116 }
117 }
118 }
120 // 3. Add the original hit content of the track with lowest priority
121 for (CDCTrack& track : tracks) {
122 for (const CDCRecoHit3D& recoHit3D : track) {
123 recoHits3D.push_back(recoHit3D);
124 // cppcheck-suppress invalidContainer
125 trackHitRelations.push_back({&track, -INFINITY, &recoHits3D.back()});
126 }
127 }
129 // Thin out the weighted relations by selecting only the best matching track for each hit.
130 std::sort(trackHitRelations.begin(), trackHitRelations.end());
131 m_singleHitSelector.apply(trackHitRelations);
133 // Remove all hits from the tracks in order to rebuild them completely
134 for (CDCTrack& track : tracks) {
135 for (const CDCRecoHit3D& recoHit3D : track) {
136 recoHit3D.getWireHit()->unsetTakenFlag();
137 }
138 track.clear();
139 }
141 // Now add the hits to their destination tracks
142 for (const auto& trackHitRelation : trackHitRelations) {
143 CDCTrack* track = trackHitRelation.getFrom();
144 const CDCRecoHit3D* recoHit3D = trackHitRelation.getTo();
146 if (track == nullptr) continue;
148 track->push_back(*recoHit3D);
149 recoHit3D->getWireHit()->setTakenFlag();
150 }
152 // Drop tracks which have no hits
153 TrackFindingCDC::erase_remove_if(tracks, [](const CDCTrack & track) { return track.empty(); });
155 // Establish the ordering
156 for (CDCTrack& track : tracks) {
157 track.sortByArcLength2D();
158 CDCTrajectory3D startTrajectory = track.getStartTrajectory3D();
159 startTrajectory.setLocalOrigin(track.front().getRecoPos3D());
160 track.setStartTrajectory3D(startTrajectory);
162 CDCTrajectory3D endTrajectory = track.getEndTrajectory3D();
163 endTrajectory.setLocalOrigin(track.back().getRecoPos3D());
164 track.setEndTrajectory3D(endTrajectory);
165 }
167 // Normalize the trajectory and hit contents of the tracks
168 m_trackNormalizer.apply(tracks);
The Module parameter list class.
void setTakenFlag(bool setTo=true)
Sets the taken flag to the given value. Default value true.
Class representing a two dimensional reconstructed hit in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCRecoHit2D.h:47
Class representing a three dimensional reconstructed hit.
Definition: CDCRecoHit3D.h:52
const CDCWireHit & getWireHit() const
Getter for the wire hit.
Definition: CDCRecoHit3D.h:238
static CDCRecoHit3D reconstruct(const CDCRecoHit2D &recoHit2D, const CDCTrajectory2D &trajectory2D)
Reconstructs the three dimensional hit from the two dimensional and the two dimensional trajectory.
double getArcLength2D() const
Getter for the travel distance in the xy projection.
Definition: CDCRecoHit3D.h:370
A reconstructed sequence of two dimensional hits in one super layer.
Definition: CDCSegment2D.h:39
Class representing a sequence of three dimensional reconstructed hits.
Definition: CDCTrack.h:41
Particle full three dimensional trajectory.
double setLocalOrigin(const Vector3D &localOrigin)
Setter for the origin of the local coordinate system.
void addProcessingSignalListener(ProcessingSignalListener *psl)
Register a processing signal listener to be notified.
void apply(std::vector< WeightedRelation< CDCTrack, const CDCSegment2D > > &relations, std::vector< CDCTrack > &tracks, const std::vector< CDCSegment2D > &segment) override
Apply the findlet.
std::string getDescription() override
Short description of the findlet.
TrackNormalizer m_trackNormalizer
Findlet for performing the normalization of the tracks afterwards.
SingleMatchSelector< CDCTrack, CDCRecoHit3D, HitComperator > m_singleHitSelector
The selector for finding the track each hit should belong to.
bool m_param_removeUnmatchedSegments
Parameter : Swtich to remove hits in segments that have no matching track from all tracks.
void exposeParameters(ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) override
Expose the parameters of the sub-findlets.
Constructor for registering the sub-findlets.
void apply(std::vector< CDCTrack > &tracks) final
Fit the tracks.
A three dimensional vector.
Definition: Vector3D.h:33
Type for two related objects with a weight.
void addParameter(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module list.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.