Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9// own include
10#include <top/modules/TOPGainEfficiencyMonitor/TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule.h>
12// standard libraries
13#include <iostream>
14#include <sstream>
15#include <iomanip>
17// ROOT
18#include <TROOT.h>
19#include <TObject.h>
20#include <TFile.h>
21#include <TF1.h>
22#include <TCanvas.h>
23#include <TStyle.h>
24#include <TAxis.h>
25#include <TLine.h>
26#include <TArrow.h>
27#include <TLatex.h>
28#include <TMath.h>
30namespace Belle2 {
36 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
38 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
40 REG_MODULE(TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator);
43 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
44 // Implementation
45 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
48 {
49 // Set description()
50 setDescription("Calculate pixel gain and efficiency for a given PMT from 2D histogram of hit timing and pulse charge, "
51 "created by TOPLaserHitSelectorModule.");
53 // Add parameters
54 addParam("inputFile", m_inputFile, "input file name containing 2D histogram", std::string(""));
55 addParam("outputPDFFile", m_outputPDFFile, "output PDF file to store plots", std::string(""));
56 addParam("targetSlotId", m_targetSlotId, "TOP module ID in slot number (1-16)", (short)0);
57 addParam("targetPmtId", m_targetPmtId, "PMT number (1-32)", (short)0);
58 addParam("targetPmtChId", m_targetPmtChId, "PMT channel number (1-16)", (short) - 1);
59 addParam("hvDiff", m_hvDiff, "HV difference from nominal HV value", (short)0);
60 addParam("fitHalfWidth", m_fitHalfWidth, "half fit width for direct laser hit peak in [ns] unit", (float)1.0);
61 addParam("threshold", m_threshold,
62 "pulse height (or integrated charge) threshold in fitting its distribution and calculating efficiency", (float)100.);
63 addParam("p0HeightIntegral", m_p0HeightIntegral,
64 "Parameter from p0 + x*p1 function fitting height-integral distribtion.", (float) - 50.0);
65 addParam("p1HeightIntegral", m_p1HeightIntegral,
66 "Parameter from p0 + x*p1 function fitting height-integral distribtion.", (float)6.0);
67 addParam("fracFit", m_fracFit, "fraction of events to be used in fitting. "
68 "An upper limit of a fit range is given to cover this fraction of events. "
69 "Set negative value to calculate the fraction to exclude only 10 events in tail.", (float)(-1)); //,(float)0.99);
70 addParam("initialP0", m_initialP0, "initial value of the fit parameter p0 divided by histogram entries."
71 "Set negative value to calculate from histogram inforamtion automatically.", (float)(0.0001)); //,(float)1e-6);
72 addParam("initialP1", m_initialP1, "initial value of the fit parameter p1."
73 "Set negative value to calculate from histogram inforamtion automatically.", (float)(1.0)); //,(float)1.0);
74 addParam("initialP2", m_initialP2, "initial value of the fit parameter p2."
75 "Set negative value to calculate from histogram inforamtion automatically.", (float)(1.0)); //,(float)1.0);
76 addParam("initialX0", m_initialX0, "initial value of the fit parameter x0 divided by histogram bin width."
77 "Set negative value to calculate from histogram inforamtion automatically.", (float)(100)); //, (float)100.);
78 addParam("pedestalSigma", m_pedestalSigma, "sigma of pedestal width", (float)10.);
79 addParam("fitoption", m_fitoption, "fit option likelihood: default chisquare: R", std::string("L"));
81 }
86 {
88 }
91 {
92 m_tree = new TTree("tree", "TTree for gain/efficiency monitor summary");
93 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("slotId", &m_targetSlotId, "slotId/S"));
94 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("pmtId", &m_targetPmtId, "pmtId/S"));
95 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("pixelId", &m_pixelId, "pixelId/S"));
96 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("pmtChId", &m_pmtChId, "pmtChId/S"));
97 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hvDiff", &m_hvDiff, "hvDiff/S"));
98 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("threshold", &m_threshold, "threshold/F"));
99 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("thresholdForIntegral", &m_thresholdForIntegral, "thresholdForIntegral/F"));
101 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nCalPulse", &m_nCalPulse, "nCalPulse/I"));
