Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <top/modules/TOPRingPlotter/TOPRingPlotterModule.h>
11#include <analysis/dataobjects/ParticleList.h>
12#include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
14#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
15#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
17#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
18#include <framework/utilities/MakeROOTCompatible.h>
20#include <iostream>
21#include <TRandom.h>
22#include <TDirectory.h>
24// framework - DataStore
25#include <framework/datastore/DataStore.h>
26#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
27#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
29// framework aux
30#include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
31#include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
32#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
34// DataStore classes
35#include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
36#include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
37#include <top/dataobjects/TOPLikelihoodScanResult.h>
38#include <top/dataobjects/TOPLikelihood.h>
39#include <top/dataobjects/TOPBarHit.h>
40#include <tracking/dataobjects/ExtHit.h>
41#include <top/dataobjects/TOPDigit.h>
42#include <mdst/dataobjects/ECLCluster.h>
44#include <top/geometry/TOPGeometryPar.h>
45#include <top/reconstruction_cpp/TOPTrack.h>
46#include <top/reconstruction_cpp/PDFConstructor.h>
47#include <top/reconstruction_cpp/TOPRecoManager.h>
49using namespace Belle2;
50using namespace TOP;
51using namespace Belle2::Variable;
58 // Set module properties
60 R"DOC(A module to plot the x-t images from TOP, and in general study the distribution of the digits associated to the particles in a particleList)DOC");
62 // Parameter definitions
63 addParam("particleList", m_particleList, "List of particles to be used for plotting", std::string("pi+:all"));
64 addParam("variables", m_variables, "List of variables to be saved", {});
65 addParam("pdgHyp", m_pdgHyp, "List of pdg codes for which the PDF is sampled and saved. Valid values are 11, 13, 211, 321, 2212.",
66 m_pdgHyp);
67 addParam("outputName", m_outputName, "Name of the output file", std::string("TOPRings.root"));
68 addParam("nToys", m_toyNumber,
69 "Number of toys used to sample the PDFs. Set it to a large number for a precise sampling of the PDF in the histograms (suggested for small number of events) ",
70 1);
71 addParam("saveHistograms", m_saveHistograms,
72 "Set true to save the histograms of the maps in addition to the list of sampled pseudo-digits", false);
73 addParam("saveLLScan", m_saveLLScan,
74 "Set true to save the results of the LL scan. Requires to add TOPLLScannerModule to the path", false);
81 m_pdfSamplesP = 0;
82 m_pdfToysP = 0;
83 m_pdfSamplesK = 0;
84 m_pdfToysK = 0;
86 m_pdfToysPI = 0;
88 m_pdfToysMU = 0;
89 m_pdfSamplesE = 0;
90 m_pdfToysE = 0;
91 m_hitMapMCK->Reset();
92 m_hitMapMCPI->Reset();
93 m_hitMapMCP->Reset();
94 m_hitMapMCE->Reset();
95 m_hitMapMCMU->Reset();
