Belle II Software development
top modules


class  TOPAlignmentCollectorModule
 Collector for geometrical alignment of a TOP module with dimuons or Bhabhas. More...
class  TOPAsicShiftsBS13dCollectorModule
 Collector for carrier shifts of BS13d. More...
class  TOPChannelMaskCollectorModule
 Collector for preparing masks of hot and dead channels. More...
class  TOPCommonT0BFCollectorModule
 Collector for common T0 calibration with a fit of bunch finder residuals (method BF) More...
class  TOPCommonT0LLCollectorModule
 Collector for common T0 calibration with neg. More...
class  TOPModuleT0DeltaTCollectorModule
 Collector for module T0 calibration with chi2 minimization of time differences between slots (method DeltaT). More...
class  TOPModuleT0LLCollectorModule
 Collector for module T0 calibration with neg. More...
class  TOPOffsetCollectorModule
 Collector for eventT0 and fill pattern offset calibrations. More...
class  TOPPhotonYieldsCollectorModule
 Collector for photon pixel yields aimed for PMT ageing studies and for finding optically decoupled PMT's. More...
class  TOPPulseHeightCollectorModule
 Collector for channel pulse-height distributions. More...
class  TOPValidationCollectorModule
 Collector for automatic validation of calibration with dimuon events. More...
class  OpticalGunModule
 Source of optical photons for the simulation of the TOP laser system. More...
class  TOPAlignerModule
 Alignment of TOP. More...
class  TOPBackgroundModule
 TOP backgound module. More...
class  TOPBunchFinderModule
 Bunch finder: searches for the bunch crossing where the interaction happened using track-based TOP likelihood. More...
class  TOPChannelMaskerModule
 Masks dead PMs from the reconstruction. More...
class  TOPChannelT0CalibratorModule
 A module for alternative channel T0 calibration with collision data Note: after this kind of calibration one cannot do the geometrical alignment This module can also be used to check the calibration. More...
class  TOPChannelT0MCModule
 TOP Channel T0 MC Extraction module (under development) More...
class  TOPCommonT0CalibratorModule
 A module for common T0 calibration with collision data (dimuons or bhabhas) More...
class  TOPCosmicT0FinderModule
 Event T0 finder for global cosmic runs. More...
class  TOPDigitizerModule
 TOP digitizer. More...
class  TOPTriggerDigitizerModule
 Digitizer that provides time stamps for TOP trigger. More...
class  TOPCalPulseGeneratorModule
 Generator of calibration pulses Output to TOPSimCalPulses. More...
class  TOPDoublePulseGeneratorModule
 Generator of double calibration pulses Output to TOPDigits. More...
class  TOPDQMModule
 TOP DQM histogrammer. More...
class  TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule
 Module for channel-by-channel gain/efficiency analysis. More...
class  TOPLaserHitSelectorModule
 Module for pixel-by-pixel gain/efficiency analysis. More...
class  TOPGeometryParInitializerModule
 Class for initializing TOPGeometryPar. More...
class  TOPInterimFENtupleModule
 Module to produce ntuple from TOPDigits and TOPRawDigits. More...
class  TOPLaserCalibratorModule
 T0 Laser calibration module (under development) More...
class  TOPLaserCalibratorCollectorModule
 Collector module for the TOP channelT0 calibration and, more in general, for the time resolution studies using the laser and pulser data. More...
class  TOPLLScannerModule
 A module to perform the TOP PID likelihood scan and find the actual minimum as function of the mass. More...
class  TOPMCTrackMakerModule
 Constructs Tracks and ExtHits from MCParticles and TOPBarHits Utility needed for testing and debugging of TOP reconstruction. More...
class  TOPModuleT0CalibratorModule
 A module for module T0 calibration with collision data (dimuons or bhabhas) Useful when the geometrical alignment need not to be repeated. More...
class  TOPNtupleModule
 Module to write out a ntuple summarizing TOP reconstruction output. More...
class  TOPPackerModule
 Raw data packer. More...
class  TOPPDFCheckerModule
 Module for checking analytic PDF used in likelihood calculation. More...
class  TOPPDFDebuggerModule
 TOP reconstruction module. More...
class  TOPRawDigitConverterModule
 TOPRawDigits to TOPDigits converter. More...
class  TOPReconstructorModule
 TOP reconstruction module. More...
class  TOPRingPlotterModule
 A module to plot the x-t images from TOP, and in general study the distribution of the digits associated to the particles in a particleList. More...
class  TOPTBCComparatorModule
 Module for the comparison of different sets of time base correction (TBC) constants and to produce monitoring plots out of a given set. More...
struct  Hit
 Structure to hold some of the calpulse data. More...
struct  TwoTimes
 Structure to hold calpulse raw times expressed in samples since sample 0 of window 0. More...
class  TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule
 Time base calibrator. More...
class  TOPTimeRecalibratorModule
 Utility module for re-calibrating time of TOPDigits pulseWidth and timeError are not changed although they may depend no calibration! More...
class  TOPUnpackerModule
 Raw data unpacker. More...
class  TOPWaveformFeatureExtractorModule
 Waveform feature extractor: module adds rawDigits that are found in waveforms by feature extraction but are not already present in RawDigits. More...
class  TOPWaveformQualityPlotterModule
 Plots and histograms of waveforms and feature extracted parameters. More...
class  TOPXTalkChargeShareSetterModule
 Crosstalk & chargeshare flag setter. More...


enum  {
  c_NChannelPerAsic = 8 ,
  c_NModule = 16 ,
  c_NChannelPerPMT = 16 ,
  c_NChannelPerPMTRow = 4 ,
  c_NPMTPerRow = 16 ,
  c_NPMTPerModule = 32 ,
  c_NPixelPerRow = 64 ,
  c_NPixelPerModule = 512
 enum for maximum number of array elements (# of hits per event) More...


 REG_MODULE (TOPAlignmentCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPAsicShiftsBS13dCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPChannelMaskCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPCommonT0BFCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPCommonT0LLCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPModuleT0DeltaTCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPModuleT0LLCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPOffsetCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPPhotonYieldsCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPPulseHeightCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPValidationCollector)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (OpticalGun)
 Register module.
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPBackground)
 Register the Module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPBunchFinder)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPChannelMasker)
 Register the Module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPChannelT0Calibrator)
 Register module.
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPCommonT0Calibrator)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPCosmicT0Finder)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPDigitizer)
 Register the Module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPTriggerDigitizer)
 Register the Module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPCalPulseGenerator)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPDoublePulseGenerator)
 Register module.
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator)
 Register the Module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPLaserHitSelector)
 Register the Module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPGeometryParInitializer)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPInterimFENtuple)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPLaserCalibrator)
 Register module.
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPModuleT0Calibrator)
 Register module.
 Register module.
 Register module.
 Register module.
 Register the Module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPRawDigitConverter)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPReconstructor)
 Register the Module.
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPTimeBaseCalibrator)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPTimeRecalibrator)
 Register module.
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPWaveformFeatureExtractor)
 Register module.
 REG_MODULE (TOPWaveformQualityPlotter)
 Register module.
 TOPAlignmentCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPAsicShiftsBS13dCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPChannelMaskCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPCommonT0BFCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPCommonT0LLCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPModuleT0DeltaTCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPModuleT0LLCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPOffsetCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPPhotonYieldsCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPPulseHeightCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
 TOPValidationCollectorModule ()
virtual void prepare () final
 Replacement for initialize().
virtual void startRun () final
 Replacement for beginRun().
virtual void collect () final
 Replacement for event().
virtual void closeRun () final
 Replacement for endRun().
 OpticalGunModule ()
virtual ~OpticalGunModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
bool isInsideSlit (const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint &point, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &direction) const
 Checks if photon passes the slit.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getDirectionGaussian () const
 Return photon direction according to a projected 2D gaussian distribution based on numerical aperture NA.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getDirectionUniform () const
 Return photon direction according to a projected uniform distribution with opening angle alpha.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getDirectionLambertian () const
 Return photon direction according to a lambertian distribution with opening angle alpha.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getDirectionCustom () const
 Return photon direction according to a custom angular distribution given by TFormula.
 TOPAlignerModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPBackgroundModule ()
virtual ~TOPBackgroundModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
void myprint (TH1F *histo, const char *path, const char *xtit, const char *ytit, double tresh)
 Print histogram 1D, helper function.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
void printModuleParams () const
 Prints module parameters.
 TOPBunchFinderModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
Const::ChargedStable getMostProbable (const Track &track)
 Returns most probable charged stable particle according to dEdx and predefined prior probabilities.
int setFinder (TOP::Chi2MinimumFinder1D &finder, const TOP::PDFConstructor &reco, double timeMin, double timeMax)
 Sets finder object with chi2 values.
TimeSeed getTimeSeed ()
 Returns a time seed.
bool isBucketFilled (int bunchNo)
 Does reconstructed bunch number correspond to filled bucket.
 TOPChannelMaskerModule ()
 Constructor: Sets the description of the module.
virtual void initialize () override
 initialize method: registers datastore objects (the TOP hits)
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 event method: removes channels from the reconstruction pdf, flags hits from noisy channels as junk
 TOPChannelT0CalibratorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPChannelT0MCModule ()
virtual ~TOPChannelT0MCModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPCommonT0CalibratorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
bool isRunningOffsetSubtracted ()
 Checks if running offset is subtracted in TOPDigits.
 TOPCosmicT0FinderModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPDigitizerModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
TimeOffset getTimeOffset (double trgOffset, int moduleID, int pixelID)
 Returns a complete time offset by adding time mis-calibration to trgOffset.
double generatePulseHeight (int moduleID, int pixelID) const
 Generates and returns pulse height.
 TOPTriggerDigitizerModule ()
virtual ~TOPTriggerDigitizerModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPCalPulseGeneratorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
 TOPDoublePulseGeneratorModule ()
virtual ~TOPDoublePulseGeneratorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
void storeSampleTimes (std::string fileName)
 Optionally store sample times used by the generator as root histograms fileName root output file name.
void saveAsHistogram (const std::vector< double > &vec, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::string &xTitle="", const std::string &yTitle="") const
 Save vector to histogram and write it out.
 TOPDQMModule ()
virtual ~TOPDQMModule ()
virtual void defineHisto () override
 Histogram definitions such as TH1(), TH2(), TNtuple(), TTree()....
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
int getModuleID (const Track &track) const
 Returns slot ID of the module that is hit by the track.
 TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule ()
virtual ~TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Load time vs charge 2D histogram from a given input file (paramter "inputFile") and prepare hit timing and pulse charge distribution for each channel.
virtual void defineHisto () override
 Define TTree branches to store fit results for each channel This TTree is saved in an output file given by "histoFileName" parameter of "HistoManager" module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 The main processes, fitting charge distribution and calculating gain/efficiency, are done in this function.
virtual void event () override
 This will be empty as the all the processes are done in beginRun() function thus input file can be a dummy file.
virtual void endRun () override
 Draw plots to show fitting results for each channel and save them into a given PDF file (outputPDFFile).
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
void LoadHistograms (const std::string &histotype)
 Load 2D histograms from a given input file (output of TOPLaserHitSelector) and create timing and charge distribution as projection histograms for the x- and y-axis, respectively.
void FitHistograms (EHistogramType LoadHisto)
 Fit charge (or integrated charged) distribution to calculate gain and efficiency for each channel.
void DummyFillBranch (EHistogramType LoadHisto)
 Fill Dummy for Branch.
void DrawResult (const std::string &histotype, EHistogramType LoadHisto)
 Draw results of gain/efficiency calculation for each channel to a given output file.
static double TOPGainFunc (double *var, double *par)
 Fit function of pulse charge (or charnge) distribution for channel(pixel)-by-channel gain extraction, given by "[0]*pow(x-[4],[1])*exp(-pow(x-[4],[2])/[3])" smeared by Gaussian with a constant sigma to consider baseline fluctuation.
static double FindPeakForSmallerXThan (TH1 *histo, double xmax=0)
 Find peak and return its position for a limited range of x (x smaller than the given value (xmax))
 TOPLaserHitSelectorModule ()
virtual ~TOPLaserHitSelectorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void defineHisto () override
 create timing-height 2D histograms for all 8192 pixels
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPGeometryParInitializerModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
 TOPInterimFENtupleModule ()
virtual ~TOPInterimFENtupleModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void defineHisto () override
 Module funcions to define histograms.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
void getReferenceTiming ()
 Find reference timing.
 TOPLaserCalibratorModule ()
virtual ~TOPLaserCalibratorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPMCTrackMakerModule ()
virtual ~TOPMCTrackMakerModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPModuleT0CalibratorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
bool isRunningOffsetSubtracted ()
 Checks if running offset is subtracted in TOPDigits.
 TOPNtupleModule ()
virtual ~TOPNtupleModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPPackerModule ()
virtual ~TOPPackerModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
void packProductionDraft ()
 Pack in format: c_Draft (tentative production format) this format was never implemented in firmware!
void packType0Ver16 ()
 Pack in format: c_Type0Ver16 (Feature-extracted data) this format was never implemented in firmware!
void packProductionDebug ()
 Pack in format: Production Debugging Data Format 01.
 TOPPDFCheckerModule ()
virtual void defineHisto () override
 Histogram definitions such as TH1(), TH2(), TNtuple(), TTree()....
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
bool isFromThisParticle (const TOPDigit &digit, const MCParticle *particle)
 Checks if digit comes from given MC particle.
 TOPPDFDebuggerModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
void associatePDFPeaks (const TOP::PDFConstructor &pdfConstructor)
 Associate PDF peaks with photons using S-plot technique.
 TOPRawDigitConverterModule ()
virtual ~TOPRawDigitConverterModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPReconstructorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
 TOPTBCComparatorModule ()
void defineHisto () override
 Defining the histograms.
int analyzeCalFile ()
 Analyzes the calibrations stored in the file m_calSetFile.
int makeComparisons ()
 Last function to be called, compared the histograms of different datasets filled by analyzeCalFile() Every new comparison histogram added to the module has to be filled here.
void initialize () override
 Initialize the module.
void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
void event () override
 Event processor.
void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
void terminate () override
 Termination action.
int parseInputDirectoryLine (std::string)
 Utility function to get the directory name and the label from a line of the m_inputDirectoryList file Sets the values of m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel.
int parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName (std::string)
 Utility function to parse the slot and BS id from the calibration file names.
TH1F * calculateHistoRatio (TH1F *, TH1F *, TH1F *)
 Utility function to take the ratio of two histograms using TH1::Divide(), without overwriting the output name and title initialized in defineHisto().
TH2F * calculateHistoRatio (TH2F *, TH2F *, TH2F *)
 Utility function to take the ratio of two histograms using TH2::Divide(), without overwriting the output name and title initialized in defineHisto().
 TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule ()
virtual ~TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
bool calibrateChannel (std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
 calibrate single channel
bool matrixInversion (const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, double meanTimeDifference, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
 Method by matrix inversion.
bool iterativeTBC (const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, double meanTimeDifference, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
 Method by iteration of chi2 minimization.
void Iteration (const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, std::vector< double > &xval)
 Iteration function called by iterativeTBC()
double Chisq (const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, const std::vector< double > &xxval)
 Return the chisqure of one set of TBC constants (xval) in iTBC calculaton.
void saveAsHistogram (const std::vector< double > &vec, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::string &xTitle="", const std::string &yTitle="") const
 Save vector to histogram and write it out.
void saveAsHistogram (const std::vector< double > &vec, const std::vector< double > &err, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::string &xTitle="", const std::string &yTitle="") const
 Save vector and errors to histogram and write it out.
void saveAsHistogram (const TMatrixDSym &M, const std::string &name, const std::string &title) const
 Save matrix to histogram and write it out.
 TOPTimeRecalibratorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
 TOPUnpackerModule ()
virtual ~TOPUnpackerModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
std::string getFrontEndName (RawTOP &raw, int finesse) const
 Returns the name of the front-end.
bool printTheError ()
 Error messages suppression logic.
void unpackProductionDraft (const int *buffer, int bufferSize)
 Unpack raw data given in a tentative production format (will vanish in future)
void unpackType0Ver16 (const int *buffer, int bufferSize)
 Unpack raw data given in feature-extraction production format.
bool unpackHeadersInterimFEVer01 (const int *buffer, int bufferSize, bool swapBytes)
 Tries to unpack raw data assuming it is in feature-extraction interim format.
int unpackInterimFEVer01 (const int *buffer, int bufferSize, bool pedestalSubtracted)
 Unpack raw data given in feature-extraction interim format.
int unpackProdDebug (const int *buffer, int bufferSize, TOP::RawDataType dataFormat, bool pedestalSubtracted)
 Unpack raw data given in production debugging format.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPWaveformFeatureExtractorModule ()
virtual ~TOPWaveformFeatureExtractorModule ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialize the Module.
virtual void beginRun () override
 Called when entering a new run.
virtual void event () override
 Event processor.
virtual void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate () override
 Termination action.
 TOPWaveformQualityPlotterModule ()
void defineHisto () override
 Books the empty histograms.
void initialize () override
 Module initialization, calls defineHisto and gets waveform.
void basicDebuggingPlots (const TOPRawWaveform &rawwave)
 Fills the debugging 1D histograms and hitmaps.
void drawWaveforms (const TOPRawWaveform &rawwave)
 Draws the full waveforms onto the TProfiles.
void event () override
 Event processor.
void endRun () override
 End-of-run action.

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

enum for maximum number of array elements (# of hits per event)

Definition at line 24 of file TOPLaserHitSelectorModule.h.

24 { c_NChannelPerAsic = 8, c_NModule = 16, c_NChannelPerPMT = 16,
25 c_NChannelPerPMTRow = 4, c_NPMTPerRow = 16,
26 c_NPMTPerModule = 32, c_NPixelPerRow = 64, c_NPixelPerModule = 512
27 };

Function Documentation

◆ analyzeCalFile()

int analyzeCalFile ( )

Analyzes the calibrations stored in the file m_calSetFile.

This is the main function in which the analysis and the hisogram filling takes place. Every new monitoring histogram added to the module has to be filled here.

Definition at line 207 of file

208 {
209 // Here the histograms are filled
210 // WARNING! What root calls "RMS" is actually a standard deviation
212 // Sanity check on the parsed parameters
213 if (m_slotID < 0 || m_boardstackID < 0 || m_scrodID < 0) {
214 B2WARNING("Negative slot, BS or scrod ID found while calling analyzeCalFile(). Looks like they have not been initialized, or that a function re-initialized them");
215 return 0;
216 }
218 // Loop over all the histograms that should be found in the file
219 for (short iChannel = 0; iChannel < 128; iChannel++) {
221 // Pics up one histogram just to check that the channel iChannel was actually used to calculate the calibrations
222 if (!m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("timeDiff_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str())) {
223 continue;
224 }
227 // ---------
228 // 1) Define some channel numbering quantities
229 // Watchout: m_slotID is in [1..16] so slot m_slotID is on the element m_slotID-1 of the array
230 // ---------
232 short hardwareChannel = iChannel + 128 * m_boardstackID; // 0-511 across the whole module, BS by BS
234 short pixelID = chMapper.getPixelID(hardwareChannel); // 1-512 across the whole module, in rows
235 short colNum = (pixelID - 1) % 64 + 1; // 1- 64 column ID (right to left looking from the quartz to the PMTs)
236 short rowNum = (pixelID - 1) / 64 + 1 ; // 1- 8 row ID (bottom to top looking from the quartz to the PMTs)
237 short globalChannel = hardwareChannel + 512 * (m_slotID -
238 1); // channel number across the whole detector, 0-8191. Used for cal monitorin only
241 // ---------
242 // 2) Channel-by-channel DeltaT summaries (average on the 256 samples of each set)
243 // ---------
245 // Checks that the histogram needed here is not corrupted before using it
246 if (!m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("timeDiffcal_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str())) {
247 B2WARNING("Error opening " << str(format("timeDiffcal_ch%1%") % (iChannel)));
248 } else {
249 TH2F* h_timeDiffcal = (TH2F*)m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("timeDiffcal_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str());
250 TH1D* h_projection = h_timeDiffcal->ProjectionY("h_projection", 1, m_numSamples); // full projection
252 m_slotAverageDeltaT[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(hardwareChannel + 1, h_projection->GetMean());
253 m_slotAverageDeltaT[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinError(hardwareChannel + 1,
254 h_projection->GetMeanError()); // Do we trust root on this?
255 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(hardwareChannel + 1,
256 h_projection->GetRMS()); // WARNING! What root calls "RMS" is actually a standard deviation
257 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinError(hardwareChannel + 1,
258 h_projection->GetRMSError()); // WARNING! What root calls "RMS" is actually a standard deviation
260 m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(colNum, rowNum, h_projection->GetMean());
261 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(colNum, rowNum,
262 h_projection->GetRMS());
264 m_topAverageDeltaT[m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(globalChannel + 1, h_projection->GetMean());
265 m_topSigmaDeltaT[m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(globalChannel + 1, h_projection->GetRMS());
266 }
268 // ---------
269 // 3) Channel-by-channel average occupancy
270 // ---------
272 // Checks that the histogram needed here is not corrupted before using it
273 if (!m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("sampleOccup_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str())) {
274 B2WARNING("Error opening " << str(format("sampleOccup_ch%1%") % (iChannel)));
275 } else {
276 TH1F* h_sampleOccup = (TH1F*)m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("sampleOccup_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str());
278 // reads the occupancy histogram bin-by-by to look for (almost) empty samples
279 int nEmpty = 0;
280 for (int iSample = 1; iSample < m_numSamples + 1 ; iSample++) {
281 if (h_sampleOccup->GetBinContent(iSample) < m_minCalPulses) nEmpty++;
282 }
284 m_slotSampleOccupancy[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(hardwareChannel + 1, h_sampleOccup->Integral() / m_numSamples);
285 m_slotEmptySamples[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(hardwareChannel + 1, nEmpty);
287 m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(colNum, rowNum, h_sampleOccup->Integral() / m_numSamples);
288 m_slotEmptySamplesMap[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(colNum, rowNum, nEmpty);
290 m_topSampleOccupancy[m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(globalChannel + 1, h_sampleOccup->Integral() / m_numSamples);
292 }
296 }
297 return 1;
298 }
short m_boardstackID
ID of the slot whose calibrations are being analyzed.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaT[16]
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSampleOccupancy[16]
Average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimization, as function of the channel number.
short m_numSamples
Number of samples that have been calibrated.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSigmaDeltaT
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[16]
Map of the average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSampleOccupancy
Average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimization, as function of the channel number on...
short m_calSetID
Internal ID of the calibration set that is being analyzed.
TFile * m_calSetFile
File containing the calibration constants of the SCROD being analyzed.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotEmptySamples[16]
Number of (semi-)empty samples in each channel.
short m_slotID
ID of the slot whose calibrations are being analyzed.
short m_minCalPulses
Minimum number of calpulses to declare a sample as non-empty.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotAverageDeltaT[16]
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
short m_scrodID
ID of the scrod whose calibrations are being analyzed.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotEmptySamplesMap[16]
Map of the number of (semi-)empty samples.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[16]
Map of the Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribu...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topAverageDeltaT
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[16]
Map of the average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimizat on.
int getPixelID(unsigned channel) const
Converts hardware channel number to pixel ID (1-based)
const ChannelMapper & getChannelMapper() const
Returns default channel mapper (mapping of channels to pixels)
static TOPGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to obtain the pointer to its instance.

◆ associatePDFPeaks()

void associatePDFPeaks ( const TOP::PDFConstructor pdfConstructor)

Associate PDF peaks with photons using S-plot technique.

pdfConstructorreconstruction object for given track and hypothesis

Definition at line 192 of file

193 {
195 const auto& signalPDFs = pdfConstructor.getSignalPDF();
196 auto signalPhotons = pdfConstructor.getExpectedSignalPhotons();
197 auto bkgPhotons = pdfConstructor.getExpectedBkgPhotons();
198 auto deltaPhotons = pdfConstructor.getExpectedDeltaPhotons();
199 int PDGCode = pdfConstructor.getHypothesis().getPDGCode();
201 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
202 if (digit.getModuleID() != pdfConstructor.getModuleID()) continue;
203 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
204 int pixelID = digit.getPixelID();
205 unsigned index = pixelID - 1;
206 if (index >= signalPDFs.size()) continue;
207 const auto& signalPDF = signalPDFs[index];
208 const auto* tts = signalPDF.getTTS();
209 const auto& pdfPeaks = signalPDF.getPDFPeaks();
210 const auto& extraInfos = signalPDF.getPDFExtraInfo();
211 if (extraInfos.size() != pdfPeaks.size()) {
212 B2ERROR("associatePDFPeaks: sizes of PDFPeaks and ExtraInfo's differ");
213 continue;
214 }
216 auto* associatedPDF = m_associatedPDFs.appendNew(PDGCode);
217 digit.addRelationTo(associatedPDF);
219 double bkgLevel = pdfConstructor.getBackgroundPDF()->getPDFValue(pixelID) * bkgPhotons;
220 associatedPDF->setBackgroundWeight(bkgLevel);
221 double deltaLevel = pdfConstructor.getDeltaRayPDF().getPDFValue(pixelID, digit.getTime()) * deltaPhotons;
222 associatedPDF->setDeltaRayWeight(deltaLevel);
224 float time = digit.getTime();
225 float timeErr = digit.getTimeError();
227 for (size_t k = 0; k < pdfPeaks.size(); k++) {
228 const auto& pdfPeak = pdfPeaks[k];
229 const auto& pdfExtra = extraInfos[k];
230 TOPAssociatedPDF::PDFPeak peak;
231 peak.position = pdfPeak.t0;
232 peak.width = sqrt(pdfPeak.wid);
233 peak.numPhotons = pdfPeak.nph * signalPhotons;
234 float wt = 0;
235 for (const auto& gaus : tts->getTTS()) {
236 float sig2 = peak.width * peak.width + gaus.sigma * gaus.sigma + timeErr * timeErr;
237 float x = pow(time - peak.position - gaus.position, 2) / sig2;
238 if (x > 20) continue;
239 wt += peak.numPhotons * gaus.fraction / sqrt(2 * M_PI * sig2) * exp(-x / 2);
240 }
241 if (wt > 0) {
242 peak.fic = pdfPeak.fic;
243 peak.e = pdfExtra.e;
244 peak.sige = pdfExtra.sige;
245 peak.nx = abs(pdfExtra.Nxm) + abs(pdfExtra.Nxb) + abs(pdfExtra.Nxe);
246 peak.ny = abs(pdfExtra.Nym) + abs(pdfExtra.Nyb) + abs(pdfExtra.Nye);
247 peak.nxm = abs(pdfExtra.Nxm);
248 peak.nym = abs(pdfExtra.Nym);
249 peak.nxe = abs(pdfExtra.Nxe);
250 peak.nye = abs(pdfExtra.Nye);
251 peak.xd = pdfExtra.xD;
252 peak.yd = pdfExtra.yD;
253 peak.type = pdfExtra.type;
254 peak.kxe = pdfExtra.kxE;
255 peak.kye = pdfExtra.kyE;
256 peak.kze = pdfExtra.kzE;
257 peak.kxd = pdfExtra.kxD;
258 peak.kyd = pdfExtra.kyD;
259 peak.kzd = pdfExtra.kzD;
260 associatedPDF->appendPeak(peak, wt);
261 }
262 }
263 }
265 }
StoreArray< TOPAssociatedPDF > m_associatedPDFs
collection of associated PDF's
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28

◆ basicDebuggingPlots()

void basicDebuggingPlots ( const TOPRawWaveform rawwave)

Fills the debugging 1D histograms and hitmaps.

rawwavethe raw waveform

Definition at line 81 of file

82 {
83 int scrodid = v.getScrodID();
84 int asicid = v.getASICNumber();
85 int channelid = v.getASICChannel();
86 int carrierid = v.getCarrierNumber();
87 m_scrod_id->Fill(scrodid);
88 m_asic_ch->Fill(channelid);
89 m_asic->Fill(asicid);
90 m_carrier->Fill(carrierid);
91 m_asic_win->Fill(v.getStorageWindow());
92 m_entries->Fill(v.getWaveform().size());
93 m_moduleID->Fill(v.getModuleID());
94 m_pixelID->Fill(v.getPixelID());
96 if (m_hitmap.find(scrodid) == m_hitmap.end()) {
97 m_hitmap[scrodid] = new TH2F((string("scrod ") + to_string(scrodid) + string("Hitmap")).c_str(),
98 (string("scrod ") + to_string(scrodid) + string("carrier vs. asic;asic;carrier")).c_str(), 4, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4);
99 }
100 m_hitmap[scrodid]->Fill(asicid, carrierid);
101 const vector<short>& waveform = v.getWaveform();
102 if (waveform.empty()) {
103 return;
104 }
105 for (short adc : waveform) {
106 m_samples->Fill(adc);
107 }
108 }
TH1F * m_asic_ch
plot of ASIC channel ID debugging
TH1F * m_pixelID
plot of pixel ID for debugging
std::map< int, TH2F * > m_hitmap
hitmaps for each SCROD
TH1F * m_carrier
plot of carrier IDs for debugging
TH1F * m_scrod_id
plot of SCROD IDs for debugging
TH1F * m_asic
plot of ASIC number for debugging

◆ beginRun() [1/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 194 of file

195 {
196 // Print run number
197 B2INFO("TOPBackground: Processing:");
199 }

◆ beginRun() [2/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 202 of file

203 {
204 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
206 if (not m_commonT0.isValid()) {
207 B2FATAL("Common T0 calibration payload requested but not available for run "
208 << evtMetaData->getRun()
209 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
210 }
212 if (m_HLTmode) return;
214 if (m_useTimeSeed and not m_eventT0Offset.isValid()) {
215 B2WARNING("EventT0Offset not available for run "
216 << evtMetaData->getRun()
217 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment()
218 << ": seeding with SVD or CDC eventT0 will not be done.");
219 }
220 if (m_useFillPattern) {
221 if (not m_bunchStructure->isSet()) {
222 B2WARNING("BunchStructure not available for run "
223 << evtMetaData->getRun()
224 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment()
225 << ": fill pattern will not be used.");
226 }
227 if (not m_fillPatternOffset.isValid()) {
228 B2WARNING("FillPatternOffset not available for run "
229 << evtMetaData->getRun()
230 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment()
231 << ": fill pattern will not be used.");
232 }
233 }
235 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalCommonT0 > m_commonT0
common T0 calibration constants
bool m_HLTmode
use running average to correct digits
bool m_useTimeSeed
use CDC or SVD event T0 as seed
bool m_useFillPattern
use know fill pattern to enhance efficiency
OptionalDBObjPtr< TOPCalFillPatternOffset > m_fillPatternOffset
fill pattern offset
DBObjPtr< BunchStructure > m_bunchStructure
fill pattern
OptionalDBObjPtr< TOPCalEventT0Offset > m_eventT0Offset
detector components offsets w.r.t TOP

◆ beginRun() [3/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 54 of file

55 {
57 if (not m_channelMask.isValid()) {
58 B2FATAL("channel mask not available");
59 }
60 if (not m_channelT0.isValid()) {
61 B2FATAL("channel T0 calibration not available");
62 }
63 if (not m_timebase.isValid()) {
64 B2FATAL("timebase calibration not available");
65 }
67 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelMask > m_channelMask
list of dead/noisy channels
DBObjPtr< TOPCalTimebase > m_timebase
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelT0 > m_channelT0
channel T0

◆ beginRun() [4/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 63 of file

64 {
65 }

◆ beginRun() [5/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 142 of file

143 {
144 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
146 // check availability of mappers
147 const auto& channelMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
148 if (not channelMapper.isValid()) {
149 B2FATAL("No valid channel mapper found for run "
150 << evtMetaData->getRun()
151 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
152 }
153 const auto& frontEndMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getFrontEndMapper();
154 if (not frontEndMapper.isValid()) {
155 B2FATAL("No valid front-end mapper found for run "
156 << evtMetaData->getRun()
157 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
158 }
160 // check availability of constants in database
161 if (m_useDatabase) {
162 if (not m_timebases.isValid()) {
163 B2FATAL("Sample time calibration constants requested but not available for run "
164 << evtMetaData->getRun()
165 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
166 }
167 if (not m_channelT0.isValid()) {
168 B2FATAL("Channel T0 calibration constants requested but not available for run "
169 << evtMetaData->getRun()
170 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
171 }
172 if (not m_asicShift.isValid()) {
173 B2FATAL("ASIC shifts calibration requested but not available for run "
174 << evtMetaData->getRun()
175 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
176 }
177 if (not m_moduleT0.isValid()) {
178 B2FATAL("Module T0 calibration constants requested but not available for run "
179 << evtMetaData->getRun()
180 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
181 }
182 if (not m_commonT0.isValid()) {
183 B2FATAL("Common T0 calibration constants requested but not available for run "
184 << evtMetaData->getRun()
185 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
186 }
187 if (not m_pulseHeights.isValid()) {
188 B2FATAL("Pulse height calibration constants requested but not available for run "
189 << evtMetaData->getRun()
190 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
191 }
192 if (not m_thresholds.isValid()) {
193 B2FATAL("Channel thresholds requested but not available for run "
194 << evtMetaData->getRun()
195 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
196 }
197 if (not m_noises.isValid()) {
198 B2FATAL("Channel noise levels requested but not available for run "
199 << evtMetaData->getRun()
200 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
201 }
202 if (m_timeWalk.isValid()) {
204 } else {
206 // B2FATAL("Time-walk parameters requested but not available for run "
207 B2WARNING("Time-walk parameters not available for run "
208 << evtMetaData->getRun()
209 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
210 }
211 } else if (m_useSampleTimeCalibration) {
212 if (not m_timebases.isValid()) {
213 B2FATAL("Sample time calibration constants requested but not available for run "
214 << evtMetaData->getRun()
215 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
216 }
217 }
219 // check availability of front-end settings
220 if (not m_feSetting.isValid()) {
221 B2FATAL("Front-end settings are not available for run "
222 << evtMetaData->getRun()
223 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
224 }
226 // pass a parameter to TimeDigitizer
227 TimeDigitizer::setReadoutWindows(m_feSetting->getReadoutWindows());
228 if ((evtMetaData->getExperiment() > 0 and evtMetaData->getExperiment() < 5) or
229 evtMetaData->getExperiment() == 1002) {
230 TimeDigitizer::maskSamples(true); // phase-2: mask samples at window boundaries
231 } else {
232 TimeDigitizer::maskSamples(false); // phase-3: no masking
233 }
235 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalAsicShift > m_asicShift
ASIC shifts calibration constants.
DBObjPtr< TOPFrontEndSetting > m_feSetting
front-end settings
DBObjPtr< TOPCalCommonT0 > m_commonT0
common T0 calibration constants
bool m_useSampleTimeCalibration
if true, use time base calibration
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelT0 > m_channelT0
channel T0 calibration constants
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelNoise > m_noises
channel noise levels (r.m.s)
OptionalDBObjPtr< TOPCalTimeWalk > m_timeWalk
time-walk calibration constants
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelThreshold > m_thresholds
channel thresholds
DBObjPtr< TOPCalTimebase > m_timebases
sample times from database
DBObjPtr< TOPCalModuleT0 > m_moduleT0
module T0 calibration constants
bool m_useDatabase
if true, use calibration constants from database
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelPulseHeight > m_pulseHeights
pulse height param.
const FrontEndMapper & getFrontEndMapper() const
Returns front-end mapper (mapping of SCROD's to positions within TOP modules)
static void setReadoutWindows(unsigned numWin)
Sets the number of readout windows.
Definition: TimeDigitizer.h:80
static void maskSamples(bool maskThem)
Mask samples at the end of a window to emulate phase-2 data.
Definition: TimeDigitizer.h:98
static void setTimeWalk(DBObjPtr< TOPCalTimeWalk > *timeWalk)
Stores pointer to time walk DB object defined in TOPDigitizerModule.

◆ beginRun() [6/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 86 of file

87 {
88 }

◆ beginRun() [7/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 148 of file

149 {
150 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
151 if (m_useDatabase) {
152 if (!(*m_timebase).isValid()) {
153 B2FATAL("Sample time calibration requested but not available for run "
154 << evtMetaData->getRun()
155 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
156 }
157 }
159 }
bool m_useDatabase
if true, use sample times from database

◆ beginRun() [8/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 307 of file

308 {
309 m_BoolEvtMonitor->Reset();
310 m_window_vs_slot->Reset();
311 m_eventT0->Reset();
312 m_bunchOffset->Reset();
313 m_time->Reset();
314 m_timeBG->Reset();
315 m_signalHits->Reset();
316 m_backgroundHits->Reset();
317 m_trackHits->Reset();
318 m_goodTDCAll->Reset();
319 m_badTDCAll->Reset();
320 m_goodHitsPerEventAll->Reset();
321 m_badHitsPerEventAll->Reset();
322 m_TOPOccAfterInjLER->Reset();
323 m_TOPOccAfterInjHER->Reset();
324 m_TOPEOccAfterInjLER->Reset();
325 m_TOPEOccAfterInjHER->Reset();
326 m_nhitInjLER->Reset();
327 m_nhitInjHER->Reset();
328 m_nhitInjLERcut->Reset();
329 m_nhitInjHERcut->Reset();
330 m_eventInjLER->Reset();
331 m_eventInjHER->Reset();
332 m_eventInjLERcut->Reset();
333 m_eventInjHERcut->Reset();
335 for (int i = 0; i < m_numModules; i++) {
336 m_window_vs_asic[i]->Reset();
337 m_goodHitsXY[i]->Reset();
338 m_badHitsXY[i]->Reset();
339 m_goodHitsAsics[i]->Reset();
340 m_badHitsAsics[i]->Reset();
341 m_goodTDC[i]->Reset();
342 m_badTDC[i]->Reset();
343 m_goodTiming[i]->Reset();
344 m_goodTimingBG[i]->Reset();
345 m_goodChannelHits[i]->Reset();
346 m_badChannelHits[i]->Reset();
347 m_pulseHeights[i]->Reset();
348 }
349 }
std::vector< TH2F * > m_window_vs_asic
Histograms window w.r.t reference vs.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:124
std::vector< TH1F * > m_badChannelHits
Histograms for bad channel hits.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:134
int m_numModules
number of TOP modules
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:138
std::vector< TH2F * > m_goodHitsXY
Histograms (2D) for good hits in pixels.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:125
std::vector< TH2F * > m_goodHitsAsics
Histograms (2D) for good hits in asic channels.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:127
TH2F * m_eventInjHER
event distribution (HER injection)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:120
std::vector< TH2F * > m_badHitsXY
Histograms (2D) for bad hits in pixels.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:126
TH1F * m_bunchOffset
reconstructed bunch: current offset
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:98
TProfile2D * m_nhitInjLER
average number of good digits (LER injection)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:115
TProfile * m_backgroundHits
number of hits in the background time window vs.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:102
std::vector< TH1F * > m_badTDC
Histograms for TDC distribution of bad hits.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:130
std::vector< TH1F * > m_goodChannelHits
Histograms for good channel hits.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:133
TH1F * m_eventT0
reconstructed event T0
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:97
TH2F * m_eventInjLERcut
event distribution after cut (LER injection)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:121
TH2F * m_window_vs_slot
Histogram window w.r.t reference vs.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:96
std::vector< TH1F * > m_goodTDC
Histograms for TDC distribution of good hits.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:129
std::vector< TH1F * > m_goodTimingBG
Histograms for timing distribution of good hits (background)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:132
TH1F * m_timeBG
time distribution of good hits (background)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:100
TH2F * m_eventInjLER
event distribution (LER injection)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:119
TH1F * m_TOPEOccAfterInjHER
Histogram for Nr Entries (=Triggrs) for normalization after HER injection.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:113
TProfile2D * m_nhitInjLERcut
average number of good digits after cut (LER injection)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:117
TH1F * m_badHitsPerEventAll
Number of bad hits per event (all slots)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:106
TH1F * m_TOPEOccAfterInjLER
Histogram for Nr Entries (=Triggrs) for normalization after LER injection.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:112
std::vector< TH1F * > m_goodTiming
Histograms for timing distribution of good hits.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:131
TH1F * m_time
time distribution of good hits
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:99
TH1F * m_goodTDCAll
TDC distribution of good hits (all slots)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:107
TProfile2D * m_nhitInjHER
average number of good digits (HER injection)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:116
TH1F * m_TOPOccAfterInjLER
Histogram Ndigits after LER injection.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:110
std::vector< TProfile * > m_pulseHeights
Pulse heights of good hits.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:135
TH2F * m_eventInjHERcut
event distribution after cut (HER injection)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:122
TProfile * m_signalHits
number of hits in the signal time window vs.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:101
TH2F * m_trackHits
counting events w/ and w/o track in the slot vs.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:103
TH1D * m_BoolEvtMonitor
Event desynchronization monitoring.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:95
TProfile2D * m_nhitInjHERcut
average number of good digits after cut (HER injection)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:118
std::vector< TH2F * > m_badHitsAsics
Histograms (2D) for bad hits in asic channels.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:128
TH1F * m_TOPOccAfterInjHER
Histogram Ndigits after HER injection.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:111
TH1F * m_badTDCAll
TDC distribution of bad hits (all slots)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:108
TH1F * m_goodHitsPerEventAll
Number of good hits per event (all slots)
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:105

◆ beginRun() [9/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

The main processes, fitting charge distribution and calculating gain/efficiency, are done in this function.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 160 of file

161 {
162 }

◆ beginRun() [10/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 150 of file

151 {
152 }

◆ beginRun() [11/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 159 of file

160 {
161 }

◆ beginRun() [12/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 81 of file

82 {
83 }

◆ beginRun() [13/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 88 of file

89 {
90 }

◆ beginRun() [14/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 160 of file

161 {
162 if (m_moduleT0.hasChanged()) {
163 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
164 B2WARNING("ModuleT0 payload has changed. Calibration results may not be correct."
165 << LogVar("run", evtMetaData->getRun()));
166 }
167 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalModuleT0 > m_moduleT0
module T0 calibration constants
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.

◆ beginRun() [15/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 127 of file

128 {
129 }

◆ beginRun() [16/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 99 of file

100 {
101 }

◆ beginRun() [17/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 132 of file

133 {
135 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
137 // check if calibrations are available when needed - if not, terminate
140 if (not m_timebase.isValid()) {
141 B2FATAL("Sample time calibration requested but not available for run "
142 << evtMetaData->getRun()
143 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
144 }
145 }
147 if (not m_channelT0.isValid()) {
148 B2FATAL("Channel T0 calibration requested but not available for run "
149 << evtMetaData->getRun()
150 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
151 }
152 }
154 if (not m_asicShift.isValid()) {
155 B2FATAL("ASIC shifts calibration requested but not available for run "
156 << evtMetaData->getRun()
157 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
158 }
159 }
161 if (not m_moduleT0.isValid()) {
162 B2FATAL("Module T0 calibration requested but not available for run "
163 << evtMetaData->getRun()
164 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
165 }
166 }
168 if (not m_commonT0.isValid()) {
169 B2FATAL("Common T0 calibration requested but not available for run "
170 << evtMetaData->getRun()
171 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
172 }
173 }
174 if (not m_timeWalk.isValid()) {
175 // B2FATAL("Time-walk calibration is not available for run "
176 B2WARNING("Time-walk calibration is not available for run "
177 << evtMetaData->getRun()
178 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
179 }
180 if (m_pedestalRMS > 0 and not m_noises.isValid()) {
181 B2FATAL("Channel noise levels are not available for run "
182 << evtMetaData->getRun()
183 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
184 }
186 if (not m_feSetting.isValid()) {
187 B2FATAL("Front-end settings are not available for run "
188 << evtMetaData->getRun()
189 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
190 }
192 }
double m_pedestalRMS
r.m.s of pedestals [ADC counts]
DBObjPtr< TOPCalTimebase > m_timebase
sample time calibration constants
DBObjPtr< TOPCalAsicShift > m_asicShift
ASIC shifts calibration constants.
DBObjPtr< TOPFrontEndSetting > m_feSetting
front-end settings
DBObjPtr< TOPCalCommonT0 > m_commonT0
common T0 calibration constants
bool m_useAsicShiftCalibration
if true, use asic shifts calibration
bool m_useSampleTimeCalibration
if true, use sample time calibration
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelT0 > m_channelT0
channel T0 calibration constants
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelNoise > m_noises
OptionalDBObjPtr< TOPCalTimeWalk > m_timeWalk
time-walk calibration constants
bool m_useChannelT0Calibration
if true, use channel T0 calibration
bool m_useCommonT0Calibration
if true, use common T0 calibration
bool m_useModuleT0Calibration
if true, use module T0 calibration
DBObjPtr< TOPCalModuleT0 > m_moduleT0
module T0 calibration constants

◆ beginRun() [18/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 341 of file

342 {
343 return;
344 }

◆ beginRun() [19/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 143 of file

144 {
145 }

◆ beginRun() [20/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 85 of file

86 {
87 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
89 // check if calibrations are available when needed - if not, terminate
92 if (not m_timebase.isValid()) {
93 B2FATAL("Sample time calibration requested but not available for run "
94 << evtMetaData->getRun()
95 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
96 }
97 }
99 if (not m_channelT0.isValid()) {
100 B2FATAL("Channel T0 calibration requested but not available for run "
101 << evtMetaData->getRun()
102 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
103 }
104 }
106 if (not m_asicShift.isValid()) {
107 B2FATAL("ASIC shifts calibration requested but not available for run "
108 << evtMetaData->getRun()
109 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
110 }
111 }
113 if (not m_moduleT0.isValid()) {
114 B2FATAL("Module T0 calibration requested but not available for run "
115 << evtMetaData->getRun()
116 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
117 }
118 }
120 if (not m_commonT0.isValid()) {
121 B2FATAL("Common T0 calibration requested but not available for run "
122 << evtMetaData->getRun()
123 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
124 }
125 }
127 if (not m_timeWalk.isValid()) {
128 // B2FATAL("Time-walk calibration requested but not available for run "
129 B2WARNING("Time-walk calibration is not available for run "
130 << evtMetaData->getRun()
131 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
132 }
133 }
135 if (not m_feSetting.isValid()) {
136 B2FATAL("Front-end settings are not available for run "
137 << evtMetaData->getRun()
138 << " of experiment " << evtMetaData->getExperiment());
139 }
141 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalTimebase > m_timebase
sample time calibration constants
DBObjPtr< TOPCalAsicShift > m_asicShift
ASIC shifts calibration constants.
DBObjPtr< TOPFrontEndSetting > m_feSetting
front-end settings
DBObjPtr< TOPCalCommonT0 > m_commonT0
common T0 calibration constants
bool m_useAsicShiftCalibration
if true, use asic shifts calibration
bool m_useSampleTimeCalibration
if true, use sample time calibration
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelT0 > m_channelT0
channel T0 calibration constants
bool m_useTimeWalkCalibration
if true, use time-walk calibration
OptionalDBObjPtr< TOPCalTimeWalk > m_timeWalk
time-walk calibration constants
bool m_useChannelT0Calibration
if true, use channel T0 calibration
bool m_useCommonT0Calibration
if true, use common T0 calibration
bool m_useModuleT0Calibration
if true, use module T0 calibration
DBObjPtr< TOPCalModuleT0 > m_moduleT0
module T0 calibration constants

◆ beginRun() [21/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 113 of file

114 {
115 m_channelStatistics.clear();
116 }
std::map< int, int > m_channelStatistics
counts how many different channels have been parsed in a given SCROD packet

◆ beginRun() [22/22]

void beginRun ( void  )

Called when entering a new run.

Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 78 of file

79 {
80 }

◆ calculateHistoRatio() [1/2]

TH1F * calculateHistoRatio ( TH1F *  hRatio,
TH1F *  hNum,
TH1F *  hDen 

Utility function to take the ratio of two histograms using TH1::Divide(), without overwriting the output name and title initialized in defineHisto().

Definition at line 591 of file

592 {
593 // Saves the name and titple of the output histogram, as defined in defineHisto
594 const char* name = hRatio->GetName();
595 const char* title = hRatio->GetTitle();
597 const char* xAxisTitle = hRatio->GetXaxis()->GetTitle();
598 const char* yAxisTitle = hRatio->GetYaxis()->GetTitle();
600 // clone the numerator histogram into the output one
601 hRatio = (TH1F*)hNum->Clone();
604 // makes the ratio
605 hRatio->Divide(hDen);
607 //ri-sets name, title and axis labels
608 hRatio->SetName(name);
609 hRatio->SetTitle(title);
610 hRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xAxisTitle);
611 hRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle);
612 return hRatio;
613 }

◆ calculateHistoRatio() [2/2]

TH2F * calculateHistoRatio ( TH2F *  hRatio,
TH2F *  hNum,
TH2F *  hDen 

Utility function to take the ratio of two histograms using TH2::Divide(), without overwriting the output name and title initialized in defineHisto().

Definition at line 615 of file

616 {
617 // Saves the name and titple of the output histogram, as defined in defineHisto
618 const char* name = hRatio->GetName();
619 const char* title = hRatio->GetTitle();
621 const char* xAxisTitle = hRatio->GetXaxis()->GetTitle();
622 const char* yAxisTitle = hRatio->GetYaxis()->GetTitle();
624 // clone the numerator histogram into the output one
625 hRatio = (TH2F*)hNum->Clone();
628 // makes the ratio
629 hRatio->Divide(hDen);
631 //ri-sets name, title and axis labels
632 hRatio->SetName(name);
633 hRatio->SetTitle(title);
634 hRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xAxisTitle);
635 hRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle);
636 return hRatio;
637 }

◆ calibrateChannel()

bool calibrateChannel ( std::vector< TwoTimes > &  ntuple,
unsigned  scrodID,
unsigned  scrodChannel,
TH1F &  Hchi2,
TH1F &  Hndf,
TH1F &  HDeltaT 

calibrate single channel

ntuplentuple data
scrodChannelchannel number within SCROD (0 - 127)
Hchi2histogram to store normalized chi^2
Hndfhistogram to store degrees of freedom
HDeltaThistogram to store fittet double pulse delay
true on success

Definition at line 311 of file

315 {
317 // determine outlayer removal cuts
319 string name = "timeDiff_ch" + to_string(chan);
320 string forWhat = "scrod " + to_string(scrodID) + " channel " + to_string(chan);
321 string title = "Cal pulse time difference vs. sample for " + forWhat;
322 TProfile prof(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_TimeAxisSize, 0, c_TimeAxisSize,
324 prof.SetXTitle("sample number");
325 prof.SetYTitle("time difference [samples]");
327 name = "sampleOccup_ch" + to_string(chan);
328 title = "Occupancy for " + forWhat;
329 TH1F hist(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_TimeAxisSize, 0, c_TimeAxisSize);
330 hist.SetXTitle("sample number");
331 hist.SetYTitle("entries per sample");
333 vector<double> profMeans(c_TimeAxisSize, (m_maxTimeDiff + m_minTimeDiff) / 2);
334 double sigma = (m_maxTimeDiff - m_minTimeDiff) / 6;
336 for (int iter = 0; iter < 5; iter++) {
337 prof.Reset();
338 double x = 0;
339 double x2 = 0;
340 int n = 0;
341 for (auto& twoTimes : ntuple) {
342 int sample = int(twoTimes.t1) % c_TimeAxisSize;
343 double diff = twoTimes.t2 - twoTimes.t1;
344 double Ddiff = diff - profMeans[sample];
345 if (fabs(Ddiff) < 3 * sigma) {
346 prof.Fill(sample, diff);
347 hist.Fill(sample);
348 x += Ddiff;
349 x2 += Ddiff * Ddiff;
350 n++;
351 twoTimes.good = true;
352 } else {
353 twoTimes.good = false;
354 }
355 }
356 for (int i = 0; i < c_TimeAxisSize; i++) {
357 profMeans[i] = prof.GetBinContent(i + 1);
358 }
359 if (n == 0) return false;
360 x2 /= n;
361 x /= n;
362 sigma = sqrt(x2 - x * x);
363 }
364 prof.Write();
365 hist.Write();
367 // calculate average time difference
369 double meanTimeDifference = 0;
370 for (auto& x : profMeans) meanTimeDifference += x;
371 meanTimeDifference /= profMeans.size();
372 meanTimeDifference -= int(meanTimeDifference / static_cast<double>(c_TimeAxisSize)) * c_TimeAxisSize;
374 // perform the fit
376 switch (m_method) {
377 case 0:
378 B2INFO("... channel " << chan << ": "
379 << ntuple.size() << " double cal pulses)");
380 return false;
381 case 1:
382 return matrixInversion(ntuple, scrodID, chan, meanTimeDifference,
383 Hchi2, Hndf, HDeltaT);
384 case 2:
385 return iterativeTBC(ntuple, scrodID, chan, meanTimeDifference,
386 Hchi2, Hndf, HDeltaT);
387 case 3:
388 B2ERROR("Singuler value decomposition not implemented yet");
389 return false;
390 default:
391 B2ERROR("Unknown method " << m_method);
392 return false;
393 }
395 }
double m_minTimeDiff
lower bound for time difference [samples]
@ c_TimeAxisSize
number of samples to calibrate
double m_maxTimeDiff
upper bound for time difference [samples]
bool matrixInversion(const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, double meanTimeDifference, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
Method by matrix inversion.
bool iterativeTBC(const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, double meanTimeDifference, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
Method by iteration of chi2 minimization.

◆ Chisq()

double Chisq ( const std::vector< TwoTimes > &  ntuple,
const std::vector< double > &  xxval 

Return the chisqure of one set of TBC constants (xval) in iTBC calculaton.

ntuplentuple data
xxvalTBC constants of 256 samples, and xxval[0]=0, xxval[256]=2*FTSW

Definition at line 669 of file

670 {
671 double sum1 = 0.0;
672 double sum2 = 0.0; //sum od dt and dt**2
674 m_good = 0;
676 for (const auto& twoTimes : ntuple) {
677 if (!twoTimes.good) continue;
679 std::vector<double> m(c_TimeAxisSize, 0.0);
681 int i1 = int(twoTimes.t1);
682 double fr = twoTimes.t1 - i1;
683 double samp0 = i1 % 256;
684 double ctdc1 = xxval[samp0] + fr * (xxval[samp0 + 1] - xxval[samp0]);
685 int i2 = int(twoTimes.t2);
686 fr = twoTimes.t2 - i2;
687 double samp1 = i2 % 256;
688 double ctdc2 = xxval[samp1] + fr * (xxval[samp1 + 1] - xxval[samp1]);
689 double cdt = 0.0;
690 if (samp1 > samp0) cdt = ctdc2 - ctdc1;
691 else cdt = ctdc2 - ctdc1 + m_syncTimeBase * 2;
693 if (cdt < m_dt_max && cdt > m_dt_min) {
694 sum1 += cdt;
695 sum2 += cdt * cdt;
696 m_good++;
697 }
698 }
700 double chi2 = -1.0;
702 if (m_good > 10) {
703 double mean = sum1 / m_good;
704 chi2 = (sum2 - m_good * mean * mean) / m_good / m_sigm2_exp;
705 }
706 return chi2;
707 }
double m_sigm2_exp
(sigma_0(dT))**2 for nomarlization of chisq = sum{dT^2/sigma^2}
double m_syncTimeBase
synchronization time (two ASIC windows)
double m_dt_min
minimum Delta T of raw calpulse
int m_good
good events used for chisq cal.

◆ closeRun()

void closeRun ( )

Replacement for endRun().

Do anything you would normally do in endRun here.

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 288 of file

289 {
291 // module T0 pulls
293 for (int module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
294 std::vector<double> pos, err;
295 for (int set = 0; set < c_numSets; set++) {
296 const auto& minimum = m_finders[set][module].getMinimum();
297 if (minimum.valid) {
298 pos.push_back(minimum.position);
299 err.push_back(minimum.error);
300 }
301 }
302 auto h_pulls = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("moduleT0_pulls");
303 for (unsigned i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++) {
304 for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < pos.size(); j++) {
305 double pull = (pos[i] - pos[j]) / sqrt(err[i] * err[i] + err[j] * err[j]);
306 h_pulls->Fill(pull);
307 }
308 }
309 }
311 // module T0 residuals
313 for (int module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
314 auto& finder = m_finders[0][module];
315 for (int set = 1; set < c_numSets; set++) {
316 finder.add(m_finders[set][module]);
317 }
318 const auto& minimum = finder.getMinimum();
319 if (minimum.valid) {
320 m_treeEntry.moduleT0[module] = minimum.position;
321 m_treeEntry.moduleT0Err[module] = minimum.error;
322 }
323 }
325 // common T0 residual
327 auto& finder = m_finders[0][0];
328 for (int module = 1; module < c_numModules; module++) {
329 finder.add(m_finders[0][module]);
330 }
331 const auto& minimum = finder.getMinimum();
332 if (minimum.valid) {
333 m_treeEntry.commonT0 = minimum.position;
334 m_treeEntry.commonT0Err = minimum.error;
335 }
337 // fill the tree
339 auto tree = getObjectPtr<TTree>("tree");
340 tree->Fill();
341 }
TOP::ValidationTreeStruct m_treeEntry
tree entry
@ c_numSets
number of statistically independent subsamples
std::vector< TOP::Chi2MinimumFinder1D > m_finders[c_numSets]
minimum finders, vector index = slot - 1
float commonT0Err
common T0 uncertainty (not scaled)
float moduleT0[c_numModules]
module T0 residuals, index = slot - 1
float moduleT0Err[c_numModules]
module T0 uncertainties (not scaled), index = slot - 1

◆ collect() [1/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 216 of file

217 {
218 // bunch must be reconstructed
220 if (not m_recBunch.isValid()) return;
221 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
223 // track-by-track iterations
225 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
227 // construct TOPTrack from mdst track
228 TOPTrack trk(track);
229 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
231 // skip if track not hitting target module
232 if (trk.getModuleID() != m_targetMid) continue;
234 // track selection
235 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
237 // generate sub-sample number
238 int sub = gRandom->Integer(c_numSets);
239 auto& align = m_align[sub];
240 auto& countFails = m_countFails[sub];
241 const auto& name = m_treeNames[sub];
242 auto h1 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("tracks_per_slot");
243 h1->Fill(trk.getModuleID(), sub);
245 // do an iteration
246 int err = align.iterate(trk, m_selector.getChargedStable());
247 m_iter++;
249 // check number of consecutive failures, and in case reset
250 if (err == 0) {
251 countFails = 0;
252 } else if (countFails <= m_maxFails) {
253 countFails++;
254 } else {
255 B2INFO("Reached maximum allowed number of failed iterations. "
256 "Resetting TOPalign object of set = " << sub << " at iter = " << m_iter);
257 align.reset();
258 countFails = 0;
259 }
261 // get new parameter values and estimated errors
262 m_vAlignPars = align.getParameters();
263 m_vAlignParsErr = align.getErrors();
264 m_ntrk = align.getNumUsedTracks();
265 m_errorCode = err;
266 m_valid = align.isValid();
267 m_numPhot = align.getNumOfPhotons();
269 // set other ntuple variables
270 const auto& localPosition = m_selector.getLocalPosition();
271 m_x = localPosition.X();
272 m_y = localPosition.Y();
273 m_z = localPosition.Z();
274 const auto& localMomentum = m_selector.getLocalMomentum();
275 m_p = localMomentum.R();
276 m_theta = localMomentum.Theta();
277 m_phi = localMomentum.Phi();
278 const auto& pocaPosition = m_selector.getPOCAPosition();
279 m_pocaR = pocaPosition.Rho();
280 m_pocaZ = pocaPosition.Z();
281 m_pocaX = pocaPosition.X();
282 m_pocaY = pocaPosition.Y();
284 m_charge = trk.getCharge();
285 m_PDG = trk.getPDGCode();
287 // fill output tree
288 auto alignTree = getObjectPtr<TTree>(name);
289 alignTree->Fill();
291 // fill control histograms
292 std::string slotName = "_s" + to_string(m_targetMid);
293 auto h2 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("local_z" + slotName);
294 h2->Fill(m_z);
295 auto h3 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("cth_vs_p" + slotName);
296 h3->Fill(m_p, cos(m_theta));
297 auto h4 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("poca_xy" + slotName);
298 h4->Fill(m_pocaX, m_pocaY);
299 auto h5 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("poca_z" + slotName);
300 h5->Fill(m_pocaZ);
301 auto h6 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("Ecms" + slotName);
302 h6->Fill(m_cmsE);
303 auto h7 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("charge" + slotName);
304 h7->Fill(m_charge);
305 auto h8 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("timeHits" + slotName);
306 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
307 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
308 if (digit.getModuleID() != m_targetMid) continue;
309 h8->Fill(digit.getChannel(), digit.getTime());
310 }
311 auto h9 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("numPhot" + slotName);
312 h9->Fill(m_numPhot);
314 } // tracks
316 }
std::vector< float > m_vAlignParsErr
error on alignment parameters
@ c_numSets
number of statistically independent subsamples
std::vector< TOP::ModuleAlignment > m_align
alignment objects
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
int m_PDG
track MC truth (simulated data only)
float m_phi
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
std::vector< float > m_vAlignPars
alignment parameters
std::vector< int > m_countFails
counters for failed iterations
std::vector< std::string > m_treeNames
tree names
float m_p
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
bool m_valid
true if alignment parameters are valid
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
int m_errorCode
error code of the alignment procedure
int m_maxFails
maximum allowed number of failed iterations
int m_numPhot
number of photons used for log likelihood in this iteration
float m_y
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
float m_z
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
float m_x
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
float m_theta
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
double getCMSEnergy() const
Returns c.m.s energy of the track in last isSelected call.
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint & getLocalPosition() const
Returns position at TOP in local frame of the track in last isSelected call.
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & getPOCAPosition() const
Returns position of POCA of the track in last isSelected call.
bool isSelected(const TOPTrack &track) const
Returns selection status.
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & getLocalMomentum() const
Returns momentum at TOP in local frame of the track in last isSelected call.
const Const::ChargedStable & getChargedStable() const
Returns track hypothesis.

◆ collect() [2/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here.

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 91 of file

92 {
95 if (not m_recBunch.isValid()) return;
96 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
97 }
99 auto time_vs_BS = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("time_vs_BS");
100 auto timeReference = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("time_reference");
101 std::vector<TH1F*> timeCarriers;
102 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
103 string name = "time_carr_" + to_string(i);
104 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(name);
105 timeCarriers.push_back(h);
106 }
108 for (const auto& digit : m_topDigits) {
109 if (digit.getModuleID() != 13) continue;
110 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
111 double time = digit.getTime() - m_timeOffset;
112 time_vs_BS->Fill(digit.getChannel(), time);
113 if (digit.getBoardstackNumber() < 3) {
114 timeReference->Fill(time);
115 } else {
116 auto c = digit.getCarrierNumber();
117 timeCarriers[c]->Fill(time);
118 }
119 }
121 }
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
bool m_requireRecBunch
if true, require reconstructed bunch
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_topDigits
collection of TOP digits

◆ collect() [3/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 70 of file

71 {
73 std::vector<TH1F*> slots;
74 for (const auto& name : m_names) {
75 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(name);
76 slots.push_back(h);
77 }
79 std::vector<TH2F*> asics;
80 for (const auto& name : m_asicNames) {
81 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(name);
82 asics.push_back(h);
83 }
85 int NGood = 0;
86 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
87 if (digit.getHitQuality() == TOPDigit::c_Junk) continue;
88 NGood++;
89 unsigned m = digit.getModuleID() - 1;
90 if (m < slots.size()) slots[m]->Fill(digit.getChannel());
91 if (m < asics.size()) asics[m]->Fill(digit.getChannel() / 8, digit.getRawTime() / 64 + 220);
92 }
94 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("nhits");
95 h->Fill(NGood);
97 }
std::vector< std::string > m_asicNames
histogram names: window vs.
std::vector< std::string > m_names
histogram names: channel occupancies
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of TOP digits

◆ collect() [4/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 68 of file

69 {
71 if (not m_recBunch.isValid()) return;
72 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
73 if (m_recBunch->getNumTracks() != 2) return;
75 auto h1a = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("offset_a");
76 auto h1b = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("offset_b");
77 auto offset = m_recBunch->getCurrentOffset();
78 if (m_commonT0->isCalibrated()) offset += m_commonT0->getT0();
80 // wrap-around into [-1/2, 1/2] of bunch cycle
81 auto a = offset - round(offset / m_bunchTimeSep) * m_bunchTimeSep;
82 h1a->Fill(a);
84 // wrap-around into [0, 1] of bunch cycle
85 auto b = offset - round(offset / m_bunchTimeSep - 0.5) * m_bunchTimeSep;
86 h1b->Fill(b);
88 }
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
DBObjPtr< TOPCalCommonT0 > m_commonT0
common T0 calibration constants
double m_bunchTimeSep
bunch separation in time [ns]

◆ collect() [5/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 148 of file

149 {
150 // bunch must be reconstructed
152 if (not m_recBunch.isValid()) return;
153 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
156 double timeMin = TOPRecoManager::getMinTime();
157 double timeMax = TOPRecoManager::getMaxTime();
159 // correct-back digits for common T0
161 double T0 = 0;
162 if (m_commonT0->isCalibrated()) T0 = m_commonT0->getT0();
163 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
164 if (digit.isCommonT0Calibrated()) digit.subtractT0(-T0);
165 if (digit.hasStatus(TOPDigit::c_BunchOffsetSubtracted)) digit.subtractT0(-m_recBunch->getAverageOffset());
166 }
168 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and accumulate log likelihoods
170 int ntra = 0;
171 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
173 // track selection
174 TOPTrack trk(track);
175 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
177 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
179 // construct PDF
180 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, m_selector.getChargedStable(), m_PDFOption);
181 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
183 // minimization procedure: accumulate
184 int sub = gRandom->Integer(c_numSets); // generate sub-sample number
185 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1D>(m_names[sub]);
186 for (int ibin = 0; ibin < h->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {
187 double t0 = h->GetBinCenter(ibin + 1);
188 double chi = h->GetBinContent(ibin + 1);
189 chi += -2 * pdfConstructor.getLogL(t0, m_sigmaSmear).logL;
190 h->SetBinContent(ibin + 1, chi);
191 }
192 auto h1 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("tracks_per_set");
193 h1->Fill(sub);
195 // fill histograms of hits
196 auto h2 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("numHits");
197 auto h3 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("timeHits");
198 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
199 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
200 if (digit.getModuleID() != trk.getModuleID()) continue;
201 if (digit.getTime() < timeMin) continue;
202 if (digit.getTime() > timeMax) continue;
203 h2->Fill(digit.getModuleID());
204 int bs = digit.getBoardstackNumber();
205 h3->Fill((digit.getModuleID() * 4 + bs - 1.5) / 4.0, digit.getTime());
206 }
207 ntra++;
208 }
210 // fill just another control histogram
212 if (ntra > 0) {
213 auto h4 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("offset");
214 h4->Fill(m_recBunch->getCurrentOffset());
215 }
217 }
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
double m_sigmaSmear
additional smearing of PDF in [ns]
DBObjPtr< TOPCalCommonT0 > m_commonT0
common T0 calibration constants
TOP::PDFConstructor::EPDFOption m_PDFOption
PDF option.
@ c_numSets
number of statistically independent subsamples
std::vector< std::string > m_names
histogram names of chi2 scans
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
static void setDefaultTimeWindow()
Sets default time window (functions getMinTime(), getMaxTime() will then return default values from D...
static double getMaxTime()
Returns time window upper edge.
static double getMinTime()
Returns time window lower edge.