102 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hitTimingForGain", &m_hitTiming, "hitTimingForGain/F"));
103 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hitTimingSigmaForGain", &m_hitTimingSigma, "hitTimingSigmaForGain/F"));
104 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nEntriesForGain", &m_nEntries, "nEntriesForGain/I"));
105 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nOverflowEventsForGain", &m_nOverflowEvents, "nOverflowEventsForGain/I"));
106 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanPulseHeightForGain", &m_meanPulseHeight, "meanPulseHeightForGain/F"));
107 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanPulseHeightErrorForGain", &m_meanPulseHeightError, "meanPulseHeightErrorForGain/F"));
108 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("fitMaxForGain", &m_fitMax, "fitMaxForGain/F"));
109 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("gain", &m_gain, "gain/F"));
110 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("efficiency", &m_efficiency, "efficiency/F"));
111 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p0ForGain", &m_p0, "p0ForGain/F"));
112 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p1ForGain", &m_p1, "p1ForGain/F"));
113 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p2ForGain", &m_p2, "p2ForGain/F"));
114 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("x0ForGain", &m_x0, "x0ForGain/F"));
115 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p0ErrorForGain", &m_p0Error, "p0ErrorForGain/F"));
116 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p1ErrorForGain", &m_p1Error, "p1ErrorForGain/F"));
117 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p2ErrorForGain", &m_p2Error, "p2ErrorForGain/F"));
118 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("x0ErrorForGain", &m_x0Error, "x0ErrorForGain/F"));
119 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("chisquareForGain", &m_chisquare, "chisquareForGain/F"));
120 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("ndfForGain", &m_ndf, "ndfForGain/I"));
121 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("funcFullRangeIntegralForGain", &m_funcFullRangeIntegral, "funcFullRangeIntegralForGain/F"));
122 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("funcFitRangeIntegralForGain", &m_funcFitRangeIntegral, "funcFitRangeIntegralForGain/F"));
123 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoFitRangeIntegralForGain", &m_histoFitRangeIntegral, "histoFitRangeIntegralForGain/F"));
124 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoMeanAboveThreForGain", &m_histoMeanAboveThre, "histoMeanAboveThreForGain/F"));
126 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hitTimingForEff", &m_hitTiming, "hitTimingForEff/F"));
127 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hitTimingSigmaForEff", &m_hitTimingSigma, "hitTimingSigmaForEff/F"));
128 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nEntriesForEff", &m_nEntries, "nEntriesForEff/I"));
129 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nOverflowEventsForEff", &m_nOverflowEvents, "nOverflowEventsForEff/I"));
130 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanPulseHeightForEff", &m_meanPulseHeight, "meanPulseHeightForEff/F"));
131 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanPulseHeightErrorForEff", &m_meanPulseHeightError, "meanPulseHeightErrorForEff/F"));
132 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoMeanAboveThreForEff", &m_histoMeanAboveThre, "histoMeanAboveThreForEff/F"));
134 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanIntegral", &m_meanPulseHeight, "meanIntegral/F"));
135 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanIntegralError", &m_meanPulseHeightError, "meanIntegralError/F"));
136 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nOverflowEventsUseIntegral", &m_nOverflowEvents, "nOverflowEventsUseIntegral/I"));
137 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("fitMaxUseIntegral", &m_fitMax, "fitMaxUseIntegral/F"));
138 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("gainUseIntegral", &m_gain, "gainUseIntegral/F"));
139 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("efficiencyUseIntegral", &m_efficiency, "efficiencyUseIntegral/F"));
140 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p0UseIntegral", &m_p0, "p0UseIntegral/F"));
141 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p1UseIntegral", &m_p1, "p1UseIntegral/F"));