96 m_nScanPoints = 0;
98 for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
99 m_scanMass[i] = 0;
100 m_scanLL[i] = 0;
101 }
103 for (int i = 0; i < m_MaxPDFPhotons; i++) {
104 m_pdfPixelE[i] = 0;
105 m_pdfTimeE[i] = 0;
106 m_pdfPixelMU[i] = 0;
107 m_pdfTimeMU[i] = 0;
108 m_pdfPixelPI[i] = 0;
109 m_pdfTimePI[i] = 0;
110 m_pdfPixelK[i] = 0;
111 m_pdfTimeK[i] = 0;
112 m_pdfPixelP[i] = 0;
113 m_pdfTimeP[i] = 0;
114 }
117 m_nDigits = 0;
119 for (int i = 0; i < m_MaxPhotons; i++) {
120 m_digitTime[i] = 0;
121 m_digitChannel[i] = 0;
122 m_digitPixel[i] = 0;
123 m_digitPixelCol[i] = 0;
124 m_digitPixelRow[i] = 0;
125 m_digitAmplitude[i] = 0;
126 m_digitWidth[i] = 0;
127 m_digitASICChannel[i] = 0;
128 m_digitPMTNumber[i] = 0;
129 m_digitSlot[i] = {0};
130 m_digitBoardstack[i] = {0};
131 m_digitCarrier[i] = {0};
132 m_digitAsic[i] = {0};
133 m_digitQuality[i] = {0};
134 }
137 return;
141void TOPRingPlotterModule::fillPDF(Belle2::Const::ChargedStable ch, const Track* track, TH2F* histo, short* pixelArray,
142 float* timeArray, int& arrayGuard, int& toyCounter)
145 if (not track) return;
147 TOPTrack trkPDF(*track);
149 if (!trkPDF.isValid())
150 return;
152 PDFConstructor pdfConstructor(trkPDF, ch, PDFConstructor::c_Fine);
153 if (not pdfConstructor.isValid()) return;
155 arrayGuard = 0; // this keeps track of the total number of PDF samples we have saved so far
156 m_pdfAsHisto->Reset(); // clan the histogram that will contain the PDf to be sampled
158 // loops of pixels and PDF peaks to make a full sampling of the PDF
159 for (int pixelID = 1; pixelID <= 512; pixelID++) {
160 for (int iBinY = 1; iBinY < 500 + 1; iBinY++) {
161 // MARKO'S Trick HERE
162 auto time = m_pdfAsHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iBinY);
163 auto pdfVal = pdfConstructor.getPDFValue(pixelID, time, 0.070); // average electronic time reso = 70 ps
164 m_pdfAsHisto->Fill(pixelID - 0.5, time, pdfVal * 0.2); // bins are 1 px X 0.2 ns wide
165 short pixelCol = (pixelID - 1) % 64 + 1;
166 histo->Fill(pixelCol, time, pdfVal * 1.6); // bins in the map are 8 px X 0.2 ns wide
167 }
168 }
170 auto nExpPhot = pdfConstructor.getExpectedPhotons();
172 m_pdfAsHisto->Scale(nExpPhot);
173 histo->Scale(nExpPhot);
175 // loop over the toys
176 for (int iSim = 0; iSim < m_toyNumber; iSim++) {
177 // tmp arrays. Before appending the PDF-based digits to the list, we want to be sure
178 // that their total number does not exceeds the size of pixelArray and timeArray.
179 // We run the full toy for an event storing the results here, and we copy them to timeArray and pixelArray only
180 // if there's enough room.
181 std::vector<float> tmpTime;
182 std::vector<short> tmpPixel;
184 short numPhot = gRandom->Poisson(nExpPhot);
186 for (short rn = 0; rn < numPhot; rn++) {
187 double time = 0;
188 double pxID = 0;
189 m_pdfAsHisto->GetRandom2(pxID, time);
190 tmpTime.push_back(time);
191 tmpPixel.push_back(short(pxID));
192 }
194 // before transferring the results of the PDF sampling into pixelArray and timeArray, check if there's
195 // enough room.