◆ collect() [6/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 78 of file

79 {
81 if (m_timeZeros.getEntries() != 2) return;
83 const auto* timeZero1 = m_timeZeros[0];
84 const auto* timeZero2 = m_timeZeros[1];
85 if (timeZero1->getModuleID() > timeZero2->getModuleID()) {
86 timeZero1 = m_timeZeros[1];
87 timeZero2 = m_timeZeros[0];
88 }
90 int slot1 = timeZero1->getModuleID();
91 int slot2 = timeZero2->getModuleID();
92 if (slot1 > 9 or slot2 - slot1 < 7 or slot2 - slot1 > 9) return;
93 string name = "deltaT0_" + to_string(slot1) + "-" + to_string(slot2);
94 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(name);
95 if (not h) return;
97 double t1 = timeZero1->getTime();
98 if (m_moduleT0->isCalibrated(slot1)) t1 += m_moduleT0->getT0(slot1);
99 double t2 = timeZero2->getTime();
100 if (m_moduleT0->isCalibrated(slot2)) t2 += m_moduleT0->getT0(slot2);
101 h->Fill(t1 - t2);
103 auto slotPairs = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("slots");
104 slotPairs->Fill(slot1, slot2);
105 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalModuleT0 > m_moduleT0
module T0 calibration constants
StoreArray< TOPTimeZero > m_timeZeros
collection of TOP time zero's

◆ collect() [7/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 150 of file

151 {
152 // bunch must be reconstructed
154 if (not m_recBunch.isValid()) return;
155 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
158 double timeMin = TOPRecoManager::getMinTime();
159 double timeMax = TOPRecoManager::getMaxTime();
161 // correct-back digits for module T0
163 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
164 int slot = digit.getModuleID();
165 if (digit.isModuleT0Calibrated()) digit.subtractT0(-m_moduleT0->getT0(slot));
166 if (digit.hasStatus(TOPDigit::c_BunchOffsetSubtracted)) digit.subtractT0(-m_recBunch->getAverageOffset());
167 }
169 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and accumulate log likelihoods
171 int ntra = 0;
172 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
174 // track selection
175 TOPTrack trk(track);
176 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
178 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
180 // construct PDF
181 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, m_selector.getChargedStable(), m_PDFOption);
182 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
184 // minimization procedure: accumulate
185 int sub = gRandom->Integer(c_numSets); // generate sub-sample number
186 unsigned module = trk.getModuleID() - 1;
187 if (module >= m_names[sub].size()) continue;
188 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1D>(m_names[sub][module]);
189 for (int ibin = 0; ibin < h->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {
190 double t0 = h->GetBinCenter(ibin + 1);
191 double chi = h->GetBinContent(ibin + 1);
192 chi += -2 * pdfConstructor.getLogL(t0, m_sigmaSmear).logL;
193 h->SetBinContent(ibin + 1, chi);
194 }
195 auto h1 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("tracks_per_slot");
196 h1->Fill(trk.getModuleID(), sub);
198 // fill histograms of hits
199 auto h2 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("numHits");
200 auto h3 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("timeHits");
201 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
202 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
203 if (digit.getModuleID() != trk.getModuleID()) continue;
204 if (digit.getTime() < timeMin) continue;
205 if (digit.getTime() > timeMax) continue;
206 h2->Fill(digit.getModuleID());
207 int bs = digit.getBoardstackNumber();
208 h3->Fill((digit.getModuleID() * 4 + bs - 1.5) / 4.0, digit.getTime());
209 }
210 ntra++;
211 }
213 // fill just another control histogram
215 if (ntra > 0) {
216 auto h4 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("offset");
217 h4->Fill(m_recBunch->getCurrentOffset());
218 }
220 }
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
double m_sigmaSmear
additional smearing of PDF in [ns]
@ c_numSets
number of statistically independent subsamples
TOP::PDFConstructor::EPDFOption m_PDFOption
PDF option.
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
DBObjPtr< TOPCalModuleT0 > m_moduleT0
module T0 calibration constants
std::vector< std::string > m_names[c_numSets]
histogram names of chi2 scans

◆ collect() [8/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 61 of file

62 {
63 if (m_firstEvent) {
64 m_firstEvent = false;
65 if (m_bunchStructure->isSet()) {
66 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("fillPattern");
67 int RFBuckets = m_bunchStructure->getRFBucketsPerRevolution();
68 for (int i = 0; i < RFBuckets; i++) {
69 if (m_bunchStructure->getBucket(i)) h->SetBinContent(i + 1, 1);
70 }
71 }
72 }
74 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
76 for (const auto& x : m_names) {
77 const auto& detector = x.first;
78 if (m_eventT0->hasTemporaryEventT0(detector)) {
79 auto eventT0s = m_eventT0->getTemporaryEventT0s(detector);
80 if (eventT0s.empty()) continue;
81 if (detector == Const::CDC and eventT0s.back().algorithm != "chi2") continue;
82 double t0 = eventT0s.back().eventT0;
83 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(x.second);
84 h->Fill(t0 - m_recBunch->getTime());
85 }
86 }
88 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("recBuckets");
89 h->Fill(m_recBunch->getBucketNumber(0, m_bunchStructure->getRFBucketsPerRevolution()));
90 }
std::map< Const::EDetector, std::string > m_names
histogram names
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
StoreObjPtr< EventT0 > m_eventT0
event T0
DBObjPtr< BunchStructure > m_bunchStructure
fill pattern

◆ collect() [9/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 171 of file

172 {
173 // bunch must be reconstructed
175 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
177 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and fill histograms
179 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
180 // track selection
181 TOPTrack trk(track);
182 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
183 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
185 // fill histograms
186 auto timeStamp = getObjectPtr<TProfile>("timeStamp");
187 timeStamp->Fill(0.5, m_eventMetaData->getTime() / 1000000000);
189 int slot = trk.getModuleID();
190 auto numTracks = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("numTracks");
191 numTracks->Fill(slot);
193 auto muonZ = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_muonZNames[slot - 1]);
194 muonZ->Fill(m_selector.getLocalPosition().Z());
196 auto signalHits = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_signalNames[slot - 1]);
197 auto bkgHits = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_bkgNames[slot - 1]);
198 auto pulseHeight = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(m_pulseHeightNames[slot - 1]);
199 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
200 if (digit.getModuleID() != slot) continue;
201 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue; // junk hit or pixel masked-out
202 if (not m_thresholdEff->isCalibrated(slot, digit.getChannel())) continue; // threshold effi. not calibrated
203 double effi = m_thresholdEff->getThrEff(slot, digit.getChannel());
204 if (effi < m_minThresholdEffi) continue; // to suppress possibly unreliable calibration
205 if (std::abs(digit.getTime()) > m_timeWindow) continue;
206 // fill signal and background hits with weight=1/effi to correct for threshold efficiency
207 if (digit.getTime() > 0) {
208 signalHits->Fill(digit.getPixelID(), 1 / effi);
209 pulseHeight->Fill(digit.getPixelID(), digit.getPulseHeight());
210 } else {
211 bkgHits->Fill(digit.getPixelID(), 1 / effi);
212 }
213 }
215 auto activePixels = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_activeNames[slot - 1]);
216 const auto& chMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
217 for (int pixel = 1; pixel <= activePixels->GetNbinsX(); pixel++) {
218 unsigned channel = chMapper.getChannel(pixel);
219 if (not m_thresholdEff->isCalibrated(slot, channel)) continue; // pixel excluded in counting hits
220 if (m_thresholdEff->getThrEff(slot, channel) < m_minThresholdEffi) continue; // pixel excluded in counting hits
221 if (m_channelMask->isActive(slot, channel) and m_asicMask->isActive(slot, channel)) activePixels->Fill(pixel);
222 }
224 if (std::abs(m_selector.getLocalPosition().Z()) > m_excludedZ) {
225 auto alphaLow = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_alphaLowNames[slot - 1]);
226 auto alphaHigh = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_alphaHighNames[slot - 1]);
227 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
228 if (digit.getModuleID() != slot) continue;
229 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue; // junk hit or pixel masked-out
230 const auto* pdf = digit.getRelated<TOPAssociatedPDF>();
231 if (not pdf) continue;
232 const auto* peak = pdf->getSinglePeak();
233 if (not peak) continue; // hit associated with background
234 double alpha = acos(std::abs(peak->kzd)) / Unit::deg;
235 if (alpha > 60) continue;
236 if (alpha < 30) alphaLow->Fill(digit.getPixelID());
237 else alphaHigh->Fill(digit.getPixelID());
238 }
239 }
240 }
242 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelMask > m_channelMask
masked channels
double m_minThresholdEffi
minimal threshold efficiency
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
std::vector< std::string > m_activeNames
histogram names for active pixels count
std::vector< std::string > m_alphaHighNames
histogram names for counting hits w/ high impact angle on photo cathode
std::vector< std::string > m_pulseHeightNames
histogram names for pulse heights
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelThresholdEff > m_thresholdEff
threshold efficiencies
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_eventMetaData
event meta data object
std::vector< std::string > m_muonZNames
histogram names for track z-distribution
std::vector< std::string > m_alphaLowNames
histogram names for counting hits w/ low impact angle on photo cathode
const double m_timeWindow
time window for counting photon hits (half size)
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
const double m_excludedZ
excluded central region of extrapolated track for photon impact angle counting
std::vector< std::string > m_signalNames
histogram names for signal window hit counts
std::vector< std::string > m_bkgNames
histogram names for background window hit counts
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of TOP digits
StoreObjPtr< TOPAsicMask > m_asicMask
online masked Asics
static const double deg
degree to radians
Definition: Unit.h:109

◆ collect() [10/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 90 of file

91 {
93 std::vector<TH2F*> slots;
94 for (const auto& name : m_names) {
95 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(name);
96 slots.push_back(h);
97 }
99 auto h1a = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("time");
100 auto h1b = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("time_sel");
101 auto h2a = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("ph_vs_width");
102 auto h2b = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("ph_vs_width_sel");
104 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
105 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
106 auto t = digit.getTime();
107 auto w = digit.getPulseWidth();
108 auto ph = digit.getPulseHeight();
109 h1a->Fill(t);
110 h2a->Fill(w, ph);
111 if (m_widthWindow.size() == 2) {
112 if (w < m_widthWindow[0] or w > m_widthWindow[1]) continue;
113 }
114 if (m_timeWindow.size() == 2) {
115 if (t < m_timeWindow[0] or t > m_timeWindow[1]) continue;
116 }
117 h1b->Fill(t);
118 h2b->Fill(w, ph);
119 unsigned m = digit.getModuleID() - 1;
120 if (m < slots.size()) slots[m]->Fill(digit.getChannel(), ph);
121 }
123 }
std::vector< std::string > m_names
histogram names
std::vector< double > m_widthWindow
lower and upper bound of pulse-width window
std::vector< double > m_timeWindow
lower and upper bound of time window
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of TOP digits

◆ collect() [11/11]

void collect ( )

Replacement for event().

Fill your calibration data objects here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 233 of file

234 {
235 // bunch must be reconstructed
237 if (not m_recBunch.isValid()) return;
238 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
241 const auto& chMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
243 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and accumulate log likelihoods
245 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
247 // track selection
248 TOPTrack trk(track);
249 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
251 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
253 // construct PDF
254 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, m_selector.getChargedStable(), m_PDFOption);
255 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
257 // minimization procedure: accumulate
258 unsigned module = trk.getModuleID() - 1;
259 if (module >= m_namesChi.size()) continue;
260 auto h = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(m_namesChi[module]);
261 int set = gRandom->Integer(c_numSets); // generate sub-sample number
262 auto& finder = m_finders[set][module];
263 for (int ibin = 0; ibin < h->GetNbinsY(); ibin++) {
264 double t0 = h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(ibin + 1);
265 const auto& pixelLogLs = pdfConstructor.getPixelLogLs(t0, m_sigmaSmear);
266 for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < c_numChannels; channel++) {
267 int pix = chMapper.getPixelID(channel) - 1;
268 double chi = h->GetBinContent(channel + 1, ibin + 1);
269 chi += -2 * pixelLogLs[pix].logL;
270 h->SetBinContent(channel + 1, ibin + 1, chi);
271 }
272 double logL = 0;
273 for (auto& LL : pixelLogLs) logL += LL.logL;
274 finder.add(ibin, -2 * logL);
275 }
278 auto h1 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(m_namesHit[module]);
279 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
280 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
281 if (digit.getModuleID() != trk.getModuleID()) continue;
282 h1->Fill(digit.getChannel(), digit.getTime());
283 }
285 }
286 }
std::vector< std::string > m_namesHit
histogram names of photon hits (time vs.
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
double m_sigmaSmear
additional smearing of PDF in [ns]
TOP::PDFConstructor::EPDFOption m_PDFOption
PDF option.
std::vector< std::string > m_namesChi
histogram names of chi2 scans
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
@ c_numChannels
number of channels per module
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
int numTracks
number of selected tracks

◆ defineHisto() [1/7]

void defineHisto ( )

Histogram definitions such as TH1(), TH2(), TNtuple(), TTree()....

are supposed to be placed in this function.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 59 of file

60 {
61 // Create a separate histogram directory and cd into it.
63 TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
64 oldDir->mkdir(m_histogramDirectoryName.c_str())->cd();
66 // Variables needed for booking
68 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
69 m_numModules = geo->getNumModules();
70 m_bunchTimeSep = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase() / 24;
72 // Histograms
74 m_BoolEvtMonitor = new TH1D("BoolEvtMonitor", "Event synchronization", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
75 m_BoolEvtMonitor->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("number of digits");
76 m_BoolEvtMonitor->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "synchronized");
77 m_BoolEvtMonitor->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "de-synchronized");
78 m_BoolEvtMonitor->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
79 m_BoolEvtMonitor->GetXaxis()->SetAlphanumeric();
80 m_BoolEvtMonitor->SetMinimum(0);
82 m_window_vs_slot = new TH2F("window_vs_slot", "Asic windows", 16, 0.5, 16.5, 512, 0, 512);
83 m_window_vs_slot->SetXTitle("slot number");
84 m_window_vs_slot->SetYTitle("window number w.r.t reference window");
85 m_window_vs_slot->SetStats(kFALSE);
86 m_window_vs_slot->SetMinimum(0);
87 m_window_vs_slot->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(16);
89 int nbinsT0 = 75;
90 double rangeT0 = nbinsT0 * m_bunchTimeSep;
91 m_eventT0 = new TH1F("eventT0", "Event T0; event T0 [ns]; events per bin", nbinsT0, -rangeT0 / 2, rangeT0 / 2);
93 m_bunchOffset = new TH1F("bunchOffset", "Bunch offset", 100, -m_bunchTimeSep / 2, m_bunchTimeSep / 2);
94 m_bunchOffset->SetXTitle("offset [ns]");
95 m_bunchOffset->SetYTitle("events per bin");
96 m_bunchOffset->SetMinimum(0);
98 m_time = new TH1F("goodHitTimes", "Time distribution of good hits", 1000, -20, 80);
99 m_time->SetXTitle("time [ns]");
100 m_time->SetYTitle("hits per bin");
102 m_timeBG = new TH1F("goodHitTimesBG", "Time distribution of good hits (background)", 1000, -20, 80);
103 m_timeBG->SetXTitle("time [ns]");
104 m_timeBG->SetYTitle("hits per bin");
106 m_signalHits = new TProfile("signalHits", "Number of good hits per track in [0, 50] ns", 16, 0.5, 16.5, 0, 1000);
107 m_signalHits->SetXTitle("slot number");
108 m_signalHits->SetYTitle("hits per track");
109 m_signalHits->SetMinimum(0);
110 m_signalHits->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(16);
112 m_backgroundHits = new TProfile("backgroundHits", "Number of good hits pet track in [-50, 0] ns", 16, 0.5, 16.5, 0, 1000);
113 m_backgroundHits->SetXTitle("slot number");
114 m_backgroundHits->SetYTitle("hits per track");
115 m_backgroundHits->SetMinimum(0);
116 m_backgroundHits->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(16);
118 m_trackHits = new TH2F("trackHits", "Number of events w/ and w/o track in the slot", 16, 0.5, 16.5, 2, 0, 2);
119 m_trackHits->SetXTitle("slot number");
120 m_trackHits->SetYTitle("numTracks > 0");
122 int nbinsHits = 1000;
123 double xmaxHits = 10000;
124 m_goodHitsPerEventAll = new TH1F("goodHitsPerEventAll", "Number of good hits per event", nbinsHits, 0, xmaxHits);
125 m_goodHitsPerEventAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("hits per event");
126 m_goodHitsPerEventAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("entries per bin");
128 m_badHitsPerEventAll = new TH1F("badHitsPerEventAll", "Number of junk hits per event", nbinsHits, 0, xmaxHits);
129 m_badHitsPerEventAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("hits per event");
130 m_badHitsPerEventAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("entries per bin");
132 int nbinsTDC = 400;
133 double xminTDC = -100;
134 double xmaxTDC = 700;
135 m_goodTDCAll = new TH1F("goodTDCAll", "Raw time distribution of good hits", nbinsTDC, xminTDC, xmaxTDC);
136 m_goodTDCAll->SetXTitle("raw time [samples]");
137 m_goodTDCAll->SetYTitle("hits per sample");
139 m_badTDCAll = new TH1F("badTDCAll", "Raw time distribution of junk hits", nbinsTDC, xminTDC, xmaxTDC);
140 m_badTDCAll->SetXTitle("raw time [samples]");
141 m_badTDCAll->SetYTitle("hits per sample");
143 m_TOPOccAfterInjLER = new TH1F("TOPOccInjLER", "TOPOccInjLER/Time;Time in #mus;Nhits/Time (#mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
144 m_TOPOccAfterInjHER = new TH1F("TOPOccInjHER", "TOPOccInjHER/Time;Time in #mus;Nhits/Time (#mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
145 m_TOPEOccAfterInjLER = new TH1F("TOPEOccInjLER", "TOPEOccInjLER/Time;Time in #mus;Triggers/Time (#mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
146 m_TOPEOccAfterInjHER = new TH1F("TOPEOccInjHER", "TOPEOccInjHER/Time;Time in #mus;Triggers/Time (#mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
148 m_nhitInjLER = new TProfile2D("nhitInjLER",
149 "LER: average Nhits; "
150 "time since injection [msec]; time within beam cycle [syst. clk]; Nhits average",
151 160, 0, 80, 256, 0, 1280, 0, 100000);
152 m_nhitInjHER = new TProfile2D("nhitInjHER",
153 "HER: average Nhits; "
154 "time since injection [msec]; time within beam cycle [syst. clk]; Nhits average",
155 160, 0, 80, 256, 0, 1280, 0, 100000);
156 m_nhitInjLERcut = new TProfile2D("nhitInjLERcut",
157 "LER: average Nhits (Nhits>1000); "
158 "time since injection [msec]; time within beam cycle [syst. clk]; Nhits average",
159 160, 0, 80, 256, 0, 1280, 0, 100000);
160 m_nhitInjHERcut = new TProfile2D("nhitInjHERcut",
161 "HER: average Nhits (Nhits>1000); "
162 "time since injection [msec]; time within beam cycle [syst. clk]; Nhits average",
163 160, 0, 80, 256, 0, 1280, 0, 100000);
164 m_eventInjLER = new TH2F("eventInjLER",
165 "LER: event distribution; "
166 "time since injection [msec]; time within beam cycle [syst. clk]; events per bin",
167 160, 0, 80, 256, 0, 1280);
168 m_eventInjHER = new TH2F("eventInjHER",
169 "HER: event distribution; "
170 "time since injection [msec]; time within beam cycle [syst. clk]; events per bin",
171 160, 0, 80, 256, 0, 1280);
172 m_eventInjLERcut = new TH2F("eventInjLERcut",
173 "LER: event distribution (Nhits>1000); "
174 "time since injection [msec]; time within beam cycle [syst. clk]; events per bin",
175 160, 0, 80, 256, 0, 1280);
176 m_eventInjHERcut = new TH2F("eventInjHERcut",
177 "HER: event distribution (Nhits>1000); "
178 "time since injection [msec]; time within beam cycle [syst. clk]; events per bin",
179 160, 0, 80, 256, 0, 1280);
181 for (int i = 0; i < m_numModules; i++) {
182 int module = i + 1;
183 string name, title;
184 TH1F* h1 = 0;
185 TH2F* h2 = 0;
187 name = str(format("window_vs_asic_%1%") % (module));
188 title = str(format("Asic windows for slot #%1%") % (module));
189 h2 = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0, 64, 512, 0, 512);
190 h2->SetStats(kFALSE);
191 h2->SetXTitle("ASIC number");
192 h2->SetYTitle("window number w.r.t reference window");
193 h2->SetMinimum(0);
194 m_window_vs_asic.push_back(h2);
196 name = str(format("good_hits_xy_%1%") % (module));
197 title = str(format("Distribution of good hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
198 h2 = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0.5, 64.5, 8, 0.5, 8.5);
199 h2->SetStats(kFALSE);
200 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pixel column");
201 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("pixel row");
202 h2->SetMinimum(0);
203 m_goodHitsXY.push_back(h2);
205 name = str(format("bad_hits_xy_%1%") % (module));
206 title = str(format("Distribution of junk hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
207 h2 = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0.5, 64.5, 8, 0.5, 8.5);
208 h2->SetStats(kFALSE);
209 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pixel column");
210 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("pixel row");
211 h2->SetMinimum(0);
212 m_badHitsXY.push_back(h2);
214 name = str(format("good_hits_asics_%1%") % (module));
215 title = str(format("Distribution of good hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
216 h2 = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0, 64, 8, 0, 8);
217 h2->SetStats(kFALSE);
218 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ASIC number");
219 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ASIC channel");
220 h2->SetMinimum(0);
221 m_goodHitsAsics.push_back(h2);
223 name = str(format("bad_hits_asics_%1%") % (module));
224 title = str(format("Distribution of junk hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
225 h2 = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0, 64, 8, 0, 8);
226 h2->SetStats(kFALSE);
227 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ASIC number");
228 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ASIC channel");
229 h2->SetMinimum(0);
230 m_badHitsAsics.push_back(h2);
232 name = str(format("good_TDC_%1%") % (module));
233 title = str(format("Raw time distribution of good hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
234 h1 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nbinsTDC, xminTDC, xmaxTDC);
235 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("raw time [samples]");
236 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("hits per sample");
237 m_goodTDC.push_back(h1);
239 name = str(format("bad_TDC_%1%") % (module));
240 title = str(format("Raw time distribution of junk hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
241 h1 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), nbinsTDC, xminTDC, xmaxTDC);
242 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("raw time [samples]");
243 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("hits per sample");
244 m_badTDC.push_back(h1);
246 name = str(format("good_timing_%1%") % (module));
247 title = str(format("Time distribution of good hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
248 h1 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 200, -20, 80);
249 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("time [ns]");
250 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("hits per time bin");
251 m_goodTiming.push_back(h1);
253 name = str(format("good_timing_%1%BG") % (module));
254 title = str(format("Time distribution of good hits (background) for slot #%1%") % (module));
255 h1 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 200, -20, 80);
256 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("time [ns]");
257 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("hits per time bin");
258 m_goodTimingBG.push_back(h1);
260 name = str(format("good_channel_hits_%1%") % (module));
261 title = str(format("Distribution of good hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
262 int numPixels = geo->getModule(i + 1).getPMTArray().getNumPixels();
263 h1 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0, numPixels);
264 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("channel number");
265 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("hits per channel");
266 h1->SetMinimum(0);
267 m_goodChannelHits.push_back(h1);
269 name = str(format("bad_channel_hits_%1%") % (module));
270 title = str(format("Distribution of junk hits for slot #%1%") % (module));
271 h1 = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0, numPixels);
272 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("channel number");
273 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("hits per channel");
274 h1->SetMinimum(0);
275 m_badChannelHits.push_back(h1);
277 name = str(format("pulseHeights_%1%") % (module));
278 title = str(format("Average pulse heights for slot #%1%") % (module));
279 auto* prof = new TProfile(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 32, 0.5, 32.5, 0, 2000);
280 prof->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("PMT number");
281 prof->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("pulse height [ADC counts]");
282 prof->SetMarkerStyle(20);
283 prof->SetMinimum(0);
284 m_pulseHeights.push_back(prof);
285 }
287 // cd back to root directory
288 oldDir->cd();
289 }
std::string m_histogramDirectoryName
histogram directory in ROOT file
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:91
double m_bunchTimeSep
bunch separation time
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:139
const TOPGeometry * getGeometry() const
Returns pointer to geometry object using basf2 units.

◆ defineHisto() [2/7]

void defineHisto ( )

Define TTree branches to store fit results for each channel This TTree is saved in an output file given by "histoFileName" parameter of "HistoManager" module.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 90 of file

91 {
92 m_tree = new TTree("tree", "TTree for gain/efficiency monitor summary");
93 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("slotId", &m_targetSlotId, "slotId/S"));
94 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("pmtId", &m_targetPmtId, "pmtId/S"));
95 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("pixelId", &m_pixelId, "pixelId/S"));
96 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("pmtChId", &m_pmtChId, "pmtChId/S"));
97 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hvDiff", &m_hvDiff, "hvDiff/S"));
98 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("threshold", &m_threshold, "threshold/F"));
99 m_branch[0].push_back(m_tree->Branch("thresholdForIntegral", &m_thresholdForIntegral, "thresholdForIntegral/F"));
101 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nCalPulse", &m_nCalPulse, "nCalPulse/I"));
102 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hitTimingForGain", &m_hitTiming, "hitTimingForGain/F"));
103 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hitTimingSigmaForGain", &m_hitTimingSigma, "hitTimingSigmaForGain/F"));
104 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nEntriesForGain", &m_nEntries, "nEntriesForGain/I"));
105 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nOverflowEventsForGain", &m_nOverflowEvents, "nOverflowEventsForGain/I"));
106 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanPulseHeightForGain", &m_meanPulseHeight, "meanPulseHeightForGain/F"));
107 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanPulseHeightErrorForGain", &m_meanPulseHeightError, "meanPulseHeightErrorForGain/F"));
108 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("fitMaxForGain", &m_fitMax, "fitMaxForGain/F"));
109 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("gain", &m_gain, "gain/F"));
110 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("efficiency", &m_efficiency, "efficiency/F"));
111 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p0ForGain", &m_p0, "p0ForGain/F"));
112 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p1ForGain", &m_p1, "p1ForGain/F"));
113 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p2ForGain", &m_p2, "p2ForGain/F"));
114 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("x0ForGain", &m_x0, "x0ForGain/F"));
115 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p0ErrorForGain", &m_p0Error, "p0ErrorForGain/F"));
116 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p1ErrorForGain", &m_p1Error, "p1ErrorForGain/F"));
117 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p2ErrorForGain", &m_p2Error, "p2ErrorForGain/F"));
118 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("x0ErrorForGain", &m_x0Error, "x0ErrorForGain/F"));
119 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("chisquareForGain", &m_chisquare, "chisquareForGain/F"));
120 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("ndfForGain", &m_ndf, "ndfForGain/I"));
121 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("funcFullRangeIntegralForGain", &m_funcFullRangeIntegral, "funcFullRangeIntegralForGain/F"));
122 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("funcFitRangeIntegralForGain", &m_funcFitRangeIntegral, "funcFitRangeIntegralForGain/F"));
123 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoFitRangeIntegralForGain", &m_histoFitRangeIntegral, "histoFitRangeIntegralForGain/F"));
124 m_branch[1].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoMeanAboveThreForGain", &m_histoMeanAboveThre, "histoMeanAboveThreForGain/F"));
126 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hitTimingForEff", &m_hitTiming, "hitTimingForEff/F"));
127 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("hitTimingSigmaForEff", &m_hitTimingSigma, "hitTimingSigmaForEff/F"));
128 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nEntriesForEff", &m_nEntries, "nEntriesForEff/I"));
129 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nOverflowEventsForEff", &m_nOverflowEvents, "nOverflowEventsForEff/I"));
130 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanPulseHeightForEff", &m_meanPulseHeight, "meanPulseHeightForEff/F"));
131 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanPulseHeightErrorForEff", &m_meanPulseHeightError, "meanPulseHeightErrorForEff/F"));
132 m_branch[2].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoMeanAboveThreForEff", &m_histoMeanAboveThre, "histoMeanAboveThreForEff/F"));
134 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanIntegral", &m_meanPulseHeight, "meanIntegral/F"));
135 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("meanIntegralError", &m_meanPulseHeightError, "meanIntegralError/F"));
136 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("nOverflowEventsUseIntegral", &m_nOverflowEvents, "nOverflowEventsUseIntegral/I"));
137 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("fitMaxUseIntegral", &m_fitMax, "fitMaxUseIntegral/F"));
138 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("gainUseIntegral", &m_gain, "gainUseIntegral/F"));
139 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("efficiencyUseIntegral", &m_efficiency, "efficiencyUseIntegral/F"));
140 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p0UseIntegral", &m_p0, "p0UseIntegral/F"));
141 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p1UseIntegral", &m_p1, "p1UseIntegral/F"));
142 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p2UseIntegral", &m_p2, "p2UseIntegral/F"));
143 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("x0UseIntegral", &m_x0, "x0UseIntegral/F"));
144 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p0ErrorUseIntegral", &m_p0Error, "p0ErrorUseIntegral/F"));
145 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p1ErrorUseIntegral", &m_p1Error, "p1ErrorUseIntegral/F"));
146 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("p2ErrorUseIntegral", &m_p2Error, "p2ErrorUseIntegral/F"));
147 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("x0ErrorUseIntegral", &m_x0Error, "x0ErrorUseIntegral/F"));
148 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("chisquareUseIntegral", &m_chisquare, "chisquareUseIntegral/F"));
149 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("ndfUseIntegral", &m_ndf, "ndfUseIntegral/I"));
150 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("funcFullRangeIntegralUseIntegral", &m_funcFullRangeIntegral,
151 "funcFullRangeIntegralUseIntegral/F"));
152 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("funcFitRangeIntegralUseIntegral", &m_funcFitRangeIntegral,
153 "funcFitRangeIntegralUseIntegral/F"));
154 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoFitRangeIntegralUseIntegral", &m_histoFitRangeIntegral,
155 "histoFitRangeIntegralUseIntegral/F"));
156 m_branch[3].push_back(m_tree->Branch("histoMeanAboveThreUseIntegral", &m_histoMeanAboveThre, "histoMeanAboveThreUseIntegral/F"));
158 }
float m_efficiency
calculated efficiency from fitting of pulse charge distribution
int m_nEntries
entries of pulse charge distribution
float m_funcFitRangeIntegral
integral of fit function for a range [threshold, fitMax]
float m_thresholdForIntegral
pulse integral threshold, which defines lower limit of fit region and efficiency calculation
float m_threshold
pulse charge threshold, which defines lower limit of fit region and efficiency calculation
float m_fitMax
upper limit of fit region for pulse charge distribution, determined based on m_fracFit value
float m_gain
calculated gain from fitting of pulse charge distribution
std::vector< TBranch * > m_branch[4]
ntuple to store summary of gain using height distribution.
int m_nCalPulse
the number of events with calibration pulse(s) identified
float m_funcFullRangeIntegral
integral of fit function for its full range
float m_histoFitRangeIntegral
integral of histogram for a range [threshold, fitMax]
float m_meanPulseHeight
histogram mean of pulse height distribution
float m_hitTimingSigma
Gaussian fit sigma for a peak of laser direct photons in hit timing distribution.
short m_pixelId
pixel ID, calculated from PMT ID and PMT channel ID
float m_meanPulseHeightError
histogram mean error of pulse height distribution
short m_hvDiff
HV difference from nominal HV value.
float m_histoMeanAboveThre
mean of histogram above threshold, ignore overflow bin
float m_hitTiming
timing of laser direct photon hits, given by Gaussian fit mean
int m_nOverflowEvents
the number of events outside histogram range

◆ defineHisto() [3/7]

void defineHisto ( )

create timing-height 2D histograms for all 8192 pixels

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 102 of file

103 {
104 for (int iPixel = 0 ; iPixel < c_NPixelPerModule * c_NModule ; iPixel++) {
106 short slotId = (iPixel / c_NPixelPerModule) + 1;
107 short pixelId = (iPixel % c_NPixelPerModule) + 1;
108 short pmtId = ((pixelId - 1) % c_NPixelPerRow) / c_NChannelPerPMTRow + c_NPMTPerRow * ((pixelId - 1) / (c_NPixelPerModule / 2)) + 1;
109 short pmtChId = (pixelId - 1) % c_NChannelPerPMTRow + c_NChannelPerPMTRow * ((pixelId - 1) %
110 (c_NPixelPerModule / 2) / c_NPixelPerRow) + 1;
112 std::ostringstream pixelstr;
113 pixelstr << "s" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << slotId << "_PMT"
114 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << pmtId
115 << "_" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << pmtChId;
117 std::ostringstream hnameForgain;
118 hnameForgain << "hTimeHeight_gain_" << pixelstr.str();
119 std::ostringstream htitleForgain;
120 htitleForgain << "2D distribution of hit timing and pulse height for Gain" << pixelstr.str();
121 m_TimeHeightHistogramForFit[iPixel] = new TH2F(hnameForgain.str().c_str(), htitleForgain.str().c_str(),
126 std::ostringstream hnameForIntegral;
127 hnameForIntegral << "hTimeIntegral_gain_" << pixelstr.str();
128 std::ostringstream htitleForIntegral;
129 htitleForIntegral << "2D distribution of hit timing and integral for Gain" << pixelstr.str();
130 m_TimeIntegralHistogramForFit[iPixel] = new TH2F(hnameForIntegral.str().c_str(), htitleForIntegral.str().c_str(),
135 std::ostringstream hnameForeff;
136 hnameForeff << "hTimeHeight_efficiency_" << pixelstr.str();
137 std::ostringstream htitleForeff;
138 htitleForeff << "2D distribution of hit timing and pulse height for efficiency" << pixelstr.str();
139 m_TimeHeightHistogramForHitRate[iPixel] = new TH2F(hnameForeff.str().c_str(), htitleForeff.str().c_str(),
143 }
145 const short nAsic = c_NPixelPerModule / c_NChannelPerAsic * c_NChannelPerPMT;
146 m_nCalPulseHistogram = new TH1F("hNCalPulse", "number of calibration pulses identificed for each asic",
147 nAsic, -0.5, nAsic - 0.5);
148 }
std::vector< int > m_timeHistogramBinning
histogram binning of hit timing distribution, in the order of number of bins, lower limit,...
TH2F * m_TimeHeightHistogramForFit[c_NPixelPerModule *c_NModule]
array of histogram pointer to 2D histogram of hit timing vs pulse height distribution for each pixel ...
std::vector< int > m_chargeHistogramBinning
histogram binning of pulse height distribution, in the order of number of bins, lower limit,...
TH2F * m_TimeHeightHistogramForHitRate[c_NPixelPerModule *c_NModule]
array of histogram pointer to 2D histogram of hit timing vs pulse height distribution for each pixel ...
TH2F * m_TimeIntegralHistogramForFit[c_NPixelPerModule *c_NModule]
array of histogram pointer to 2D histogram of hit timing vs integral distribution for each pixel (all...
TH1F * m_nCalPulseHistogram
histogram to store the number of events with calibration pulse(s) identified for each asic (1,...

◆ defineHisto() [4/7]

void defineHisto ( )

Module funcions to define histograms.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 98 of file

99 {
101 m_tree = new TTree("tree", "TTree for generator output");
103 std::ostringstream nModuleStr;
104 nModuleStr << "[" << c_NModule << "]";
106 m_tree->Branch("nHit", &m_nHit, "nHit/I");
107 m_tree->Branch("eventNum", &m_eventNum, "eventNum/i");
108 m_tree->Branch("eventNumCopper", m_eventNumCopper,
109 std::string(std::string("eventNumCopper") + nModuleStr.str() + "/i").c_str());
110 m_tree->Branch("ttuTime", m_ttuTime,
111 std::string(std::string("ttuTime") + nModuleStr.str() + "/i").c_str());
112 m_tree->Branch("ttcTime", m_ttcTime,
113 std::string(std::string("ttcTime") + nModuleStr.str() + "/i").c_str());
114 m_tree->Branch("slotNum", m_slotNum, "slotNum[nHit]/S");
115 m_tree->Branch("pixelId", m_pixelId, "pixelId[nHit]/S");
116 m_tree->Branch("channelId", m_channelId, "channel[nHit]/S");
117 m_tree->Branch("isCalCh", m_isCalCh, "isCalCh[nHit]/O");
118 m_tree->Branch("winNum", m_winNum, "winNum[nHit]/S");
119 m_tree->Branch("eventWinNum", m_eventWinNum, "eventWinNum[nHit]/S");
120 m_tree->Branch("trigWinNum", m_trigWinNum, "trigWinNum[nHit]/S");
121 m_tree->Branch("revo9Counter", m_revo9Counter, "revo9Counter[nHit]/S");
122 m_tree->Branch("windowsInOrder", m_windowsInOrder, "windowsInOrder[nHit]/O");
123 m_tree->Branch("hitQuality", m_hitQuality, "hitQuality[nHit]/b");
124 m_tree->Branch("time", m_time, "time[nHit]/F");
125 m_tree->Branch("rawTime", m_rawTime, "rawTime[nHit]/F");
126 m_tree->Branch("refTime", m_refTime, "refTime[nHit]/F");
127 m_tree->Branch("globalRefTime", &m_globalRefTime, "globalRefTime/F");
128 m_tree->Branch("sample", m_sample, "sample[nHit]/s");
129 m_tree->Branch("height", m_height, "height[nHit]/F");
130 m_tree->Branch("integral", m_integral, "integral[nHit]/F");
131 m_tree->Branch("width", m_width, "width[nHit]/F");
132 m_tree->Branch("peakSample", m_peakSample, "peakSampe[nHit]/s");
133 m_tree->Branch("offlineFlag", m_offlineFlag, "offlineFlag[nHit]/B");
134 m_tree->Branch("nHitOfflineFE", m_nHitOfflineFE, "nHitOfflineFE[nHit]/S");
135 std::ostringstream brstr[2];
136 brstr[0] << "winNumList[nHit][" << c_NWindow << "]/S";
137 m_tree->Branch("winNumList", m_winNumList, brstr[0].str().c_str());
138 if (m_saveWaveform) {
139 brstr[1] << "waveform[nHit][" << c_NWaveformSample << "]/S";
140 m_tree->Branch("waveform", m_waveform, brstr[1].str().c_str());
141 }
142 m_tree->Branch("waveformStartSample", m_waveformStartSample, "waveformStartSample[nHit]/S");
143 m_tree->Branch("nWaveformSample", m_nWaveformSample, "nWaveformSample[nHit]/s");
145 m_tree->Branch("nFEHeader", &m_nFEHeader, "nFEHeader/S");
146 m_tree->Branch("nEmptyFEHeader", &m_nEmptyFEHeader, "nEmptyFEHeader/S");
147 m_tree->Branch("nWaveform", &m_nWaveform, "nWaveform/S");
148 m_tree->Branch("errorFlag", &m_errorFlag, "errorFlag/i");
149 m_tree->Branch("eventErrorFlag", &m_eventErrorFlag, "eventErrorFlag/i");
151 m_tree->Branch("nDebugInfo", &m_nDebugInfo, "nDebugInfo/I");
152 m_tree->Branch("scordCtime", m_scrodCtime, "scrodCtime[nDebugInfo]/s");
153 m_tree->Branch("phase", m_phase, "phase[nDebugInfo]/s");
154 m_tree->Branch("asicMask", m_asicMask, "asicMask[nDebugInfo]/s");
155 m_tree->Branch("eventQueuDepth", m_eventQueuDepth, "eventQueuDepth[nDebugInfo]/s");
156 m_tree->Branch("eventNumberByte", m_eventNumberByte, "eventNumberByte[nDebugInfo]/s");
157 }
unsigned short m_scrodCtime[c_NTotalScrod]
ctime recorded in scrod header
short m_nWaveform
m_waveforms in TOPInterimFEInfo, # of waveformes
short m_nFEHeader
m_FEHeaders in TOPInterimFEInfo, the total # of FE headers found
short m_winNumList[c_NMaxHitEvent][c_NWindow]
list of window numbers for recorded waveform, valid only when waveform analysis is enabled
float m_integral[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_integral" in TOPDigit, but not available
unsigned m_eventNum
event number taken from EventMetaData
short m_slotNum[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_moduleID" in TOPDigit, slot number
short m_channelId[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_channel" in TOPDigit
short m_winNum[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_window" in TOPRawDigit
short m_waveformStartSample[c_NMaxHitEvent]
start sample number of waveform segment (only for production FW)
unsigned short m_eventNumberByte[c_NTotalScrod]
least significant byte of FE event number
unsigned short m_sample[c_NMaxHitEvent]
(m_rawTDC+m_winNum*64)%256, for time base correction
unsigned short m_peakSample[c_NMaxHitEvent]
sample number for peak
int m_nDebugInfo
number of ProductionEventDebug (in a unit of number of boardstack)
float m_refTime[c_NMaxHitEvent]
time of the first calibration signal as reference timing.
int m_nHit
number of hits for the event
unsigned m_errorFlag
m_errorFlags in TOPInterimFEInfo, defined in the TOPInterimFEInfo.h
float m_height[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_pulseHeight" in new TOPDigit (update at May, 2017)
short m_trigWinNum[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_lastWriteAddr" in TOPRawDigit, window # when trigger is issued
unsigned short m_eventQueuDepth[c_NTotalScrod]
trigger FIRO queue depth
char m_offlineFlag[c_NMaxHitEvent]
=-1 if the channel does not have waveform information, =0 when the hit comes from online FE,...
short m_revo9Counter[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_revo9Counter" in TOPRawDigit
float m_width[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_pulseWidth" in TOPDigit, full width at half maximum of the pulse, converted into unit of samples f...
short m_eventWinNum[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_firstWindow" in TOPDigit
unsigned m_eventErrorFlag
m_errorFlags in EventMetaData, 0x1 : CRC error
float m_time[c_NMaxHitEvent]
time in a unit of ns, defined as m_rawTime+64*m_winNum.
short m_waveform[c_NMaxHitEvent][c_NWaveformSample]
waveform from TOPRawWaveform, if not exist, filled with -32767
unsigned m_ttuTime[c_NModule]
counter for TTclock, stored in COPPER
short m_pixelId[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_pixelID" in TOPDigit
short m_nHitOfflineFE[c_NMaxHitEvent]
number of hits for each pixel
unsigned char m_hitQuality[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_quality" in TOPDigit, =0:junk, =1:good, =2:charge sharing, =3:cross talk, =4:cal.
bool m_windowsInOrder[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"areWindowsInOrder()" ; false if the window number of all (4) windows taken from TOPRawWaveform::getR...
unsigned m_eventNumCopper[c_NModule]
event number stored in COPPER
float m_globalRefTime
refTime of the specific asic, which is specified by parameters "globalRefSlotNum" and "globalRefAsicN...
unsigned short m_phase[c_NTotalScrod]
event phase
unsigned short m_asicMask[c_NTotalScrod]
asic mask bit pattern
float m_rawTime[c_NMaxHitEvent]
"m_rawTime" [0-256] in new TOPDigit (update at May, 2017) in sample(time bin) unit
bool m_isCalCh[c_NMaxHitEvent]
true if the hit is in the calibration channel
unsigned m_ttcTime[c_NModule]
counter for TTclock, stored in COPPER
short m_nEmptyFEHeader
m_emptyFEHeaders in TOPInterimFEInfo, the total # of empty FE headers
unsigned short m_nWaveformSample[c_NMaxHitEvent]
number of waveform samples
bool m_saveWaveform
set true when you want to save waveform data

◆ defineHisto() [5/7]

void defineHisto ( )

Histogram definitions such as TH1(), TH2(), TNtuple(), TTree()....

are supposed to be placed in this function.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 69 of file

70 {
72 // time vs. pixel ID
73 m_hits = new TH2F("hits", "photon hits", 512, 0.5, 512.5,
75 m_hits->SetXTitle("pixel ID");
76 m_hits->SetYTitle("time [ns]");
78 m_pdf = new TH2F("pdf", "PDF", 512, 0.5, 512.5,
80 m_pdf->SetXTitle("pixel ID");
81 m_pdf->SetYTitle("time [ns]");
83 // time vs pixel column
84 m_hitsCol = new TH2F("hitsCol", "photon hits", 64, 0.5, 64.5,
86 m_hitsCol->SetXTitle("pixel column");
87 m_hitsCol->SetYTitle("time [ns]");
89 m_pdfCol = new TH2F("pdfCol", "PDF", 64, 0.5, 64.5,
91 m_pdfCol->SetXTitle("pixel column");
92 m_pdfCol->SetYTitle("time [ns]");
94 }
TH2F * m_pdfCol
histogram of PDF projected to pixel columns
TH2F * m_hits
histogram of photon hits
double m_maxTime
histogram upper bound in time [ns]
double m_minTime
histogram lower bound in time [ns]
TH2F * m_hitsCol
histogram of photon hits projected to pixel columns
int m_numBins
number of bins in time
TH2F * m_pdf
histogram of PDF

◆ defineHisto() [6/7]

void defineHisto ( )

Defining the histograms.

Reads once the m_inputDirectoryList to initialize the proper amount of histograms. Every new histogram added to the module has to be initialized here.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 61 of file

62 {
63 // opens the file contining the list of directories and the labels
64 ifstream inputDirectoryListFile(m_inputDirectoryList.c_str());
66 // checks the input file
67 if (!inputDirectoryListFile) {
68 B2ERROR("Unable to open the input file with the list of CalSets to analyze");
69 return;
70 }
72 B2INFO("Initializing histograms");
75 std::string inputString;
77 // reads the Input file line by-line to initialize the correct number of histogram sets, and reads the labels..
78 // This is effectively a loop over all the calsets.
79 while (std::getline(inputDirectoryListFile, inputString)) {
81 // This initializes m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel, even if now only m_calSetLabel will be used
82 parseInputDirectoryLine(inputString);
84 B2INFO("Initializing histograms for Calibration set located at " << m_calSetDirectory << " with label " << m_calSetLabel);
86 // To be used to initialize the histograms in the following
87 std::string name;
88 std::string title;
91 // ------
92 // Calset-by-calset histograms.
93 // initialize here all the histograms that appear once per calibration set, and not slot-by-slot
94 // ------
96 // Average DeltaT across the whole detector
97 name = str(format("TOPAverageDeltaT_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
98 title = str(format("Average value of #Delta T VS global channel number. CalSet %1%") % m_calSetLabel);
99 m_topAverageDeltaT.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
101 // of Delta T across the whole detector
102 name = str(format("TOPSigmaDeltaT_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
103 title = str(format("Sigma value of #Delta T VS global channel number. CalSet %1%") % m_calSetLabel);
104 m_topSigmaDeltaT.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
106 // Average occupancy agross the whole detector
107 name = str(format("TOPSampleOccupancy_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
108 title = str(format("Average number of calpulses per sample VS global channel number. CalSet %1%") % m_calSetLabel);
109 m_topSampleOccupancy.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
112 // Ratio of the average DeltaT across the whole detector
113 name = str(format("TOPAverageDeltaTComparison_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
114 title = str(format("Ratio of the average #Delta T in CalSet %1% over the previous one, over the whole detector") % m_calSetLabel);
115 m_topAverageDeltaTComparison.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
117 // Ratio of the on DeltaT across the whole detector
118 name = str(format("TOPSigmaDeltaTComparison_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
119 title = str(format("Ratio of the st. dev. of #Delta T in CalSet %1% over the previous one, , over the whole detector") %
121 m_topSigmaDeltaTComparison.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
123 // Ratio of the average number of calpulses across the whole detector
124 name = str(format("TOPSampleOccupancyComparison_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
125 title = str(
126 format("Ratio of the average number of calpulses per sample in CalSet %1% over the previous one, over the whole detector") %
128 m_topSampleOccupancyComparison.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
131 // ------
132 // Slot-by-slot histograms.
133 // Use this loop to initialize all the histograms that appear once per calibration set and per each slot
134 // ------
135 for (int iSlot = 0; iSlot < 16; iSlot ++) {
137 // Average DeltaT stuff
138 name = str(format("SlotAverageDeltaT_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
139 title = str(format("Average value of #Delta T VS Channel number. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
140 m_slotAverageDeltaT[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
142 name = str(format("SlotSigmaDeltaT_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
143 title = str(format("Standard deviation of #Delta T VS Channel number. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
144 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
146 name = str(format("SlotAverageDeltaTMap_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
147 title = str(format("Map of the average value of #Delta T on the 256 samples. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
148 m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
150 name = str(format("SlotSigmaDeltaTMap_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
151 title = str(format("Map of the RMS of #Delta T on the 256 samples . Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
152 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
155 // Occupancy stuff
156 name = str(format("SlotSampleOccupancy_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
157 title = str(format("Average occupancy per sample. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
158 m_slotSampleOccupancy[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
160 name = str(format("SlotEmptySamples_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
161 title = str(format("Number samples with less than %3% calpulses per each slot channel. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") %
162 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel % m_minCalPulses);
163 m_slotEmptySamples[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
165 name = str(format("SlotSampleOccupancyMap_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
166 title = str(format("Map of the average occupancy per sample. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") %
167 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
168 m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
170 name = str(format("SlotEmptySamplesMap_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
171 title = str(format("Map of the number samples with less than %3% calpulses per each. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") %
172 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel % m_minCalPulses);
173 m_slotEmptySamplesMap[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
177 // Ratios
178 name = str(format("SlotAverageDeltaTComparison_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
179 title = str(format("Ratio of the average #Delta T in CalSet %2% over the previous one. Slot %1%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
180 m_slotAverageDeltaTComparison[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
182 name = str(format("SlotRMSDeltaTComparison_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
183 title = str(format("Ratio of the RMS of #Delta T in CalSet %2% over the previous one. Slot %1%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
184 m_slotSigmaDeltaTComparison[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
186 name = str(format("SlotAverageDeltaTMapComparison_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
187 title = str(format("Map of the ratio of the average #Delta T in CalSet %2% over the previous one. Slot %1%") %
188 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
189 m_slotAverageDeltaTMapComparison[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
191 name = str(format("SlotRMSDeltaTMapComparison_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
192 title = str(format("Map of the ratio of the RMS of #Delta T in CalSet %2% over the previous one. Slot %1%") %
193 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
194 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMapComparison[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
196 }
198 //counts how many sets are there. To be used when doing the ratios
199 m_totCalSets++;
200 }
201 B2INFO("Initialization of the histograms for " << m_totCalSets << " CalSets done.");
202 return;
203 }
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topAverageDeltaTComparison
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::string m_inputDirectoryList
List of the directories (one per IOV) in which the files with the calibration constants of the SCODS ...
short m_totCalSets
Total number of calibration sets, as counted int defineHistos.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSigmaDeltaTComparison
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::string m_calSetDirectory
Label to be used to indetify the histograms of a the calibration set.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTMapComparison[16]
Map of the Ratio of the average DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses)
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTMapComparison[16]
Map of Ratio of the Standard deviation on DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses)
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTComparison[16]
Ratio of the Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distri...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSampleOccupancyComparison
Ratios of the average sample occupancy on the whole detector.
std::string m_calSetLabel
Label to be used to identify the histograms of a the calibration set.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTComparison[16]
Ratio of the average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
int parseInputDirectoryLine(std::string)
Utility function to get the directory name and the label from a line of the m_inputDirectoryList file...

◆ defineHisto() [7/7]

void defineHisto ( )

Books the empty histograms.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 51 of file

52 {
53 TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
54 m_directory = oldDir->mkdir(m_histogramDirectoryName.c_str());
55 m_directory->cd();
56 m_samples = new TH1F("ADCvalues", "ADC values ", 100, -50, 50);
57 m_samples->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ADC Value");
58 m_samples->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Samples");
59 m_scrod_id = new TH1F("scrodID", "scrodID", 100, 0, 100);
60 m_asic = new TH1F("IRSX", "IRSX", 4, 0, 4);
61 m_carrier = new TH1F("carrier", "asic col", 4, 0, 4);
62 m_asic_ch = new TH1F("asicCh", "channel", 8, 0, 8);
63 m_errorFlag = new TH1F("errorFlag", "errorFlag", 1000, 0, 1000);
64 m_asic_win = new TH1F("window", "window", 4, 0, 4);
65 m_entries = new TH1F("entries", "entries", 100, 0, 2600);
66 m_moduleID = new TH1F("moduleID", "moduleID", 16, 1, 17);
67 m_pixelID = new TH1F("pixelID", "pixelID", 512, 1, 513);
68 oldDir->cd();
69 }
std::string m_histogramDirectoryName
the name of the directory inside the output file
TH1F * m_errorFlag
plot of error flag (not impemented)

◆ DrawResult()

void DrawResult ( const std::string &  histotype,
EHistogramType  LoadHisto 

Draw results of gain/efficiency calculation for each channel to a given output file.

Definition at line 465 of file

466 {
467 std::ostringstream pdfFilename;
468 pdfFilename << m_outputPDFFile << "_" << histotype;
469 if (m_targetPmtChId != -1)
470 pdfFilename << "_" << "ch" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetPmtChId;
471 pdfFilename << ".pdf";
473 gStyle->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
474 gStyle->SetFillStyle(0);
475 gStyle->SetStatStyle(0);
476 gStyle->SetOptStat(112210);
477 gStyle->SetOptFit(1110);
478 TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas();
479 canvas->SetFillStyle(0);
480 canvas->Print((pdfFilename.str() + "[").c_str());
482 TLine* line = new TLine();
483 line->SetLineWidth(1);
484 line->SetLineStyle(1);
485 line->SetLineColor(4);
486 TArrow* arrow = new TArrow();
487 arrow->SetLineWidth(1);
488 arrow->SetLineStyle(1);
489 arrow->SetLineColor(3);
490 TLatex* latex = new TLatex();
491 latex->SetNDC();
492 latex->SetTextFont(22);
493 latex->SetTextSize(0.05);
494 latex->SetTextAlign(32);
495 TObject* object;
497 float threshold;
498 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral) threshold = m_thresholdForIntegral;
499 else threshold = m_threshold;
501 for (int iHisto = 0 ; iHisto < c_NChannelPerPMT ; iHisto++) {
503 if ((iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) == 0) {
504 canvas->Clear();
505 canvas->Divide(c_NPlotsPerChannel, c_NChannelPerPage);
506 }
508 //2D (time vs pulse charge) histogram
509 canvas->cd(3 * (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) + 1);
510 gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
511 gPad->SetFillStyle(0);
512 TH2F* h2D = m_timeChargeHistogram[iHisto];
513 if (h2D) {
514 h2D->Draw("colz");
515 h2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("hit timing [ns]");
516 h2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("pulse charge [ADC count]");
517 }
519 //timing histogram
520 canvas->cd(c_NPlotsPerChannel * (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) + 2);
521 gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
522 gPad->SetFillStyle(0);
523 TH1D* hTime = m_timeHistogram[iHisto];
524 if (hTime) {
525 gPad->SetLogy();
526 hTime->Draw();
527 hTime->SetLineColor(1);
528 hTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("hit timing [ns]");
529 float binWidth = hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(1) - hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
530 std::ostringstream ytitle;
531 ytitle << "Entries [/(" << binWidth << " ns)]";
532 hTime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitle.str().c_str());
534 TF1* funcLaser = m_funcForLaser[iHisto];
535 if (funcLaser) {
536 double charge = funcLaser->GetParameter(0);
537 double peakTime = funcLaser->GetParameter(1);
538 float xMin = hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakTime - 2 * m_fitHalfWidth));
539 float xMax = hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakTime + 2 * m_fitHalfWidth));
540 line->DrawLine(xMin, 0.5, xMin, charge * 2.);
541 line->DrawLine(xMax, 0.5, xMax, charge * 2.);
542 arrow->DrawArrow(xMin, charge * 1.5, xMax, charge * 1.5, 0.01, "<>");
543 }
544 }
546 //charge histogram with fit result (after timing cut)
547 canvas->cd(c_NPlotsPerChannel * (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) + 3);
548 gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
549 gPad->SetFillStyle(0);
550 TH1D* hCharge = m_chargeHistogram[iHisto];
551 if (hCharge) {
552 gPad->SetLogy();
553 hCharge->Draw();
554 hCharge->SetLineColor(1);
555 hCharge->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("charge [ADC counts]");
556 float binWidth = hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(1) - hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
557 std::ostringstream ytitle;
558 ytitle << "Entries [/(" << binWidth << " ADC counts)]";
559 hCharge->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitle.str().c_str());
561 if (m_funcForFitRange[iHisto] && m_funcForFullRange[iHisto]) {
562 m_funcForFullRange[iHisto]->Draw("same");
563 m_funcForFitRange[iHisto]->Draw("same");
564 double charge = hCharge->GetBinContent(hCharge->GetMaximumBin());
565 line->DrawLine(threshold, 0.5, threshold, charge * 2.);
567 if ((object = gROOT->FindObject("dummy"))) delete object;
568 std::ostringstream cut;
569 cut << "pmtChId==" << (iHisto + 1);
570 long nEntries = 0;
571 std::ostringstream summarystr[2];
572 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitHeight) {
573 nEntries = m_tree->Project("dummy", "gain:efficiency", cut.str().c_str());
574 if (nEntries == 1) {
575 summarystr[0] << "gain = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1)
576 << m_tree->GetV1()[0];
577 latex->DrawLatex(0.875, 0.34, summarystr[0].str().c_str());
578 summarystr[1] << "efficiency = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1)
579 << (m_tree->GetV2()[0] * 100) << " %";
580 latex->DrawLatex(0.875, 0.29, summarystr[1].str().c_str());
581 }
582 } else if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral) {
583 nEntries = m_tree->Project("dummy", "gainUseIntegral:efficiencyUseIntegral", cut.str().c_str());
584 if (nEntries == 1) {
585 summarystr[0] << "gain = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1)
586 << m_tree->GetV1()[0];
587 latex->DrawLatex(0.875, 0.34, summarystr[0].str().c_str());
588 summarystr[1] << "efficiency = " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1)
589 << (m_tree->GetV2()[0] * 100) << " %";
590 latex->DrawLatex(0.875, 0.29, summarystr[1].str().c_str());
591 }
592 }
594 if (nEntries > 1) {
595 B2WARNING("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : mutliple entries with the same channel ID ("
596 << m_pmtChId << ") in the output TTree");
597 }
598 }
599 }
601 if (((iHisto + 1) % c_NChannelPerPage) == 0)
602 canvas->Print(pdfFilename.str().c_str());
603 }
604 for (int iHisto = (c_NChannelPerPMT - 1) % c_NChannelPerPage + 1 ; iHisto < c_NChannelPerPage ; iHisto++) {
605 for (int iPad = 0 ; iPad < c_NPlotsPerChannel ; iPad++) {
606 canvas->cd(c_NPlotsPerChannel * (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPage) + iPad + 1);
607 gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
608 gPad->SetFillStyle(0);
609 }
610 if (((iHisto + 1) % c_NChannelPerPage) == 0)
611 canvas->Print(pdfFilename.str().c_str());
612 }
614 canvas->Print((pdfFilename.str() + "]").c_str());
616 delete latex;
617 delete arrow;
618 delete line;
619 delete canvas;
620 if ((object = gROOT->FindObject("dummy"))) delete object;
622 return;
623 }
TF1 * m_funcForFitRange[c_NChannelPerPMT]
array of TF1 pointer to store fit function for pulse charge distribution, defined only for fit region
TH2F * m_timeChargeHistogram[c_NChannelPerPMT]
2D histogram of hit timing and pulse charge (or charge), taken from an output file of TOPLaserHitSele...
float m_fitHalfWidth
half fit width for direct laser hit peak in [ns] unit
std::string m_outputPDFFile
output PDF file to store plots of 2D histogram, timing, and charge distribution for each channel
TF1 * m_funcForFullRange[c_NChannelPerPMT]
array of TF1 pointer to store fit function for pulse charge distribution, defined only for full range...
TF1 * m_funcForLaser[c_NChannelPerPMT]
array of TF1 pointer to store fit function for hit timing distribution
TH1D * m_chargeHistogram[c_NChannelPerPMT]
pulse charge distribution, extracted from m_timeChargeHistogram as a projection along its y-axis with...
TH1D * m_timeHistogram[c_NChannelPerPMT]
hit timing distribution, extracted from m_timeChargeHistogram as a projection along its x-axis.
double charge(int pdgCode)
Returns electric charge of a particle with given pdg code.

◆ drawWaveforms()

void drawWaveforms ( const TOPRawWaveform rawwave)

Draws the full waveforms onto the TProfiles.

rawwavethe raw waveform

Definition at line 111 of file

112 {
113 vector<short> waveform = v.getWaveform();
114 if (waveform.empty()) {
115 return;
116 }
117 int scrodid = v.getScrodID();
118 // skip broken events
119 if (scrodid == 0) {
120 return;
121 }
122 int asicNumber = v.getASICNumber();
123 int carrierNumber = v.getCarrierNumber();
124 int iChannel = v.getASICChannel();
125 string gname = string("scrod_") + to_string(scrodid) + string("_carrier") + to_string(carrierNumber) + string("_asic") + to_string(
126 asicNumber) + to_string(iChannel);
127 if (m_waveformHists[scrodid][carrierNumber][asicNumber].find(iChannel) ==
128 m_waveformHists[scrodid][carrierNumber][asicNumber].end()) {
129 // FIXME ? This assumes exactly 256 samples in a waveform (FE data)
130 auto h = new TProfile(gname.c_str(), gname.c_str(), 256, 0, 256);
131 h->Sumw2(false); // unweighted filling.
132 m_waveformHists[scrodid][carrierNumber][asicNumber][iChannel] = h;
133 }
134 // FIXME assumes 256 samples in a waveform
135 for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
136 // exit broken waveforms early
137 if (i >= waveform.size()) {
138 break;
139 }
140 m_waveformHists[scrodid][carrierNumber][asicNumber][iChannel]->Fill(i + 0.5, iChannel * 1500 + waveform[i]);
141 }
142 }
std::map< int, std::map< int, std::map< int, std::map< int, TProfile * > > > > m_waveformHists
scrod, carrier, asic, channel

◆ DummyFillBranch()

void DummyFillBranch ( EHistogramType  LoadHisto)

Fill Dummy for Branch.

Use it when there aren't 2D-Histogram.

Definition at line 432 of file

433 {
434 m_fitMax = -1;
435 m_hitTiming = -1;
436 m_hitTimingSigma = -1;
437 m_nEntries = -1;
438 m_nCalPulse = -1;
442 m_gain = -1;
443 m_efficiency = -1;
444 m_p0 = -1;
445 m_p1 = -1;
446 m_p2 = -1;
447 m_x0 = -1;
448 m_p0Error = -1;
449 m_p1Error = -1;
450 m_p2Error = -1;
451 m_x0Error = -1;
452 m_chisquare = -1;
453 m_ndf = -1;
459 for (auto itr = m_branch[LoadHisto].begin(); itr != m_branch[LoadHisto].end(); ++itr) {
460 (*itr)->Fill();
461 }
462 }

◆ endRun() [1/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 399 of file

400 {
401 B2INFO("TOPBackground: Finished:");
402 }

◆ endRun() [2/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 89 of file

90 {
91 }

◆ endRun() [3/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 149 of file

150 {
152 }

◆ endRun() [4/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 219 of file

220 {
221 }

◆ endRun() [5/17]

void endRun ( void  )

Draw plots to show fitting results for each channel and save them into a given PDF file (outputPDFFile).

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 168 of file

169 {
170 }

◆ endRun() [6/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 256 of file

257 {
258 }

◆ endRun() [7/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 331 of file

332 {
333 }

◆ endRun() [8/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 109 of file

110 {
111 }

◆ endRun() [9/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 142 of file

143 {
144 }

◆ endRun() [10/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 270 of file

271 {
272 }

◆ endRun() [11/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 123 of file

124 {
125 }

◆ endRun() [12/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 477 of file

478 {
479 }

◆ endRun() [13/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

The main analysis loop over the calibration sets happens here. This function has to be modified only if the directory structure of the TOPTimeBaseCalibrator module output is changed Both the core functions analyzeCalFile() and makeComparisons() are called here.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 356 of file

357 {
358 // opens the file containing the list of directories and the labels
359 ifstream inputDirectoryListFile(m_inputDirectoryList.c_str());
361 // checsk the input file
362 if (!inputDirectoryListFile) {
363 B2ERROR("Unable to open the input file with the list of CalSets to analyze");
364 return;
365 }
367 std::string inputString;
368 // reads the Input file line by-line
369 while (std::getline(inputDirectoryListFile, inputString)) {
370 // This initializes m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel
372 parseInputDirectoryLine(inputString);
374 B2INFO("Processing the calibration set located in " << m_calSetDirectory << " and labelled " << m_calSetLabel);
375 TSystemDirectory calSetDir(m_calSetDirectory.c_str(), (m_calSetDirectory).c_str());
377 // lists the content of the directory
378 TList* calSetDirContent = calSetDir.GetListOfFiles();
379 if (calSetDirContent) {
380 TSystemFile* entry;
381 TIter next(calSetDirContent);
382 while ((entry = (TSystemFile*)next())) {
384 // gets the name of the entry in the list of the content of m_calSetDirectory
385 std::string entryName = entry->GetName();
387 // Case 1: the entry is already a root file
388 if (!entry->IsDirectory() && TString(entryName.c_str()).EndsWith(".root")) {
389 // Initializes the file name
390 m_calSetFile = new TFile((m_calSetDirectory + entryName).c_str(), " ");
391 // Finds out the Slot and BS ID
392 int parserStatus = parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(entryName);
393 // Fills the histograms
394 if (parserStatus == 1)
396 // Closes the file
397 m_calSetFile->Close();
398 }
400 // Case 2: the entry is a sub-foder, containing the rootfiles
401 // The default direcotry structure is
402 // calSetDirectory/tbc_chxx/*.root,
403 // so this should be the normal case
404 if (entry->IsDirectory() && entryName != "." && entryName != "..") {
405 entryName += "/";
406 // resets the directory where to look for root files
407 TSystemDirectory calSetSubDir((m_calSetDirectory + entryName).c_str(), (m_calSetDirectory + entryName).c_str());
409 // lists the content of the directory
410 TList* calSetSubDirContent = calSetSubDir.GetListOfFiles();
411 if (calSetSubDirContent) {
412 TSystemFile* file;
413 TIter nextSub(calSetSubDirContent);
414 while ((file = (TSystemFile*)nextSub())) {
415 // gets the name of the entry in the list of the content of m_calSetDirectory
416 std::string fileName = file->GetName();
418 if (!file->IsDirectory() && TString(fileName.c_str()).EndsWith(".root")) {
419 // Initializes the file name
420 m_calSetFile = new TFile((m_calSetDirectory + entryName + fileName).c_str(), " ");
421 // Finds out the Slot and BS ID
422 int parserStatus = parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(fileName);
423 // Fills the histograms
424 if (parserStatus == 1)
426 // Closes the file
427 m_calSetFile->Close();
428 } else if (file->IsDirectory() && fileName != "." && fileName != "..") {
429 B2WARNING("Additional subdirectory " << fileName << " found in " << m_calSetDirectory + entryName <<
430 ", where only .root and .log files are expected ");
431 continue;
432 }
434 }
435 }
436 }
437 }
438 } else {
439 B2WARNING("Error in creating the TList form the directory " << m_calSetDirectory);
440 continue;
441 }
442 m_calSetID++; // jump to the next directory (i.e. the next calset)
443 }
444 B2INFO("Analisys concluded.");
448 return;
449 }
int makeComparisons()
Last function to be called, compared the histograms of different datasets filled by analyzeCalFile() ...
int parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(std::string)
Utility function to parse the slot and BS id from the calibration file names.
int analyzeCalFile()
Analyzes the calibrations stored in the file m_calSetFile.

◆ endRun() [14/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 216 of file

217 {
218 }

◆ endRun() [15/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 1245 of file

1246 {
1247 B2INFO("TOPUnpacker: Channels seen per event statistics:");
1248 B2INFO("TOPUnpacker: nChn\tcount");
1249 for (auto& entry : m_channelStatistics) {
1250 B2INFO("TOPUnpacker: " << entry.first << "\t\t" << entry.second);
1251 }
1252 }

◆ endRun() [16/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 140 of file

141 {
142 }

◆ endRun() [17/17]

void endRun ( void  )

End-of-run action.

Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 181 of file

182 {
183 if (m_DRAWWAVES) {
184 // Each waveform was stored in a TH1F
185 // This now gets transformed to a TGraph
186 // All 8 channels for a given ASIC are put in the same TMultiGraph
187 // Then we make one canvas of several TMultigraphs for each scrod
188 // FIXME: This is going to get called at the end of the run; the mem leak I am introducing here should be fixed by somebody more patient with ROOT memory management than me.
189 for (auto scrod_it : m_waveformHists) {
190 int scrodid = scrod_it.first;
191 string name = string("scrod_") + to_string(scrodid);
192 TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(name.c_str(), name.c_str());
193 c->Divide(4, 4);
194 int canvasPad = 0;
195 for (auto carrier_it : scrod_it.second) {
196 int carrierNumber = carrier_it.first;
197 for (auto asic_it : carrier_it.second) {
198 int asicNumber = asic_it.first;
199 canvasPad += 1;
200 string gname = string("scrod_") + to_string(scrodid) + string("_carrier") + to_string(carrierNumber) + string("_asic") + to_string(
201 asicNumber);
202 TMultiGraph* mg = new TMultiGraph(gname.c_str(), gname.c_str());
203 for (auto channel_it : asic_it.second) {
204 // read the data from the TProfile
205 TGraphErrors* g = new TGraphErrors(channel_it.second);
206 g->SetMarkerStyle(7);
207 mg->Add(g);
208 }
209 // FIXME nSamples is hard-coded to 256
210 TH2F* h = new TH2F(gname.c_str(), gname.c_str(), 256, 0, 256, 8, -500, -500 + 8 * 1500);
211 for (int ibin = 0; ibin < 8; ibin++) {
212 h->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(ibin + 1, to_string(ibin).c_str());
213 }
214 h->GetYaxis()->SetTickSize(0);
215 h->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(0);
216 h->SetStats(0);
217 c->cd(canvasPad);
218 h->Draw();
219 mg->Draw("P");
220 }
221 }
222 m_directory->WriteTObject(c);
223 }
224 }
225 }

◆ event() [1/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 150 of file

151 {
152 // generate number of photons
153 int numPhotons = 1;
154 if (m_numPhotons > 0) numPhotons = gRandom->Poisson(m_numPhotons);
156 // start time
157 double startTime = m_startTime;
158 if (m_simCalPulses.getEntries() > 0) { // TOPCalPulseGenerator in the path
159 startTime += m_simCalPulses[0]->getTime(); // set start time w.r.t cal pulse
160 }
162 // generate photons and store them to MCParticles
163 for (int i = 0; i < numPhotons; i++) {
165 // generate emission point
166 double x, y;
167 do {
168 x = m_diameter * (gRandom->Rndm() - 0.5);
169 y = m_diameter * (gRandom->Rndm() - 0.5);
170 } while (x * x + y * y > m_diameter * m_diameter / 4.0);
171 XYZPoint point(x, y, 0);
173 // generate direction
174 XYZVector direction;
175 if (m_angularDistribution == string("uniform")) {
176 direction = getDirectionUniform();
177 } else if (m_angularDistribution == string("Lambertian")) {
178 direction = getDirectionLambertian();
179 } else if (m_angularDistribution == string("Gaussian")) {
180 direction = getDirectionGaussian();
181 } else { // we already have tested the formula and initialized the TF1 in the initialize() method
182 direction = getDirectionCustom();
183 }
184 XYZVector momentum = m_energy * direction;
186 // check if photon passes the slit
187 if (not isInsideSlit(point, direction)) continue;
189 // generate polarization vector (unpolarized light source assumed)
190 double alphaPol = 2.0 * M_PI * gRandom->Rndm();
191 XYZVector polarization(cos(alphaPol), sin(alphaPol), 0);
192 func::rotateUz(polarization, direction);
194 // generate emission time
195 double emissionTime = gRandom->Gaus(startTime, m_pulseWidth);
197 // transform to Belle II frame
198 point = m_transform * point;
199 momentum = m_transform * momentum;
200 polarization = m_transform * polarization;
202 // store generated photon
203 auto* part = m_MCParticles.appendNew();
204 part->setPDG(0); // optical photon
205 part->setMass(0);
206 part->setStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle);
207 part->addStatus(MCParticle::c_StableInGenerator);
208 part->setProductionVertex(static_cast<XYZVector>(point));
209 part->setProductionTime(emissionTime);
210 part->setMomentum(momentum);
211 part->setEnergy(m_energy);
212 part->setDecayVertex(polarization); // use this location temporary to pass photon polarization to FullSim
213 }
215 }
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:47
@ c_StableInGenerator
bit 1: Particle is stable, i.e., not decaying in the generator.
Definition: MCParticle.h:49
void setPDG(int pdg)
Set PDG code of the particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:324
std::string m_angularDistribution
source angular distribution
StoreArray< TOPSimCalPulse > m_simCalPulses
simulated cal pulse collection
double m_startTime
start time
double m_energy
photon energy (from wavelength)
double m_diameter
source diameter
double m_pulseWidth
pulse duration (Gaussian sigma)
double m_numPhotons
average number of photons in a pulse
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_MCParticles
MC particles collection.
ROOT::Math::Transform3D m_transform
transformation to BelleII frame
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getDirectionGaussian() const
Return photon direction according to a projected 2D gaussian distribution based on numerical aperture...
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getDirectionUniform() const
Return photon direction according to a projected uniform distribution with opening angle alpha.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getDirectionCustom() const
Return photon direction according to a custom angular distribution given by TFormula.
bool isInsideSlit(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint &point, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &direction) const
Checks if photon passes the slit.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getDirectionLambertian() const
Return photon direction according to a lambertian distribution with opening angle alpha.
void rotateUz(ROOT::Math::XYZVector &vec, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &z_Axis)
Replacement for a function TVector3::RotateUz which is not implemented in GenVector classes.
Definition: func.h:114

◆ event() [2/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 162 of file

163 {
165 // check bunch reconstruction status and run alignment:
166 // - if object exists and bunch is found (collision data w/ bunch finder in the path)
167 // - if object doesn't exist (cosmic data and other cases w/o bunch finder)
169 if (m_recBunch.isValid()) {
170 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
171 }
173 // track-by-track iterations
175 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
177 // construct TOPtrack from mdst track
178 TOPTrack trk(track);
179 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
181 // skip if track not hitting target module
182 if (trk.getModuleID() != m_targetMid) continue;
184 // track selection
185 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
187 // do an iteration
188 int err = m_align.iterate(trk, m_chargedStable);
189 m_iter++;
191 // check number of consecutive failures, and in case reset
192 if (err == 0) {
193 m_countFails = 0;
194 } else if (m_countFails <= m_maxFails) {
195 m_countFails++;
196 } else {
197 B2INFO("Reached maximum allowed number of failed iterations. "
198 "Resetting TOPalign object");
199 m_align.reset();
200 m_countFails = 0;
201 }
203 // get new parameter values and estimated errors
207 m_errorCode = err;
211 // set other ntuple variables
212 const auto& localPosition = m_selector.getLocalPosition();
213 m_x = localPosition.X();
214 m_y = localPosition.Y();
215 m_z = localPosition.Z();
216 const auto& localMomentum = m_selector.getLocalMomentum();
217 m_p = localMomentum.R();
218 m_theta = localMomentum.Theta();
219 m_phi = localMomentum.Phi();
220 const auto& pocaPosition = m_selector.getPOCAPosition();
221 m_pocaR = pocaPosition.Rho();
222 m_pocaZ = pocaPosition.Z();
223 m_pocaX = pocaPosition.X();
224 m_pocaY = pocaPosition.Y();
226 m_charge = trk.getCharge();
227 m_PDG = trk.getPDGCode();
229 // fill output tree
230 m_alignTree->Fill();
232 // print info
233 TString resMsg = "M= ";
234 resMsg += m_align.getModuleID();
235 resMsg += " ntr=";
236 resMsg += m_ntrk;
237 resMsg += " err=";
238 resMsg += m_errorCode;
239 resMsg += " v=";
240 resMsg += m_align.isValid();
241 for (auto par : m_vAlignPars) {
242 resMsg += " ";
243 resMsg += par;
244 }
245 B2DEBUG(20, resMsg);
247 }
249 }
std::vector< float > m_vAlignParsErr
error on alignment parameters
Const::ChargedStable m_chargedStable
track hypothesis
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
int m_PDG
track MC truth (simulated data only)
float m_phi
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
std::vector< float > m_vAlignPars
alignment parameters
int m_targetMid
target module to align.
TOP::ModuleAlignment m_align
alignment object
int m_countFails
counter for failed iterations
int m_iter
iteration counter
float m_p
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
bool m_valid
true if alignment parameters are valid
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
int m_errorCode
error code of the alignment procedure
int m_maxFails
maximum allowed number of failed iterations
int m_numPhot
number of photons used for log likelihood in this iteration
float m_y
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
TTree * m_alignTree
TTree containing alignment parameters.
float m_z
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
float m_x
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
int m_ntrk
number of tracks used
float m_theta
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
int getNumUsedTracks() const
Returns number of tracks used in current result.
bool isValid() const
Checks if the results are valid.
std::vector< float > getParameters() const
Returns alignment parameters.
int getModuleID() const
Returns module ID.
int iterate(TOPTrack &track, const Const::ChargedStable &hypothesis)
Run a single alignment iteration, on success update alignment parameters.
std::vector< float > getErrors() const
Returns errors on alignment parameters.
void reset()
Reset the object.
int getNumOfPhotons() const
Returns number of photons used for log likelihood calculation.

◆ event() [3/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Convert TOPSimHits of the event to TOPHits.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 201 of file

202 {
203 StoreArray<TOPSimHit> topSimhits;
204 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
205 StoreArray<TOPDigit> topDigits;
206 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> topTracks;
208 int nHits = topDigits.getEntries();
209 for (int i = 0; i < nHits; i++) {
210 TOPDigit* aDigit = topDigits[i];
211 int barID = aDigit->getModuleID();
213 peflux->AddBinContent(barID * 2, 1. / m_TimeOfSimulation / 32.0);
215 const TOPSimHit* simHit = DataStore::getRelated<TOPSimHit>(aDigit);
216 if (!simHit) continue;
217 int PMTID = simHit->getPmtID();
219 module_occupancy->SetPoint(count_occ, PMTID, barID);
220 count_occ++;
222 genergy->Fill(simHit->getEnergy());
224 const MCParticle* particle = DataStore::getRelated<MCParticle>(simHit);
226 if (particle) {
227 const MCParticle* currParticle = particle;
229 const MCParticle* mother = currParticle->getMother();
231 while (mother) {
232 const MCParticle* pommother = mother->getMother();
233 if (!pommother) {
235 zdist->Fill(mother->getVertex().Z());
236 zdistg->Fill(mother->getVertex().Z(), 1. / m_TimeOfSimulation / 32.0 / 16.0);
237 originpe_x = mother->getVertex().X();
238 originpe_y = mother->getVertex().Y();
239 originpe_z = mother->getVertex().Z();
240 originpe->Fill();
241 ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum = mother->getMomentum();
242 if ( - 3) == 'L') ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::RotateY(momentum, 0.0415);
243 else if ( - 3) == 'H') ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::RotateY(momentum, -0.0415);
244 double px = momentum.X();
245 double py = momentum.Y();
246 double pt = sqrt(px * px + py * py);
247 originpt->Fill(pt);
248 }
249 mother = pommother;
250 }
251 }
252 }
255 StoreArray<BeamBackHit> beamBackHits;
256 nHits = beamBackHits.getEntries();
258 for (int iHit = 0; iHit < nHits; ++iHit) {
259 BeamBackHit* tophit = beamBackHits[iHit];
260 int subdet = tophit->getSubDet();
261 if (subdet != 5) continue;
263 auto pos = tophit->getPosition();
264 double phi = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Phi_0_2pi(pos.Phi()) * TMath::RadToDeg();
265 int barID = int (phi / 22.5 + 0.5);
266 if (barID == 16) {
267 barID = 0;
268 }
269 barID++;
272 if (tophit->getPDG() == Const::neutron.getPDGCode()) {
273 double w = tophit->getNeutronWeight();
274 double tlen = tophit->getTrackLength();
276 nflux->AddBinContent(barID * 2, w / m_TimeOfSimulation / PCBarea * yearns * tlen / 0.2);
278 } else {
279 double edep = tophit->getEnergyDeposit();
280 rdose->AddBinContent(barID * 2, edep / m_TimeOfSimulation * yearns / PCBmass * evtoJ);
281 }
282 }
284 nHits = topTracks.getEntries();
285 for (int iHit = 0; iHit < nHits; ++iHit) {
286 TOPBarHit* toptrk = topTracks[iHit];
288 int PDG = toptrk->getPDG();
289 int barID = toptrk->getModuleID();
291 if (PDG == Const::neutron.getPDGCode()) {
292 nflux_bar->Fill(toptrk->getPosition().Z(), (barID - 1) * 22.5,
293 1. / 917.65 / m_TimeOfSimulation * yearns * 2.);
294 norigin->Fill(toptrk->getProductionPoint().Z());
295 } else {
296 if (PDG == Const::photon.getPDGCode()) {
297 gflux_bar->Fill(toptrk->getPosition().Z(), (barID - 1) * 22.5,
298 1. / 917.65 / m_TimeOfSimulation * 2.);
299 gorigin->Fill(toptrk->getProductionPoint().Z());
300 genergy2->Fill(toptrk->getMomentum().R() * 1000);
301 origin_zx->SetPoint(count, toptrk->getProductionPoint().Z(),
302 toptrk->getProductionPoint().X());
303 origin_zy->SetPoint(count, toptrk->getProductionPoint().Z() / 0.999143,
304 toptrk->getProductionPoint().Y());
305 origingamma_x = toptrk->getProductionPoint().X();
306 origingamma_y = toptrk->getProductionPoint().Y();
307 origingamma_z = toptrk->getProductionPoint().Z();
308 origingamma->Fill();
309 count++;
311 } else {
312 cflux_bar->Fill(toptrk->getPosition().Z(), (barID - 1) * 22.5,
313 1. / 917.65 / m_TimeOfSimulation * 2.);
314 corigin->Fill(toptrk->getProductionPoint().Z());
315 }
316 }
318 }
319 }
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:473
static const ParticleType neutron
neutron particle
Definition: Const.h:675
static const ParticleType photon
photon particle
Definition: Const.h:673
double origingamma_z
points from origin_zx and _zy graphs: z
TTree * originpe
tree for saving originpe points
TH1F * originpt
pt of electrons
TH2F * cflux_bar
charged flux on bar
double origingamma_y
points from origin_zx and _zy graphs: y
double originpe_x
points for origin of mother of photoelectrons: x
TH1F * zdistg
z distribution of the photoelectron flux
TH2F * gflux_bar
gamma flux on bar
TH1F * genergy2
energy of gamma that hits the bar
TH2F * nflux_bar
neutron flux on bar
double origingamma_x
points from origin_zx and _zy graphs: x
double originpe_z
points for origin of mother of photoelectrons: z (=zdist)
std::string m_BkgType
Type of background.
double originpe_y
points for origin of mother of photoelectrons: y
TTree * origingamma
tree for saving origingamma points
double m_TimeOfSimulation
Time of the simulation of the input file.
TH1F * zdist
z distribution of primaries
TH1F * genergy
energy of gamma that hits the bar

◆ event() [4/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 238 of file

239 {
241 m_processed++;
244 // define output for the reconstructed bunch
246 if (not m_recBunch.isValid()) {
247 m_recBunch.create();
248 } else {
249 m_revo9Counter = m_recBunch->getRevo9Counter();
250 m_recBunch->clearReconstructed();
251 }
252 m_timeZeros.clear();
254 if (not m_eventT0.isValid()) m_eventT0.create();
256 // set MC truth if available
258 if (m_initialParticles.isValid()) {
259 double simTime = m_initialParticles->getTime();
260 int simBunchNumber = round(simTime / m_bunchTimeSep);
261 m_recBunch->setSimulated(simBunchNumber, simTime);
262 }
263 m_isMC = m_recBunch->isSimulated();
265 // set revo9 counter from the first raw digit if available (all should be the same)
267 if (m_topRawDigits.getEntries() > 0) {
268 const auto* rawDigit = m_topRawDigits[0];
269 m_revo9Counter = rawDigit->getRevo9Counter();
270 m_recBunch->setRevo9Counter(m_revo9Counter);
271 }
273 // full time window in which data are taken (smaller time window is used in reconstruction)
275 const auto& tdc = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry()->getNominalTDC();
276 double timeWindow = m_feSetting->getReadoutWindows() * tdc.getSyncTimeBase() / static_cast<double>(TOPNominalTDC::c_syncWindows);
278 // counters and temporary containers
280 int numTrk = 0;
281 m_nodEdxCount = 0;
282 std::vector<TOPTrack> topTracks;
283 std::vector<PDFConstructor> pdfConstructors;
284 std::vector<PDF1Dim> top1Dpdfs;
285 std::vector<int> numPhotons;
286 std::vector<double> assumedMasses;
287 std::vector<Chi2MinimumFinder1D> finders;
289 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and push to containers
291 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
292 TOPTrack trk(track);
293 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
295 // track selection
296 const auto* fitResult = track.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(Const::pion);
297 if (not fitResult) {
298 B2ERROR("No TrackFitResult available. Must be a bug somewhere.");
299 continue;
300 }
301 if (fitResult->getHitPatternCDC().getNHits() < m_minNHitsCDC) continue;
302 if (fabs(fitResult->getD0()) > m_maxD0) continue;
303 if (fabs(fitResult->getZ0()) > m_maxZ0) continue;
304 auto pt = fitResult->getTransverseMomentum();
305 if (pt < m_minPt or pt > m_maxPt) continue;
307 // determine most probable particle mass
308 auto chargedStable = Const::pion;
309 if (m_useMCTruth) {
310 if (not trk.getMCParticle()) continue;
311 if (not trk.getBarHit()) continue;
312 chargedStable = Const::chargedStableSet.find(abs(trk.getMCParticle()->getPDG()));
313 if (chargedStable == Const::invalidParticle) continue;
314 } else {
315 if (trk.getMomentumMag() < 4.0) chargedStable = getMostProbable(track);
316 }
318 // construct PDF
319 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, chargedStable, PDFConstructor::c_Rough);
320 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
321 numTrk++;
323 // make PDF projection to time axis with bin size of ~0.5 ns
324 PDF1Dim pdf1d(pdfConstructor, 0.5, timeWindow);
325 pdfConstructor.switchOffDeltaRayPDF(); // to speed-up fine search
327 // do further track selection
328 double expSignal = pdf1d.getExpectedSignal();
329 double expDelta = pdf1d.getExpectedDeltaPhotons();
330 double expBG = pdf1d.getExpectedBG();
331 double expPhot = expSignal + expDelta + expBG;
332 double numPhot = pdf1d.getNumOfPhotons();
333 if (expSignal < m_minSignal) continue;
334 if (expSignal < m_minSBRatio * expBG) continue;
335 if (numPhot < m_minDERatio * expPhot) continue;
336 if (numPhot > m_maxDERatio * expPhot) continue;
338 topTracks.push_back(trk);
339 pdfConstructors.push_back(pdfConstructor);
340 top1Dpdfs.push_back(pdf1d);
341 numPhotons.push_back(numPhot);
342 assumedMasses.push_back(pdfConstructors.back().getHypothesis().getMass());
343 }
344 m_recBunch->setNumTracks(numTrk, topTracks.size(), m_nodEdxCount);
345 if (topTracks.empty()) return;
347 // get time seed
349 auto timeSeed = getTimeSeed();
351 if (timeSeed.sigma == 0) { // time seed is not given - perform coarse search
353 // set time region for coarse search
355 double minT0 = -m_timeRangeCoarse / 2;
356 double maxT0 = m_timeRangeCoarse / 2;
357 if (m_autoRange) {
358 minT0 = top1Dpdfs[0].getMinT0();
359 maxT0 = top1Dpdfs[0].getMaxT0();
360 for (const auto& pdf : top1Dpdfs) {
361 minT0 = std::min(minT0, pdf.getMinT0());
362 maxT0 = std::max(maxT0, pdf.getMaxT0());
363 }
364 }
365 double binSize = top1Dpdfs[0].getBinSize();
366 int numBins = (maxT0 - minT0) / binSize;
367 maxT0 = minT0 + binSize * numBins;
369 // find coarse T0
371 for (const auto& pdf : top1Dpdfs) {
372 finders.push_back(Chi2MinimumFinder1D(numBins, minT0, maxT0));
373 auto& finder = finders.back();
374 const auto& bins = finder.getBinCenters();
375 for (unsigned i = 0; i < bins.size(); i++) {
376 double t0 = bins[i];
377 finder.add(i, -2 * pdf.getLogL(t0));
378 }
379 }
380 auto coarseFinder = finders[0];
381 for (size_t i = 1; i < finders.size(); i++) {
382 coarseFinder.add(finders[i]);
383 }
385 const auto& t0Coarse = coarseFinder.getMinimum();
386 if (m_saveHistograms) {
387 m_recBunch->addHistogram(coarseFinder.getHistogram("chi2_coarse_",
388 "coarse T0; t_{0} [ns]; -2 log L"));
389 }
390 if (t0Coarse.position < minT0 or t0Coarse.position > maxT0 or not t0Coarse.valid) {
391 B2DEBUG(20, "Coarse T0 finder: returning invalid or out of range T0");
392 return;
393 }
394 timeSeed.t0 = t0Coarse.position;
395 }
397 // find precise T0
399 finders.clear();
401 double timeMin = TOPRecoManager::getMinTime() + timeSeed.t0;
402 double timeMax = TOPRecoManager::getMaxTime() + timeSeed.t0;
403 double timeRangeFine = std::max(m_timeRangeFine, timeSeed.sigma * 6);
404 double t0min = timeSeed.t0 - timeRangeFine / 2;
405 double t0max = timeSeed.t0 + timeRangeFine / 2;
407 for (size_t itrk = 0; itrk < topTracks.size(); itrk++) {
408 finders.push_back(Chi2MinimumFinder1D(m_numBins, t0min, t0max));
409 const auto& reco = pdfConstructors[itrk];
410 numPhotons[itrk] = setFinder(finders.back(), reco, timeMin, timeMax);
411 const auto& trk = topTracks[itrk];
412 double momentum = trk.getMomentumMag();
413 if (not m_useMCTruth and momentum > 0.7 and topTracks.size() <= m_nTrackLimit) {
414 std::vector<Const::ChargedStable> other;
415 if (reco.getHypothesis() == Const::kaon) {
416 other.push_back(Const::pion);
417 if (momentum < 4.0) other.push_back(Const::proton);
418 } else if (reco.getHypothesis() == Const::proton) {
419 other.push_back(Const::pion);
420 if (momentum < 2.0) other.push_back(Const::kaon);
421 } else {
422 if (momentum < 2.0) other.push_back(Const::kaon);
423 if (momentum < 4.0) other.push_back(Const::proton);
424 }
425 for (const auto& chargedStable : other) {
426 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, chargedStable, PDFConstructor::c_Rough);
427 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
428 pdfConstructor.switchOffDeltaRayPDF(); // to speed-up fine search
429 if (pdfConstructor.getExpectedSignalPhotons() < m_minSignal) continue;
430 Chi2MinimumFinder1D finder(m_numBins, t0min, t0max);
431 int numPhot = setFinder(finder, pdfConstructor, timeMin, timeMax);
432 if (numPhot != numPhotons[itrk])
433 B2ERROR("Different number of photons used for log likelihood of different mass hypotheses");
434 if (finder.getMinChi2() < finders.back().getMinChi2()) {
435 finders.back() = finder;
436 assumedMasses[itrk] = chargedStable.getMass();
437 }
438 }
439 }
440 }
442 if (finders.size() == 0) return; // just in case
443 auto finderSum = finders[0];
444 for (size_t i = 1; i < finders.size(); i++) {
445 finderSum.add(finders[i]);
446 }
448 if (timeSeed.sigma > 0) {
449 const auto& binCenters = finderSum.getBinCenters();
450 for (unsigned i = 0; i < binCenters.size(); i++) {
451 double t0 = binCenters[i];
452 finderSum.add(i, pow((t0 - timeSeed.t0) / timeSeed.sigma, 2)); // add chi2 according to timeSeed resolution
453 }
454 }
456 const auto& T0 = finderSum.getMinimum();
457 if (m_saveHistograms) {
458 m_recBunch->addHistogram(finderSum.getHistogram("chi2_fine_", "precise T0; t_{0} [ns]; -2 log L"));
459 }
460 if (T0.position < t0min or T0.position > t0max or not T0.valid) {
461 B2DEBUG(20, "Fine T0 finder: returning invalid or out of range T0");
462 return;
463 }
465 // bunch time and current offset
467 int bunchNo = lround(T0.position / m_bunchTimeSep); // round to nearest integer
468 double offset = T0.position - m_bunchTimeSep * bunchNo;
469 if (not m_commonT0->isCalibrated()) { // auto set offset range
470 double deltaOffset = offset - m_runningOffset;
471 if (fabs(deltaOffset + m_bunchTimeSep) < fabs(deltaOffset)) {
472 offset += m_bunchTimeSep;
473 bunchNo--;
474 } else if (fabs(deltaOffset - m_bunchTimeSep) < fabs(deltaOffset)) {
475 offset -= m_bunchTimeSep;
476 bunchNo++;
477 }
478 }
479 double error = T0.error;
481 // averaging with first order filter (with adoptable time constant)
483 double tau = 10 + m_success / 2; // empirically with toy MC
484 if (tau > m_tau) tau = m_tau;
485 double a = exp(-1.0 / tau);
486 m_runningOffset = a * m_runningOffset + (1 - a) * offset;
487 double err1 = a * m_runningError;
488 double err2 = (1 - a) * error;
489 m_runningError = sqrt(err1 * err1 + err2 * err2);
491 // when not running in HLT mode, check if reconstructed bunch is filled
493 if (not m_HLTmode) {
494 bool isFilled = isBucketFilled(bunchNo); // stores in addition the bucket number and fill status in m_recBunch
495 if (m_useFillPattern and not isFilled) return;
496 }
498 // store the results
500 double bunchTime = bunchNo * m_bunchTimeSep;
501 m_recBunch->setReconstructed(bunchNo, bunchTime, offset, error, m_runningOffset, m_runningError, timeSeed.detector);
502 m_recBunch->setMinChi2(T0.chi2);
503 double svdOffset = m_eventT0Offset.isValid() and not m_isMC ? m_eventT0Offset->get(Const::SVD).offset : 0;
504 m_eventT0->addTemporaryEventT0(EventT0::EventT0Component(bunchTime + svdOffset, error, Const::TOP, "bunchFinder"));
505 m_success++;
507 // store T0 of single tracks relative to bunchTime
509 if (finders.size() == topTracks.size()) {
510 for (size_t itrk = 0; itrk < topTracks.size(); itrk++) {
511 const auto& trk = topTracks[itrk];
512 auto& finder = finders[itrk];
513 const auto& t0trk = finder.getMinimum();
514 auto* timeZero = m_timeZeros.appendNew(trk.getModuleID(),
515 t0trk.position - bunchTime,
516 t0trk.error, numPhotons[itrk]);
517 timeZero->setAssumedMass(assumedMasses[itrk]);
518 if (not t0trk.valid) timeZero->setInvalid();
519 timeZero->setMinChi2(finder.getMinChi2());
520 timeZero->addRelationTo(trk.getExtHit());
522 if (m_saveHistograms) {
523 std::string num = std::to_string(itrk);
524 auto chi2 = finder.getHistogram("chi2_" + num,
525 "precise T0 single track; t_{0} [ns]; -2 log L");
526 auto pdf = top1Dpdfs[itrk].getHistogram("pdf1D_" + num,
527 "PDF projected to time axis; time [ns]");
528 TH1F hits(("hits_" + num).c_str(),
529 "time distribution of hits (t0-subtracted); time [ns]",
530 pdf.GetNbinsX(), pdf.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), pdf.GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
531 for (const auto& hit : trk.getSelectedHits()) {
532 hits.Fill(hit.time - t0trk.position);
533 }
534 timeZero->setHistograms(chi2, pdf, hits);
535 }
536 }
537 }
539 // correct time in TOPDigits
541 if (m_correctDigits) {
542 for (auto& digit : m_topDigits) {
543 digit.subtractT0(bunchTime);
544 digit.addStatus(TOPDigit::c_EventT0Subtracted);
546 digit.subtractT0(m_runningOffset);
547 double err = digit.getTimeError();
548 digit.setTimeError(sqrt(err * err + m_runningError * m_runningError));
549 digit.addStatus(TOPDigit::c_BunchOffsetSubtracted);
550 }
551 }
552 }
554 }
const ParticleType & find(int pdg) const
Returns particle in set with given PDG code, or invalidParticle if not found.
Definition: Const.h:571
static const ParticleSet chargedStableSet
set of charged stable particles
Definition: Const.h:618
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:661
static const ChargedStable proton
proton particle
Definition: Const.h:663
static const ParticleType invalidParticle
Invalid particle, used internally.
Definition: Const.h:681
static const ChargedStable kaon
charged kaon particle
Definition: Const.h:662
double m_maxD0
maximal absolute value of helix perigee distance
unsigned m_nTrackLimit
maximum number of tracks (inclusive) to use three particle hypotheses in fine search
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
bool m_correctDigits
subtract bunch time in TOPDigits
DBObjPtr< TOPFrontEndSetting > m_feSetting
front-end settings
StoreObjPtr< EventT0 > m_eventT0
event T0
double m_minDERatio
minimal ratio of detected over expected photons
unsigned short m_revo9Counter
number of system clocks since last revo9 marker
int m_nodEdxCount
counter of tracks with no dEdx, reset at each event
double m_runningError
error on running average
bool m_saveHistograms
flag to save histograms
double m_minSignal
minimal number of signal photons
double m_maxZ0
maximal absolute value of helix perigee z coordnate
int m_numBins
number of bins to which the fine search region is divided
bool m_subtractRunningOffset
subtract running offset when running in HLT mode
bool m_autoRange
determine coarse range automatically
double m_runningOffset
running average of bunch offset
int m_minNHitsCDC
minimal number of hits in CDC
unsigned m_success
events with reconstructed bunch
double m_timeRangeFine
time range in which to do fine search [ns]
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
bool m_useMCTruth
use MC truth for mass instead of dEdx most probable
double m_tau
first order filter time constant [events]
double m_maxDERatio
maximal ratio of detected over expected photons
double m_maxPt
maximal p_T of track
StoreArray< TOPRawDigit > m_topRawDigits
collection of TOP raw digits
unsigned m_processed
processed events
StoreArray< TOPTimeZero > m_timeZeros
collection of T0 of individual tracks
double m_bunchTimeSep
time between two bunches
double m_timeRangeCoarse
time range in which to do coarse search if autoRange turned off [ns]
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_topDigits
collection of TOP digits
StoreObjPtr< MCInitialParticles > m_initialParticles
simulated beam particles
double m_minSBRatio
minimal signal-to-background ratio
const TOPNominalTDC & getNominalTDC() const
Returns nominal time-to-digit conversion parameters.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:218
@ c_syncWindows
number of windows corresponding to syncTimeBase
Definition: TOPNominalTDC.h:29
@ c_Rough
no dependence on y
Const::ChargedStable getMostProbable(const Track &track)
Returns most probable charged stable particle according to dEdx and predefined prior probabilities.
bool isBucketFilled(int bunchNo)
Does reconstructed bunch number correspond to filled bucket.
int setFinder(TOP::Chi2MinimumFinder1D &finder, const TOP::PDFConstructor &reco, double timeMin, double timeMax)
Sets finder object with chi2 values.
TimeSeed getTimeSeed()
Returns a time seed.

◆ event() [5/32]

void event ( void  )

event method: removes channels from the reconstruction pdf, flags hits from noisy channels as junk

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 69 of file

70 {
72 // have those payloads changed?
74 bool pmtInstalled = m_pmtInstalled.hasChanged();
75 bool pmtQEData = m_pmtQEData.hasChanged();
76 bool channelRQE = m_channelRQE.hasChanged();
77 bool thresholdEff = m_thresholdEff.hasChanged();
79 // if at least one then pass pixel relative efficiencies to the reconstructon code
81 if (pmtInstalled or pmtQEData or channelRQE or thresholdEff) {
83 }
85 // have asic masks changed?
87 bool asicMasksChanged = false;
88 if (m_eventAsicMask.isValid()) {
89 if (m_eventAsicMask->get() != m_savedAsicMask.get()) {
91 asicMasksChanged = true;
92 }
93 }
95 // have channel masks or calibration changed?
97 bool channelMaskChanged = m_channelMask.hasChanged();
98 bool channelT0Changed = m_channelT0.hasChanged();
99 bool timebaseChanged = m_timebase.hasChanged();
101 // if at least one then pass the new masking to the reconstruction code
103 if (channelMaskChanged or asicMasksChanged or
104 (m_maskUncalibratedChannelT0 and channelT0Changed) or
105 (m_maskUncalibratedTimebase and timebaseChanged)) {
110 }
113 }
114 }
116 // now flag actual data Cherenkov hits as coming from masked channels
118 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
119 // if already set switch the state back to c_Good (e.g. for digits read from file)
120 if (digit.getHitQuality() == TOPDigit::c_Masked or
121 digit.getHitQuality() == TOPDigit::c_Uncalibrated) {
122 digit.setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Good);
123 }
124 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
126 // now do the new masking of c_Good
127 auto slotID = digit.getModuleID();
128 auto channel = digit.getChannel();
129 if (not m_channelMask->isActive(slotID, channel)) {
130 digit.setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Masked);
131 continue;
132 }
133 if (not m_savedAsicMask.isActive(slotID, channel)) {
134 digit.setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Masked);
135 const unsigned maxCount = 10; // at HLT this means (10 * number-of-processes) messages before being suppressed
136 if (m_errorCount < maxCount) {
137 B2ERROR("Unexpected hit found in a channel that is masked-out by firmware"
138 << LogVar("slotID", slotID) << LogVar("channel", channel));
139 } else if (m_errorCount == maxCount) {
140 B2ERROR("Unexpected hit found in a channel that is masked-out by firmware"
141 << LogVar("slotID", slotID) << LogVar("channel", channel)
142 << LogVar("... message will be suppressed now, errorCount", m_errorCount));
143 }
144 m_errorCount++;
145 continue;
146 }
147 if (m_maskUncalibratedChannelT0 and not m_channelT0->isCalibrated(slotID, channel)) {
148 digit.setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Uncalibrated);
149 continue;
150 }
152 const auto& fe_mapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getFrontEndMapper();
153 const auto* fe = fe_mapper.getMap(slotID, channel / 128);
154 if (not fe) {
155 B2ERROR("No front-end map found" << LogVar("slotID", slotID) << LogVar("channel", channel));
156 digit.setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Uncalibrated);
157 continue;
158 }
159 auto scrodID = fe->getScrodID();
160 const auto* sampleTimes = m_timebase->getSampleTimes(scrodID, channel);
161 if (not sampleTimes->isCalibrated()) {
162 digit.setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Uncalibrated);
163 }
164 }
165 }
167 }
const std::vector< unsigned short > & get() const
Returns bit fields of masked ASIC's.
Definition: TOPAsicMask.h:43
void set(const std::vector< unsigned short > &masks)
Sets bit fields of masked ASIC's.
Definition: TOPAsicMask.h:37
OptionalDBArray< TOPPmtQE > m_pmtQEData
quantum efficiencies
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelThresholdEff > m_thresholdEff
channel threshold effi.
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelRQE > m_channelRQE
channel relative quantum effi.
bool m_maskUncalibratedChannelT0
if true mask channelT0-uncalibrated channels
StoreObjPtr< TOPAsicMask > m_eventAsicMask
masked asics in firmware
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
TOPAsicMask m_savedAsicMask
the default ones or a copy from data store
bool m_maskUncalibratedTimebase
if true mask timebase-uncalibrated channels
OptionalDBArray< TOPPmtInstallation > m_pmtInstalled
PMT installation data.
static void setChannelMask(const DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelMask > &mask, const TOPAsicMask &asicMask)
Sets channel masks.
static void setChannelEffi()
Sets relative efficiencies of pixels.
static void setUncalibratedChannelsOff(const DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelT0 > &channelT0)
Sets uncalibrated channels off.
bool isActive(int moduleID, unsigned channel) const
Returns true if channel is not explicitely labeled as masked.

◆ event() [6/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 176 of file

177 {
178 /* check bunch reconstruction status and run alignment:
179 - if object exists and bunch is found (collision data w/ bunch finder in the path)
180 - if object doesn't exist (cosmic data and other cases w/o bunch finder)
181 */
183 if (m_recBunch.isValid()) {
184 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
185 }
188 double timeMin = TOPRecoManager::getMinTime();
189 double timeMax = TOPRecoManager::getMaxTime();
190 const auto& chMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
192 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and accumulate log likelihoods
194 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
196 // track selection
197 TOPTrack trk(track);
198 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
200 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
202 // construct PDF
203 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, m_selector.getChargedStable(), m_PDFOption);
204 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
206 // minimization procedure: accumulate
207 const unsigned module = trk.getModuleID() - 1;
208 if (module >= c_numModules) continue;
209 int sub = gRandom->Integer(2); // generate sub-sample number
210 auto& finders = m_finders[sub][module];
211 const auto& binCenters = finders[0].getBinCenters();
212 for (unsigned ibin = 0; ibin < binCenters.size(); ibin++) {
213 double t0 = binCenters[ibin];
214 const auto& pixelLogLs = pdfConstructor.getPixelLogLs(t0, m_sigmaSmear);
215 for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < c_numChannels; channel++) {
216 int pix = chMapper.getPixelID(channel) - 1;
217 finders[channel].add(ibin, -2 * pixelLogLs[pix].logL);
218 }
219 }
221 // fill histograms of hits
222 m_numPhotons = 0;
223 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
224 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
225 if (digit.getModuleID() != trk.getModuleID()) continue;
226 if (digit.getTime() < timeMin) continue;
227 if (digit.getTime() > timeMax) continue;
228 m_numPhotons++;
229 auto& h1 = m_hits1D[module];
230 h1.Fill(digit.getChannel());
231 auto& h2 = m_hits2D[module];
232 h2.Fill(digit.getChannel(), digit.getTime());
233 }
235 // fill output tree
236 m_moduleID = trk.getModuleID();
237 const auto& localPosition = m_selector.getLocalPosition();
238 m_x = localPosition.X();
239 m_y = localPosition.Y();
240 m_z = localPosition.Z();
241 const auto& localMomentum = m_selector.getLocalMomentum();
242 m_p = localMomentum.R();
243 m_theta = localMomentum.Theta();
244 m_phi = localMomentum.Phi();
245 const auto& pocaPosition = m_selector.getPOCAPosition();
246 m_pocaR = pocaPosition.Rho();
247 m_pocaZ = pocaPosition.Z();
248 m_pocaX = pocaPosition.X();
249 m_pocaY = pocaPosition.Y();
251 m_charge = trk.getCharge();
252 m_PDG = trk.getPDGCode();
253 m_tree->Fill();
254 }
256 }
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TTree * m_tree
TTree containing selected track parameters etc.
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
double m_sigmaSmear
additional smearing of PDF in [ns]
int m_PDG
track MC truth (simulated data only)
float m_phi
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
int m_numPhotons
number of photons in this slot
int m_moduleID
slot to which the track is extrapolated to
std::vector< TH1F > m_hits1D
number photon hits in a channel
TOP::PDFConstructor::EPDFOption m_PDFOption
PDF option.
float m_p
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
float m_y
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
@ c_numChannels
number of channels per module
float m_z
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
float m_x
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
TOP::Chi2MinimumFinder1D m_finders[2][c_numModules][c_numChannels]
float m_theta
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
const std::vector< double > & getBinCenters() const
Returns vector of bin centers.

◆ event() [7/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 67 of file

68 {
70 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
71 unsigned channel = digit.getChannel();
72 if (channel < c_NumChannels) {
73 auto histo = m_histo[channel];
74 if (!histo) {
75 stringstream ss;
76 ss << "chan" << channel ;
77 string name;
78 ss >> name;
79 string title = "Times " + name;
80 histo = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), (int)m_fitRange[0], m_fitRange[1], m_fitRange[2]);
81 m_histo[channel] = histo;
82 }
83 if (digit.getTime() < m_fitRange[1] || digit.getTime() > m_fitRange[2]) continue;
84 histo->Fill(digit.getTime());
85 }
86 }
87 }
std::vector< double > m_fitRange
fit range [nbins, xmin, xmax]
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
TH1F * m_histo[c_NumChannels]
profile histograms

◆ event() [8/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 162 of file

163 {
164 /* check bunch reconstruction status and run alignment:
165 - if object exists and bunch is found (collision data w/ bunch finder in the path)
166 - if object doesn't exist (cosmic data and other cases w/o bunch finder)
167 */
169 if (m_recBunch.isValid()) {
170 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
171 }
174 double timeMin = TOPRecoManager::getMinTime();
175 double timeMax = TOPRecoManager::getMaxTime();
177 // running offset must not be subtracted in TOPDigits: issue an error if it is
180 B2ERROR("Running offset subtracted in TOPDigits: common T0 will not be correct");
181 }
183 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and accumulate log likelihoods
185 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
187 // track selection
188 TOPTrack trk(track);
189 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
191 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
193 // construct PDF
194 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, m_selector.getChargedStable(), m_PDFOption);
195 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
197 // minimization procedure: accumulate
198 int sub = gRandom->Integer(c_numSets); // generate sub-sample number
199 auto& finder = m_finders[sub];
200 const auto& binCenters = finder.getBinCenters();
201 for (unsigned ibin = 0; ibin < binCenters.size(); ibin++) {
202 double t0 = binCenters[ibin];
203 finder.add(ibin, -2 * pdfConstructor.getLogL(t0, m_sigmaSmear).logL);
204 }
206 // fill histograms of hits
207 m_numPhotons = 0;
208 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
209 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
210 if (digit.getModuleID() != trk.getModuleID()) continue;
211 if (digit.getTime() < timeMin) continue;
212 if (digit.getTime() > timeMax) continue;
213 m_numPhotons++;
214 m_hits1D.Fill(digit.getModuleID());
215 int bs = digit.getBoardstackNumber();
216 m_hits2D.Fill((digit.getModuleID() * 4 + bs - 1.5) / 4.0, digit.getTime());
217 }
219 // fill output tree
220 m_moduleID = trk.getModuleID();
221 const auto& localPosition = m_selector.getLocalPosition();
222 m_x = localPosition.X();
223 m_y = localPosition.Y();
224 m_z = localPosition.Z();
225 const auto& localMomentum = m_selector.getLocalMomentum();
226 m_p = localMomentum.R();
227 m_theta = localMomentum.Theta();
228 m_phi = localMomentum.Phi();
229 const auto& pocaPosition = m_selector.getPOCAPosition();
230 m_pocaR = pocaPosition.Rho();
231 m_pocaZ = pocaPosition.Z();
232 m_pocaX = pocaPosition.X();
233 m_pocaY = pocaPosition.Y();
235 m_charge = trk.getCharge();
236 m_PDG = trk.getPDGCode();
237 m_tree->Fill();
238 }
240 }
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TOP::Chi2MinimumFinder1D m_finders[c_numSets]
TTree * m_tree
TTree containing selected track parameters etc.
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
double m_sigmaSmear
additional smearing of PDF in [ns]
int m_PDG
track MC truth (simulated data only)
float m_phi
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
int m_numPhotons
number of photons in this slot
int m_moduleID
slot to which the track is extrapolated to
TOP::PDFConstructor::EPDFOption m_PDFOption
PDF option.
@ c_numSets
number of statistically independent subsamples
float m_p
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
float m_y
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
TH1F m_hits1D
number of photon hits in a slot
float m_z
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
float m_x
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
float m_theta
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
bool isRunningOffsetSubtracted()
Checks if running offset is subtracted in TOPDigits.

◆ event() [9/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 103 of file

104 {
107 // select track: if several, choose highest momentum track
109 StoreArray<Track> tracks;
110 const ExtHit* selectedExtHit = 0;
111 double p0 = 0;
112 for (const auto& track : tracks) {
113 const auto extHits = track.getRelationsWith<ExtHit>();
114 const ExtHit* extHit0 = 0;
115 for (const auto& extHit : extHits) {
116 if (abs(extHit.getPdgCode()) != Const::muon.getPDGCode()) continue;
117 if (extHit.getDetectorID() != Const::EDetector::TOP) continue;
118 if (extHit.getCopyID() <= 0) continue;
119 double dot = extHit.getPosition().Dot(extHit.getMomentum());
120 if (m_useIncomingTrack) {
121 if (dot > 0) continue;
122 if (not extHit0) extHit0 = &extHit;
123 if (extHit.getTOF() < extHit0->getTOF()) extHit0 = &extHit;
124 } else {
125 if (dot < 0) continue;
126 if (not extHit0) extHit0 = &extHit;
127 if (extHit.getTOF() > extHit0->getTOF()) extHit0 = &extHit;
128 }
129 }
130 if (not extHit0) continue;
131 double p = extHit0->getMomentum().R();
132 if (p > p0) {
133 p0 = p;
134 selectedExtHit = extHit0;
135 }
136 }
137 if (not selectedExtHit) return;
139 TOPTrack topTrack(selectedExtHit);
140 if (not topTrack.isValid()) return;
142 // require minimal number of photon hits
144 if (topTrack.getSelectedHits().size() < m_minHits) return;
146 // construct PDF for muon
148 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(topTrack, Const::muon, PDFConstructor::c_Rough);
149 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) return;
151 // require minimal expected signal
153 if (pdfConstructor.getExpectedSignalPhotons() < m_minSignal) return;
155 // event is accepted for t0 determination
159 // full time window in which data are taken (smaller time window is used in reconstruction)
161 const auto& tdc = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry()->getNominalTDC();
162 double timeWindow = m_feSetting->getReadoutWindows() * tdc.getSyncTimeBase() / static_cast<double>(TOPNominalTDC::c_syncWindows);
164 // find rough t0
166 PDF1Dim pdf1d(pdfConstructor, 1.0, timeWindow); // ~1 ns bin size
167 pdfConstructor.switchOffDeltaRayPDF(); // to speed-up fine search
169 Chi2MinimumFinder1D roughFinder(pdf1d.getNumBinsT0(), pdf1d.getMinT0(), pdf1d.getMaxT0());
170 const auto& bins = roughFinder.getBinCenters();
171 for (unsigned i = 0; i < bins.size(); i++) {
172 double t0 = bins[i];
173 roughFinder.add(i, -2 * pdf1d.getLogL(t0));
174 }
175 const auto& t0Rough = roughFinder.getMinimum();
177 // find precise t0
179 double timeMin = TOPRecoManager::getMinTime() + t0Rough.position;
180 double timeMax = TOPRecoManager::getMaxTime() + t0Rough.position;
181 double t0min = t0Rough.position - m_timeRange / 2;
182 double t0max = t0Rough.position + m_timeRange / 2;
183 Chi2MinimumFinder1D finder(m_numBins, t0min, t0max);
184 const auto& binCenters = finder.getBinCenters();
185 int numPhotons = 0;
186 for (unsigned i = 0; i < binCenters.size(); i++) {
187 double t0 = binCenters[i];
188 auto LL = pdfConstructor.getLogL(t0, timeMin, timeMax, m_sigma);
189 finder.add(i, -2 * LL.logL);
190 if (i == 0) numPhotons = LL.numPhotons;
191 }
192 const auto& t0 = finder.getMinimum();
193 if (t0.position < t0min or t0.position > t0max or not t0.valid) return; // out of range
195 // event t0 is successfully determined
199 // store results
201 StoreArray<TOPTimeZero> timeZeros;
202 auto* timeZero = timeZeros.appendNew(topTrack.getModuleID(), t0.position, t0.error, numPhotons);
203 timeZero->addRelationTo(topTrack.getTrack());
204 timeZero->addRelationTo(topTrack.getExtHit());
205 if (topTrack.getBarHit()) timeZero->addRelationTo(topTrack.getBarHit());
207 // save histograms
209 if (m_saveHistograms) {
210 std::string name;
212 name = "chi2_" + to_string(m_num);
213 std::string title = "muon -2 logL vs. t0; t_{0} [ns]; -2 log L_{#mu}";
214 auto chi2 = finder.getHistogram(name, title);
216 name = "pdf_" + to_string(m_num);
217 auto pdf = pdf1d.getHistogram(name, "PDF projected to time axis");
218 pdf.SetName(name.c_str());
219 pdf.SetXTitle("time [ns]");
220 pdf.SetLineColor(2);
221 pdf.SetOption("hist");
223 name = "hits_" + to_string(m_num);
224 TH1F hits(name.c_str(), "time distribution of photons (t0-subtracted)",
225 pdf.GetNbinsX(), pdf.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), pdf.GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
226 hits.SetXTitle("time [ns]");
227 for (const auto& hit : topTrack.getSelectedHits()) {
228 hits.Fill(hit.time - t0.position);
229 }
230 timeZero->setHistograms(chi2, pdf, hits);
231 m_num++;
232 }
234 // subtract T0 in digits
236 if (m_applyT0) {
237 StoreArray<TOPDigit> topDigits;
238 for (auto& digit : topDigits) {
239 digit.subtractT0(t0.position);
240 double err = digit.getTimeError();
241 digit.setTimeError(sqrt(err * err + t0.error * t0.error));
242 digit.addStatus(TOPDigit::c_EventT0Subtracted);
243 }
244 }
246 }
static const ChargedStable muon
muon particle
Definition: Const.h:660
bool m_applyT0
if true, subtract T0 in TOPDigits
DBObjPtr< TOPFrontEndSetting > m_feSetting
front-end settings
bool m_saveHistograms
flag to save histograms
double m_minSignal
minimal number of expected signal photons
int m_numBins
number of bins to which time range is divided
bool m_useIncomingTrack
if true use incoming track, otherwise use outcoming
int m_successCount
counter for successfully determined T0
int m_acceptedCount
counter for accepted events
unsigned m_minHits
minimal number of hits on TOP module
double m_timeRange
time range in which to search [ns]
double m_sigma
additional time spread added to PDF [ns]
T dot(GeneralVector< T > a, GeneralVector< T > b)
dot product of two general vectors
Definition: beamHelpers.h:163

◆ event() [10/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 237 of file

238 {
240 // get or generate revo9 count
241 unsigned revo9cnt = 0;
242 if (m_simClockState.isValid()) {
243 revo9cnt = m_simClockState->getRevo9Count();
244 } else {
245 revo9cnt = gRandom->Integer(11520);
246 }
248 // from revo9 count determine trigger time offset and the number of offset windows
249 double SSTfrac = (revo9cnt % 6) / 6.0;
250 double offset = m_feSetting->getOffset() / 24.0;
251 double trgTimeOffset = (SSTfrac + offset) * m_syncTimeBase; // in [ns]
252 int offsetWindows = m_feSetting->getWindowShift(revo9cnt);
253 TimeDigitizer::setOffsetWindows(offsetWindows);
255 // from revo9 and write depths determine reference window, phase and storage depth
256 int SSTcnt = revo9cnt / 6;
257 int refWindow = SSTcnt * 2; // same as lastWriteAddr
258 const auto& writeDepths = m_feSetting->getWriteDepths();
259 if (writeDepths.empty()) {
260 B2ERROR("TOPDigitzer: vector of write depths is empty. No digitization possible");
261 return;
262 }
263 int lastDepth = writeDepths.back();
264 unsigned phase = 0;
265 for (auto depth : writeDepths) {
266 SSTcnt -= depth;
267 if (SSTcnt < 0) break;
268 phase++;
269 refWindow = SSTcnt * 2;
270 lastDepth = depth;
271 }
272 unsigned storageDepth = lastDepth * 2;
273 TimeDigitizer::setStorageDepth(storageDepth);
275 // from reference window and lookback determine first of the readout windows
276 int lookBackWindows = m_feSetting->getLookbackWindows();
277 if (m_lookBackWindows > 0) lookBackWindows = m_lookBackWindows;
278 lookBackWindows -= m_feSetting->getExtraWindows();
279 int window = refWindow - lookBackWindows;
280 if (window < 0) window += storageDepth;
283 // geometry and nominal data
284 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
286 // time range for digitization
287 double timeMin = geo->getSignalShape().getTMin() + offsetWindows * m_syncTimeBase / 2;
288 double timeMax = geo->getSignalShape().getTMax() +
289 (m_feSetting->getReadoutWindows() + offsetWindows) * m_syncTimeBase / 2;
291 // simulate start time jitter
292 double startTimeJitter = gRandom->Gaus(0, m_timeZeroJitter);
294 // get electronic efficiency
295 double electronicEfficiency = geo->getNominalTDC().getEfficiency();
297 // define pixels with time digitizers
298 std::map<unsigned, TimeDigitizer> pixels;
299 typedef std::map<unsigned, TimeDigitizer>::iterator Iterator;
301 // add simulated hits to time digitizers
303 for (const auto& simHit : m_simHits) {
304 if (not m_useWaveforms) {
305 // simulate electronic efficiency
306 if (gRandom->Rndm() > electronicEfficiency) continue;
307 }
308 // do spatial digitization
309 double x = simHit.getX();
310 double y = simHit.getY();
311 int pmtID = simHit.getPmtID();
312 int moduleID = simHit.getModuleID();
313 if (not geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID)) continue;
314 int pixelID = geo->getModule(moduleID).getPMTArray().getPixelID(x, y, pmtID);
315 if (pixelID == 0) continue;
317 // add start time jitter and generated TTS to photon time
318 double time = simHit.getTime() + startTimeJitter;
319 if (m_simulateTTS) {
320 const auto& tts = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getTTS(moduleID, pmtID);
321 time += tts.generateTTS();
322 }
324 // get time offset for a given pixel
325 auto timeOffset = getTimeOffset(trgTimeOffset, moduleID, pixelID);
327 // time range cut (to speed up digitization)
328 if (time + timeOffset.value < timeMin + timeOffset.timeShift) continue;
329 if (time + timeOffset.value > timeMax + timeOffset.timeShift) continue;
331 // generate pulse height
332 double pulseHeight = generatePulseHeight(moduleID, pixelID);
333 auto hitType = TimeDigitizer::c_Hit;
335 // add time and pulse height to digitizer of a given pixel
336 TimeDigitizer digitizer(moduleID, pixelID, timeOffset.value, timeOffset.error,
337 timeOffset.windowShift, m_rmsNoise, m_sampleTimes);
338 if (not digitizer.isValid()) continue;
339 unsigned id = digitizer.getUniqueID();
340 Iterator it = pixels.insert(pair<unsigned, TimeDigitizer>(id, digitizer)).first;
341 it->second.addTimeOfHit(time, pulseHeight, hitType, &simHit);
342 }
344 // add calibration pulses
346 for (const auto& simCalPulses : m_simCalPulses) {
347 auto moduleID = simCalPulses.getModuleID();
348 auto pixelID = simCalPulses.getPixelID();
349 auto pulseHeight = simCalPulses.getAmplitude();
350 auto time = simCalPulses.getTime();
351 auto hitType = TimeDigitizer::c_CalPulse;
353 // get time offset for a given pixel
354 auto timeOffset = getTimeOffset(trgTimeOffset, moduleID, pixelID);
356 // time range cut (to speed up digitization)
357 if (time + timeOffset.value < timeMin + timeOffset.timeShift) continue;
358 if (time + timeOffset.value > timeMax + timeOffset.timeShift) continue;
360 // add time and pulse height to digitizer of a given pixel
361 TimeDigitizer digitizer(moduleID, pixelID, timeOffset.value, timeOffset.error,
362 timeOffset.windowShift, m_rmsNoise, m_sampleTimes);
363 if (not digitizer.isValid()) continue;
364 unsigned id = digitizer.getUniqueID();
365 Iterator it = pixels.insert(pair<unsigned, TimeDigitizer>(id, digitizer)).first;
366 it->second.addTimeOfHit(time, pulseHeight, hitType);
367 }
369 // add randomly distributed dark noise (maybe not needed anymore?)
371 if (m_darkNoise > 0) {
372 int numModules = geo->getNumModules();
373 for (int moduleID = 1; moduleID <= numModules; moduleID++) {
374 int numPixels = geo->getModule(moduleID).getPMTArray().getNumPixels();
375 int numHits = gRandom->Poisson(m_darkNoise);
376 for (int i = 0; i < numHits; i++) {
377 int pixelID = int(gRandom->Rndm() * numPixels) + 1;
378 double time = (timeMax - timeMin) * gRandom->Rndm() + timeMin;
379 double pulseHeight = generatePulseHeight(moduleID, pixelID);
380 auto hitType = TimeDigitizer::c_Hit;
381 auto timeOffset = getTimeOffset(trgTimeOffset, moduleID, pixelID);
382 time += timeOffset.timeShift;
383 time -= timeOffset.value;
384 TimeDigitizer digitizer(moduleID, pixelID, timeOffset.value, timeOffset.error,
385 timeOffset.windowShift, m_rmsNoise, m_sampleTimes);
386 if (not digitizer.isValid()) continue;
387 unsigned id = digitizer.getUniqueID();
388 Iterator it = pixels.insert(pair<unsigned, TimeDigitizer>(id, digitizer)).first;
389 it->second.addTimeOfHit(time, pulseHeight, hitType);
390 }
391 }
392 }
394 // if making waveforms for all channels, add missing digitizers.
396 if (m_allChannels) {
397 int numModules = geo->getNumModules();
398 for (int moduleID = 1; moduleID <= numModules; moduleID++) {
399 int numPixels = geo->getModule(moduleID).getPMTArray().getNumPixels();
400 for (int pixelID = 1; pixelID <= numPixels; pixelID++) {
401 auto timeOffset = getTimeOffset(trgTimeOffset, moduleID, pixelID);
402 TimeDigitizer digitizer(moduleID, pixelID, timeOffset.value, timeOffset.error,
403 timeOffset.windowShift, m_rmsNoise, m_sampleTimes);
404 if (not digitizer.isValid()) continue;
405 unsigned id = digitizer.getUniqueID();
406 pixels.insert(pair<unsigned, TimeDigitizer>(id, digitizer));
407 }
408 }
409 }
411 // replace equidistant time base with calibrated one if available
414 for (auto& pixel : pixels) {
415 auto& digitizer = pixel.second;
416 const auto* sampleTimes = m_timebases->getSampleTimes(digitizer.getScrodID(),
417 digitizer.getChannel());
418 if (not sampleTimes) continue;
419 if (sampleTimes->isCalibrated()) digitizer.setSampleTimes(sampleTimes);
420 }
421 }
423 // replace default noise level with channel dependent one if available,
425 if (m_useDatabase) {
426 for (auto& pixel : pixels) {
427 auto& digitizer = pixel.second;
428 auto moduleID = digitizer.getModuleID();
429 auto channel = digitizer.getChannel();
430 auto rmsNoise = m_noises->getNoise(moduleID, channel);
431 if (rmsNoise > 0) {
432 digitizer.setNoise(rmsNoise);
433 }
434 }
435 }
437 // digitize in time
439 for (auto& pixel : pixels) {
440 const auto& digitizer = pixel.second;
441 int threshold = m_threshold;
442 if (m_useDatabase) { // use channel dependent ones
443 threshold = m_thresholds->getThr(digitizer.getModuleID(), digitizer.getChannel());
444 if (threshold <= 0) threshold = m_threshold; // not available, use the default
445 }
446 if (m_useWaveforms) {
447 digitizer.digitize(m_waveforms, m_rawDigits, m_digits,
448 threshold, m_hysteresis, m_thresholdCount);
449 } else {
450 digitizer.digitize(m_rawDigits, m_digits,
452 }
453 }
455 // set additional info
457 for (auto& rawDigit : m_rawDigits) {
458 rawDigit.setRevo9Counter(revo9cnt);
459 rawDigit.setPhase(phase);
460 rawDigit.setLastWriteAddr(refWindow);
461 rawDigit.setLookBackWindows(lookBackWindows);
462 rawDigit.setOfflineFlag();
463 }
465 for (auto& waveform : m_waveforms) {
466 waveform.setRevo9Counter(revo9cnt);
467 waveform.setOffsetWindows(offsetWindows);
468 }
470 // set calibration flags
472 if (m_useDatabase) {
473 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
474 if (m_channelT0->isCalibrated(digit.getModuleID(), digit.getChannel())) {
475 digit.addStatus(TOPDigit::c_ChannelT0Calibrated);
476 }
477 if (m_moduleT0->isCalibrated(digit.getModuleID())) {
478 digit.addStatus(TOPDigit::c_ModuleT0Calibrated);
479 }
480 if (m_commonT0->isCalibrated()) {
481 digit.addStatus(TOPDigit::c_CommonT0Calibrated);
482 }
483 }
484 }
486 // cut on product of pulse width and height, as for data in TOPRawDigitConverter
488 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
489 if (digit.getPulseWidth() * digit.getPulseHeight() < m_minWidthXheight)
490 digit.setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Junk);
491 }
493 }
StoreArray< TOPRawWaveform > m_waveforms
collection of waveforms
double m_electronicJitter
r.m.s of electronic jitter
StoreArray< TOPRawDigit > m_rawDigits
collection of raw digits
int m_lookBackWindows
number of "look back" windows
double m_rmsNoise
r.m.s of noise [ADC counts]
int m_hysteresis
pulse height threshold hysteresis [ADC counts]
StoreArray< TOPSimCalPulse > m_simCalPulses
collection of simuated cal pulses
double m_timeZeroJitter
r.m.s of T0 jitter
bool m_simulateTTS
if true, add TTS to simulated hits
bool m_allChannels
if true, always make waveforms for all channels
int m_threshold
pulse height threshold [ADC counts]
double m_syncTimeBase
SSTin period.
bool m_useWaveforms
if true, use full waveform digitization
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
int m_thresholdCount
minimal number of samples above threshold
double m_minWidthXheight
minimal width * height [ns * ADC counts]
double m_darkNoise
uniform dark noise (hits per bar)
StoreObjPtr< SimClockState > m_simClockState
generated hardware clock state
StoreArray< TOPSimHit > m_simHits
collection of simuated hits
TOPSampleTimes m_sampleTimes
equidistant sample times
const TOPSignalShape & getSignalShape() const
Returns single photon signal shape.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:224
double getTMin() const
Returns time of the first waveform sample.
const TOPNominalTTS & getTTS(int moduleID, int pmtID) const
Returns TTS of a PMT at given position.
static void setStorageDepth(unsigned storageDepth)
Sets storage depth.
Definition: TimeDigitizer.h:74
static void setOffsetWindows(int offsetWin)
Sets the number of windows before the first ASIC window.
Definition: TimeDigitizer.h:86
static void setFirstWindow(unsigned window)
Sets first ASIC window.
Definition: TimeDigitizer.h:92
double generatePulseHeight(int moduleID, int pixelID) const
Generates and returns pulse height.
TimeOffset getTimeOffset(double trgOffset, int moduleID, int pixelID)
Returns a complete time offset by adding time mis-calibration to trgOffset.
map< unsigned, size_t >::const_iterator Iterator
Iteratior for m_map.

◆ event() [11/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 90 of file

91 {
93 // input: simulated waveforms
94 StoreArray<TOPRawWaveform> waveforms;
96 // output: time stamps for trigger input
97 StoreArray<TOPTriggerDigit> digits;
98 StoreObjPtr<TOPTriggerMCInfo> mcInfo;
99 mcInfo.create();
101 if (waveforms.getEntries() == 0) {
102 B2ERROR("No waveforms available for digitization");
103 return;
104 }
105 unsigned revo9count = waveforms[0]->getRevo9Counter();
106 int offsetSamples = waveforms[0]->getOffsetWindows() * TOPRawWaveform::c_WindowSize +
107 (revo9count % 6) * TOPRawWaveform::c_WindowSize / 3;
109 int bunchTimeStamp = int((revo9count + gRandom->Rndm()) * static_cast<double>(c_SamplingCycle) / 3.0);
110 mcInfo->setBunchTimeStamp(bunchTimeStamp);
112 int offset = bunchTimeStamp - offsetSamples / c_SamplingCycle;
114 for (const auto& waveform : waveforms) {
115 const auto& data = waveform.getWaveform();
116 int currentThr = m_threshold;
117 bool lastState = false;
118 int gate = 0;
119 TOPTriggerDigit* digit = 0;
120 for (int i = 0; i < (int) data.size(); i++) {
121 gate--;
122 if (data[i] > currentThr) {
123 currentThr = m_threshold - m_hysteresis;
124 if (!lastState) gate = m_gateWidth;
125 lastState = true;
126 } else {
127 currentThr = m_threshold;
128 lastState = false;
129 }
130 if (i % c_SamplingCycle == m_samplingPhase and gate > 0) {
131 if (i / c_SamplingCycle == 0) continue; // first time stamp is not correct
132 if (!digit) {
133 digit = digits.appendNew(waveform.getModuleID(),
134 waveform.getChannel(),
135 waveform.getScrodID());
136 digit->addRelationTo(&waveform);
137 }
138 int timeStamp = i / c_SamplingCycle + offset;
139 while (timeStamp < 0) {timeStamp += c_Frame9Period;};
140 timeStamp = timeStamp % c_Frame9Period;
141 digit->appendTimeStamp(timeStamp);
142 }
143 }
144 }
146 }
@ c_WindowSize
number of samples per ASIC window
int m_hysteresis
pulse height threshold hysteresis [ADC counts]
int m_threshold
pulse height threshold [ADC counts]
@ c_SamplingCycle
timestamp sampling period [samples]
@ c_Frame9Period
number of sampling cycles per frame9 marker
int m_gateWidth
width of discriminator gate [samples]
int m_samplingPhase
sampling phase [samples]

◆ event() [12/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 101 of file

102 {
103 const auto& chMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
105 double time = m_delay + gRandom->Uniform(m_windowSize);
106 for (auto moduleID : m_moduleIDs) {
107 for (unsigned asic = 0; asic < 64; asic++) {
108 for (auto asicChannel : m_asicChannels) {
109 unsigned channel = asic * 8 + asicChannel;
110 auto pixelID = chMapper.getPixelID(channel);
111 m_calPulses.appendNew(moduleID, channel, pixelID, time, m_amplitude);
112 }
113 }
114 }
116 }
std::vector< unsigned > m_asicChannels
ASIC calibration channels.
StoreArray< TOPSimCalPulse > m_calPulses
collection of simulated cal pulses
double m_windowSize
window size in which to generate cal pulses [ns]
double m_amplitude
cal pulse amplitude [ADC counts]
std::vector< int > m_moduleIDs
slot ID's to generate for

◆ event() [13/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 162 of file

163 {
165 StoreArray<TOPDigit> digits;
167 const auto& chMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
168 const auto& feMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getFrontEndMapper();
170 double timeError = m_timeResolution / sqrt(2.0); // for single pulse
172 for (auto moduleID : m_moduleIDs) {
173 for (unsigned asic = 0; asic < 64; asic++) {
174 for (auto asicChannel : m_asicChannels) {
175 unsigned channel = asic * 8 + asicChannel;
176 auto pixelID = chMapper.getPixelID(channel);
178 // sample times: from steering or database
179 const TOPSampleTimes* sampleTimes = &m_sampleTimes;
180 if (m_useDatabase) {
181 unsigned scrodID = 0;
182 int bs = asic / 16;
183 const auto* feMap = feMapper.getMap(moduleID, bs);
184 if (feMap) scrodID = feMap->getScrodID();
185 sampleTimes = (*m_timebase)->getSampleTimes(scrodID, channel % 128);
186 if (!sampleTimes->isCalibrated()) {
187 B2WARNING("No sample time calibration available for SCROD " << scrodID
188 << " channel " << channel % 128 << " - equidistant will be used");
189 }
190 }
192 // first calpulse
193 double time = gRandom->Rndm() * sampleTimes->getTimeRange();
194 unsigned window = gRandom->Rndm() * m_storageWindows;
195 double sample = sampleTimes->getSample(window, time);
196 auto* digit = digits.appendNew(moduleID, pixelID, sample);
197 digit->setFirstWindow(window);
198 digit->setTime(time);
199 digit->setTimeError(timeError);
200 digit->setChannel(channel);
201 digit->setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_CalPulse);
203 // second calpulse
204 time += gRandom->Gaus(m_timeDifference, m_timeResolution);
205 sample = sampleTimes->getSample(window, time);
206 digit = digits.appendNew(moduleID, pixelID, sample);
207 digit->setFirstWindow(window);
208 digit->setTime(time);
209 digit->setTimeError(timeError);
210 digit->setChannel(channel);
211 digit->setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_CalPulse);
212 }
213 }
214 }
216 }
double m_timeDifference
time difference between first and second pulse
std::vector< unsigned > m_asicChannels
ASIC calibration channels.
unsigned m_storageWindows
number of storage windows
std::vector< int > m_moduleIDs
slot ID's to generate for
TOPSampleTimes m_sampleTimes
sample times from steering input

◆ event() [14/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 351 of file

352 {
354 // check if event time is reconstructed; distinguish collision data and cosmics
356 bool recBunchValid = false;
357 bool cosmics = false;
358 if (m_recBunch.isValid()) { // collision data
359 recBunchValid = m_recBunch->isReconstructed(); // event time is reconstructed
360 } else if (m_timeZeros.getEntries() == 1) { // cosmics w/ reconstructed event time
361 cosmics = true;
362 m_eventT0->Fill(m_timeZeros[0]->getTime());
363 }
365 // fill bunch offset
367 if (recBunchValid) {
368 double t0 = m_commonT0->isRoughlyCalibrated() ? m_commonT0->getT0() : 0;
369 double offset = m_recBunch->getCurrentOffset() - t0;
370 offset -= m_bunchTimeSep * lround(offset / m_bunchTimeSep); // wrap around
371 m_bunchOffset->Fill(offset);
372 m_eventT0->Fill(m_recBunch->getTime());
373 }
375 // fill event desynchronization
377 if (m_digits.getEntries() > 0) {
378 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
379 int x = digit.getFirstWindow() != m_digits[0]->getFirstWindow() ? 1 : 0 ;
380 m_BoolEvtMonitor->Fill(x);
381 }
382 }
384 // count tracks in the modules and store the momenta
386 std::vector<int> numTracks(m_numModules, 0);
387 std::vector<double> trackMomenta(m_numModules, 0);
388 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
389 const auto* fitResult = track.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(Const::pion);
390 if (not fitResult) continue;
391 int slot = getModuleID(track);
392 if (slot == 0) continue;
393 numTracks[slot - 1]++;
394 trackMomenta[slot - 1] = std::max(trackMomenta[slot - 1], fitResult->getMomentum().R());
395 }
397 // count events w/ and w/o track in the slot
399 if (recBunchValid or cosmics) {
400 for (size_t i = 0; i < numTracks.size(); i++) {
401 bool hit = numTracks[i] > 0;
402 m_trackHits->Fill(i + 1, hit);
403 }
404 }
406 // select modules for counting hits in signal and background time windows
408 std::vector<bool> selectedSlots(m_numModules, false);
409 for (size_t i = 0; i < selectedSlots.size(); i++) {
410 selectedSlots[i] = (recBunchValid or cosmics) and numTracks[i] == 1 and trackMomenta[i] > m_momentumCut;
411 }
413 // prepare counters
415 int nHits_good = 0;
416 int nHits_bad = 0;
417 std::vector<int> numSignalHits(m_numModules, 0);
418 std::vector<int> numBackgroundHits(m_numModules, 0);
420 // loop over digits, fill histograms and increment counters
422 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
423 int slot = digit.getModuleID();
424 if (slot < 1 or slot > m_numModules) {
425 B2ERROR("Invalid slot ID found in TOPDigits: ID = " << slot);
426 continue;
427 }
428 int asic_no = digit.getChannel() / 8;
429 int asic_ch = digit.getChannel() % 8;
431 m_window_vs_slot->Fill(digit.getModuleID(), digit.getRawTime() / 64 + 220);
432 m_window_vs_asic[slot - 1]->Fill(asic_no, digit.getRawTime() / 64 + 220);
434 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Junk) { // good hits
435 m_goodHitsXY[slot - 1]->Fill(digit.getPixelCol(), digit.getPixelRow());
436 m_goodHitsAsics[slot - 1]->Fill(asic_no, asic_ch);
437 m_goodTDC[slot - 1]->Fill(digit.getRawTime());
438 m_goodTDCAll->Fill(digit.getRawTime());
439 m_goodChannelHits[slot - 1]->Fill(digit.getChannel());
440 m_pulseHeights[slot - 1]->Fill(digit.getPMTNumber(), digit.getPulseHeight());
441 nHits_good++;
442 if (digit.hasStatus(TOPDigit::c_EventT0Subtracted)) {
443 double time = digit.getTime();
444 if (cosmics) time += 10; // move for 10 ns in order to get the complete signal at positive times
445 if (numTracks[slot - 1] > 0) {
446 m_goodTiming[slot - 1]->Fill(time);
447 m_time->Fill(time);
448 } else {
449 m_goodTimingBG[slot - 1]->Fill(time);
450 m_timeBG->Fill(time);
451 }
452 if (selectedSlots[slot - 1] and abs(time) < 50) {
453 if (time > 0) numSignalHits[slot - 1]++;
454 else numBackgroundHits[slot - 1]++;
455 }
456 }
457 } else { // bad hits: FE not valid, pedestal jump, too short or too wide pulses
458 m_badHitsXY[slot - 1]->Fill(digit.getPixelCol(), digit.getPixelRow());
459 m_badHitsAsics[slot - 1]->Fill(asic_no, asic_ch);
460 m_badTDC[slot - 1]->Fill(digit.getRawTime());
461 m_badTDCAll->Fill(digit.getRawTime());
462 m_badChannelHits[slot - 1]->Fill(digit.getChannel());
463 nHits_bad++;
464 }
465 }
467 // histogram counters
469 m_goodHitsPerEventAll->Fill(nHits_good);
470 m_badHitsPerEventAll->Fill(nHits_bad);
471 for (int slot = 1; slot <= m_numModules; slot++) {
472 if (selectedSlots[slot - 1]) {
473 m_signalHits->Fill(slot, numSignalHits[slot - 1]);
474 m_backgroundHits->Fill(slot, numBackgroundHits[slot - 1]);
475 }
476 }
478 // fill injection histograms
480 for (auto& it : m_rawFTSWs) {
481 B2DEBUG(29, "TTD FTSW : " << hex << it.GetTTUtime(0) << " " << it.GetTTCtime(0) << " EvtNr " << it.GetEveNo(0) << " Type " <<
482 (it.GetTTCtimeTRGType(0) & 0xF) << " TimeSincePrev " << it.GetTimeSincePrevTrigger(0) << " TimeSinceInj " <<
483 it.GetTimeSinceLastInjection(0) << " IsHER " << it.GetIsHER(0) << " Bunch " << it.GetBunchNumber(0));
484 auto time_clk = it.GetTimeSinceLastInjection(0); // expressed in system clock
485 if (time_clk != 0x7FFFFFFF) {
486 unsigned int nentries = m_digits.getEntries();
487 double time_us = time_clk / 127.0; // 127MHz clock ticks to us, inexact rounding
488 double time_ms = time_us / 1000;
489 double time_1280 = time_clk % 1280; // within beam cycle, experssed in system clock
490 if (it.GetIsHER(0)) {
491 m_TOPOccAfterInjHER->Fill(time_us, nentries);
492 m_TOPEOccAfterInjHER->Fill(time_us);
493 m_nhitInjHER->Fill(time_ms, time_1280, nHits_good);
494 m_eventInjHER->Fill(time_ms, time_1280);
495 if (nHits_good > 1000) {
496 m_nhitInjHERcut->Fill(time_ms, time_1280, nHits_good);
497 m_eventInjHERcut->Fill(time_ms, time_1280);
498 }
499 } else {
500 m_TOPOccAfterInjLER->Fill(time_us, nentries);
501 m_TOPEOccAfterInjLER->Fill(time_us);
502 m_nhitInjLER->Fill(time_ms, time_1280, nHits_good);
503 m_eventInjLER->Fill(time_ms, time_1280);
504 if (nHits_good > 1000) {
505 m_nhitInjLERcut->Fill(time_ms, time_1280, nHits_good);
506 m_eventInjLERcut->Fill(time_ms, time_1280);
507 }
508 }
509 }
510 }
512 }
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch and event T0
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:144
DBObjPtr< TOPCalCommonT0 > m_commonT0
common T0 calibration constants
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:149
double m_momentumCut
momentum cut
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:92
StoreArray< RawFTSW > m_rawFTSWs
Input array for DAQ Status.
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:142
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:146
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:143
StoreArray< TOPTimeZero > m_timeZeros
reconstructed event T0 in case of cosmics
Definition: TOPDQMModule.h:145
int getModuleID(const Track &track) const
Returns slot ID of the module that is hit by the track.