142 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p2UseIntegral", &m_p2, "p2UseIntegral/F"));
143 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("x0UseIntegral", &m_x0, "x0UseIntegral/F"));
144 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p0ErrorUseIntegral", &m_p0Error, "p0ErrorUseIntegral/F"));
145 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p1ErrorUseIntegral", &m_p1Error, "p1ErrorUseIntegral/F"));
146 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p2ErrorUseIntegral", &m_p2Error, "p2ErrorUseIntegral/F"));
147 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("x0ErrorUseIntegral", &m_x0Error, "x0ErrorUseIntegral/F"));
148 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("chisquareUseIntegral", &m_chisquare, "chisquareUseIntegral/F"));
149 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("ndfUseIntegral", &m_ndf, "ndfUseIntegral/I"));
150 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("funcFullRangeIntegralUseIntegral", &m_funcFullRangeIntegral,
151 "funcFullRangeIntegralUseIntegral/F"));
152 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("funcFitRangeIntegralUseIntegral", &m_funcFitRangeIntegral,
153 "funcFitRangeIntegralUseIntegral/F"));
154 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoFitRangeIntegralUseIntegral", &m_histoFitRangeIntegral,
155 "histoFitRangeIntegralUseIntegral/F"));
156 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoMeanAboveThreUseIntegral", &m_histoMeanAboveThre, "histoMeanAboveThreUseIntegral/F"));
158 }
161 {
162 }
165 {
166 }
169 {
170 }
174 {
175 //first, check validity of input parameters
176 bool areGoodParameters = true;
177 if (m_targetSlotId < 1 || m_targetSlotId > c_NModule) {
178 B2ERROR("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : invalid slotID : " << m_targetSlotId);
179 areGoodParameters = false;
180 }
181 if (m_targetPmtId < 1 || m_targetPmtId > c_NPMTPerModule) {
182 B2ERROR("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : invalid PMT ID : " << m_targetPmtId);
183 areGoodParameters = false;
184 }
185 if (m_pedestalSigma < 1e-6) {
186 B2ERROR("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : pedestal sigma must be non-zero positive value");
187 areGoodParameters = false;
188 }
190 //do not proceed to the main process unless all the input parameters are not valid
191 if (areGoodParameters) {
192 if (m_outputPDFFile.size() == 0) {
193 if (m_inputFile.rfind(".") == std::string::npos)
195 else
196 m_outputPDFFile = m_inputFile.substr(0, m_inputFile.rfind("."));
197 }
199 //gain run using height distribution
200 LoadHistograms("Height_gain");
201 FitHistograms(c_LoadForFitHeight);
202 DrawResult("Height_gain", c_LoadForFitHeight);
204 //efficiency run
205 LoadHistograms("Height_efficiency");
206 FitHistograms(c_LoadHitRateHeight);
207 DrawResult("Height_efficiency", c_LoadHitRateHeight);
209 //gain run using integral distribution
210 LoadHistograms("Integral_gain");
211 FitHistograms(c_LoadForFitIntegral);
212 DrawResult("Integral_gain", c_LoadForFitIntegral);
214 }
215 }
218 void TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule::LoadHistograms(const std::string& histotype)
219 {
221 TFile* f = new TFile(m_inputFile.c_str());
222 if (!f->IsOpen()) {
223 B2ERROR("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : fail to open input file \"" << m_inputFile << "\"");
224 return;
225 }
227 for (int iHisto = 0 ; iHisto < c_NChannelPerPMT ; iHisto++) {
228 if (m_targetPmtChId != -1 && iHisto + 1 != m_targetPmtChId) continue;
229 std::ostringstream pixelstr;
230 pixelstr << histotype << "_"
231 << "s" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetSlotId << "_PMT"
232 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetPmtId
233 << "_" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (iHisto + 1);
234 std::ostringstream hname;
235 hname << "hTime" << pixelstr.str();
237 //first get 2D histogram from a given input (=an output file of TOPLaserHitSelector)
238 m_timeChargeHistogram[iHisto] = (TH2F*)f->Get(hname.str().c_str());
239 TH2F* h2D = m_timeChargeHistogram[iHisto];
240 if (!h2D) continue;
242 //create a projection histogram along the x-axis and fit the distribution (hit timing) to get direct laser hit timing
243 std::ostringstream hnameProj[2];
244 hnameProj[0] << "hTime_" << pixelstr.str();
245 hnameProj[1] << "hCharge_" << pixelstr.str();
