Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <top/modules/collectors/TOPPhotonYieldsCollectorModule.h>
10#include <top/reconstruction_cpp/TOPTrack.h>
11#include <top/geometry/TOPGeometryPar.h>
13// framework aux
14#include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
15#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
17// root
18#include <TH1F.h>
19#include <TH2F.h>
20#include <TProfile.h>
22using namespace std;
24namespace Belle2 {
30 using namespace TOP;
32 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
34 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
36 REG_MODULE(TOPPhotonYieldsCollector);
38 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
39 // Implementation
40 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
43 {
44 // set module description and processing properties
45 setDescription("A collector for photon pixel yields aimed for PMT ageing studies and for finding optically decoupled PMT's");
48 // module parameters
49 addParam("sample", m_sample, "sample type: one of dimuon or bhabha", std::string("dimuon"));
50 addParam("deltaEcms", m_deltaEcms, "c.m.s energy window (half size) if sample is dimuon or bhabha", 0.1);
51 addParam("dr", m_dr, "cut on POCA in r", 2.0);
52 addParam("dz", m_dz, "cut on POCA in abs(z)", 4.0);
53 addParam("minThresholdEffi", m_minThresholdEffi, "threshold efficiency cut to suppress unreliable calibrations", 0.7);
55 }
59 {
60 // input collections
61 m_digits.isRequired();
62 m_tracks.isRequired();
63 m_extHits.isRequired();
64 m_recBunch.isRequired();
65 m_asicMask.isRequired();
66 m_associatedPDFs.isRequired();
68 // set track selector
69 if (m_sample == "dimuon" or m_sample == "bhabha") {
74 } else {
75 B2ERROR("Invalid sample type '" << m_sample << "'");
76 }
78 // create and register histograms
80 const int numModules = 16;
81 const int numPixels = 512;
83 // time stamp (average unix time and its standard deviation)
84 auto* timeStamp = new TProfile("timeStamp", "Time stamp; ; unix time", 1, 0, 1, 0, 1.0e10, "S");
85 registerObject<TProfile>("timeStamp", timeStamp);
87 // number of selected tracks per slot
88 auto* numTracks = new TH1F("numTracks", "Number of tracks per slot; slot number; track count", numModules, 0.5, numModules + 0.5);
89 registerObject<TH1F>("numTracks", numTracks);
91 // number of pixel hits in a signal time window
92 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
93 string name = (slot < 10) ? "signalHits_0" + to_string(slot) : "signalHits_" + to_string(slot);
94 string title = "Hits in signal window for slot " + to_string(slot);
95 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
96 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
97 h->SetYTitle("hit count");
98 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
99 m_signalNames.push_back(name);
100 }
102 // number of pixel hits in a background time window
103 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
104 string name = (slot < 10) ? "bkgHits_0" + to_string(slot) : "bkgHits_" + to_string(slot);
105 string title = "Hits in background window for slot " + to_string(slot);
106 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
107 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
108 h->SetYTitle("hit count");
109 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
110 m_bkgNames.push_back(name);
111 }
113 // active pixels
114 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
115 string name = (slot < 10) ? "activePixels_0" + to_string(slot) : "activePixels_" + to_string(slot);
116 string title = "Active pixels for slot " + to_string(slot);
117 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
118 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
119 h->SetYTitle("track count");
120 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
121 m_activeNames.push_back(name);
122 }
124 // number of pixel hits with low impact angle on photo cathode
125 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
126 string name = (slot < 10) ? "alphaLow_0" + to_string(slot) : "alphaLow_" + to_string(slot);
127 string title = "Hits w/ low alpha for slot " + to_string(slot);
128 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
129 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
130 h->SetYTitle("hit count");
131 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
132 m_alphaLowNames.push_back(name);
133 }
135 // number of pixel hits with high impact angle on photo cathode
136 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
137 string name = (slot < 10) ? "alphaHigh_0" + to_string(slot) : "alphaHigh_" + to_string(slot);
138 string title = "Hits w/ high alpha for slot " + to_string(slot);
139 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5);
140 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
141 h->SetYTitle("hit count");
142 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
143 m_alphaHighNames.push_back(name);
144 }
146 // pixel pulse-height distributions
147 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
148 string name = (slot < 10) ? "pulseHeights_0" + to_string(slot) : "pulseHeights_" + to_string(slot);
149 string title = "Pulse height distributions for slot " + to_string(slot);
150 auto h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), numPixels, 0.5, numPixels + 0.5, 200, 0, 2000);
151 h->SetXTitle("pixel number");
152 h->SetYTitle("pulse height");
153 registerObject<TH2F>(name, h);
154 m_pulseHeightNames.push_back(name);
155 }
157 // local z-distribution of tracks
158 for (int slot = 1; slot <= numModules; slot++) {
159 string name = (slot < 10) ? "muonZ_0" + to_string(slot) : "muonZ_" + to_string(slot);
160 string title = "Track z-distribution for slot " + to_string(slot);
161 auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 100, m_minZ, m_maxZ);
162 h->SetXTitle("local z [cm]");
163 h->SetYTitle("track count");
164 registerObject<TH1F>(name, h);
165 m_muonZNames.push_back(name);
166 }
168 }
172 {
173 // bunch must be reconstructed
175 if (not m_recBunch->isReconstructed()) return;
177 // loop over reconstructed tracks, make a selection and fill histograms
179 for (const auto& track : m_tracks) {
180 // track selection
181 TOPTrack trk(track);
182 if (not trk.isValid()) continue;
183 if (not m_selector.isSelected(trk)) continue;