◆ event() [15/32]

void event ( void  )

This will be empty as the all the processes are done in beginRun() function thus input file can be a dummy file.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 164 of file

165 {
166 }

◆ event() [16/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 154 of file

155 {
156 StoreArray<TOPDigit> digits;
158 std::map<short, float> refTimingMap;//map of pixel id and time
159 std::map<short, std::vector<hitInfo_t> >
160 calPulsesMap;//map of pixel id and hit information (timing and pulse charge) for cal. pulse candidetes
162 //first, identify cal. pulse
163 for (const auto& digit : digits) {
165 short slotId = digit.getModuleID();
166 short pixelId = digit.getPixelID();
167 short globalPixelId = (slotId - 1) * c_NPixelPerModule + pixelId - 1;
168 if (digit.getHitQuality() == TOPDigit::c_CalPulse) {
169 calPulsesMap[globalPixelId].push_back((hitInfo_t) { (float)digit.getTime(), (float)digit.getPulseHeight() });
170 }
171 }// for digit pair
174 //cal. pulse timing calculation
175 for (const auto& calPulse : calPulsesMap) {
177 short globalPixelId = calPulse.first;
178 short globalAsicId = globalPixelId / c_NChannelPerAsic;
179 std::vector<hitInfo_t> vec = calPulse.second;
180 double calPulseTiming = 9999999;
181 unsigned nCalPulseCandidates = vec.size();
182 if (!m_useDoublePulse) { //try to find the first cal. pulse in case that both of double cal. pulses are not required (choose the largest hit)
183 double maxPulseHeight = -1;
184 double maxHeightTiming = 9999999;
185 for (unsigned iVec = 0 ; iVec < nCalPulseCandidates ; iVec++) {
186 if (maxPulseHeight < vec[iVec].m_height) {
187 maxPulseHeight = vec[iVec].m_height;
188 maxHeightTiming = vec[iVec].m_time;
189 }
190 }
191 if (maxPulseHeight > m_calibrationPulseThreshold1)
192 calPulseTiming = maxHeightTiming;
193 } else { //try to identify both of double cal. pulses when specified by option (default)
194 for (unsigned iVec = 0 ; iVec < nCalPulseCandidates ; iVec++) {
195 for (unsigned jVec = 0 ; jVec < nCalPulseCandidates ; jVec++) {
197 if (iVec == jVec || vec[iVec].m_time > vec[jVec].m_time) continue;
198 if (vec[iVec].m_height > m_calibrationPulseThreshold1
199 && vec[jVec].m_height > m_calibrationPulseThreshold2
200 && TMath::Abs(vec[jVec].m_time - vec[iVec].m_time - m_calibrationPulseInterval) < m_calibrationPulseIntervalRange) {
202 //in case multiple candidates of double cal. pulses are found,
203 //choose a pair with the earliest 1st cal. pulse timing
204 if (refTimingMap.count(globalAsicId) == 0 || refTimingMap[globalAsicId] > vec[iVec].m_time)
205 calPulseTiming = vec[iVec].m_time;
206 }
207 }//for(jVec)
208 }//for(iVec)
209 }//if(m_useDoublePulse)
211 if (calPulseTiming < 9999998) { //when cal. pulse(s) are properly identified
212 refTimingMap[globalAsicId] = calPulseTiming;
213 m_nCalPulseHistogram->Fill(globalAsicId);
214 }
215 }//for(pair)
217 //calculate hit timing with respect to cal. pulse and fill hit info. histogram
218 for (const auto& digit : digits) {
219 short slotId = digit.getModuleID();
220 short pixelId = digit.getPixelID();
221 short globalPixelId = (slotId - 1) * c_NPixelPerModule + pixelId - 1;
222 short globalAsicId = globalPixelId / c_NChannelPerAsic;
224 if (digit.getHitQuality() == TOPDigit::c_Junk
225 || digit.getHitQuality() == TOPDigit::c_CrossTalk) continue;
227 float hitTime = digit.getTime() - refTimingMap[globalAsicId];
228 float pulseHeight = digit.getPulseHeight();
229 float Integral = digit.getIntegral();
230 short windowNumberOfHit = (short)(digit.getFirstWindow()) + (short)(digit.getRawTime() / 64);
231 if (m_windowSelect && windowNumberOfHit % 2 != (m_windowSelect - 1)) continue;
234 m_TimeHeightHistogramForHitRate[globalPixelId]->Fill(hitTime, pulseHeight);
235 m_TimeIntegralHistogramForFit[globalPixelId]->Fill(hitTime, Integral);
236 m_TimeHeightHistogramForFit[globalPixelId]->Fill(hitTime, pulseHeight);
237 continue;
238 }
240 if (!digit.isSecondaryChargeShare()) {
241 m_TimeHeightHistogramForHitRate[globalPixelId]->Fill(hitTime, pulseHeight);
243 m_TimeIntegralHistogramForFit[globalPixelId]->Fill(hitTime, Integral);
244 m_TimeHeightHistogramForFit[globalPixelId]->Fill(hitTime, pulseHeight);
245 continue;
246 }
247 }
249 if (digit.isSecondaryChargeShare() || digit.isPrimaryChargeShare()) continue;
250 m_TimeIntegralHistogramForFit[globalPixelId]->Fill(hitTime, Integral);
251 m_TimeHeightHistogramForFit[globalPixelId]->Fill(hitTime, pulseHeight);
252 }
254 }
bool m_useDoublePulse
set true when you require both of double calibration pulses for reference timing
float m_calibrationPulseInterval
nominal DeltaT value (time interval of two calibration signals) in a unit of ns
float m_calibrationPulseIntervalRange
tolerable shift of DeltaT from its nominal before calibration in a unit of ns
float m_calibrationPulseThreshold2
minimum pulse height for the secon calibration pulse to be qualified as calibration signals
bool m_includePrimaryChargeShare
set true when you require without chargeshare cut for making 2D histogram
float m_calibrationPulseThreshold1
minimum pulse height for the first calibration pulse to be qualified as calibration signals
bool m_includeAllChargeShare
set true when you require without chargeshare cut for making 2D histogram
int m_windowSelect
select window number is [All=0, Odd=2, Even=1]

◆ event() [17/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 163 of file

164 {
166 m_nHit = 0;
167 m_nFEHeader = 0;
169 m_nWaveform = 0;
170 m_errorFlag = 0;
172 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> EventMetaDataPtr;
173 StoreArray<RawTOP> rawTOPs;
174 StoreArray<TOPDigit> digits;
176 for (int iSlot = 0 ; iSlot < c_NModule ; iSlot++) {
177 m_eventNumCopper[iSlot] = -1;
178 m_ttuTime[iSlot] = -1;
179 m_ttcTime[iSlot] = -1;
180 }
181 int iSlotTTC = 0;
182 short trigCtime = -1;
183 for (auto& rawTOP : rawTOPs) {
184 if (iSlotTTC >= c_NModule) {
185 B2WARNING("too many TTC information");
186 break;
187 }
188 m_eventNumCopper[iSlotTTC] = rawTOP.GetEveNo(0);
189 m_ttuTime[iSlotTTC] = rawTOP.GetTTUtime(0);
190 m_ttcTime[iSlotTTC] = rawTOP.GetTTCtime(0);
192 if (trigCtime < 0)
193 trigCtime = ((((long)m_ttcTime[iSlotTTC] + (long)(m_ttuTime[iSlotTTC] - 1524741300) * 127216000) % 11520) % 3840) % 1284;
194 iSlotTTC++;
195 }
197 std::map<short, short> nHitOfflineFEMap;
198 static std::set<short> noisyChannelBlackListSet;
199 UInt_t EventNum = EventMetaDataPtr->getEvent();
200 m_eventNum = EventNum;
201 m_eventErrorFlag = EventMetaDataPtr->getErrorFlag();
202 for (const auto& digit : digits) {
204 if (m_nHit >= c_NMaxHitEvent) {
205 B2WARNING("TOPInterimFENtuple : too many hits found (>=" << c_NMaxHitEvent
206 << "), EventNo = " << EventNum << ", no more hits are recorded.");
207 break;
208 }
210 m_slotNum[m_nHit] = digit.getModuleID();
211 m_pixelId[m_nHit] = (short)digit.getPixelID();
212 m_channelId[m_nHit] = (short)digit.getChannel();
213 m_isCalCh[m_nHit] = (digit.getASICChannel() == m_calibrationChannel);
214 m_winNum[m_nHit] = -1;
215 m_eventWinNum[m_nHit] = (short)digit.getFirstWindow();
216 m_trigWinNum[m_nHit] = trigCtime;
218 m_hitQuality[m_nHit] = (unsigned char)digit.getHitQuality();
219 m_isReallyJunk[m_nHit] = false;
220 m_windowsInOrder[m_nHit] = true;
221 m_rawTime[m_nHit] = digit.getRawTime();
222 m_time[m_nHit] = digit.getTime() + m_winNum[m_nHit] * m_timePerWin;
223 m_sample[m_nHit] = TMath::FloorNint(m_rawTime[m_nHit] + m_winNum[m_nHit] * c_NSamplePerWindow) % c_NSampleTBC;
224 m_height[m_nHit] = digit.getPulseHeight();
225 m_integral[m_nHit] = digit.getIntegral();
226 m_width[m_nHit] = digit.getPulseWidth();
227 m_peakSample[m_nHit] = -1;
228 for (int iWindow = 0 ; iWindow < c_NWindow ; iWindow++)
229 m_winNumList[m_nHit][iWindow] = -32767;
230 for (int iSample = 0 ; iSample < c_NWaveformSample ; iSample++)
231 m_waveform[m_nHit][iSample] = -32767;
234 short globalChannelId = m_pixelId[m_nHit] - 1 + (m_slotNum[m_nHit] - 1) * c_NPixelPerModule;
235 if (nHitOfflineFEMap.count(globalChannelId) == 0) nHitOfflineFEMap[globalChannelId] = 0;
236 else if (nHitOfflineFEMap[globalChannelId] > c_NMaxHitPerChannel) {
237 if (noisyChannelBlackListSet.count(globalChannelId) == 0) {
238 // cppcheck-suppress stlFindInsert
239 noisyChannelBlackListSet.insert(globalChannelId);
240 B2WARNING("TOPInterimFENtuple : noisy channel with too many hits (slotNum="
241 << (globalChannelId / c_NPixelPerModule + 1) << ", pixelId = "
242 << (globalChannelId / c_NPixelPerModule + 1) << ") ");
243 }
244 continue;
245 }
247 const auto* rawDigit = digit.getRelated<TOPRawDigit>();
248 if (rawDigit) {
249 m_winNum[m_nHit] = rawDigit->getASICWindow();
250 m_revo9Counter[m_nHit] = rawDigit->getRevo9Counter();
251 m_peakSample[m_nHit] = rawDigit->getSamplePeak();
252 m_windowsInOrder[m_nHit] = rawDigit->areWindowsInOrder();
253 if (rawDigit->getDataType() == TOPRawDigit::c_Interim)
254 m_trigWinNum[m_nHit] = (short)rawDigit->getLastWriteAddr();
255 if (rawDigit->isPedestalJump()) m_isReallyJunk[m_nHit] = true;
256 const auto* waveform = rawDigit->getRelated<TOPRawWaveform>();
257 if (waveform) {
258 if (rawDigit->isMadeOffline()) {
260 //fill hit flags ; =1 : first hit from offline FE, =2 : second ... , =0 : online FE, -1 : no waveform
261 nHitOfflineFEMap[globalChannelId]++;
262 m_offlineFlag[m_nHit] = nHitOfflineFEMap[globalChannelId];
263 } else { //hit from online feature extraction
266 //store waveform data
267 unsigned nSampleWfm = waveform->getSize();
268 unsigned nSample = TMath::Min((UShort_t)nSampleWfm, (UShort_t)c_NWaveformSample);
269 if (nSample > c_NWaveformSample)
270 B2WARNING("TOPInterimFENtuple: too many waveform samples in TOPRawWaveform : " << nSampleWfm << ", only first " << nSample <<
271 " are considered.");
272 for (unsigned iSample = 0 ; iSample < nSample ; iSample++)
273 m_waveform[m_nHit][iSample] = waveform->getWaveform()[iSample];
274 m_waveformStartSample[m_nHit] = (short)waveform->getStartSample();
275 m_nWaveformSample[m_nHit] = nSampleWfm;
276 //store window number
277 int iWin = 0;
278 for (const auto& window : waveform->getStorageWindows()) {
279 if (iWin < c_NWindow)
280 m_winNumList[m_nHit][iWin] = window;
281 else
282 B2WARNING("TOPInterimFENtuple: too many windows were found");
284 iWin++;
285 }
287 }
288 }//if( waveform )
289 else m_offlineFlag[m_nHit] = -1;
290 } else {
291 B2WARNING("TOPInterimFENtuple : no TOPRawDigit object found!");
292 m_offlineFlag[m_nHit] = -100;
293 }//if( rawDigit )
296 m_nHit++;
297 }//for( const auto& digit : digits )
299 for (int iHit = 0 ; iHit < m_nHit ; iHit++) {
301 short globalChannelId = m_pixelId[iHit] - 1 + (m_slotNum[iHit] - 1) * c_NPixelPerModule;
302 m_nHitOfflineFE[iHit] = nHitOfflineFEMap[globalChannelId];
304 }//for(int iHit)
306 StoreArray<TOPInterimFEInfo> infos;
307 for (const auto& info : infos) {
308 m_nFEHeader += info.getFEHeadersCount();
309 m_nEmptyFEHeader += info.getEmptyFEHeadersCount();
310 m_nWaveform += info.getWaveformsCount();
311 m_errorFlag |= info.getErrorFlags();
312 }
314 StoreArray<TOPProductionEventDebug> prodDebugs;
315 m_nDebugInfo = 0;
316 for (const auto& prodDebug : prodDebugs) {
317 m_scrodCtime[m_nDebugInfo] = prodDebug.getCtime();
318 m_phase[m_nDebugInfo] = prodDebug.getPhase();
319 m_asicMask[m_nDebugInfo] = prodDebug.getAsicMask();
320 m_eventQueuDepth[m_nDebugInfo] = prodDebug.getEventQueueDepth();
321 m_eventNumberByte[m_nDebugInfo] = prodDebug.getEventNumberByte();
322 m_nDebugInfo++;
323 }
325 //identify cal. pulse timing
328 m_tree->Fill();
329 }
float m_timePerWin
time interval of onw window (=64 samples) [ns]
unsigned m_calibrationChannel
asic channel number where the calibration pulses are routed
bool m_isReallyJunk[c_NMaxHitEvent]
true if pedestal jump or other invalid hit is detected, not saved
@ c_Interim
from interim feature extraction
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:44
void getReferenceTiming()
Find reference timing.

◆ event() [18/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 85 of file

86 {
87 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
88 if (m_barID != 0 && digit.getModuleID() != m_barID) continue; //if m_barID == 0, use all 16 slots(for MC test)
89 unsigned channel = digit.getChannel();
90 if (channel < c_NumChannels) {
91 auto histo = m_histo[channel];
92 if (!histo) {
93 stringstream ss;
94 ss << "chan" << channel ;
95 string name;
96 ss >> name;
97 string title = "Times " + name;
98 histo = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), (int)m_fitRange[0], m_fitRange[1], m_fitRange[2]);
99 m_histo[channel] = histo;
100 }
101 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::EHitQuality::c_Good) continue;
102 if (digit.getTime() < m_fitRange[1] || digit.getTime() > m_fitRange[2]) continue;
103 if (!digit.isTimeBaseCalibrated()) continue;
104 histo->Fill(digit.getTime()); //get Time from TOPDigit
105 }
106 }
107 }
std::vector< double > m_fitRange
fit range [nbins, xmin, xmax]
int m_barID
ID of TOP module to calibrate.
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
TH1F * m_histo[c_NumChannels]
profile histograms

◆ event() [19/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 92 of file

93 {
95 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
96 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> barHits;
98 StoreArray<Track> tracks;
99 StoreArray<TrackFitResult> fitResults;
100 StoreArray<ExtHit> extHits;
102 for (const auto& mcParticle : mcParticles) {
103 if (mcParticle.getStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle) == 0) continue;
104 if (mcParticle.getCharge() == 0) continue;
105 const auto* barHit = mcParticle.getRelated<TOPBarHit>();
106 if (!barHit) continue;
108 TMatrixDSym cov(6); // infinite precission
109 fitResults.appendNew(mcParticle.getVertex(),
110 mcParticle.getMomentum(),
111 cov,
112 mcParticle.getCharge(),
114 1.0, // pValue
115 BFieldManager::getField(0, 0, 0).Z() / Unit::T,
116 0x38FFFFFFFFFFFFFF, // 56 hits, in all CDC layers
117 0, 56 - 5); // NDF = 56-5
118 auto* track = tracks.appendNew();
119 track->setTrackFitResultIndex(Const::pion, fitResults.getEntries() - 1);
120 track->addRelationTo(&mcParticle);
122 const Const::ChargedStable& chargedStable = Const::pion;
123 double pmom = barHit->getMomentum().R();
124 double mass = chargedStable.getMass();
125 double beta = pmom / sqrt(pmom * pmom + mass * mass);
126 double tof = barHit->getLength() / beta / Const::speedOfLight;
127 auto* extHit = extHits.appendNew(tof,
128 chargedStable.getPDGCode(),
129 Const::TOP,
130 barHit->getModuleID(),
132 false,
133 barHit->getPosition(),
134 barHit->getMomentum(),
135 cov);
136 track->addRelationTo(extHit);
137 }
139 }
static const double speedOfLight
Definition: Const.h:695
static const double T
Definition: Unit.h:120
static void getField(const double *pos, double *field)
return the magnetic field at a given position.
Definition: BFieldManager.h:91

◆ event() [20/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 169 of file

170 {
171 /* check bunch reconstruction status and run alignment:
172 - if object exists and bunch is found (collision data w/ bunch finder in the path)
173 - if object doesn't exist (cosmic data and other cases w/o bunch finder)
174 */
176 if (m_recBunch.isValid()) {
177 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
178 }
181 double timeMin = TOPRecoManager::getMinTime();
182 double timeMax = TOPRecoManager::getMaxTime();
184 // running offset must not be subtracted in TOPDigits: issue an error if it is
187 B2ERROR("Running offset subtracted in TOPDigits: module T0 will not be correct");
188 }
190 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and accumulate log likelihoods
192 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
194 // track selection
195 TOPTrack trk(track);
196 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
198 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
200 // construct PDF
201 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, m_selector.getChargedStable(), m_PDFOption);
202 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
204 // minimization procedure: accumulate
205 const unsigned module = trk.getModuleID() - 1;
206 if (module >= c_numModules) continue;
207 int sub = gRandom->Integer(2); // generate sub-sample number
208 auto& finder = m_finders[sub][module];
209 const auto& binCenters = finder.getBinCenters();
210 for (unsigned ibin = 0; ibin < binCenters.size(); ibin++) {
211 double t0 = binCenters[ibin];
212 finder.add(ibin, -2 * pdfConstructor.getLogL(t0, m_sigmaSmear).logL);
213 }
215 // fill histograms of hits
216 m_numPhotons = 0;
217 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
218 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
219 if (digit.getModuleID() != trk.getModuleID()) continue;
220 if (digit.getTime() < timeMin) continue;
221 if (digit.getTime() > timeMax) continue;
222 m_numPhotons++;
223 m_hits1D.Fill(digit.getModuleID());
224 int bs = digit.getBoardstackNumber();
225 m_hits2D.Fill((digit.getModuleID() * 4 + bs - 1.5) / 4.0, digit.getTime());
226 }
228 // fill output tree
229 m_moduleID = trk.getModuleID();
230 const auto& localPosition = m_selector.getLocalPosition();
231 m_x = localPosition.X();
232 m_y = localPosition.Y();
233 m_z = localPosition.Z();
234 const auto& localMomentum = m_selector.getLocalMomentum();
235 m_p = localMomentum.R();
236 m_theta = localMomentum.Theta();
237 m_phi = localMomentum.Phi();
238 const auto& pocaPosition = m_selector.getPOCAPosition();
239 m_pocaR = pocaPosition.Rho();
240 m_pocaZ = pocaPosition.Z();
241 m_pocaX = pocaPosition.X();
242 m_pocaY = pocaPosition.Y();
244 m_charge = trk.getCharge();
245 m_PDG = trk.getPDGCode();
246 m_tree->Fill();
247 }
249 }
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TTree * m_tree
TTree containing selected track parameters etc.
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
double m_sigmaSmear
additional smearing of PDF in [ns]
int m_PDG
track MC truth (simulated data only)
float m_phi
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
int m_numPhotons
number of photons in this slot
int m_moduleID
slot to which the track is extrapolated to
TOP::PDFConstructor::EPDFOption m_PDFOption
PDF option.
float m_p
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
TOP::Chi2MinimumFinder1D m_finders[2][c_numModules]
float m_y
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
TH1F m_hits1D
number photon hits in a slot
float m_z
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
float m_x
track: extrapolated hit coordinate in local (module) frame
float m_theta
track: extrapolated hit momentum in local (module) frame

◆ event() [21/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 131 of file

132 {
134 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
135 StoreArray<Track> tracks;
136 StoreObjPtr<MCInitialParticles> mcInitialParticles;
137 double trueEventT0 = 0;
138 if (mcInitialParticles.isValid()) trueEventT0 = mcInitialParticles->getTime();
140 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
142 for (const auto& track : tracks) {
143 const auto* trackFit = track.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(Const::pion);
144 if (!trackFit) continue;
145 const TOPLikelihood* top = track.getRelated<TOPLikelihood>();
146 if (!top) continue;
147 if (top->getFlag() != 1) continue;
149 const ExtHit* extHit = top->getRelated<ExtHit>();
150 const TOPBarHit* barHit = top->getRelated<TOPBarHit>();
151 const MCParticle* mcParticle = track.getRelated<MCParticle>();
152 const MCParticle* mother = 0;
153 if (mcParticle) {
154 mother = mcParticle->getMother();
155 if (not barHit) { // Track MC matching probably done after TOPReconstructor so no relation from TOPLikelihood
156 const auto barHits = mcParticle->getRelationsWith<TOPBarHit>();
157 for (const auto& bHit : barHits) {
158 if (bHit.getModuleID() == extHit->getCopyID()) barHit = &bHit;
159 }
160 }
161 }
163 m_top.clear();
165 m_top.evt = evtMetaData->getEvent();
166 = evtMetaData->getRun();
168 ROOT::Math::XYZVector mom = trackFit->getMomentum();
169 m_top.p = mom.R();
170 m_top.cth = cos(mom.Theta());
171 m_top.phi = mom.Phi();
172 m_top.pValue = trackFit->getPValue();
174 if (mcParticle) {
175 m_top.PDG = mcParticle->getPDG();
176 if (mother) m_top.motherPDG = mother->getPDG();
177 m_top.primary = mcParticle->getStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle);
178 m_top.seen = mcParticle->hasSeenInDetector(Const::TOP);
179 ROOT::Math::XYZVector prodVertex = mcParticle->getProductionVertex();
180 m_top.rhoProd = prodVertex.Rho();
181 m_top.zProd = prodVertex.Z();
182 m_top.phiProd = prodVertex.Phi();
183 ROOT::Math::XYZVector decVertex = mcParticle->getDecayVertex();
184 m_top.rhoDec = decVertex.Rho();
185 m_top.zDec = decVertex.Z();
186 m_top.phiDec = decVertex.Phi();
187 const auto digits = mcParticle->getRelationsWith<TOPDigit>();
188 for (size_t i = 0; i < digits.size(); i++) {
189 double wt = digits.weight(i);
190 if (wt <= 0) continue; // photon not from this MC particle
191 const auto* digit = digits[i];
192 if (digit->getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
193 if (digit->getModuleID() != top->getModuleID()) continue;
194 if (digit->getTime() < TOPRecoManager::getMinTime() or digit->getTime() > TOPRecoManager::getMaxTime()) continue;
195 m_top.yieldMC++;
196 }
197 }
199 m_top.numPhot = top->getNphot();
200 m_top.numBkg = top->getEstBkg();
201 m_top.moduleID = top->getModuleID();
203 m_top.phot.e = top->getEstPhot(Const::electron);
204 = top->getEstPhot(Const::muon);
205 m_top.phot.pi = top->getEstPhot(Const::pion);
206 m_top.phot.K = top->getEstPhot(Const::kaon);
207 m_top.phot.p = top->getEstPhot(Const::proton);
208 m_top.phot.d = top->getEstPhot(Const::deuteron);
210 m_top.yield.e = top->getEffectiveSignalYield(Const::electron);
211 = top->getEffectiveSignalYield(Const::muon);
212 m_top.yield.pi = top->getEffectiveSignalYield(Const::pion);
213 m_top.yield.K = top->getEffectiveSignalYield(Const::kaon);
214 m_top.yield.p = top->getEffectiveSignalYield(Const::proton);
215 m_top.yield.d = top->getEffectiveSignalYield(Const::deuteron);
217 m_top.logL.e = top->getLogL(Const::electron);
218 = top->getLogL(Const::muon);
219 m_top.logL.pi = top->getLogL(Const::pion);
220 m_top.logL.K = top->getLogL(Const::kaon);
221 m_top.logL.p = top->getLogL(Const::proton);
222 m_top.logL.d = top->getLogL(Const::deuteron);
224 if (extHit) {
225 int moduleID = extHit->getCopyID();
226 auto position = static_cast<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint>(extHit->getPosition());
227 auto momentum = extHit->getMomentum();
228 if (geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID)) {
229 const auto& module = geo->getModule(moduleID);
230 position = module.pointToLocal(position);
231 momentum = module.momentumToLocal(momentum);
232 }
233 m_top.extHit.moduleID = moduleID;
234 m_top.extHit.PDG = extHit->getPdgCode();
235 m_top.extHit.x = position.X();
236 m_top.extHit.y = position.Y();
237 m_top.extHit.z = position.Z();
238 m_top.extHit.p = momentum.R();
239 m_top.extHit.theta = momentum.Theta();
240 m_top.extHit.phi = momentum.Phi();
241 m_top.extHit.time = extHit->getTOF();
242 }
244 if (barHit) {
245 int moduleID = barHit->getModuleID();
246 auto position = barHit->getPosition();
247 auto momentum = barHit->getMomentum();
248 if (geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID)) {
249 const auto& module = geo->getModule(moduleID);
250 position = module.pointToLocal(position);
251 momentum = module.momentumToLocal(momentum);
252 }
253 m_top.barHit.moduleID = moduleID;
254 m_top.barHit.PDG = barHit->getPDG();
255 m_top.barHit.x = position.X();
256 m_top.barHit.y = position.Y();
257 m_top.barHit.z = position.Z();
258 m_top.barHit.p = momentum.R();
259 m_top.barHit.theta = momentum.Theta();
260 m_top.barHit.phi = momentum.Phi();
261 m_top.barHit.time = barHit->getTime() - trueEventT0;
262 }
264 m_tree->Fill();
265 }
267 }
#define K(x)
macro autogenerated by FFTW
RelationVector< T > getRelationsWith(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the relations between this object and another store array.
TTree * m_tree
TTree with TOPTree structure.
TOP::TOPTree m_top
ntuple structure
Float_t zDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate z) of MCParticle
Float_t p
momentum magnitude of Track
Float_t rhoDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate r) of MCParticle
Int_t run
run number
Short_t primary
is a primary particle (from related MCParticle)
Int_t evt
event number
Float_t phi
azimuthal angle of Track
Short_t seen
is seen in TOP (from related MCParticle)
TrackHit extHit
extrapolated Track hit (in local module frame)
Int_t motherPDG
PDG code of related mother MCParticle.
Float_t phiProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate phi) of MCParticle
Float_t cth
cosine of polar angle of Track
Float_t rhoProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate r) of MCParticle
void clear()
Clear the structure: set elements to zero.
Float_t phiDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate phi) of MCParticle
Int_t PDG
PDG code of related MCParticle.
Float_t pValue
p-value of Track fit
Float_t zProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate z) of MCParticle
TrackHit barHit
related MC particle hit (in local module frame)
Float_t p
momentum magnitude
Float_t z
impact point, z component
Int_t moduleID
module ID
Float_t theta
momentum polar angle
Float_t time
impact time
Float_t phi
momentum azimuthal angle
Float_t x
impact point, x component
Float_t y
impact point, y component

◆ event() [22/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 103 of file

104 {
106 switch (m_dataType) {
107 case TOP::RawDataType::c_Type0Ver16:
109 break;
110 case TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug01:
112 break;
113 case TOP::RawDataType::c_Draft:
115 break;
116 default:
117 B2ERROR("TOPPacker: data format unknown or not implemented");
118 }
120 }
TOP::RawDataType m_dataType
enum for data format
void packProductionDraft()
Pack in format: c_Draft (tentative production format) this format was never implemented in firmware!
void packProductionDebug()
Pack in format: Production Debugging Data Format 01.
void packType0Ver16()
Pack in format: c_Type0Ver16 (Feature-extracted data) this format was never implemented in firmware!

◆ event() [23/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 118 of file

119 {
121 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
123 // loop over reconstructed tracks, call reconstruction and fill histograms
125 int numTrk = 0;
126 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
127 TOPTrack trk(track);
128 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
129 if (not trk.getMCParticle()) continue;
130 if (not trk.getBarHit()) continue;
132 auto chargedStable = Const::chargedStableSet.find(abs(trk.getPDGCode()));
133 if (chargedStable == Const::invalidParticle) continue;
135 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, chargedStable, PDFConstructor::c_Fine);
136 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) continue;
137 numTrk++;
139 // average values - to print in terminate()
140 const auto& module = geo->getModule(trk.getModuleID());
141 m_avrgMomentum += module.momentumToLocal(trk.getExtHit()->getMomentum());
142 m_avrgPosition += static_cast<XYZVector>(module.pointToLocal(static_cast<XYZPoint>(trk.getExtHit()->getPosition())));
143 m_numTracks++;
144 m_slotIDs.emplace(trk.getModuleID());
145 m_PDGCodes.emplace(trk.getPDGCode());
147 // histogram photons in a slot crossed by the track
148 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
149 if (digit.getModuleID() == trk.getModuleID() and digit.getTime() < m_maxTime) {
150 if (not isFromThisParticle(digit, trk.getMCParticle())) continue;
151 m_hits->Fill(digit.getPixelID(), digit.getTime());
152 m_hitsCol->Fill(digit.getPixelCol(), digit.getTime());
153 }
154 }
156 // histogram PDF using MC approach
157 for (const auto& signalPDF : pdfConstructor.getSignalPDF()) {
158 int pixelID = signalPDF.getPixelID();
159 for (const auto& peak : signalPDF.getPDFPeaks()) {
160 double numPhot = pdfConstructor.getExpectedSignalPhotons() * peak.nph;
161 double sigma = sqrt(peak.wid);
162 for (int i = 0; i < gRandom->Poisson(numPhot); i++) {
163 double time = gRandom->Gaus(peak.t0, sigma);
164 m_pdf->Fill(pixelID, time);
165 int pixelCol = (pixelID - 1) % 64 + 1;
166 m_pdfCol->Fill(pixelCol, time);
167 }
168 }
169 }
171 }
173 if (numTrk == 0) {
174 B2WARNING("No track hitting the bars");
175 } else if (numTrk > 1) {
176 B2WARNING("More than one track hits the bars");
177 }
179 }
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint m_avrgPosition
average particle position at bar entrance (bar frame)
int m_numTracks
number of tracks
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
std::set< int > m_PDGCodes
particle PDG codes
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
std::set< int > m_slotIDs
slot ID's that are hit by particle
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_avrgMomentum
average particle momentum at bar entrance (bar frame)
@ c_Fine
y dependent everywhere
static void setTimeWindow(double minTime, double maxTime)
Sets time window.
bool isFromThisParticle(const TOPDigit &digit, const MCParticle *particle)
Checks if digit comes from given MC particle.

◆ event() [24/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 121 of file

122 {
123 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
126 // reconstruct track-by-track and store the results
128 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
129 TOPTrack trk(track);
130 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
132 // add this vector of vector of triplets to the TOPPDFCollection
133 TOPPDFCollection* topPDFColl = m_pdfCollection.appendNew();
134 const auto& module = geo->getModule(trk.getModuleID());
135 topPDFColl->setLocalPositionMomentum(module.pointToLocal(static_cast<XYZPoint>(trk.getExtHit()->getPosition())),
136 module.momentumToLocal(trk.getExtHit()->getMomentum()),
137 trk.getModuleID());
139 TOPPixelLikelihood* topPLkhs = m_pixelData.appendNew();
140 topPLkhs->setModuleID(trk.getModuleID());
142 for (const auto& chargedStable : m_chargedStables) {
143 const PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trk, chargedStable, m_PDFOption, PDFConstructor::c_Full);
144 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) {
145 B2ERROR("PDFConstructor found not valid - bug in reconstruction code?"
146 << LogVar("PDG", chargedStable.getPDGCode()));
147 continue;
148 }
150 // associate PDF peaks with photons using S-plot technique
151 associatePDFPeaks(pdfConstructor);
153 // collection of gaussian_t's for each pixel
154 TOPPDFCollection::modulePDF_t channelPDFCollection;
156 // store PDF peaks in the collection
157 for (const auto& signalPDF : pdfConstructor.getSignalPDF()) {
158 int pixelID = signalPDF.getPixelID();
159 for (const auto& peak : signalPDF.getPDFPeaks()) {
160 float position = peak.t0;
161 float width = sqrt(peak.wid);
162 float numPhotons = pdfConstructor.getExpectedSignalPhotons() * peak.nph;
163 auto tp = TOPPDFCollection::Gaussian(position, width, numPhotons);
164 - 1).push_back(tp);
165 } // end loop over peaks in the pdf for this pixel
166 } // end loop over pixels
168 topPDFColl->addHypothesisPDF(channelPDFCollection, chargedStable.getPDGCode());
170 // Initialize logL and sfot pixel arrays
171 TOPPixelLikelihood::PixelArray_t pixLogLs, pixSigPhots;
172 pixLogLs.fill(0);
173 pixSigPhots.fill(0);
175 const auto& pixelLogLs = pdfConstructor.getPixelLogLs(0);
176 for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(pixelLogLs.size(), pixLogLs.size()); i++) {
177 pixLogLs[i] = pixelLogLs[i].logL;
178 pixSigPhots[i] = pixelLogLs[i].expPhotons;
179 }
181 topPLkhs->addHypothesisLikelihoods(pixLogLs, chargedStable.getPDGCode());
182 topPLkhs->addHypothesisSignalPhotons(pixSigPhots, chargedStable.getPDGCode());
183 }
184 track.addRelationTo(topPDFColl);
185 track.addRelationTo(topPLkhs);
187 } // end loop over tracks
189 }
std::array< channelPDF_t, 512 > modulePDF_t
the PDF of the module is a list of 512 channel PDFs
double m_maxTime
optional time limit for photons
double m_minTime
optional time limit for photons
StoreArray< TOPPDFCollection > m_pdfCollection
collection of analytic PDF's
TOP::PDFConstructor::EPDFOption m_PDFOption
PDF option.
StoreArray< TOPPixelLikelihood > m_pixelData
collection of per-pixel data
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
std::vector< Const::ChargedStable > m_chargedStables
particle hypotheses
std::array< float, 512 > PixelArray_t
Array of length 512 to hold per-pixel information.
@ c_Full
also extra information and derivatives
void associatePDFPeaks(const TOP::PDFConstructor &pdfConstructor)
Associate PDF peaks with photons using S-plot technique.

◆ event() [25/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 195 of file

196 {
198 // get mappers
200 const auto& feMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getFrontEndMapper();
201 const auto& chMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
202 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
204 // clear TOPDigits
206 m_digits.clear();
208 // set storage windows in RawDigits if not already done in unpacker
210 for (auto& rawDigit : m_rawDigits) {
211 const auto* waveform = rawDigit.getRelated<TOPRawWaveform>();
212 if (waveform and rawDigit.getStorageWindows().empty()) {
213 rawDigit.setStorageWindows(waveform->getStorageWindows());
214 }
215 }
217 // set asic masks (asics and whole boardstacks masked in firmware for this event)
219 m_asicMask.create();
220 if (m_eventDebugs.getEntries() > 0) {
221 std::vector<unsigned short> masks(64, 0xFFFF);
222 for (const auto& eventDebug : m_eventDebugs) {
223 auto scrodID = eventDebug.getScrodID();
224 const auto* feemap = feMapper.getMap(scrodID);
225 if (not feemap) {
226 B2WARNING("TOPRawDigitConverter: No front-end map available."
227 << LogVar("scrodID", scrodID));
228 continue;
229 }
230 auto moduleID = feemap->getModuleID();
231 auto boardstack = feemap->getBoardstackNumber();
232 unsigned bs = (moduleID - 1) * 4 + boardstack;
233 if (bs < 64) {
234 masks[bs] = eventDebug.getAsicMask();
235 } else {
236 B2ERROR("TOPRawDigitConverter: Invalid global boardstack number."
237 << LogVar("bs", bs));
238 }
239 }
240 m_asicMask->set(masks);
241 }
243 // convert to TOPDigits
245 for (const auto& rawDigit : m_rawDigits) {
247 if (rawDigit.getErrorFlags() != 0) continue;
249 // determine moduleID, pixedID and channel
251 auto scrodID = rawDigit.getScrodID();
252 const auto* feemap = feMapper.getMap(scrodID);
253 if (not feemap) {
254 B2WARNING("TOPRawDigitConverter: No front-end map available."
255 << LogVar("scrodID", scrodID));
256 continue;
257 }
258 auto moduleID = feemap->getModuleID();
259 auto boardstack = feemap->getBoardstackNumber();
260 auto channel = chMapper.getChannel(boardstack,
261 rawDigit.getCarrierNumber(),
262 rawDigit.getASICNumber(),
263 rawDigit.getASICChannel());
264 auto pixelID = chMapper.getPixelID(channel);
266 // get raw times
268 double rawTimeLeading = rawDigit.getCFDLeadingTime(); // time in [samples]
269 double rawTimeFalling = rawDigit.getCFDFallingTime(); // time in [samples]
271 // get ASIC window
273 int window = rawDigit.getASICWindow();
275 // timing alignment: set time origin according to data type
277 double timeOffset = 0;
278 int storageDepth = m_storageDepth;
279 if (rawDigit.getDataType() == TOPRawDigit::c_Interim) {
281 // correct raw times for possible window discontinuity
282 rawTimeLeading = rawDigit.correctTime(rawTimeLeading, m_storageDepth);
283 rawTimeFalling = rawDigit.correctTime(rawTimeFalling, m_storageDepth);
285 // set window number: number of look back windows back from the last write address
286 int lastWriteAddr = rawDigit.getLastWriteAddr();
287 int nback = lastWriteAddr - window;
288 if (nback < 0) nback += m_storageDepth;
289 int lookBackWindows = m_feSetting->getLookbackWindows();
290 if (m_lookBackWindows > 0) lookBackWindows = m_lookBackWindows;
291 int nwin = lookBackWindows - nback;
292 window -= nwin;
293 if (window < 0) window += m_storageDepth;
294 if (window >= (int) m_storageDepth) window -= m_storageDepth;
296 // add samples to raw time to account for the new window number
297 rawTimeLeading += nwin * TOPRawDigit::c_WindowSize;
298 rawTimeFalling += nwin * TOPRawDigit::c_WindowSize;
299 } else if (rawDigit.getDataType() == TOPRawDigit::c_ProductionDebug) {
301 // take revo9 counter and calculate corresponding SST count and its fraction
302 int revo9cnt = rawDigit.getRevo9Counter();
303 int SSTcnt = revo9cnt / 6;
304 double SSTfrac = (revo9cnt % 6) / 6.0;
305 double offset = m_feSetting->getOffset() / 24.0;
306 timeOffset = (SSTfrac + offset) * m_syncTimeBase; // in [ns], to be subtracted
308 // find reference window
309 int refWindow = SSTcnt * 2; // seems to be the same as lastWriteAddr
310 const auto& writeDepths = m_feSetting->getWriteDepths();
311 if (writeDepths.empty()) {
312 B2ERROR("TOPRawDigitConverter: vector of write depths is empty. Return!");
313 return;
314 }
315 int lastDepth = writeDepths.back();
316 unsigned phase = 0;
317 for (auto depth : writeDepths) {
318 SSTcnt -= depth;
319 if (SSTcnt < 0) break;
320 phase++;
321 refWindow = SSTcnt * 2;
322 lastDepth = depth;
323 }
324 if (m_setPhase) const_cast<TOPRawDigit&>(rawDigit).setPhase(phase);
325 storageDepth = lastDepth * 2;
327 if (window >= storageDepth) {
328 B2WARNING("TOPRawDigitConverter: window number greater than storage depth."
329 << LogVar("window number", window)
330 << LogVar("storage depth", storageDepth)
331 << LogVar("refWindow", refWindow)
332 << LogVar("phase", phase));
333 continue;
334 }
336 // set window number: number of look back windows back from the reference window
337 int deltaWindow = window - refWindow;
338 if (deltaWindow > 0) deltaWindow -= storageDepth;
339 int lookBackWindows = m_feSetting->getLookbackWindows();
340 if (m_lookBackWindows > 0) lookBackWindows = m_lookBackWindows;
341 lookBackWindows -= m_feSetting->getExtraWindows();
343 int nwin = lookBackWindows + deltaWindow;
344 int startWindow = refWindow - lookBackWindows;
345 if (startWindow < 0) startWindow += storageDepth;
346 window = startWindow;
348 // add samples to raw time to account for the new window number
349 rawTimeLeading += nwin * TOPRawDigit::c_WindowSize;
350 rawTimeFalling += nwin * TOPRawDigit::c_WindowSize;
351 }
353 // convert raw time to time using equidistant or calibrated time base
355 unsigned short statusBits = 0;
356 const auto* sampleTimes = &m_sampleTimes; // equidistant sample times
358 sampleTimes = m_timebase->getSampleTimes(scrodID, channel % 128);
359 if (sampleTimes->isCalibrated()) {
360 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_TimeBaseCalibrated;
361 }
362 }
363 // time and width in [ns]
364 double time = sampleTimes->getTime(window, rawTimeLeading) - timeOffset;
365 double width = sampleTimes->getDeltaTime(window, rawTimeFalling, rawTimeLeading);
367 // default time uncertainty
368 double timeError = geo->getNominalTDC().getTimeJitter();
370 if (rawDigit.getDataType() == TOPRawDigit::c_MC) {
371 // MC with simplified digitization
372 time -= geo->getNominalTDC().getOffset();
373 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_OffsetSubtracted;
374 } else {
375 // data and MC with full waveform digitization
376 if (m_pedestalRMS > 0) {
377 double rmsNoise = m_pedestalRMS;
378 if (m_noises->isCalibrated(moduleID, channel)) {
379 rmsNoise = m_noises->getNoise(moduleID, channel);
380 }
381 double rawErr = rawDigit.getCFDLeadingTimeError(rmsNoise); // in [samples]
382 int sample = static_cast<int>(rawTimeLeading);
383 if (rawTimeLeading < 0) sample--;
384 timeError = rawErr * sampleTimes->getTimeBin(window, sample); // [ns]
385 }
387 auto pulseHeight = rawDigit.getValuePeak();
388 double timeErrorSq = timeError * timeError;
389 if (m_timeWalk.isValid()) timeErrorSq += m_timeWalk->getSigmaSq(pulseHeight);
391 if (m_useTimeWalkCalibration and m_timeWalk.isValid()) {
392 if (m_timeWalk->isCalibrated()) {
393 time -= m_timeWalk->getTimeWalk(pulseHeight);
394 }
395 }
397 const auto& cal = m_channelT0;
398 if (cal->isCalibrated(moduleID, channel)) {
399 time -= cal->getT0(moduleID, channel);
400 double err = cal->getT0Error(moduleID, channel);
401 timeErrorSq += err * err;
402 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_ChannelT0Calibrated;
403 }
404 }
406 auto asic = channel / 8;
407 if (m_asicShift->isCalibrated(moduleID, asic)) {
408 time -= m_asicShift->getT0(moduleID, asic);
409 }
410 }
412 const auto& cal = m_moduleT0;
413 if (cal->isCalibrated(moduleID)) {
414 time -= cal->getT0(moduleID);
415 double err = cal->getT0Error(moduleID);
416 timeErrorSq += err * err;
417 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_ModuleT0Calibrated;
418 }
419 }
421 const auto& cal = m_commonT0;
422 if (cal->isCalibrated()) {
423 time -= cal->getT0();
424 double err = cal->getT0Error();
425 timeErrorSq += err * err;
426 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_CommonT0Calibrated;
427 }
428 }
429 timeError = sqrt(timeErrorSq);
430 }
432 // append new TOPDigit and set it
434 auto* digit = m_digits.appendNew(moduleID, pixelID, rawTimeLeading);
435 digit->setTime(time);
436 digit->setTimeError(timeError);
437 digit->setPulseHeight(rawDigit.getValuePeak());
438 digit->setIntegral(rawDigit.getIntegral());
439 digit->setPulseWidth(width);
440 digit->setChannel(channel);
441 digit->setFirstWindow(window);
442 digit->setStatus(statusBits);
443 if (m_addRelations) digit->addRelationTo(&rawDigit);
445 if (not rawDigit.isFEValid() or rawDigit.isPedestalJump())
446 digit->setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Junk);
447 if (rawDigit.isAtWindowDiscontinuity(storageDepth))
448 digit->setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Junk);
449 if (digit->getPulseWidth() < m_minPulseWidth or
450 digit->getPulseWidth() > m_maxPulseWidth or
451 digit->getPulseWidth() * digit->getPulseHeight() < m_minWidthXheight)
452 digit->setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_Junk);
453 }
455 // if calibration channel given, select and flag cal pulses
457 unsigned calibrationChannel = m_calibrationChannel;
458 if (calibrationChannel < 8) {
459 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
460 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue;
461 if (digit.getASICChannel() != calibrationChannel) continue;
462 if (digit.getPulseHeight() < m_calpulseHeightMin) continue;
463 if (digit.getPulseHeight() > m_calpulseHeightMax) continue;
464 if (digit.getPulseWidth() < m_calpulseWidthMin) continue;
465 if (digit.getPulseWidth() > m_calpulseWidthMax) continue;
467 if (digit.getTime() < m_calpulseTimeMin) continue;
468 if (digit.getTime() > m_calpulseTimeMax) continue;
469 }
470 digit.setHitQuality(TOPDigit::c_CalPulse);
471 }
472 }
474 }
StoreArray< TOPRawDigit > m_rawDigits
collection of raw digits
int m_lookBackWindows
number of "look back" windows
double m_maxPulseWidth
max pulse width to set digit as good [ns]
int m_calpulseHeightMax
maximal height of calibration pulse
double m_calpulseWidthMax
maximal width of calibration pulse
double m_minPulseWidth
min pulse width to set digit as good [ns]
bool m_useTimeWalkCalibration
if true, use time-walk calibration
StoreArray< TOPProductionEventDebug > m_eventDebugs
collection of debug data
double m_calpulseTimeMin
minimal time of calibration pulse
int m_calpulseHeightMin
minimal height of calibration pulse
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
int m_calibrationChannel
ASIC channel number with calibration pulse.
double m_calpulseWidthMin
minimal width of calibration pulse
double m_minWidthXheight
minimal width * height [ns * ADC counts]
StoreObjPtr< TOPAsicMask > m_asicMask
masked asics in firmware
bool m_setPhase
if true, set phase in TOPRawDigits
double m_calpulseTimeMax
maximal time of calibration pulse
bool m_addRelations
switch ON/OFF relations to TOPRawDigits
TOPSampleTimes m_sampleTimes
equidistant in case no calibration required
unsigned m_storageDepth
ASIC analog storage depth.
@ c_ProductionDebug
from production debugging format
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:46
@ c_MC
from MC digitization
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:43
@ c_WindowSize
number of samples per window
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:54

◆ event() [26/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 91 of file

92 {
93 // clear output collections
95 m_likelihoods.clear();
96 m_topPulls.clear();
98 // check bunch reconstruction status and do the reconstruction:
99 // - if object exists and bunch is found (collision data w/ bunch finder in the path)
100 // - if object doesn't exist (cosmic data and other cases w/o bunch finder in the path)
102 if (m_recBunch.isValid()) {
103 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
104 }
106 // set time window in which photon hits are accepted for likelihood determination
110 // sort tracks by module ID
112 std::unordered_multimap<int, const TOPTrack*> topTracks; // tracks sorted by top modules
113 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
114 auto* trk = new TOPTrack(track, m_topDigitCollectionName);
115 if (trk->isValid() and trk->getTransverseMomentum() > m_pTCut) {
116 topTracks.emplace(trk->getModuleID(), trk);
117 } else {
118 delete trk;
119 }
120 }
122 // reconstruct module-by-module
124 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
125 for (unsigned moduleID = 1; moduleID <= geo->getNumModules(); moduleID++) {
127 // make a vector of PDF collections for a given TOP module
129 std::vector<PDFCollection> pdfCollections;
130 const auto& range = topTracks.equal_range(moduleID);
131 for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
132 const auto* trk = it->second;
133 PDFCollection collection(*trk, m_deltaRayModeling);
134 if (collection.isValid) pdfCollections.push_back(collection);
135 }
136 if (pdfCollections.empty()) continue;
138 // add most probable PDF's of other tracks if present
140 if (pdfCollections.size() > 1) {
141 std::vector<int> lastMostProbables;
142 for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++) {
143 std::vector<int> mostProbables;
144 for (auto& collection : pdfCollections) { // set most probable PDF
145 collection.setMostProbable();
146 mostProbables.push_back(collection.mostProbable->getHypothesis().getPDGCode());
147 }
148 if (mostProbables == lastMostProbables) break;
149 else lastMostProbables = mostProbables;
151 for (auto& collection : pdfCollections) collection.clearPDFOther(); // reset
152 for (auto& collection : pdfCollections) { // append
153 for (auto& other : pdfCollections) {
154 if (&other == &collection) continue;
155 collection.appendPDFOther(other.mostProbable);
156 }
157 }
158 } // loop: iter
159 }
161 // determine and save log likelihoods
163 for (auto& collection : pdfCollections) {
164 auto* topLL = m_likelihoods.appendNew();
165 const auto* trk = collection.topTrack;
166 const auto* track = trk->getTrack();
167 track->addRelationTo(topLL);
168 topLL->addRelationTo(trk->getExtHit());
169 topLL->addRelationTo(trk->getBarHit());
171 int pdgCode = (m_PDGCode != 0) ? m_PDGCode : trk->getPDGCode(); // PDG code used for providing pulls
172 std::set<int> nfotSet; // to x-check if the number of photons is the same for all particle hypotheses
173 std::set<double> nbkgSet; // to x-check if the background is the same for all particle hypotheses
175 for (const auto* pdfConstructor : collection.PDFs) {
176 const auto& chargedStable = pdfConstructor->getHypothesis();
177 auto LL = pdfConstructor->getLogL();
178 auto expBkgPhotons = pdfConstructor->getExpectedBkgPhotons();
179 topLL->set(chargedStable, LL.numPhotons, LL.logL, LL.expPhotons, expBkgPhotons, LL.effectiveSignalYield);
181 nfotSet.insert(LL.numPhotons);
182 nbkgSet.insert(expBkgPhotons);
184 if (abs(chargedStable.getPDGCode()) == abs(pdgCode)) {
185 for (const auto& p : pdfConstructor->getPulls()) {
186 auto* pull = m_topPulls.appendNew(p.pixelID, p.time, p.peakT0 + p.ttsT0, p.sigma, p.phiCer, p.wt);
187 track->addRelationTo(pull);
188 }
189 }
190 }
191 topLL->setFlag(1);
192 topLL->setModuleID(trk->getModuleID());
193 const auto& emi = trk->getEmissionPoint();
194 topLL->setXZ(emi.position.X(), emi.position.Z());
196 if (nfotSet.size() > 1) B2ERROR("Bug in TOP::PDFConstructor: number of photons differs between particle hypotheses");
197 if (nbkgSet.size() > 1) B2ERROR("Bug in TOP::PDFConstructor: estimated background differs between particle hypotheses");
198 }
200 for (auto& collection : pdfCollections) collection.deletePDFs();
202 } // loop: moduleID
204 for (auto& x : topTracks) delete x.second;
206 }
bool m_deltaRayModeling
include or exclude delta-ray modeling in log likelihood calculation
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
StoreArray< TOPLikelihood > m_likelihoods
collection of likelihoods
std::string m_topDigitCollectionName
name of the collection of TOPDigits
double m_maxTime
optional upper time limit for photons
double m_minTime
optional lower time limit for photons
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
StoreArray< TOPPull > m_topPulls
collection of pulls
double m_pTCut
pT cut to suppress badly extrapolated tracks that cannot reach TOP counter
int m_PDGCode
PDG code of hypothesis to construct pulls.

◆ event() [27/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 347 of file

348 {
349 return;
350 }

◆ event() [28/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 147 of file

148 {
149 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
150 double sampleWidth = geo->getNominalTDC().getSampleWidth();
152 vector<Hit> hits[c_NumChannels];
154 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
155 if (digit.getModuleID() != m_moduleID) continue;
156 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Junk) {
157 m_goodHits.Fill(digit.getPulseWidth(), digit.getPulseHeight());
158 }
159 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_CalPulse) continue;
160 double rawTime = digit.getRawTime();
161 double errScaleFactor = 1;
162 if (m_useFallingEdge) {
163 const auto* rawDigit = digit.getRelated<TOPRawDigit>();
164 if (!rawDigit) {
165 B2ERROR("No relation to TOPRawDigit - can't determine falling edge time error");
166 continue;
167 }
168 // rawTime may include corrections due to window number discontinuity,
169 // therefore one must add the width and not just use getCFDFallingTime()
170 rawTime += rawDigit->getFWHM();
171 errScaleFactor = rawDigit->getCFDFallingTimeError(1.0) / rawDigit->getCFDLeadingTimeError(1.0);
172 }
173 double t = rawTime + digit.getFirstWindow() * c_WindowSize;
174 if (t < 0) {
175 B2ERROR("Got negative sample number - digit ignored");
176 continue;
177 }
178 double et = digit.getTimeError() / sampleWidth * errScaleFactor;
179 if (et <= 0) {
180 B2ERROR("Time error is not given - digit ignored");
181 continue;
182 }
183 unsigned channel = digit.getChannel();
184 if (channel < c_NumChannels) {
185 hits[channel].push_back(Hit(t, et, digit.getPulseHeight(), digit.getPulseWidth()));
186 }
187 }
189 for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < c_NumChannels; channel++) {
190 const auto& channelHits = hits[channel];
191 if (channelHits.size() == 2) {
192 double t0 = channelHits[0].time;
193 double t1 = channelHits[1].time;
194 auto diff = fabs(t0 - t1); // since not sorted yet
195 if (diff < m_minTimeDiff) continue;
196 if (diff > m_maxTimeDiff) continue;
197 double sig0 = channelHits[0].timeErr;
198 double sig1 = channelHits[1].timeErr;
199 double sigma = sqrt(sig0 * sig0 + sig1 * sig1);
200 m_ntuples[channel].push_back(TwoTimes(t0, t1, sigma));
201 if (t0 < t1) { // check, since not sorted yet
202 m_calPulseFirst.Fill(channelHits[0].pulseWidth, channelHits[0].pulseHeight);
203 m_calPulseSecond.Fill(channelHits[1].pulseWidth, channelHits[1].pulseHeight);
204 } else {
205 m_calPulseSecond.Fill(channelHits[0].pulseWidth, channelHits[0].pulseHeight);
206 m_calPulseFirst.Fill(channelHits[1].pulseWidth, channelHits[1].pulseHeight);
207 }
208 } else if (channelHits.size() > 2) {
209 B2WARNING("More than two cal pulses per channel found - ignored");
210 }
211 }
213 }
double getSampleWidth() const
Returns time difference between two samples.
TH2F m_calPulseSecond
pulse height versus width of the second calibration pulse
std::vector< TwoTimes > m_ntuples[c_NumChannels]
channel wise data
TH2F m_goodHits
pulse height versus width of all good hits
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
@ c_NumChannels
number of channels per module
TH2F m_calPulseFirst
pulse height versus width of the first calibration pulse
bool m_useFallingEdge
if true, use falling edge instead of rising

◆ event() [29/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 143 of file

144 {
145 int revo9cnt = m_recBunch->getRevo9Counter();
146 double SSTfrac = (revo9cnt % 6) / 6.0;
147 double offset = m_feSetting->getOffset() / 24.0;
148 double timeOffset = (SSTfrac + offset) * m_syncTimeBase; // in [ns], to be subtracted
149 const auto& feMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getFrontEndMapper();
150 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
152 for (auto& digit : m_digits) {
154 // save MC offset status
155 bool offsetStatus = digit.hasStatus(TOPDigit::c_OffsetSubtracted);
157 // reset status bits
158 unsigned short statusBits = 0;
159 digit.setStatus(statusBits);
161 // get what's needed from a digit
162 double rawTimeLeading = digit.getRawTime();
163 auto window = digit.getFirstWindow();
164 auto moduleID = digit.getModuleID();
165 auto channel = digit.getChannel();
167 // convert raw time to time using equidistant or calibrated time base
168 const auto* sampleTimes = &m_sampleTimes; // equidistant sample times
170 auto bs = channel / 128;
171 const auto* feemap = feMapper.getMap(moduleID, bs);
172 if (not feemap) {
173 B2ERROR("No front-end map available."
174 << LogVar("slot", moduleID)
175 << LogVar("boardstack", bs));
176 continue;
177 }
178 auto scrodID = feemap->getScrodID();
179 sampleTimes = m_timebase->getSampleTimes(scrodID, channel % 128);
180 if (sampleTimes->isCalibrated()) {
181 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_TimeBaseCalibrated;
182 }
183 }
184 double time = sampleTimes->getTime(window, rawTimeLeading) - timeOffset;
186 // apply other calibrations
187 if (m_useTimeWalkCalibration and m_timeWalk.isValid()) {
188 if (m_timeWalk->isCalibrated()) {
189 time -= m_timeWalk->getTimeWalk(digit.getPulseHeight());
190 }
191 }
193 const auto& cal = m_channelT0;
194 if (cal->isCalibrated(moduleID, channel)) {
195 time -= cal->getT0(moduleID, channel);
196 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_ChannelT0Calibrated;
197 }
198 }
200 auto asic = channel / 8;
201 if (m_asicShift->isCalibrated(moduleID, asic)) {
202 time -= m_asicShift->getT0(moduleID, asic);
203 }
204 }
206 const auto& cal = m_moduleT0;
207 if (cal->isCalibrated(moduleID)) {
208 time -= cal->getT0(moduleID);
209 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_ModuleT0Calibrated;
210 }
211 }
213 const auto& cal = m_commonT0;
214 if (cal->isCalibrated()) {
215 time -= cal->getT0();
216 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_CommonT0Calibrated;
217 }
218 }
220 // subtract bunch time
221 if (m_subtractBunchTime and m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) {
222 time -= m_recBunch->getTime();
223 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_EventT0Subtracted;
224 }
226 // subtract offset used in MC if status bit was set in this digit
227 if (offsetStatus) {
228 time -= geo->getNominalTDC().getOffset();
229 statusBits |= TOPDigit::c_OffsetSubtracted;
230 }
232 // set re-calibrated time and status bits
233 digit.setTime(time);
234 digit.setStatus(statusBits);
235 }
237 }
bool m_subtractBunchTime
if true, subtract reconstructed bunch time
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
TOPSampleTimes m_sampleTimes
equidistant in case no calibration required

◆ event() [30/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 118 of file

119 {
120 if (m_resetEventCount) {
122 m_errorCount = 0;
123 m_eventCount = 0;
124 m_resetEventCount = false;
125 }
126 m_eventCount++;
128 // clear output store arrays
129 m_digits.clear();
130 m_rawDigits.clear();
131 m_waveforms.clear();
133 m_productionHitDebugs.clear();
134 m_templateFitResults.clear();
135 m_slowData.clear();
136 m_interimFEInfos.clear();
138 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
139 for (auto& raw : m_rawData) {
140 for (int finesse = 0; finesse < raw.GetMaxNumOfCh(0); finesse++) {
141 const int* buffer = raw.GetDetectorBuffer(0, finesse);
142 int bufferSize = raw.GetDetectorNwords(0, finesse);
143 if (bufferSize < 1) continue;
145 int err = 0;
147 int dataFormat = m_dataFormat;
148 if (dataFormat == 0) { // auto detect data format
149 DataArray array(buffer, bufferSize, m_swapBytes);
150 unsigned word = array.getWord();
151 dataFormat = (word >> 16);
152 bool isKnownDataFormat = false;
153 for (auto& t : TOP::membersRawDataType) {
154 if (static_cast<int>(t) == dataFormat) {
155 isKnownDataFormat = true;
156 break;
157 }
158 }
160 if (!isKnownDataFormat) { //dataformat word is not recognised, might be interim format.
161 if (evtMetaData->getExperiment() == 1) { // all exp.1 data was taken with interim format
162 dataFormat = 0x0301;
163 m_swapBytes = true;
164 } else {
165 if (unpackHeadersInterimFEVer01(buffer, bufferSize, true)) { //if buffer unpacks without errors assuming it's interim format
166 B2DEBUG(22, "Assuming interim FW data format");
167 dataFormat = 0x0301; //assume it's interim format
168 m_swapBytes = true;
169 } else {
170 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: Could not establish data format.");
171 err = bufferSize;
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 }
177 switch (dataFormat) {
178 case static_cast<int>(TOP::RawDataType::c_Type0Ver16):
179 unpackType0Ver16(buffer, bufferSize);
180 break;
181 case static_cast<int>(TOP::RawDataType::c_Type2Ver1):
182 err = unpackInterimFEVer01(buffer, bufferSize, false);
183 break;
184 case static_cast<int>(TOP::RawDataType::c_Type3Ver1):
185 err = unpackInterimFEVer01(buffer, bufferSize, true);
186 break;
187 case static_cast<int>(TOP::RawDataType::c_Draft):
188 unpackProductionDraft(buffer, bufferSize);
189 break;
190 case static_cast<int>(TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug01):
191 err = unpackProdDebug(buffer, bufferSize, TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug01, true);
192 break;
193 case static_cast<int>(TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug02):
194 err = unpackProdDebug(buffer, bufferSize, TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug02, true);
195 break;
197 default:
198 if (printTheError()) {
199 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: unknown data format, " << getFrontEndName(raw, finesse)
200 << LogVar("Type", (dataFormat >> 8))
201 << LogVar("Version", (dataFormat & 0xFF)));
202 }
203 return;
204 }
206 if (err != 0) {
207 if (printTheError()) {
208 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: error in unpacking data from " << getFrontEndName(raw, finesse)
209 << LogVar("words unused", err));
210 }
211 }
213 } // finesse loop
214 } // m_rawData loop
216 }
StoreArray< TOPRawWaveform > m_waveforms
collection of waveforms
StoreArray< TOPRawDigit > m_rawDigits
collection of raw digits
unsigned m_numErrors
number of error messages per event
unsigned m_errorCount
error messages count within single event
StoreArray< TOPSlowData > m_slowData
collection of slow data
bool m_swapBytes
if true, swap bytes
StoreArray< TOPProductionEventDebug > m_productionEventDebugs
collection of event debug data
StoreArray< RawTOP > m_rawData
collection of raw data
StoreArray< TOPInterimFEInfo > m_interimFEInfos
collection of interim informations
bool m_resetEventCount
request for event count reset
StoreArray< TOPProductionHitDebug > m_productionHitDebugs
collection of hit debug data
StoreArray< TOPTemplateFitResult > m_templateFitResults
collection of template fit results
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
unsigned m_eventCount
event count since last printed error message
int unpackProdDebug(const int *buffer, int bufferSize, TOP::RawDataType dataFormat, bool pedestalSubtracted)
Unpack raw data given in production debugging format.
void unpackProductionDraft(const int *buffer, int bufferSize)
Unpack raw data given in a tentative production format (will vanish in future)
std::string getFrontEndName(RawTOP &raw, int finesse) const
Returns the name of the front-end.
void unpackType0Ver16(const int *buffer, int bufferSize)
Unpack raw data given in feature-extraction production format.
bool unpackHeadersInterimFEVer01(const int *buffer, int bufferSize, bool swapBytes)
Tries to unpack raw data assuming it is in feature-extraction interim format.
int unpackInterimFEVer01(const int *buffer, int bufferSize, bool pedestalSubtracted)
Unpack raw data given in feature-extraction interim format.
bool printTheError()
Error messages suppression logic.