246 TH1D* hTime = (TH1D*)h2D->ProjectionX(hnameProj[0].str().c_str());
247 m_timeHistogram[iHisto] = hTime;
248 double peakTime = FindPeakForSmallerXThan(hTime, 0);
249 //double peakTime = hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(hTime->GetMaximumBin());
250 double fitMin = peakTime - m_fitHalfWidth;
251 double fitMax = peakTime + m_fitHalfWidth;
252 TF1* funcLaser = new TF1(std::string(std::string("func_") + hnameProj[1].str()).c_str(),
253 "gaus(0)", fitMin, fitMax);
254 funcLaser->SetParameters(hTime->GetBinContent(hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakTime)), peakTime, m_fitHalfWidth);
255 funcLaser->SetParLimits(1, fitMin, fitMax);
256 hTime->Fit(funcLaser, "Q", "", fitMin, fitMax);
257 //if (funcLaser->GetNDF() < 1) continue;
258 m_funcForLaser[iHisto] = funcLaser;
260 //if the fitting is successful, create y-projection histogram with timing cut
261 m_hitTiming = funcLaser->GetParameter(1);
262 int binNumMin = hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_hitTiming - 2 * m_fitHalfWidth);
263 int binNumMax = hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_hitTiming + 2 * m_fitHalfWidth);
264 TH1D* hCharge = (TH1D*)h2D->ProjectionY(hnameProj[1].str().c_str(),
265 binNumMin, binNumMax);
266 m_chargeHistogram[iHisto] = hCharge;
267 }
269 m_nCalPulseHistogram = (TH1F*)f->Get("hNCalPulse");
271 B2WARNING("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : no histogram for the number of events with calibration pulses identified in the given input file");
273 return;
274 }
277 {
278 float threshold = m_threshold;
279 int globalAsicId = 0;
280 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral || LoadHisto == c_LoadHitRateIntegral) threshold = m_thresholdForIntegral;
282 for (int iHisto = 0 ; iHisto < c_NChannelPerPMT ; iHisto++) {
283 if (m_targetPmtChId != -1 && iHisto + 1 != m_targetPmtChId) continue;
285 m_pixelId = ((m_targetPmtId - 1) % c_NPMTPerRow) * c_NChannelPerPMTRow
286 + ((m_targetPmtId - 1) / c_NPMTPerRow) * c_NPixelPerModule / 2
287 + (iHisto / c_NChannelPerPMTRow) * c_NPixelPerRow + (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPMTRow) + 1;
288 m_pmtChId = (iHisto + 1);
289 globalAsicId = ((m_targetSlotId - 1) * c_NPixelPerModule + (m_pixelId - 1)) / c_NChannelPerAsic;
290 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitHeight) {
291 for (auto itr = m_branch[0].begin(); itr != m_branch[0].end(); ++itr) {
292 (*itr)->Fill();
293 }
294 }
296 TH1D* hCharge = m_chargeHistogram[iHisto];
297 if (!hCharge) { DummyFillBranch(LoadHisto); continue;}
299 std::cout << " ***** fitting charge distribution for " << hCharge->GetName() << " *****" << std::endl;
300 int nBins = hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
301 double binWidth = hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(1) - hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
302 double histoMax = hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(nBins);
303 m_fitMax = threshold;
304 double wholeIntegral = hCharge->Integral(0, hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1);
305 double fitRangeFraction = (m_fracFit > 0 ? m_fracFit : 1. - 10. / wholeIntegral);
306 while (hCharge->Integral(0, hCharge->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_fitMax - 0.01 * binWidth)) / wholeIntegral < fitRangeFraction)
307 m_fitMax += binWidth;
308 if (m_fitMax < threshold + static_cast<double>(c_NParameterGainFit) * binWidth) {
309 B2WARNING("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : no enough entries for fitting at slot"
310 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetSlotId << ", PMT"
311 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetPmtId << ", Ch"
312 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_pmtChId);
313 DummyFillBranch(LoadHisto); continue;
314 }
316 std::ostringstream fname;
317 fname << "func_" << (iHisto + 1);
318 TObject* object = gROOT->FindObject(fname.str().c_str());
319 if (object) delete object;
320 TF1* func = new TF1(fname.str().c_str(), TOPGainFunc, threshold, m_fitMax, c_NParameterGainFit);
321 double initGain = TMath::Max(hCharge->GetMean(), 26.1) - 25;
322 double initP1 = TMath::Min(4.0, TMath::Max(10000.*TMath::Power(initGain - 25, -2), 0.01));
323 double initP2 = TMath::Min(0.8 + 0.005 * TMath::Power(initP1, -3), 4.);
324 double initX0 = TMath::Max(initGain * 2 - 150, 10.);
325 //if (initP1 > initP2) initX0 = initX0 / 10.