196 if (arrayGuard + tmpTime.size() < m_MaxPDFPhotons) {
197 for (unsigned int iPh = 0; iPh < tmpTime.size(); iPh++) {
198 pixelArray[arrayGuard] = tmpPixel[iPh];
199 timeArray[arrayGuard] = tmpTime[iPh];
200 arrayGuard++;
201 }
202 toyCounter++;
203 } else {
204 return; // we already reached the max size of the arrays for sampling, no point in keep doing this
205 }
206 }
208 return;
215 // Check the list of pdg hypotheses
216 for (auto pdg : m_pdgHyp) {
217 if ((pdg != Const::electron.getPDGCode()) and (pdg != Const::pion.getPDGCode()) and (pdg != Const::kaon.getPDGCode()) and
218 (pdg != Const::muon.getPDGCode()) and (pdg != Const::proton.getPDGCode()))
219 B2FATAL("Invalid PDG hypothesis for the PDF evaluation: " << pdg);
220 short duplicateCount = 0;
221 for (auto pdg2 : m_pdgHyp) {
222 if (pdg == pdg2)
223 duplicateCount++;
224 }
225 if (duplicateCount > 1)
226 B2FATAL("Duplicate PDG hypothesis found");
227 }
229 m_hitMapMCK = new TH2F("hitMapMCK", "x-t map of the kaon PDF", 64, 0, 64, 500, 0, 100);
230 m_hitMapMCPI = new TH2F("hitMapMCPI", "x-t map of the pion PDF", 64, 0, 64, 500, 0, 100);
231 m_hitMapMCP = new TH2F("hitMapMCP", "x-t map of the proton PDF", 64, 0, 64, 500, 0, 100);
232 m_hitMapMCE = new TH2F("hitMapMCE", "x-t map of the electron PDF", 64, 0, 64, 500, 0, 100);
233 m_hitMapMCMU = new TH2F("hitMapMCMU", "x-t map of the muon PDF", 64, 0, 64, 500, 0, 100);
235 m_pdfAsHisto = new TH2F("pdfAsHisto", "tms holder for the pdf to be sampled", 512, 0, 512, 500, 0, 100);
237 TDirectory::TContext context;
238 B2INFO("creating a tree for TOPRingPlotterModule");
239 m_outputFile = new TFile(m_outputName.c_str(), "recreate");
240 m_tree = new TTree("tree", "tree");
242 if (m_saveHistograms) {
243 for (auto pdg : m_pdgHyp) {
244 if (pdg == Const::electron.getPDGCode())
245 m_tree->Branch("hitMapMCE", "TH2F", &m_hitMapMCE, 32000, 0);
246 else if (pdg == Const::muon.getPDGCode())
247 m_tree->Branch("hitMapMCMU", "TH2F", &m_hitMapMCMU, 32000, 0);
248 else if (pdg == Const::pion.getPDGCode())
249 m_tree->Branch("hitMapMCPI", "TH2F", &m_hitMapMCPI, 32000, 0);
250 else if (pdg == Const::kaon.getPDGCode())
251 m_tree->Branch("hitMapMCK", "TH2F", &m_hitMapMCK, 32000, 0);
252 else if (pdg == Const::proton.getPDGCode())
253 m_tree->Branch("hitMapMCP", "TH2F", &m_hitMapMCP, 32000, 0);
254 }
255 }
257 m_tree->Branch("nDigits", &m_nDigits, "m_nDigits/S");
258 m_tree->Branch("digitTime", m_digitTime, "m_digitTime[m_nDigits]/F");
259 m_tree->Branch("digitAmplitude", m_digitAmplitude, "m_digitAmplitude[m_nDigits]/F");
260 m_tree->Branch("digitWidth", m_digitWidth, "m_digitWidth[m_nDigits]/F");