◆ event() [31/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 82 of file

83 {
85 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
86 const auto& tdc = geo->getNominalTDC();
87 int sampleDivisions = 0x1 << tdc.getSubBits();
89 StoreArray<TOPRawDigit> rawDigits(m_inputRawDigitsName);
90 int initSize = rawDigits.getEntries();
92 for (int i = 0; i < initSize; i++) {
93 auto& rawDigit = *rawDigits[i];
94 const auto* waveform = rawDigit.getRelated<TOPRawWaveform>();
95 if (!waveform) continue;
96 if (m_setIntegral) {
97 auto integral = waveform->getIntegral(rawDigit.getSampleRise(),
98 rawDigit.getSamplePeak(),
99 rawDigit.getSampleFall());
100 rawDigit.setIntegral(integral);
101 }
102 waveform->featureExtraction(m_threshold, m_hysteresis, m_thresholdCount);
103 const auto& features = waveform->getFeatureExtractionData();
104 int sampleRise = rawDigit.getSampleRise();
105 int sampleFall = rawDigit.getSampleFall() + 1;
106 for (const auto& feature : features) {
108 // skip it, if hit already in rawDigits
109 int sRise = feature.sampleRise;
110 if (sRise >= sampleRise and sRise <= sampleFall) continue;
111 int sFall = feature.sampleFall + 1;
112 if (sFall >= sampleRise and sFall <= sampleFall) continue;
114 // if not, append it
115 auto* newDigit = rawDigits.appendNew(rawDigit);
116 newDigit->setOfflineFlag();
117 newDigit->setSampleRise(feature.sampleRise);
118 newDigit->setDeltaSamplePeak(feature.samplePeak - feature.sampleRise);
119 newDigit->setDeltaSampleFall(feature.sampleFall - feature.sampleRise);
120 newDigit->setValueRise0(feature.vRise0);
121 newDigit->setValueRise1(feature.vRise1);
122 newDigit->setValueFall0(feature.vFall0);
123 newDigit->setValueFall1(feature.vFall1);
124 newDigit->setValuePeak(feature.vPeak);
125 newDigit->setIntegral(feature.integral);
126 double rawTime = newDigit->getCFDLeadingTime();
127 unsigned tfine = int(rawTime * sampleDivisions) % sampleDivisions; // TODO: <0 ?
128 newDigit->setTFine(tfine);
129 newDigit->addRelationTo(waveform);
130 }
131 }
133 int finalSize = rawDigits.getEntries();
134 B2DEBUG(20, "TOPWaveformFeatureExtractor: appended " << finalSize - initSize
135 << " raw digits to initial " << initSize);
137 }
unsigned getSubBits() const
Returns number of bits per sample.
int m_hysteresis
pulse height threshold hysteresis [ADC counts]
int m_threshold
pulse height threshold [ADC counts]
bool m_setIntegral
calculate and set integral for FW-extracted hits
std::string m_inputRawDigitsName
name of TOPRawDigit store array
int m_thresholdCount
minimal number of samples above threshold

◆ event() [32/32]

void event ( void  )

Event processor.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 145 of file

146 {
147 if (not m_waveform) {
148 return;
149 }
150 for (auto evtwave : m_waveform) {
151 if (m_DRAWWAVES) {
152 drawWaveforms(evtwave);
153 }
154 if (m_DEBUGGING) {
155 basicDebuggingPlots(evtwave);
156 }
157 if (m_NOISE) {
158 auto channelID = evtwave.getChannel();
159 const vector<short> v_samples = evtwave.getWaveform();
160 size_t nsamples = v_samples.size();
161 if (m_channelNoiseMap.find(channelID) == m_channelNoiseMap.end()) {
162 string idName = string("noise_") + to_string(channelID);
163 m_channelNoiseMap.insert(make_pair(channelID, new TH1F(idName.c_str(), idName.c_str(), 200, -100, 100)));
164 m_channelEventMap.insert(make_pair(channelID, m_iEvent));
165 }
166 TH1F* noise = m_channelNoiseMap[channelID];
167 // Plot all samples in common histogram for quick sanity check
168 for (size_t s = 0; s < nsamples; s++) {
169 double adc =;
170 m_samples->Fill(adc);
171 if (s < nsamples - 1) {
172 noise->Fill(v_samples[s + 1] - adc);
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 }
177 m_iEvent += 1;
178 return;
179 }
std::map< top_channel_id_t, int > m_channelEventMap
to find in which chunk a given channel is
int m_iEvent
keeps track of iterations within run
std::map< top_channel_id_t, TH1F * > m_channelNoiseMap
histogram of the values after correction
StoreArray< TOPRawWaveform > m_waveform
the raw waveforms
void basicDebuggingPlots(const TOPRawWaveform &rawwave)
Fills the debugging 1D histograms and hitmaps.
void drawWaveforms(const TOPRawWaveform &rawwave)
Draws the full waveforms onto the TProfiles.

◆ FindPeakForSmallerXThan()

double FindPeakForSmallerXThan ( TH1 *  histo,
double  xmax = 0 

Find peak and return its position for a limited range of x (x smaller than the given value (xmax))

Definition at line 646 of file

647 {
648 double histo_xmax = histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(histo->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() - 1);
649 if (xmax > histo_xmax) xmax = histo_xmax;
651 int iBin = 1;
652 double peakPos = histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iBin);
653 double peakCharge = histo->GetBinContent(iBin);
654 while (true) {
655 iBin++;
656 double x = histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iBin);
657 if (x > xmax) break;
659 double binEntry = histo->GetBinContent(iBin);
660 if (binEntry > peakCharge) {
661 peakPos = x;
662 peakCharge = binEntry;
663 }
664 }
666 return peakPos;
667 }

◆ FitHistograms()

void FitHistograms ( EHistogramType  LoadHisto)

Fit charge (or integrated charged) distribution to calculate gain and efficiency for each channel.

Definition at line 276 of file

277 {
278 float threshold = m_threshold;
279 int globalAsicId = 0;
280 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral || LoadHisto == c_LoadHitRateIntegral) threshold = m_thresholdForIntegral;
282 for (int iHisto = 0 ; iHisto < c_NChannelPerPMT ; iHisto++) {
283 if (m_targetPmtChId != -1 && iHisto + 1 != m_targetPmtChId) continue;
285 m_pixelId = ((m_targetPmtId - 1) % c_NPMTPerRow) * c_NChannelPerPMTRow
286 + ((m_targetPmtId - 1) / c_NPMTPerRow) * c_NPixelPerModule / 2
287 + (iHisto / c_NChannelPerPMTRow) * c_NPixelPerRow + (iHisto % c_NChannelPerPMTRow) + 1;
288 m_pmtChId = (iHisto + 1);
289 globalAsicId = ((m_targetSlotId - 1) * c_NPixelPerModule + (m_pixelId - 1)) / c_NChannelPerAsic;
290 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitHeight) {
291 for (auto itr = m_branch[0].begin(); itr != m_branch[0].end(); ++itr) {
292 (*itr)->Fill();
293 }
294 }
296 TH1D* hCharge = m_chargeHistogram[iHisto];
297 if (!hCharge) { DummyFillBranch(LoadHisto); continue;}
299 std::cout << " ***** fitting charge distribution for " << hCharge->GetName() << " *****" << std::endl;
300 int nBins = hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
301 double binWidth = hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(1) - hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
302 double histoMax = hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(nBins);
303 m_fitMax = threshold;
304 double wholeIntegral = hCharge->Integral(0, hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1);
305 double fitRangeFraction = (m_fracFit > 0 ? m_fracFit : 1. - 10. / wholeIntegral);
306 while (hCharge->Integral(0, hCharge->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_fitMax - 0.01 * binWidth)) / wholeIntegral < fitRangeFraction)
307 m_fitMax += binWidth;
308 if (m_fitMax < threshold + static_cast<double>(c_NParameterGainFit) * binWidth) {
309 B2WARNING("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : no enough entries for fitting at slot"
310 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetSlotId << ", PMT"
311 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetPmtId << ", Ch"
312 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_pmtChId);
313 DummyFillBranch(LoadHisto); continue;
314 }
316 std::ostringstream fname;
317 fname << "func_" << (iHisto + 1);
318 TObject* object = gROOT->FindObject(fname.str().c_str());
319 if (object) delete object;
320 TF1* func = new TF1(fname.str().c_str(), TOPGainFunc, threshold, m_fitMax, c_NParameterGainFit);
321 double initGain = TMath::Max(hCharge->GetMean(), 26.1) - 25;
322 double initP1 = TMath::Min(4.0, TMath::Max(10000.*TMath::Power(initGain - 25, -2), 0.01));
323 double initP2 = TMath::Min(0.8 + 0.005 * TMath::Power(initP1, -3), 4.);
324 double initX0 = TMath::Max(initGain * 2 - 150, 10.);
325 //if (initP1 > initP2) initX0 = initX0 / 10.
326 double initP1overP2 = initP1 / initP2;
327 double initP0 = hCharge->GetBinContent(hCharge->GetMaximumBin())
328 / (TMath::Power(initP1overP2, initP1overP2) * TMath::Exp(-initP1overP2)) / binWidth;
329 if (m_initialX0 < 0)func->SetParameter(3, initX0);
330 else if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitHeight)
331 func->SetParameter(3, 150 + 0.5 * hCharge->GetMean());
332 else if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral)
333 func->SetParameter(3, 1000 + 0.5 * hCharge->GetMean());
334 if (m_initialP2 < 0)func->SetParameter(2, initP2);
335 else func->SetParameter(2, m_initialP2);
336 if (m_initialP1 < 0)func->SetParameter(1, initP1);
337 else func->SetParameter(1, m_initialP1);
338 if (m_initialP0 < 0)func->SetParameter(0, initP0);
339 else func->SetParameter(0, m_initialP0 * hCharge->GetEntries()*binWidth);
341 func->FixParameter(4, 0);
342 func->FixParameter(5, m_pedestalSigma);
343 func->SetParName(0, "#it{p}_{0}");
344 func->SetParName(1, "#it{p}_{1}");
345 func->SetParName(2, "#it{p}_{2}");
346 func->SetParName(3, "#it{x}_{0}");
347 func->SetParName(4, "pedestal");
348 func->SetParName(5, "pedestal #sigma");
349 func->SetParLimits(0, 1e-8, 1e8);
350 func->SetParLimits(1, 1e-8, 10);
351 func->SetParLimits(2, 1e-8, 10);
352 func->SetParLimits(3, 1e-8, 1e8);
353 func->SetLineColor(2);
354 func->SetLineWidth(1);
355 TF1* funcFull = NULL;
356 if (LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitHeight or LoadHisto == c_LoadForFitIntegral) {
357 hCharge->Fit(func, m_fitoption.c_str(), "", threshold, m_fitMax);
359 if (func->GetNDF() < 2) { DummyFillBranch(LoadHisto); continue;}
361 double funcFullMax = histoMax * 2;
362 funcFull = new TF1((fname.str() + "_full").c_str(), TOPGainFunc, (-1)*func->GetParameter(5), funcFullMax, c_NParameterGainFit);
363 for (int iPar = 0 ; iPar < c_NParameterGainFit ; iPar++)
364 funcFull->SetParameter(iPar, func->GetParameter(iPar));
365 funcFull->SetLineColor(3);
366 funcFull->SetLineWidth(2);
368 double totalWeight = 0;
369 double weightedIntegral = 0;
370 double x = (-1) * func->GetParameter(5);
371 while (x < funcFullMax) {
372 double funcVal = funcFull->Eval(x);
373 totalWeight += funcVal;
374 weightedIntegral += funcVal * x;
375 x += binWidth / 5.;
376 }
378 //fill results to the output TTree
379 m_gain = weightedIntegral / totalWeight;
380 m_efficiency = funcFull->Integral(threshold, funcFullMax) / funcFull->Integral((-1) * func->GetParameter(5), funcFullMax);
381 m_p0 = func->GetParameter(0);
382 m_p1 = func->GetParameter(1);
383 m_p2 = func->GetParameter(2);
384 m_x0 = func->GetParameter(3);
385 m_p0Error = func->GetParError(0);
386 m_p1Error = func->GetParError(1);
387 m_p2Error = func->GetParError(2);
388 m_x0Error = func->GetParError(3);
389 m_chisquare = func->GetChisquare();
390 m_ndf = func->GetNDF();
391 m_funcFullRangeIntegral = funcFull->Integral((-1) * func->GetParameter(5), funcFullMax) / binWidth;
392 m_funcFitRangeIntegral = funcFull->Integral(threshold, m_fitMax) / binWidth;
393 } else std::cout << "*****fitting is skipped***** " << std::endl;
394 int threBin = hCharge->GetXaxis()->FindBin(threshold + 0.01 * binWidth);
395 int fitMaxBin = hCharge->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_fitMax - 0.01 * binWidth);
396 m_histoFitRangeIntegral = hCharge->Integral(threBin, fitMaxBin);
399 for (int iBin = threBin ; iBin < nBins + 1 ; iBin++) {
400 m_histoMeanAboveThre += (hCharge->GetBinContent(iBin) * hCharge->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iBin));
401 }
402 m_histoMeanAboveThre /= hCharge->Integral(threBin, nBins);
403 m_nEntries = hCharge->GetEntries();
404 m_nCalPulse = (m_nCalPulseHistogram ? m_nCalPulseHistogram->GetBinContent(globalAsicId + 1) : -1);
405 m_nOverflowEvents = TMath::FloorNint(hCharge->GetBinContent(nBins + 1));
406 m_meanPulseHeight = hCharge->GetMean();
407 m_meanPulseHeightError = hCharge->GetMeanError();
408 m_hitTiming = 0;
409 m_hitTimingSigma = -1;
411 TF1* funcLaser = m_funcForLaser[iHisto];
412 if (m_timeHistogram[iHisto] && funcLaser) {
413 m_hitTiming = funcLaser->GetParameter(1);
414 m_hitTimingSigma = funcLaser->GetParameter(2);
415 }
417 m_funcForFitRange[iHisto] = func;
418 m_funcForFullRange[iHisto] = funcFull;
420 for (auto itr = m_branch[LoadHisto].begin(); itr != m_branch[LoadHisto].end(); ++itr) {
421 (*itr)->Fill();
422 }
424 std::cout << std::endl;
425 }
426 if (m_targetPmtChId == -1) m_tree->SetEntries(c_NChannelPerPMT);
427 else m_tree->SetEntries(1);
429 return;
430 }
float m_initialX0
initial value of the fit parameter x0
float m_initialP2
initial value of the fit parameter p2
float m_initialP0
initial value of the fit parameter p0
float m_fracFit
fraction of events which are covered by an area [0,m_fitMax]
std::string m_fitoption
charge histograms fitting option.
float m_initialP1
initial value of the fit parameter p1
TH1F * m_nCalPulseHistogram
histogram to store the number of events with calibration pulse(s) identified for each asic (1,...
static double TOPGainFunc(double *var, double *par)
Fit function of pulse charge (or charnge) distribution for channel(pixel)-by-channel gain extraction,...
void DummyFillBranch(EHistogramType LoadHisto)
Fill Dummy for Branch.

◆ generatePulseHeight()

double generatePulseHeight ( int  moduleID,
int  pixelID 
) const

Generates and returns pulse height.

moduleIDmodule ID (1-based)
pixelIDpixel ID (1-based)
pulse height [ADC counts]

Definition at line 533 of file

534 {
535 if (m_useDatabase) {
536 const auto& channelMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
537 auto channel = channelMapper.getChannel(pixelID);
538 if (m_pulseHeights->isCalibrated(moduleID, channel)) {
539 const auto& par = m_pulseHeights->getParameters(moduleID, channel);
540 PulseHeightGenerator generator(par.x0, par.p1, par.p2, m_ADCmax);
541 return generator.generate();
542 }
543 }
546 }
TOP::PulseHeightGenerator m_pulseHeightGenerator
default generator
double m_ADCmax
pulse height upper bound of range [ADC counts]
double generate() const
Returns generated pulse height.

◆ getDirectionCustom()

XYZVector getDirectionCustom ( ) const

Return photon direction according to a custom angular distribution given by TFormula.

photon direction (unit vector)

Definition at line 269 of file

270 {
271 double alpha = m_customDistribution->GetRandom();
272 double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * gRandom->Rndm();
273 return XYZVector(cos(phi) * sin(alpha), sin(phi) * sin(alpha), cos(alpha));
274 }
TF1 * m_customDistribution
Custom angular distribution, that uses m_angularDistribution as formula.

◆ getDirectionGaussian()

XYZVector getDirectionGaussian ( ) const

Return photon direction according to a projected 2D gaussian distribution based on numerical aperture NA.

photon direction (unit vector)

Definition at line 237 of file

238 {
239 // NA is defined as the aperture where the amplitude is 5% of that of the
240 // peak, which translates into 2.45 sigma for a gaussian distribution
241 double x = 0;
242 double y = 0;
243 double z = 0;
244 do {
245 x = gRandom->Gaus(0., asin(m_na) / 2.45);
246 y = gRandom->Gaus(0., asin(m_na) / 2.45);
247 z = 1. - x * x - y * y;
248 } while (z < 0);
249 return XYZVector(x, y, sqrt(z));
250 }
double m_na
source numerical aperture.

◆ getDirectionLambertian()

XYZVector getDirectionLambertian ( ) const

Return photon direction according to a lambertian distribution with opening angle alpha.

photon direction (unit vector)

Definition at line 260 of file

261 {
262 double cosTheta = sqrt((m_cosMinAlpha * m_cosMinAlpha - m_cosMaxAlpha * m_cosMaxAlpha) * gRandom->Rndm() +
264 double sinTheta = sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta);
265 double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * gRandom->Rndm();
266 return XYZVector(cos(phi) * sinTheta, sin(phi) * sinTheta, cosTheta);
267 }
double m_cosMinAlpha
cos of m_minAlpha
double m_cosMaxAlpha
cos of m_maxAlpha

◆ getDirectionUniform()

XYZVector getDirectionUniform ( ) const

Return photon direction according to a projected uniform distribution with opening angle alpha.

Be careful.

photon direction (unit vector)

Definition at line 252 of file

253 {
254 double cosTheta = (m_cosMinAlpha - m_cosMaxAlpha) * gRandom->Rndm() + m_cosMaxAlpha;
255 double sinTheta = sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta);
256 double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * gRandom->Rndm();
257 return XYZVector(cos(phi) * sinTheta, sin(phi) * sinTheta, cosTheta);
258 }

◆ getFrontEndName()

std::string getFrontEndName ( RawTOP raw,
int  finesse 
) const

Returns the name of the front-end.

rawraw data
finessefinesse number
front-end name

Definition at line 219 of file

220 {
221 std::string name;
222 if (raw.GetMaxNumOfCh(0) <= 4) { // COPPER
223 int copper = ((raw.GetNodeID(0) >> 24) * 1000 + (raw.GetNodeID(0) & 0x3FF));
224 name = "frontend cpr" + std::to_string(copper) + char('a' + finesse);
225 } else { // PCIe40
226 int slot = (raw.GetNodeID(0) & 0xF) * 8 - 7 + finesse / 4;
227 name = (slot < 10) ? "boardstack s0" : "boardstack s";
228 name += std::to_string(slot) + char('a' + finesse % 4);
229 }
230 return name;
231 }

◆ getModuleID()

int getModuleID ( const Track track) const

Returns slot ID of the module that is hit by the track.

trackcharged track
slotID or 0 if track does not hit any module

Definition at line 515 of file

516 {
517 Const::EDetector myDetID = Const::EDetector::TOP;
518 int pdgCode = std::abs(Const::pion.getPDGCode());
520 RelationVector<ExtHit> extHits = track.getRelationsWith<ExtHit>();
521 for (const auto& extHit : extHits) {
522 if (std::abs(extHit.getPdgCode()) != pdgCode) continue;
523 if (extHit.getDetectorID() != myDetID) continue;
524 if (extHit.getCopyID() < 1 or extHit.getCopyID() > m_numModules) continue;
525 return extHit.getCopyID();
526 }
528 return 0;
529 }
Enum for identifying the detector components (detector and subdetector).
Definition: Const.h:42

◆ getMostProbable()

Const::ChargedStable getMostProbable ( const Track track)

Returns most probable charged stable particle according to dEdx and predefined prior probabilities.

trackreconstructed track
charged stable

Definition at line 564 of file

565 {
567 std::vector<double> logL;
568 std::vector<double> priors;
571 const auto* pid = track.getRelated<PIDLikelihood>();
572 if (not pid) {
574 return Const::pion;
575 }
576 auto subset = Const::PIDDetectorSet(Const::SVD);
577 subset += Const::PIDDetectorSet(Const::CDC);
578 for (const auto& type : Const::chargedStableSet) {
579 logL.push_back(pid->getLogL(type, subset));
580 priors.push_back(m_priors[abs(type.getPDGCode())]);
581 }
582 } else {
583 const auto* cdcdedx = track.getRelated<CDCDedxLikelihood>();
584 const auto* vxddedx = track.getRelated<VXDDedxLikelihood>();
585 if (not cdcdedx and not vxddedx) {
587 return Const::pion;
588 }
589 for (const auto& type : Const::chargedStableSet) {
590 if (cdcdedx and vxddedx) {
591 logL.push_back(cdcdedx->getLogL(type) + vxddedx->getLogL(type));
592 } else if (cdcdedx) {
593 logL.push_back(cdcdedx->getLogL(type));
594 } else {
595 logL.push_back(vxddedx->getLogL(type));
596 }
597 priors.push_back(m_priors[abs(type.getPDGCode())]);
598 }
599 }
601 // get maximal logL
602 auto logL_max = logL[0];
603 for (auto x : logL) {
604 if (x > logL_max) logL_max = x;
605 }
607 // calculate probabilities, normalizaton is not needed
608 std::vector<double> probability(logL.size());
609 for (unsigned i = 0; i < logL.size(); ++i) {
610 probability[i] = exp(logL[i] - logL_max) * priors[i];
611 }
613 // find most probable
614 unsigned i0 = 0;
615 for (unsigned i = 0; i < probability.size(); ++i) {
616 if (probability[i] > probability[i0]) i0 = i;
617 }
618 return;
620 }
const ParticleType & at(unsigned int index) const
Return particle at given index, or end() if out of range.
Definition: Const.h:549
RestrictedDetectorSet< PIDDetectors > PIDDetectorSet
Typedef for set of PID detectors.
Definition: Const.h:379
bool m_usePIDLikelihoods
if true, use PIDLikelihoods (only on cdst files)
std::map< int, double > m_priors
map of PDG codes to prior probabilities
std::bitset< max - min+1 > subset(std::bitset< nbits > set)
extract a subset of bitstring, like substring.
Definition: Cosim.h:120

◆ getReferenceTiming()

void getReferenceTiming ( )

Find reference timing.

In case that the waveform analysis is enabled, try to find a pair of calibration pulses and timing of the first one is used as reference timing for the correcponding asic. If not enabled, feature extracted timing for a calibration channel is used.

Definition at line 339 of file

340 {
341 static short globalRefAsic = m_globalRefAsicNum + 100 * m_globalRefSlotNum;
342 m_globalRefTime = -99999;
343 std::map<short, short> iRefHitMap;
344 for (int iHit = 0 ; iHit < m_nHit ; iHit++) {
345 if (!m_isCalCh[iHit]) continue;
346 short reducedPixelId = (m_pixelId[iHit] - 1) / 8 + 100 * m_slotNum[iHit];
347 if (iRefHitMap.count(reducedPixelId) > 0) continue;
349 if (!m_useDoublePulse) {
350 iRefHitMap[reducedPixelId] = iHit;
351 continue;
352 }
354 std::vector<short> iHitVec;
355 iHitVec.push_back(iHit);
356 for (int jHit = iHit + 1 ; jHit < m_nHit ; jHit++) {
357 short jReducedPixelId = (m_pixelId[jHit] - 1) / 8 + 100 * m_slotNum[jHit];
358 if (m_isCalCh[jHit] && jReducedPixelId == reducedPixelId) iHitVec.push_back(jHit);
359 }
361 int nCands = 0;
362 for (unsigned int iVec = 0 ; iVec < iHitVec.size() ; iVec++) {
363 int jHit = iHitVec[iVec];
364 for (unsigned int jVec = iVec + 1 ; jVec < iHitVec.size() ; jVec++) {
365 int kHit = iHitVec[jVec];
366 float timediff = m_time[kHit] - m_time[jHit];
370 if (nCands == 0) {
371 iRefHitMap[reducedPixelId] = jHit;
372 m_hitQuality[jHit] += 100;
373 m_hitQuality[kHit] += 200;
374 }
375 nCands++;
376 }
377 //in case jHit and kHit are not in time order (added at 28th Nov)
378 else if (timediff < 0 && m_height[kHit] > m_calibrationPulseThreshold1
381 if (nCands == 0) {
382 iRefHitMap[reducedPixelId] = kHit;
383 m_hitQuality[kHit] += 100;
384 m_hitQuality[jHit] += 200;
385 }
386 nCands++;
387 }//satisfy selection criteria for calibration signal
388 }
389 }//iVec (finish selecting a calibration signal candidate)
390 }
393 //loop all hits again to fill the array "refTime"
394 for (int iHit = 0 ; iHit < m_nHit ; iHit++) {
395 short reducedPixelId = (m_pixelId[iHit] - 1) / 8 + 100 * m_slotNum[iHit];
396 if (iRefHitMap.count(reducedPixelId) > 0) {
397 int iRef = iRefHitMap[reducedPixelId];
398 m_refTime[iHit] = m_time[iRef];
399 if (reducedPixelId == globalRefAsic) m_globalRefTime = m_time[iRef];
400 if (!m_isReallyJunk[iHit] && m_hitQuality[iRef] >= 100) {
401 m_hitQuality[iHit] += 10;
402 }
403 } else m_refTime[iHit] = -99999;
404 }
406 return;
407 }
bool m_useDoublePulse
set true when you require both of double calibration pulses for reference timing
float m_calibrationPulseInterval
nominal DeltaT value (time interval of two calibration signals) in a unit of ns
int m_globalRefSlotNum
slot number used to define "global" reference timing (a single reference timing in an event for all t...
float m_calibrationPulseIntervalRange
tolerable shift of DeltaT from its nominal before calibration in a unit of ns
float m_calibrationPulseThreshold2
minimum pulse height for the secon calibration pulse to be qualified as calibration signals
float m_calibrationPulseThreshold1
minimum pulse height for the first calibration pulse to be qualified as calibration signals
int m_globalRefAsicNum
asic number used to define "global" reference timing.

◆ getTimeOffset()

TOPDigitizerModule::TimeOffset getTimeOffset ( double  trgOffset,
int  moduleID,
int  pixelID 

Returns a complete time offset by adding time mis-calibration to trgOffset.

trgOffsettrigger related time offset
moduleIDslot ID
pixelIDpixel ID
time offset and its error squared

Definition at line 496 of file

499 {
500 double timeOffset = trgOffset;
501 double calErrorSq = 0;
502 int winShift = 0;
503 double timeShift = 0;
504 if (m_useDatabase) {
505 const auto& channelMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
506 auto channel = channelMapper.getChannel(pixelID);
507 if (m_channelT0->isCalibrated(moduleID, channel)) {
508 timeOffset += m_channelT0->getT0(moduleID, channel);
509 double err = m_channelT0->getT0Error(moduleID, channel);
510 calErrorSq += err * err;
511 }
512 auto asic = channel / 8;
513 if (m_asicShift->isCalibrated(moduleID, asic)) {
514 timeOffset += m_asicShift->getT0(moduleID, asic);
515 winShift = lround(m_asicShift->getT0(moduleID, asic) / m_syncTimeBase * 2);
516 timeShift = winShift * m_syncTimeBase / 2;
517 }
518 if (m_moduleT0->isCalibrated(moduleID)) {
519 timeOffset += m_moduleT0->getT0(moduleID);
520 double err = m_moduleT0->getT0Error(moduleID);
521 calErrorSq += err * err;
522 }
523 if (m_commonT0->isCalibrated()) {
524 timeOffset += m_commonT0->getT0();
525 double err = m_commonT0->getT0Error();
526 calErrorSq += err * err;
527 }
528 }
529 return TimeOffset(timeOffset, calErrorSq, winShift, timeShift);
530 }

◆ getTimeSeed()

TOPBunchFinderModule::TimeSeed getTimeSeed ( )

Returns a time seed.

time seed

Definition at line 643 of file

644 {
645 TimeSeed timeSeed; // default time seed; sigma == 0 signals that the seed is not given
647 if (m_HLTmode) return timeSeed;
648 if (m_autoRange) return timeSeed;
649 if (not m_useTimeSeed) return timeSeed;
650 if (not m_eventT0Offset.isValid()) return timeSeed;
652 for (auto detector : {Const::SVD, Const::CDC}) {
653 if (m_eventT0Offset->isAvailable(detector) and m_eventT0->hasTemporaryEventT0(detector)) {
654 auto eventT0s = m_eventT0->getTemporaryEventT0s(detector);
655 if (eventT0s.empty()) continue;
656 if (detector == Const::CDC and eventT0s.back().algorithm != "chi2") continue;
657 double t0 = eventT0s.back().eventT0;
658 if (std::abs(t0) > m_timeRangeCoarse / 2) continue;
659 timeSeed.t0 = m_isMC ? t0 : t0 - m_eventT0Offset->get(detector).offset;
660 timeSeed.sigma = m_eventT0Offset->get(detector).sigma;
661 timeSeed.detector = detector;
662 break;
663 }
664 }
666 return timeSeed;
667 }

◆ initialize() [1/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 90 of file

91 {
92 // data store objects registration
94 m_simCalPulses.isOptional();
96 // parameters check
97 if (m_wavelength < 150 or m_wavelength > 1000)
98 B2FATAL("Wavelength does not correspond to optical photons.");
99 if (m_na < 0 or m_na > 1)
100 B2FATAL("Numerical aperture must be between 0 and 1.");
101 if (m_minAlpha < 0)
102 B2FATAL("Minimum emission angle must be positive");
103 if (m_maxAlpha < 0)
104 B2FATAL("Maximum emission angle must be positive");
105 if (m_minAlpha >= m_maxAlpha)
106 B2FATAL("Minimum emission angle must me smaller than the maximum emission angle");
108 if (m_angularDistribution == string("uniform") or
109 m_angularDistribution == string("Lambertian") or
110 m_angularDistribution == string("Gaussian"))
111 B2INFO("Using the pre-defined angular distribution " << m_angularDistribution);
112 else {
113 B2INFO(m_angularDistribution << " is not a pre-defined distribution. "
114 << "Checking if it's a valid, positively-defined TFormula.");
115 TFormula testFormula("testFormula", m_angularDistribution.c_str());
116 int result = testFormula.Compile();
117 if (result != 0) {
118 B2FATAL(m_angularDistribution << " TFormula does not compile.");
119 }
120 double testPoint = m_minAlpha; // let's test if the function is postive defined everywhere
121 while (testPoint < m_maxAlpha) {
122 double value = testFormula.Eval(testPoint * Unit::deg);
123 if (value < 0) {
124 B2FATAL("The formula " << m_angularDistribution << " is not positively defined at the test point "
125 << testPoint << " deg (value = " << value << ")");
126 }
127 testPoint += (m_maxAlpha - m_minAlpha) / 100.;
128 }
129 m_customDistribution = new TF1("m_customDistribution", m_angularDistribution.c_str(), m_minAlpha * Unit::deg,
131 }
133 // set other private variables
138 EulerAngles ea(-m_phi * Unit::deg, -m_theta * Unit::deg, -m_psi * Unit::deg); // rotation of an object as in TRotation
139 m_transform = Transform3D(Rotation3D(ea), Translation3D(m_x, m_y, m_z)); // source positioning and elevation
140 if (m_slotID != 0) {
141 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
142 if (not geo->isModuleIDValid(m_slotID)) B2FATAL("Slot ID is not valid");
143 const auto& T = geo->getModule(m_slotID).getTransformation(); // slot to BelleII
145 }
147 }
double m_minAlpha
minimum emission angle
double m_wavelength
source wavelenght [nm]
double m_phi
first rotation angle (around z) [deg]
double m_x
source position in x
double m_theta
second rotation angle (around x) [deg]
double m_maxAlpha
maximum emission angle
double m_psi
third rotation angle (around z) [deg]
double m_z
source position in z
double m_y
source position in y
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
static const double c_hc
Planck constant times speed of light in [eV*nm].
static const double eV
Definition: Unit.h:112

◆ initialize() [2/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 87 of file

88 {
89 // check if target module ID is valid
91 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
92 if (not geo->isModuleIDValid(m_targetMid)) {
93 B2ERROR("Target module ID = " << m_targetMid << " is invalid.");
94 }
96 // check if sample type is valid
98 if (not(m_sample == "dimuon" or m_sample == "bhabha" or m_sample == "cosmics")) {
99 B2ERROR("Invalid sample type '" << m_sample << "'");
100 }
101 if (m_sample == "bhabha") m_chargedStable = Const::electron;
103 // set track selector
105 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
111 // set alignment object
116 for (const auto& parName : m_parFixed) {
117 m_align.fixParameter(parName);
118 }
120 // input
122 m_digits.isRequired();
123 m_tracks.isRequired();
124 m_extHits.isRequired();
125 m_recBunch.isOptional();
127 // open output file
129 m_file = TFile::Open(m_outFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
130 if (m_file->IsZombie()) {
131 B2FATAL("Couldn't open file '" << m_outFileName << "' for writing!");
132 return;
133 }
135 // create output tree
137 m_alignTree = new TTree("alignTree", "TOP alignment results");
138 m_alignTree->Branch("ModuleId", &m_targetMid);
139 m_alignTree->Branch("iter", &m_iter);
140 m_alignTree->Branch("ntrk", &m_ntrk);
141 m_alignTree->Branch("errorCode", &m_errorCode);
142 m_alignTree->Branch("iterPars", &m_vAlignPars);
143 m_alignTree->Branch("iterParsErr", &m_vAlignParsErr);
144 m_alignTree->Branch("valid", &m_valid);
145 m_alignTree->Branch("numPhot", &m_numPhot);
146 m_alignTree->Branch("x", &m_x);
147 m_alignTree->Branch("y", &m_y);
148 m_alignTree->Branch("z", &m_z);
149 m_alignTree->Branch("p", &m_p);
150 m_alignTree->Branch("theta", &m_theta);
151 m_alignTree->Branch("phi", &m_phi);
152 m_alignTree->Branch("r_poca", &m_pocaR);
153 m_alignTree->Branch("z_poca", &m_pocaZ);
154 m_alignTree->Branch("x_poca", &m_pocaX);
155 m_alignTree->Branch("y_poca", &m_pocaY);
156 m_alignTree->Branch("Ecms", &m_cmsE);
157 m_alignTree->Branch("charge", &m_charge);
158 m_alignTree->Branch("PDG", &m_PDG);
160 }
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
Definition: Const.h:659
double m_minMomentum
minimal track momentum if sample is "cosmics"
double m_dz
cut on POCA in z
std::vector< std::string > m_parFixed
names of parameters to be fixed
double m_stepTime
step size for t0
double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_stepPosition
step size for translations
double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_dr
cut on POCA in r
double m_stepAngle
step size for rotations
std::vector< double > m_parInit
initial parameter values
double m_deltaEcms
c.m.s energy window if sample is "dimuon" or "bhabha"
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits
std::string m_outFileName
Root output file name containing results.
std::string m_sample
sample type
void setModuleID(int moduleID)
Sets module ID.
void fixParameter(const std::string &name)
Fixes parameter with its name given as argument.
void setParameters(const std::vector< double > &parInit)
Sets initial values of parameters (overwrites current parameters!) Order is: translations in x,...
void setSteps(double position, double angle, double time)
Sets steps for numerical calculation of derivatives.
void setDeltaEcms(double deltaEcms)
Sets cut on c.m.s.
Definition: TrackSelector.h:63
void setMinMomentum(double minMomentum)
Sets momentum cut (used for "cosmics" only)
Definition: TrackSelector.h:57
void setCutOnPOCA(double dr, double dz)
Sets cut on point of closest approach to (0, 0, 0)
Definition: TrackSelector.h:70
void setCutOnLocalZ(double minZ, double maxZ)
Sets cut on local z coordinate (module frame) of the track extrapolated to TOP.
Definition: TrackSelector.h:81

◆ initialize() [3/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 115 of file

116 {
118 // CPU time start
120 // Initializing the output root file
121 m_rootFile = TFile::Open(m_OutputFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
122 origingamma = new TTree("origingamma", "tree");
123 originpe = new TTree("originpe", "tree2");
125 origingamma->Branch("x", &origingamma_x);
126 origingamma->Branch("y", &origingamma_y);
127 origingamma->Branch("z", &origingamma_z);
128 originpe->Branch("x", &originpe_x);
129 originpe->Branch("y", &originpe_y);
130 originpe->Branch("z", &originpe_z);
132 peflux = new TH1F("Photoelectron flux", "Photoelectron flux", 33, -11.25, 360);
133 nflux = new TH1F("Neutron flux", "Neutron flux", 33, -11.25, 360);
134 rdose = new TH1F("Radiation dose", "Radiation dose", 33, -11.25, 360);
135 zdist = new TH1F("Photoelectron origin", "Photoelectron origin", 200, -400, 400);
136 genergy = new TH1F("Energy distribution of photons", "Energy distribution of photons", 150, 0, 5);
137 genergy2 = new TH1F("Energy distribution of gammas", "Energy distribution of gammas", 500, 0, 5);
139 zdistg = new TH1F("Photoelectron flux z", "Photoelectron flux Z projection", 800, -400, 400);
140 originpt = new TH1F("P_t of origin electron", "P_t of origin electron", 300, 0.06, 0.14);
142 nflux_bar = new TH2F("Neutron flux on bar", "Neutron flux on bar", 32, -114.8, 211.5, 16, -0, 360);
143 gflux_bar = new TH2F("Gamma flux on bar", "Gamma flux on bar MHz/cm^{2}", 32, -114.8, 211.5, 16, -0, 360);
144 cflux_bar = new TH2F("Charged flux on bar", "Charged flux on bar MHz/cm^{2}", 32, -114.8, 211.5, 16, -0, 360);
146 norigin = new TH1F("neutron(BAR) origin", "neutron(BAR) origin", 200, -400, 400);
147 gorigin = new TH1F("gamma(BAR) origin", "gamma(BAR) origin", 200, -400, 400);
148 corigin = new TH1F("charged(BAR) origin", "charged(BAR) origin", 200, -400, 400);
150 nprim = new TH1F("neutron(BAR) primary", "neutron(BAR) primary", 200, -400, 400);
151 gprim = new TH1F("gamma(BAR) primary", "gamma(BAR) primary", 200, -400, 400);
152 cprim = new TH1F("charged(BAR) primary", "charged(BAR) primary", 200, -400, 400);
154 origin_zx = new TGraph();
155 origin_zy = new TGraph();
157 prim_zx = new TGraph();
158 prim_zy = new TGraph();
159 module_occupancy = new TGraph();
161 origin_zy->SetName("originZY");
162 origin_zx->SetName("originZX");
163 module_occupancy->SetName("occupancy");
165 const auto& geo = TOP::TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry()->getFrontEnd();
166 double S1 = geo.getFrontBoardWidth() * geo.getFrontBoardHeight();
167 double S2 = geo.getHVBoardWidth() * geo.getHVBoardLength();
168 double V1 = S1 * geo.getFrontBoardThickness();
169 double V2 = S2 * geo.getHVBoardThickness();
170 G4Material* material1 = geometry::Materials::get(geo.getFrontBoardMaterial());
171 if (!material1) B2FATAL("Material '" << geo.getFrontBoardMaterial() << "' not found");
172 G4Material* material2 = geometry::Materials::get(geo.getHVBoardMaterial());
173 if (!material2) B2FATAL("Material '" << geo.getHVBoardMaterial() << "' not found");
174 double density1 = material1->GetDensity() / CLHEP::kg * CLHEP::cm * CLHEP::cm * CLHEP::cm;
175 double density2 = material2->GetDensity() / CLHEP::kg * CLHEP::cm * CLHEP::cm * CLHEP::cm;
177 PCBarea = S1 + S2; // [cm^2], old value was: 496.725
178 PCBmass = V1 * density1 + V2 * density2; // [kg], old value was: 0.417249
180 yearns = 1.e13;
181 evtoJ = 1.60217653 * 1e-10;
182 mtoc = 1.97530864197531;
183 count = 0;
184 count_occ = 0;
186 origingamma_x = 0;
187 origingamma_y = 0;
188 origingamma_z = 0;
189 originpe_x = 0;
190 originpe_y = 0;
191 originpe_z = 0;
192 }
TFile * m_rootFile
root file for saving histograms
std::string m_OutputFileName
Output filename.
double getFrontBoardWidth() const
Returns front board width.
const TOPGeoFrontEnd & getFrontEnd() const
Returns front-end.
Definition: TOPGeometry.h:162
static G4Material * get(const std::string &name)
Find given material.
Definition: Materials.h:63

◆ initialize() [4/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 111 of file

112 {
113 // input collections
115 m_topDigits.isRequired();
116 m_topRawDigits.isOptional();
117 m_tracks.isRequired();
118 StoreArray<ExtHit> extHits;
119 extHits.isRequired();
120 m_initialParticles.isOptional();
122 if (m_useMCTruth) {
123 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
124 mcParticles.isRequired();
125 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> barHits;
126 barHits.isRequired();
127 } else {
129 StoreArray<PIDLikelihood> pidLikelihoods;
130 pidLikelihoods.isRequired();
131 } else {
132 StoreArray<CDCDedxLikelihood> cdcDedxLikelihoods;
133 cdcDedxLikelihoods.isRequired();
134 StoreArray<VXDDedxLikelihood> vxdDedxLikelihoods;
135 vxdDedxLikelihoods.isOptional();
136 }
137 }
139 // output
141 m_recBunch.registerInDataStore();
142 m_timeZeros.registerInDataStore();
143 m_timeZeros.registerRelationTo(extHits);
144 m_eventT0.registerInDataStore(); // usually it is already registered in tracking
146 // bunch separation in time
148 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
149 m_bunchTimeSep = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase() / m_bunchesPerSSTclk;
151 // prior probabilities: from generic BBbar simulation
152 // - MCParticles with reconstructed track and at least 5 detected Cherenkov photons
154 m_priors[11] = 0.062; // electrons
155 m_priors[13] = 0.086; // muons
156 m_priors[211] = 0.734; // pions
157 m_priors[321] = 0.106; // kaons
158 m_priors[2212] = 0.013; // protons
159 m_priors[1000010020] = 0; // deuterons
161 double s = 0;
162 for (const auto& prior : m_priors) s += prior.second;
163 for (auto& prior : m_priors) prior.second /= s;
165 if (not m_commonT0.isValid()) {
166 B2ERROR("Common T0 calibration payload requested but not available");
167 return;
168 }
170 /*************************************************************************
171 * auto detection of HLT/express reco mode via status of common T0 payload:
172 * c_Default -> HLT/express reco mode
173 * c_Calibrated -> data processing mode
174 * c_Unusable -> HLT/express reco mode
175 * c_roughlyCalibrated -> HLT/express reco mode
176 *************************************************************************/
178 if (m_commonT0->isCalibrated()) {
179 m_HLTmode = false;
180 m_runningOffset = 0; // since digits are already commonT0 calibrated
181 m_runningError = m_commonT0->getT0Error();
182 } else if (m_commonT0->isRoughlyCalibrated()) {
183 m_HLTmode = true;
184 m_runningOffset = m_commonT0->getT0(); // since digits are not commonT0 calibrated
185 m_runningError = m_commonT0->getT0Error();
186 } else {
187 m_HLTmode = true;
188 m_runningOffset = 0;
190 }
192 if (m_HLTmode) {
193 m_nTrackLimit = 0; // use single particle hypothesis to save execution time
194 B2INFO("TOPBunchFinder: running in HLT/express reco mode");
195 } else {
196 B2INFO("TOPBunchFinder: running in data processing mode");
197 }
199 }
int m_bunchesPerSSTclk
number of bunches per SST clock

◆ initialize() [5/33]

void initialize ( void  )

initialize method: registers datastore objects (the TOP hits)

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 47 of file

48 {
49 // register data objects
50 m_digits.isRequired();
51 m_eventAsicMask.isOptional();
52 }

◆ initialize() [6/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 76 of file

77 {
78 // input collections
79 m_digits.isRequired();
80 m_tracks.isRequired();
81 m_extHits.isRequired();
82 m_recBunch.isOptional();
84 // Parse PDF option
85 if (m_pdfOption == "rough") {
87 } else if (m_pdfOption == "fine") {
89 } else if (m_pdfOption == "optimal") {
91 } else {
92 B2ERROR("TOPPDFDebuggerModule: unknown PDF option '" << m_pdfOption << "'");
93 }
95 // set track selector
96 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
102 // minimum finders
103 double tmin = -m_timeRange / 2;
104 double tmax = m_timeRange / 2;
105 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
106 for (unsigned m = 0; m < c_numModules; m++) {
107 for (unsigned c = 0; c < c_numChannels; c++) {
108 m_finders[i][m][c] = Chi2MinimumFinder1D(m_numBins, tmin, tmax);
109 }
110 }
111 }
113 // if file name includes *'s replace them with a run number
114 auto pos = m_outFileName.find("*");
115 if (pos != std::string::npos) {
116 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
117 auto run = std::to_string(evtMetaData->getRun());
118 while (run.size() < 5) run = "0" + run;
119 while (pos != std::string::npos) {
120 m_outFileName.replace(pos, 1, run);
121 pos = m_outFileName.find("*");
122 }
123 }
125 // open root file for ntuple and histogram output
126 m_file = TFile::Open(m_outFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
127 if (not m_file) {
128 B2ERROR("Cannot open output file '" << m_outFileName << "'");
129 return;
130 }
132 // histograms
133 for (unsigned module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
134 int moduleID = module + 1;
136 std::string slotNum = std::to_string(moduleID);
137 if (moduleID < 10) slotNum = "0" + slotNum;
139 std::string name = "numHits_slot" + slotNum;
140 std::string title = "Number of hits per channel for slot " + slotNum;
141 TH1F h1(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_numChannels, 0, c_numChannels);
142 h1.SetXTitle("channel number");
143 h1.SetYTitle("hits per channel");
144 m_hits1D.push_back(h1);
146 name = "timeHits_slot" + slotNum;
147 title = "hit time vs. channel for slot " + slotNum;
148 TH2F h2(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_numChannels, 0, c_numChannels,
149 200, 0.0, 20.0);
150 h2.SetXTitle("channel number");
151 h2.SetYTitle("time [ns]");
152 m_hits2D.push_back(h2);
153 }
155 // create output tree
157 m_tree = new TTree("tree", "Channel T0 calibration results");
158 m_tree->Branch("slot", &m_moduleID);
159 m_tree->Branch("numPhotons", &m_numPhotons);
160 m_tree->Branch("x", &m_x);
161 m_tree->Branch("y", &m_y);
162 m_tree->Branch("z", &m_z);
163 m_tree->Branch("p", &m_p);
164 m_tree->Branch("theta", &m_theta);
165 m_tree->Branch("phi", &m_phi);
166 m_tree->Branch("r_poca", &m_pocaR);
167 m_tree->Branch("z_poca", &m_pocaZ);
168 m_tree->Branch("x_poca", &m_pocaX);
169 m_tree->Branch("y_poca", &m_pocaY);
170 m_tree->Branch("Ecms", &m_cmsE);
171 m_tree->Branch("charge", &m_charge);
172 m_tree->Branch("PDG", &m_PDG);
174 }
double m_minMomentum
minimal track momentum if sample is "cosmics"
int m_numBins
number of bins to which search region is divided
double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_deltaEcms
c.m.s energy window if sample is "dimuon" or "bhabha"
double m_timeRange
time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits
std::string m_outFileName
Root output file name containing results.
@ c_Optimal
y dependent only where necessary

◆ initialize() [7/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 56 of file

57 {
59 m_digits.isRequired();
61 }

◆ initialize() [8/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 73 of file

74 {
75 // input collections
76 m_digits.isRequired();
77 m_tracks.isRequired();
78 m_extHits.isRequired();
79 m_recBunch.isOptional();
81 // bunch separation in time
83 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
84 m_bunchTimeSep = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase() / 24;
86 // Parse PDF option
87 if (m_pdfOption == "rough") {
89 } else if (m_pdfOption == "fine") {
91 } else if (m_pdfOption == "optimal") {
93 } else {
94 B2ERROR("TOPPDFDebuggerModule: unknown PDF option '" << m_pdfOption << "'");
95 }
97 // set track selector
98 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
104 // Chi2 minimum finders
105 double tmin = -m_timeRange / 2;
106 double tmax = m_timeRange / 2;
107 for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_numSets; i++) {
108 m_finders[i] = Chi2MinimumFinder1D(m_numBins, tmin, tmax);
109 }
111 // if file name includes *'s replace them with a run number
112 auto pos = m_outFileName.find("*");
113 if (pos != std::string::npos) {
114 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
115 auto run = std::to_string(evtMetaData->getRun());
116 while (run.size() < 5) run = "0" + run;
117 while (pos != std::string::npos) {
118 m_outFileName.replace(pos, 1, run);
119 pos = m_outFileName.find("*");
120 }
121 }
123 // open root file for ntuple and histogram output
124 m_file = TFile::Open(m_outFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
125 if (not m_file) {
126 B2ERROR("Cannot open output file '" << m_outFileName << "'");
127 return;
128 }
130 // control histograms
131 m_hits1D = TH1F("numHits", "Number of photons per slot",
132 c_numModules, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5);
133 m_hits1D.SetXTitle("slot number");
134 m_hits1D.SetYTitle("hits per slot");
136 m_hits2D = TH2F("timeHits", "Photon times vs. boardstacks",
137 c_numModules * 4, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5, 200, 0.0, 20.0);
138 m_hits2D.SetXTitle("slot number");
139 m_hits2D.SetYTitle("time [ns]");
141 // create output tree
142 m_tree = new TTree("tree", "Channel T0 calibration results");
143 m_tree->Branch("slot", &m_moduleID);
144 m_tree->Branch("numPhotons", &m_numPhotons);
145 m_tree->Branch("x", &m_x);
146 m_tree->Branch("y", &m_y);
147 m_tree->Branch("z", &m_z);
148 m_tree->Branch("p", &m_p);
149 m_tree->Branch("theta", &m_theta);
150 m_tree->Branch("phi", &m_phi);
151 m_tree->Branch("r_poca", &m_pocaR);
152 m_tree->Branch("z_poca", &m_pocaZ);
153 m_tree->Branch("x_poca", &m_pocaX);
154 m_tree->Branch("y_poca", &m_pocaY);
155 m_tree->Branch("Ecms", &m_cmsE);
156 m_tree->Branch("charge", &m_charge);
157 m_tree->Branch("PDG", &m_PDG);
159 }
double m_minMomentum
minimal track momentum if sample is "cosmics"
int m_numBins
number of bins to which search region is divided
double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_deltaEcms
c.m.s energy window if sample is "dimuon" or "bhabha"
double m_timeRange
time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits
std::string m_outFileName
Root output file name containing results.
double m_bunchTimeSep
time between two bunches

◆ initialize() [9/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 78 of file

79 {
80 // input
82 StoreArray<TOPDigit> topDigits;
83 topDigits.isRequired();
85 StoreArray<Track> tracks;
86 tracks.isRequired();
88 StoreArray<ExtHit> extHits;
89 extHits.isRequired();
91 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> barHits;
92 barHits.isOptional();
94 // output
96 StoreArray<TOPTimeZero> timeZeros;
97 timeZeros.registerInDataStore();
98 timeZeros.registerRelationTo(tracks);
99 timeZeros.registerRelationTo(extHits);
100 timeZeros.registerRelationTo(barHits);
101 }

◆ initialize() [10/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 103 of file

104 {
105 // input from datastore
106 m_simHits.isRequired();
107 m_simCalPulses.isOptional();
109 m_simClockState.isOptional();
111 // output to datastore
112 m_rawDigits.registerInDataStore();
113 m_digits.registerInDataStore();
114 m_digits.registerRelationTo(m_simHits);
115 m_digits.registerRelationTo(m_mcParticles);
116 m_digits.registerRelationTo(m_rawDigits);
117 m_waveforms.registerInDataStore(DataStore::c_DontWriteOut);
118 m_rawDigits.registerRelationTo(m_waveforms, DataStore::c_Event,
121 // geometry and nominal data
122 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
124 if (m_electronicJitter < 0) {
125 m_electronicJitter = geo->getNominalTDC().getTimeJitter();
126 }
128 // set pile-up and double hit resolution times (needed for BG overlay)
129 TOPDigit::setDoubleHitResolution(geo->getNominalTDC().getDoubleHitResolution());
130 TOPDigit::setPileupTime(geo->getNominalTDC().getPileupTime());
132 // default sample times (equidistant)
133 m_syncTimeBase = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase();
134 m_sampleTimes.setTimeAxis(m_syncTimeBase); // equidistant time base
136 // default pulse height generator
137 m_pulseHeightGenerator = PulseHeightGenerator(m_ADCx0, m_ADCp1, m_ADCp2, m_ADCmax);
139 }
@ c_DontWriteOut
Object/array should be NOT saved by output modules.
Definition: DataStore.h:71
@ c_Event
Different object in each event, all objects/arrays are invalidated after event() function has been ca...
Definition: DataStore.h:59
bool isOptional(const std::string &name="")
Tell the DataStore about an optional input.
static void setDoubleHitResolution(double time)
Sets double hit resolution.
Definition: TOPDigit.h:87
static void setPileupTime(double time)
Sets pile-up time.
Definition: TOPDigit.h:93
double m_ADCx0
pulse height distribution parameter [ADC counts]
double m_ADCp2
pulse height distribution parameter, must be positive
double m_ADCp1
pulse height distribution parameter, must be non-negative
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_mcParticles
collection of MC particles
void setTimeAxis(double syncTimeBase)
Sets equidistant time axis (uncalibrated).

◆ initialize() [11/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 68 of file

69 {
70 // input
71 StoreArray<TOPRawWaveform> waveforms;
72 waveforms.isRequired();
74 // output
75 StoreArray<TOPTriggerDigit> digits;
76 digits.registerInDataStore();
77 digits.registerRelationTo(waveforms);
78 StoreObjPtr<TOPTriggerMCInfo> mcInfo;
79 mcInfo.registerInDataStore();
81 if (m_samplingPhase < 0 or m_samplingPhase >= c_SamplingCycle)
82 B2ERROR("samplingPhase must be positive and less than " << c_SamplingCycle);
84 }

◆ initialize() [12/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 68 of file

69 {
70 // Output
72 m_calPulses.registerInDataStore();
74 // prepare vectors to loop on
76 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
78 if (m_moduleIDs.empty()) {
79 for (const auto& module : geo->getModules()) {
80 m_moduleIDs.push_back(module.getModuleID());
81 }
82 } else {
83 for (auto moduleID : m_moduleIDs) {
84 if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID))
85 B2ERROR("Invalid module ID found in input list: " << moduleID);
86 }
87 }
89 if (m_asicChannels.empty()) {
90 for (unsigned ch = 0; ch < 8; ch++) m_asicChannels.push_back(ch);
91 } else {
92 for (unsigned ch : m_asicChannels) {
93 if (ch > 7)
94 B2ERROR("Invalid ASIC channel found in input list: " << ch);
95 }
96 }
98 }

◆ initialize() [13/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 90 of file

91 {
92 // Output
94 StoreArray<TOPDigit> digits;
95 digits.registerInDataStore();
97 // prepare vectors to loop on
99 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
101 if (m_moduleIDs.empty()) {
102 for (const auto& module : geo->getModules()) {
103 m_moduleIDs.push_back(module.getModuleID());
104 }
105 } else {
106 for (auto moduleID : m_moduleIDs) {
107 if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(moduleID))
108 B2ERROR("Invalid module ID found in input list: " << moduleID);
109 }
110 }
112 if (m_asicChannels.empty()) {
113 for (unsigned ch = 0; ch < 8; ch++) m_asicChannels.push_back(ch);
114 } else {
115 for (unsigned ch : m_asicChannels) {
116 if (ch > 7)
117 B2ERROR("Invalid ASIC channel found in input list: " << ch);
118 }
119 }
121 // set sample times
123 double syncTimeBase = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase();
124 m_sampleTimes.setTimeAxis(syncTimeBase); // equidistant
125 m_sampleDivisions = (0x1 << geo->getNominalTDC().getSubBits());
127 if (m_useDatabase) {
128 m_timebase = new DBObjPtr<TOPCalTimebase>;
129 } else if (m_sampleTimeIntervals.empty()) {
130 B2INFO("TOPDoublePulseGenerator: using equidistant sample times");
131 } else if (m_sampleTimeIntervals.size() == 256) {
132 std::vector<double> timeAxis;
133 timeAxis.push_back(0);
134 for (auto dt : m_sampleTimeIntervals) timeAxis.push_back(dt + timeAxis.back());
135 double rescale = 2 * syncTimeBase / timeAxis.back();
136 for (auto& t : timeAxis) t *= rescale;
137 m_sampleTimes.setTimeAxis(timeAxis, syncTimeBase); // given by steering
138 B2INFO("TOPDoublePulseGenerator: using sample times from steering");
139 } else {
140 B2ERROR("sampleTimeIntervals: size must be 256 or empty");
141 }
145 }
std::vector< double > m_sampleTimeIntervals
sample time intervals
DBObjPtr< TOPCalTimebase > * m_timebase
sample times from database
int m_sampleDivisions
number of sample divisions (from NominalTDC)
std::string m_outputFileName
if given, store sample times as root histograms
void storeSampleTimes(std::string fileName)
Optionally store sample times used by the generator as root histograms fileName root output file name...

◆ initialize() [14/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

better use isRequired(), but RawFTSW is not in sim

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 291 of file

292 {
293 // Register histograms (calls back defineHisto)
297 // register dataobjects
299 m_rawFTSWs.isOptional();
300 m_digits.isRequired();
301 m_recBunch.isOptional();
302 m_timeZeros.isOptional();
303 m_tracks.isOptional();
305 }

◆ initialize() [15/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Load time vs charge 2D histogram from a given input file (paramter "inputFile") and prepare hit timing and pulse charge distribution for each channel.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 85 of file

86 {
88 }

◆ initialize() [16/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 94 of file

95 {
98 StoreArray<TOPDigit> digits;
99 digits.isRequired();
100 }

◆ initialize() [17/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 53 of file

54 {
55 auto* gp = TOPGeometryPar::Instance();
56 if (gp->isValid()) {
57 B2WARNING("TOPGeometryPar has already been initialized");
58 return;
59 }
61 if (m_useDB) {
62 gp->Initialize();
63 } else {
64 bool found = false;
65 GearDir detectorDir("/Detector");
66 for (const GearDir& component : detectorDir.getNodes("DetectorComponent")) {
67 if (component.getString("@name") == "TOP") {
68 gp->Initialize(GearDir(component, "Content"));
69 found = true;
70 break;
71 }
72 }
73 if (not found) B2ERROR("Component TOP does not exist or is empty");
74 }
76 }
bool m_useDB
If true load the Geometry from the database instead of gearbox.

◆ initialize() [18/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 80 of file

81 {
84 StoreArray<RawTOP> rawTOPs;
85 rawTOPs.isRequired();
86 StoreArray<TOPRawDigit> rawDigits;
87 rawDigits.isRequired();
88 StoreArray<TOPDigit> digits;
89 digits.isRequired();
90 StoreArray<TOPInterimFEInfo> infos;
91 infos.isRequired();
92 StoreArray<TOPProductionEventDebug> prodDebugs;
93 prodDebugs.isRequired();
94 StoreArray<TOPRawWaveform> waveforms;
95 waveforms.isRequired();
96 }

◆ initialize() [19/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 75 of file

76 {
77 B2WARNING("You are using an old version of the laser fitter, now deprecated. This module has been superseded by the CAF collector TOPLaserCalibratorCollector and the CAF fitter TOPLocalCalFitter.");
78 m_digits.isRequired();
79 }

◆ initialize() [20/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 61 of file

62 {
64 // input
66 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
67 mcParticles.isRequired();
69 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> barHits;
70 barHits.isRequired();
72 // output
74 StoreArray<Track> tracks;
75 tracks.registerInDataStore();
77 StoreArray<TrackFitResult> fitResults;
78 fitResults.registerInDataStore();
80 StoreArray<ExtHit> extHits;
81 extHits.registerInDataStore();
83 tracks.registerRelationTo(mcParticles);
84 tracks.registerRelationTo(extHits);
86 }

◆ initialize() [21/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 72 of file

73 {
74 // input collections
75 m_digits.isRequired();
76 m_tracks.isRequired();
77 m_extHits.isRequired();
78 m_recBunch.isOptional();
80 // toggle has changed status to prevent warning in beginRun for the first IOV
81 m_moduleT0.hasChanged();
83 // Parse PDF option
84 if (m_pdfOption == "rough") {
86 } else if (m_pdfOption == "fine") {
88 } else if (m_pdfOption == "optimal") {
90 } else {
91 B2ERROR("TOPPDFDebuggerModule: unknown PDF option '" << m_pdfOption << "'");
92 }
94 // set track selector
95 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
101 // Chi2 minimum finders
102 double tmin = -m_timeRange / 2;
103 double tmax = m_timeRange / 2;
104 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
105 for (unsigned m = 0; m < c_numModules; m++) {
106 m_finders[i][m] = Chi2MinimumFinder1D(m_numBins, tmin, tmax);
107 }
108 }
110 // if file name includes *'s replace them with a run number
111 auto pos = m_outFileName.find("*");
112 if (pos != std::string::npos) {
113 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
114 auto run = std::to_string(evtMetaData->getRun());
115 while (run.size() < 5) run = "0" + run;
116 while (pos != std::string::npos) {
117 m_outFileName.replace(pos, 1, run);
118 pos = m_outFileName.find("*");
119 }
120 }
122 // open root file for ntuple and histogram output
123 m_file = TFile::Open(m_outFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
124 if (not m_file) {
125 B2ERROR("Cannot open output file '" << m_outFileName << "'");
126 return;
127 }
129 // histograms
130 m_hits1D = TH1F("numHits", "Number of photons per slot",
131 c_numModules, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5);
132 m_hits1D.SetXTitle("slot number");
133 m_hits1D.SetYTitle("hits per slot");
135 m_hits2D = TH2F("timeHits", "Photon times vs. boardstacks",
136 c_numModules * 4, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5, 200, 0.0, 20.0);
137 m_hits2D.SetXTitle("slot number");
138 m_hits2D.SetYTitle("time [ns]");
140 // create output tree
141 m_tree = new TTree("tree", "Channel T0 calibration results");
142 m_tree->Branch("slot", &m_moduleID);
143 m_tree->Branch("numPhotons", &m_numPhotons);
144 m_tree->Branch("x", &m_x);
145 m_tree->Branch("y", &m_y);
146 m_tree->Branch("z", &m_z);
147 m_tree->Branch("p", &m_p);
148 m_tree->Branch("theta", &m_theta);
149 m_tree->Branch("phi", &m_phi);
150 m_tree->Branch("r_poca", &m_pocaR);
151 m_tree->Branch("z_poca", &m_pocaZ);
152 m_tree->Branch("x_poca", &m_pocaX);
153 m_tree->Branch("y_poca", &m_pocaY);
154 m_tree->Branch("Ecms", &m_cmsE);
155 m_tree->Branch("charge", &m_charge);
156 m_tree->Branch("PDG", &m_PDG);
158 }
double m_minMomentum
minimal track momentum if sample is "cosmics"
int m_numBins
number of bins to which search region is divided
double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_deltaEcms
c.m.s energy window if sample is "dimuon" or "bhabha"
double m_timeRange
time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits
std::string m_outFileName
Root output file name containing results.

◆ initialize() [22/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 72 of file

73 {
74 TDirectory::TContext context;
75 m_file = TFile::Open(m_outputFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
76 if (m_file->IsZombie()) {
77 B2FATAL("Couldn't open file '" << m_outputFileName << "' for writing!");
78 return;
79 }
81 m_tree = new TTree("top", "TOP validation ntuple");
83 m_tree->Branch("evt", &m_top.evt, "evt/I");
84 m_tree->Branch("run", &, "run/I");
86 m_tree->Branch("p", &m_top.p, "p/F");
87 m_tree->Branch("cth", &m_top.cth, "cth/F");
88 m_tree->Branch("phi", &m_top.phi, "phi/F");
89 m_tree->Branch("pValue", &m_top.pValue, "pValue/F");
91 m_tree->Branch("PDG", &m_top.PDG, "PDG/I");
92 m_tree->Branch("motherPDG", &m_top.motherPDG, "motherPDG/I");
93 m_tree->Branch("primary", &m_top.primary, "primary/S");
94 m_tree->Branch("seen", &m_top.seen, "seen/S");
95 m_tree->Branch("rhoProd", &m_top.rhoProd, "rhoProd/F");
96 m_tree->Branch("zProd", &m_top.zProd, "zProd/F");
97 m_tree->Branch("phiProd", &m_top.phiProd, "phiProd/F");
98 m_tree->Branch("rhoDec", &m_top.rhoDec, "rhoDec/F");
99 m_tree->Branch("zDec", &m_top.zDec, "zDec/F");
100 m_tree->Branch("phiDec", &m_top.phiDec, "phiDec/F");
101 m_tree->Branch("yieldMC", &m_top.yieldMC, "yieldMC/I");
103 m_tree->Branch("numPhot", &m_top.numPhot, "numPhot/I");
104 m_tree->Branch("numBkg", &m_top.numBkg, "numBkg/F");
105 m_tree->Branch("moduleID", &m_top.moduleID, "moduleID/I");
106 m_tree->Branch("phot", &m_top.phot, "e/F:mu:pi:K:p:d");
107 m_tree->Branch("yield", &m_top.yield, "e/F:mu:pi:K:p:d");
108 m_tree->Branch("logL", &m_top.logL, "e/F:mu:pi:K:p:d");
110 m_tree->Branch("extHit", &m_top.extHit, "moduleID/I:PDG:x/F:y:z:p:theta:phi:time");
111 m_tree->Branch("barHit", &m_top.barHit, "moduleID/I:PDG:x/F:y:z:p:theta:phi:time");
113 StoreArray<Track> tracks;
114 tracks.isRequired();
115 StoreArray<ExtHit> extHits;
116 extHits.isRequired();
117 StoreArray<TOPLikelihood> likelihoods;
118 likelihoods.isRequired();
119 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
120 mcParticles.isOptional();
121 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> barHits;
122 barHits.isOptional();
123 StoreObjPtr<MCInitialParticles> mcInitialParticles;
124 mcInitialParticles.isOptional();
125 }
std::string m_outputFileName
output file name (root file)
Likelihoods logL
log likelihoods
Int_t numPhot
number of detected photons
Int_t moduleID
module ID from TOPLikelihoods
Likelihoods yield
effective signal yields by sPlot
Float_t numBkg
number of expected background photons
Likelihoods phot
number of expected photons (signal + bkg)
Int_t yieldMC
signal yield MC truth

◆ initialize() [23/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 70 of file

71 {
73 if (m_format == "draft") {
74 m_dataType = TOP::RawDataType::c_Draft;
75 StoreArray<TOPDigit> digits(m_inputDigitsName);
76 digits.isRequired();
77 } else if (m_format == "FE") {
78 m_dataType = TOP::RawDataType::c_Type0Ver16;
79 StoreArray<TOPRawDigit> rawDigits(m_inputRawDigitsName);
80 rawDigits.isRequired();
81 } else if (m_format == "production") {
82 m_dataType = TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug01;
83 StoreArray<TOPRawDigit> rawDigits(m_inputRawDigitsName);
84 rawDigits.isRequired();
85 } else {
86 B2ERROR("TOPPacker: unknown data format."
87 << LogVar("format", m_format));
88 }
90 StoreArray<RawTOP> rawData(m_outputRawDataName);
91 rawData.registerInDataStore();
93 // check if front end mappings are available
94 const auto& mapper = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper();
95 if (!mapper.isValid()) B2ERROR("No front-end mapping available for TOP");
97 }
std::string m_format
data format
std::string m_inputDigitsName
name of TOPDigit store array
std::string m_outputRawDataName
name of RawTOP store array
std::string m_inputRawDigitsName
name of TOPRawDigit store array
TOP::TOPGeometryPar * m_topgp

◆ initialize() [24/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 96 of file

97 {
98 // Register histograms (calls back defineHisto)
101 // input
103 m_digits.isRequired();
104 m_tracks.isRequired();
106 StoreArray<ExtHit> extHits;
107 extHits.isRequired();
109 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
110 mcParticles.isRequired();
112 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> barHits;
113 barHits.isRequired();
115 }

◆ initialize() [25/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 72 of file

73 {
74 // input
75 m_digits.isRequired();
76 m_tracks.isRequired();
78 StoreArray<ExtHit> extHits;
79 extHits.isRequired();
81 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
82 mcParticles.isOptional();
84 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> barHits;
85 barHits.isOptional();
87 // output
88 m_pdfCollection.registerInDataStore();
89 m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_pdfCollection);
90 m_associatedPDFs.registerInDataStore();
91 m_digits.registerRelationTo(m_associatedPDFs);
92 m_pixelData.registerInDataStore();
93 m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_pixelData);
95 // particle hypotheses
96 if (m_pdgCodes.empty()) {
97 for (const auto& part : Const::chargedStableSet) {
98 m_chargedStables.push_back(part);
99 }
100 } else {
101 for (auto pdg : m_pdgCodes) {
102 auto part = Const::ChargedStable(abs(pdg)); //throws runtime error for invalid pdg
103 m_chargedStables.push_back(part);
104 }
105 }
107 // Parse PDF option
108 if (m_pdfOption == "rough") {
110 } else if (m_pdfOption == "fine") {
112 } else if (m_pdfOption == "optimal") {
114 } else {
115 B2ERROR("TOPPDFDebuggerModule: unknown PDF option '" << m_pdfOption << "'");
116 }
118 }
std::vector< int > m_pdgCodes
particle codes
std::string m_pdfOption
PDF option name.