326 double initP1overP2 = initP1 / initP2;
327 double initP0 = hCharge->GetBinContent(hCharge->GetMaximumBin())
328 / (TMath::Power(initP1overP2, initP1overP2) * TMath::Exp(-initP1overP2)) / binWidth;
329 if (m_initialX0 < 0)func->SetParameter(3, initX0);
330 else if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitHeight)
331 func->SetParameter(3, 150 + 0.5 * hCharge->GetMean());
332 else if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral)
333 func->SetParameter(3, 1000 + 0.5 * hCharge->GetMean());
334 if (m_initialP2 < 0)func->SetParameter(2, initP2);
335 else func->SetParameter(2, m_initialP2);
336 if (m_initialP1 < 0)func->SetParameter(1, initP1);
337 else func->SetParameter(1, m_initialP1);
338 if (m_initialP0 < 0)func->SetParameter(0, initP0);
339 else func->SetParameter(0, m_initialP0 * hCharge->GetEntries()*binWidth);
341 func->FixParameter(4, 0);
342 func->FixParameter(5, m_pedestalSigma);
343 func->SetParName(0, "#it{p}_{0}");
344 func->SetParName(1, "#it{p}_{1}");
345 func->SetParName(2, "#it{p}_{2}");
346 func->SetParName(3, "#it{x}_{0}");
347 func->SetParName(4, "pedestal");
348 func->SetParName(5, "pedestal #sigma");
349 func->SetParLimits(0, 1e-8, 1e8);
350 func->SetParLimits(1, 1e-8, 10);
351 func->SetParLimits(2, 1e-8, 10);
352 func->SetParLimits(3, 1e-8, 1e8);
353 func->SetLineColor(2);
354 func->SetLineWidth(1);
355 TF1* funcFull = NULL;
356 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitHeight or LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral) {
357 hCharge->Fit(func, m_fitoption.c_str(), "", threshold, m_fitMax);
359 if (func->GetNDF() < 2) { DummyFillBranch(LoadHisto); continue;}
361 double funcFullMax = histoMax * 2;
362 funcFull = new TF1((fname.str() + "_full").c_str(), TOPGainFunc, (-1)*func->GetParameter(5), funcFullMax, c_NParameterGainFit);
363 for (int iPar = 0 ; iPar < c_NParameterGainFit ; iPar++)
364 funcFull->SetParameter(iPar, func->GetParameter(iPar));
365 funcFull->SetLineColor(3);
366 funcFull->SetLineWidth(2);
368 double totalWeight = 0;
369 double weightedIntegral = 0;
370 double x = (-1) * func->GetParameter(5);
371 while (x < funcFullMax) {
372 double funcVal = funcFull->Eval(x);
373 totalWeight += funcVal;
374 weightedIntegral += funcVal * x;
375 x += binWidth / 5.;
376 }
378 //fill results to the output TTree
379 m_gain = weightedIntegral / totalWeight;
380 m_efficiency = funcFull->Integral(threshold, funcFullMax) / funcFull->Integral((-1) * func->GetParameter(5), funcFullMax);
381 m_p0 = func->GetParameter(0);
382 m_p1 = func->GetParameter(1);
383 m_p2 = func->GetParameter(2);
384 m_x0 = func->GetParameter(3);
385 m_p0Error = func->GetParError(0);
386 m_p1Error = func->GetParError(1);
387 m_p2Error = func->GetParError(2);
388 m_x0Error = func->GetParError(3);
389 m_chisquare = func->GetChisquare();
390 m_ndf = func->GetNDF();
391 m_funcFullRangeIntegral = funcFull->Integral((-1) * func->GetParameter(5), funcFullMax) / binWidth;
392 m_funcFitRangeIntegral = funcFull->Integral(threshold, m_fitMax) / binWidth;
393 } else std::cout << "*****fitting is skipped***** " << std::endl;
394 int threBin = hCharge->GetXaxis()->FindBin(threshold + 0.01 * binWidth);
395 int fitMaxBin = hCharge->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_fitMax - 0.01 * binWidth);
396 m_histoFitRangeIntegral = hCharge->Integral(threBin, fitMaxBin);
399 for (int iBin = threBin ; iBin < nBins + 1 ; iBin++) {
400 m_histoMeanAboveThre += (hCharge->GetBinContent(iBin) * hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iBin));
401 }
402 m_histoMeanAboveThre /= hCharge->Integral(threBin, nBins);
403 m_nEntries = hCharge->GetEntries();
404 m_nCalPulse = (m_nCalPulseHistogram ? m_nCalPulseHistogram->GetBinContent(globalAsicId + 1) : -1);
405 m_nOverflowEvents = TMath::FloorNint(hCharge->GetBinContent(nBins + 1));
406 m_meanPulseHeight = hCharge->GetMean();
407 m_meanPulseHeightError = hCharge->GetMeanError();
408 m_hitTiming = 0;
409 m_hitTimingSigma = -1;
411 TF1* funcLaser = m_funcForLaser[iHisto];
412 if (m_timeHistogram[iHisto] && funcLaser) {
413 m_hitTiming = funcLaser->GetParameter(1);
414 m_hitTimingSigma = funcLaser->GetParameter(2);
415 }
417 m_funcForFitRange[iHisto] = func;
418 m_funcForFullRange[iHisto] = funcFull;
420 for (auto itr = m_branch[LoadHisto].begin(); itr != m_branch[LoadHisto].end(); ++itr) {
421 (*itr)->Fill();
422 }
424 std::cout << std::endl;
425 }
426 if (m_targetPmtChId == -1) m_tree->SetEntries(c_NChannelPerPMT);
