Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
12#include <mdst/dataobjects/EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo.h>
13#include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
14#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
15#include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
16#include <framework/dbobjects/HardwareClockSettings.h>
18class TH1I;
19class TH1F;
20class TH2F;
22namespace Belle2 {
30 public:
34 virtual ~TRGGRLDQMModule() {}
36 public:
38 virtual void initialize() override;
40 virtual void beginRun() override;
42 virtual void event() override;
44 virtual void endRun() override;
46 virtual void terminate() override {}
48 virtual void defineHisto() override;
50 protected:
52 TDirectory* oldDir = nullptr;
54 TDirectory* dirDQM = nullptr;
57 TH1I* h_N_track = nullptr;
60 TH1F* h_phi_i = nullptr;
62 TH1F* h_phi_CDC = nullptr;
64 TH1F* h_sector_CDC = nullptr;
66 TH1F* h_sector_KLM = nullptr;
68 TH1F* h_slot_CDC = nullptr;
70 TH1F* h_slot_TOP = nullptr;
73 TH1F* h_E_ECL = nullptr;
75 TH1F* h_theta_ECL = nullptr;
77 TH1F* h_phi_ECL = nullptr;
80 TH1F* h_CDCL1 = nullptr;
82 TH1F* h_ECLL1 = nullptr;
84 TH1F* h_ECLL1_2nd = nullptr;
86 TH1F* h_TOPL1 = nullptr;
88 TH1F* h_KLML1 = nullptr;
90 TH1F* h_CDC3DL1 = nullptr;
92 TH1F* h_CDCNNL1 = nullptr;
94 TH1F* h_TSFL1 = nullptr;
96 TH1F* h_B2LL1 = nullptr;
99 TH1F* h_map_ST = nullptr;
101 TH1F* h_map_ST2 = nullptr;
103 TH1F* h_map_veto = nullptr;
105 TH1F* h_map_TSF0 = nullptr;
107 TH1F* h_map_TSF2 = nullptr;
109 TH1F* h_map_TSF4 = nullptr;
111 TH1F* h_map_TSF1 = nullptr;
113 TH1F* h_map_TSF3 = nullptr;
116 TH1F* h_wc_TSF0 = nullptr;
118 TH1F* h_wc_TSF1 = nullptr;
120 TH1F* h_wc_TSF2 = nullptr;
122 TH1F* h_wc_TSF3 = nullptr;
124 TH1F* h_wc_TSF4 = nullptr;
126 TH1F* h_wc_TSF5 = nullptr;
128 TH1F* h_wc_TSF6 = nullptr;
130 TH1F* h_wc_sum = nullptr;
132 TH1F* h_wcsum_clean = nullptr;
134 TH1F* h_wcsum_injHER = nullptr;
136 TH1F* h_wcsum_injLER = nullptr;
139 TH2F* h_wc0_injtime = nullptr;
141 TH2F* h_wc1_injtime = nullptr;
143 TH2F* h_wc2_injtime = nullptr;
145 TH2F* h_wc3_injtime = nullptr;
147 TH2F* h_wc4_injtime = nullptr;
149 TH2F* h_wc5_injtime = nullptr;
151 TH2F* h_wc6_injtime = nullptr;
153 TH2F* h_wcsum_injtime = nullptr;
160 };
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
TH1F * h_phi_CDC
phi_CDC, extrapolated phi at ECL of CDC 2D tracks
TH1F * h_map_TSF3
TSF3 map.
TH2F * h_wc2_injtime
2D plot: TSF2 cnt vs.
TH1F * h_wcsum_injLER
Wirecnt from all TSFs from the LER injection BG region.
TH1F * h_wc_TSF6
Wirecnt from TSF6.
virtual void terminate() override
TH1F * h_map_TSF4
TSF4 map.
TH2F * h_wc1_injtime
2D plot: TSF1 cnt vs.
virtual void initialize() override
TH2F * h_wc6_injtime
2D plot: TSF6 cnt vs.
TH1F * h_wc_TSF3
Wirecnt from TSF3.
TH1F * h_map_TSF1
TSF1 map.
TDirectory * oldDir
virtual void event() override
TH1F * h_CDC3DL1
Jitter of CDC 3D -> L1.
TH1F * h_KLML1
Jitter of KLM -> L1.
TH1F * h_phi_i
phi_i of CDC 2D tracks
TH1F * h_E_ECL
ECL cluster energy.
virtual void endRun() override
End Run.
TH2F * h_wc4_injtime
2D plot: TSF4 cnt vs.
DBObjPtr< HardwareClockSettings > m_hwclkdb
DB pointerto access the hardware clock information.
TH1F * h_map_TSF0
TSF0 map.
TH1F * h_ECLL1
Jitter of ECL -> L1.
TH1F * h_wc_sum
Wirecnt from all TSFs.
TH1F * h_wc_TSF5
Wirecnt from TSF5.
TH1F * h_wc_TSF2
Wirecnt from TSF2.
TH1F * h_wcsum_injHER
Wirecnt from all TSFs from the HER injection BG region.
TH1F * h_TOPL1
Jitter of TOP -> L1.
Jitter of CDC NN -> L1.
TH1F * h_B2LL1
Jitter of B2L window -> L1.
TH1F * h_map_ST2
Short track map.
TH1I * h_N_track
Number of tracks.
TH1F * h_map_TSF2
TSF2 map.
TH1F * h_CDCL1
Jitter of CDC 2D -> L1.
TH1F * h_phi_ECL
ECL cluster phi.
TH1F * h_wc_TSF4
Wirecnt from TSF4.
virtual void beginRun() override
begin Run
TH1F * h_ECLL1_2nd
Jitter of ECl 2nd input -> L1.
virtual ~TRGGRLDQMModule()
TH1F * h_TSFL1
Jitter of Short track -> L1.
TH1F * h_sector_KLM
sector map of KLM
TH1F * h_theta_ECL
ECL cluster theta.
TH1F * h_slot_CDC
slot_CDC, extrapolated phi at TOP of CDC 2D tracks
TDirectory * dirDQM
TH1F * h_wc_TSF0
Wirecnt from TSF0.
TH2F * h_wc5_injtime
2D plot: TSF5 cnt vs.
TH2F * h_wc0_injtime
2D plot: TSF0 cnt vs.
TH2F * h_wc3_injtime
2D plot: TSF3 cnt vs.
TH1F * h_sector_CDC
sector_CDC, extrapolated phi at KLM of CDC 2D tracks
TH1F * h_map_veto
Full track veto map.
TH1F * h_slot_TOP
slot map of TOP
TH1F * h_wc_TSF1
Wirecnt from TSF1.
TH2F * h_wcsum_injtime
2D plot: all TSFs cnt vs.
StoreObjPtr< EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo > m_trgTime
Array to access the event time information from the trigger and FTSW.
TH1F * h_map_ST
Short track map.
virtual void defineHisto() override
Define Histogram.
TH1F * h_wcsum_clean
Wirecnt from all TSFs from the injection BG clean region.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.