◆ initialize() [26/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 114 of file

115 {
117 // registration of objects in datastore
119 m_eventDebugs.isOptional();
120 m_digits.registerInDataStore(m_outputDigitsName);
121 m_digits.registerRelationTo(m_rawDigits);
122 m_asicMask.registerInDataStore();
124 // equidistant sample times in case calibration is not required
125 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
126 m_syncTimeBase = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase();
129 }
std::string m_outputDigitsName
name of TOPDigit store array
std::string m_inputRawDigitsName
name of TOPRawDigit store array

◆ initialize() [27/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 69 of file

70 {
71 // input
74 m_tracks.isRequired();
75 m_extHits.isRequired();
76 m_barHits.isOptional();
77 m_recBunch.isOptional();
79 // output
82 m_likelihoods.registerRelationTo(m_extHits);
83 m_likelihoods.registerRelationTo(m_barHits);
84 m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_likelihoods);
88 }
std::string m_topLikelihoodCollectionName
name of the collection of created TOPLikelihoods
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits
StoreArray< TOPBarHit > m_barHits
collection of MCParticle hits at TOP
std::string m_topPullCollectionName
name of the collection of created TOPPulls

◆ initialize() [28/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the module.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 336 of file

337 {
339 }

◆ initialize() [29/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 106 of file

107 {
109 // input
110 m_digits.isRequired();
112 // checks
113 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
114 if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(m_moduleID))
115 B2ERROR("Invalid module ID: " << m_moduleID);
117 // check for existance and mkdir if not
118 if (m_directoryName.empty()) m_directoryName = "./";
119 if (m_directoryName != "./") gSystem->mkdir(m_directoryName.c_str(), kTRUE);
121 // synchronization time corresponding to two ASIC windows
122 m_syncTimeBase = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase();
124 // control histograms
125 m_goodHits = TH2F("goodHits", "pulse height vs. pulse width of all good hits",
126 100, 0, 10, 100, 0, 2000);
127 m_goodHits.SetXTitle("pulse width (FWHM) [ns]");
128 m_goodHits.SetYTitle("pulse height [ADC counts]");
129 m_calPulseFirst = TH2F("calPulseFirst",
130 "pulse height vs. pulse width of the first calibration pulse",
131 100, 0, 10, 100, 0, 2000);
132 m_calPulseFirst.SetXTitle("pulse width (FWHM) [ns]");
133 m_calPulseFirst.SetYTitle("pulse height [ADC counts]");
134 m_calPulseSecond = TH2F("calPulseSecond",
135 "pulse height vs. pulse width of the second calibration pulse",
136 100, 0, 10, 100, 0, 2000);
137 m_calPulseSecond.SetXTitle("pulse width (FWHM) [ns]");
138 m_calPulseSecond.SetYTitle("pulse height [ADC counts]");
140 }
std::string m_directoryName
directory name for the output root files

◆ initialize() [30/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 71 of file

72 {
74 // registration of objects in datastore
75 m_digits.isRequired();
76 m_recBunch.isRequired();
78 // equidistant sample times in case calibration is not required
79 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
80 m_syncTimeBase = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase();
83 }

◆ initialize() [31/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 82 of file

83 {
85 // input
87 m_rawData.isRequired(m_inputRawDataName);
89 // output
91 m_digits.registerInDataStore(m_outputDigitsName);
92 m_rawDigits.registerInDataStore(m_outputRawDigitsName);
93 m_slowData.registerInDataStore();
106 // check if front end mappings are available
107 const auto& mapper = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper();
108 int mapSize = mapper.getMapSize();
109 if (mapSize == 0) B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: No front-end mapping available for TOP");
111 }
std::string m_outputRawDigitsName
name of TOPRawDigit store array
std::string m_outputWaveformsName
name of TOPRawWaveform store array
std::string m_outputDigitsName
name of TOPDigit store array
std::string m_inputRawDataName
name of RawTOP store array
std::string m_templateFitResultName
name of TOPTemplateFitResult store array
TOP::TOPGeometryPar * m_topgp
geometry param
int getMapSize() const
Return size of the map.

◆ initialize() [32/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Initialize the Module.

This method is called at the beginning of data processing.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 70 of file

71 {
73 StoreArray<TOPRawDigit> rawDigits(m_inputRawDigitsName);
74 rawDigits.isRequired();
76 }

◆ initialize() [33/33]

void initialize ( void  )

Module initialization, calls defineHisto and gets waveform.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 72 of file

73 {
74 // Register histograms (calls back defineHisto)
76 //Get Waveform from datastore
77 m_waveform.isRequired();
78 }

◆ isBucketFilled()

bool isBucketFilled ( int  bunchNo)

Does reconstructed bunch number correspond to filled bucket.

bunchNoreconstructed relative bunch number
true if filled

Definition at line 670 of file

671 {
672 // return true if needed information is not available
674 if (not m_bunchStructure->isSet()) return true;
675 if (m_revo9Counter == 0xFFFF) return true;
677 // fill pattern offset; it is always zero on MC.
679 int offset = 0;
680 if (not m_isMC) {
681 if (not m_fillPatternOffset.isValid()) return true;
682 if (not m_fillPatternOffset->isCalibrated()) return true;
683 offset = m_fillPatternOffset->get();
684 }
686 // corresponding bucket number and fill status
688 int RFBuckets = m_bunchStructure->getRFBucketsPerRevolution();
689 int bucket = TOPRecBunch::getBucketNumber(bunchNo, m_revo9Counter, offset, RFBuckets);
690 bool isFilled = m_bunchStructure->getBucket(bucket);
692 // store them in TOPRecBunch
694 m_recBunch->setBucketNumber(bucket);
695 m_recBunch->setBucketFillStatus(isFilled);
697 return isFilled;
698 }
int getBucketNumber() const
Returns reconstructed bucket number stored in private member.
Definition: TOPRecBunch.h:188

◆ isFromThisParticle()

bool isFromThisParticle ( const TOPDigit digit,
const MCParticle particle 

Checks if digit comes from given MC particle.

digitTOP digit
particleMC particle

Definition at line 207 of file

209 {
210 const auto particles = digit.getRelationsWith<MCParticle>();
211 for (unsigned i = 0; i < particles.size(); ++i) {
212 if (particles[i] == particle and particles.weight(i) > 0) return true;
213 }
214 return false;
215 }

◆ isInsideSlit()

bool isInsideSlit ( const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint &  point,
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &  direction 
) const

Checks if photon passes the slit.

pointphoton emission point
directionphoton emission direction
true on success

Definition at line 218 of file

220 {
221 if (m_slitZ < 0.01) return true; // no screen with a slit is put infront of a source
222 if (direction.Z() < 1.0e-6) return false; // must fly toward the slit
224 double pathLength = (m_slitZ - point.Z()) / direction.Z();
225 if (m_slitDX > 0) {
226 double x = point.X() + pathLength * direction.X();
227 if (abs(x - m_slitX0) > m_slitDX / 2.0) return false;
228 }
229 if (m_slitDY > 0) {
230 double y = point.Y() + pathLength * direction.Y();
231 if (abs(y - m_slitY0) > m_slitDY / 2.0) return false;
232 }
234 return true;
235 }
double m_slitZ
slit distance from source
double m_slitDX
slit size in x
double m_slitDY
slit size in y
double m_slitX0
slit x-offset in respect to source
double m_slitY0
slit y-offset in respect to source

◆ isRunningOffsetSubtracted() [1/2]

bool isRunningOffsetSubtracted ( )

Checks if running offset is subtracted in TOPDigits.

true if subtracted at least in one digit

Definition at line 305 of file

306 {
307 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
308 if (digit.hasStatus(TOPDigit::c_BunchOffsetSubtracted)) return true;
309 }
310 return false;
311 }

◆ isRunningOffsetSubtracted() [2/2]

bool isRunningOffsetSubtracted ( )

Checks if running offset is subtracted in TOPDigits.

true if subtracted at least in one digit

Definition at line 333 of file

334 {
335 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
336 if (digit.hasStatus(TOPDigit::c_BunchOffsetSubtracted)) return true;
337 }
338 return false;
339 }

◆ Iteration()

void Iteration ( const std::vector< TwoTimes > &  ntuple,
std::vector< double > &  xval 

Iteration function called by iterativeTBC()

ntuplentuple data
xvalTBC constants of 256 samples, time interval is the difference of nearby xvals, xval[0]=0 and xval[256]=2*m_syncTimeBase

Definition at line 623 of file

624 {
625 for (int i = 0; i < c_TimeAxisSize; i++) {
626 double wdth = xval[i + 1] - xval[i];
627 if (wdth < m_min_binwidth) {
628 xval[i] = xval[i] - 0.5 * fabs(wdth) - 0.5 * m_min_binwidth;
629 xval[i + 1] = xval[i + 1] + 0.5 * fabs(wdth) + 0.5 * m_min_binwidth;
630 }
631 if (wdth > m_max_binwidth) {
632 xval[i] = xval[i] - 0.5 * fabs(wdth) - 0.5 * m_max_binwidth;
633 xval[i + 1] = xval[i + 1] + 0.5 * fabs(wdth) + 0.5 * m_max_binwidth;
634 }
635 }
637 if (xval[0] != 0)
638 for (int i = 0; i < c_TimeAxisSize; i++) xval[i] = xval[i] - xval[0];
640 std::vector<double> xxval(c_TimeAxisSize + 1, 0.0);
641 for (int i = 0; i < c_TimeAxisSize + 1; i++) xxval[i] = xval[i];
643 double chi2_0 = Chisq(ntuple, xxval);
644 if (chi2_0 < 0) B2ERROR("iTBC chisq_0<0! xval has problem.");
646 std::vector<double> dr_chi2(c_TimeAxisSize + 1, 0.0);
647 TH1D hdrsamp_try("hdrsamp_try", "dchi2/dx distribution", 100, -0.01, 0.01);
649 for (int smp = 1; smp < c_TimeAxisSize; smp++) {
650 xxval[smp] = xval[smp] + m_dev_step;
651 double chi2_ch = Chisq(ntuple, xxval);
652 if (chi2_ch < 0)continue;
653 dr_chi2[smp] = (chi2_ch - chi2_0) / m_dev_step;
654 hdrsamp_try.Fill(dr_chi2[smp]);
655 xxval[smp] = xval[smp];
656 }
658 for (int smp = 1; smp < c_TimeAxisSize; smp++) {
659 double vx_it_step = dr_chi2[smp] * m_xstep;
660 xval[smp] = xval[smp] - vx_it_step;
661 }
663 //save rms of dchi2/dxval.
664 m_dchi2dxv = hdrsamp_try.GetRMS();
665 //change m_xstep
667 }
double m_xstep
unit for an interation of delta(X_s)
double m_min_binwidth
minimum time interval of one sample
double m_new_xstep
m_xstep = m_new_xstep if m_dchi2dxv < m_change_step
double m_dev_step
a step size to calculate the value of d(chisq)/dxval
double m_dchi2dxv
rms of 255 dchi2/dxval values
double m_max_binwidth
maximum time interval of one sample
double m_change_xstep
update m_xstep if m_dchi2dxv < m_change_step
double Chisq(const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, const std::vector< double > &xxval)
Return the chisqure of one set of TBC constants (xval) in iTBC calculaton.

◆ iterativeTBC()

bool iterativeTBC ( const std::vector< TwoTimes > &  ntuple,
unsigned  scrodID,
unsigned  scrodChannel,
double  meanTimeDifference,
TH1F &  Hchi2,
TH1F &  Hndf,
TH1F &  HDeltaT 

Method by iteration of chi2 minimization.

ntuplentuple data
scrodChannelchannel number within SCROD (0 - 127)
meanTimeDifferenceaverage time difference [samples]
Hchi2histogram to store normalized chi^2
Hndfhistogram to store degrees of freedom
HDeltaThistogram to store fittet double pulse delay
true on success

Definition at line 538 of file

543 {
544 std::vector<double> xval(c_TimeAxisSize + 1, 0.0);
545 double wx = 2 * m_syncTimeBase / static_cast<double>(c_TimeAxisSize);
546 for (int i = 0; i < c_TimeAxisSize + 1; i++) xval[i] = i * wx;
548 B2INFO("TimeBaseCalibration starts for channel#" << chan);
550 double pre_chi2 = 10000000.0;
551 unsigned num_small_dev = 0;
553 for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_numIterations; j++) {
555 Iteration(ntuple, xval);
556 double this_chi2 = Chisq(ntuple, xval);
557 if (this_chi2 < 0)continue;
558 double deltaChi2 = pre_chi2 - this_chi2;
559 if (deltaChi2 < -m_dchi2_min) break;
560 if (fabs(deltaChi2) < m_deltamin) num_small_dev++;
561 if (num_small_dev > m_conv_iter) break;
562 pre_chi2 = this_chi2;
563 }
565 // calculate chi^2
567 double chi2 = Chisq(ntuple, xval);
568 Hchi2.SetBinContent(chan + 1, chi2);
569 Hndf.SetBinContent(chan + 1, m_good);
571 // constrain sum of x to 2*syncTimeBase and calculate sample times, not necessary here
573 double sum = 0;
574 for (auto xi : xval) sum += xi;
575 if (sum == 0) {
576 B2ERROR("sum == 0");
577 return false;
578 }
580 double DeltaT = meanTimeDifference * (2 * m_syncTimeBase / static_cast<double>(c_TimeAxisSize));
581 HDeltaT.SetBinContent(chan + 1, DeltaT);
583 std::vector<double> timeInterval;
584 for (int i = 0; i < c_TimeAxisSize; i++)timeInterval.push_back(xval[i + 1] - xval[i]);
587 std::vector<double> sampleTimes;
588 for (auto xi : xval) sampleTimes.push_back(xi);
590 // save results as histograms
591 std::string forWhat = "scrod " + to_string(scrodID) + " channel " + to_string(chan);
592 saveAsHistogram(timeInterval, "dt_ch" + to_string(chan), "Sample time bins for " + forWhat,
593 "sample number", "#Delta t [ns]");
594 saveAsHistogram(sampleTimes, "sampleTimes_ch" + to_string(chan),
595 "Time base corrections for " + forWhat, "sample number", "t [ns]");
597 // calibrated cal pulse time difference
598 std::string name = "timeDiffcal_ch" + to_string(chan);
599 std::string title = "Calibrated cal pulse time difference vs. sample for " + forWhat;
600 TH2F Hcor(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_TimeAxisSize, 0, c_TimeAxisSize,
601 100, DeltaT - 0.5, DeltaT + 0.5);
602 Hcor.SetXTitle("sample number");
603 Hcor.SetYTitle("time difference [ns]");
604 Hcor.SetStats(kTRUE);
606 TOPSampleTimes timeBase;
607 timeBase.setTimeAxis(sampleTimes, sampleTimes.back() / 2);
609 for (const auto& twoTimes : ntuple) {
610 if (!twoTimes.good) continue;
611 double dt = timeBase.getDeltaTime(0, twoTimes.t2, twoTimes.t1);
612 int sample = int(twoTimes.t1) % c_TimeAxisSize;
613 Hcor.Fill(sample, dt);
614 }
615 Hcor.Write();
617 B2INFO("... channel " << chan << " OK (chi^2/ndf = " << chi2
618 << ", ndf = " << m_good << ")");
620 return true;
621 }
double m_deltamin
minumum chisq change in an iteration.
unsigned m_conv_iter
Number of iteration with chisq changes less than deltamin.
unsigned m_numIterations
Number of Iterations of iTBC.
double m_dchi2_min
quit if chisq increase in iteratons is larger than this value.
void Iteration(const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, std::vector< double > &xval)
Iteration function called by iterativeTBC()
void saveAsHistogram(const std::vector< double > &vec, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::string &xTitle="", const std::string &yTitle="") const
Save vector to histogram and write it out.

◆ LoadHistograms()

void LoadHistograms ( const std::string &  histotype)

Load 2D histograms from a given input file (output of TOPLaserHitSelector) and create timing and charge distribution as projection histograms for the x- and y-axis, respectively.

Timing cut is also applied for charge distributiion

Definition at line 218 of file

219 {
221 TFile* f = new TFile(m_inputFile.c_str());
222 if (!f->IsOpen()) {
223 B2ERROR("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : fail to open input file \"" << m_inputFile << "\"");
224 return;
225 }
227 for (int iHisto = 0 ; iHisto < c_NChannelPerPMT ; iHisto++) {
228 if (m_targetPmtChId != -1 && iHisto + 1 != m_targetPmtChId) continue;
229 std::ostringstream pixelstr;
230 pixelstr << histotype << "_"
231 << "s" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetSlotId << "_PMT"
232 << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_targetPmtId
233 << "_" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (iHisto + 1);
234 std::ostringstream hname;
235 hname << "hTime" << pixelstr.str();
237 //first get 2D histogram from a given input (=an output file of TOPLaserHitSelector)
238 m_timeChargeHistogram[iHisto] = (TH2F*)f->Get(hname.str().c_str());
239 TH2F* h2D = m_timeChargeHistogram[iHisto];
240 if (!h2D) continue;
242 //create a projection histogram along the x-axis and fit the distribution (hit timing) to get direct laser hit timing
243 std::ostringstream hnameProj[2];
244 hnameProj[0] << "hTime_" << pixelstr.str();
245 hnameProj[1] << "hCharge_" << pixelstr.str();
246 TH1D* hTime = (TH1D*)h2D->ProjectionX(hnameProj[0].str().c_str());
247 m_timeHistogram[iHisto] = hTime;
248 double peakTime = FindPeakForSmallerXThan(hTime, 0);
249 //double peakTime = hTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(hTime->GetMaximumBin());
250 double fitMin = peakTime - m_fitHalfWidth;
251 double fitMax = peakTime + m_fitHalfWidth;
252 TF1* funcLaser = new TF1(std::string(std::string("func_") + hnameProj[1].str()).c_str(),
253 "gaus(0)", fitMin, fitMax);
254 funcLaser->SetParameters(hTime->GetBinContent(hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakTime)), peakTime, m_fitHalfWidth);
255 funcLaser->SetParLimits(1, fitMin, fitMax);
256 hTime->Fit(funcLaser, "Q", "", fitMin, fitMax);
257 //if (funcLaser->GetNDF() < 1) continue;
258 m_funcForLaser[iHisto] = funcLaser;
260 //if the fitting is successful, create y-projection histogram with timing cut
261 m_hitTiming = funcLaser->GetParameter(1);
262 int binNumMin = hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_hitTiming - 2 * m_fitHalfWidth);
263 int binNumMax = hTime->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_hitTiming + 2 * m_fitHalfWidth);
264 TH1D* hCharge = (TH1D*)h2D->ProjectionY(hnameProj[1].str().c_str(),
265 binNumMin, binNumMax);
266 m_chargeHistogram[iHisto] = hCharge;
267 }
269 m_nCalPulseHistogram = (TH1F*)f->Get("hNCalPulse");
271 B2WARNING("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : no histogram for the number of events with calibration pulses identified in the given input file");
273 return;
274 }
float m_p1HeightIntegral
Parameter from p0 + x*p1 function that fits height-integral distribution.
float m_p0HeightIntegral
Parameter from p0 + x*p1 function that fits height-integral distribution.
std::string m_inputFile
input file containing timing vs charge 2D histograms (output of TOPLaserHitSelector)
static double FindPeakForSmallerXThan(TH1 *histo, double xmax=0)
Find peak and return its position for a limited range of x (x smaller than the given value (xmax))

◆ makeComparisons()

int makeComparisons ( )

Last function to be called, compared the histograms of different datasets filled by analyzeCalFile() Every new comparison histogram added to the module has to be filled here.

Definition at line 301 of file

302 {
303 // Set to compare with
304 short refSet = 0;
305 B2INFO("Making comparisons for " << m_totCalSets << " sets.");
307 // Loop over the sets. Do not make the comparison for the set #0
308 for (int iSet = 1; iSet < m_totCalSets; iSet++) {
309 if (m_compareToPreviousSet) refSet = iSet - 1;
312 m_topAverageDeltaT[refSet]);
314 m_topSigmaDeltaT[refSet]);
316 m_topSampleOccupancy[refSet]);
318 // Loop over the sets. Do not make the comparison for the set #0
319 for (int iSlot = 0; iSlot < 16; iSlot++) {
321 m_slotAverageDeltaT[iSlot][iSet], m_slotAverageDeltaT[iSlot][refSet]);
323 m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[iSlot][iSet], m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[iSlot][refSet]);
325 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[iSlot][iSet], m_slotSigmaDeltaT[iSlot][refSet]);
327 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[iSlot][iSet], m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[iSlot][refSet]);
328 }
329 }
330 B2INFO("Comparisons done");
332 return 1;
333 }
bool m_compareToPreviousSet
Determines if the reverence set for the ratio is the first CalSet of the list (if false) or if each C...
TH1F * calculateHistoRatio(TH1F *, TH1F *, TH1F *)
Utility function to take the ratio of two histograms using TH1::Divide(), without overwriting the out...

◆ matrixInversion()

bool matrixInversion ( const std::vector< TwoTimes > &  ntuple,
unsigned  scrodID,
unsigned  scrodChannel,
double  meanTimeDifference,
TH1F &  Hchi2,
TH1F &  Hndf,
TH1F &  HDeltaT 

Method by matrix inversion.

ntuplentuple data
scrodChannelchannel number within SCROD (0 - 127)
meanTimeDifferenceaverage time difference [samples]
Hchi2histogram to store normalized chi^2
Hndfhistogram to store degrees of freedom
HDeltaThistogram to store fittet double pulse delay
true on success

Definition at line 398 of file

403 {
405 // Ax = b: construct matrix A and right side vector b
407 TMatrixDSym A(c_TimeAxisSize);
408 vector<double> b(c_TimeAxisSize, 0.0);
410 for (const auto& twoTimes : ntuple) {
411 if (!twoTimes.good) continue;
413 vector<double> m(c_TimeAxisSize, 0.0);
414 int i1 = int(twoTimes.t1);
415 m[i1 % c_TimeAxisSize] = 1.0 - (twoTimes.t1 - i1);
416 int i2 = int(twoTimes.t2);
417 m[i2 % c_TimeAxisSize] = twoTimes.t2 - i2;
418 i2 = i1 + (i2 - i1) % c_TimeAxisSize;
419 for (int k = i1 + 1; k < i2; k++) m[k % c_TimeAxisSize] = 1;
421 double relSigma = twoTimes.sigma / meanTimeDifference;
422 double sig2 = relSigma * relSigma;
424 for (int jj = i1; jj < i2 + 1; jj++) {
425 int j = jj % c_TimeAxisSize;
426 for (int kk = i1; kk < i2 + 1; kk++) {
427 int k = kk % c_TimeAxisSize;
428 A(j, k) += m[j] * m[k] / sig2;
429 }
430 }
431 for (int k = 0; k < c_TimeAxisSize; k++) b[k] += m[k] / sig2;
432 }
434 // save as histograms
436 string forWhat = "scrod " + to_string(scrodID) + " channel " + to_string(chan);
437 if (m_saveMatrix) {
438 saveAsHistogram(A, "matA_ch" + to_string(chan), "Matrix for " + forWhat);
439 saveAsHistogram(b, "vecB_ch" + to_string(chan), "Right side for " + forWhat);
440 }
442 // invert matrix A and solve the equation: x = A^{-1}b
444 double det = 0;
445 A.Invert(&det);
446 if (det == 0) {
447 B2INFO("... channel " << chan << " failed");
448 return false;
449 }
451 vector<double> x(c_TimeAxisSize, 0.0);
452 for (int k = 0; k < c_TimeAxisSize; k++) {
453 for (int j = 0; j < c_TimeAxisSize; j++) {
454 x[k] += A(k, j) * b[j];
455 }
456 }
458 // calculate chi^2
460 double chi2 = 0;
461 int ndf = -c_TimeAxisSize;
463 for (const auto& twoTimes : ntuple) {
464 if (!twoTimes.good) continue;
466 vector<double> m(c_TimeAxisSize, 0.0);
467 int i1 = int(twoTimes.t1);
468 m[i1 % c_TimeAxisSize] = 1.0 - (twoTimes.t1 - i1);
469 int i2 = int(twoTimes.t2);
470 m[i2 % c_TimeAxisSize] = twoTimes.t2 - i2;
471 i2 = i1 + (i2 - i1) % c_TimeAxisSize;
472 for (int k = i1 + 1; k < i2; k++) m[k % c_TimeAxisSize] = 1;
473 double s = -1.0;
474 for (int k = 0; k < c_TimeAxisSize; k++) s += m[k] * x[k];
475 double relSigma = twoTimes.sigma / meanTimeDifference;
476 double sig2 = relSigma * relSigma;
477 chi2 += s * s / sig2;
478 ndf++;
479 }
480 Hchi2.SetBinContent(chan + 1, chi2 / ndf);
481 Hndf.SetBinContent(chan + 1, ndf);
483 // constrain sum of x to 2*syncTimeBase and calculate sample times
485 double sum = 0;
486 for (auto xi : x) sum += xi;
487 if (sum == 0) {
488 B2ERROR("sum == 0");
489 return false;
490 }
491 double DeltaT = 2 * m_syncTimeBase / sum;
492 for (auto& xi : x) xi *= DeltaT;
493 HDeltaT.SetBinContent(chan + 1, DeltaT);
495 vector<double> err;
496 for (int k = 0; k < c_TimeAxisSize; k++) err.push_back(sqrt(A(k, k)) * DeltaT);
498 vector<double> sampleTimes;
499 sampleTimes.push_back(0);
500 for (auto xi : x) sampleTimes.push_back(xi + sampleTimes.back());
502 // save results as histograms
504 if (m_saveMatrix) saveAsHistogram(A, "invA_ch" + to_string(chan), "Inverted matrix for " + forWhat);
505 saveAsHistogram(x, err, "dt_ch" + to_string(chan), "Sample time bins for " + forWhat,
506 "sample number", "#Delta t [ns]");
507 saveAsHistogram(sampleTimes, "sampleTimes_ch" + to_string(chan),
508 "Time base corrections for " + forWhat, "sample number", "t [ns]");
510 // calibrated cal pulse time difference
512 string name = "timeDiffcal_ch" + to_string(chan);
513 string title = "Calibrated cal pulse time difference vs. sample for " + forWhat;
514 TH2F Hcor(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_TimeAxisSize, 0, c_TimeAxisSize,
515 100, DeltaT - 0.5, DeltaT + 0.5);
516 Hcor.SetXTitle("sample number");
517 Hcor.SetYTitle("time difference [ns]");
518 Hcor.SetStats(kTRUE);
520 TOPSampleTimes timeBase;
521 timeBase.setTimeAxis(sampleTimes, sampleTimes.back() / 2);
523 for (const auto& twoTimes : ntuple) {
524 if (!twoTimes.good) continue;
525 double dt = timeBase.getDeltaTime(0, twoTimes.t2, twoTimes.t1);
526 int sample = int(twoTimes.t1) % c_TimeAxisSize;
527 Hcor.Fill(sample, dt);
528 }
529 Hcor.Write();
531 B2INFO("... channel " << chan << " OK (chi^2/ndf = " << chi2 / ndf
532 << ", ndf = " << ndf << ")");
534 return true;
535 }
bool m_saveMatrix
if true, save also matrix and its inverse in a root file

◆ myprint()

void myprint ( TH1F *  histo,
const char *  path,
const char *  xtit = "",
const char *  ytit = "",
double  tresh = 0 

Print histogram 1D, helper function.

Definition at line 322 of file

323 {
325 gROOT->Reset();
326 gStyle->SetOptStat("");
327 gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
329 gStyle->SetCanvasColor(-1);
330 gStyle->SetPadColor(-1);
331 gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(-1);
332 gStyle->SetHistFillColor(-1);
333 gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(-1);
334 gStyle->SetFillColor(-1);
335 gStyle->SetFillStyle(4000);
336 gStyle->SetStatStyle(0);
337 gStyle->SetTitleStyle(0);
338 gStyle->SetCanvasBorderSize(0);
339 gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
340 gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
341 // gStyle->SetTitleMode(0);
342 gStyle->SetFrameBorderSize(0);
343 gStyle->SetLegendBorderSize(0);
344 gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(0);
345 gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0);
346 //gROOT->ForceStyle();*/
350 TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 1920, 1200);
352 double x1 = histo->GetBinLowEdge(1);
353 double nb = histo->GetNbinsX();
354 double bin = histo->GetBinWidth(1);
355 double x2 = x1 + bin * nb;
357 double max = histo->GetBinContent(histo->GetMaximumBin());
359 if (max < tresh) {
360 histo->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, tresh * 1.1);
361 }
363 TLine* line = new TLine(x1, tresh, x2, tresh);
364 line->SetLineColor(1);
365 line->SetLineWidth(3);
366 line->SetLineStyle(2);
369 histo->SetFillColor(2);
370 histo->SetLineColor(1);
372 gPad->SetTopMargin(0.08);
373 gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);
374 gPad->SetGridy();
376 histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.06);
377 histo->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.06);
378 histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
379 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
380 histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtit);
381 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytit);
382 histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9);
383 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7);
385 histo->Draw();
387 TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.75, 0.95, 0.90, 1.00);
388 leg->AddEntry(histo, m_BkgType.c_str(), "pf");
389 leg->Draw("SAME");
390 if (tresh > 0.01) {
391 line->Draw("SAME");
392 }
394 c1->Print(path);
395 }

◆ OpticalGunModule()


Definition at line 47 of file

47 : Module()
48 {
49 // set module description
50 setDescription("Source of optical photons");
53 // Add parameters
54 addParam("x", m_x, "position in x [cm]", 0.0);
55 addParam("y", m_y, "position in y [cm]", 0.0);
56 addParam("z", m_z, "position in z [cm]", 0.0);
57 addParam("diameter", m_diameter, "source diameter [cm]", 0.0);
58 addParam("minAlpha", m_minAlpha, "source minimum emission angle [deg]. ", 0.0);
59 addParam("maxAlpha", m_maxAlpha, "source maximum emission angle [deg]. ", 30.);
60 addParam("na", m_na, "source numerical aperture. It is used only by the Gaussian distribution", 0.50);
61 addParam("angularDistribution", m_angularDistribution,
62 "source angular distribution: uniform, Lambertian, an arbitrary TFormula, or Gaussian "
63 "(numerical aperture instead of minAlpha and maxAlpha). If you are writing a TFormula, "
64 "assume the angles are measured in degrees. The conversion to radians is done internally.",
65 string("Gaussian"));
66 addParam("wavelength", m_wavelength, "wavelength of photons [nm]", 405.0);
67 addParam("phi", m_phi, "first rotation angle (around z) [deg]", 0.0);
68 addParam("theta", m_theta, "second rotation angle (around x) [deg]", 0.0);
69 addParam("psi", m_psi, "third rotation angle (around z) [deg]", 0.0);
70 addParam("startTime", m_startTime,
71 "start time [ns]. If TOPCalPulseGenerator is in path this is relative to the first cal pulse", 0.0);
72 addParam("pulseWidth", m_pulseWidth, "pulse duration (Gaussian sigma) [ns]", 0.0);
73 addParam("numPhotons", m_numPhotons,
74 "average number of photons per pulse, if positive, otherwise exactly one", 0.0);
75 addParam("slotID", m_slotID,
76 "TOP slot ID (1-16): if valid, source position and rotation angles assumed to be given in a local bar frame, "
77 "otherwise Belle II frame is assumed", 0);
78 addParam("slitDX", m_slitDX, "slit size in x [cm], if positive, otherwise full open", 0.0);
79 addParam("slitDY", m_slitDY, "slit size in y [cm], if positive, otherwise full open", 0.0);
80 addParam("slitX0", m_slitX0, "slit x-offset in respect to source [cm] ", 0.0);
81 addParam("slitY0", m_slitY0, "slit y-offset in respect to source [cm] ", 0.0);
82 addParam("slitZ", m_slitZ, "slit distance to source [cm], if > 0.01, otherwise slit full open", 0.0);
83 }
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:559

◆ packProductionDebug()

void packProductionDebug ( )

Pack in format: Production Debugging Data Format 01.

Definition at line 295 of file

296 {
297 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
298 StoreArray<TOPRawDigit> digits(m_inputRawDigitsName);
299 StoreArray<RawTOP> rawData(m_outputRawDataName);
301 const auto& mapper = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper();
302 int mapSize = mapper.getMapSize();
303 if (mapSize == 0) return;
305 auto* sortedDigits = new vector<const TOPRawDigit*>[mapSize];
307 for (const auto& digit : digits) {
308 auto scrodID = digit.getScrodID();
309 const auto* feemap = mapper.getMap(scrodID);
310 if (!feemap) {
311 B2ERROR("TOPPacker: no front-end map available."
312 << LogVar("scrodID", scrodID));
313 continue;
314 }
315 sortedDigits[feemap->getIndex()].push_back(&digit);
316 }
318 unsigned revo9count = 0;
319 unsigned phase = 0;
320 if (digits.getEntries() > 0) {
321 revo9count = digits[0]->getRevo9Counter();
322 phase = digits[0]->getPhase();
323 }
325 for (const auto& copperID : mapper.getCopperIDs()) {
326 vector<int> Buffer[4];
327 for (int finesse = 0; finesse < 4; finesse++) {
328 const auto* feemap = mapper.getMapFromCopper(copperID, finesse);
329 if (!feemap) continue;
330 unsigned scrodID = feemap->getScrodID();
331 unsigned format = static_cast<unsigned>(TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug01);
333 unsigned head0 = (format << 16) | (0xA << 12) | (scrodID & 0x0FFF);
334 Buffer[finesse].push_back(head0);
336 unsigned numWordsCore = sortedDigits[feemap->getIndex()].size() * 5 + 1;
337 unsigned head1 = ((phase & 0xF) << 12) | (numWordsCore & 0xFFF);
338 Buffer[finesse].push_back(head1);
340 unsigned head2 = revo9count & 0xFFFF;
341 Buffer[finesse].push_back(head2);
343 unsigned head3 = 0;
344 Buffer[finesse].push_back(head3);
346 unsigned Nhits = 0;
347 for (const auto& digit : sortedDigits[feemap->getIndex()]) {
348 unsigned checkSum = 0; // IPv4 checksum
349 unsigned word0 =
350 (digit->getCarrierNumber() << 30) |
351 ((digit->getASICNumber() & 0x3) << 28) |
352 ((digit->getASICChannel() & 0x7) << 25) |
353 ((digit->getASICWindow() & 0x1FF) << 16) |
354 (0xB << 12) |
355 ((digit->getTFine() & 0xF) << 8);
356 checkSum += (word0 & 0xFFFF) + ((word0 >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
357 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word0);
358 unsigned word1 =
359 ((digit->getValuePeak() & 0x1FFF) << 16) |
360 (digit->getIntegral() & 0xFFFF);
361 checkSum += (word1 & 0xFFFF) + ((word1 >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
362 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word1);
363 unsigned word2 =
364 ((digit->getValueRise0() & 0x1FFF) << 16) |
365 (digit->getValueRise1() & 0x1FFF);
366 checkSum += (word2 & 0xFFFF) + ((word2 >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
367 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word2);
368 unsigned word3 =
369 ((digit->getValueFall0() & 0x1FFF) << 16) |
370 (digit->getValueFall1() & 0x1FFF);
371 checkSum += (word3 & 0xFFFF) + ((word3 >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
372 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word3);
373 unsigned word4 =
374 (digit->getSampleRise() << 24) |
375 ((digit->getDeltaSamplePeak() & 0xF) << 20) |
376 ((digit->getDeltaSampleFall() & 0xF) << 16);
377 checkSum += (word4 & 0xFFFF) + ((word4 >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
378 while ((checkSum >> 16) > 0) {
379 checkSum = (checkSum & 0xFFFF) + (checkSum >> 16);
380 }
381 word4 |= ((~checkSum) & 0xFFFF);
382 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word4);
383 Nhits++;
384 }
385 unsigned tail = (0x5 << 9) | (Nhits & 0x1FF);
386 Buffer[finesse].push_back(tail);
387 }
389 RawCOPPERPackerInfo info;
390 info.exp_num = evtMetaData->getExperiment();
391 // run number : 14bits, subrun # : 8bits
392 info.run_subrun_num = (evtMetaData->getRun() << 8) +
393 (evtMetaData->getSubrun() & 0xFF);
394 info.eve_num = evtMetaData->getEvent();
395 info.node_id = TOP_ID + copperID;
396 info.tt_ctime = 0;
397 info.tt_utime = 0;
398 info.b2l_ctime = 0;
399 info.hslb_crc16_error_bit = 0;
400 info.truncation_mask = 0;
401 info.type_of_data = 0;
403 auto* raw = rawData.appendNew();
404 raw->PackDetectorBuf(Buffer[0].data(), Buffer[0].size(),
405 Buffer[1].data(), Buffer[1].size(),
406 Buffer[2].data(), Buffer[2].size(),
407 Buffer[3].data(), Buffer[3].size(),
408 info);
409 }
410 delete [] sortedDigits;
411 }

◆ packProductionDraft()

void packProductionDraft ( )

Pack in format: c_Draft (tentative production format) this format was never implemented in firmware!

Definition at line 132 of file

133 {
134 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
135 StoreArray<TOPDigit> digits(m_inputDigitsName);
136 StoreArray<RawTOP> rawData(m_outputRawDataName);
138 const auto& mapper = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper();
139 int mapSize = mapper.getMapSize();
140 if (mapSize == 0) return;
142 vector<const TOPDigit*>* sortedDigits = new vector<const TOPDigit*>[mapSize];
144 for (const auto& digit : digits) {
145 int moduleID = digit.getModuleID();
146 int boardstack = digit.getChannel() / 128;
147 const auto* feemap = mapper.getMap(moduleID, boardstack);
148 if (!feemap) {
149 B2ERROR("TOPPacker: no front-end map available."
150 << LogVar("moduleID", moduleID)
151 << LogVar("boardstack", boardstack));
152 continue;
153 }
154 sortedDigits[feemap->getIndex()].push_back(&digit);
155 }
157 auto subBits = m_topgp->getGeometry()->getNominalTDC().getSubBits();
158 int sampleDivisions = 0x1 << subBits;
160 for (const auto& copperID : mapper.getCopperIDs()) {
161 vector<int> Buffer[4];
162 for (int finesse = 0; finesse < 4; finesse++) {
163 const auto* feemap = mapper.getMapFromCopper(copperID, finesse);
164 if (!feemap) continue;
165 unsigned scrodID = feemap->getScrodID();
166 unsigned dataFormat = static_cast<unsigned>(TOP::RawDataType::c_Draft);
167 Buffer[finesse].push_back(scrodID + (dataFormat << 16));
168 for (const auto& digit : sortedDigits[feemap->getIndex()]) {
169 double rawTime = digit->getRawTime();
170 unsigned tdc = int(rawTime * sampleDivisions) & 0xFFFF;
171 unsigned chan = digit->getChannel() % 128;
172 unsigned flags = (unsigned) digit->getHitQuality();
173 Buffer[finesse].push_back(tdc + (chan << 16) + (flags << 24));
174 }
175 }
176 RawCOPPERPackerInfo info;
177 info.exp_num = evtMetaData->getExperiment();
178 // run number : 14bits, subrun # : 8bits
179 info.run_subrun_num = (evtMetaData->getRun() << 8) +
180 (evtMetaData->getSubrun() & 0xFF);
181 info.eve_num = evtMetaData->getEvent();
182 info.node_id = TOP_ID + copperID;
183 info.tt_ctime = 0;
184 info.tt_utime = 0;
185 info.b2l_ctime = 0;
186 info.hslb_crc16_error_bit = 0;
187 info.truncation_mask = 0;
188 info.type_of_data = 0;
190 auto* raw = rawData.appendNew();
191 raw->PackDetectorBuf(Buffer[0].data(), Buffer[0].size(),
192 Buffer[1].data(), Buffer[1].size(),
193 Buffer[2].data(), Buffer[2].size(),
194 Buffer[3].data(), Buffer[3].size(),
195 info);
196 }
197 delete [] sortedDigits;
198 }

◆ packType0Ver16()

void packType0Ver16 ( )

Pack in format: c_Type0Ver16 (Feature-extracted data) this format was never implemented in firmware!

Definition at line 201 of file

202 {
203 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
204 StoreArray<TOPRawDigit> digits(m_inputRawDigitsName);
205 StoreArray<RawTOP> rawData(m_outputRawDataName);
207 const auto& mapper = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper();
208 int mapSize = mapper.getMapSize();
209 if (mapSize == 0) return;
211 auto* sortedDigits = new vector<const TOPRawDigit*>[mapSize];
213 for (const auto& digit : digits) {
214 auto scrodID = digit.getScrodID();
215 const auto* feemap = mapper.getMap(scrodID);
216 if (!feemap) {
217 B2ERROR("TOPPacker: no front-end map available."
218 << LogVar("scrodID", scrodID));
219 continue;
220 }
221 sortedDigits[feemap->getIndex()].push_back(&digit);
222 }
224 for (const auto& copperID : mapper.getCopperIDs()) {
225 vector<int> Buffer[4];
226 for (int finesse = 0; finesse < 4; finesse++) {
227 const auto* feemap = mapper.getMapFromCopper(copperID, finesse);
228 if (!feemap) continue;
229 unsigned scrodID = feemap->getScrodID();
230 unsigned dataFormat = static_cast<unsigned>(TOP::RawDataType::c_Type0Ver16);
232 // production data v2.1 (data_format_v2_1.xlsx from Lynn 06/26/2016)
233 unsigned head = (dataFormat << 16) | (0xA << 12) | (scrodID & 0x0FFF);
234 Buffer[finesse].push_back(head);
235 unsigned Nhits = 0;
236 for (const auto& digit : sortedDigits[feemap->getIndex()]) {
237 unsigned word1 =
238 (digit->getCarrierNumber() << 30) |
239 ((digit->getASICNumber() & 0x3) << 28) |
240 ((digit->getASICChannel() & 0x7) << 25) |
241 ((digit->getASICWindow() & 0x1FF) << 16) |
242 (0xB << 12) |
243 ((digit->getTFine() & 0xF) << 8);
244 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word1);
245 unsigned word2 =
246 ((digit->getValuePeak() & 0x1FFF) << 16) |
247 (digit->getIntegral() & 0xFFFF);
248 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word2);
249 unsigned word3 =
250 ((digit->getValueRise0() & 0x1FFF) << 16) |
251 (digit->getValueRise1() & 0x1FFF);
252 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word3);
253 unsigned word4 =
254 ((digit->getValueFall0() & 0x1FFF) << 16) |
255 (digit->getValueFall1() & 0x1FFF);
256 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word4);
257 unsigned word5 =
258 (digit->getSampleRise() << 24) |
259 ((digit->getDeltaSamplePeak() & 0xF) << 20) |
260 ((digit->getDeltaSampleFall() & 0xF) << 16);
261 short checkSum = -(sumShorts(word1) + sumShorts(word2) + sumShorts(word3) +
262 sumShorts(word4) + sumShorts(word5));
263 word5 |= (checkSum & 0xFFFF);
264 Buffer[finesse].push_back(word5);
265 Nhits++;
266 }
267 unsigned tail = (0x5 << 9) | (Nhits & 0x1FF);
268 Buffer[finesse].push_back(tail);
269 }
270 RawCOPPERPackerInfo info;
271 info.exp_num = evtMetaData->getExperiment();
272 // run number : 14bits, subrun # : 8bits
273 info.run_subrun_num = (evtMetaData->getRun() << 8) +
274 (evtMetaData->getSubrun() & 0xFF);
275 info.eve_num = evtMetaData->getEvent();
276 info.node_id = TOP_ID + copperID;
277 info.tt_ctime = 0;
278 info.tt_utime = 0;
279 info.b2l_ctime = 0;
280 info.hslb_crc16_error_bit = 0;
281 info.truncation_mask = 0;
282 info.type_of_data = 0;
284 auto* raw = rawData.appendNew();
285 raw->PackDetectorBuf(Buffer[0].data(), Buffer[0].size(),
286 Buffer[1].data(), Buffer[1].size(),
287 Buffer[2].data(), Buffer[2].size(),
288 Buffer[3].data(), Buffer[3].size(),
289 info);
290 }
291 delete [] sortedDigits;
292 }
unsigned short sumShorts(unsigned int x) const
sum both 16-bit words of 32-bit integer

◆ parseInputDirectoryLine()

int parseInputDirectoryLine ( std::string  inputString)

Utility function to get the directory name and the label from a line of the m_inputDirectoryList file Sets the values of m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel.

Definition at line 509 of file

510 {
511 // resets the strings
512 m_calSetDirectory.clear();
513 m_calSetLabel.clear();
515 // reads the string char by char to break it up in m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel
516 bool isDirectoryNameChar = true;
517 bool isAtBeginning = true;
519 for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < inputString.size(); ++i) {
520 char c = inputString[i];
521 // The following ifs should catch all the possible cases
522 if (c == ' ' && isAtBeginning) continue; // and empty space at the beginning of the line
523 if (c == ' ' && !isAtBeginning) { // an empty space between the two parts
524 isDirectoryNameChar = false;
525 isAtBeginning = false;
526 continue;
527 }
528 if (c != ' ' && isDirectoryNameChar) { // a good char belonging to the first part of the string
530 isAtBeginning = false;
531 continue;
532 }
533 if (c != ' ' && !isDirectoryNameChar) { // a good char belonging to the second part of the string
534 m_calSetLabel += c;
535 isAtBeginning = false;
536 continue;
537 }
538 B2WARNING("Uncaught exception in parsing the input string. Ending the parsing."); // I should never reach thispoint
539 return 0;
540 }
542 return 1;
543 }

◆ parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName()

int parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName ( std::string  inputString)

Utility function to parse the slot and BS id from the calibration file names.

Definition at line 547 of file

548 {
549 // resets the IDs
550 m_slotID = -1;
551 m_boardstackID = -1;
552 m_scrodID = -1;
554 // reads the string char by char to break it up in m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel
557 std::string stringSlot = "";
558 std::string stringBS = "";
559 std::string stringScrod = "";
562 // We may eventually implement a more clever parsere that is not so sensitive to the file name...
563 //
564 // tbcSlotXX_Y-scrodZZZ.root
565 // tbcSlotXX_Y-scrodZZ.root
566 // 012345678901234567890
567 //
569 if (!(inputString[0] == 't' && inputString[1] == 'b' && inputString[2] == 'c')) {
570 B2WARNING(inputString << " is not a valid TBC file. Skipping it.");
571 return 0;
572 }
573 stringSlot += inputString[7];
574 stringSlot += inputString[8];
575 stringBS += inputString[10];
576 stringScrod += inputString[17];
577 stringScrod += inputString[18];
578 if (inputString[19] != '.')
579 stringScrod += inputString[19];
582 m_slotID = std::stoi(stringSlot);
583 m_scrodID = std::stoi(stringScrod);
584 m_boardstackID = std::stoi(stringBS);
586 return 1;
587 }

◆ prepare() [1/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 79 of file

80 {
81 // input collections
83 m_digits.isRequired();
84 m_tracks.isRequired();
85 m_extHits.isRequired();
86 m_recBunch.isRequired();
88 // check if target module ID is valid
90 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
91 if (!geo->isModuleIDValid(m_targetMid)) {
92 B2FATAL("Target module ID = " << m_targetMid << " is invalid. Exiting...");
93 }
95 // set track selector
97 if (m_sample == "dimuon" or m_sample == "bhabha") {
98 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
102 } else {
103 B2ERROR("Invalid sample type '" << m_sample << "'");
104 }
106 // set alignment objects
108 for (int set = 0; set < c_numSets; set++) {
109 auto align = ModuleAlignment();
110 align.setModuleID(m_targetMid);
111 align.setSteps(m_stepPosition, m_stepAngle, m_stepTime);
112 align.setParameters(m_parInit);
113 for (const auto& parName : m_parFixed) {
114 align.fixParameter(parName);
115 }
116 m_align.push_back(align);
117 m_countFails.push_back(0);
118 }
120 // create and register output histograms and ntuples
122 int numModules = geo->getNumModules();
123 auto h1 = new TH2F("tracks_per_slot", "Number of tracks per slot and sample",
124 numModules, 0.5, numModules + 0.5, c_numSets, 0, c_numSets);
125 h1->SetXTitle("slot number");
126 h1->SetYTitle("sample number");
127 registerObject<TH2F>("tracks_per_slot", h1);
129 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
130 std::string slotName = "_s" + to_string(slot);
131 std::string slotTitle = "(slot " + to_string(slot) + ")";
133 std::string hname = "local_z" + slotName;
134 std::string title = "Distribution of tracks along bar " + slotTitle;
135 auto h2 = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), title.c_str(), 100, -150.0, 150.0);
136 h2->SetXTitle("local z [cm]");
137 registerObject<TH1F>(hname, h2);
139 hname = "cth_vs_p" + slotName;
140 title = "Track momentum " + slotTitle;
141 auto h3 = new TH2F(hname.c_str(), title.c_str(), 100, 0.0, 7.0, 100, -1.0, 1.0);
142 h3->SetXTitle("p [GeV/c]");
143 h3->SetYTitle("cos #theta");
144 registerObject<TH2F>(hname, h3);
146 hname = "poca_xy" + slotName;
147 title = "Track POCA in x-y " + slotTitle;
148 auto h4 = new TH2F(hname.c_str(), title.c_str(), 100, -m_dr, m_dr, 100, -m_dr, m_dr);
149 h4->SetXTitle("x [cm]");
150 h4->SetYTitle("y [cm]");
151 registerObject<TH2F>(hname, h4);
153 hname = "poca_z" + slotName;
154 title = "Track POCA in z " + slotTitle;
155 auto h5 = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), title.c_str(), 100, -m_dz, m_dz);
156 h5->SetXTitle("z [cm]");
157 registerObject<TH1F>(hname, h5);
159 hname = "Ecms" + slotName;
160 title = "Track c.m.s. energy " + slotTitle;
161 auto h6 = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), title.c_str(), 100, 5.1, 5.4);
162 h6->SetXTitle("E_{cms} [GeV]");
163 registerObject<TH1F>(hname, h6);
165 hname = "charge" + slotName;
166 title = "Charge of track " + slotTitle;
167 auto h7 = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), title.c_str(), 3, -1.5, 1.5);
168 h7->SetXTitle("charge");
169 registerObject<TH1F>(hname, h7);
171 hname = "timeHits" + slotName;
172 title = "Photon time distribution " + slotTitle;
173 auto h8 = new TH2F(hname.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0, 512, 200, 0, 50);
174 h8->SetXTitle("channel number");
175 h8->SetYTitle("time [ns]");
176 registerObject<TH2F>(hname, h8);
178 hname = "numPhot" + slotName;
179 title = "Number of photons " + slotTitle;
180 auto h9 = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), title.c_str(), 100, 0, 100);
181 h9->SetXTitle("photons per track");
182 registerObject<TH1F>(hname, h9);
183 }
185 for (int set = 0; set < c_numSets; set++) {
186 std::string name = "alignTree" + to_string(set);
187 m_treeNames.push_back(name);
188 auto alignTree = new TTree(name.c_str(), "TOP alignment results");
189 alignTree->Branch("ModuleId", &m_targetMid);
190 alignTree->Branch("iter", &m_iter);
191 alignTree->Branch("ntrk", &m_ntrk);
192 alignTree->Branch("errorCode", &m_errorCode);
193 alignTree->Branch("iterPars", &m_vAlignPars);
194 alignTree->Branch("iterParsErr", &m_vAlignParsErr);
195 alignTree->Branch("valid", &m_valid);
196 alignTree->Branch("numPhot", &m_numPhot);
197 alignTree->Branch("x", &m_x);
198 alignTree->Branch("y", &m_y);
199 alignTree->Branch("z", &m_z);
200 alignTree->Branch("p", &m_p);
201 alignTree->Branch("theta", &m_theta);
202 alignTree->Branch("phi", &m_phi);
203 alignTree->Branch("r_poca", &m_pocaR);
204 alignTree->Branch("z_poca", &m_pocaZ);
205 alignTree->Branch("x_poca", &m_pocaX);
206 alignTree->Branch("y_poca", &m_pocaY);
207 alignTree->Branch("Ecms", &m_cmsE);
208 alignTree->Branch("charge", &m_charge);
209 alignTree->Branch("PDG", &m_PDG);
210 registerObject<TTree>(name, alignTree);
211 }
213 }
std::vector< std::string > m_parFixed
names of parameters to be fixed
double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_stepPosition
step size for translations
double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated hit
std::vector< double > m_parInit
initial parameter values
double m_deltaEcms
c.m.s energy window if sample is "dimuon" or "bhabha"
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits

◆ prepare() [2/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well.

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 52 of file

53 {
55 m_topDigits.isRequired();
57 m_recBunch.isRequired();
58 } else {
59 m_recBunch.isOptional();
60 }
62 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
63 double timeStep = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase() / 6;
64 double xmi = - m_nx * timeStep / 2;
65 double xma = m_nx * timeStep / 2;
67 auto time_vs_BS = new TH2F("time_vs_BS", "time vs BS, slot 13",
68 16, 0.0, 512.0, m_nx, xmi, xma);
69 time_vs_BS->SetXTitle("channel number");
70 time_vs_BS->SetYTitle("time [ns]");
71 registerObject<TH2F>("time_vs_BS", time_vs_BS);
73 auto timeReference = new TH1F("time_reference", "time, slot 13(a, b, c)",
74 m_nx, xmi, xma);
75 timeReference->SetXTitle("time [ns]");
76 timeReference->SetYTitle("entries per bin [arbitrary]");
77 registerObject<TH1F>("time_reference", timeReference);
79 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
80 string name = "time_carr_" + to_string(i);
81 string title = "time, slot 13d, carrier " + to_string(i);
82 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), m_nx, xmi, xma);
83 h->SetXTitle("time [ns]");
84 h->SetYTitle("entries per bin [arbitrary]");
85 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
86 }
88 }
double getSyncTimeBase() const
Returns synchonization time base (time width of c_syncWindows)

◆ prepare() [3/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 39 of file

40 {
42 m_digits.isRequired();
44 auto nhits = new TH1F("nhits", "Number of good hits per event; hits per event; entries per bin", 200, 0, 2000);
45 registerObject<TH1F>("nhits", nhits);
47 for (int slot = 1; slot <= 16; slot++) {
48 string name = "hits_" + to_string(slot);
49 string title = "Channel occupancies for slot " + to_string(slot);
50 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0, 512);
51 h->SetXTitle("channel number");
52 h->SetYTitle("number of hits per channel");
53 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
54 m_names.push_back(name);
55 }
57 for (int slot = 1; slot <= 16; slot++) {
58 string name = "window_vs_asic_" + to_string(slot);
59 string title = "Window vs. asic for slot " + to_string(slot);
60 auto h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0, 64, 512, 0, 512);
61 h->SetXTitle("ASIC number");
62 h->SetYTitle("window number w.r.t reference window");
63 registerObject<TH2F>(name, h);
64 m_asicNames.push_back(name);
65 }
67 }

◆ prepare() [4/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 49 of file

50 {
52 m_recBunch.isRequired();
54 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
55 m_bunchTimeSep = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase() / m_bunchesPerSSTclk;
57 auto h1a = new TH1F("offset_a", "current offset; offset [ns]",
59 registerObject<TH1F>("offset_a", h1a);
61 auto h1b = new TH1F("offset_b", "current offset; offset [ns]",
62 m_nx, 0.0, m_bunchTimeSep);
63 registerObject<TH1F>("offset_b", h1b);
65 }
int m_bunchesPerSSTclk
number of bunches per SST clock

◆ prepare() [5/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 75 of file

76 {
77 // input collections
79 m_digits.isRequired();
80 m_tracks.isRequired();
81 m_extHits.isRequired();
82 m_recBunch.isRequired();
84 // bunch time separation
86 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
87 m_bunchTimeSep = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase() / m_bunchesPerSSTclk;
89 // Parse PDF option
91 if (m_pdfOption == "rough") {
93 } else if (m_pdfOption == "fine") {
95 } else if (m_pdfOption == "optimal") {
97 } else {
98 B2ERROR("Unknown PDF option '" << m_pdfOption << "'");
99 }
101 // set track selector
103 if (m_sample == "dimuon" or m_sample == "bhabha") {
104 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
108 } else {
109 B2ERROR("Invalid sample type '" << m_sample << "'");
110 }
112 // create and register histograms
114 double tmin = -m_timeRange / 2;
115 double tmax = m_timeRange / 2;
116 for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_numSets; i++) {
117 string name = "chi2_set" + to_string(i);
118 auto h = new TH1D(name.c_str(), "chi2 scan; t0 [ns]; chi2", m_numBins, tmin, tmax);
119 registerObject<TH1D>(name, h);
120 m_names.push_back(name);
121 }
123 auto h1 = new TH1F("tracks_per_set", "tracks per sample; sample number; num tracks",
124 c_numSets, 0, c_numSets);
125 registerObject<TH1F>("tracks_per_set", h1);
127 auto h2 = new TH1F("numHits", "Number of photons per slot",
128 c_numModules, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5);
129 h2->SetXTitle("slot number");
130 h2->SetYTitle("hits per slot");
131 registerObject<TH1F>("numHits", h2);
133 auto h3 = new TH2F("timeHits", "Photon times vs. boardstacks",
134 c_numModules * 4, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5, 200, 0.0, 20.0);
135 h3->SetXTitle("slot number");
136 h3->SetYTitle("time [ns]");
137 registerObject<TH2F>("timeHits", h3);
139 // this one is needed primarely to pass bunch time separation to the algorithm,
140 // since DB interface doesn't work there
141 auto h4 = new TH1F("offset", "current offset from input files; offset [ns]",
142 200, -m_bunchTimeSep / 2, m_bunchTimeSep / 2);
143 registerObject<TH1F>("offset", h4);
145 }
int m_bunchesPerSSTclk
number of bunches per SST clock
int m_numBins
number of bins to which search region is divided
double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_timeRange
time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits
double m_bunchTimeSep
bunch separation in time [ns]

◆ prepare() [6/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 50 of file

51 {
53 m_timeZeros.isRequired();
55 auto slotPairs = new TH2F("slots", "slot pairs: number of events",
56 16, 0.5, 16.5, 16, 0.5, 16.5);
57 slotPairs->SetXTitle("first slot number");
58 slotPairs->SetYTitle("second slot number");
59 registerObject<TH2F>("slots", slotPairs);
61 double xmin = -m_timeRange / 2;
62 double xmax = m_timeRange / 2;
63 for (int slot1 = 1; slot1 <= 9; slot1++) {
64 for (int slot2 = slot1 + 7; slot2 <= slot1 + 9; slot2++) {
65 if (slot2 > 16) continue;
66 string name = "deltaT0_" + to_string(slot1) + "-" + to_string(slot2);
67 string title = "time difference: slot " + to_string(slot1) + " - slot "
68 + to_string(slot2);
69 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), m_numBins, xmin, xmax);
70 h->SetXTitle("time difference [ns]");
71 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
72 }
73 }
75 }
double m_timeRange
histogram time range [ns] (symmetric around zero)

◆ prepare() [7/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 75 of file

76 {
77 // input collections
79 m_digits.isRequired();
80 m_tracks.isRequired();
81 m_extHits.isRequired();
82 m_recBunch.isRequired();
84 // Parse PDF option
86 if (m_pdfOption == "rough") {
88 } else if (m_pdfOption == "fine") {
90 } else if (m_pdfOption == "optimal") {
92 } else {
93 B2ERROR("Unknown PDF option '" << m_pdfOption << "'");
94 }
96 // set track selector
98 if (m_sample == "dimuon" or m_sample == "bhabha") {
99 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
103 } else {
104 B2ERROR("Invalid sample type '" << m_sample << "'");
105 }
107 // create and register histograms
109 double tmin = -m_timeRange / 2;
110 double tmax = m_timeRange / 2;
111 for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_numSets; i++) {
112 for (int slot = 1; slot <= c_numModules; slot++) {
113 double T0 = 0;
114 if (m_moduleT0->isCalibrated(slot)) T0 = m_moduleT0->getT0(slot);
115 string name = "chi2_set" + to_string(i) + "_slot" + to_string(slot);
116 string title = "chi2 scan, slot" + to_string(slot) + "; t0 [ns]; chi2";
117 auto h = new TH1D(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), m_numBins, tmin + T0, tmax + T0);
118 registerObject<TH1D>(name, h);
119 m_names[i].push_back(name);
120 }
121 }
123 auto h1 = new TH2F("tracks_per_slot", "tracks per slot and sample",
124 c_numModules, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5, c_numSets, 0, c_numSets);
125 h1->SetXTitle("slot number");
126 h1->SetYTitle("sample number");
127 registerObject<TH2F>("tracks_per_slot", h1);
129 auto h2 = new TH1F("numHits", "Number of photons per slot",
130 c_numModules, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5);
131 h2->SetXTitle("slot number");
132 h2->SetYTitle("hits per slot");
133 registerObject<TH1F>("numHits", h2);
135 auto h3 = new TH2F("timeHits", "Photon times vs. boardstacks",
136 c_numModules * 4, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5, 200, 0.0, 20.0);
137 h3->SetXTitle("slot number");
138 h3->SetYTitle("time [ns]");
139 registerObject<TH2F>("timeHits", h3);
141 const auto* geo = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getGeometry();
142 double bunchTimeSep = geo->getNominalTDC().getSyncTimeBase() / 24;
143 auto h4 = new TH1F("offset", "current offset from input files; offset [ns]",
144 200, -bunchTimeSep / 2, bunchTimeSep / 2);
145 registerObject<TH1F>("offset", h4);
147 }
int m_numBins
number of bins to which search region is divided
double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_timeRange
time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits

◆ prepare() [8/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 41 of file

42 {
43 m_recBunch.isRequired();
44 m_eventT0.isRequired();
46 m_names[Const::SVD] = "svdOffset";
47 m_names[Const::CDC] = "cdcOffset";
48 for (const auto& x : m_names) {
49 registerObject<TH1F>(x.second, new TH1F(x.second.c_str(), "Event T0 difference w.r.t TOP; #Delta T_{0} [ns]",
50 500, -50, 50));
51 }
53 int RFBuckets = m_bunchStructure->getRFBucketsPerRevolution();
54 registerObject<TH1F>("fillPattern", new TH1F("fillPattern", "Fill pattern from DB; bucket number",
55 RFBuckets, 0, RFBuckets));
56 registerObject<TH1F>("recBuckets", new TH1F("recBuckets", "Reconstructed buckets; bucket number",
57 RFBuckets, 0, RFBuckets));
58 }

◆ prepare() [9/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 58 of file

59 {
60 // input collections
61 m_digits.isRequired();
62 m_tracks.isRequired();
63 m_extHits.isRequired();
64 m_recBunch.isRequired();
65 m_asicMask.isRequired();
66 m_associatedPDFs.isRequired();
68 // set track selector
69 if (m_sample == "dimuon" or m_sample == "bhabha") {
70 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
74 } else {
75 B2ERROR("Invalid sample type '" << m_sample << "'");
76 }
78 // create and register histograms
80 const int numModules = 16;
81 const int numPixels = 512;
83 // time stamp (average unix time and its standard deviation)
84 auto* timeStamp = new TProfile("timeStamp", "Time stamp; ; unix time", 1, 0, 1, 0, 1.0e10, "S");
85 registerObject<TProfile>("timeStamp", timeStamp);
87 // number of selected tracks per slot
88 auto* numTracks = new TH1F("numTracks", "Number of tracks per slot; slot number; track count", numModules, 0.5, numModules + 0.5);
89 registerObject<TH1F>("numTracks", numTracks);
91 // number of pixel hits in a signal time window
92 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
93 string name = (slot < 10) ? "signalHits_0" + to_string(slot) : "signalHits_" + to_string(slot);
94 string title = "Hits in signal window for slot " + to_string(slot);
95 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
96 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
97 h->SetYTitle("hit count");
98 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
99 m_signalNames.push_back(name);
100 }
102 // number of pixel hits in a background time window
103 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
104 string name = (slot < 10) ? "bkgHits_0" + to_string(slot) : "bkgHits_" + to_string(slot);
105 string title = "Hits in background window for slot " + to_string(slot);
106 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
107 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
108 h->SetYTitle("hit count");
109 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
110 m_bkgNames.push_back(name);
111 }
113 // active pixels
114 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
115 string name = (slot < 10) ? "activePixels_0" + to_string(slot) : "activePixels_" + to_string(slot);
116 string title = "Active pixels for slot " + to_string(slot);
117 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
118 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
119 h->SetYTitle("track count");
120 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
121 m_activeNames.push_back(name);
122 }
124 // number of pixel hits with low impact angle on photo cathode
125 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
126 string name = (slot < 10) ? "alphaLow_0" + to_string(slot) : "alphaLow_" + to_string(slot);
127 string title = "Hits w/ low alpha for slot " + to_string(slot);
128 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
129 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
130 h->SetYTitle("hit count");
131 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
132 m_alphaLowNames.push_back(name);
133 }
135 // number of pixel hits with high impact angle on photo cathode
136 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
137 string name = (slot < 10) ? "alphaHigh_0" + to_string(slot) : "alphaHigh_" + to_string(slot);
138 string title = "Hits w/ high alpha for slot " + to_string(slot);
139 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
140 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
141 h->SetYTitle("hit count");
142 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
143 m_alphaHighNames.push_back(name);
144 }
146 // pixel pulse-height distributions
147 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
148 string name = (slot < 10) ? "pulseHeights_0" + to_string(slot) : "pulseHeights_" + to_string(slot);
149 string title = "Pulse height distributions for slot " + to_string(slot);
150 auto h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5, 200, 0, 2000);
151 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
152 h->SetYTitle("pulse height");
153 registerObject<TH2F>(name, h);
154 m_pulseHeightNames.push_back(name);
155 }
157 // local z-distribution of tracks
158 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
159 string name = (slot < 10) ? "muonZ_0" + to_string(slot) : "muonZ_" + to_string(slot);
160 string title = "Track z-distribution for slot " + to_string(slot);
161 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 100, m_minZ, m_maxZ);
162 h->SetXTitle("local z [cm]");
163 h->SetYTitle("track count");
164 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
165 m_muonZNames.push_back(name);
166 }
168 }
StoreArray< TOPAssociatedPDF > m_associatedPDFs
collection of PDF's associated to TOP digits
const double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated track
const double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated track
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits

◆ prepare() [10/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 52 of file

53 {
55 m_digits.isRequired();
57 auto h1a = new TH1F("time", "time distribution (all hits)", 1000, -100, 250);
58 h1a->SetXTitle("time [ns]");
59 registerObject<TH1F>("time", h1a);
61 auto h1b = new TH1F("time_sel", "time distribution (selected hits)", 1000, -100, 250);
62 h1b->SetXTitle("time [ns]");
63 registerObject<TH1F>("time_sel", h1b);
65 auto h2a = new TH2F("ph_vs_width", "pulse height vs. width (all hits)",
66 200, 0, 10, 200, 0, 2000);
67 h2a->SetXTitle("pulse width [ns]");
68 h2a->SetYTitle("pulse height [ADC counts]");
69 registerObject<TH2F>("ph_vs_width", h2a);
71 auto h2b = new TH2F("ph_vs_width_sel", "pulse height vs. width (selected hits)",
72 200, 0, 10, 200, 0, 2000);
73 h2b->SetXTitle("pulse width [ns]");
74 h2b->SetYTitle("pulse height [ADC counts]");
75 registerObject<TH2F>("ph_vs_width_sel", h2b);
77 for (int slot = 1; slot <= 16; slot++) {
78 string name = "ph_slot_" + to_string(slot);
79 string title = "pulse-height vs. channel for slot " + to_string(slot);
80 auto h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0, 512, m_nx, 0, m_xmax);
81 h->SetXTitle("channel number");
82 h->SetYTitle("pulse height [ADC counts]");
83 registerObject<TH2F>(name, h);
84 m_names.push_back(name);
85 }
87 }
double m_xmax
histogram upper bound [ADC counts]

◆ prepare() [11/11]

void prepare ( )

Replacement for initialize().