427 else m_tree->SetEntries(1);
429 return;
430 }
433 {
434 m_fitMax = -1;
435 m_hitTiming = -1;
436 m_hitTimingSigma = -1;
437 m_nEntries = -1;
438 m_nCalPulse = -1;
442 m_gain = -1;
443 m_efficiency = -1;
444 m_p0 = -1;
445 m_p1 = -1;
446 m_p2 = -1;
447 m_x0 = -1;
448 m_p0Error = -1;
449 m_p1Error = -1;
450 m_p2Error = -1;
451 m_x0Error = -1;
452 m_chisquare = -1;
453 m_ndf = -1;
459 for (auto itr = m_branch[LoadHisto].begin(); itr != m_branch[LoadHisto].end(); ++itr) {
460 (*itr)->Fill();
461 }
462 }
465 void TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule::DrawResult(const std::string& histotype, EHistogramType LoadHisto)
466 {
467 std::ostringstream pdfFilename;
468 pdfFilename << m_outputPDFFile << "_" << histotype;
469 if (m_targetPmtChId != -1)
470 pdfFilename << "_" << "ch" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetPmtChId;
471 pdfFilename << ".pdf";
473 gStyle->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
474 gStyle->SetFillStyle(0);
475 gStyle->SetStatStyle(0);
476 gStyle->SetOptStat(112210);
477 gStyle->SetOptFit(1110);
478 TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas();
479 canvas->SetFillStyle(0);
480 canvas->Print((pdfFilename.str() + "[").c_str());
482 TLine* line = new TLine();
483 line->SetLineWidth(1);
484 line->SetLineStyle(1);
485 line->SetLineColor(4);
486 TArrow* arrow = new TArrow();
487 arrow->SetLineWidth(1);
488 arrow->SetLineStyle(1);
489 arrow->SetLineColor(3);
490 TLatex* latex = new TLatex();
491 latex->SetNDC();
492 latex->SetTextFont(22);
493 latex->SetTextSize(0.05);
494 latex->SetTextAlign(32);
495 TObject* object;
497 float threshold;
498 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral) threshold = m_thresholdForIntegral;
499 else threshold = m_threshold;
501 for (int iHisto = 0 ; iHisto < c_NChannelPerPMT ; iHisto++) {
503 if ((iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) == 0) {
504 canvas->Clear();
505 canvas->Divide(c_NPlotsPerChannel, c_NChannelPerPage);
506 }
508 //2D (time vs pulse charge) histogram
509 canvas->cd(3 * (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) + 1);
510 gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
511 gPad->SetFillStyle(0);
512 TH2F* h2D = m_timeChargeHistogram[iHisto];
513 if (h2D) {
514 h2D->Draw("colz");
515 h2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("hit timing [ns]");
516 h2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("pulse charge [ADC count]");
517 }
519 //timing histogram
520 canvas->cd(c_NPlotsPerChannel * (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) + 2);
521 gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
522 gPad->SetFillStyle(0);
523 TH1D* hTime = m_timeHistogram[iHisto];
524 if (hTime) {
525 gPad->SetLogy();
526 hTime->Draw();
527 hTime->SetLineColor(1);
528 hTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("hit timing [ns]");
529 float binWidth = hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(1) - hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
530 std::ostringstream ytitle;
531 ytitle << "Entries [/(" << binWidth << " ns)]";
532 hTime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitle.str().c_str());
534 TF1* funcLaser = m_funcForLaser[iHisto];
535 if (funcLaser) {
536 double charge = funcLaser->GetParameter(0);
537 double peakTime = funcLaser->GetParameter(1);
538 float xMin = hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakTime - 2 * m_fitHalfWidth));
539 float xMax = hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakTime + 2 * m_fitHalfWidth));
540 line->DrawLine(xMin, 0.5, xMin, charge * 2.);
541 line->DrawLine(xMax, 0.5, xMax, charge * 2.);
542 arrow->DrawArrow(xMin, charge * 1.5, xMax, charge * 1.5, 0.01, "<>");
543 }
544 }
546 //charge histogram with fit result (after timing cut)
547 canvas->cd(c_NPlotsPerChannel * (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) + 3);
548 gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
549 gPad->SetFillStyle(0);
550 TH1D* hCharge = m_chargeHistogram[iHisto];
551 if (hCharge) {
552 gPad->SetLogy();
553 hCharge->Draw();
554 hCharge->SetLineColor(1);
555 hCharge->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("charge [ADC counts]");
556 float binWidth = hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(1) - hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
557 std::ostringstream ytitle;
558 ytitle << "Entries [/(" << binWidth << " ADC counts)]";