261 m_tree->Branch("digitChannel", m_digitChannel, "m_digitChannel[m_nDigits]/S");
262 m_tree->Branch("digitPixel", m_digitPixel, "m_digitPixel[m_nDigits]/S");
263 m_tree->Branch("digitPixelCol", m_digitPixelCol, "m_digitPixelCol[m_nDigits]/S");
264 m_tree->Branch("digitPixelRow", m_digitPixelRow, "m_digitPixelRow[m_nDigits]/S");
265 m_tree->Branch("digitASICChannel", m_digitASICChannel, "m_digitASICChannel[m_nDigits]/S");
266 m_tree->Branch("digitPMTNumber", m_digitPMTNumber, "m_digitPMTNumber[m_nDigits]/S");
267 m_tree->Branch("digitSlot", m_digitSlot, "m_digitSlot[m_nDigits]/S");
268 m_tree->Branch("digitBoardstack", m_digitBoardstack, "m_digitBoardstack[m_nDigits]/S");
269 m_tree->Branch("digitCarrier", m_digitCarrier, "m_digitCarrier[m_nDigits]/S");
270 m_tree->Branch("digitAsic", m_digitAsic, "m_digitAsic[m_nDigits]/S");
271 m_tree->Branch("digitQuality", m_digitQuality, "m_digitQuality[m_nDigits]/S");
273 m_tree->Branch("pdfSamplesP", &m_pdfSamplesP, "m_pdfSamplesP/I");
274 m_tree->Branch("pdfToysP", &m_pdfToysP, "m_pdfToysP/I");
275 m_tree->Branch("pdfPixelP", m_pdfPixelP, "m_pdfPixelP[m_pdfSamplesP]/S");
276 m_tree->Branch("pdfTimeP", m_pdfTimeP, "m_pdfTimeP[m_pdfSamplesP]/F");
278 m_tree->Branch("pdfSamplesK", &m_pdfSamplesK, "m_pdfSamplesK/I");
279 m_tree->Branch("pdfToysK", &m_pdfToysK, "m_pdfToysK/I");
280 m_tree->Branch("pdfPixelK", m_pdfPixelK, "m_pdfPixelK[m_pdfSamplesK]/S");
281 m_tree->Branch("pdfTimeK", m_pdfTimeK, "m_pdfTimeK[m_pdfSamplesK]/F");
283 m_tree->Branch("pdfSamplesPI", &m_pdfSamplesPI, "m_pdfSamplesPI/I");
284 m_tree->Branch("pdfToysPI", &m_pdfToysPI, "m_pdfToysPI/I");
285 m_tree->Branch("pdfPixelPI", m_pdfPixelPI, "m_pdfPixelPI[m_pdfSamplesPI]/S");
286 m_tree->Branch("pdfTimePI", m_pdfTimePI, "m_pdfTimePI[m_pdfSamplesPI]/F");
288 m_tree->Branch("pdfSamplesMU", &m_pdfSamplesMU, "m_pdfSamplesMU/I");
289 m_tree->Branch("pdfToysMU", &m_pdfToysMU, "m_pdfToysMU/I");
290 m_tree->Branch("pdfPixelMU", m_pdfPixelMU, "m_pdfPixelMU[m_pdfSamplesMU]/S");
291 m_tree->Branch("pdfTimeMU", m_pdfTimeMU, "m_pdfTimeMU[m_pdfSamplesMU]/F");
293 m_tree->Branch("pdfSamplesE", &m_pdfSamplesE, "m_pdfSamplesE/I");
294 m_tree->Branch("pdfToysE", &m_pdfToysE, "m_pdfToysE/I");
295 m_tree->Branch("pdfPixelE", m_pdfPixelE, "m_pdfPixelE[m_pdfSamplesE]/S");
296 m_tree->Branch("pdfTimeE", m_pdfTimeE, "m_pdfTimeE[m_pdfSamplesE]/F");
298 if (m_saveLLScan) {
299 m_tree->Branch("nScanPoints", &m_nScanPoints, "m_nScanPoints/I");
300 m_tree->Branch("scanMass", m_scanMass, "m_scanMass[m_nScanPoints]/F");
301 m_tree->Branch("scanLL", m_scanLL, "m_scanLL[m_nScanPoints]/F");
302 }
304 // This parts parses the list of variables and creates the branches in the output tree.