Register calibration dataobjects here as well

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 76 of file

77 {
78 // input collections
80 m_digits.isRequired();
81 m_tracks.isRequired();
82 m_extHits.isRequired();
83 m_recBunch.isRequired();
85 // Parse PDF option
87 if (m_pdfOption == "rough") {
89 } else if (m_pdfOption == "fine") {
91 } else if (m_pdfOption == "optimal") {
93 } else {
94 B2ERROR("Unknown PDF option '" << m_pdfOption << "'");
95 }
97 // set track selector
99 if (m_sample == "dimuon" or m_sample == "bhabha") {
100 m_selector = TrackSelector(m_sample);
104 } else {
105 B2ERROR("Invalid sample type '" << m_sample << "'");
106 }
108 // create chi2 minimum finders
110 double tmin = -m_timeRange / 2;
111 double tmax = m_timeRange / 2;
112 for (int set = 0; set < c_numSets; set++) {
113 for (int slot = 1; slot <= c_numModules; slot++) {
114 m_finders[set].push_back(Chi2MinimumFinder1D(m_numBins, tmin, tmax));
115 }
116 }
118 // create and register histograms and tree
120 for (int slot = 1; slot <= c_numModules; slot++) {
121 string slotName = to_string(slot);
122 if (slot < 10) slotName.insert(0, "0");
123 string name = "chi2_slot" + slotName;
124 string title = "Chi2 scan, slot" + slotName + "; channel; t0 [ns]";
125 auto h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_numChannels, 0, c_numChannels, m_numBins, tmin, tmax);
126 registerObject<TH2F>(name, h);
127 m_namesChi.push_back(name);
128 }
130 for (int slot = 1; slot <= c_numModules; slot++) {
131 string slotName = to_string(slot);
132 if (slot < 10) slotName.insert(0, "0");
133 string name = "hits_slot" + slotName;
134 string title = "Photon hits, slot" + slotName + "; channel; time [ns]";
135 auto h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_numChannels, 0, c_numChannels, 100, 0., 20.);
136 registerObject<TH2F>(name, h);
137 m_namesHit.push_back(name);
138 }
140 auto h = new TH1F("moduleT0_pulls", "Module T0 pulls; pulls", 200, -15.0, 15.0);
141 registerObject<TH1F>("moduleT0_pulls", h);
143 auto tree = new TTree("tree", "TOP calibration validation tree");
144 tree->Branch("expNo", &m_treeEntry.expNo, "expNo/I");
145 tree->Branch("runNo", &m_treeEntry.runNo, "runNo/I");
146 tree->Branch("numTracks", &m_treeEntry.numTracks, "numTracks/I");
147 tree->Branch("commonT0", &m_treeEntry.commonT0, "commonT0/F");
148 tree->Branch("commonT0Err", &m_treeEntry.commonT0Err, "commonT0Err/F");
149 tree->Branch("moduleT0", &m_treeEntry.moduleT0, "moduleT0[16]/F");
150 tree->Branch("moduleT0Err", &m_treeEntry.moduleT0Err, "moduleT0Err[16]/F");
151 tree->Branch("numTBCalibrated", &m_treeEntry.numTBCalibrated, "numTBCalibrated[16]/I");
152 tree->Branch("numT0Calibrated", &m_treeEntry.numT0Calibrated, "numT0Calibrated[16]/I");
153 tree->Branch("numActive", &m_treeEntry.numActive, "numActive[16]/I");
154 tree->Branch("numActiveCalibrated", &m_treeEntry.numActiveCalibrated, "numActiveCalibrated[16]/I");
155 tree->Branch("thrEffi", &m_treeEntry.thrEffi, "thrEffi[16]/F");
156 tree->Branch("asicShifts", &m_treeEntry.asicShifts, "asicShifts[4]/F");
157 tree->Branch("svdOffset", &m_treeEntry.svdOffset, "svdOffset/F");
158 tree->Branch("svdSigma", &m_treeEntry.svdSigma, "svdSigma/F");
159 tree->Branch("cdcOffset", &m_treeEntry.cdcOffset, "cdcOffset/F");
160 tree->Branch("cdcSigma", &m_treeEntry.cdcSigma, "cdcSigma/F");
161 tree->Branch("fillPatternOffset", &m_treeEntry.fillPatternOffset, "fillPatternOffset/F");
162 tree->Branch("fillPatternFraction", &m_treeEntry.fillPatternFraction, "fillPatternFraction/F");
163 registerObject<TTree>("tree", tree);
164 }
int m_numBins
number of bins to which search region is divided
double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated hit
double m_deltaEcms
c.m.s energy window if sample is "dimuon" or "bhabha"
double m_timeRange
time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits
int numTBCalibrated[c_numModules]
number of timebase calibrated channels, index = slot - 1
int numActive[c_numModules]
number of active channels, index = slot - 1
float svdOffset
SVD event T0 offset.
float svdSigma
SVD event T0 resolution.
float fillPatternFraction
fraction of reconstructed buckets matched with filled ones
float fillPatternOffset
fill pattern offset
float thrEffi[c_numModules]
threshold efficiency: average over active calibrated channels, index = slot - 1
int numActiveCalibrated[c_numModules]
number of active calibrated channels, index = slot - 1
float cdcSigma
CDC event T0 resolution.
float cdcOffset
CDC event T0 offset.
float asicShifts[4]
carrier shifts of BS13d, index = carrier number
int numT0Calibrated[c_numModules]
number of channel T0 calibrated channels, index = slot - 1

◆ printModuleParams()

void printModuleParams ( ) const

Prints module parameters.

Definition at line 439 of file

440 {
442 }

◆ printTheError()

bool printTheError ( )

Error messages suppression logic.

true to print the error message, false to suppress it

Definition at line 234 of file

235 {
236 if (m_eventCount < m_errorSuppressFactor * m_numErrors) return false;
237 m_errorCount++;
238 m_resetEventCount = true;
239 return true;
240 }
unsigned m_errorSuppressFactor
error messages suppression factor

◆ saveAsHistogram() [1/4]

void saveAsHistogram ( const std::vector< double > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  title,
const std::string &  xTitle = "",
const std::string &  yTitle = "" 
) const

Save vector to histogram and write it out.

vecvector of bin values
namehistogram name
titlehistogram title
xTitlex-axis title
yTitley-axis title

Definition at line 299 of file

304 {
305 if (vec.empty()) return;
307 TH1F h(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), vec.size(), 0, vec.size());
308 h.SetXTitle(xTitle.c_str());
309 h.SetYTitle(yTitle.c_str());
310 if (name.find("Fit") != string::npos) h.SetLineColor(2);
312 for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) h.SetBinContent(i + 1, vec[i]);
314 h.Write();
315 }

◆ saveAsHistogram() [2/4]

void saveAsHistogram ( const std::vector< double > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  title,
const std::string &  xTitle = "",
const std::string &  yTitle = "" 
) const

Save vector to histogram and write it out.

vecvector of bin values
namehistogram name
titlehistogram title
xTitlex-axis title
yTitley-axis title

Definition at line 711 of file

716 {
717 if (vec.empty()) return;
719 TH1F h(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), vec.size(), 0, vec.size());
720 h.SetXTitle(xTitle.c_str());
721 h.SetYTitle(yTitle.c_str());
722 if (name.find("Fit") != string::npos) h.SetLineColor(2);
724 for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) h.SetBinContent(i + 1, vec[i]);
726 h.Write();
727 }

◆ saveAsHistogram() [3/4]

void saveAsHistogram ( const std::vector< double > &  vec,
const std::vector< double > &  err,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  title,
const std::string &  xTitle = "",
const std::string &  yTitle = "" 
) const

Save vector and errors to histogram and write it out.

vecvector of bin values
errvector of bin errors
namehistogram name
titlehistogram title
xTitlex-axis title
yTitley-axis title

Definition at line 730 of file

736 {
737 if (vec.empty()) return;
739 TH1F h(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), vec.size(), 0, vec.size());
740 h.SetXTitle(xTitle.c_str());
741 h.SetYTitle(yTitle.c_str());
743 for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) h.SetBinContent(i + 1, vec[i]);
744 for (unsigned i = 0; i < err.size(); i++) h.SetBinError(i + 1, err[i]);
746 h.Write();
747 }

◆ saveAsHistogram() [4/4]

void saveAsHistogram ( const TMatrixDSym &  M,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  title 
) const

Save matrix to histogram and write it out.

namehistogram name
titlehistogram title

Definition at line 750 of file

753 {
754 int n = M.GetNrows();
755 TH2F h(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), n, 0, n, n, 0, n);
756 h.SetXTitle("columns");
757 h.SetYTitle("rows");
759 for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
760 for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
761 h.SetBinContent(j + 1, n - k, M(j, k));
762 }
763 }
765 h.Write();
766 }

◆ setFinder()

int setFinder ( TOP::Chi2MinimumFinder1D finder,
const TOP::PDFConstructor reco,
double  timeMin,
double  timeMax 

Sets finder object with chi2 values.

finderfinder object
recoreconstruction object
timeMinlower edge of photon time window
timeMaxupper edge of photon time window
number of photons in the time window

Definition at line 623 of file

624 {
625 std::set<int> nfotSet; // for control only
626 const auto& binCenters = finder.getBinCenters();
627 int numPhotons = 0;
628 double logL_bkg = reco.getBackgroundLogL(timeMin, timeMax).logL;
629 for (unsigned i = 0; i < binCenters.size(); i++) {
630 double t0 = binCenters[i];
631 auto LL = reco.getLogL(t0, timeMin, timeMax, m_sigmaSmear);
632 finder.add(i, -2 * (LL.logL - logL_bkg));
633 if (i == 0) numPhotons = LL.numPhotons;
634 nfotSet.insert(LL.numPhotons);
635 }
637 if (nfotSet.size() != 1) B2ERROR("Different number of photons used for log likelihood of different time shifts");
639 return numPhotons;
640 }
double m_sigmaSmear
additional smearing of PDF in [ns]

◆ startRun()

void startRun ( )

Replacement for beginRun().

Do anything you would normally do in beginRun here

Reimplemented from CalibrationCollectorModule.

Definition at line 167 of file

168 {
169 // initialize tree variables
172 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtMetaData;
173 m_treeEntry.expNo = evtMetaData->getExperiment();
174 m_treeEntry.runNo = evtMetaData->getRun();
176 // clear minimum finders
178 for (auto& finders : m_finders) {
179 for (auto& finder : finders) finder.clear();
180 }
182 // pass payload summaries to tree
184 const auto& fe_mapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getFrontEndMapper();
185 for (unsigned module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
186 auto& numTBCalibrated = m_treeEntry.numTBCalibrated[module];
187 auto& numT0Calibrated = m_treeEntry.numT0Calibrated[module];
188 auto& numActive = m_treeEntry.numActive[module];
189 auto& numActiveCalibrated = m_treeEntry.numActiveCalibrated[module];
190 auto& thrEffi = m_treeEntry.thrEffi[module];
191 int slot = module + 1;
192 for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < c_numChannels; channel++) {
193 bool tbCalibrated = false;
194 const auto* fe = fe_mapper.getMap(slot, channel / 128);
195 if (fe) {
196 tbCalibrated = m_timebase->isAvailable(fe->getScrodID(), channel);
197 } else {
198 B2ERROR("No front-end map found");
199 }
200 bool t0Calibrated = m_channelT0->isCalibrated(slot, channel);
201 bool active = m_channelMask->isActive(slot, channel);
202 if (tbCalibrated) numTBCalibrated++;
203 if (t0Calibrated) numT0Calibrated++;
204 if (active) numActive++;
205 if (tbCalibrated and t0Calibrated and active) {
206 numActiveCalibrated++;
207 thrEffi += m_thresholdEff->getThrEff(slot, channel);
208 }
209 }
210 if (numActiveCalibrated > 0) thrEffi /= numActiveCalibrated;
211 }
213 for (unsigned carrier = 0; carrier < 4; carrier++) {
214 unsigned asic = (3 * 4 + carrier) * 4;
215 m_treeEntry.asicShifts[carrier] = m_asicShift->isCalibrated(13, asic) ? m_asicShift->getT0(13, asic) :
216 std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
217 }
219 const auto& svd = m_eventT0Offset->get(Const::SVD);
220 m_treeEntry.svdOffset = svd.offset;
221 m_treeEntry.svdSigma = svd.sigma;
223 const auto& cdc = m_eventT0Offset->get(Const::CDC);
224 m_treeEntry.cdcOffset = cdc.offset;
225 m_treeEntry.cdcSigma = cdc.sigma;
228 std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
230 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalFillPatternOffset > m_fillPatternOffset
fill pattern offset
DBObjPtr< TOPCalEventT0Offset > m_eventT0Offset
detector components offsets w.r.t TOP
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelMask > m_channelMask
list of dead/noisy channels
DBObjPtr< TOPCalTimebase > m_timebase
sample time calibration constants
DBObjPtr< TOPCalAsicShift > m_asicShift
ASIC shifts calibration constants.
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelThresholdEff > m_thresholdEff
channel threshold effi.
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelT0 > m_channelT0
channel T0 calibration constants
void clear()
Clear the structure.

◆ storeSampleTimes()

void storeSampleTimes ( std::string  fileName)

Optionally store sample times used by the generator as root histograms fileName root output file name.

Definition at line 228 of file

229 {
230 if (fileName.empty()) return;
232 TFile* fout = TFile::Open(fileName.c_str(), "recreate");
233 if (!fout) {
234 B2ERROR("Can't open the output file " << fileName);
235 return;
236 }
238 const auto& feMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getFrontEndMapper();
240 TH1F scrods("scrodID", "scrod ID's mapped to slots/boardstacks", 64, -0.5, 63.5);
241 scrods.SetXTitle("(slot - 1) * 4 + boardstack");
242 scrods.SetYTitle("scrod ID");
244 for (auto moduleID : m_moduleIDs) {
245 for (int bs = 0; bs < 4; bs++) {
246 const auto* feMap = feMapper.getMap(moduleID, bs);
247 if (!feMap) {
248 B2ERROR("No front-end mapping available for slot " << moduleID
249 << " boardstack " << bs);
250 continue;
251 }
252 unsigned scrodID = feMap->getScrodID();
253 std::string subdir = "scrod" + std::to_string(scrodID);
254 int i = (moduleID - 1) * 4 + bs;
255 scrods.SetBinContent(i + 1, scrodID);
256 fout->mkdir(subdir.c_str());
257 }
258 }
259 scrods.Write();
261 for (auto moduleID : m_moduleIDs) {
262 for (unsigned asic = 0; asic < 64; asic++) {
263 int bs = asic / 16;
264 const auto* feMap = feMapper.getMap(moduleID, bs);
265 if (!feMap) continue;
266 unsigned scrodID = feMap->getScrodID();
267 std::string subdir = "scrod" + std::to_string(scrodID);
268 fout->cd(subdir.c_str());
269 for (auto asicChannel : m_asicChannels) {
270 unsigned channel = (asic * 8 + asicChannel) % 128;
271 const TOPSampleTimes* sampleTimes = &m_sampleTimes;
272 if (m_useDatabase) {
273 sampleTimes = (*m_timebase)->getSampleTimes(scrodID, channel);
274 }
275 string forWhat = "scrod " + to_string(scrodID) +
276 " channel " + to_string(channel) +
277 " (slot" + to_string(moduleID) + ", as" + to_string(asic) +
278 ", ch" + to_string(asicChannel) + ")";
279 auto timeAxis = sampleTimes->getTimeAxis();
280 saveAsHistogram(timeAxis, "sampleTimes_ch" + to_string(channel),
281 "Generator input: sample times for " + forWhat,
282 "sample number", "t [ns]");
283 std::vector<double> dt;
284 for (unsigned i = 1; i < timeAxis.size(); i++) {
285 dt.push_back(timeAxis[i] - timeAxis[i - 1]);
286 }
287 saveAsHistogram(dt, "dt_ch" + to_string(channel),
288 "Generator input: sample time bins for " + forWhat,
289 "sample number", "#Delta t [ns]");
290 }
291 }
292 }
294 fout->Close();
296 }
std::vector< double > getTimeAxis() const
Returns time axis (sample times)

◆ terminate() [1/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 252 of file

253 {
255 m_file->cd();
256 m_alignTree->Write();
258 TH1F valid("valid", "status valid", 16, 0.5, 16.5);
259 valid.SetXTitle("slot ID");
260 valid.SetBinContent(m_targetMid, m_valid);
261 valid.Write();
263 TH1F ntrk("ntrk", "number of tracks", 16, 0.5, 16.5);
264 ntrk.SetXTitle("slot ID");
265 ntrk.SetBinContent(m_targetMid, m_ntrk);
266 ntrk.Write();
268 std::string name, title;
269 name = "results_slot" + to_string(m_targetMid);
270 title = "alignment parameters, slot " + to_string(m_targetMid);
271 int npar = m_align.getParams().size();
272 TH1F h0(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), npar, 0, npar);
273 const auto& par = m_align.getParams();
274 const auto& err = m_align.getErrors();
275 for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++) {
276 h0.SetBinContent(i + 1, par[i]);
277 h0.SetBinError(i + 1, err[i]);
278 }
279 h0.Write();
281 name = "errMatrix_slot" + to_string(m_targetMid);
282 title = "error matrix, slot " + to_string(m_targetMid);
283 TH2F h1(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), npar, 0, npar, npar, 0, npar);
284 const auto& errMatrix = m_align.getErrorMatrix();
285 for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++) {
286 for (int k = 0; k < npar; k++) {
287 h1.SetBinContent(i + 1, k + 1, errMatrix[i][k]);
288 }
289 }
290 h1.Write();
292 name = "corMatrix_slot" + to_string(m_targetMid);
293 title = "correlation matrix, slot " + to_string(m_targetMid);
294 TH2F h2(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), npar, 0, npar, npar, 0, npar);
295 std::vector<double> diag;
296 for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++) {
297 double d = errMatrix[i][i];
298 if (d != 0) d = 1.0 / sqrt(d);
299 diag.push_back(d);
300 }
301 for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++) {
302 for (int k = 0; k < npar; k++) {
303 h2.SetBinContent(i + 1, k + 1, diag[i] * diag[k] * errMatrix[i][k]);
304 }
305 }
306 h2.Write();
308 m_file->Close();
310 if (m_valid) {
311 B2RESULT("TOPAligner: slot = " << m_targetMid << ", status = successful, "
312 << "iterations = " << m_iter << ", tracks used = " << m_ntrk);
313 } else {
314 B2RESULT("TOPAligner: slot = " << m_targetMid << ", status = failed, "
315 << "error code = " << m_errorCode
316 << ", iterations = " << m_iter << ", tracks used = " << m_ntrk);
317 }
318 }
const std::vector< double > & getParams() const
Returns alignment parameters.
const TMatrixDSym & getErrorMatrix() const
Returns error matrix of alignment parameters Order is: translations in x, y, z, rotation angles aroun...

◆ terminate() [2/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 404 of file

405 {
406 /*
407 myprint(peflux, ("peflux_" + m_BkgType + ".pdf").c_str(), "#phi", "MHz / PMT", 1.);
408 myprint(zdist, ("zdist_" + m_BkgType + ".pdf").c_str(), "z[cm]", "", 0.0);
409 myprint(nflux, ("nflux_" + m_BkgType + ".pdf").c_str(), "#phi", "neutrons / cm^{2} / year", 0.0);
410 myprint(rdose, ("rdose_" + m_BkgType + ".pdf").c_str(), "#phi", "Gy/year", 0.0);
411 */
413 m_rootFile->cd();
414 origingamma->Write();
415 originpe->Write();
416 peflux->Write();
417 zdist->Write();
418 nflux->Write();
419 rdose->Write();
420 genergy->Write();
421 genergy2->Write();
422 nflux_bar->Write();
423 gflux_bar->Write();
424 origin_zx->Write();
425 origin_zy->Write();
426 module_occupancy->Write();
427 gorigin->Write();
428 norigin->Write();
429 zdistg->Write();
430 originpt->Write();
431 m_rootFile->Close();
433 // Announce
434 B2INFO("TOPBackground finished");
437 }

◆ terminate() [3/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 557 of file

558 {
559 B2RESULT("TOPBunchFinder: event T0 determined for " << m_success << "/"
560 << m_processed << " events");
561 }

◆ terminate() [4/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 259 of file

260 {
262 // determine scaling factor for errors from two statistically independent results
264 TH1F h_pulls("pulls", "Pulls of the two statistically independent results",
265 200, -15.0, 15.0);
266 h_pulls.SetXTitle("pulls");
267 for (unsigned module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
268 for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < c_numChannels; channel++) {
269 std::vector<double> pos, err;
270 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
271 const auto& minimum = m_finders[i][module][channel].getMinimum();
272 if (not minimum.valid) continue;
273 pos.push_back(minimum.position);
274 err.push_back(minimum.error);
275 }
276 if (pos.size() < 2) continue;
277 double pull = (pos[0] - pos[1]) / sqrt(err[0] * err[0] + err[1] * err[1]);
278 h_pulls.Fill(pull);
279 }
280 }
281 h_pulls.Write();
282 double scaleError = h_pulls.GetRMS();
284 // merge two statistically independent finders and store results into histograms
286 for (unsigned module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
287 int moduleID = module + 1;
289 std::string slotNum = std::to_string(moduleID);
290 if (moduleID < 10) slotNum = "0" + slotNum;
292 std::string name = "channelT0_slot" + slotNum;
293 std::string title = "Relative channel T0 for slot " + slotNum;
294 TH1F h_channelT0(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), c_numChannels, 0, c_numChannels);
295 h_channelT0.SetXTitle("channel number");
296 h_channelT0.SetYTitle("relative channel T0 [ns]");
298 for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < c_numChannels; channel++) {
299 auto& finder = m_finders[0][module][channel].add(m_finders[1][module][channel]);
300 const auto& minimum = finder.getMinimum();
301 if (minimum.valid) {
302 h_channelT0.SetBinContent(channel + 1, minimum.position);
303 h_channelT0.SetBinError(channel + 1, minimum.error * scaleError);
304 }
305 }
307 h_channelT0.Write();
309 }
311 // merge all finders of a slot to find module T0
313 TH1F h_moduleT0("moduleT0", "Relative module T0",
314 c_numModules, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5);
315 h_moduleT0.SetXTitle("slot number");
316 h_moduleT0.SetYTitle("relative module T0 [ns]");
317 auto finderCommon = m_finders[0][0][0];
318 finderCommon.clear();
319 for (unsigned module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
320 auto finder = m_finders[0][module][0];
321 finder.clear();
322 for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < c_numChannels; channel++) {
323 finder.add(m_finders[0][module][channel]);
324 }
325 finderCommon.add(finder);
326 const auto& minimum = finder.getMinimum();
327 if (minimum.valid) {
328 h_moduleT0.SetBinContent(module + 1, minimum.position);
329 h_moduleT0.SetBinError(module + 1, minimum.error * scaleError);
330 }
331 }
332 h_moduleT0.Write();
334 // find common T0
336 TH1F h_commonT0("commonT0", "Relative common T0", 1, 0, 1);
337 h_commonT0.SetYTitle("relative common T0 [ns]");
338 const auto& minimum = finderCommon.getMinimum();
339 if (minimum.valid) {
340 h_commonT0.SetBinContent(1, minimum.position);
341 h_commonT0.SetBinError(1, minimum.error * scaleError);
342 }
343 h_commonT0.Write();
345 // write other histograms and ntuple; close the file
347 for (auto& h : m_hits1D) h.Write();
348 for (auto& h : m_hits2D) h.Write();
350 m_tree->Write();
351 m_file->Close();
353 B2RESULT("Results available in " << m_outFileName);
354 }
void add(unsigned i, double chi2)
Add chi^2 value to bin i.
const Minimum & getMinimum()
Returns parabolic minimum.
void clear()
Set chi^2 values to zero.

◆ terminate() [5/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Output MC extraction

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 93 of file

94 {
95 auto file = new TFile(m_outputFile.c_str(), "RECREATE");
96 auto otree = new TTree("t0MC", "extract channel t0 info. from MC");
98 unsigned channel = 0;
99 double maxpos = 0;
101 otree->Branch("maxpos", &maxpos, "maxpos/D");
102 otree->Branch("channel", &channel, "channel/I");
104 for (int i = 0; i < c_NumChannels; i++) {
105 channel = i;
106 maxpos = m_histo[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(m_histo[i]->GetMaximumBin());
107 otree->Fill();
108 }
109 otree->Write();
110 delete otree;
111 file->Close();
112 delete file;
113 }
std::string m_outputFile
output root file name

◆ terminate() [6/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 243 of file

244 {
246 // determine scaling factor for errors from statistically independent results
248 TH1F h_pulls("pulls", "Pulls of statistically independent results",
249 200, -15.0, 15.0);
250 h_pulls.SetXTitle("pulls");
251 std::vector<double> pos, err;
252 for (int i = 0; i < c_numSets; i++) {
253 const auto& minimum = m_finders[i].getMinimum();
254 if (not minimum.valid) continue;
255 pos.push_back(minimum.position);
256 err.push_back(minimum.error);
257 }
258 for (unsigned i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++) {
259 for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < pos.size(); j++) {
260 double pull = (pos[i] - pos[j]) / sqrt(err[i] * err[i] + err[j] * err[j]);
261 h_pulls.Fill(pull);
262 }
263 }
264 h_pulls.Write();
265 double scaleError = 1;
266 if (h_pulls.GetEntries() > 1) scaleError = h_pulls.GetRMS();
268 // merge statistically independent finders and store results into histograms
270 auto finder = m_finders[0];
271 for (int i = 1; i < c_numSets; i++) {
272 finder.add(m_finders[i]);
273 }
275 TH1F h_relCommonT0("relCommonT0", "relative common T0", 1, 0, 1);
276 h_relCommonT0.SetYTitle("common T0 residual [ns]");
277 TH1F h_commonT0("commonT0", "Common T0", 1, 0, 1);
278 h_commonT0.SetYTitle("common T0 [ns]");
280 const auto& minimum = finder.getMinimum();
281 auto h = finder.getHistogram("chi2", "chi2");
282 h.Write();
283 if (minimum.valid) {
284 h_relCommonT0.SetBinContent(1, minimum.position);
285 h_relCommonT0.SetBinError(1, minimum.error * scaleError);
286 double T0 = minimum.position;
287 if (m_commonT0->isCalibrated()) T0 += m_commonT0->getT0();
288 T0 -= round(T0 / m_bunchTimeSep) * m_bunchTimeSep; // wrap around
289 h_commonT0.SetBinContent(1, T0);
290 h_commonT0.SetBinError(1, minimum.error * scaleError);
291 }
292 h_relCommonT0.Write();
293 h_commonT0.Write();
295 // write other histograms and ntuple; close the file
297 m_hits1D.Write();
298 m_hits2D.Write();
299 m_tree->Write();
300 m_file->Close();
302 B2RESULT("Results available in " << m_outFileName);
303 }
DBObjPtr< TOPCalCommonT0 > m_commonT0
common T0 calibration constants

◆ terminate() [7/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 249 of file

250 {
251 B2RESULT("TOPCosmicT0Finder: accepted events " << m_acceptedCount
252 << ", event T0 determined for " << m_successCount << " events");
253 }

◆ terminate() [8/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 154 of file

155 {
157 }

◆ terminate() [9/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 223 of file

224 {
225 }

◆ terminate() [10/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 173 of file

174 {
175 //first, check validity of input parameters
176 bool areGoodParameters = true;
177 if (m_targetSlotId < 1 || m_targetSlotId > c_NModule) {
178 B2ERROR("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : invalid slotID : " << m_targetSlotId);
179 areGoodParameters = false;
180 }
181 if (m_targetPmtId < 1 || m_targetPmtId > c_NPMTPerModule) {
182 B2ERROR("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : invalid PMT ID : " << m_targetPmtId);
183 areGoodParameters = false;
184 }
185 if (m_pedestalSigma < 1e-6) {
186 B2ERROR("TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator : pedestal sigma must be non-zero positive value");
187 areGoodParameters = false;
188 }
190 //do not proceed to the main process unless all the input parameters are not valid
191 if (areGoodParameters) {
192 if (m_outputPDFFile.size() == 0) {
193 if (m_inputFile.rfind(".") == std::string::npos)
195 else
196 m_outputPDFFile = m_inputFile.substr(0, m_inputFile.rfind("."));
197 }
199 //gain run using height distribution
200 LoadHistograms("Height_gain");
201 FitHistograms(c_LoadForFitHeight);
202 DrawResult("Height_gain", c_LoadForFitHeight);
204 //efficiency run
205 LoadHistograms("Height_efficiency");
206 FitHistograms(c_LoadHitRateHeight);
207 DrawResult("Height_efficiency", c_LoadHitRateHeight);
209 //gain run using integral distribution
210 LoadHistograms("Integral_gain");
211 FitHistograms(c_LoadForFitIntegral);
212 DrawResult("Integral_gain", c_LoadForFitIntegral);
214 }
215 }
void FitHistograms(EHistogramType LoadHisto)
Fit charge (or integrated charged) distribution to calculate gain and efficiency for each channel.
void DrawResult(const std::string &histotype, EHistogramType LoadHisto)
Draw results of gain/efficiency calculation for each channel to a given output file.
void LoadHistograms(const std::string &histotype)
Load 2D histograms from a given input file (output of TOPLaserHitSelector) and create timing and char...

◆ terminate() [11/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 260 of file

261 {
262 }

◆ terminate() [12/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 335 of file

336 {
337 }

◆ terminate() [13/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Do fits , clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 113 of file

114 {
115 std::vector<TH1F*> v_histo;
116 for (int i = 0; i < c_NumChannels; ++i) {
117 v_histo.push_back(m_histo[i]);
118 }
120 double dataT[c_NumChannels] = {0};
121 double dataTErr[c_NumChannels] = {0};
122 double mcT[c_NumChannels] = {0};
124 TOP::LaserCalibratorFit t0fit(m_barID);
125 t0fit.setHist(v_histo); //set time hist vector
126 t0fit.setFitMethod(m_fitMethod);
127 t0fit.setFitRange(m_fitRange[1], m_fitRange[2]);
128 if (m_fitChannel == c_NumChannels) {
129 for (int i = 0; i < c_NumChannels; ++i) {
130 t0fit.fitChannel(i);
131 dataT[i] = t0fit.getFitT();
132 dataTErr[i] = t0fit.getFitTErr();
133 }
134 } else {
135 t0fit.fitChannel(m_fitChannel);
136 dataT[m_fitChannel] = t0fit.getFitT();
137 }
138 //cout<<"chisq=\t"<<t0fit.getFitChisq(6)<<endl;
139 t0fit.writeFile(m_dataFitOutput); //write to root file
141 //read laser propagation time from MC (TOPChannelT0MC)
142 auto mcFile = new TFile(m_mcInput.c_str());
143 auto tree = static_cast<TTree*>(mcFile->Get("t0MC"));
144 int channel_mc;
145 double maxpos;
147 tree->SetBranchAddress("channel", &channel_mc);
148 tree->SetBranchAddress("maxpos", &maxpos);
149 for (int i = 0; i < tree->GetEntries(); i++) {
150 tree->GetEntry(i);
151 mcT[channel_mc] = maxpos;
152 }
154 //w.r.t. ref. channel
155 for (int i = 0; i < c_NumChannels; i++) {
156 if (i == m_refCh) continue;
157 dataT[i] = dataT[i] - dataT[m_refCh];
158 mcT[i] = mcT[i] - mcT[m_refCh];
159 }
161 delete tree;
162 mcFile->Close();
163 delete mcFile;
165 //calculate T0 Const, write to root file
166 auto file = new TFile(m_chT0C.c_str(), "RECREATE");
167 auto otree = new TTree("chT0", "Channel T0 Const");
169 unsigned channel = 0;
170 double t0_const = 0;
171 double t0ConstRaw = 0;
172 double fittedTime = 0;
173 double fittedTimeError = 0;
174 double mcTime = 0;
175 double mcCorrection = 0;
176 double t0ConstError = 0;
178 otree->Branch("fittedTime", &fittedTime, "fittedTime/D");
179 otree->Branch("fittedTimeError", &fittedTimeError, "fittedTimeError/D");
180 otree->Branch("mcTime", &mcTime, "mcTime/D");
181 otree->Branch("t0ConstRaw", &t0ConstRaw, "t0ConstRaw/D");
182 otree->Branch("mcCorrection", &mcCorrection, "mcCorrection/D");
183 otree->Branch("t0Const", &t0_const, "t0_const/D");
184 otree->Branch("t0ConstError", &t0ConstError, "t0ConstError/D");
185 otree->Branch("channel", &channel, "channel/I");
186 otree->Branch("slot", &m_barID, "slot/I");
188 for (int i = 0; i < c_NumChannels; i++) {
189 if (i == m_refCh) {
190 fittedTime = dataT[i];
191 mcTime = mcT[i];
192 } else {
193 fittedTime = dataT[i] + dataT[m_refCh];
194 mcTime = mcT[i] + mcT[m_refCh];
195 }
196 fittedTimeError = dataTErr[i];
197 t0ConstRaw = dataT[i];
198 mcCorrection = mcT[i];
199 channel = i;
200 t0_const = dataT[i] - mcT[i];
201 // assuming that the MC error is negligible
202 t0ConstError = TMath::Sqrt(dataTErr[i] * dataTErr[i] + dataTErr[m_refCh] * dataTErr[m_refCh]);
203 if (i == m_refCh) {
204 t0_const = 0;
205 t0ConstError = dataTErr[m_refCh];
206 }
207 otree->Fill();
208 }
209 otree->Write();
210 delete otree;
211 file->Close();
212 delete file;
214 // ...
215 // write to database; next to do ...
216 // ...
217 }
int m_fitChannel
set 0 - 511 to a specific pixelID in the fit; set 512 to fit all pixels in one slot
std::string m_mcInput
Input root file from MC.
int m_refCh
reference channel of T0 constant
std::string m_chT0C
Output of channel T0 constant.
std::string m_fitMethod
gauss: single gaussian; cb: single Crystal Ball; cb2: double Crystal Ball
std::string m_dataFitOutput
output root file for data

◆ terminate() [14/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 146 of file

147 {
148 }

◆ terminate() [15/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 252 of file

253 {
254 // determine scaling factor for errors from two statistically independent results
256 TH1F h_pulls("pulls", "Pulls of the two statistically independent results",
257 200, -15.0, 15.0);
258 h_pulls.SetXTitle("pulls");
259 for (unsigned module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
260 std::vector<double> pos, err;
261 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
262 const auto& minimum = m_finders[i][module].getMinimum();
263 if (not minimum.valid) continue;
264 pos.push_back(minimum.position);
265 err.push_back(minimum.error);
266 }
267 if (pos.size() < 2) continue;
268 double pull = (pos[0] - pos[1]) / sqrt(err[0] * err[0] + err[1] * err[1]);
269 h_pulls.Fill(pull);
270 }
271 h_pulls.Write();
272 double scaleError = h_pulls.GetRMS();
274 // merge two statistically independent finders and store results into histograms
276 TH1F h_relModuleT0("relModuleT0", "Module T0 relative to calibration",
277 c_numModules, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5);
278 h_relModuleT0.SetXTitle("slot number");
279 h_relModuleT0.SetYTitle("module T0 residual [ns]");
281 for (unsigned module = 0; module < c_numModules; module++) {
282 auto& finder = m_finders[0][module].add(m_finders[1][module]);
283 const auto& minimum = finder.getMinimum();
284 if (minimum.valid) {
285 h_relModuleT0.SetBinContent(module + 1, minimum.position);
286 h_relModuleT0.SetBinError(module + 1, minimum.error * scaleError);
287 }
288 std::string slotNum = to_string(module + 1);
289 auto h = finder.getHistogram("chi2_slot_" + slotNum, "slot " + slotNum);
290 h.Write();
291 }
292 h_relModuleT0.Write();
294 // absolute module T0
295 TH1F h_moduleT0("moduleT0", "Module T0",
296 c_numModules, 0.5, static_cast<float>(c_numModules) + 0.5);
297 h_moduleT0.SetXTitle("slot number");
298 h_moduleT0.SetYTitle("module T0 [ns]");
300 double average = 0; // average to be subtracted
301 int num = 0;
302 for (int slot = 1; slot <= c_numModules; slot++) {
303 if (h_relModuleT0.GetBinError(slot) > 0) {
304 double T0 = 0;
305 if (m_moduleT0->isCalibrated(slot)) T0 = m_moduleT0->getT0(slot);
306 average += h_relModuleT0.GetBinContent(slot) + T0;
307 num++;
308 }
309 }
310 if (num > 0) average /= num;
312 for (int slot = 1; slot <= c_numModules; slot++) {
313 double T0 = 0;
314 if (m_moduleT0->isCalibrated(slot)) T0 = m_moduleT0->getT0(slot);
315 double t0 = h_relModuleT0.GetBinContent(slot) + T0 - average;
316 double err = h_relModuleT0.GetBinError(slot);
317 h_moduleT0.SetBinContent(slot, t0);
318 h_moduleT0.SetBinError(slot, err);
319 }
320 h_moduleT0.Write();
322 // write other histograms and ntuple; close the file
324 m_hits1D.Write();
325 m_hits2D.Write();
326 m_tree->Write();
327 m_file->Close();
329 B2RESULT(num << "/16 calibrated. Results available in " << m_outFileName);
330 }

◆ terminate() [16/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 274 of file

275 {
276 TDirectory::TContext context;
277 m_file->cd();
278 m_tree->Write();
279 m_file->Close();
280 }

◆ terminate() [17/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 127 of file

128 {
129 }

◆ terminate() [18/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 182 of file

183 {
187 cout << "Average particle parameters at entrance to bar (in local frame):" << endl;
188 cout << " slot ID: ";
189 for (auto slot : m_slotIDs) cout << slot << " ";
190 cout << endl;
191 cout << " PDG code: ";
192 for (auto pdg : m_PDGCodes) cout << pdg << " ";
193 cout << endl;
194 cout << " position: x = " << m_avrgPosition.X()
195 << ", y = " << m_avrgPosition.Y()
196 << ", z = " << m_avrgPosition.Z() << endl;
197 cout << " momentum: p = " << m_avrgMomentum.R()
198 << ", theta = " << m_avrgMomentum.Theta() / Unit::deg
199 << ", phi = " << m_avrgMomentum.Phi() / Unit::deg << endl;
200 cout << "Number of particles: " << m_numTracks << endl;
201 cout << "Photons per particle: simulation = " << m_hits->GetSum() / m_numTracks
202 << ", PDF = " << m_pdf->GetSum() / m_numTracks << endl;
204 }

◆ terminate() [19/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 481 of file

482 {
483 }

◆ terminate() [20/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

The historam writing takes place here

Reimplemented from HistoModule.

Definition at line 453 of file

454 {
455 // writes the histos
456 B2INFO("Creating output file " << m_outputFile);
457 TFile outfile(m_outputFile.c_str(), "recreate");
459 B2INFO("Writing histograms ");
461 // opens the input list to retrive, one last time, the labels
462 ifstream inputDirectoryListFile(m_inputDirectoryList.c_str());
463 std::string inputString;
464 int iSet = 0;
466 while (std::getline(inputDirectoryListFile, inputString)) {
467 parseInputDirectoryLine(inputString);
468 TDirectory* dirSet = outfile.mkdir(m_calSetLabel.c_str());
469 dirSet->cd();
471 m_topAverageDeltaT[iSet]->Write();
472 m_topSigmaDeltaT[iSet]->Write();
473 m_topSampleOccupancy[iSet]->Write();
474 m_topAverageDeltaTComparison[iSet]->Write();
475 m_topSigmaDeltaTComparison[iSet]->Write();
476 m_topSampleOccupancyComparison[iSet]->Write();
478 for (int iSlot = 0; iSlot < 16; iSlot ++) {
479 TDirectory* dirSlot = dirSet->mkdir(str(format("slot%1%") % (iSlot + 1)).c_str());
480 dirSlot->cd();
482 m_slotAverageDeltaT[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
483 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
484 m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
485 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
486 m_slotSampleOccupancy[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
487 m_slotEmptySamples[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
488 m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
489 m_slotEmptySamplesMap[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
491 m_slotAverageDeltaTComparison[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
492 m_slotSigmaDeltaTComparison[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
493 m_slotAverageDeltaTMapComparison[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
494 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMapComparison[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
495 }
496 dirSet->cd();
497 iSet++;
498 }
499 }
std::string m_outputFile
File in which the output histograms are stored.

◆ terminate() [21/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 220 of file

221 {
223 const auto& feMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getFrontEndMapper();
225 for (unsigned bs = 0; bs < c_NumBoardstacks; bs ++) {
227 // determine scrod ID
229 const auto* feMap = feMapper.getMap(m_moduleID, bs);
230 if (!feMap) {
231 B2ERROR("No front-end map available for slot " << m_moduleID << ", BS" << bs);
232 continue;
233 }
234 unsigned scrodID = feMap->getScrodID();
236 // open output root file
238 string fileName = m_directoryName + "/tbcSlot";
239 if (m_moduleID < 10) {
240 fileName += "0" + to_string(m_moduleID);
241 } else {
242 fileName += to_string(m_moduleID);
243 }
244 fileName += "_" + to_string(bs) + "-scrod" +
245 to_string(scrodID) + ".root";
246 TFile* fout = TFile::Open(fileName.c_str(), "recreate");
247 if (!fout) {
248 B2ERROR("Can't open the output file " << fileName);
249 continue;
250 }
252 // write control histograms
254 m_goodHits.Write();
255 m_calPulseFirst.Write();
256 m_calPulseSecond.Write();
258 B2INFO("Fitting time base corrections for SCROD " << scrodID
259 << ", output file: " << fileName);
261 // book histograms
263 TH1F Hchan("channels", "channels with cal pulse",
264 c_NumScrodChannels, 0, c_NumScrodChannels);
265 Hchan.SetXTitle("channel number");
266 Hchan.SetYTitle("double cal pulse counts");
267 TH1F Hsuccess("success", "successfuly fitted channels",
268 c_NumScrodChannels, 0, c_NumScrodChannels);
269 Hsuccess.SetXTitle("channel number");
270 TH1F Hchi2("chi2", "normalized chi2",
271 c_NumScrodChannels, 0, c_NumScrodChannels);
272 Hchi2.SetXTitle("channel number");
273 Hchi2.SetYTitle("chi2/ndf");
274 TH1F Hndf("ndf", "degrees of freedom",
275 c_NumScrodChannels, 0, c_NumScrodChannels);
276 Hndf.SetXTitle("channel number");
277 Hndf.SetYTitle("ndf");
278 TH1F HDeltaT("DeltaT", "Fitted double pulse delay time",
279 c_NumScrodChannels, 0, c_NumScrodChannels);
280 HDeltaT.SetXTitle("channel number");
281 HDeltaT.SetYTitle("#Delta T [ns]");
283 // loop over channels of a single SCROD
285 for (unsigned chan = 0; chan < c_NumScrodChannels; chan++) {
286 unsigned channel = chan + bs * c_NumScrodChannels;
287 auto& ntuple = m_ntuples[channel];
288 Hchan.SetBinContent(chan + 1, ntuple.size());
289 if (ntuple.size() > m_minHits) {
290 bool ok = calibrateChannel(ntuple, scrodID, chan, Hchi2, Hndf, HDeltaT);
291 if (ok) Hsuccess.Fill(chan);
292 } else {
293 B2INFO("... channel " << chan << " statistics too low ("
294 << ntuple.size() << " double cal pulses)");
295 }
296 }
298 // write histograms and close the file
300 Hchan.Write();
301 Hsuccess.Write();
302 Hchi2.Write();
303 Hndf.Write();
304 HDeltaT.Write();
305 fout->Close();
307 }
308 }
unsigned m_minHits
minimal required hits per channel
@ c_NumBoardstacks
number of boardstacks per module
const TOPFrontEndMap * getMap(int moduleID, int bs) const
Return map from TOP module side.
bool calibrateChannel(std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
calibrate single channel

◆ terminate() [22/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 1254 of file

1255 {
1256 }

◆ terminate() [23/23]

void terminate ( void  )

Termination action.

Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.

Reimplemented from Module.

Definition at line 144 of file

145 {
146 }

◆ TOPAlignerModule()


Definition at line 44 of file

44 : Module()
46 {
47 // set module description
48 setDescription("Alignment of TOP");
49 // setPropertyFlags(c_ParallelProcessingCertified);
51 // Add parameters
52 addParam("targetModule", m_targetMid,
53 "Module to be aligned. Must be 1 <= Mid <= 16.", 1);
54 addParam("maxFails", m_maxFails,
55 "Maximum number of consecutive failed iterations before resetting the procedure", 100);
56 addParam("sample", m_sample,
57 "sample type: one of dimuon, bhabha or cosmics", std::string("dimuon"));
58 addParam("minMomentum", m_minMomentum,
59 "minimal track momentum if sample is cosmics", 1.0);
60 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms,
61 "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
62 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
63 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
64 addParam("minZ", m_minZ,
65 "minimal local z of extrapolated hit", -130.0);
66 addParam("maxZ", m_maxZ,
67 "maximal local z of extrapolated hit", 130.0);
68 addParam("outFileName", m_outFileName,
69 "Root output file name containing alignment results",
70 std::string("TopAlignPars.root"));
71 addParam("stepPosition", m_stepPosition, "step size for translations", 1.0);
72 addParam("stepAngle", m_stepAngle, "step size for rotations", 0.01);
73 addParam("stepTime", m_stepTime, "step size for t0", 0.05);
74 std::string names;
75 for (const auto& parName : m_align.getParameterNames()) names += parName + ", ";
76 names.pop_back();
77 names.pop_back();
78 addParam("parInit", m_parInit,
79 "initial parameter values in the order [" + names + "]. "
80 "If list is too short, the missing ones are set to 0.", m_parInit);
81 auto parFixed = m_parFixed;
82 addParam("parFixed", m_parFixed, "list of names of parameters to be fixed. "
83 "Valid names are: " + names, parFixed);
85 }
const std::vector< std::string > & getParameterNames() const
Returns alignment parameter names.

◆ TOPAlignmentCollectorModule()


Definition at line 42 of file

43 {
44 // set module description and processing properties
45 setDescription("A collector for geometrical alignment of a TOP module with dimuons or Bhabhas. Iterative alignment procedure (NIMA 876 (2017) 260-264) is run here, algorithm just collects the results.");
48 // module parameters
49 addParam("targetModule", m_targetMid,
50 "Module to be aligned. Must be 1 <= Mid <= 16.");
51 addParam("maxFails", m_maxFails,
52 "Maximum number of consecutive failed iterations before resetting the procedure", 100);
53 addParam("sample", m_sample,
54 "sample type: one of dimuon or bhabha", std::string("dimuon"));
55 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms,
56 "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
57 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 1.0);
58 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 2.0);
59 addParam("minZ", m_minZ, "minimal local z of extrapolated hit", -130.0);
60 addParam("maxZ", m_maxZ, "maximal local z of extrapolated hit", 130.0);
61 addParam("stepPosition", m_stepPosition, "step size for translations", 1.0);
62 addParam("stepAngle", m_stepAngle, "step size for rotations", 0.01);
63 addParam("stepTime", m_stepTime, "step size for t0", 0.05);
64 std::string names;
65 auto align = ModuleAlignment();
66 for (const auto& parName : align.getParameterNames()) names += parName + ", ";
67 names.pop_back();
68 names.pop_back();
69 addParam("parInit", m_parInit,
70 "initial parameter values in the order [" + names + "]. "
71 "If list is too short, the missing ones are set to 0.", m_parInit);
72 auto parFixed = m_parFixed;
73 addParam("parFixed", m_parFixed, "list of names of parameters to be fixed. "
74 "Valid names are: " + names, parFixed);
76 }

◆ TOPAsicShiftsBS13dCollectorModule()


Definition at line 36 of file

37 {
38 // set module description and processing properties
39 setDescription("A collector for calibration of carrier shifts of BS13d.");
42 // module parameters
43 addParam("timeOffset", m_timeOffset, "time offset", 0.0);
44 addParam("nx", m_nx, "number of histogram bins (bin size ~8 ns)", 50);
45 addParam("requireRecBunch", m_requireRecBunch,
46 "if True, require reconstructed bunch (to be used on cdst files only!)",
47 false);
49 }

◆ TOPBackgroundModule()


Definition at line 59 of file

59 : Module(),
60 m_rootFile(0),
61 origingamma(0),
62 originpe(0),
63 peflux(0),
64 nflux(0),
65 rdose(0),
66 zdist(0),
67 genergy(0),
68 genergy2(0),
69 zdistg(0),
70 originpt(0),
71 nflux_bar(0),
72 gflux_bar(0),
73 cflux_bar(0),
74 norigin(0),
75 gorigin(0),
76 corigin(0),
77 nprim(0),
78 gprim(0),
79 cprim(0),
80 origin_zx(0),
81 origin_zy(0),
82 prim_zx(0),
83 prim_zy(0),
85 PCBmass(0),
86 PCBarea(0),
87 yearns(0),
88 evtoJ(0),
89 mtoc(0),
90 count(0),
91 count_occ(0),
95 originpe_x(0),
96 originpe_y(0),
97 originpe_z(0)
98 {
99 // Set description()
100 setDescription("A module to analyze beam background simulations regarding TOP");
102 // Add parameters
103 addParam("Type", m_BkgType, "Backgound type", string("Backgound"));
104 addParam("Output", m_OutputFileName, "Name of the output file",
105 string("Backgound.root"));
106 addParam("TimeOfSimulation", m_TimeOfSimulation,
107 "Real time in micro seconds that corresponds to simulated data", 5.);
108 }

◆ TOPBunchFinderModule()


Definition at line 53 of file

53 : Module()
54 {
55 // set module description (e.g. insert text)
56 setDescription("A precise event T0 determination w.r.t local time reference of TOP counter. "
57 "Results available in TOPRecBunch.");
60 // Add parameters
61 addParam("numBins", m_numBins, "number of bins of fine search region", 200);
62 addParam("timeRangeFine", m_timeRangeFine,
63 "time range in which to do fine search [ns]", 10.0);
64 addParam("timeRangeCoarse", m_timeRangeCoarse,
65 "time range in which to do coarse search, if autoRange turned off [ns]", 100.0);
66 addParam("autoRange", m_autoRange,
67 "turn on/off automatic determination of the coarse search region (false means off)", false);
68 addParam("sigmaSmear", m_sigmaSmear,
69 "sigma in [ns] for additional smearing of PDF", 0.0);
70 addParam("minSignal", m_minSignal,
71 "minimal number of signal photons to accept track", 8.0);
72 addParam("minSBRatio", m_minSBRatio,
73 "minimal signal-to-background ratio to accept track", 0.0);
74 addParam("minDERatio", m_minDERatio,
75 "minimal ratio of detected-to-expected photons to accept track", 0.2);
76 addParam("maxDERatio", m_maxDERatio,
77 "maximal ratio of detected-to-expected photons to accept track", 2.5);
78 addParam("minPt", m_minPt, "minimal p_T of the track", 0.3);
79 addParam("maxPt", m_maxPt, "maximal p_T of the track", 6.0);
80 addParam("maxD0", m_maxD0, "maximal absolute value of helix perigee distance", 2.0);
81 addParam("maxZ0", m_maxZ0, "maximal absolute value of helix perigee z coordinate", 4.0);
82 addParam("minNHitsCDC", m_minNHitsCDC, "minimal number of hits in CDC", 20);
83 addParam("useMCTruth", m_useMCTruth,
84 "if true, use MC truth for particle mass instead of the most probable from dEdx",
85 false);
86 addParam("saveHistograms", m_saveHistograms,
87 "if true, save histograms to TOPRecBunch and TOPTimeZeros", false);
88 addParam("tau", m_tau,
89 "first order filter time constant [number of events]", 100.0);
90 addParam("correctDigits", m_correctDigits,
91 "if true, subtract bunch time in TOPDigits", true);
92 addParam("subtractRunningOffset", m_subtractRunningOffset,
93 "if true and correctDigits = True, subtract running offset in TOPDigits "
94 "when running in HLT mode. It must be set to false when running calibration.",
95 true);
96 addParam("bunchesPerSSTclk", m_bunchesPerSSTclk,
97 "number of bunches per SST clock period", 24);
98 addParam("usePIDLikelihoods", m_usePIDLikelihoods,
99 "use PIDLikelihoods instead of DedxLikelihoods (only if run on cdst files)",
100 false);
101 addParam("nTrackLimit", m_nTrackLimit,
102 "maximum number of tracks (inclusive) to use three particle hypotheses in fine search "
103 "(only when running in data processing mode).", unsigned(3));
104 addParam("useTimeSeed", m_useTimeSeed, "use SVD or CDC event T0 as a seed "
105 "(only when running in data processing mode and autoRange turned off).", true);
106 addParam("useFillPattern", m_useFillPattern, "use known accelerator fill pattern to enhance efficiency "
107 "(only when running in data processing mode).", true);
108 }
double m_minPt
minimal p_T of track

◆ TOPCalPulseGeneratorModule()


Definition at line 45 of file

45 : Module()
47 {
48 // set module description
49 setDescription("Realistic generator of calibration double pulses. "
50 "Needs TOPDigitizer to digitize");
53 // Add parameters
54 addParam("moduleIDs", m_moduleIDs,
55 "list of slots for which to generate cal pulse, empty list means all slots.",
57 m_asicChannels.push_back(0);
58 addParam("asicChannels", m_asicChannels,
59 "ASIC calibration channels (0 - 7), empty list means all channels.",
61 // default for these three below are set according to laser run 8/414
62 addParam("amplitude", m_amplitude, "amplitude of cal pulse [ADC counts]", 600.0);
63 addParam("delay", m_delay, "delay of cal pulse [ns]", 10.5);
64 addParam("windowSize", m_windowSize, "size of time window in which to generate cal pulses [ns]", 8.0);
65 }

◆ TOPChannelMaskCollectorModule()


Definition at line 31 of file

32 {
33 // set module description and processing properties
34 setDescription("A collector for preparing masks of dead and hot channels");
36 }

◆ TOPChannelMaskerModule()

Constructor: Sets the description of the module.

Definition at line 32 of file

32 : Module()
33 {
34 // Set module properties
35 setDescription("Masks dead, hot and uncalibrated channels from the reconstruction");
37 // Set property flags
40 // Add parameters
41 addParam("maskUncalibratedChannelT0", m_maskUncalibratedChannelT0,
42 "if true, mask channelT0-uncalibrated channels", true);
43 addParam("maskUncalibratedTimebase", m_maskUncalibratedTimebase,
44 "if true, mask timebase-uncalibrated channels ", true);
45 }

◆ TOPChannelT0CalibratorModule()


Definition at line 38 of file

38 : Module()
40 {
41 // set module description
42 setDescription("Alternative channel T0 calibration with dimuons or bhabhas. "
43 "This module can also be used to check the calibration "
44 "(channel, module and common T0).\n"
45 "Note: after this kind of calibration one cannot do the alignment.");
46 // setPropertyFlags(c_ParallelProcessingCertified);
48 // Add parameters
49 addParam("numBins", m_numBins, "number of bins of the search region", 200);
50 addParam("timeRange", m_timeRange,
51 "time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]", 10.0);
52 addParam("sigmaSmear", m_sigmaSmear,
53 "sigma in [ns] for additional smearing of PDF", 0.0);
54 addParam("sample", m_sample,
55 "sample type: one of dimuon, bhabha or cosmics", std::string("dimuon"));
56 addParam("minMomentum", m_minMomentum,
57 "minimal track momentum if sample is cosmics", 1.0);
58 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms,
59 "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
60 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
61 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
62 addParam("minZ", m_minZ,
63 "minimal local z of extrapolated hit", -130.0);
64 addParam("maxZ", m_maxZ,
65 "maximal local z of extrapolated hit", 130.0);
66 addParam("outputFileName", m_outFileName,
67 "Root output file name containing calibration results. "
68 "File name can include *'s; "
69 "they will be replaced with a run number from the first input file",
70 std::string("calibrationT0_r*.root"));
71 addParam("pdfOption", m_pdfOption,
72 "PDF option, one of 'rough', 'fine', 'optimal'", std::string("rough"));
74 }

◆ TOPChannelT0MCModule()


Definition at line 40 of file

40 : Module()
41 {
42 std::vector<double> frange = {100, 0., 1.};
43 // set module description (e.g. insert text)
44 setDescription("TOP channel T0 Calibration of MC extraction");
45 // Add parameters
46 addParam("outputFile", m_outputFile, "Output root file name",
47 string(""));
48 addParam("fitRange", m_fitRange, "fit range[nbins, xmin, xmax]", frange);
50 }

◆ TOPCommonT0BFCollectorModule()


Definition at line 35 of file

36 {
37 // set module description and processing properties
38 setDescription("A collector for common T0 calibration with a fit of bunch finder residuals (method BF)");
41 // module parameters
42 addParam("bunchesPerSSTclk", m_bunchesPerSSTclk,
43 "number of bunches per SST clock period", 24);
44 addParam("nx", m_nx, "number of histogram bins", 200);
46 }

◆ TOPCommonT0CalibratorModule()


Definition at line 37 of file

37 : Module()
39 {
40 // set module description
41 setDescription("Common T0 calibration with dimuons or bhabhas.");
42 // setPropertyFlags(c_ParallelProcessingCertified);
44 // Add parameters
45 addParam("numBins", m_numBins, "number of bins of the search region", 200);
46 addParam("timeRange", m_timeRange,
47 "time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]", 10.0);
48 addParam("sigmaSmear", m_sigmaSmear,
49 "sigma in [ns] for additional smearing of PDF", 0.0);
50 addParam("sample", m_sample,
51 "sample type: one of dimuon, bhabha or cosmics", std::string("dimuon"));
52 addParam("minMomentum", m_minMomentum,
53 "minimal track momentum if sample is cosmics", 1.0);
54 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms,
55 "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
56 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
57 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
58 addParam("minZ", m_minZ,
59 "minimal local z of extrapolated hit", -130.0);
60 addParam("maxZ", m_maxZ,
61 "maximal local z of extrapolated hit", 130.0);
62 addParam("outputFileName", m_outFileName,
63 "Root output file name containing calibration results. "
64 "File name can include *'s; "
65 "they will be replaced with a run number from the first input file",
66 std::string("commonT0_r*.root"));
67 addParam("pdfOption", m_pdfOption,
68 "PDF option, one of 'rough', 'fine', 'optimal'", std::string("rough"));
70 }

◆ TOPCommonT0LLCollectorModule()


Definition at line 45 of file

46 {
47 // set module description and processing properties
48 setDescription("A collector for common T0 calibration with dimuons or Bhabha's using "
49 "neg. log likelihood minimization (method LL)");
52 // module parameters
53 addParam("bunchesPerSSTclk", m_bunchesPerSSTclk,
54 "number of bunches per SST clock period", 24);
55 addParam("numBins", m_numBins, "number of bins of the search region", 200);
56 addParam("timeRange", m_timeRange,
57 "time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]", 10.0);
58 addParam("sigmaSmear", m_sigmaSmear,
59 "sigma in [ns] for additional smearing of PDF", 0.0);
60 addParam("sample", m_sample,
61 "sample type: one of dimuon or bhabha", std::string("dimuon"));
62 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms,
63 "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
64 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
65 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
66 addParam("minZ", m_minZ,
67 "minimal local z of extrapolated hit", -130.0);
68 addParam("maxZ", m_maxZ,
69 "maximal local z of extrapolated hit", 130.0);
70 addParam("pdfOption", m_pdfOption,
71 "PDF option, one of 'rough', 'fine', 'optimal'", std::string("rough"));
72 }

◆ TOPCosmicT0FinderModule()


Definition at line 56 of file

56 : Module()
58 {
59 // set module description
60 setDescription("Event T0 finder for global cosmic runs");
63 // Add parameters
64 addParam("useIncomingTrack", m_useIncomingTrack,
65 "if true, use incoming track, otherwise use outcoming track", true);
66 addParam("minHits", m_minHits,
67 "minimal number of detected photons in a module", (unsigned) 10);
68 addParam("minSignal", m_minSignal,
69 "minimal number of expected signal photons", 5.0);
70 addParam("applyT0", m_applyT0, "if true, subtract T0 in TOPDigits", true);
71 addParam("numBins", m_numBins, "number of bins time range is divided to", 200);
72 addParam("timeRange", m_timeRange, "time range in which to search [ns]", 10.0);
73 addParam("sigma", m_sigma, "additional time spread added to PDF [ns]", 0.0);
74 addParam("saveHistograms", m_saveHistograms,
75 "save histograms to TOPTimeZero", false);
76 }

◆ TOPDigitizerModule()


Definition at line 50 of file

50 : Module()
51 {
52 // Set description()
53 setDescription("Digitize TOPSimHits");
56 // Add parameters
57 addParam("timeZeroJitter", m_timeZeroJitter,
58 "r.m.s of T0 jitter [ns]", 15e-3);
59 addParam("electronicJitter", m_electronicJitter,
60 "r.m.s of electronic jitter [ns], "
61 "if negative the one from TOPNominalTDC is used. "
62 "This parameter is ignored in the full waveform digitization.", -1.0);
63 addParam("darkNoise", m_darkNoise,
64 "uniformly distributed dark noise (hits per module)", 0.0);
65 addParam("ADCx0", m_ADCx0,
66 "pulse height distribution parameter [ADC counts]", 204.1);
67 addParam("ADCp1", m_ADCp1,
68 "pulse height distribution parameter (must be non-negative)", 1.0);
69 addParam("ADCp2", m_ADCp2,
70 "pulse height distribution parameter (must be non-negative)", 1.025);
71 addParam("ADCmax", m_ADCmax,
72 "pulse height distribution upper bound [ADC counts]", 2000.0);
73 addParam("rmsNoise", m_rmsNoise,
74 "r.m.s of noise [ADC counts]", 9.7);
75 addParam("threshold", m_threshold,
76 "pulse height threshold [ADC counts]", 40);
77 addParam("hysteresis", m_hysteresis,
78 "pulse height threshold hysteresis [ADC counts]", 10);
79 addParam("thresholdCount", m_thresholdCount,
80 "minimal number of samples above threshold", 3);
81 addParam("useWaveforms", m_useWaveforms,
82 "if true, use full waveform digitization", true);
83 addParam("allChannels", m_allChannels,
84 "if true, make waveforms for all 8192 channels "
85 "(note: this will slow-down digitization)", false);
86 addParam("useDatabase", m_useDatabase,
87 "if true, use channel dependent constants from database (incl. time base)",
88 true);
89 addParam("useSampleTimeCalibration", m_useSampleTimeCalibration,
90 "if true, use only time base calibration from database "
91 "(has no effect if useDatabase = True)", false);
92 addParam("simulateTTS", m_simulateTTS,
93 "if true, simulate time transition spread. "
94 "Should be always switched ON, except for some dedicated timing studies.",
95 true);
96 addParam("minWidthXheight", m_minWidthXheight,
97 "minimal product of width and height [ns * ADC counts]", 100.0);
98 addParam("lookBackWindows", m_lookBackWindows,
99 "number of look back windows, if positive override the number from database", 0);
100 }

◆ TOPDoublePulseGeneratorModule()


Definition at line 52 of file

52 : Module()
54 {
55 // set module description
56 setDescription("Generator of calibration double pulses");
59 // Add parameters
60 addParam("moduleIDs", m_moduleIDs,
61 "list of slots for which to generate cal pulse, empty list means all slots.",
63 m_asicChannels.push_back(0);
64 addParam("asicChannels", m_asicChannels,
65 "ASIC calibration channels (0 - 7), empty list means all channels.",
67 addParam("timeDifference", m_timeDifference,
68 "time difference between first and second pulse [ns].", 21.87);
69 addParam("timeResolution", m_timeResolution,
70 "sigma of time difference [ns].", 40.0e-3);
71 addParam("sampleTimeIntervals", m_sampleTimeIntervals,
72 "vector of 256 sample time intervals to construct sample times. "
73 "If empty, equidistant intervals will be used.", m_sampleTimeIntervals);
74 addParam("useDatabase", m_useDatabase,
75 "if true, use sample times from database instead of sampleTimeIntervals.",
76 false);
77 addParam("storageWindows", m_storageWindows,
78 "number of storage windows (old FW used 64 out of 512)", (unsigned) 512);
79 addParam("outputFileName", m_outputFileName,
80 "if given, sample times will be saved as root histograms in this file",
81 std::string(""));
83 }

◆ TOPDQMModule()


Definition at line 41 of file

41 : HistoModule()
42 {
43 // set module description (e.g. insert text)
44 setDescription("TOP DQM histogrammer");
47 // Add parameters
48 addParam("histogramDirectoryName", m_histogramDirectoryName,
49 "histogram directory in ROOT file", string("TOP"));
50 addParam("momentumCut", m_momentumCut,
51 "momentum cut used to histogram number of photons per track", 0.5);
52 }
Definition: HistoModule.h:32

◆ TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule()


Definition at line 47 of file

47 : HistoModule()
48 {
49 // Set description()
50 setDescription("Calculate pixel gain and efficiency for a given PMT from 2D histogram of hit timing and pulse charge, "
51 "created by TOPLaserHitSelectorModule.");
53 // Add parameters
54 addParam("inputFile", m_inputFile, "input file name containing 2D histogram", std::string(""));
55 addParam("outputPDFFile", m_outputPDFFile, "output PDF file to store plots", std::string(""));
56 addParam("targetSlotId", m_targetSlotId, "TOP module ID in slot number (1-16)", (short)0);
57 addParam("targetPmtId", m_targetPmtId, "PMT number (1-32)", (short)0);
58 addParam("targetPmtChId", m_targetPmtChId, "PMT channel number (1-16)", (short) - 1);
59 addParam("hvDiff", m_hvDiff, "HV difference from nominal HV value", (short)0);
60 addParam("fitHalfWidth", m_fitHalfWidth, "half fit width for direct laser hit peak in [ns] unit", (float)1.0);
61 addParam("threshold", m_threshold,
62 "pulse height (or integrated charge) threshold in fitting its distribution and calculating efficiency", (float)100.);
63 addParam("p0HeightIntegral", m_p0HeightIntegral,
64 "Parameter from p0 + x*p1 function fitting height-integral distribtion.", (float) - 50.0);
65 addParam("p1HeightIntegral", m_p1HeightIntegral,
66 "Parameter from p0 + x*p1 function fitting height-integral distribtion.", (float)6.0);
67 addParam("fracFit", m_fracFit, "fraction of events to be used in fitting. "
68 "An upper limit of a fit range is given to cover this fraction of events. "
69 "Set negative value to calculate the fraction to exclude only 10 events in tail.", (float)(-1)); //,(float)0.99);
70 addParam("initialP0", m_initialP0, "initial value of the fit parameter p0 divided by histogram entries."
71 "Set negative value to calculate from histogram inforamtion automatically.", (float)(0.0001)); //,(float)1e-6);
72 addParam("initialP1", m_initialP1, "initial value of the fit parameter p1."
73 "Set negative value to calculate from histogram inforamtion automatically.", (float)(1.0)); //,(float)1.0);
74 addParam("initialP2", m_initialP2, "initial value of the fit parameter p2."
75 "Set negative value to calculate from histogram inforamtion automatically.", (float)(1.0)); //,(float)1.0);
76 addParam("initialX0", m_initialX0, "initial value of the fit parameter x0 divided by histogram bin width."
77 "Set negative value to calculate from histogram inforamtion automatically.", (float)(100)); //, (float)100.);
78 addParam("pedestalSigma", m_pedestalSigma, "sigma of pedestal width", (float)10.);
79 addParam("fitoption", m_fitoption, "fit option likelihood: default chisquare: R", std::string("L"));
81 }

◆ TOPGainFunc()

double TOPGainFunc ( double *  var,
double *  par 

Fit function of pulse charge (or charnge) distribution for channel(pixel)-by-channel gain extraction, given by "[0]*pow(x-[4],[1])*exp(-pow(x-[4],[2])/[3])" smeared by Gaussian with a constant sigma to consider baseline fluctuation.