185 // fill histograms
186 auto timeStamp = getObjectPtr<TProfile>("timeStamp");
187 timeStamp->Fill(0.5, m_eventMetaData->getTime() / 1000000000);
189 int slot = trk.getModuleID();
190 auto numTracks = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("numTracks");
191 numTracks->Fill(slot);
193 auto muonZ = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_muonZNames[slot - 1]);
194 muonZ->Fill(m_selector.getLocalPosition().Z());
196 auto signalHits = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_signalNames[slot - 1]);
197 auto bkgHits = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_bkgNames[slot - 1]);
198 auto pulseHeight = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(m_pulseHeightNames[slot - 1]);
199 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
200 if (digit.getModuleID() != slot) continue;
201 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue; // junk hit or pixel masked-out
202 if (not m_thresholdEff->isCalibrated(slot, digit.getChannel())) continue; // threshold effi. not calibrated
203 double effi = m_thresholdEff->getThrEff(slot, digit.getChannel());
204 if (effi < m_minThresholdEffi) continue; // to suppress possibly unreliable calibration
205 if (std::abs(digit.getTime()) > m_timeWindow) continue;
206 // fill signal and background hits with weight=1/effi to correct for threshold efficiency
207 if (digit.getTime() > 0) {
208 signalHits->Fill(digit.getPixelID(), 1 / effi);
209 pulseHeight->Fill(digit.getPixelID(), digit.getPulseHeight());
210 } else {
211 bkgHits->Fill(digit.getPixelID(), 1 / effi);
212 }
213 }
215 auto activePixels = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_activeNames[slot - 1]);
216 const auto& chMapper = TOPGeometryPar::Instance()->getChannelMapper();
217 for (int pixel = 1; pixel <= activePixels->GetNbinsX(); pixel++) {
218 unsigned channel = chMapper.getChannel(pixel);
219 if (not m_thresholdEff->isCalibrated(slot, channel)) continue; // pixel excluded in counting hits
220 if (m_thresholdEff->getThrEff(slot, channel) < m_minThresholdEffi) continue; // pixel excluded in counting hits
221 if (m_channelMask->isActive(slot, channel) and m_asicMask->isActive(slot, channel)) activePixels->Fill(pixel);
222 }
224 if (std::abs(m_selector.getLocalPosition().Z()) > m_excludedZ) {
225 auto alphaLow = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_alphaLowNames[slot - 1]);
226 auto alphaHigh = getObjectPtr<TH1F>(m_alphaHighNames[slot - 1]);
227 for (const auto& digit : m_digits) {
228 if (digit.getModuleID() != slot) continue;
229 if (digit.getHitQuality() != TOPDigit::c_Good) continue; // junk hit or pixel masked-out
230 const auto* pdf = digit.getRelated<TOPAssociatedPDF>();
231 if (not pdf) continue;
232 const auto* peak = pdf->getSinglePeak();
233 if (not peak) continue; // hit associated with background
234 double alpha = acos(std::abs(peak->kzd)) / Unit::deg;
235 if (alpha > 60) continue;
236 if (alpha < 30) alphaLow->Fill(digit.getPixelID());
237 else alphaHigh->Fill(digit.getPixelID());
238 }
239 }
240 }
242 }
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
Class to store analytic PDF associated with a photon.
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelMask > m_channelMask
masked channels
double m_minThresholdEffi
minimal threshold efficiency
StoreObjPtr< TOPRecBunch > m_recBunch
reconstructed bunch
TOP::TrackSelector m_selector
track selection utility
std::vector< std::string > m_activeNames
histogram names for active pixels count
std::vector< std::string > m_alphaHighNames
histogram names for counting hits w/ high impact angle on photo cathode
std::vector< std::string > m_pulseHeightNames
histogram names for pulse heights
DBObjPtr< TOPCalChannelThresholdEff > m_thresholdEff
threshold efficiencies
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_eventMetaData
event meta data object
std::vector< std::string > m_muonZNames
histogram names for track z-distribution
std::vector< std::string > m_alphaLowNames
histogram names for counting hits w/ low impact angle on photo cathode
const double m_timeWindow
time window for counting photon hits (half size)
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
collection of tracks
StoreArray< TOPAssociatedPDF > m_associatedPDFs
collection of PDF's associated to TOP digits
const double m_minZ
minimal local z of extrapolated track
const double m_excludedZ
excluded central region of extrapolated track for photon impact angle counting
const double m_maxZ
maximal local z of extrapolated track
std::vector< std::string > m_signalNames
histogram names for signal window hit counts
std::vector< std::string > m_bkgNames
histogram names for background window hit counts
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of TOP digits
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
collection of extrapolated hits
StoreObjPtr< TOPAsicMask > m_asicMask
online masked Asics
const ChannelMapper & getChannelMapper() const
Returns default channel mapper (mapping of channels to pixels)
static TOPGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to obtain the pointer to its instance.
Reconstructed track at TOP.
Definition: TOPTrack.h:39
bool isValid() const
Checks if track is successfully constructed.
Definition: TOPTrack.h:137
int getModuleID() const
Returns slot ID.
Definition: TOPTrack.h:143
Utility for the track selection - used in various calibration modules.
Definition: TrackSelector.h:27
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint & getLocalPosition() const
Returns position at TOP in local frame of the track in last isSelected call.
void setDeltaEcms(double deltaEcms)
Sets cut on c.m.s.
Definition: TrackSelector.h:63
void setCutOnPOCA(double dr, double dz)
Sets cut on point of closest approach to (0, 0, 0)
Definition: TrackSelector.h:70
bool isSelected(const TOPTrack &track) const
Returns selection status.
void setCutOnLocalZ(double minZ, double maxZ)
Sets cut on local z coordinate (module frame) of the track extrapolated to TOP.
Definition: TrackSelector.h:81
static const double deg
degree to radians
Definition: Unit.h:109
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
virtual void collect() final
Replacement for event().
virtual void prepare() final
Replacement for initialize().
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.