305 // This is copy-pasted from VariablesToNtupleModule
307 m_branchAddresses.resize(m_variables.size() + 1);
308 size_t enumerate = 0;
309 for (const std::string& varStr : m_variables) {
310 std::string branchName = MakeROOTCompatible::makeROOTCompatible(varStr);
311 m_tree->Branch(branchName.c_str(), &m_branchAddresses[enumerate], (branchName + "/D").c_str());
314 if (!var) {
315 B2ERROR("Variable '" << varStr << "' is not available in Variable::Manager!");
316 } else {
317 if (m_particleList.empty() && var->description.find("[Eventbased]") == std::string::npos) {
318 B2ERROR("Variable '" << varStr << "' is not an event-based variable, "
319 "but you are using VariablesToNtuple without a decay string, i.e. in the event-wise mode.\n"
320 "If you have created an event-based alias you can wrap your alias with `eventCached` to "
321 "declare it as event based, which avoids this error.\n\n"
322 "vm.addAlias('myAliasName', 'eventCached(myAlias)')");
323 continue;
324 }
325 m_functions.push_back(var->function);
326 }
327 enumerate++;
328 }
330 StoreArray<Track> tracks;
331 tracks.isRequired();
332 StoreArray<ExtHit> extHits;
333 extHits.isRequired();
334 StoreArray<TOPLikelihood> likelihoods;
335 likelihoods.isRequired();
337 digits.isRequired();
338 StoreArray<TOPBarHit> barHits;
339 barHits.isOptional();
341 likelihoodScans.isOptional();
353 // skip on invalid lists
354 if (! particles.isValid())
355 return;
357 // loops over all particles
358 int n_part = particles->getListSize();
359 for (int i = 0; i < n_part; i++) {
361 // Reset the tree variables to the default values
362 resetTree();
364 // Get the track associated to the particle
365 const Particle* particle = particles->getParticle(i);
366 const Track* track = particle->getTrack();
368 bool isFromTrack = true;
369 short moduleID = 0;
370 short deltaModule = 0;
372 // If there's no track, we will use the cluster position
373 // to pin-point the moduleID. This is meant to allow to use
374 // the module to study ECL backsplashes and conversions in the
375 // TOP volume
376 if (!track) {
377 const ECLCluster* clstr = particle->getECLCluster();
378 if (! clstr)
379 continue; // if there's not even a cluster, we can't do much
380 else {
381 if (clstr->getDetectorRegion() != 2)
382 continue; // the cluster is not in the barrel
383 isFromTrack = false;
384 // find the two slots closer to the cluster
385 auto phi = particle->getECLCluster()->getPhi();
386 if (phi < 0)
387 phi = 2 * M_PI - phi;
388 auto rawModuleID = phi / (M_PI / 8) + 1;
389 moduleID = int(rawModuleID);
390 if (rawModuleID - moduleID > 0.5) {
391 deltaModule = 1;
392 if (moduleID == 16)
393 deltaModule = -15; // ad-hoc treatment for the 16-1 boundary
394 } else {
395 deltaModule = -1;
396 if (moduleID == 1)
397 deltaModule = 15; // ad-hoc treatment for the 1-16 boundary
398 }
399 }
400 } else {
401 // Check if one can make a TOP track
402 TOPTrack trk(*track);
403 if (!trk.isValid())
404 continue;
405 moduleID = trk.getModuleID();
406 }
408 if (moduleID < 1)
409 continue;
411 // Save the digit info for all the topDigits in the module where the track was extrapolated
412 for (const auto& digi : digits) {
413 // if we have a cluster, save the digits from the two modules closer to the cluster
414 if (m_nDigits >= m_MaxPhotons) break;
415 if ((digi.getModuleID() == moduleID) || (!isFromTrack && digi.getModuleID() == moduleID + deltaModule)) {
416 m_digitTime[m_nDigits] = digi.getTime();
417 m_digitChannel[m_nDigits] = digi.getChannel();
418 m_digitPixel[m_nDigits] = digi.getPixelID();
419 m_digitPixelCol[m_nDigits] = digi.getPixelCol();
420 m_digitPixelRow[m_nDigits] = digi.getPixelRow();
421 m_digitAmplitude[m_nDigits] = digi.getPulseHeight();
422 m_digitWidth[m_nDigits] = digi.getPulseWidth();
423 m_digitASICChannel[m_nDigits] = digi.getASICChannel();
424 m_digitPMTNumber[m_nDigits] = digi.getPMTNumber();
425 m_digitSlot[m_nDigits] = digi.getModuleID();
426 m_digitBoardstack[m_nDigits] = digi.getBoardstackNumber();
427 m_digitCarrier[m_nDigits] = digi.getCarrierNumber();
428 m_digitAsic[m_nDigits] = digi.getASICNumber();
429 m_digitQuality[m_nDigits] = digi.getHitQuality();
430 m_nDigits++;
431 }
432 }