Definition at line 625 of file

626 {
628 double pedestal = par[4];
629 double pedestalWidth = par[5];
630 double x = (var[0] - pedestal);
632 double output = 0;
633 double step = pedestalWidth / 100.;
634 double t = TMath::Max(step, x - pedestalWidth * 10);
635 //double t = TMath::Max( g_xStep, x ); //for test
636 while (t < x + pedestalWidth * 10) {
637 output += TMath::Gaus(x, t, pedestalWidth) * TMath::Power(t / par[3], par[1])
638 * TMath::Exp((-1) * TMath::Power(t / par[3], par[2]));
639 t += step;
640 }
641 // TF1* func = new TF1( "func", "[0]*pow(x-[4],[1])*exp(-pow(x-[4],[2])/[3])",
643 return par[0] * output * step;
644 }

◆ TOPGeometryParInitializerModule()


Definition at line 39 of file

39 : Module()
41 {
42 // set module description
43 setDescription("Class for initializing TOPGeometryPar. "
44 "This class is by default initialized when Geant geometry is created. "
45 "Useful if Geant geometry is not needed. Be carefull when using!");
48 // Add parameters
49 addParam("useDB", m_useDB,
50 "If true load the Geometry from the database instead of the gearbox", true);
51 }

◆ TOPInterimFENtupleModule()


Definition at line 47 of file

47 : HistoModule()
48 {
49 setDescription("Create ntuple mainly from TOPDigit with double pulse identification. "
50 "Data taken with both InterimFE FW and production FW are available. (since Jan, 2017)");
52 addParam("calibrationChannel", m_calibrationChannel, "asic channel # where calibration pulses routed",
53 (unsigned)0);
54 addParam("saveWaveform", m_saveWaveform, "whether to save waveform data or not",
55 (bool)false);
56 addParam("useDoublePulse", m_useDoublePulse,
57 "set true when you require both of double calibration pulses for reference timing. You need to enable offline feature extraction.",
58 (bool)true);
59 // addParam("averageSamplingRate", m_averageSamplingRate, "sampling rate with assumption of uniform interval in a unit of GHz",
60 // (float)2.71394);
61 addParam("minHeightFirstCalPulse", m_calibrationPulseThreshold1, "pulse height threshold for the first cal. pulse",
62 (float)600.);
63 addParam("minHeightSecondCalPulse", m_calibrationPulseThreshold2, "pulse height threshold for the second cal. pulse",
64 (float)450.);
65 addParam("nominalDeltaT", m_calibrationPulseInterval, "nominal DeltaT (time interval of the double calibration pulses) [ns]",
66 (float)21.85);
67 addParam("nominalDeltaTRange", m_calibrationPulseIntervalRange,
68 "acceptable DeltaT shift from the noinal value before calibration [ns]",
69 (float)2.);
70 addParam("globalRefSlotNum", m_globalRefSlotNum,
71 "slot number where a global reference asic exists. slot01-asic0 (pixelId=1-8) is default.", 1);
72 addParam("globalRefAsicNum", m_globalRefAsicNum,
73 "asic number defined as int((pixelId-1)/8) of a global reference asic", 0);
75 addParam("timePerWin", m_timePerWin, "time interval of a single window (=64 samples) [ns]", (float)23.581939);
76 }

◆ TOPLaserCalibratorModule()


Definition at line 49 of file

49 : Module()
50 {
51 setDescription("T0 Calibration using the laser calibration system");
53 std::vector<double> frange = {100, 0., 1.};
54 // Add parameters
55 addParam("dataFitOutput", m_dataFitOutput, "Output root file for data",
56 string("")); //output fitting results
57 addParam("mcInput", m_mcInput, "Input root file from MC", string(""));
58 addParam("channelT0constant", m_chT0C, "Output of channel T0 constant", string(""));
59 addParam("fitChannel", m_fitChannel, "set 0 - 511 to a specific channel; set 0 to all channels in the fit",
60 512);
61 addParam("barID", m_barID, "ID of TOP module to calibrate");
62 addParam("refCh", m_refCh, "reference channel of T0 constant");
63 addParam("fitMethod", m_fitMethod, "gauss: single gaussian; cb: single Crystal Ball; cb2: double Crystal Ball", string("gauss"));
64 addParam("fitRange", m_fitRange, "fit range[nbins, xmin, xmax]", frange);
66 for (int i = 0; i < c_NumChannels; ++i) {
67 m_histo[i] = 0;
68 }
69 }

◆ TOPLaserHitSelectorModule()


Definition at line 44 of file

44 : HistoModule()
45 {
46 // Set description()
47 setDescription("TOP pixel-by-pixel gain analysis - first step : create hit timing-pulse charge histogram");
49 // Add parameters
50 m_timeHistogramBinning.push_back(140);//140 for time axis
51 m_timeHistogramBinning.push_back(-55);//-25
52 m_timeHistogramBinning.push_back(15);//45
53 m_chargeHistogramBinning.push_back(125);//for height
54 m_chargeHistogramBinning.push_back(-50);//
55 m_chargeHistogramBinning.push_back(2450);//
56 m_chargeHistogramBinning.push_back(150);//for integral
57 m_chargeHistogramBinning.push_back(-500);//
58 m_chargeHistogramBinning.push_back(29500);//
60 addParam("timeHistogramBinning", m_timeHistogramBinning,
61 "histogram binning (the number of bins, lower limit, upper limit) for hit timing distribution (should be integer value)",
63 addParam("chargeHistogramBinning", m_chargeHistogramBinning,
64 "histogram binning (the number of bins, lower limit, upper limit) for pulse charge distribution (should be integer value)",
67 // addParam("calibrationChannel", m_calibrationChannel, "asic channel # where calibration pulses routed",
68 // (unsigned)0);
69 addParam("useDoublePulse", m_useDoublePulse,
70 "set true when you require both of double calibration pulses for reference timing. You need to enable offline feature extraction.",
71 (bool)true);
72 addParam("minHeightFirstCalPulse", m_calibrationPulseThreshold1, "pulse height threshold for the first cal. pulse",
73 (float)300.);
74 addParam("minHeightSecondCalPulse", m_calibrationPulseThreshold2, "pulse height threshold for the second cal. pulse",
75 (float)100.);
76 addParam("nominalDeltaT", m_calibrationPulseInterval, "nominal DeltaT (time interval of the double calibration pulses) [ns]",
77 (float)25.5);
78 addParam("nominalDeltaTRange", m_calibrationPulseIntervalRange,
79 "acceptable DeltaT range from the nominal value before calibration [ns]",
80 (float)2.);
81 addParam("windowSelect", m_windowSelect,
82 "select window number (All=0, Odd=2, Even=1)",
83 0);
84 addParam("includePrimaryChargeShare", m_includePrimaryChargeShare,
85 "set ture when you require without primary chargeshare cut for making 2D histogram",
86 (bool)false);
87 addParam("includeAllChargeShare", m_includeAllChargeShare,
88 "set ture when you require without all chargeshare cut for making 2D histogram",
89 (bool)false);
90 }

◆ TOPMCTrackMakerModule()


Definition at line 45 of file

45 : Module()
47 {
48 // set module description (e.g. insert text)
49 setDescription("Constructs Tracks and ExtHits from MCParticles and TOPBarHits. "
50 "Utility needed for testing and debugging of TOP reconstruction.");
53 // Add parameters
55 }

◆ TOPModuleT0CalibratorModule()


Definition at line 36 of file

36 : Module()
38 {
39 // set module description
40 setDescription("Module T0 calibration with dimuons or bhabhas. "
41 "Useful when the geometrical alignment is fine.");
42 // setPropertyFlags(c_ParallelProcessingCertified);
44 // Add parameters
45 addParam("numBins", m_numBins, "number of bins of the search region", 200);
46 addParam("timeRange", m_timeRange,
47 "time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]", 10.0);
48 addParam("sigmaSmear", m_sigmaSmear,
49 "sigma in [ns] for additional smearing of PDF", 0.0);
50 addParam("sample", m_sample,
51 "sample type: one of dimuon, bhabha or cosmics", std::string("dimuon"));
52 addParam("minMomentum", m_minMomentum,
53 "minimal track momentum if sample is cosmics", 1.0);
54 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms,
55 "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
56 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
57 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
58 addParam("minZ", m_minZ,
59 "minimal local z of extrapolated hit", -130.0);
60 addParam("maxZ", m_maxZ,
61 "maximal local z of extrapolated hit", 130.0);
62 addParam("outputFileName", m_outFileName,
63 "Root output file name containing calibration results. "
64 "File name can include *'s; "
65 "they will be replaced with a run number from the first input file",
66 std::string("moduleT0_r*.root"));
67 addParam("pdfOption", m_pdfOption,
68 "PDF option, one of 'rough', 'fine', 'optimal'", std::string("rough"));
70 }

◆ TOPModuleT0DeltaTCollectorModule()


Definition at line 32 of file

33 {
34 // set module description and processing properties
35 setDescription("A collector for module T0 calibration with chi2 minimization of "
36 "time differences between slots (method DeltaT). Useful for initial "
37 "(rough) calibration, since the results are found slightly biased. "
38 "For the final (precise) calibration one has to use LL method.");
41 // module parameters
42 addParam("numBins", m_numBins,
43 "number of bins of histograms of time difference", 400);
44 addParam("timeRange", m_timeRange,
45 "time range [ns] of histograms of time difference", 20.0);
47 }

◆ TOPModuleT0LLCollectorModule()


Definition at line 45 of file

46 {
47 // set module description and processing properties
48 setDescription("A collector for module T0 calibration with neg. log likelihood "
49 "minimization (method LL). Aimed for the final (precise) calibration"
50 "after initial one with DeltaT method.");
53 // module parameters
54 addParam("numBins", m_numBins, "number of bins of the search region", 200);
55 addParam("timeRange", m_timeRange,
56 "time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]", 10.0);
57 addParam("sigmaSmear", m_sigmaSmear,
58 "sigma in [ns] for additional smearing of PDF", 0.0);
59 addParam("sample", m_sample,
60 "sample type: one of dimuon or bhabha", std::string("dimuon"));
61 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms,
62 "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
63 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
64 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
65 addParam("minZ", m_minZ,
66 "minimal local z of extrapolated hit", -130.0);
67 addParam("maxZ", m_maxZ,
68 "maximal local z of extrapolated hit", 130.0);
69 addParam("pdfOption", m_pdfOption,
70 "PDF option, one of 'rough', 'fine', 'optimal'", std::string("rough"));
72 }

◆ TOPNtupleModule()


Definition at line 57 of file

57 : Module()
58 {
59 // set module description
60 setDescription("Writes ntuple of TOPLikelihoods with tracking info into a root file");
62 // Add parameters
63 addParam("outputFileName", m_outputFileName, "Output file name",
64 string("TOPNtuple.root"));
66 }

◆ TOPOffsetCollectorModule()


Definition at line 32 of file

33 {
34 // set module description and processing properties
35 setDescription("A collector for eventT0 and fill pattern offset calibrations");
38 }

◆ TOPPackerModule()


Definition at line 48 of file

48 : Module()
49 {
50 // set module description (e.g. insert text)
51 setDescription("Raw data packer for TOP");
54 // Add parameters
55 addParam("inputDigitsName", m_inputDigitsName,
56 "name of TOPDigit store array", string(""));
57 addParam("inputRawDigitsName", m_inputRawDigitsName,
58 "name of TOPRawDigit store array", string(""));
59 addParam("outputRawDataName", m_outputRawDataName,
60 "name of RawTOP store array", string(""));
61 addParam("format", m_format,
62 "data format (draft, FE, production)", string("production"));
64 }

◆ TOPPDFCheckerModule()


Definition at line 52 of file

52 : HistoModule()
54 {
55 // set module description
56 setDescription("Module for checking analytic PDF used in likelihood calculation");
59 // Add parameters
60 addParam("minTime", m_minTime,
61 "histogram lower bound in time [ns]", 0.0);
62 addParam("maxTime", m_maxTime,
63 "histogram upper bound in time [ns]", 50.0);
64 addParam("numBins", m_numBins,
65 "histogram number of bins in time", 1000);
67 }

◆ TOPPDFDebuggerModule()


Definition at line 49 of file

49 : Module()
50 {
51 // Set description
52 setDescription("This module makes an analytic PDF available in "
53 "a store array TOPPDFCollections, related from Tracks");
55 // Set property flags
58 // Add parameters
59 addParam("minTime", m_minTime,
60 "lower limit for photon time [ns] (default from DB used, if minTime >= maxTime)", 0.0);
61 addParam("maxTime", m_maxTime,
62 "upper limit for photon time [ns] (default from DB used, if minTime >= maxTime)", 0.0);
63 addParam("pdfOption", m_pdfOption,
64 "PDF option, one of 'rough', 'fine', 'optimal'", std::string("fine"));
65 addParam("pdgCodes", m_pdgCodes,
66 "PDG codes of charged stable particles for which to construct PDF. "
67 "Empty list means all charged stable particles.",
69 }

◆ TOPPhotonYieldsCollectorModule()


Definition at line 42 of file

43 {
44 // set module description and processing properties
45 setDescription("A collector for photon pixel yields aimed for PMT ageing studies and for finding optically decoupled PMT's");
48 // module parameters
49 addParam("sample", m_sample, "sample type: one of dimuon or bhabha", std::string("dimuon"));
50 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms, "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
51 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
52 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
53 addParam("minThresholdEffi", m_minThresholdEffi, "threshold efficiency cut to suppress unreliable calibrations", 0.7);
55 }

◆ TOPPulseHeightCollectorModule()


Definition at line 31 of file

32 {
33 // set module description and processing properties
34 setDescription("A collector for channel pulse-height distributions");
37 // module parameters
38 addParam("nx", m_nx, "number of histogram bins", 200);
39 addParam("xmax", m_xmax, "histogram upper limit [ADC counts]", 2000.0);
40 addParam("pulseWidthWindow", m_widthWindow,
41 "lower and upper bound of pulse-width selection window [ns]. "
42 "Empty list means no selection on the pulse width. "
43 "Note: selection on pulse width will influence pulse-height distribution.",
45 addParam("timeWindow", m_timeWindow,
46 "lower and upper bound of time selection window [ns]. "
47 "Empty list means no selection on photon time.", m_timeWindow);
49 }

◆ TOPRawDigitConverterModule()


Definition at line 48 of file

48 : Module()
50 {
51 // set module description (e.g. insert text)
52 setDescription("Converts row digits to digits and applies time calibration");
55 // Add parameters
56 addParam("inputRawDigitsName", m_inputRawDigitsName,
57 "name of TOPRawDigit store array", string(""));
58 addParam("outputDigitsName", m_outputDigitsName,
59 "name of TOPDigit store array", string(""));
60 addParam("useSampleTimeCalibration", m_useSampleTimeCalibration,
61 "if true, use sample time calibration", true);
62 addParam("useAsicShiftCalibration", m_useAsicShiftCalibration,
63 "if true, use ASIC shifts calibration", true);
64 addParam("useChannelT0Calibration", m_useChannelT0Calibration,
65 "if true, use channel T0 calibration", true);
66 addParam("useModuleT0Calibration", m_useModuleT0Calibration,
67 "if true, use module T0 calibration", true);
68 addParam("useCommonT0Calibration", m_useCommonT0Calibration,
69 "if true, use common T0 calibration", true);
70 addParam("useTimeWalkCalibration", m_useTimeWalkCalibration,
71 "if true, use time-walk calibration", true);
72 addParam("pedestalRMS", m_pedestalRMS,
73 "r.m.s of pedestals [ADC counts], "
74 "if positive, timeError will be estimated from FE data. "
75 "This is the default value used if r.m.s is not available from DB.", 9.7);
76 addParam("minPulseWidth", m_minPulseWidth,
77 "minimal pulse width [ns] to flag digit as good", 1.0);
78 addParam("maxPulseWidth", m_maxPulseWidth,
79 "maximal pulse width [ns] to flag digit as good", 10.0);
80 addParam("minWidthXheight", m_minWidthXheight,
81 "minimal product of width and height [ns * ADC counts]", 100.0);
82 addParam("storageDepth", m_storageDepth,
83 "ASIC analog storage depth of Interim FE format (ignored in other formats)",
84 (unsigned) 508);
85 addParam("lookBackWindows", m_lookBackWindows,
86 "number of look back windows, if positive override the number from database",
87 0);
88 addParam("setPhase", m_setPhase,
89 "if true, set (override) phase in TOPRawDigits", true);
90 addParam("calibrationChannel", m_calibrationChannel,
91 "calpulse selection: ASIC channel (use -1 to turn off the selection)", -1);
92 addParam("calpulseWidthMin", m_calpulseWidthMin,
93 "calpulse selection: minimal width [ns]", 0.0);
94 addParam("calpulseWidthMax", m_calpulseWidthMax,
95 "calpulse selection: maximal width [ns]", 0.0);
96 addParam("calpulseHeightMin", m_calpulseHeightMin,
97 "calpulse selection: minimal height [ADC counts]", 0);
98 addParam("calpulseHeightMax", m_calpulseHeightMax,
99 "calpulse selection: maximal height [ADC counts]", 0);
100 addParam("calpulseTimeMin", m_calpulseTimeMin,
101 "calpulse selection (ON if max > min): minimal time [ns]", 0.0);
102 addParam("calpulseTimeMax", m_calpulseTimeMax,
103 "calpulse selection (ON if max > min): maximal time [ns]", 0.0);
104 addParam("addRelations", m_addRelations, "if true, make relations to TOPRawDigits", true);
106 }

◆ TOPReconstructorModule()


Definition at line 40 of file

40 : Module()
41 {
42 // Set description
43 setDescription("Reconstruction for TOP counter. Uses reconstructed tracks "
44 "extrapolated to TOP and TOPDigits to calculate log likelihoods "
45 "for charged stable particles");
47 // Set property flags
50 // Add parameters
51 addParam("minTime", m_minTime,
52 "lower limit for photon time [ns] (if minTime >= maxTime use the default from DB)", 0.0);
53 addParam("maxTime", m_maxTime,
54 "upper limit for photon time [ns] (if minTime >= maxTime use the default from DB)", 0.0);
55 addParam("PDGCode", m_PDGCode,
56 "PDG code of hypothesis to construct pulls (0 means: use MC truth, -1: switched off)", -1);
57 addParam("deltaRayModeling", m_deltaRayModeling,
58 "include (True) or exclude (False) delta-ray modeling in log likelihood calculation", false);
59 addParam("pTCut", m_pTCut,
60 "pT cut to suppress badly extrapolated tracks that cannot reach TOP counter", 0.27);
61 addParam("TOPDigitCollectionName", m_topDigitCollectionName,
62 "Name of the collection of TOPDigits", string(""));
63 addParam("TOPLikelihoodCollectionName", m_topLikelihoodCollectionName,
64 "Name of the produced collection of TOPLikelihoods", string(""));
65 addParam("TOPPullCollectionName", m_topPullCollectionName, "Name of the collection of produced TOPPulls", string(""));
66 }

◆ TOPTBCComparatorModule()


Definition at line 41 of file

41 : HistoModule()
42 {
43 setDescription("TOP Time Base Correction monitor module ");
45 addParam("inputDirectorList", m_inputDirectoryList,
46 "List of the directories (one per IOV) in which the files with the calibration constants of the SCODS are stored. The format of each line must be: folderpath/ label ",
47 string(" "));
48 addParam("compareToPreviousSet", m_compareToPreviousSet,
49 "If true, each CalSet is compared to the previous one in the order determined by the inputDirectorList file. If false, the reference CalSet is the first of the list",
50 bool(true));
51 addParam("outputFile", m_outputFile,
52 "output file containing the monitoring plots", string("TBCComparisonResults.root"));
53 addParam("minCalPulses", m_minCalPulses,
54 "minimum number of calibration pulses need to flag a sample as non-empty", short(200));
55 addParam("numSamples", m_numSamples,
56 "number of samples that have been calibrated", short(256));
58 }

◆ TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule()


Definition at line 54 of file

54 : Module()
56 {
57 // set module description
58 setDescription("Sample time calibrator");
59 // setPropertyFlags(c_ParallelProcessingCertified | c_InitializeInProcess);
61 // Add parameters
62 addParam("moduleID", m_moduleID, "slot ID to calibrate.");
63 addParam("minTimeDiff", m_minTimeDiff,
64 "lower bound on time difference [samples].", 0.0);
65 addParam("maxTimeDiff", m_maxTimeDiff,
66 "upper bound on time difference [samples].", 100.0);
67 addParam("directoryName", m_directoryName,
68 "name (with path) of the directory for the output root files.",
69 string(""));
70 addParam("minHits", m_minHits,
71 "minimal required hits per channel.", (unsigned) 1000);
72 addParam("numIterations", m_numIterations,
73 "number of iTBC iterations", (unsigned) 100);
74 addParam("numConvIter", m_conv_iter,
75 "Max number of iTBC iterations for conversion.", (unsigned) 50);
76 addParam("minChi2Change", m_dchi2_min,
77 "Minimal of chi2 change in iterations.", 0.2);
78 addParam("dtMin", m_dt_min,
79 "minimum Delta T of raw calpulse in iTBC", 20.0);
80 addParam("dtMax", m_dt_max,
81 "maximum Delta T of raw calpulse in iTBC", 24.0);
82 addParam("xStep", m_xstep,
83 "unit for an interation of delta(X_s)", 0.020);
84 addParam("devStep", m_dev_step,
85 "a step size to calculate the value of d(chisq)/dxval", 0.001);
86 addParam("chgStep", m_change_xstep,
87 "update m_xstep if m_dchi2dxv < m_change_step", 0.015);
88 addParam("newStep", m_new_xstep,
89 "a new step for delta(X_s) if m_dchi2dxv < m_change_step", 2.0 * m_xstep);
90 addParam("sigm2_exp", m_sigm2_exp,
91 "(sigma_0(dT))**2 for nomarlization of chisq = sum{dT^2/sigma^2}", 0.0424 * 0.0424);
93 addParam("method", m_method, "method: 0 - profile histograms only, "
94 "1 - matrix inversion, 2 - iterative, "
95 "3 - matrix inversion w/ singular value decomposition.", (unsigned) 1);
96 addParam("useFallingEdge", m_useFallingEdge,
97 "if true, use cal pulse falling edge instead of rising edge", false);
98 addParam("saveMatrix", m_saveMatrix, "if true, save also matrix and its inverse in a root file", false);
100 }
double m_dt_max
maximum Delta T of raw calpulse

◆ TOPTimeRecalibratorModule()


Definition at line 43 of file

43 : Module()
45 {
46 // set module description
47 setDescription("Utility module for re-calibrating time of TOPDigits. "
48 "Useful for checking new calibrations on existing cDST files. "
49 "Note that pulseWidth and timeError are not changed "
50 "although they also depend on time calibration.");
53 // Add parameters
54 addParam("useSampleTimeCalibration", m_useSampleTimeCalibration,
55 "if true, use sample time calibration", true);
56 addParam("useAsicShiftCalibration", m_useAsicShiftCalibration,
57 "if true, use ASIC shifts calibration", true);
58 addParam("useChannelT0Calibration", m_useChannelT0Calibration,
59 "if true, use channel T0 calibration", true);
60 addParam("useModuleT0Calibration", m_useModuleT0Calibration,
61 "if true, use module T0 calibration", true);
62 addParam("useCommonT0Calibration", m_useCommonT0Calibration,
63 "if true, use common T0 calibration", true);
64 addParam("useTimeWalkCalibration", m_useTimeWalkCalibration,
65 "if true, use time-walk calibration", true);
66 addParam("subtractBunchTime", m_subtractBunchTime,
67 "if true, subtract reconstructed bunch time", true);
69 }

◆ TOPTriggerDigitizerModule()


Definition at line 47 of file

47 : Module()
48 {
49 // Set description()
50 setDescription("Digitizer that provides time stamps for TOP trigger");
53 // Add parameters
54 addParam("threshold", m_threshold,
55 "pulse height threshold [ADC counts]", 27);
56 addParam("hysteresis", m_hysteresis,
57 "pulse height threshold hysteresis [ADC counts]", 10);
58 addParam("gateWidth", m_gateWidth,
59 "width of discriminator gate [samples]", 8);
60 addParam("samplingPhase", m_samplingPhase,
61 "sampling phase [samples]", 7);
62 }

◆ TOPUnpackerModule()


Definition at line 51 of file

51 : Module()
52 {
53 // set module description
54 setDescription("Raw data unpacker for TOP");
57 // Add parameters
58 addParam("inputRawDataName", m_inputRawDataName,
59 "name of RawTOP store array", string(""));
60 addParam("outputDigitsName", m_outputDigitsName,
61 "name of TOPDigit store array", string(""));
62 addParam("outputWaveformsName", m_outputWaveformsName,
63 "name of TOP(Raw/Production)Waveform store array", string(""));
64 addParam("outputRawDigitsName", m_outputRawDigitsName,
65 "name of TOPRawDigit store array", string(""));
66 addParam("outputTemplateFitResultName", m_templateFitResultName,
67 "name of TOPTemplateFitResult", string(""));
68 addParam("swapBytes", m_swapBytes, "if true, swap bytes", false);
69 addParam("dataFormat", m_dataFormat,
70 "data format as defined in top/include/RawDataTypes.h, 0 = auto detect", 0);
71 addParam("addRelations", m_addRelations,
72 "if true, make relations to TOPProductionHitDebugs (production debug data format only)", true);
73 addParam("errorSuppressFactor", m_errorSuppressFactor,
74 "error messages suppression factor (0 = no suppression)", (unsigned) 1000);
76 }
bool m_addRelations
switch ON/OFF relations to TOPProductionHitDebugs

◆ TOPValidationCollectorModule()


Definition at line 48 of file

49 {
50 // set module description and processing properties
51 setDescription("A collector for automatic validation of TOP calibration");
54 // module parameters
55 addParam("numBins", m_numBins, "number of bins of the search region", 100);
56 addParam("timeRange", m_timeRange,
57 "time range in which to search for the minimum [ns]", 10.0);
58 addParam("sigmaSmear", m_sigmaSmear,
59 "sigma in [ns] for additional smearing of PDF", 0.0);
60 addParam("sample", m_sample,
61 "sample type: one of dimuon or bhabha", std::string("dimuon"));
62 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms,
63 "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
64 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
65 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
66 addParam("minZ", m_minZ,
67 "minimal local z of extrapolated hit", -130.0);
68 addParam("maxZ", m_maxZ,
69 "maximal local z of extrapolated hit", 130.0);
70 addParam("pdfOption", m_pdfOption,
71 "PDF option, one of 'rough', 'fine', 'optimal'", std::string("rough"));
73 }

◆ TOPWaveformFeatureExtractorModule()


Definition at line 44 of file

44 : Module()
46 {
47 // set module description (e.g. insert text)
48 setDescription("Module adds raw digits that are found in waveforms "
49 "but not already present in TOPRawDigits. "
50 "Only waveforms related to TOPRawDigits are used.");
53 addParam("inputRawDigitsName", m_inputRawDigitsName,
54 "name of TOPRawDigit store array", string(""));
55 addParam("threshold", m_threshold,
56 "pulse height threshold [ADC counts]", 40);
57 addParam("hysteresis", m_hysteresis,
58 "threshold hysteresis [ADC counts]", 10);
59 addParam("thresholdCount", m_thresholdCount,
60 "minimal number of samples above threshold", 3);
61 addParam("setIntegral", m_setIntegral,
62 "calculate and set integral for online-extracted hits", true);
64 }

◆ TOPWaveformQualityPlotterModule()


Definition at line 39 of file

40 : HistoModule()
41 {
42 setDescription("TOP DQM histogram module");
43 addParam("histogramDirectoryName", m_histogramDirectoryName,
44 "histogram directory in ROOT file", string("TOP"));
45 addParam("drawWaves", m_DRAWWAVES, "option to draw waveforms", true);
46 addParam("debugHistos", m_DEBUGGING, "option to draw debug histograms", true);
47 addParam("noisemaps", m_NOISE, "option to draw noisemaps", false);
48 }

◆ unpackHeadersInterimFEVer01()

bool unpackHeadersInterimFEVer01 ( const int *  buffer,
int  bufferSize,
bool  swapBytes 

Tries to unpack raw data assuming it is in feature-extraction interim format.

Does not write out anything, just checks integrity.

bufferraw data buffer
bufferSizebuffer size
swapBytesif true, swap bytes in buffer
true if buffer resembles interim format, false if not.

Definition at line 345 of file

346 {
347 B2DEBUG(22, "Checking whether buffer unpacks as InterimFEVer01, dataSize = " << bufferSize);
349 DataArray array(buffer, bufferSize, swapBytes);
351 array.getWord(); // header word 0
352 array.getWord(); // header word 1 (what it contains?)
353 while (array.getRemainingWords() > 0) {
354 unsigned header = array.getWord(); // word 0
355 if ((header & 0xFF) == 0xBE) { //this is a super short FE header
356 continue;
357 }
359 if (header != 0xaaaa0104 and header != 0xaaaa0103 and header != 0xaaaa0100) {//cannot be interim firmware
360 return false; //abort
361 }
364 array.getWord(); // word 1
365 array.getWord(); // word 2
367 if (header != 0xaaaa0104) {
368 // feature-extracted data (positive signal)
369 array.getWord(); // word 3
370 array.getWord(); // word 4
371 array.getWord(); // word 5
372 array.getWord(); // word 6
373 array.getWord(); // word 7
374 array.getWord(); // word 8
375 array.getWord(); // word 9
376 array.getWord(); // word 10
377 array.getWord(); // word 11
378 array.getWord(); // word 12
379 array.getWord(); // word 13
380 array.getWord(); // word 14
381 }
383 unsigned magicWord = array.getWord(); // word 15
384 if (magicWord != 0x7473616c) {//invalid magic word
385 return false; //abort
386 }
388 if (header != 0xaaaa0103) continue;
389 array.getWord(); // word 16
391 array.getWord(); // word 17
392 array.getWord(); // word 18
393 array.getWord(); // word 19
395 array.getWord(); // word 20
397 array.getWord(); // word 21
399 array.getWord(); // word 22
401 int numWords = 4 * 32; // (numPoints + 1) / 2;
402 if (array.getRemainingWords() < numWords) { //not enough remaining words for waveform data
403 return false; //abort
404 }
406 for (int i = 0; i < numWords; i++) {
407 array.getWord();
408 }
409 }
411 return true;
412 }

◆ unpackInterimFEVer01()

int unpackInterimFEVer01 ( const int *  buffer,
int  bufferSize,
bool  pedestalSubtracted 

Unpack raw data given in feature-extraction interim format.

bufferraw data buffer
bufferSizebuffer size
pedestalSubtractedfalse for version 2, true for version 3
number of words remaining in data buffer

Definition at line 415 of file

417 {
419 B2DEBUG(22, "Unpacking InterimFEVer01 to TOPRawDigits and TOPRawWaveforms, "
420 "dataSize = " << bufferSize);
422 int moduleID = 0;
423 int boardstack = 0;
425 DataArray array(buffer, bufferSize, m_swapBytes);
427 map<unsigned short, int> evtNumCounter; //counts the occurence of carrier-generated event numbers.
428 std::vector<unsigned short> channelCounter(128, 0); //counts occurence of carrier/asic/channel combinations
430 unsigned word = array.getWord(); // header word 0
431 unsigned short scrodID = word & 0x0FFF;
432 auto* info = m_interimFEInfos.appendNew(scrodID, bufferSize);
434 word = array.getWord(); // header word 1 (what it contains?)
437 while (array.getRemainingWords() > 0) {
439 unsigned header = array.getWord(); // word 0
441 if ((header & 0xFF) == 0xBE) { //this is a super short FE header
442// B2DEBUG(21, "0b" << std::bitset<8>(header & 0xFF) << " " << std::bitset<8>((header>>8) & 0xFF) << " " << std::bitset<8>((header>>16) & 0xFF) << " " << std::bitset<8>((header>>24) & 0xFF));
444 unsigned short scrodID_SSFE;
445 unsigned short carrier_SSFE;
446 unsigned short asic_SSFE;
447 unsigned short channel_SSFE;
448 unsigned short evtNum_SSFE;
450 evtNum_SSFE = (header >> 8) & 0xFF;
451 scrodID_SSFE = (header >> 16) & 0x7F;
452 channel_SSFE = (header >> 24) & 0x07;
453 asic_SSFE = (header >> 27) & 0x03;
454 carrier_SSFE = (header >> 29) & 0x03;
456 const auto* feemap = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper().getMap(scrodID_SSFE);
457 if (feemap) {
458 moduleID = feemap->getModuleID();
459 boardstack = feemap->getBoardstackNumber();
460 } else {
461 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: no front-end map available."
462 << LogVar("SCROD ID", scrodID_SSFE));
463 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_InvalidScrodID);
464 }
466 if (scrodID_SSFE != scrodID) {
467 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: corrupted data - "
468 << "different scrodID's in HLSB and super short FE header."
469 << LogVar("SCROD", scrodID_SSFE)
470 << LogVar("slot", moduleID)
471 << LogVar("BS", boardstack));
472 B2DEBUG(21, "Different scrodID's in HLSB and FE header: " << scrodID << " " << scrodID_SSFE << " word = 0x" << std::hex << word);
473 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_DifferentScrodIDs);
474 return array.getRemainingWords();
475 }
477 B2DEBUG(21, scrodID_SSFE << "\t" << carrier_SSFE << "\t" << asic_SSFE << "\t" << channel_SSFE << "\t" << evtNum_SSFE);
479 int channelID = carrier_SSFE * 32 + asic_SSFE * 8 + channel_SSFE;
480 channelCounter[channelID] += 1;
481 evtNumCounter[evtNum_SSFE] += 1;
483 info->incrementFEHeadersCount();
484 info->incrementEmptyFEHeadersCount();
486 continue;
487 }
489 if (header != 0xaaaa0104 and header != 0xaaaa0103 and header != 0xaaaa0100) {
490 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: corrupted data - invalid FE header word");
491 B2DEBUG(21, "Invalid FE header word: " << std::hex << header << " 0b" << std::bitset<32>(header));
492 B2DEBUG(21, "SCROD ID: " << scrodID << " " << std::hex << scrodID);
494 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_InvalidFEHeader);
495 return array.getRemainingWords();
496 }
499 word = array.getWord(); // word 1
500 unsigned short scrodID_FE = word >> 25;
501 unsigned short convertedAddr = (word >> 16) & 0x1FF;
502 unsigned short evtNum_numWin_trigPat_FEheader = word & 0xFFFF;
503 unsigned short evtNum_FEheader = evtNum_numWin_trigPat_FEheader & 0xFF;
504 evtNumCounter[evtNum_FEheader] += 1;
506 if (scrodID_FE != scrodID) {
507 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: different scrodID's in HLSB and FE header."
508 << LogVar("scrodID (HSLB)", scrodID)
509 << LogVar("scrodID (FE)", scrodID_FE));
511 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_DifferentScrodIDs);
512 return array.getRemainingWords();
513 }
515 word = array.getWord(); // word 2
516 // unsigned lastWrAddr = word & 0x1FF;
517 unsigned lastWrAddr = (word & 0x0FF) << 1;
518 //unsigned short asicChannelFE = (word >> 9) & 0x07;
519 unsigned short asicChannelFE = (word >> 8) & 0x07;
520 unsigned short asicFE = (word >> 12) & 0x03;
521 unsigned short carrierFE = (word >> 14) & 0x03;
522 unsigned short channelID = carrierFE * 32 + asicFE * 8 + asicChannelFE;
523 //B2DEBUG(21, "carrier asic chn " << carrierFE << " " << asicFE << " " << asicChannelFE << " " << channelID << " 0b" << std::bitset<32>(word) );
525 B2DEBUG(21, scrodID_FE << "\t" << carrierFE << "\t" << asicFE << "\t" << asicChannelFE << "\t" << evtNum_FEheader);
527 channelCounter[channelID] += 1;
529 std::vector<TOPRawDigit*> digits; // needed for creating relations to waveforms
531 if (header != 0xaaaa0104) {
532 // feature-extracted data (positive signal)
533 array.getWord(); // word 3
534 word = array.getWord(); // word 4
535 short samplePeak_p = word & 0xFFFF;
536 short valuePeak_p = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
538 word = array.getWord(); // word 5
539 short sampleRise_p = word & 0xFFFF;
540 short valueRise0_p = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
542 word = array.getWord(); // word 6
543 short valueRise1_p = word & 0xFFFF;
544 short sampleFall_p = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
546 word = array.getWord(); // word 7
547 short valueFall0_p = word & 0xFFFF;
548 short valueFall1_p = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
550 word = array.getWord(); // word 8
551 short integral_p = word & 0xFFFF;
552 // short qualityFlags_p = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
554 // feature-extracted data (negative signal)
555 array.getWord(); // word 9
556 //word = array.getWord(); // word 9
557 //short n_samp_i = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
558 word = array.getWord(); // word 10
559 short samplePeak_n = word & 0xFFFF;
560 short valuePeak_n = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
562 array.getWord(); // word 11
563 //word = array.getWord(); // word 11
564 //short sampleRise_n = word & 0xFFFF;
565 //short valueRise0_n = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
567 array.getWord(); // word 12
568 //word = array.getWord(); // word 12
569 //short valueRise1_n = word & 0xFFFF;
570 //short sampleFall_n = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
572 array.getWord(); // word 13
573 //word = array.getWord(); // word 13
574 //short valueFall0_n = word & 0xFFFF;
575 //short valueFall1_n = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
577 word = array.getWord(); // word 14
578 short integral_n = word & 0xFFFF;
579 short qualityFlags_n = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
581 if (abs(valuePeak_p) != 9999) {
582 auto* digit = m_rawDigits.appendNew(scrodID, TOPRawDigit::c_Interim);
583 digit->setCarrierNumber(carrierFE);
584 digit->setASICNumber(asicFE);
585 digit->setASICChannel(asicChannelFE);
586 digit->setASICWindow(convertedAddr);
587 digit->setLastWriteAddr(lastWrAddr);
588 digit->setSampleRise(sampleRise_p);
589 digit->setDeltaSamplePeak(samplePeak_p - sampleRise_p);
590 digit->setDeltaSampleFall(sampleFall_p - sampleRise_p);
591 digit->setValueRise0(valueRise0_p);
592 digit->setValueRise1(valueRise1_p);
593 digit->setValuePeak(valuePeak_p);
594 digit->setValueFall0(valueFall0_p);
595 digit->setValueFall1(valueFall1_p);
596 digit->setIntegral(integral_p);
597 // digit->setErrorFlags(qualityFlags_p); // not good solution !
598 digit->addRelationTo(info);
599 digits.push_back(digit);
600 //template fit result is saved in negative pulse fe data
601 if (valuePeak_p < 150) {
602 auto* tlpfResult = m_templateFitResults.appendNew();
603 tlpfResult->setBackgroundOffset(samplePeak_n);
604 tlpfResult->setAmplitude(valuePeak_n);
605 tlpfResult->setChisquare(qualityFlags_n);
606 tlpfResult->setRisingEdgeAndConvert(integral_n);
607 digit->addRelationTo(tlpfResult);
608 }
609 }
610 /*if (abs(valuePeak_n) != 9999) {
611 auto* digit = m_rawDigits.appendNew(scrodID, TOPRawDigit::c_Interim);
612 digit->setCarrierNumber(carrierFE);
613 digit->setASICNumber(asicFE);
614 digit->setASICChannel(asicChannelFE);
615 digit->setASICWindow(convertedAddr);
616 digit->setLastWriteAddr(lastWrAddr);
617 digit->setSampleRise(sampleRise_n);
618 digit->setDeltaSamplePeak(samplePeak_n - sampleRise_n);
619 digit->setDeltaSampleFall(sampleFall_n - sampleRise_n);
620 digit->setValueRise0(valueRise0_n);
621 digit->setValueRise1(valueRise1_n);
622 digit->setValuePeak(valuePeak_n);
623 digit->setValueFall0(valueFall0_n);
624 digit->setValueFall1(valueFall1_n);
625 digit->setIntegral(integral_n);
626 // digit->setErrorFlags(qualityFlags_n); // not good solution !
627 digit->addRelationTo(info);
628 digits.push_back(digit);
629 }*/
630 }
632 // magic word
633 word = array.getWord(); // word 15
634 if (word != 0x7473616c) {
635 //B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: corrupted data - no magic word at the end of FE header");
636 //B2DEBUG(21, "No magic word at the end of FE header, found: "
637 //<< std::hex << word);
638 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_InvalidMagicWord);
639 //return array.getRemainingWords(); do not abort event for now as footer is invalid in current debugging version of firmware
640 }
642 // store to raw digits
644 info->incrementFEHeadersCount();
645 if (digits.empty()) info->incrementEmptyFEHeadersCount();
647 if (header != 0xaaaa0103) continue;
649 // waveform header
650 word = array.getWord(); // word 16
651 unsigned long evtNum_numWaves_refWin_WFheader = word;
652 unsigned short evtNum_WFheader = (evtNum_numWaves_refWin_WFheader >> 24) & 0xFF;
654 if (evtNum_WFheader != evtNum_FEheader) {
655 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: different carrier event number in WF and FE header."
656 << LogVar("Event number (FE header)", evtNum_FEheader)
657 << LogVar("Event number (WF header)", evtNum_WFheader));
658 }
660 array.getWord(); // word 17
661 array.getWord(); // word 18
662 word = array.getWord(); // word 19
663 // int numPoints = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
664 unsigned short carrier = (word >> 14) & 0x03;
665 unsigned short asic = (word >> 12) & 0x03;
666 unsigned short asicChannel = (word >> 9) & 0x07;
667 unsigned short window = word & 0x1FF;
669 // checks for data corruption
670 if (carrier != carrierFE) {
671 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: different carrier numbers in FE and WF header");
672 B2DEBUG(21, "Different carrier numbers in FE and WF header: "
673 << carrierFE << " " << carrier);
674 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_DifferentCarriers);
675 }
676 if (asic != asicFE) {
677 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: different ASIC numbers in FE and WF header");
678 B2DEBUG(21, "Different ASIC numbers in FE and WF header: "
679 << asicFE << " " << asic);
680 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_DifferentAsics);
681 }
682 if (asicChannel != asicChannelFE) {
683 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: different ASIC channel numbers in FE and WF header");
684 B2DEBUG(21, "Different ASIC channel numbers in FE and WF header: "
685 << asicChannelFE << " " << asicChannel);
686 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_DifferentChannels);
687 }
688 if (window != convertedAddr) {
689 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: different window numbers in FE and WF header");
690 B2DEBUG(21, "Different window numbers in FE and WF header: "
691 << convertedAddr << " " << window);
692 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_DifferentWindows);
693 }
695 // reading out all four window addresses
696 // to be for correcnt alignment of individual readout windows in written waveform
697 std::vector<unsigned short> windows;
698 windows.push_back(window);
700 word = array.getWord(); // word 20
701 windows.push_back(word & 0x1FF);
703 word = array.getWord(); // word 21
704 windows.push_back(word & 0x1FF);
706 word = array.getWord(); // word 22
707 windows.push_back(word & 0x1FF);
709 int numWords = 4 * 32; // (numPoints + 1) / 2;
710 if (array.getRemainingWords() < numWords) {
711 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: too few words for waveform data."
712 << LogVar("needed", numWords)
713 << LogVar("available", array.getRemainingWords()));
714 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_InsufficientWFData);
715 return array.getRemainingWords();
716 }
718 // unpack waveforms
719 std::vector<short> adcData;
720 for (int i = 0; i < numWords; i++) {
721 word = array.getWord();
722 adcData.push_back(word & 0xFFFF);
723 adcData.push_back((word >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
724 }
725 // if (numWords * 2 != numPoints) adcData.pop_back(); // numPoints is even
727 // determine slot number (moduleID) and boardstack
728 moduleID = 0;
729 boardstack = 0;
730 const auto* feemap = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper().getMap(scrodID);
731 if (feemap) {
732 moduleID = feemap->getModuleID();
733 boardstack = feemap->getBoardstackNumber();
734 } else {
735 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: no front-end map available."
736 << LogVar("SCROD ID", scrodID));
737 info->setErrorFlag(TOPInterimFEInfo::c_InvalidScrodID);
738 }
740 // determine hardware channel and pixelID (valid only if feemap available!)
741 const auto& mapper = m_topgp->getChannelMapper();
742 unsigned channel = mapper.getChannel(boardstack, carrier, asic, asicChannel);
743 int pixelID = mapper.getPixelID(channel);
745 // store to raw waveforms
746 auto* waveform = m_waveforms.appendNew(moduleID, pixelID, channel, scrodID,
747 window, 0, adcData);
748 waveform->setLastWriteAddr(lastWrAddr);
749 waveform->setStorageWindows(windows);
750 waveform->setPedestalSubtractedFlag(pedestalSubtracted);
751 waveform->addRelationTo(info);
752 info->incrementWaveformsCount();
754 // create relations btw. raw digits and waveform
755 for (auto& digit : digits) digit->addRelationTo(waveform);
757 }
759 if (evtNumCounter.size() != 1) {
760 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: Possible frame shift detected "
761 << "(More than one unique carrier event number in this readout event)."
762 << LogVar("SCROD", scrodID)
763 << LogVar("slot", moduleID)
764 << LogVar("BS", boardstack));
765 }
767 int nASICs = 0;
769 string evtNumOutputString;
770 evtNumOutputString += "Carrier event numbers and their counts for SCROD ID " + std::to_string(scrodID) + ":\n";
771 for (auto const& it : evtNumCounter) {
772 nASICs += it.second;
773 evtNumOutputString += std::to_string(it.first) + ":\t" + std::to_string(it.second) + "\n";
774 }
775 evtNumOutputString += "Total:\t" + std::to_string(nASICs);
776 B2DEBUG(21, evtNumOutputString);
778 int nChannels = 0;
779 int nChannelsDiff = 0;
781 string channelOutputString;
782 channelOutputString += "Detected channels and their counts for SCROD ID (channels with count == 1 are omitted)" + std::to_string(
783 scrodID) + ":\n";
785 int channelIndex(0);
786 for (auto const& it : channelCounter) {
787 if (it > 0) {
788 nChannelsDiff += 1;
789 }
790 nChannels += it;
792 int channelID = channelIndex;
793 int carrier = channelID / 32;
794 int asic = (channelID % 32) / 8;
795 int chn = channelID % 8;
797 if (it != 1) {
798 channelOutputString += "carrier: " + std::to_string(carrier) + " asic: " + std::to_string(asic) + " chn: " + std::to_string(
799 chn) + " occurence: " + std::to_string(it) + "\n";
800 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: interim FE - ASIC channel seen more than once"
801 << LogVar("ScrodID", scrodID)
802 << LogVar("carrier", carrier)
803 << LogVar("ASIC", asic)
804 << LogVar("channel", chn)
805 << LogVar("times seen", it));
806 }
807 channelIndex += 1;
808 }
810 m_channelStatistics[nChannels] += 1;
812 channelOutputString += "Total:\t" + std::to_string(nChannels) + " " + std::to_string(nChannelsDiff);
813 B2DEBUG(21, channelOutputString);
815 return array.getRemainingWords();
818 }
@ c_DifferentChannels
in FE and WF header
@ c_DifferentScrodIDs
in HLSB and FE header
@ c_InvalidMagicWord
at the end of FE header
@ c_InvalidScrodID
no front-end map available
@ c_DifferentCarriers
in FE and WF header
@ c_DifferentWindows
in FE and WF header
@ c_InsufficientWFData
too few words for waveform data
@ c_InvalidFEHeader
invalid FE header word
@ c_DifferentAsics
in FE and WF header

◆ unpackProdDebug()

int unpackProdDebug ( const int *  buffer,
int  bufferSize,
TOP::RawDataType  dataFormat,
bool  pedestalSubtracted 

Unpack raw data given in production debugging format.

bufferraw data buffer
bufferSizebuffer size
dataFormatdata format
pedestalSubtractedtrue, if pedestal is subtracted in waveforms
number of words remaining in data buffer

Definition at line 821 of file

823 {
825 B2DEBUG(22, "Unpacking Production firmware debug data format to TOPRawDigits "
826 "dataSize = " << bufferSize);
828 DataArray array(buffer, bufferSize, m_swapBytes);
829 unsigned word;
831 word = array.getWord(); // word 0, type(8)/version(8)/0xA(4)/ScrodID(12)
832 unsigned int evtType = word >> 24;
833 unsigned int evtVersion = (word >> 16) & 0xFF;
834 unsigned int evtMagicHeader = (word >> 12) & 0xF;
835 unsigned int evtScrodID = word & 0xFFF;
837 // determine slot number (moduleID) and boardstack
838 int moduleID = 0;
839 int boardstack = 0;
840 const auto* feemap = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper().getMap(evtScrodID);
841 if (feemap) {
842 moduleID = feemap->getModuleID();
843 boardstack = feemap->getBoardstackNumber();
844 } else {
845 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: no front-end map available."
846 << LogVar("SCROD ID", evtScrodID));
847 }
850 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
851 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
852 << "\tevtType = " << evtType
853 << ", evtVersion = " << evtVersion
854 << ", evtMagicHeader = " << evtMagicHeader
855 << ", evtScrodID = " << evtScrodID);
857 if (evtMagicHeader != 0xA) {
858 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: event header magic word mismatch. should be 0xA."
859 << LogVar("Magic word", evtMagicHeader));
860 return array.getRemainingWords();
861 }
863 word = array.getWord(); // word 1, extra(3)/numWordsBonus(13)/phase(4)/numWordsCore(12)
864 unsigned int evtExtra = word >> 29;
865 unsigned int evtNumWordsBonus = (word >> 16) & 0x1FFF;
866 unsigned int evtPhase = (word >> 12) & 0xF;
867 unsigned int evtNumWordsCore = word & 0xFFF;
869 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
870 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
871 << "\tevtExtra = " << evtExtra
872 << ", evtNumWordsBonus = " << evtNumWordsBonus
873 << ", evtPhase = " << evtPhase
874 << ", numWordsCore = " << evtNumWordsCore);
876 word = array.getWord(); // word 2, skipHit(1)/reserved(4)/ctime LSBs(11)/revo9counter(16)
877 bool evtSkipHit = word >> 29;
878 unsigned int evtCtime = (word >> 16) & 0x7FF;
879 unsigned int evtRevo9Counter = word & 0xFFFF;
881 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
882 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
883 << "\tevtSkipHit = " << evtSkipHit
884 << ", evtCtime = " << evtCtime
885 << ", evtRevo9Counter = " << evtRevo9Counter);
887 word = array.getWord(); // word 3, asicMask(16)/eventQueueDepth(8)/eventNumberByte(8)
888 unsigned int evtAsicMask = word >> 16;
889 unsigned int evtEventQueueDepth = (word >> 8) & 0xFF;
890 unsigned int evtEventNumberByte = word & 0xFF;
892 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
893 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
894 << "\tevtAsicMask = " << evtAsicMask
895 << ", evtEventQueueDepth = " << evtEventQueueDepth
896 << ", evtEventNumberByte = " << evtEventNumberByte);
898 m_productionEventDebugs.appendNew(evtType,
899 evtVersion,
900 evtScrodID,
901 evtSkipHit,
902 evtCtime,
903 evtPhase,
904 evtAsicMask,
905 evtEventQueueDepth,
906 evtEventNumberByte);
908 B2DEBUG(22, "end of event header, start of hits:");
910 const int numWordsPerHit = 4 + evtExtra;
911 unsigned int numHitsFound = 0;
912 unsigned int numExpectedWaveforms = 0;
914 std::vector<TOPRawDigit*> digitsWithWaveform; // digits that have waveforms
916 while (array.getRemainingWords() > numWordsPerHit //one more full hit + one word of footer
917 && array.getIndex() < evtNumWordsCore - 2) { // -1 for 0-based counting, -1 for hit footer word
918 array.resetChecksum();
921 //need to predefine some variables here as we need to branch out between two data format versions for the next two words
922 unsigned int hitCarrier = 0;
923 unsigned int hitAsic = 0;
924 unsigned int hitChannel = 0;
925 unsigned int hitWindow = 0;
926 unsigned int hitMagicHeader = 0;
927 unsigned int hitTFine = 0;
928 bool hitHasWaveform = false;
929 bool hitIsOnHeap = false;
930 unsigned int hitHeapWindow = 0;
931 bool hitIsOnHeapStraddle = false;
932 unsigned int hitHeapWindowStraddle = 0;
933 bool hitIsWindowStraddle = false;
934 short hitIntegral = 0;
935 short hitVPeak = 0;
937 if (dataFormat == TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug01) { //dataformat 0x0401
938 word = array.getWord(); // hit word 0, carrier(2)/asic(2)/channel(3)/window(9)/0xB(4)/tFine(4)/hasWaveform(1)/isOnHeap(1)/heapWindow(6)
939 hitCarrier = word >> 30;
940 hitAsic = (word >> 28) & 0x3;
941 hitChannel = (word >> 25) & 0x7;
942 hitWindow = (word >> 16) & 0x1FF;
943 hitMagicHeader = (word >> 12) & 0xF;
944 hitTFine = (word >> 8) & 0xF;
945 hitHasWaveform = (word >> 7) & 0x1;
946 hitIsOnHeap = (word >> 6) & 0x1;
947 hitHeapWindow = word & 0x3F;
950 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
951 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
952 << "\thitCarrier = " << hitCarrier
953 << ", hitAsic = " << hitAsic
954 << ", hitChannel = " << hitChannel
955 << ", hitWindow = " << hitWindow
956 // << ", hitMagicHeader = " << hitMagicHeader
957 // << ", hitTFine = " << hitTFine
958 << ", hitHasWaveform = " << hitHasWaveform
959 // << ", hitIsOnHeap = " << hitIsOnHeap
960 // << ", hitHeapWindow = " << hitHeapWindow
961 );
964 word = array.getWord(); // hit word 1, reserved(3)/vPeak(13)/integral(16)
965 hitVPeak = expand13to16bits(word >> 16);
966 hitIntegral = word & 0xFFFF;
967 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
968 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
969 << "\thitVPeak = " << hitVPeak
970 << ", hitIntegral = " << hitIntegral);
972 } else if (dataFormat == TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug02) { //dataformat 0x0402
973 word = array.getWord(); // hit word 0, carrier(2)/asic(2)/channel(3)/window(9)/0xB(4)/tFine(4)/hasWaveform(1)/isWindowStraddle(1)/integral(6)
974 hitCarrier = word >> 30;
975 hitAsic = (word >> 28) & 0x3;
976 hitChannel = (word >> 25) & 0x7;
977 hitWindow = (word >> 16) & 0x1FF;
978 hitMagicHeader = (word >> 12) & 0xF;
979 hitTFine = (word >> 8) & 0xF;
980 hitHasWaveform = (word >> 7) & 0x1;
981 hitIsWindowStraddle = (word >> 6) & 0x1;
982 hitIntegral = word & 0x3F;
985 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
986 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
987 << "\thitCarrier = " << hitCarrier
988 << ", hitAsic = " << hitAsic
989 << ", hitChannel = " << hitChannel
990 << ", hitWindow = " << hitWindow
991 // << ", hitMagicHeader = " << hitMagicHeader
992 // << ", hitTFine = " << hitTFine
993 << ", hitHasWaveform = " << hitHasWaveform
994 << ", hitIsWindowStraddle = " << hitHasWaveform
995 << ", hitIntegral = " << hitIntegral
996 // << ", hitHeapWindow = " << hitHeapWindow
997 );
999 word = array.getWord(); // hit word 1, reserved(3)/vPeak(13)/isOnHeap1(1)/heapWindow1(7)/isOnHeap0(1)/heapWindow0(7)
1000 hitVPeak = expand13to16bits(word >> 16);
1001 hitIsOnHeapStraddle = (word >> 15) & 0x1;
1002 hitHeapWindowStraddle = (word >> 8) & 0x7F;
1003 hitIsOnHeap = (word >> 7) & 0x1;
1004 hitHeapWindow = word & 0x1;
1006 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1007 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1008 << "\thitVPeak = " << hitVPeak
1009 << ", hitIsOnHeapStraddle = " << hitIsOnHeapStraddle
1010 << ", hitHeapWindowStraddle = " << hitHeapWindowStraddle
1011 << ", hitIsOnHeap = " << hitIsOnHeap
1012 << ", hitHeapWindow = " << hitHeapWindow);
1013 } else { //could not match the data format
1014 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: could not match data type inside unpackProdDebug()"
1015 << LogVar("evtType", evtType) << LogVar("evtVersion", evtVersion));
1016 return array.getRemainingWords();
1017 }
1020 if (hitHasWaveform) {
1021 numExpectedWaveforms += 1;
1022 }
1024 if (hitMagicHeader != 0xB) {
1025 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: hit header magic word mismatch. should be 0xB."
1026 << LogVar("Magic word", hitMagicHeader));
1027 return array.getRemainingWords();
1028 }
1030 word = array.getWord(); // hit word 2, reserved(3)/vRise0(13)/reserved(3)/vRise1(13)
1031 short hitVRise0 = expand13to16bits(word >> 16);
1032 short hitVRise1 = expand13to16bits(word);
1033 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1034 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1035 << "\thitVRise0 = " << hitVRise0
1036 << ", hitVRise1 = " << hitVRise1);
1038 word = array.getWord(); // hit word 3, reserved(3)/vFall0(13)/reserved(3)/vFall1(13)
1039 short hitVFall0 = expand13to16bits(word >> 16);
1040 short hitVFall1 = expand13to16bits(word);
1041 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1042 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1043 << "\thitVFall0 = " << hitVFall0
1044 << ", hitVFall1 = " << hitVFall1);
1046 word = array.getWord(); // hit word 4, sampleRise(8)/dSampPeak(4)/dSampFall(4)/headerChecksum(16)
1047 unsigned short hitSampleRise = (word >> 24);
1048 short hitDSampPeak = (word >> 20) & 0xF;
1049 short hitDSampFall = (word >> 16) & 0xF;
1050 unsigned short hitHeaderChecksum = word & 0xFFFF;
1051 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1052 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1053 << "\thitSampleRise = " << hitSampleRise
1054 << ", hitDSampPeak = " << hitDSampPeak
1055 << ", hitDSampFall = " << hitDSampFall
1056 << ", hitheaderChecksum = " << hitHeaderChecksum
1057 << ", checksum " << (array.validateChecksum() ? "OK" : "NOT OK"));
1059 if (!array.validateChecksum()) {
1060 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: hit checksum invalid.");
1061 return array.getRemainingWords();
1062 }
1064 // append digit
1065 auto* digit = m_rawDigits.appendNew(evtScrodID, TOPRawDigit::c_ProductionDebug);
1066 digit->setCarrierNumber(hitCarrier);
1067 digit->setASICNumber(hitAsic);
1068 digit->setASICChannel(hitChannel);
1069 digit->setASICWindow(hitWindow);
1070 digit->setLastWriteAddr(0);
1071 digit->setSampleRise(hitSampleRise);
1072 digit->setDeltaSamplePeak(hitDSampPeak);
1073 digit->setDeltaSampleFall(hitDSampFall);
1074 digit->setValueRise0(hitVRise0);
1075 digit->setValueRise1(hitVRise1);
1076 digit->setValuePeak(hitVPeak);
1077 digit->setValueFall0(hitVFall0);
1078 digit->setValueFall1(hitVFall1);
1079 digit->setTFine(hitTFine);
1080 digit->setIntegral(hitIntegral);
1081 digit->setRevo9Counter(evtRevo9Counter);
1082 digit->setPhase(evtPhase);
1085 if (hitHasWaveform) {
1086 digitsWithWaveform.push_back(digit);
1087 }
1089 TOPProductionHitDebug* hitDebug = 0;
1090 if (dataFormat == TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug01) { // dataformat 0x0401
1091 hitDebug = m_productionHitDebugs.appendNew(hitHasWaveform,
1092 hitIsOnHeap,
1093 hitWindow,
1094 hitIsOnHeap ? 428 + hitHeapWindow : hitWindow, //hitHeapWindow is counted from the start of the heap
1095 hitIsWindowStraddle);
1096 } else if (dataFormat == TOP::RawDataType::c_ProductionDebug02) { // dataformat 0x0402
1097 hitDebug = m_productionHitDebugs.appendNew(hitHasWaveform,
1098 hitIsOnHeap,
1099 hitWindow,
1100 hitIsOnHeap ? 428 + hitHeapWindow : hitWindow, //hitHeapWindow is counted from the start of the heap
1101 hitIsWindowStraddle,
1102 hitWindow + 1, //logical address of straddle window is always +1
1103 hitIsOnHeapStraddle ? 428 + hitHeapWindowStraddle : hitWindow +
1104 1); //physical address might be entirely different if straddled window is on heap
1105 }
1107 //parse extra words if exist:
1108 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < evtExtra; ++i) {
1109 word = array.getWord(); // extra hit word i, undefined so far
1110 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1111 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1112 << "\thit extra word " << i << " (" << evtExtra << ")");
1113 hitDebug->appendExtraWord(word);
1114 }
1116 if (m_addRelations and hitDebug) {
1117 digit->addRelationTo(hitDebug);
1118 }
1120 numHitsFound += 1;
1121 } // end of hits loop
1123 word = array.getWord(); // event footer word, sdType(8)/sdData(12)/0x5(3)/nHits(9)
1124 unsigned int evtSdType = (word >> 24);
1125 unsigned int evtSdData = (word >> 12) & 0xFFF;
1126 unsigned int evtMagicFooter = (word >> 9) & 0x7;
1127 unsigned int evtNHits = word & 0x1FF;
1128 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1129 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1130 << "\tevtSdType = " << evtSdType
1131 << ", evtSdData = " << evtSdData
1132 << ", evtMagicFooter = " << evtMagicFooter
1133 << ", evtNHits = " << evtNHits << " (" << numHitsFound << ")");
1135 if (evtSdType != 0) {
1136 m_slowData.appendNew(evtScrodID, evtSdType, evtSdData);
1137 }
1139 if (evtMagicFooter != 0x5) {
1140 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: event footer magic word mismatch. should be 0x5."
1141 << LogVar("Magic word", evtMagicFooter));
1142 return array.getRemainingWords();
1143 }
1145 B2DEBUG(22, "the rest:");
1147 unsigned int numParsedWaveforms = 0;
1148 while (array.peekWord() != 0x6c617374 //next word is not wf footer word
1149 && array.getRemainingWords() > 0) {
1151 word = array.getWord(); // waveform word 0, nSamples(16)/0x0(5)/nWindows(3)/0(1)/carrier(2)/asic(2)/channel(3)
1152 unsigned int wfNSamples = (word >> 16);
1153 unsigned int wfNWindows = (word >> 8) & 0x7;
1154 unsigned int wfCarrier = (word >> 5) & 0x3;
1155 unsigned int wfAsic = (word >> 3) & 0x3;
1156 unsigned int wfChannel = word & 0x7;
1158 // determine hardware channel and pixelID (valid only if feemap available!)
1159 const auto& mapper = m_topgp->getChannelMapper();
1160 unsigned channel = mapper.getChannel(boardstack, wfCarrier, wfAsic, wfChannel);
1161 int pixelID = mapper.getPixelID(channel);
1163 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1164 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1165 << "\twfNSamples = " << wfNSamples
1166 << ", wfNWindows = " << wfNWindows
1167 << ", wfCarrier = " << wfCarrier
1168 << ", wfAsic = " << wfAsic
1169 << ", wfChannel " << wfChannel);
1171 if (wfNSamples != 32 && wfNSamples != 16) {
1172 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: suspicious value for wfNSamples."
1173 << LogVar("wfNSamples", wfNSamples));
1174 return array.getRemainingWords();
1175 }
1177 word = array.getWord(); // waveform word 1, 0x0(1)/startSamp(6)/logAddress(9)/carrierEventNumber(7)/readAddr(9)
1178 unsigned int wfStartSample = (word >> 25) & 0x3F;
1179 unsigned int wfWindowLogic = (word >> 16) & 0x1FF;
1180 unsigned int wfEventNumber = (word >> 9) & 0x7F;
1181 unsigned int wfWindowPhysical = word & 0x1FF;
1183 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1184 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1185 << "\twfStartSample = " << wfStartSample
1186 << ", wfWindowLogic = " << wfWindowLogic
1187 << ", wfEventNumber = " << wfEventNumber
1188 << ", wfWindowPhysical = " << wfWindowPhysical);
1190 std::vector<short> wfSamples;
1192 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wfNSamples / 2; ++i) {
1193 short wfSampleLast = 0;
1194 short wfSampleFirst = 0;
1197 word = array.getWord(); // waveform sample word i, reserved(4)/sample 2*i+1(12)/reserved(4)/sample 2*i(12)
1198 if (pedestalSubtracted) {
1199 wfSampleLast = (word >> 16);
1200 wfSampleFirst = word & 0xFFFF;
1201 } else {
1202 wfSampleLast = (word >> 16) & 0xFFF;
1203 wfSampleFirst = word & 0xFFF;
1205 }
1207 B2DEBUG(22, std::dec << array.getIndex() << ":\t" << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex <<
1208 (word >> 16) << " " << setfill('0') << setw(4) << (word & 0xFFFF) << std::dec
1209 << "\twfSample" << 2 * i + 1 << " = " << wfSampleLast
1210 << ", wfSample" << 2 * i << " = " << wfSampleFirst);
1212 wfSamples.push_back(wfSampleFirst);
1213 wfSamples.push_back(wfSampleLast);
1214 }
1216 // append waveform
1217 auto* waveform = m_waveforms.appendNew(moduleID, pixelID, channel, evtScrodID,
1218 wfWindowLogic, wfStartSample, wfSamples);
1219 waveform->setPedestalSubtractedFlag(pedestalSubtracted);
1220 waveform->setPhysicalWindow(wfWindowPhysical);
1221 if (numParsedWaveforms < digitsWithWaveform.size()) {
1222 const auto* digit = digitsWithWaveform[numParsedWaveforms];
1223 if (digit->getScrodChannel() == channel % 128) {
1224 digit->addRelationTo(waveform);
1225 } else {
1226 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: hit and its waveform have different channel number."
1227 << LogVar("channel (hit)", digit->getScrodChannel())
1228 << LogVar("channel (waveform)", channel % 128));
1229 }
1230 }
1231 numParsedWaveforms += 1;
1233 } // end of waveform segments loop
1235 if (numExpectedWaveforms != numParsedWaveforms) {
1236 B2WARNING("TOPUnpacker: number of expected and parsed waveforms does not match."
1237 << LogVar("expected", numExpectedWaveforms)
1238 << LogVar("parsed", numParsedWaveforms));
1239 }
1241 return array.getRemainingWords();
1242 }
short expand13to16bits(unsigned short x) const
Expand 13-bit signed-word to 16-bit signed-word.

◆ unpackProductionDraft()

void unpackProductionDraft ( const int *  buffer,
int  bufferSize 

Unpack raw data given in a tentative production format (will vanish in future)

bufferraw data buffer
bufferSizebuffer size

Definition at line 243 of file

244 {
246 B2DEBUG(22, "Unpacking ProductionDraft to TOPDigits, dataSize = " << bufferSize);
248 unsigned short scrodID = buffer[0] & 0xFFFF;
249 const auto* feemap = m_topgp->getFrontEndMapper().getMap(scrodID);
250 if (!feemap) {
251 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: no front-end map available."
252 << LogVar("SCROD ID", scrodID));
253 return;
254 }
255 int moduleID = feemap->getModuleID();
256 int boardstack = feemap->getBoardstackNumber();
257 const auto& mapper = m_topgp->getChannelMapper();
259 const auto* geo = m_topgp->getGeometry();
260 auto subBits = geo->getNominalTDC().getSubBits();
261 int sampleDivisions = 0x1 << subBits;
263 for (int i = 1; i < bufferSize; i++) {
264 int word = buffer[i];
265 int tdc = word & 0xFFFF;
266 double rawTime = double(tdc) / sampleDivisions;
267 unsigned chan = ((word >> 16) & 0x7F) + boardstack * 128;
268 unsigned flags = (word >> 24) & 0xFF;
269 int pixelID = mapper.getPixelID(chan);
270 auto* digit = m_digits.appendNew(moduleID, pixelID, rawTime);
271 digit->setTime(geo->getNominalTDC().getTime(tdc));
272 digit->setChannel(chan);
273 digit->setHitQuality((TOPDigit::EHitQuality) flags);
274 }
276 }
hit quality enumerators
Definition: TOPDigit.h:33

◆ unpackType0Ver16()

void unpackType0Ver16 ( const int *  buffer,
int  bufferSize 

Unpack raw data given in feature-extraction production format.

bufferraw data buffer
bufferSizebuffer size

Definition at line 279 of file

280 {
282 B2DEBUG(22, "Unpacking Type0Ver16 to TOPRawDigits, dataSize = " << bufferSize);
284 DataArray array(buffer, bufferSize, m_swapBytes);
285 unsigned word = array.getWord();
286 unsigned short scrodID = word & 0x0FFF;
288 unsigned last = array.getLastWord();
289 int Nhits = last & 0x01FF;
290 if (bufferSize != 5 * Nhits + 2) {
291 B2ERROR("TOPUnpacker: corrupted data (feature-extraction format)."
292 << LogVar("SCROD ID", scrodID));
293 return;
294 }
296 short SDType = last >> 24;
297 short SDValue = (last >> 12) & 0x0FFF;
298 if (SDType != 0) m_slowData.appendNew(scrodID, SDType, SDValue);
300 unsigned short errorFlags = 0;
301 if (((word >> 12) & 0x0F) != 0x0A) errorFlags |= TOPRawDigit::c_HeadMagic;
302 if (((last >> 9) & 0x07) != 0x05) errorFlags |= TOPRawDigit::c_TailMagic;
304 for (int hit = 0; hit < Nhits; hit++) {
305 auto* digit = m_rawDigits.appendNew(scrodID, TOPRawDigit::c_Production);
307 word = array.getWord(); // word 1
308 digit->setCarrierNumber((word >> 30) & 0x03);
309 digit->setASICNumber((word >> 28) & 0x03);
310 digit->setASICChannel((word >> 25) & 0x07);
311 digit->setASICWindow((word >> 16) & 0x1FF);
312 digit->setTFine((word >> 8) & 0x0F);
313 auto flags = errorFlags;
314 if (((word >> 12) & 0x0F) != 0x0B) flags |= TOPRawDigit::c_HitMagic;
315 unsigned short checkSum = sumShorts(word);
317 word = array.getWord(); // word 2
318 digit->setValuePeak(expand13to16bits(word >> 16));
319 digit->setIntegral(word & 0xFFFF);
320 checkSum += sumShorts(word);
322 word = array.getWord(); // word 3
323 digit->setValueRise0(expand13to16bits(word >> 16));
324 digit->setValueRise1(expand13to16bits(word));
325 checkSum += sumShorts(word);
327 word = array.getWord(); // word 4
328 digit->setValueFall0(expand13to16bits(word >> 16));
329 digit->setValueFall1(expand13to16bits(word));
330 checkSum += sumShorts(word);
332 word = array.getWord(); // word 5
333 digit->setSampleRise(word >> 24);
334 digit->setDeltaSamplePeak((word >> 20) & 0x0F);
335 digit->setDeltaSampleFall((word >> 16) & 0x0F);
336 checkSum += sumShorts(word);
337 if (checkSum != 0) flags |= TOPRawDigit::c_HitChecksum;
339 digit->setErrorFlags(flags);
341 }
343 }
@ c_Production
from the future production format
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:45
@ c_HitMagic
if magic number not 0xB
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:33
@ c_TailMagic
if magic bits not '101' = 0x5
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:32
@ c_HitChecksum
if sum of 16-bit words not zero
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:34
@ c_HeadMagic
if magic number not 0xA
Definition: TOPRawDigit.h:31
unsigned short sumShorts(unsigned int x) const
sum both 16-bit words of 32-bit integer

◆ ~OpticalGunModule()

~OpticalGunModule ( )


Definition at line 85 of file

86 {
88 }

◆ ~TOPBackgroundModule()

~TOPBackgroundModule ( )


Definition at line 110 of file

111 {
113 }

◆ ~TOPChannelT0MCModule()

~TOPChannelT0MCModule ( )


Definition at line 52 of file

53 {
54 }

◆ ~TOPDoublePulseGeneratorModule()


Definition at line 85 of file

86 {
87 if (m_timebase) delete m_timebase;
88 }

◆ ~TOPDQMModule()

~TOPDQMModule ( )


Definition at line 55 of file

56 {
57 }

◆ ~TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule()


Definition at line 83 of file


◆ ~TOPInterimFENtupleModule()


Definition at line 78 of file


◆ ~TOPLaserCalibratorModule()


Definition at line 71 of file

72 {
73 }

◆ ~TOPLaserHitSelectorModule()


Definition at line 92 of file


◆ ~TOPMCTrackMakerModule()

~TOPMCTrackMakerModule ( )


Definition at line 57 of file

58 {
59 }

◆ ~TOPNtupleModule()

~TOPNtupleModule ( )


Definition at line 68 of file

69 {
70 }

◆ ~TOPPackerModule()

~TOPPackerModule ( )


Definition at line 66 of file

67 {
68 }

◆ ~TOPRawDigitConverterModule()


Definition at line 109 of file

110 {
111 }

◆ ~TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule()


Definition at line 102 of file

103 {
104 }

◆ ~TOPTriggerDigitizerModule()


Definition at line 64 of file

65 {
66 }

◆ ~TOPUnpackerModule()

~TOPUnpackerModule ( )


Definition at line 78 of file

79 {
80 }

◆ ~TOPWaveformFeatureExtractorModule()


Definition at line 66 of file

67 {
68 }