559 hCharge->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitle.str().c_str());
561 if (m_funcForFitRange[iHisto] && m_funcForFullRange[iHisto]) {
562 m_funcForFullRange[iHisto]->Draw("same");
563 m_funcForFitRange[iHisto]->Draw("same");
564 double charge = hCharge->GetBinContent(hCharge->GetMaximumBin());
565 line->DrawLine(threshold, 0.5, threshold, charge * 2.);
567 if ((object = gROOT->FindObject("dummy"))) delete object;
568 std::ostringstream cut;
569 cut << "pmtChId==" << (iHisto + 1);
570 long nEntries = 0;
571 std::ostringstream summarystr[2];
572 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitHeight) {
573 nEntries = m_tree->Project("dummy", "gain:efficiency", cut.str().c_str());
574 if (nEntries == 1) {
575 summarystr[0] << "gain = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1)
576 << m_tree->GetV1()[0];
577 latex->DrawLatex(0.875, 0.34, summarystr[0].str().c_str());
578 summarystr[1] << "efficiency = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1)
579 << (m_tree->GetV2()[0] * 100) << " %";
580 latex->DrawLatex(0.875, 0.29, summarystr[1].str().c_str());
581 }
582 } else if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral) {
583 nEntries = m_tree->Project("dummy", "gainUseIntegral:efficiencyUseIntegral", cut.str().c_str());
584 if (nEntries == 1) {
585 summarystr[0] << "gain = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1)
586 << m_tree->GetV1()[0];
587 latex->DrawLatex(0.875, 0.34, summarystr[0].str().c_str());
588 summarystr[1] << "efficiency = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1)
589 << (m_tree->GetV2()[0] * 100) << " %";
590 latex->DrawLatex(0.875, 0.29, summarystr[1].str().c_str());
591 }
592 }
594 if (nEntries > 1) {
595 B2WARNING("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : mutliple entries with the same channel ID ("
596 << m_pmtChId << ") in the output TTree");
597 }
598 }
599 }
601 if (((iHisto + 1) % c_NChannelPerPage) == 0)
602 canvas->Print(pdfFilename.str().c_str());
603 }
604 for (int iHisto = (c_NChannelPerPMT - 1) % c_NChannelPerPage + 1 ; iHisto < c_NChannelPerPage ; iHisto++) {
605 for (int iPad = 0 ; iPad < c_NPlotsPerChannel ; iPad++) {
606 canvas->cd(c_NPlotsPerChannel * (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) + iPad + 1);
607 gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
608 gPad->SetFillStyle(0);
609 }
610 if (((iHisto + 1) % c_NChannelPerPage) == 0)
611 canvas->Print(pdfFilename.str().c_str());
612 }
614 canvas->Print((pdfFilename.str() + "]").c_str());
616 delete latex;
617 delete arrow;
618 delete line;
619 delete canvas;
620 if ((object = gROOT->FindObject("dummy"))) delete object;
622 return;
623 }
625 double TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule::TOPGainFunc(double* var, double* par)
626 {
628 double pedestal = par[4];
629 double pedestalWidth = par[5];
630 double x = (var[0] - pedestal);
632 double output = 0;
633 double step = pedestalWidth / 100.;
634 double t = TMath::Max(step, x - pedestalWidth * 10);
635 //double t = TMath::Max( g_xStep, x ); //for test
636 while (t < x + pedestalWidth * 10) {
637 output += TMath::Gaus(x, t, pedestalWidth) * TMath::Power(t / par[3], par[1])
638 * TMath::Exp((-1) * TMath::Power(t / par[3], par[2]));
639 t += step;
640 }
641 // TF1* func = new TF1( "func", "[0]*pow(x-[4],[1])*exp(-pow(x-[4],[2])/[3])",
643 return par[0] * output * step;
644 }
647 {
648 double histo_xmax = histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(histo->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() - 1);
649 if (xmax > histo_xmax) xmax = histo_xmax;
651 int iBin = 1;
652 double peakPos = histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iBin);
653 double peakCharge = histo->GetBinContent(iBin);
654 while (true) {
655 iBin++;
656 double x = histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iBin);
657 if (x > xmax) break;
659 double binEntry = histo->GetBinContent(iBin);
660 if (binEntry > peakCharge) {
661 peakPos = x;
662 peakCharge = binEntry;
663 }
664 }
666 return peakPos;
667 }
672} // end Belle2 namespace
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
float m_efficiency
calculated efficiency from fitting of pulse charge distribution
int m_nEntries
entries of pulse charge distribution
float m_initialX0
initial value of the fit parameter x0
float m_p1HeightIntegral
Parameter from p0 + x*p1 function that fits height-integral distribution.