434 // Save the track variables from the VM
435 for (unsigned int iVar = 0; iVar < m_variables.size(); iVar++) {
436 if (std::holds_alternative<double>(m_functions[iVar](particle))) {
437 m_branchAddresses[iVar] = std::get<double>(m_functions[iVar](particle));
438 } else if (std::holds_alternative<int>(m_functions[iVar](particle))) {
439 m_branchAddresses[iVar] = (double)std::get<int>(m_functions[iVar](particle));
440 } else if (std::holds_alternative<bool>(m_functions[iVar](particle))) {
441 m_branchAddresses[iVar] = (double)std::get<bool>(m_functions[iVar](particle));
442 }
443 }
446 // Save the PDF samplings
447 if (isFromTrack) {
449 if (m_saveLLScan) {
450 auto llScan = track->getRelated<TOPLikelihoodScanResult>();
451 auto masses = llScan->getCoarseScanMassPoints();
452 auto lls = llScan->getCoarseScanLLValues();
453 m_nScanPoints = lls.size();
454 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < lls.size(); j++) {
455 m_scanMass[j] = masses[j];
456 m_scanLL[j] = lls[j];
457 }
458 }
460 for (auto pdg : m_pdgHyp) {
461 if (pdg == Const::electron.getPDGCode())
463 else if (pdg == Const::muon.getPDGCode())
465 else if (pdg == Const::pion.getPDGCode())
467 else if (pdg == Const::kaon.getPDGCode())
469 else if (pdg == Const::proton.getPDGCode())
471 }
472 }
474 m_tree->Fill();
475 }
476 return;
482 TDirectory::TContext context;
483 m_outputFile->cd();
484 m_tree->Write();
485 m_outputFile->Close();
Provides a type-safe way to pass members of the chargedStableSet set.
Definition: Const.h:589
static const ChargedStable muon
muon particle
Definition: Const.h:660
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:661
static const ChargedStable proton
proton particle
Definition: Const.h:663
static const ChargedStable kaon
charged kaon particle
Definition: Const.h:662
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
Definition: Const.h:659
ECL cluster data.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:27
int getDetectorRegion() const
Return detector region: 0: below acceptance, 1: FWD, 2: BRL, 3: BWD, 11: FWDGAP, 13: BWDGAP.
static std::string makeROOTCompatible(std::string str)
Remove special characters that ROOT dislikes in branch names, e.g.
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Definition: Particle.h:75
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
bool isOptional(const std::string &name="")
Tell the DataStore about an optional input.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
Class to store the result of the TOP LL scan (output of TOPLLScanner).
std::vector< float > getCoarseScanMassPoints() const
Return a std::vector containing the mass points used for the coarse LL scane.
short m_digitQuality[m_MaxPhotons]
Digit quality
float m_pdfTimePI[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the times of the sampled pseudo-hits for the pion PDF
float m_pdfTimeE[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the times of the sampled pseudo-hits for the electron PDF
short m_digitPixelCol[m_MaxPhotons]
Pixel column.
short m_pdfPixelK[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the pixel location of the sampled pseudo-hits for the kaon PDF
TTree * m_tree
tree where data are saved.
std::vector< std::string > m_variables
List of variables to save.
short m_digitPixel[m_MaxPhotons]
Pixel number (1-512)
short m_digitSlot[m_MaxPhotons]
Slot number (1-16)
TH2F * m_hitMapMCPI
x-t plot of the pion PDF
short m_digitPixelRow[m_MaxPhotons]
Pixel row.
std::vector< short > m_pdgHyp
List of pdg codes for which the PDF is sampled and saved.
void initialize() override
Prepares the tree.
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
float m_pdfTimeP[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the times of the sampled pseudo-hits for the proton PDF
void event() override
Fills the tree.
float m_scanLL[10000]
LL values of the scan.
void fillPDF(Belle2::Const::ChargedStable, const Track *, TH2F *, short *, float *, int &, int &)
Fills the pdf-related branches.
bool m_saveHistograms
Set true to save the histograms of the maps.
float m_digitAmplitude[m_MaxPhotons]
Digit amplitude [ADC].
int m_pdfSamplesPI
total number of samples drawn from the pion PDF
void terminate() override
Writes the tree.