float m_funcFitRangeIntegral
integral of fit function for a range [threshold, fitMax]
float m_thresholdForIntegral
pulse integral threshold, which defines lower limit of fit region and efficiency calculation
TF1 * m_funcForFitRange[c_NChannelPerPMT]
array of TF1 pointer to store fit function for pulse charge distribution, defined only for fit region
TH2F * m_timeChargeHistogram[c_NChannelPerPMT]
2D histogram of hit timing and pulse charge (or charge), taken from an output file of TOPLaserHitSele...
float m_threshold
pulse charge threshold, which defines lower limit of fit region and efficiency calculation
float m_fitMax
upper limit of fit region for pulse charge distribution, determined based on m_fracFit value
float m_gain
calculated gain from fitting of pulse charge distribution
std::vector< TBranch * > m_branch[4]
ntuple to store summary of gain using height distribution.
float m_fitHalfWidth
half fit width for direct laser hit peak in [ns] unit
int m_nCalPulse
the number of events with calibration pulse(s) identified
float m_initialP2
initial value of the fit parameter p2
float m_funcFullRangeIntegral
integral of fit function for its full range
float m_histoFitRangeIntegral
integral of histogram for a range [threshold, fitMax]
float m_initialP0
initial value of the fit parameter p0
float m_meanPulseHeight
histogram mean of pulse height distribution
float m_hitTimingSigma
Gaussian fit sigma for a peak of laser direct photons in hit timing distribution.
short m_pixelId
pixel ID, calculated from PMT ID and PMT channel ID
float m_p0HeightIntegral
Parameter from p0 + x*p1 function that fits height-integral distribution.
float m_fracFit
fraction of events which are covered by an area [0,m_fitMax]
std::string m_inputFile
input file containing timing vs charge 2D histograms (output of TOPLaserHitSelector)
std::string m_fitoption
charge histograms fitting option.
float m_meanPulseHeightError
histogram mean error of pulse height distribution
std::string m_outputPDFFile
output PDF file to store plots of 2D histogram, timing, and charge distribution for each channel
short m_hvDiff
HV difference from nominal HV value.
TF1 * m_funcForFullRange[c_NChannelPerPMT]
array of TF1 pointer to store fit function for pulse charge distribution, defined only for full range...
TF1 * m_funcForLaser[c_NChannelPerPMT]
array of TF1 pointer to store fit function for hit timing distribution
float m_initialP1
initial value of the fit parameter p1
TH1D * m_chargeHistogram[c_NChannelPerPMT]
pulse charge distribution, extracted from m_timeChargeHistogram as a projection along its y-axis with...
float m_histoMeanAboveThre
mean of histogram above threshold, ignore overflow bin
float m_hitTiming
timing of laser direct photon hits, given by Gaussian fit mean
TH1F * m_nCalPulseHistogram
histogram to store the number of events with calibration pulse(s) identified for each asic (1,...
int m_nOverflowEvents
the number of events outside histogram range
TH1D * m_timeHistogram[c_NChannelPerPMT]
hit timing distribution, extracted from m_timeChargeHistogram as a projection along its x-axis.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
static double TOPGainFunc(double *var, double *par)
Fit function of pulse charge (or charnge) distribution for channel(pixel)-by-channel gain extraction,...
virtual void initialize() override
Load time vs charge 2D histogram from a given input file (paramter "inputFile") and prepare hit timin...
virtual void event() override
This will be empty as the all the processes are done in beginRun() function thus input file can be a ...
virtual void endRun() override
Draw plots to show fitting results for each channel and save them into a given PDF file (outputPDFFil...
virtual void terminate() override
Termination action.
void FitHistograms(EHistogramType LoadHisto)
Fit charge (or integrated charged) distribution to calculate gain and efficiency for each channel.
virtual void beginRun() override
The main processes, fitting charge distribution and calculating gain/efficiency, are done in this fun...
static double FindPeakForSmallerXThan(TH1 *histo, double xmax=0)
Find peak and return its position for a limited range of x (x smaller than the given value (xmax))
void DrawResult(const std::string &histotype, EHistogramType LoadHisto)
Draw results of gain/efficiency calculation for each channel to a given output file.
void LoadHistograms(const std::string &histotype)
Load 2D histograms from a given input file (output of TOPLaserHitSelector) and create timing and char...
void DummyFillBranch(EHistogramType LoadHisto)
Fill Dummy for Branch.
virtual void defineHisto() override
Define TTree branches to store fit results for each channel This TTree is saved in an output file giv...
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.