TH2F * m_hitMapMCK
x-t plot of the kaon PDF
int m_pdfToysP
total number of toys from the proton PDF
TH2F * m_hitMapMCMU
x-t plot of the muon PDF
std::vector< double > m_branchAddresses
Variable branch addresses.
int m_pdfSamplesK
total number of samples drawn from the kaon PDF
bool m_saveLLScan
Set to true to save the results of the LL scan.
static const int m_MaxPhotons
maximum number of digits allowed per PDF
int m_pdfSamplesMU
total number of samples drawn from the muon PDF
int m_pdfToysMU
total number of toys from the muon PDF
std::string m_outputName
Name of the output file.
short m_digitBoardstack[m_MaxPhotons]
BoardStack number
int m_pdfToysPI
total number of toys from the pion PDF
static const int m_MaxPDFPhotons
maximum number of digits allowed per PDF
std::vector< Variable::Manager::FunctionPtr > m_functions
List of function pointers corresponding to given variables.
int m_pdfSamplesE
total number of samples drawn from the electron PDF
std::string m_particleList
List of particles to be used for plotting.
short m_digitCarrier[m_MaxPhotons]
Carrier number
float m_scanMass[10000]
masses used in the LL scan
short m_pdfPixelE[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the pixel location of the sampled pseudo-hits for the electron PDF
short m_digitAsic[m_MaxPhotons]
Asic number
float m_pdfTimeMU[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the times of the sampled pseudo-hits for the muon PDF
void resetTree()
reset the tree variables.
short m_digitASICChannel[m_MaxPhotons]
ASIC channel number.
TH2F * m_hitMapMCE
x-t plot of the electron PDF
int m_pdfToysK
total number of toys from the kaon PDF
TH2F * m_pdfAsHisto
histogram to hot the PDF that will be sampled
float m_digitTime[m_MaxPhotons]
Digit calibrated time [ns].
short m_digitChannel[m_MaxPhotons]
SW channel (0-511)
short m_pdfPixelPI[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the pixel location of the sampled pseudo-hits for the pion PDF
short m_pdfPixelP[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the pixel location of the sampled pseudo-hits for the proton PDF
float m_digitWidth[m_MaxPhotons]
Digit calibrated width [ns].
short m_digitPMTNumber[m_MaxPhotons]
Digit PMT number.
int m_nScanPoints
number of points used in the LL scan
short m_nDigits
Total number of digits in the slot where the track is extrapolated.
int m_toyNumber
Number of toys used to populate the arrays of expected hits.
TH2F * m_hitMapMCP
x-t plot of the proton PDF
short m_pdfPixelMU[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the pixel location of the sampled pseudo-hits for the muon PDF
float m_pdfTimeK[m_MaxPDFPhotons]
array with the times of the sampled pseudo-hits for the kaon PDF
int m_pdfToysE
total number of toys from the electron PDF
int m_pdfSamplesP
total number of samples drawn from the proton PDF
PDF construction and log likelihood determination for a given track and particle hypothesis.
double getPDFValue(int pixelID, double time, double timeErr, double sigt=0) const
Returns PDF value.
bool isValid() const
Checks the object status.
double getExpectedPhotons() const
Returns the expected number of all photons within the default time window.
@ c_Fine
y dependent everywhere
static void setTimeWindow(double minTime, double maxTime)
Sets time window.
Reconstructed track at TOP.
Definition: TOPTrack.h:39
bool isValid() const
Checks if track is successfully constructed.
Definition: TOPTrack.h:137
int getModuleID() const
Returns slot ID.
Definition: TOPTrack.h:143
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
std::vector< std::string > resolveCollections(const std::vector< std::string > &variables)
Resolve Collection Returns variable names corresponding to the given collection or if it is not a col...
const Var * getVariable(std::string name)
Get the variable belonging to the given key.
static Manager & Instance()
get singleton instance.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
TString rn()
Get random string.
Definition: tools.h:38
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
A variable returning a floating-point value for a given Particle.
Definition: Manager.h:146